Telegram ex. Was recently on Telegram: meaning and status settings

By blocking, a channel recently appeared called “Former”. Essentially, this is a simulator of an ex-girlfriend who periodically writes messages, finding some stupid reasons. The irony of the channel format in the messenger is that it is impossible to respond to these messages - therefore, the actual life situation is reconstructed: your ex writes to you, but you do not answer her.

Of course, the channel was accused of sexism, objectification and everything that goes with it. At the moment, he has a little more than 40,000 subscribers, while a similar channel of the opposite gender, “Former,” has approximately 1,100. The channels are not run by the same person, since today it became known that the “Former” channel is hosted by Russian stand-up comedian Arthur Chaparyan .

He performs at Stand-Up Club #1, and also hosts a show with Belarusians Vanya Usovich and Idrak Mirzalizade "evening". TJournal called Arthur, and how the creator explained the appearance of his channel:

“I liked that the messages come directly to you, with a notification. This is some kind of personal moment. I thought it would be funny to make an “ex” who writes like that and you don’t respond. That is, you emerge victorious from the breakup. Well, I immediately told my brother, he said: “Cool, let’s do it.” We posted about the channel on Instagram, and the reaction there was so-so. Then I posted a post on Twitter, and everything spread there very quickly.

Why did the channel become so popular? Well, I think it's a funny idea. I take life phrases, I haven’t come up with anything specifically yet. Probably, they will end soon, and I will start inventing things if Telegram is not closed. Many people recognize themselves, so the channel is spreading. They wrote all these things to me too. And when a friend talks about the breakup and that the girl writes to him, you think, damn, they all write the same thing. An archive of these phrases is beginning to accumulate.

I don’t see sexism in the channel at all; this claim is far-fetched. “The former” can also be made, and someone has already made it, they showed it to me. But, I think, if you do “The Former”, then all messages from him should come only at night. I did not pursue the goal of somehow humiliating women, and it seems to me that the majority of subscribers are girls who recognize themselves and find it funny. I didn't mean to offend anyone."

The Telegram messenger captivated everyone with its speed, simplicity and flexibility. From a simple messenger it became almost like a social network with music, news and, of course, channels. The first question is how to find a channel in a telegram? After all, you really want to receive a new portion of news, announcements of competitions, and find interesting courses. At the beginning of the article, we will go over the search methods, and below there will be a video “10 Teegram chips”, which will be useful in mastering this program.

The channels themselves were introduced by Durov only in the fall of 2015. Their novelty caused a new wave of concern. It’s difficult to find anything interesting right away without preparation, so we’ll consider the issue most carefully.

Do not confuse channels with groups like VKontakte. They are a kind of only pages of other users who, gathering their audience, share content of a personal nature, sending out personal messages en masse - a kind of spam.

A similar service is available for mobile platforms. PC users cannot yet create channels, but developers are trying to correct this shortcoming.

There are currently three ways to search for a channel.

How to find a channel by exact name

To find a channel by exact name, we will have to use the special symbol @. Click on the search icon, enter the channel address starting with the “dog” symbol, type “@channel_name” - the desired option will immediately appear in the results. To find the page from the technique above, you need to type @kulinar into the search bar.

Fake channels can be identified by the number of subscribers; the more subscribers, the higher the likelihood that you are on the owner’s original channel.

When searching, check the letters carefully. Here, as with websites, the name of the channel may differ by one letter and there is a chance to subscribe to scammers.


I hope you have figured out how to search and subscribe to channels in Telegram; in a similar way, you can create your own channel and write a blog, write news or link a chat to a group on VK. Let’s not forget about the good old VKontakte. Many groups, when creating channels in Telegram, leave corresponding links in their contacts. The user just needs to click on the contact to instantly go to the messenger.

“Telegram” is convenient for exchanging messages between users, but thanks to the channels it also becomes an entertainment portal; below we bring to your attention the video “10 chips in Telegram”.

If you have any questions, write in the comments to this page.

For those who take a responsible approach to the issue of their own anonymity, Telegram provides many opportunities. One of them is fine-tuning the status that the interlocutor sees under your name in the chat window.

This status, for example “was recently”, shows the last time you logged into Telegram.

Options status of the last visit to the application:

  1. "For all". If you set this option, any user in the chat window will see how long ago you logged into Telegram.
  2. "My contacts". By selecting this option, your status will be visible only to your contacts.
  3. "Nobody". In this case, instead of a time stamp in the Telegram status, the words “was online recently”, “this week”, “this month”, “long ago” will be displayed - the approximate value of the date of the last online.

