Cheating a group of people. Getting subscribers to a VKontakte group is paid, but cheap

You can purchase subscribers to a VK group for a fee on this page for 19 to 30 rubles per 100 subscriptions.

Paid promotion of VK group subscribers: lowest prices

Subscribers to a group are what all administrators and owners of VKontakte communities strive for. Everyone tries by any means to gain their audience, and at the same time, so that it is regularly replenished. This is due to the fact that VK has now become not only a means of online communication, but also a kind of platform for conducting and developing business. Accordingly, to increase profits, it is worth increasing the number of users in the community, as well as bringing the group or public to the top of the network search. This is why services for getting subscribers to a VK group for a fee are becoming more and more relevant. That is, users can turn to professional services and increase the community counter.

However, many are stopped by ignorance of prices on websites. Users believe that they will simply throw away large sums of money without getting the desired result. But this is a fundamentally erroneous judgment. In order to really add quality subscribers to the group, you just need to be aware of the prices and choose the site that is suitable, both in terms of the cost of the service and the quality of its execution.

So, let’s answer the question about the cost of the option to get paid subscribers to a VK group on commercial sites. I would like to note right away that you will not find any specific amount. Therefore, you should find out the minimum and maximum amounts that you can pay for getting new subscribers. At the moment, the minimum will be about 220 rubles for 1000 pages, and the maximum reaches 2000 rubles; you can see the range of prices and services for paid promotion of a VK group by clicking on the link. Probably the only correct decision that comes to mind is to look for a site with the minimum cost. However, there is no need to rush. Often, the quality of both the material itself and service depends on the price on the site.

So, on websites you can find a service for adding subscribers to a group using paid accounts of low quality (VK bots). For such a service, the lowest price is usually set. At the same time, you receive low-quality accounts without showing any activity. This option is usually suitable for those who already have a fairly developed group, but need to maintain a balance of subscribers and unsubscribes or strengthen their position in the ranking. Therefore, before ordering this or that type of service, find out what goal you are pursuing and whether this particular quality of the added accounts is suitable for you.

Adding subscribers to a group for a fee | Inexpensive SMM service

As we said, first of all, before you want to acquire subscribers on a commercial site, you need to set yourself the goal of community development. Why do you need subscribers? Maybe you want to sell something, or maybe you just want to share some thoughts and ideas with the audience. Only after this will you be able to objectively assess your capabilities and fully plan the process of community development, in which you may need to pay for subscribers to the VK group.

If you still have doubts and don’t know whether it’s worth resorting to artificially replenishing the community, we suggest you figure out who could benefit from cheating and what it will give to the owner of the group or public:

    Users who want to spread information. If the content in your group is purely entertaining and you want to share your thoughts with others, paid subscribers will help you build a community. That is, this will be some kind of advertising for the group that other users may notice;

    Online stores may also need artificial development. It is quite difficult to gather your audience if the group is a representative of one or another store, and not a brand one at that. Therefore, in the early stages of development, it will be very useful to be able to gain subscribers to a VK group for a fee, and even with activity. In this way, you will be able to attract new customers, and the community will move up the rating ladder, increasing the popularity of your brand;

    Users offering private services. In this case, the development process will be almost identical to the previous one. If you decide to offer your services through a group, you simply need new subscribers. True, it is advisable to type them yourself first, since you will need real users to compile the database;

    Groups with existing popularity. Such communities often need not so much new subscribers as maintaining ratings. For this, as we have already mentioned, it may be suitable to use VKontakte bots, which create a crowd of subscribers and are very cheap. In addition, with the purchased material it will be much easier for you to overtake your competitors and take a leading position in the top.

Here are several categories of communities and their owners who may really need paid subscriptions to a VK group. Do not forget also that in order to obtain exactly the required result and success, it is necessary to ensure that the acquired users act gradually and naturally. Otherwise, all your efforts. And besides, the money will go down the drain.

How to develop your group on VK from scratch - practice

If you have only recently created your community and are looking for a way to develop it in a short time, boosting VK groups for a fee is clearly not suitable for you. The fact is that such a process requires a community with an established rating, content and audience. Otherwise, your group will simply be sent to a ban for cheating the VK system with vigilant filters.

