YouTube channel. Paid channels on YouTube Pavel Besdin has a paid subscription on YouTube

Today we will try to find out if there is a paid subscription on Youtube. Not so long ago, around mid-2015, the first news about this event appeared on the Internet. Allegedly, the large video hosting site YouTube will make subscriptions to channels paid. Until this time, as everyone understood, they were free. Some users were skeptical about the statement. The largest video portal can’t become paid just like that right away? How do things really stand with this issue?

To pay or not?

After this news, novice users began to wonder whether subscription to Youtube channels is paid or not? Previously, it was possible to answer unequivocally - you will not have any costs for watching videos. But after the statements made, it is difficult to give an answer.

Now there are some things to consider. This is a paid subscription to Youtube. In other words, this site now has two options - paid and free. You can make your own choice - pay for viewing or not. Of course, in order to use YouTube resources for free, you will only have to subscribe to the appropriate channels. In general, the site does not require payment for viewing all videos.

For what

But why then were paid YouTube subscriptions invented? In truth, this is an earning option for users. The Internet is full of people who create their own original video lessons and courses, reviews and guides. Some of the resources differ in their quality. And, of course, I want to get something for them.

It is for these purposes that paid YouTube subscriptions were invented. It's no secret that this site is already being used to make money. True, not entirely active. When viewing “promoted” channels, users have to additionally watch advertisements. For this, the owner of the video receives a fee, albeit a small one. A kind of passive income.

There is news that YouTube will introduce paid subscriptions in October 2015. People making money online have begun to actively create their own original videos. After all, now everyone is able to run their own personal channel or shoot a video. Users will have to pay to view it. This is a good way to make a profit. Of course, the creators of Youtube will not stand aside. They also get their benefits. True, there are quite a few restrictions that will not allow everyone to make a paid subscription to their channel.

Restrictions and conditions

What does it take to get such a wonderful new way of making money on YouTube? To begin with, you must already have a “promoted” channel with a good reputation. Otherwise, a paid subscription to Youtube will not be available to you. In addition, the number of subscribers on the channel must be more than 1,000. An account verified by phone number, as well as compliance with the YouTube affiliate program, are also important conditions. By the way, your paid videos must be created personally and also be original. Unfortunately, various let's plays and walkthroughs are not suitable for paid channels. Just like application guides. Unless it states that you have the right to write paid reviews.

In addition, paid subscription to Youtube is not available in all countries. Unfortunately, in Russia you won’t be able to create such a source of profit for yourself. It’s easy to subscribe to channels and pay for watching videos, but making money on your own is not. If you are located in the following countries, then this opportunity is available:

  • Italy;
  • Hong Kong;
  • Japan;
  • Poland;
  • Canada;
  • Mexico;
  • India;
  • Australia;
  • Brazil;
  • France;
  • Philippines;
  • Portugal;
  • Italy;
  • New Zealand;
  • South Korea;
  • Sweden;
  • Taiwan;
  • Uganda.

In addition, it is worth noting that users must have an AdSense account that is verified and associated with YouTube. Without it, it will not be possible to bring your idea to life.

How to turn it on

Let's assume that all requirements are met. And now you can have a paid subscription to Youtube. To do this you will have to turn it on. How to do it?

Nothing complicated. First, you will have to look at “Status and Features” on YouTube, and then select “Paid Content” there. If your account meets the requirements, you will see an "Enable" button there. Now agree to the messages, and then constantly click on “Ok” or “Next”. Then check the indicator boxes in the required places and select “I Accept.”

Now a new inscription will pop up on the left side of the screen - “Paid subscriptions”. In the "Monetization" section you will see a new menu item - a checkbox. It's called "You must purchase or rent the video to watch it." If you set this parameter for a video, it will become paid. That's all. As you can see, nothing complicated.

For many users around the world, YouTube has become the most convenient way to view news and various topical videos. On this service, you can vote for your favorite videos, communicate with other users through comments, and also receive new videos from your chosen channels.

What is a channel and what opportunities does subscribing to it provide?

