Cheat code for stimulants in fallout 4. ID Items

(!!!)Important: if you want to apply a legendary property to a weapon/armor: you need to throw it on the floor, open the console (~), click on the weapon/armor, and then enter the command “amod” (!!! )

Special effect on target=

  • Stunning- Chance to stun target on hit - 001e81ab
  • Mutilating- 20% chance of damaging the target's leg on hit - 001f1048
  • Furious- When a critical hit occurs, the target goes into a rage and will attack everyone (the hero too, if no one is closer) - 001f6ad4
  • Furious- Increased damage with each subsequent attack on the same target (Damage increases by 15% for a single target when hit. The effect stacks infinitely) - 001ef481

Additional damage of a certain type =

  • Decisive- A short delay in time when loading the last cartridge from the magazine - xx00da96
  • Incendiary- Sets an enemy on fire, dealing 15 points of fire damage over time - 001e7173
  • Znaharskoye- Additional poison damage for 10 seconds (3 damage/sec) - 001f31b9
  • Chilling- 10 units of bonus cold damage and the ability to freeze the enemy on a critical hit - 001f5479
  • Powerful- Damage increased by 25% - 001cc2ab
  • Aggressive- 25% to damage and damage to limbs, increased recoil by 25% - 001f7b8a
  • Plasma Infused- 10 units of additional energy damage, a chance to turn the enemy into slime (you can find nuclear material on his corpse) - 001fb4d
  • Irradiated- 50 units of bonus radiation damage - 001cc469
  • wounding- Targets take 25 extra damage from bleeding - 001e7c20
  • crippling- Deals 50% more damage to limbs - 001e6d6b

Extra damage against certain types of targets=

  • Anti-radiation- Damage to Ghouls increased by 50% (Completely useless on a gamma gun) - 001e6847
  • Disastrous- Damage to insects and swampweeds increased by 50% - 001f81eb
  • Mutant-killer- Damage to super mutants increased by 50% - 001e6848
  • Hunting- Damage to animals (not insects) increased by 50% - 001e6845
  • Murderous- Damage to people increased by 50% - 001e6846
  • Provocative- Double damage to targets with full health - 001f04b8
  • Repair- Damage to mechanisms (robots, synths and turrets) increased by 50%. The effect on Power Armor is not yet known - 001f81ec

Bonuses that require certain conditions =

  • Berserker- Bonus damage depending on the owner's damage resistance. The smaller it is, the more damage is dealt (+200% to damage with damage resistance equal to 0) - 001ef5d7
  • Protective- Reduced damage while standing still by 15% - 001f5995
  • Charged- 10% chance to deal 100 electrical damage on a successful block - xx00da92
  • Dazzling- 25% chance to deal 50 fire damage on a successful block - xx00da93
  • Cold- 20% chance to freeze an enemy when blocking his attack - xx00da93
  • Kavalerskoe- Any damage taken is reduced by 15% while blocking or rushing - 001f57e2
  • Narcotic- Bonus damage, the greater the number of addictions the Survivor has (+195% to damage with 11 chemical addictions and alcoholism) - 001eb99a
  • Night- The damage is stronger at night, weaker during the day. (Morning, afternoon and evening - 33% of the initial damage. Dawn and sunset - 66% damage. Night - 150% damage. Midnight - 200% damage) - 001e8174
  • Bloodied- Bonus damage, the greater the less health the owner has (+5% damage for every 5% health lost up to +95% damage at 5% health) - 001ec036
  • Sledopytskoe- If the character has not yet entered into battle, shot accuracy in VATS increases by 100%, but AP consumption increases by 50% - 001f04bd
  • Liquidator's- In aiming mode, damage dealt is 10% higher - xx00da98
  • Rebellious- The last shot in the magazine deals double damage - xx00da91