Accordingly, many users may have a question about how the group should be developed in this case, that is, where to start. To solve this problem, we are ready to provide you with a list of some methods that you can use to form your own group. This information was collected over many years of practice by both commercial services and network users:

    Of course, when creating a new group, you have already decided on the thematic niche that the community will occupy. This is what will determine the entire further development of the group, from competitiveness to the number of thematic posts. For example, the optimal amount of entertainment content is from 7 to 10 posts per day. But commercial offers should be placed no more than 3 in one day;

    Now you should approach filling the group with content. This is precisely why users will subscribe to your community: to receive fresh and interesting information. At the same time, the content must have certain properties: easy and easy to read, unique, at least 480 characters in size, and contain interesting images. As for videos, it is better to take them from high-quality third-party sources, for example, YouTube;

    Next, you need to get visible activity in the group. To do this, you can use boost likes and reposts. However, a balance must be maintained between all resources. To do this, you can use the following forms: Qlikes=Qsubscribers/1.2; Qreposts=Qlikes/3.5, where Q is the number of likes, reposts and subscribers;

    After this, carefully design the group design. It will certainly be better if you create a menu, place photos and videos in the appropriate albums and create an interesting, unique avatar that reflects the essence of the community;

    Then, after the group acquires the proper appearance, you can order targeted advertising to attract a real and interested audience.

Only after all these steps, you can use the promotion of VK groups for a fee, since this service can help the group advance even further in the VK ranking, try our Doctorsmm service. However, remember that most of your success in this direction will depend on the service you choose for this.

If you have your own community, then you probably wondered how to get subscribers to a group on VK? After all, getting the target audience is the main task.

Several methods can be used for this purpose. Now I will tell you about them.


We invite people to the group

The best way to recruit real people into a group is to send them invitations using personal messages on VKontakte (see).

Now we go to the page of the user to whom we want to send an invitation. And we send him a message, in the text of which we invite him to join the group. And add a link to it.

In the picture below, you can see an example of such a message.

If he is interested, he will go to the group page and subscribe.

What is worth paying attention to here? You should not engage in outright spam - there is no need to send invitations to everyone indiscriminately. You will not achieve any particular effect in terms of increasing the number of subscribers. And you also risk getting banned (see).

You need to choose people who would be interested in the information you publish in the group (see). The best example is that you can add members of similar communities.

Let me explain this with an example. Let's say we are dedicated to football. And you are trying to get subscribers into it. You should use the search and find groups that are also dedicated to football.

We go to the appropriate community and open the list of participants.

These people are interested in your topic. Sending them invitations to join the group will most likely lead to them signing up.

We use services to increase subscribers to a VKontakte group

I will show you the process of working with the yoolike service. Follow this link:

The system has two options: paid and free.

Let's start with the one that doesn't require investment.

The internal currency of the service is likes. You can earn them by completing simple tasks. You can repost (see), like and subscribe to communities. Select any suitable option from the menu and complete several tasks.

Once you have a sufficient number of likes on your account, you can spend them on promoting your community. To do this, select from the menu "Spend Likes", paragraph “Get subscribers to a group/public”.

You will be taken to the order form.

Here you need to fill in the following fields:

  • Link to the community for which you need to gain subscribers
  • Number of likes a subscriber will receive
  • How many subscribers do you need?

When filled, press the button "Confirm the order". Now you need to wait for the process to complete.

If you decide to choose the paid option, you will simply need to buy likes with real money. The rest of the process is similar.

Program for recruiting people into a VK group

There is quite a lot of similar software on the market. I offer you a brief overview of the Viking Botovod program. With its help, you can easily gain subscribers to your group.

In this article you can find out how to get subscribers to a VKontakte group for a fee and at the same time in the most profitable way, and more specifically:

  • What is the current average price for getting VK subscribers for money?
  • What to look for when searching for a service;
  • What free and paid methods of cheating exist;
  • What is the best way to promote a group?

How much does it cost to get paid subscribers to a VKontakte group?

Any owner of a VK group sooner or later thinks about starting its global promotion. After all, without an active audience, any community will quickly fade away and everyone will forget about it. To prevent this from happening, special commercial sites will always come to the rescue, where you can order paid promotion of subscribers to a VK group. This service is in great demand as it allows you to quickly restore a group’s lost popularity or increase its rating.