All videos uploaded by one person or group are called a channel. These are often thematic posts that are regularly updated with new videos. If you subscribe to YouTube, you can not miss them and watch them as they come out. You can also easily find the channel you like this way and watch your favorite videos again.

What do you need to join?

Before subscribing to a channel on YouTube, you need to register a new user or log into a previously created account. This procedure provides a large number of advantages over guest users, for example, you will be able to comment on videos and receive channel updates by subscribing. There is only one difficulty that prevents you from registering on YouTube - this is only possible through Google; the portal does not accept other systems. If you are the owner of an Android device, then you do not face the problem of creating an account; an account for the application store will automatically authorize you on the site where you can watch numerous videos.

How to subscribe to a channel on YouTube

Now let's move on to the main question. After you enter the portal, you will see the main page on which all popular and recommended videos are selected. Before you subscribe to a channel on YouTube, find something that you like to such an extent that you are ready to join this section and watch as new videos appear on it. Already on the main page you can see the “Subscribe” buttons opposite the names of the most popular residents of the portal. You can join the channel directly from there. If you initially watched the video, then this function is also located under its title and channel name. These methods are not the only ones that will help you figure out how to subscribe to a channel on YouTube. Also, all the videos on this portal are arranged by genre, for example, if you like to watch video clips and listen to music, then this can be done in the “All channel lists” tab, which can be opened through the context menu (the button for calling it looks like three horizontal bars). Also in the full catalog you can find sports channels, game guides, TV shows and movies. This is not a complete list, since the videos on the portal are presented for every taste.

Why he doesn’t subscribe to YouTube: solution

The connection may fail for two reasons: your browser malfunctions or you are blocked from this channel. The first case is quite easy to deal with. You need to clear your cache and delete cookies from your browser's memory. This can be done through the settings or using third-party software. On the YouTube portal itself, click on your avatar and in the context menu find the tab with parameters. There, go to the “Advanced” column and end all sessions. After which you will have to log in again. If all of the above steps did not help, then this means that the author of the channel has blocked you for some reason. In general, working with the YouTube website is quite easy, it is convenient to search and watch videos. After subscribing, you will receive notifications about channel updates, which is also very convenient. Thank you for your attention.

What does it offer? paid YouTube subscription?

The entire Internet community knows about this: the YouTube channel is becoming paid. Of course, we are not talking about large sums. According to the official website, for a monthly subscription to the channel, fans of streaming music and videos will have to pay $9.99 (about 600 rubles) from October 28 of this year.

What goodies await those who have a paid subscription to YouTube?

Firstly, there is a complete lack of showing commercials. Secondly, access to additional content (for example, exclusive videos, reality shows, comedies and feature films). Thirdly, the user will be able to cache videos that are interesting to him, which means that he will be able to view them at any time without an Internet connection. In addition, before the end of 2015, Google plans to launch two new services. As it became known, one of them will be the Music Key service, the name of the second is not yet known.

YouTube channel subscribers will also have access to Google Play Music, YouTube Gaming and the YouTube Music app.By the way, there is some good news. Those who sign up for a free Google Play Music subscription will get free access to YouTube Red.

Learn more about YouTube Red

You will probably have to immediately make a reservation that the service is worth paying for. Firstly, as noted above, there is no advertising at all. Secondly, video stored on the device can be viewed in places where there is no Internet access. Thirdly, the application plays a video sound even in the background, when switching the device to another program or another application, and also if the phone or tablet is locked.

How will those who have not signed up for a paid subscription use video hosting?

YouTube users who have not signed up for a paid subscription will be able to use video hosting in the future. But, as before, the system will offer viewing of mandatory advertising, through which the channel is currently financed. Thus, by making YouTube paid, the company will increase profits from the project, which means that the income of those authors who upload their exclusive videos to the hosting will increase.

What should YouTube content creators do?

In order to continue uploading their videos to the video hosting site, content creators must enter into a direct agreement with Google, in which they will be asked to agree to the terms of the YouTube Red service. The company enters into similar agreements with record companies and various film studios and television companies.