Setting up the status and selecting exceptions

You can configure exceptions for each of the three options . Identify specific people from your contact list who will see Always or they won't see never your status!

So, where to find the visibility and exclusion settings:

On Telegram for Android: On Telegram for iOS: On Telegram desktop:
Main menu → “Privacy and Security” section → “Last activity” item Main menu → “Privacy” section → “Last activity” item Main menu → subsection “Privacy and Security” → item “Who sees the last login time”

Tip from TeleGuide: Changing status visibility works round trip. If you have hidden a status from a specific user, you won't see either time of his last visit to Telegram. It's the same thing if you hide your status from everyone - you won't know anyone's last online date.

How status works when a user is blocked

This question often arises, so we have raised it separately: even if your status is visible to everyone in Telegram, the blocked user will see it under your name “been online for a very long time”.

Therefore, if you suddenly see such a status from a person with whom you recently communicated, this may mean that for some reason he has blocked you.

By the way, if the first person to write to you is someone who is not in your contact list, next to his nickname there will be a “Spam” button.

Accounts that have received spam reports will not be able to send messages to people outside of their contact list.

The ban can last from a week to indefinitely, depending on how often complaints were received about the account.

Therefore, with all this in mind, it is worth thinking carefully before writing to a stranger.

If a user blocks you, you will not see the exact time they were last online

A little trick: detect user activity with time stamps turned off

This can be determined, but approximately:

‣ If you see the status “Been online recently”, it really means that the user was on Telegram not long ago - within a month.

‣ But “Been online for a long time” means that the user has not logged into Telegram more than one month. This status will also be shown if the account has been blocked by the messenger administration.

‣ Another option is to sit in Telegram around the clock and look at the chat window to see the “online” sign. It is displayed for several seconds even with the “do not show to anyone” settings.

As we can see, if the user has disabled the display of exact timestamps, his activity can only be approximately determined. This feature provides some privacy, but you shouldn't rely on it alone.

Alexandra Savina

The future of Telegram is under threat, but so far this only contributes to the popularity of the messenger: yesterday it topped the top of the Russian App Store, and new channels continue to appear almost every day. The most talked about among them - “Former” - appeared a couple of weeks ago, and during this time managed to gather more than 39 thousand subscribers and even acquired native advertising.

The “ex” imitates the messages of a girl who is having a hard time with a breakup, is looking for new reasons to talk to her boyfriend and is trying to get him back - of course, there is no response to the messages, which makes the girl even angrier. The author of “The Ex” Arthur Chaparyan is a comedian who became famous thanks to the TNT show “Stand Up” and the YouTube show “ eveningevening » - described it’s like this: “It’s like your ex sends messages where, after breaking up, you came out the winner.” Most of the messages are short (“we both said too much back then. Especially me,” “did you block me?) very masculine,” “like you didn’t notice me today?))”), but there is also a long confession (“I know, you won’t forgive, and even if you say that you have forgiven, I won’t believe it, because I know you too well, I wish you happiness and to find the one.. bye”), and a photo of the “ex” in lingerie. , taken from Instagram millionaire blogger Ekaterina Zueva.

This is not the newest technique - Twitter, for example, is built on the same principle “ Quotes from ordinary people", in which everyone sooner or later recognizes themselves. True, the difference between them is still noticeable: there is no snobbery in “Quotes from Ordinary People,” and “The Ex” quite quickly crosses the line from irony to ridicule. The phrases of the “ex” are based on typical ideas about how a woman behaves after a breakup: while the man is happy that he is finally free, the girl cries, eats ice cream from a jar with a spoon and remembers the happy time spent together. It is believed that a woman is more dependent on relationships, invests more in them, more often seeks to control her partner and “smothers” him with her attention (hello to the “overly attached girlfriend” meme). In reality, of course, everything is more complicated: each person experiences a breakup in his own way, and while some cannot stop crying, others are angry with their ex-partner or even feel relieved. A study from Binghamton University, for example, showed that women experience a breakup more emotionally, but men generally have a harder time recovering from it: according to scientists, they often fail to fully move on from the breakup - they simply decide to “move on.”