Today, there are a lot of services where you can get subscribers on VK for money as cheaply and efficiently as possible. We tried to figure out the average price for this service and understand why it might change. We came across sites with both fairly low prices for paid recruitment of subscribers to a VK group, and with inflated prices. The approximate price range was from 199 to 690 rubles per thousand people. And here are a few sites that best match the average pricing policy:

  •– a site where you can buy VK group members at more than attractive prices. So, for 1000 accounts you will pay no more than 250 rubles. In addition, this service is valued by the attentive attitude towards its clients by the organization’s employees. The site's technical support will assist you in placing an order and help you resolve any issues that may arise;
  •– the largest promotion service at the moment, occupying a leading position in the market for quite a long time. Here you can add 1000 accounts to a group for a price of 310 rubles. As you can see, the price tag here is slightly higher than in the previous version, but this is due to the fact that the service has really extensive experience in conducting this process. Consequently, the quality of work will be high;
  • is similar to the previous site in that it has also been active in this direction for quite a long time. But the cost of services here is slightly lower. So, for 1000 subscribers you will pay around 280 rubles. At the same time, the site also performs its work at a high level, adding, in addition, from 10 to 20% of the resource to the order you place.

Of course, any user will prefer to choose the offer that is more budget-friendly and therefore profitable. However, to make a final decision, you need to understand the mechanism that governs pricing on such sites:

  • The first thing the seller focuses on when setting the price tag for his service is the size of the initial cost of the material. It's no secret that many sites purchase ready-made resources from suppliers. Thus, in order to remain profitable, the seller is forced to increase the initial price tag. Therefore, the cost of the service depends on which supplier a particular website works with for promotion;
  • The next point is any costs and expenses of the seller associated with promoting his website. If the main advertising tool for any service is banners or an ordered video review from a cool blogger, then it is unlikely that you will be able to gain subscribers on VK for money very cheaply. After all, in order for advertising costs to pay off, the specialist will have to include them in the cost of his services;
  • The quality of added pages also plays a significant role in pricing. Sometimes, in order to simply return the former interest in a group and raise it in search results, it is enough to recruit paid subscribers to the VK group in the form of bots. They are very cheap and at the same time perform a direct function of increasing the number of participants. True, you will need to ensure that their number is no more than half of the total number of followers. If you want a higher quality resource, then you can choose offers. These are not “lifeless” bot pages, but sometimes quite real accounts with a low degree of activity. And the most reliable and high-quality option would be to purchase live subscribers to the VKontakte group for money. Of course, such a service will not cost a penny, but the result of such an acquisition will be much more effective.

These are roughly the factors that play a role in the pricing process. Therefore, before promoting a VKontakte group for a fee, it is advisable to select a decent service with low prices in advance.

Where to order boost VKontakte subscribers for less money

And so we gradually approached the topic of the fact that in order to successfully increase subscribers to a VK group for a fee, you need to select the best service of all those offered on the market. Because only by collaborating with real professionals can you receive quality service.

But it is worth saying that the concept of “the best service” is quite subjective and each user has his own requirements for the provider. For some, the first priority is the cost of getting paid subscribers to a VK group, while some are willing to pay good money if only the result is stunning.

The advice we want to give will teach you how to choose a service that will combine two things: low price and good quality of service, since it is unlikely that anyone would think of recruiting subscribers to a group for a fee and cheaply, but at the same time with risk lose community. Therefore, when choosing a commercial website, try to pay attention to the following points:

  • To avoid becoming a victim of cheating when your page is used as a resource, you need to choose services that do not require forced registration. More precisely, you must have free access to all pages and services of the site. It happens that, having entered the service, you are almost immediately invited to log in through your account on the social network. And giving in to these demands will be a big mistake, since no one guarantees that you will not lose control over your page after such paid promotion of a VK group;
  • When choosing a service, you should trust reviews and real impressions of people, and not promises from advertising banners. We already talked above about the fact that promoting a VK group for a fee on a website that is being promoted everywhere can cost you quite a lot;
  • It is also worth noting what payment methods will be offered on the service. The most reliable option to pay for the promotion of a group on VK is to use special payment systems that carefully check the owner of a particular site before starting cooperation with him;
  • In order to find out all the possible nuances and precision that may interest you, you can always contact the online consultants on the site. Also, by their answer you can judge the level of service at the service. If they answer you competently and quickly enough, this means that the site respects and values ​​every client. And this means that you will be able to get subscribers to a VK group for a fee on such a site without unnecessary worries;
  • And most importantly, before ordering paid promotion of a VK group, be sure to test the service. To do this, it is enough to make a trial order with the smallest amount of resource (so as not to spend too much money). If the testing was successful, then you can safely make wholesale purchases and not be afraid of being scammed.