When will Google's new offering launch?

For a month (i.e. from October 28, 2015 to November 28, 2015), residents of the United States will be able to test the YouTube Red service for free. Unfortunately, at the moment there is no information about the date of its launch in Russia. The first month is a test period, after which access to the service will become paid. Those who decide to sign up for a monthly subscription will have to pay $9.99. For owners of devices running iOS, the price will be $12.99.

If you use Google's YouTube service quite often to watch videos, then most likely you are a registered user. If this is not the case, then it would be better for you to change this as soon as possible and register on YouTube, because after this you will receive a number of advantages and options that were previously unavailable. One of these advantages is the ability to subscribe to the channel, which is extremely convenient.

Naturally, before moving on to explaining the subscription process itself, it is necessary to first understand the concept itself: “What is a subscription?” and “Why is it needed?”

In fact, everything is quite simple: subscription is one of the many functions on the YouTube video hosting service, which allows you to add a particular author, so to speak, to your favorites. That is, having subscribed to a person, in the future you can easily find him on the service by logging into your account.

In addition to the fact that you have the opportunity to periodically visit the author you like, other changes appear. User videos will periodically appear on your home page, in addition, you will be notified when new videos are released. And this is only a small part of the bonuses that you will receive as a result.


So, after finding out what a subscription is and why it is needed, you can safely move on to the process itself. In fact, it is terribly simple. All you need to do is press a button Subscribe, which is located under the video being watched or directly on the user’s channel. But, so that no one has any unnecessary questions, detailed instructions will now be given, so to speak, from “A” to “Z”.

After you have logged into your account, you can directly proceed to subscribe to a certain author. As mentioned earlier, there are two ways to subscribe, or rather, the location of the button of the same name can be in two variations - under the video you are watching and on the channel itself.

All you need to do is click on this button. In addition, you can do this right while watching the video; this will not end its playback.

So, we figured out how to subscribe to a user, but how to search for these users? How to find the author you want to follow? Of course, this usually happens simply while chaotically watching videos, but there is still a way to independently find the channel whose content suits you unconditionally.

Search for interesting channels

There are millions of channels on YouTube that differ from each other in both the subject matter of the story and the genre. This is the beauty of this phenomenon, because YouTube is a service for everyone. There is something for everyone there. Millions of channels show completely different, dissimilar programs. That is why, in all this chaos, you should be able to find the content that you need and ignore the rest.

Obviously predetermined

This category includes those channels where you watch videos every time you visit YouTube. It may turn out that you have been observing the work of one person for quite a long time, but you have not subscribed to him - quickly correct this. You already know how to do this.

It is quite possible that you have once noticed that on the main page there is always a video that you would love to watch. This is not without reason, so to speak, YouTube knows what you like. The presented service constantly collects information: what genre do you like, what kind of videos do you watch most often, what user’s channels do you visit most often. Based on all this data, on the main page of the site there will always be channels of those people whose work you might like. This section is called: Recommended.

By the way, pay attention to the link Expand, which is in the lower right corner. If the list of videos offered by YouTube seems too small to you, then after clicking on the link it will increase, and you will definitely find what you want.

Search by category

If you don’t trust YouTube’s choice and want to independently choose the channel you want to subscribe to, then you should visit, where, as you might guess, all videos are listed in various subgroups that differ in genre and topic.

In various categories you will be presented with a choice of the best representatives of a particular genre. You can easily go to a user’s channel and look at his work for yourself, and then decide whether you want to subscribe to him or not.

Search on the site

Of course, no one canceled the search for all the video materials that were ever posted on the site. Moreover, this is the search method that most users prefer, since by entering keywords or even a name, the user can immediately find the desired content.

In addition, it is possible to use a fairly “rich” filter. Using it, you can quickly filter out unnecessary videos by selecting the type, duration, upload date and other features of what you want.