There is no point in holding on to a relationship that has outlived its usefulness, but it is not so simple: both a woman and a man can turn out to be an “obsessive ex”

Here one could use the eternal argument “You just don’t have a sense of humor” - but it’s not that simple. Of course, the Ex channel is a joke, but it is built on a popular stereotype that is reproduced by numerous jokes about breakups. Both men and women can have a hard time going through a breakup (remember the popular phrase “It’s snowing. Happy first day of winter!” from film“What do men talk about” - the final “bitch” parodies the suffering of men). Both of them often cannot immediately and completely break off close relationships, from time to time they try to talk with their ex-partner or at least spend hours on Facebook, looking for new details from his life. But if such behavior is considered in men, then in women it is condemned. As a result, the latter try to hide their feelings and hold back - not so as not to hurt themselves again and recover faster from the breakup, but so as not to be branded as “hysterical” and remain “normal”. The rapid popularity of “Former” is another confirmation of this: the similar male channel “Former” has almost a hundred times fewer subscribers.

All this, of course, does not mean that you can’t laugh at your “ex” - the question is how to do it and on what basis the joke lies. For example, the CW series “” is dedicated to the same topic: the main character Rebecca decides to radically change her life and moves to the hometown of her first love Josh in the hope of reuniting with him. Rebecca was played by the creator of the series, Rachel Bloom, and the show itself is partly, albeit very conditionally, based on her personal experience, so everything that happens is perceived primarily as self-irony: we see what is happening through the eyes of the heroine, we recognize ourselves in her and, even when we laugh at her actions, we understand her and can sympathize with her.

In the Russian context, everything is perceived differently, and the “Former” channel produces a different effect: teasing, mockery of the weaker. In addition, you can’t shake the feeling that someone is spying on you through the keyhole or simply reading intimate correspondence without asking. The channel is laughed at by men who believe that they had just such an “ex”, and women who are ready to support the misogynistic stereotype about obsessive “ex” in order to look “more advantageous” compared to others. There are much fewer of those who are openly ready to recognize themselves in their “ex”. Instead of laughing at the situation in which everyone has been (whoever did not write SMS to another under a far-fetched pretext has not lived!), we laugh at emotions and at the fact that we are not always able to restrain them. Of course, it’s better to give up the habit of holding on to relationships that have outlived their usefulness, but it’s not that simple: anyone can end up in the role of an “obsessive ex” - simply because we can’t turn off our feelings with a click when a relationship ends. The path to this simple thought will be even longer as long as we seriously believe that in a breakup there is a “winner” and a “loser” and that there is one “right” way to get over a breakup.

The most read telegram channel in Russia, “Former,” was sold for 1,200,000 rubles. Now, the expert suggested, the amount of advertising on the channel will increase - and in the end it will “fall under the onslaught of barbarians.” The author of ViVA la Cloud explained why this is good news and not bad. ">

Telegram channel “Former” will soon die - and thank God

The most read telegram channel in Russia, “Former,” was sold for 1,200,000 rubles. Now, the expert suggested, the amount of advertising on the channel will increase - and in the end it will “fall under the onslaught of barbarians.” The author of ViVA la Cloud explained why this is good news and not bad.

Channel avatar

The “Former” channel was created in June 2017. Now the channel has almost 80,000 readers, and posts get 200-400 thousand views. The concept is that the reader’s “ex” writes on the channel. Her messages appear on the notification screen, evoking associations with the actions of a real ex (if the reader has one, of course).

On August 30th it became known that the author had sold “Former”. The buyer, wrote, was a certain Yura Korb (this is a pseudonym) - he had previously acquired other telegram channels. The transaction amount was about 1,200,000 rubles.

More about telegram:

Instead of reading this text, you could watch Rick and Morty.

Or play Life is Strange: Before The Storm. The author of ViVA la Cloud at first thought that she was, and then he played and.

Not funny, but “lifelike”

I don't really understand The Ex's consumption strategy. It’s worth subscribing to it, so what? Does the reader have a real ex who behaves much the same way? "Ex" gives nothing. Does the reader not have an ex? It is even more unclear why the channel is needed. For what?

The best "Ex" jokes

Actually, instead of this derogatory text, the TOP jokes of “The Ex” were supposed to be. It didn’t work out: there were exactly two relatively funny jokes in the entire channel. Here they are:

A friend [wanted] to go [to hockey] with her mother, but they didn’t succeed, her mother died. 15 years ago.

Wasn't that you who was walking on the street just now? In jeans. And there are also clothes on top.

A defender of domestic stand-up will object: “It’s worth subscribing to The Former, if only for the sake of the fact that it’s vital.” Alas, I don’t understand the idea of ​​“life” content at all. This is the patrimony of Semyon Slepakov and others like him - meaningless, unfunny, albeit backed by experience, sketches about love life. Those who need additional reflection on this matter can only sympathize - all normal guys are able to analyze their intimate life themselves.

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