Using these short instructions, you can always use group promotion on VK for a fee, and at an inexpensive price. You will also be able to select highly qualified specialists.

Cheating VKontakte subscribers to a group, paid and free

For those who have never ordered paid VKontakte subscribers for a group, the process of obtaining them will seem like a dark forest. But there are actually many ways to get people into the community, and at the same time they are divided into paid and free methods. Each method has its own strengths and weaknesses, so it is best when the user knows how to correctly combine them.

Free methods:

  • Various exchange sites. With the help of such resources, many users do not use paid VKontakte subscribers for a group, but are content with free results. In order to get people into your community, you must post a task on such a service exchange and, in return, start completing others’ ones. In principle, there is no crime here, but the big disadvantage is that a lot of spam will come from your page and you will have to constantly clean it up. Otherwise, you can end up in a ban. And such a process will take you quite a lot of time, so most people still choose to buy subscribers into a group for money;
  • The second way is to use special programs. With the help of well-written software, you can quickly get the required number of participants in a group. Of course, these will mostly be bots, since they are easier to add. Such accounts are taken from huge databases and uploaded in large numbers. But, if you try, you can find a program that will even generate offers for you. However, the only drawback of this method is that you can download malware along with the software, so you should be more careful;
  • The third method will be the most labor-intensive and risky. You will have to post ads in various groups asking people to subscribe to your community. And in return you guarantee reciprocity. The method is somewhat similar to the first, but in this case you act directly and without an intermediary service. The disadvantages here are the same - it's spam. Therefore, if you want to acquire an audience safely, then it is better to choose paid promotion of groups on VKontakte.

Paid ways to get members into the community:

  • You can advertise on VK. To do this, select several of the most popular groups on a topic similar to yours and agree with the administrator about placing an advertising post. You can also order official VK advertising, using targeting. This option of getting subscribers into a group for money will not be cheap, but on the other hand, you will have a great opportunity to get real interested users into your community;
  • Another way to boost a VK group for a fee would be an invite. There are specialists who are ready to invite exactly the right people to your group for a good reward. A huge plus is that this is the best way to reach your target audience. A huge disadvantage is the price. It is incredibly large and such expenses do not always pay off. In addition, with the tightening of measures to combat online cheating, such specialists on the Internet can practically be counted on one hand. And not everyone really honestly fulfills their duties;
  • And, of course, the most popular way to get VK subscribers for money is through commercial services. With their help, you can easily and quickly bring a group to the top of the search and, thanks to this, acquire new members who themselves want to join the community. So, if a user sees your group in the leading positions of the ranking, then the chance of getting an active visitor to the community increases. Therefore, services have been considered for many years the most convenient way to promote a group for a fee.

Our task was to talk about what paid and free opportunities there are for recruiting participants into groups. We hope that you will now be able to better navigate the variety of options and make the best decision specifically for your community and situation.

How to properly promote a VK group for a fee - strategy review

Another pressing question is how best to approach the promotion of a group and where to start. We would like to consider the option of boosting a VKontakte group for a fee using acquired followers. Or rather, suggest some nuances for promotion in this way:

  • Think about the name. It should be interesting and at the same time quite capacious. That is, if you offer people to purchase any products in this group, then this information should be in the title. To do this, you can use any tool for selecting key phrases and words, for example, Yandex Wordstat. It’s better to think through all this in advance, before you get paid subscribers to the VK group;
  • Also take care of the community design. Various menus are very convenient, making navigation through the group much easier. Avoid flashy logos and colors because they can distract attention from important information. You can order a community design from freelancers and this will be another investment in promotion, in addition to getting VKontakte subscribers into a group for money;
  • Now, before you order paid promotion of VKontakte groups, invite your friends and acquaintances to it. This is done so that the cheating is carried out not in an empty group, but in a more or less settled one;
  • When the number of followers in the community reaches 20-30 people and there are approximately 10-15 posts, you can order boosting VKontakte subscribers for money. However, make sure that the traffic flows gradually and not abruptly. Then everything will go as naturally as possible;
  • If you have previously used paid promotion of a VK group with a low quality resource, carefully study the list of group members and remove bots and dogs, if any, before new members. Otherwise, problems may arise with the VKontakte administration.

