Choosing a good program for reading e-books on iOS. The best programs for reading books (readers) on the iPad Download a program for reading iPad

Yes, the 21st century is considered a time far from reading books, but the opinion of the MacDigger editors differs from the majority opinion. Therefore, we present our selection of the best reading apps for iOS.

All software of this format is divided into three categories, in which you can:

  1. Get a complete collection of books for a subscription.
  2. Buy publications separately.
  3. Download books from third-party sources and open them in the application.

The best e-readers with subscription

  1. Bookmate – e-reader and social network

A very convenient and simple application, with a cool interface and intuitive controls. On the main page, the user will be greeted by a “carousel” with books that he has added to his collection, and several additional shelves. The second contains the usual search, the third contains all the activity of friends and various groups. The fourth page contains information about the user, settings, several social network buttons and numbers with the number of subscriptions and followers.

In order to gain access to the entire collection of books, you must subscribe. Also, for all lovers of freebies, Bookmate has free classics, for example, the masterpieces of Leo Tolstoy or Dostoevsky.

  1. MyBook – modernity and numbers

Essentially, MyBook is the same as Bookmate. To access books you also need to subscribe, you can download classics for free, and so on. But what sets this application apart from the above is its more modern design and interesting reading statistics for each user.

Everything is done in cool black and yellow colors, and the profile page and a special line on the main screen will tell you the time spent reading, favorite genres, preferred time of day for books, etc.

Purchasing books individually

Probably only one application is ideal for this task: liters. This is the best e-book store in Russia, its application in the App Store and Google Play is constantly updated and developed, and the MyBook service is their brainchild.

liters constantly holds promotions, they distribute paid publications for free, share selections and delight customers with discounts. Of course, you can read what you purchased directly in the browser, but it’s better and more convenient in the application. What is the convenience? In reading statistics, in a very convenient reader and the beauty of the interface.

Books from third party sources

The editors of MacDigger welcome paid products and services, and therefore advise all readers to thank authors and publishers for their work by paying small (and they are really small) amounts for books.

In any case, those who, for example, do not like the built-in liters reader, can use third-party options. Suitable for them:

  1. The above-mentioned Bookmate: you can add any book downloaded from a third-party source to it. Of course, this is done so that users can read even what is not in the service library.
  2. i2ReaderCloud is a good paid software that can open any book file. Unfortunately, the interface is very busy, but there is a whole sea of ​​settings.
  3. Good old iBooks. Yes, it can only open ebup files, but you can turn a blind eye to this due to the convenience and simplicity of the application design.

Hello everyone, dear users of wonderful gadgets - iPhone and iPad. When you bought your iPad or iPhone, you most likely planned to read various e-books on it. I'm right? I will say even more, the majority of iPad users (iPhone is not suitable for reading books) bought this tablet computer precisely in order to read e-books on it.

The iPad tablet computer, just like the iPhone smartphone, can read almost all formats of electronic books (ePub, PDF, FB2). But there is one catch: in order to “teach” the gadget to understand different e-book formats, you need to use different programs. Most beginners use . Yes, this is a wonderful reader program, but it works with a small number of formats - ePub (the native format of the iPhone and iPad) and PDF. For example, the application cannot work with the popular FB2 format.

I tried to select for you the best program for reading books in FB2 format. I did not make a TOP 3 selection, but instead, I selected one single program - in my opinion, the best. The reader is called KyBook. Moreover, such a functional program is distributed free of charge, which is very good. Several reasons why I chose this one and not any other:

  • Formats. In addition to the FB2 format, this reader also works with a bunch of other e-book formats. I thought that this opportunity would not be superfluous.
  • Working with catalogs and libraries. The reader can be used as a navigator through electronic libraries connected to it.
  • Ease of use and intuitive interface. I also believe that a good program is always distinguished by its ease of use on iPhone and iPad. Not everyone wants to deal with incomprehensible software, even if it is at least ten times useful and functional.

So, let's move on to the review of the program itself..


You can download the KyBook program from this link - link. I would like to remind you that this reader is free. Of course, it has built-in purchases, but the Lite version is quite enough for comfortable reading..

In order to download the program directly to your iPad or iPhone, you need to follow the link provided above directly from your iPad or iPhone. After the transition, the AppStore will open where, with the click of one button, you can add the e-reader to your mobile iOS gadget.


Let's move on to an overview of the KyBook program interface. As I already said, the program is very easy to learn, you don’t need to be a “best student” to start using it, and it also works great with FB2. But, nevertheless, I decided to tell you about its main capabilities and walk through its interface. Below you can see the main window of the program: on the left is the navigation menu, on the right is the work area.

  • Navigation menu. Used to manage butts in the KyBook program. The topmost menu displays the entire list of your “bookshelves” and a list of recent downloads. Below is a list of menus that allow you to connect various FB2 online libraries.
  • Workspace. A list of books is displayed here for the bookshelf you selected in the navigation menu.