And of course, you can’t ignore such a YouTube section as Trending. This item appeared on the site relatively recently. As you might guess, Trending collects those videos that gain wild popularity in a short period of time (24 hours), causing some excitement among users of the site. In general, if you want to find popular works on YouTube, then go to the section Trending.

Note. In the Russian-language segment of YouTube, unfortunately, the “Trending” section may include frankly mediocre, insipid and uninteresting works. This is due to the fact that these videos are simply gaining popularity due to the so-called cheating. However, there are exceptions.

Consequences of subscription

At the beginning of the article it was said that by subscribing to the author, you will be able to track all his actions on the channel: be one of the first to know about the release of a new video, and the like. But it was not told how this happens, which will now be corrected.

Subscriptions on your computer

It’s worth saying right away that videos from all the channels you’ve ever subscribed to are in the section of the same name. And the section, in turn, is located in the YouTube Guide, that is, in the menu located on the left side of the site.

If you want to go directly to the channel itself in order to view videos from there, then their list can be seen by going down just below.

Thus, you have two ways at your disposal to watch videos from the channels you subscribe to. The first shows you all the videos at once, dividing them by the date they were added (today, yesterday, this week, etc.), and the second allows you to view the channel itself directly.

Note. In the YouTube Guide, in the section "Subscriptions", sometimes there is a number next to the channel name. It means the number of videos a user has that you have not yet watched.

Subscriptions on your phone

As you know, YouTube videos can also be viewed on Android or iOS devices. There is even a special application for this, which is called YouTube. In addition, on a smartphone or tablet you can perform all the same actions as on a computer, that is, you are not limited in any way.

Some may even note that on the phone it is much easier to interact with channels to which you have subscribed. Well, in general there is no difference.

Note. As is the case with the computer version of the site, on phones there is also a mark next to the channel name, which symbolizes that the user has not yet viewed all the videos added since the moment of subscription. True, on devices this is not a number, but a marker.


In the end, we can say one thing - subscriptions on YouTube are a very convenient thing. It makes no difference, watching videos from a computer or from some mobile device, you can quickly find those channels whose content will always delight and interest you. Plus, subscribing is easy. The developers of the YouTube service specifically tried to make this process so simple and intuitive that all users did not experience discomfort, for which we thank them very much.

Hi all. Do you want to receive email notifications about new videos on your favorite YouTube channel? Then read this short guide.
By the way, perhaps this information will be useful not only for you as a YouTube viewer, but also for your subscribers. Send them your similar instructions by email so that they don’t miss your useful videos in the future. After all, every author strives to expand his audience and video as much as possible, and this is normal.

How to guarantee to subscribe to a channel and receive notifications by e-mail about updates to your favorite channel on YouTube

Surely, like me, you are subscribed to hundreds of YouTube channels on various topics. So, in order to be guaranteed not to miss new videos from a particular channel, you need to make a number of small settings, which we will talk about today.

  • 1 step. Of course, you need to subscribe to a channel that interests you. To do this, simply click the “Subscribe” button under the video. Please note that you must be a registered user in Google ( mail) - this will give you the opportunity to use all its services, as well as comment on different videos, ask questions to video bloggers, like, dislike and make your own channel on YouTube. An amazing fact, but a request/question - why not subscribe? etc. is still relevant on the Internet. It would seem that what could be simpler?
  • Step 2. Subscribe with notification by email.
    To do this, go to the channel you are interested in or right under the video next to “Subscription completed” click on the gear. In the window that opens, check the box “Notify me about all the news from this channel.” Now, you are guaranteed to receive email notifications about new videos from this channel.

How to send a message to your channel subscribers

  • 1. Everything is simple here, go to the “Creative Workshop” or just to the main page of your channel. Next, click on the inscription with the number of your subscribers. You will be transferred to the “Video Manager” in the “Subscribers” tab.
  • 2. Opposite each subscriber there is a button to send a letter/message. [See screenshot]. Click and send, for example, your similar instructions “By subscribing to a channel by e-mail”, which I gave above. Here you can mutually subscribe, if desired, to their channel.

Video on the topic.