All these secrets should help you advance. But it is also important to choose a good and high-quality service. Pay your attention to the DoctorSMM website - here you can get subscribers to the VKontakte group for a fee at the lowest prices. So, we wish you good luck in promotion!

V In 2019, promoting commercial and entertainment communities on social networks is becoming more and more difficult every month.

This is facilitated by high competition, constant increases in rates for targeted advertising, freezing of accounts and communities for attracting subscribers through spam, and much more.

Competitors are constantly trying get subscribers to a group on VK and this makes a lot of sense. After all, psychologically no one will join a young community that has a couple of subscribers, even though it is interesting.

It is necessary to create at least a minimum base of subscribers (at least 10,000), then the promotion process will go faster. And the best thing is to constantly support the community with increased subscribers.

The more subscribers - the higher in the top by key request.

Today you can find dozens of free and paid online services that provide the opportunity to quickly recruit participants.

And the question immediately arises: how to get subscribers to the VKontakte group and not to get blocked?

This will be discussed in the article.

Cheating subscribers to a group on VK

I seriously began searching for the very service that will help with minimal investment and at the same time promote the group to the TOP.

And therefore, from time to time, I conduct experiments in which they take part dozens of services. For each of them, I fill it with information and place an order to get subscribers.

I divided all services into the following:

1. Free services and programs (Olike, Bosslike, Vkrutilka, Turboliker, etc.): forget about them once and for all! These services are very negative influence promotion.

Why? Yes, because these services use bots or low-quality mutual subscribers:

After ordering promotion on free or unreliable services, you will receive these “subscribers”.

Bots, like low-quality mutual subscribers, are often blocked by the system for suspicious activity(due to frequent joining of groups) .

And this attracts the attention of the VKontakte algorithm and is applied to groups that contain only “dogs”. sanctions.

  • Subscribers in the group are written off;
  • The group is blocked for cheating members;

Under no circumstances should they be used to promote the group, but for everything else (reposts, comments, polls, etc.), please.

2. Services that pay a small reward to performers for joining the customer’s community (): most of them are little demanding of performers, due to which there are a large number of “dogs” in the group.

But there are exceptions that can effectively increase subscribers to a group on VK. More on this below.

3. Services that attract subscribers to a group using various white-collar methods (advertising in groups, sending invitations, etc.): the highest quality, but there are very few such services and advertising in them is quite expensive.

As practice shows, paid promotion of subscribers to a VK group is the most effective.

That's sorted out. And now I will tell you about the services that won the experiment and are currently the highest quality.

How to safely gain subscribers to a VKontakte group

IN August 2019 2 services showed the best results this year. I think you know one of them for sure.

First service -

  • 1 subscriber - 1 ruble;
  • Free targeting settings: cities, age, gender, number of friends;
  • Setting a limit of executions per day;
  • Payment for the order in a convenient way (bank card, Yandex Money, WebMoney, Alfa-Click, Sberbank Online, Qiwi, mobile, terminals);
  • Working with social media networks: VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, Google+;
  • Percentage of “dogs” after cheating: up to 9%;
  • Which groups is this service suitable for? Young groups whose main goal is to reach the TOP and gain as many quality subscribers as possible. If the group is interested in offers, they will be active.

    1. First we go through a simple registration.

    3. Fill in the required fields and click on the "Place an order" button.

    • I recommend checking the box "Only high-quality accounts"(the price will increase, but so will the quality of performers);
    • In the "Advanced" tab, check the box "Vary the number of performers per day"- no more than 1,000;

    Increasing subscribers to a VKontakte group allows you to quickly bring the group to the first positions in the VKontakte search results. Also, by recruiting participants into a group, you make it easier for yourself to find potential clients

    It should be noted that on the Internet you can come across common myths according to which boosting groups does not bring any effect and its use is fraught with financial losses and risk for your account.