The navigation menu can be easily edited: remove bookshelves, add bookshelves. To do this, click on the pencil image above and the editing panel will open. Use it to create the navigation atmosphere you like.


Greetings, undoubtedly, lovers of tablet computers (iPad) and smartphones (iPhone) based on the operating system from Apple - iOS (iPad, iPhone). In today's article we will talk to you about programs for viewing e-book reading on your iOS (iPhone, iPad) devices. Let's try to figure out which is the best and iPad (iOS).

With the very rapid development of mobile technologies and the technology of mobile gadgets, things that just some time ago seemed simply impossible are becoming possible. For example, you can download an entire library of several thousand!, e-books onto your iPad or iPhone (iOS) and read them in your free time. In order for you to be able to open your iPad, you need a reader program.

As I already said, in this article you will find a selection of reading programs, all tools were selected according to the following criteria:

  • Ease of use. It seems to me that the first thing you need to pay close attention to when choosing a good program for reading books is ease of use. Agree, it’s not very pleasant to work or use a program that is difficult for a beginner to understand;
  • Appearance. There is an opinion that the appearance of the program is secondary, i.e. It doesn’t matter what the application looks like as long as it is functional enough. I believe that in addition to its extensive capabilities, the program should have a pleasant appearance and design;
  • Ability to sort books. One of the most necessary and useful features of the reader program is the ability to create lists of books, group them by alphabet, author, etc.
  • Availability of Internet libraries. The ability to download your favorite books directly from the application is a very useful, convenient and necessary feature;
  • Omnivorous. If the program “can” open a large number of e-book formats, such as: ePub, Fb2, TXT, PDF, DJVU, then this is a good e-reader for your iOS gadget, be it an iPad or an iPhone.

E-book formats

Below I will list and give a brief description of the most popular formats:

  • ePub– a very popular e-book format. ePub is used as a “native” format in iOS (iPhone and iPad) devices;
  • FB2– format of electronic books presented in the form of XML documents. FB2 is compatible with almost all devices. The FB2 format is a very common format;
  • PDF is a format for books and electronic documents developed by Adobe. Opens PDF using special applications;
  • TXT– a standard text format, familiar to many since the days of the first Windows;
  • DJVU– a format that displays text in video compressed images, usually scanned books are “sewn” into this format.

So, now let's move on to the tools themselves:


A reader developed by Apple for its iOS devices. Considered the most popular program for reading e-books, many say that this e-reader is the best. Some possibilities:

  • Pleasant appearance of the application;
  • The ability to create bookshelves, sort books according to certain parameters;
  • Ability to download Store;
  • The application supports the following formats: PDF, ePub, TXT. The main emphasis is on formats: PDF and ePub.

The only drawback of the application, in my opinion, is the lack of support for the FB2 format.


A well-made reader program. Of all the features of the program, I would like to note the following::

  • Can read quite a large number of different e-book formats, including: HTML, PDF, ePub, MoBi, DOC, etc.
  • Ability to download books using iTunes;
  • The ability to perform various operations with tact: changing size, font, line spacing, etc.

Program for reading books in DjVu format. In fact, the application is only suitable for reading DjVu, but I would still like to note some features.

The App Store has such a large selection of applications that it's dizzying. Therefore, I have collected for you the 10 best readers of books, articles, documents and even comics, among which you will definitely find something interesting.

Apple Books, free

Books works with ePub and PDF formats.

KyBooks, free+

Not all interesting books are available in ePub format, and there is not always time to specifically convert them. KyBooks will be an excellent solution to this situation.

This program allows you to read FB2, TXT, HTML, RTF, PDF, iWork and Microsoft Office formats on iPad and iPhone. And the Pro version also opens DJVU, CHM and works with the TOR network (!). There is integration with Google Books, Google Drive, Dropbox, OneDrive and Yandex Drive.

True, the application has not been updated since mid-2016, so there is no support for new iPhones.

TotalReader Pro, $4.99

If you want even more, then check out TotalReader Pro. This is a truly omnivorous thing that will allow you to read FB2, ePub, MOBI, CHM, FBZ, RTF, TXT, DJVU, PDF, XPS, MS Office, iWork, KEY and even comics in CBR, CBZ, CB7 formats on iPad and iPhone and CBT. And there’s just a ton of geeky tricks and abbreviations that neither you nor I will most likely understand.

Unfortunately, the application has not been updated since mid-2017.

The Book Converter, free+

Are you leaning towards iBooks, but the limited number of supported formats is holding you back? Install The Book Converter. This thing will convert any documents into ePub, FB2, MOBI, AZW, PDF, LRF, LIT, PDB and TCR format. The coolest thing is that you don’t have to download the book yourself, just insert the download link into the application and everything will happen automatically.

