How to change the language in the VK mobile version. How to change the language on VKontakte? A set of languages ​​for the social network VKontakte

Next I will tell you how to change the language in VC in the new version in Russian. “VKontakte” has long been no longer a site intended exclusively for communication between students. This social network is now used by tens of millions of people not only from Russia, but also from other countries. And in different countries people speak different languages. In this regard, the site supports many different languages. Previously, when there was an old interface, switching between them was very simple: you scrolled to the bottom of the page and selected the desired language, but now that the design has changed, the way to change the language has also changed.

In fact, with the new VK interface, changing English to Russian is even easier than before. And after reading this text, you can easily change the interface language to the one you need. Also, if you need about this, I wrote a separate article, this is sometimes necessary when users enter a fake surname during registration.

How to set the Russian language in the new VKontakte interface

The first thing you need to do to change the language to Russian in the new interface is, of course, to go to the website of the social network VKontakte itself. The page you open does not matter at all, since the corresponding button is present on each of them. Then you will need:

  1. On the left side of the VKontakte interface, under the buttons for going to certain categories, find gray links;
  2. You need to point to the link " More“, after which a menu should pop up;
  3. In the menu that appears, click on “ Language: « Language name«.

A list will open called “ Language selection“, from which you will need to select the language you are interested in (in our case, Russian). After performing the appropriate actions, all inscriptions in the interface will be displayed in the new VK interface in Russian.

However, in some cases the Russian language may not be on the list. This could happen, for example, because the system recognizes that you are in a country where few people speak the relevant language (for example, Australia or the Netherlands). It should be noted that a similar situation can happen even when you are not physically located outside of Russia, and the system interface is in your native language. This often happens if the connection is established via a VPN. If this is the case, then simply disable it, otherwise, when entering a social network without it, confirmation will be required in view of entering the code from SMS.

If in your case the Russian language is not in the list of the new VK interface, then it’s okay. Just follow the steps described, and in the list of languages ​​select " Other language". After this, a large list with all supported languages ​​will be displayed. To change the interface language on VKontakte to Russian, you just need to find and click on it. As a result, all elements of the new interface will be translated.

Change the VK interface language before registration

If it is not there, then click on “ All language» and in the list that appears, click on the language you need. After this, the site will be displayed in Russian, and you can go through the registration procedure without any problems.

Video instruction

As you can see from the text above, the process of changing the language in the new VKontakte interface to Russian is quite easy and it is even simpler than it was before. The entire procedure from start to finish takes a maximum of 10-15 seconds.

In contact with

If you need to change the language used on the VKontakte social network, then it is not difficult to do. A large number of language extensions are available.

Below you will find step-by-step instructions. So, let's go. How to change the language on VKontakte.

How to change the VKontakte language to English

Go to your page and go to settings.

Here we find the “Language” section and click on the “Change” link.

In the selection list you need to click on the item “English”. Other languages ​​are available at the link “Other languages”.

The changes will be applied, and the entire interface on the site will now be in the selected layout.

The process is similar with other languages. Find the option you need in the list and select it. To change back to Russian, just click on it in the selection options.

How to change the language in VK through an application on your phone

If you access VKontakte through a browser, simply repeat the procedure described below. And if through the application, then use the following method.

Interesting feature. If you try to find the section in the application settings that is responsible for changing the VKontakte language, then you will not succeed. It's simply not there. What should I do?

You need to change the language of the system installed on your phone.

If we are talking about an Android-based smartphone, then open the “Settings” section. Then "Language and input".

Select English or any other language from the list.

Good afternoon friends. In today's article we will learn how to change the interface language of the VKontakte website.

Sometimes it happens that you need to change the language of the social network interface. The functionality of the site provides a similar option, and everything is implemented quite simply. Below we will look at how everything works.

A set of languages ​​for the social network VKontakte

The site has a rich set of languages ​​- almost all the languages ​​of the peoples of the Russian Federation, as well as neighboring countries, countries of the former CIS and Europe are represented there. You can choose any one from the list below.

Where can I see this list? To do this you need to do the following:

How to change the language in VK on a computer

To do this you need to do the following:

1. Go to the page settings menu and select “Settings”

By default, the entire site interface is in Russian. If you do not touch the language settings, then the login is also carried out in Russian, and the working language remains Russian.

To translate the page back into Russian, you need to do the same steps. Just select Russian from the list.

How to change the language in VK on a smartphone or tablet

There is no direct option to change the language in the VK mobile application. To change the language in the mobile version, you need to change the interface language of the Android system of your smartphone. This is done in the settings. Typically the path looks like this: “Settings” – “Language and input” or “Settings” – “Advanced settings” – “Language and input”.