    We won't deny that you may experience similar disappointments outside of the Bosslike site. Fortunately, when working with our service, you can be sure that your account is safe and your money will be spent wisely. If you don’t have money yet, you can use free promotion.

    Cheating VKontakte groups- this is a great and free PR for your public. Each user can not only join the group, but also invite their friends.

    You may need cheating for a number of reasons. In almost all cases, you need to have a well-promoted VKontakte group. To make it more effective for you to add VKontakte subscribers to a group, we recommend that you take your time and follow our instructions.

    You should also understand that promotion using our service is not intended to solve all your problems with the popularity and profitability of the group. You need to publish interesting posts, as well as maintain communication and discussions in the group (after all, this is a group, not a personal page).

    Our service provides two types of promotion - paid and free. Paid promotion of a VK group is a classic option, chosen by many media personalities and already established bloggers.

    Users with a small budget for promotion or no budget at all use such a service as promotion of groups for free. Free promotion is almost no different from paid promotion and has no restrictions. Its only difference is that you need to earn points with which you will pay for the subscriptions of other users. In the paid version of the promotion, points are simply purchased.

    Increasing subscribers to a group: how to start it?

    Attracting new people to your community using our service helps improve its status in the eyes of your potential subscribers. If you have your own business, then new subscribers will be potential clients for you. You should not abuse this opportunity.

    To get started with adding VKontakte subscribers to a group without any problems, follow the advice from the instructions below. Just three simple steps will help you launch your own advertising campaign and make the group popular.

    So, here we go:

    This is exactly how groups are promoted by their VKontakte owners. Promotion in other social networks is carried out according to the same principle. Don’t forget that you can always start promotion on other social networks. networks without any extra effort.

    Advantages of boosting groups with Bosslike?

    High-quality promotion on VKontakte is the key to success for every community. In order for free recruitment of subscribers to a VK group to work as it should, we always, without false modesty, recommend using our service. Are you wondering why?

    But because:

    1. Registration has no time limits and complex confirmations. Remember all the trial versions and paid subscriptions on other sites? Yes? In vain. Forget about them.
    2. You don't need to study anything. Cheating VK groups will start working after just a few minutes.
    3. You work with us through the website. This means that you don’t have to store on your computer constantly hanging applications with a bunch of viruses, glitches and update requirements.
    4. You do not transfer personal data to us. More precisely, you don’t give us anything at all, except a link to the community, which should be seen by as many people as possible.
    5. You can create a VKontakte group for free. There are no restrictions on its use. It’s just that the scale of such cheating will be somewhat smaller. But for an unknown group and 1000 new subscribers - joy.
    6. The operating speed is high and stable. If it were otherwise, why use our service? Subscribers will be added quickly and in the required quantity. This does not have to be a complicated process - with us, promotion is easy and very fast.
    7. Using our service is anonymous. This means that neither your friends nor VKontakte itself will guess that you used our services. To ensure that free promotion of a VKontakte group is anonymous and does not incur the severe wrath of VK moderators, do not increase more than 10% of the current number of subscribers per day. Less is better.
    8. Qualified technical support service. We are ready to help you with cheating and provide the necessary clarifications.

    How to create a VKontakte group safely?

    On our service, you can really safely create a VK group. And there are five reasons for this.

    • Everything is transparent and legal. Our subscribers are alive and there will be no problems with them.
    • Risks for the account are zero. Archaic programs for getting subscribers to a VKontakte group will require you to enter a password and other similar actions. By passing it on, you risk losing your page and giving away the correspondence on it to someone. You can also forget about the group. We will not ask you for a password or other personal data.
    • Anonymity. Nobody wants to advertise that they are not as popular as they would like to be. A private trader on the forum is only interested in money and can easily tell you how and for how much he promoted you, even for the sake of a portfolio. We are not.
    • Your funds are safe. Our promotion of subscribers to a VK group for free online can help even the most decrepit and hopeless group, taking into account the fact that you will start publishing interesting content. Keyword - free. No empty promises or requests to buy cheap, practical, modern and environmentally friendly, but still brick.
    • VKontakte will not find out anything. Shhh, VK has so many worries. If you don’t recruit too many users, then our promotion mechanism is optimal. No automated programs will help you better, because VK will easily detect them and freeze the group, or even the page from which it was created.