Reeder 2, free

Despite the closure of the Google Reader service, RSS remains popular. It's still the best way to keep up with your favorite blogs and sites. Well, Reeder 2 is perhaps the best representative of RSS readers for iOS. It works with Feedbin, Feedly, Fever, Feed Wrangler, Minimal Reader, Readability, FeedHQ, The Old Reader and others. Its highlight is its nice design and gesture controls.

Pocket, free+

The program solves a typical problem for a busy person: you found an interesting article, but there is absolutely no time to read it right now. Pocket allows you to save publications “for later”, and during this “later” the Internet will no longer be needed - all articles are stored offline and automatically downloaded in the background via WiFi. This way you can read articles from the web on your iPad and iPhone even in an elevator shaft.

Of course, the service has a couple of serious competitors, and the main one is Instapaper. Not better, not worse, just different. Perhaps you will like its interface more, be sure to try it.

Comic Zeal, $2.99

Alternatively, look at iComics. This client can skillfully split and join pages so that they occupy a larger screen area. Many people will like Dropbox support.

GoodReader, $2.99

Great for reading PDF on iPad and iPhone. It will be useful to everyone who encounters this format every day for work or study. You can easily download files from email attachments, work with clouds, use WebDAV and FTP.

The GoodReader engine allows you to process massive PDF documents containing hundreds of megabytes in a matter of seconds. It has annotation support: adding comments and geometric shapes, drawing, etc.

Alpina.Business, free+

Another application focused on business literature. A huge library from major publishing houses, where in addition to text versions, you can listen to audio versions. Moreover, the reader itself understands where you stopped and synchronizes them. As in the case of MYTH, everything purchased remains within the program.

Bookmate. Books and audiobooks, free+

A universal library on a variety of topics: from classics to school curriculum. In it you will find most of the books from the same publishing houses MIF and Alpitna. There is support for offline reading and synchronization with other devices, including Windows Phone, Android and PC/Mac (via browser). The ability to upload your books to FB2 and ePub deserves special praise.

Bookmate also has a great social component: you can always see books recommended by friends, critics, editors, and celebrities. And a very cool subscription system - for 169+ rubles per month you will get unlimited access to the entire library.

Documents by Readdle, free+

A universal combine for working with PDF files, office documents Word, Excel and reading books in ePub and FB2. Documents can work with archives and annotations, and is suitable for viewing images, videos, listening to music, and even downloading files from the Internet.

They can download entire web pages for further reading, a kind of analogue of Pocket, GoodReader and KyBooks rolled into one.

In conclusion

If you are used to looking for versions of books online, then the ideal option for you would be iBooks in conjunction with The Book Converter, or free KyBooks. With the TotalReader Pro reader you can kill all the birds with one stone, because it even works with comics. Well, if you are a real “bookworm,” then your choice is Bookmate subscription. There is no need to think about formats here, just download what you want and go! In general, you can now read on your iPad or iPhone 24/7.

We talked about how to convert a book from fb2 format to epub format on iPad. But you can do without conversion at all - the AppStore has a good Fb2 reader for iPad. Her name, as you might have guessed from the title, fb2 reader.

Adding files

Books can be uploaded to the program through Safari or through any other application on the iPhone or iPad. Adding files via computer is not supported. True, it’s hard to call this a critical drawback - you can always upload the desired file to Dropbox and open it on your tablet. Let's see how the application works using the example of F.M.'s book. Dostoevsky "The Brothers Karamazov". To begin with, we find the fb2 file of the book on the Internet.

Download in Safari and open via Fb2 reader.


The free nature and the virtual absence of competitors determines the complete asceticism of the interface. The books are placed on a strange-looking “table”, upholstered with something that, apparently, should symbolize green cloth.

We open the book and again discover stunning minimalism. We have access to three buttons and a slider for quickly moving through the pages of the book.

Clicking on the button in the lower right corner (book shelf) takes us back to the library. The button next to it gives access to the table of contents.


In the lower left corner are settings. You can select the font and its size, make alignment, reduce or increase line spacing and margins. Clicking on the top margin scrolls the pages backward, and clicking on the bottom margin scrolls forward. All. No bookmarks, tagging, night mode or facebook integration.


The application compares favorably with similar programs in the AppStore in two characteristics. First of all, it's absolutely free. And secondly, the developers are not trying to impose on us an additional service in the form of registration in some library and purchasing content exclusively there. Fb2 reader is the only fb2 reader for iPad that meets these two requirements at the same time and makes it possible to read fb2 books on iPhone and iPad for free. If you know of other similar applications, you are welcome to comment.

Of course, the program is VERY simple. The free nature results in the absence of most of the settings that are common on other “readers”. This is far from it. But, despite all the shortcomings, you can still read books using the application. And this is the main point. Most users do not often have an urgent need to read a book on the iPad in fb2 format. And for such cases, it is quite possible to download Fb2 reader for iPhone or iPad “in reserve”.