To translate everything back into Russian, you need to similarly select Russian in the “Language and input” settings section and apply the setting.

The VKontakte social network is open to users from all countries, so the site has an extensive list with a choice of interface languages. In addition to foreign languages, you can choose the comic language “Pre-Revolutionary,” which remains Russian, but changes the names of the tabs to funny words that are almost forgotten in the modern world. If you need to change the language on the VKontakte social network or your previous choice has gone astray, then simply refer to this article.

How to change the language on VK from a browser

  • Go to the site and log in to the system. Pay attention to the thumbnail of your page in the upper right corner of the site. Click on the triangular icon next to it.
  • From the drop-down list, select “Settings”. It's third from the top, if you don't understand the currently installed language, then just count the lines.

  • You will immediately find yourself in your page settings in the first “General” tab. The sixth section from the top will be called “Language”. Here you need to click on the blue “Edit” link.

  • To see all languages, click on the “Other languages” tab. If you find the language you need in this list, just click on it once.

  • This window contains a complete list of possible languages ​​of the social network. You can choose any of them. The interface will instantly transform, and you will be able to understand all the inscriptions.

How to change the language on VK from your phone

  • The entire algorithm remains the same. All you need to do is find your account settings. To do this, click on the three bars in the upper left corner of the screen. A menu list will appear, in it select the “Settings” line.

  • Now go to the “General” tab, where you can change the language and some other options for your account.

How to change the VK language without logging into your account

If you are just about to register your account on a social network, or cannot log in due to the wrong language, then you can change the language in the authorization window.

  • Lower the start page all the way down.

  • At the bottom right you will see the “Language” line. This is where you can change it, to see more click “All languages”.

  • The usual window will open. Select your language and use the site comfortably.

Are you looking for information on how to change the language in contact?

Sometimes it happens that after blocking an account, for example, or after hacking a personal page, we discover that the interface language in the contact has changed - and it’s good if it’s English, but what if it’s something incomprehensible?

Don’t worry - after reading this article you will learn how to solve your problem and how to change the language in contact from English to Russian and vice versa, as well as to any other.

In fact, this is done in just a couple of clicks, the main thing is to know where to click :)

So, first, let’s find out how to change the language in Contact to any other from Russian.

How to change the language in Contact from Russian

Previously, in order to change the language in a contact, you had to find a page that didn’t have a long ribbon with information.

Now, everything is made simpler and in the new version you can find the button we need from any page:

  1. While on any VK page, look at the left column of the menu and scroll to the very bottom under the block with advertising.
  1. We move the mouse cursor over the “More” button, a small menu appears

  1. The bottom line is the language, click it and a list of the main languages ​​into which we can translate the interface in contact will appear in front of us.

The “other languages” button translated from English means: other languages.

After clicking it, a window will open in front of you with a large list of other languages ​​that you can switch to.

Here, for example, is what the interface in Contact looks like in Arabic :)

As we can see, even people’s names have been translated, albeit into Latin. All the names of the buttons also became in Arabic, and the names of the groups remained as they were in Russian.

You should be careful when changing the language to some exotic one, because it will be more difficult to translate back into Russian, since all the button names will be in that same exotic language :)

By the way, have you noticed that the list of languages ​​includes such interesting languages ​​as pre-revolutionary and Soviet?

Now let’s talk about how we can translate into Russian if we inadvertently end up in an interface of, say, Turkish or English or some other language.

How to change the language in contactinto Russian

So let's say we are on the Turkish interface. What to do now and how to return Russian?

We all follow the same pattern:

  1. On any page, look at the left column of the menu (although in Arabic it will be the right column), scroll down.
  2. We hover the cursor over this button - it is the last one (in the Russian version it is called “more”)

  1. A small list of 2 items appears, in all languages, no matter what you are in, select the lowest item.

  1. That's all, a window with languages ​​to choose from will open in front of you. Choose Russian and the job is done! 🙂

How to change the language in VK on your phone

You can change the language on your phone if you switch to the “full version” of VKontakte.

How to do it?

We go to VK through the browser by opening a new tab.

You will find yourself in the mobile version of VKontakte, but we need the full version. In order to be in full, click the button with three lines in the upper left corner

A menu pops up, which we scroll down to the bottom. Click the “Full version” button or in English it is “full version”.

Now the VK interface on your phone is displayed in the same way as on a computer, which means that the tips that were given in this article just above can be applied through your phone.

If you found the article useful, please share it on social networks by clicking on the button of your favorite social network. Thank you :)