Bonuses affecting the character =

  • Dexterous- When aiming, the character's movement speed is 75% higher than expected in this mode - 001ebabd
  • Tireless- Critical hits with this weapon restore the wearer's AP - 001ed37e
  • Lightning fast- Reduced AP consumption by 25% - 001f1026
  • VATS compatible- Increases accuracy in VATS by 25%, reduces AP consumption by 25% - 001cc2aa
  • VATS compatible- Reduces AP consumption by 40% - 002056f0
  • Recoilless- Increases damage resistance by 150 while on cooldown - xx00da9a
  • Automatic- Automatic shooting capability (Only on the laser musket, but can be added to almost any semi-automatic weapon using the console) - 000a4739
  • Infinite- Shooting does not require reloading (but ammunition is wasted). Very useful for automatic weapons (On the unique Gatling laser Eternus, the ammunition actually becomes endless) - 001cc2ac
  • Explosive- The charge explodes on impact, dealing 15 units of area damage - 001e73bd
  • High precision- Slight time slowdown when aiming (Cancels time slowdown caused by, for example, a propeller) - xx00da99
  • Double-shot- Each shot the weapon fires two charges instead of one, and the ammunition consumption does not change. Essentially doubles the rate of fire and damage control. However, accuracy drops significantly - 001cc2ad
  • Penetrating- Ignores 30% of target's damage and energy resistance - 001f4426
  • Swift- Increased rate of fire by 25%, faster reload time by 15% - 001ec56d
  • Happy- The weapon has double the amount of critical damage and replenishes the critical strike meter 15% faster when hit in VATS - 001cc2a6

Unique properties or modifications=

  • Ritual Blade- The target takes damage from bleeding and poisoning at the same time. Later, you can remove and attach the modification to any other cleaver, especially with the legendary property - 001cf2a0
  • Uranium Blade- The target takes radiation damage. Cannot be removed or modified (Blade only) - 00143ab5
  • Striker (mod)- Shoots modified bowling balls. The shells can later be picked up and the modification attached to any other fat man (On a two-shot fat man, the balls are doubled, so there will be no problems with ammunition) - xx02740c
  • Striker- 0% chance of damaging the target's leg. You can attach a "Standard Installation", "MIRV IN" or "Nuclear Charge Thrower" for greater effect - xx056f2a
  • World Series logo- 6% chance to throw the target into the air. Not removable - 00226436
  • M4 carbine- Reduced weight, conversion for 5.56 mm cartridges, increased rate of fire by 25%, reduced reload time by 15%. You can attach a .38 and .308 caliber receiver, but you cannot attach a 5.56mm receiver to another combat carbine - xx014457
  • Lucky Eddie- Increases Luck by 2 points - xx0442cb
  • Charging- Hit the user with radiation after firing. Can be charged up to 5 times - xx001125
  • Lightning- Shoots electrical charges that jump from one target to another - xx001126
  • Atomic justice- The target receives an additional 100 radiation damage - xx03a387
(!!!)Important: If you need detailed information on legendary properties, then look at Wiki(!!!)

As with most Bethesda games, Fallout 4 has a number of console commands, essentially cheats that can be used on the PC version of the game. They can help gamers in combat, when interacting with the environment, or frankly cheat through the entire game.

Unfortunately, the console is not available to users of the PS4 and Xbox One game consoles, and there is no way to enter codes.

All codes are entered in the command line, which is opened by pressing the ~ (tilde) key on the keyboard.

Below is a list of the main Fallout 4 console commands that you may need during the game: character-related codes, environment-related codes, combat commands and codes for working with objects.

Codes associated with the character

Console command Description
tgm activates the immortality of the protagonist/heroine
tim invulnerability
tcl passing through walls
setownership makes the selected item yours
setscale [value] increases the size of your character (value can be from 1 to 10)
sexchange changes your character's gender to the opposite one
tdetect opponents will not know about your existence
player.setlevel [value] changes the level of your character to any desired (it is not limited in the game)
showracemenu allows you to change the appearance of the hero
player.modav health x changes the character's maximum health points to x
player.modav actionpoints x changes the maximum VATS action points to x
player.modav carryweight x changes the maximum carry weight by x
removeallitems removes all items from the character under the cursor
setgs fjumpheightmin [value] changes the jump height: the higher the value, the higher the jump (jumping too high can kill you on landing, turn on immortality)
player.setav speedmult [value] sets running speed

Environment related codes

Console command Description
tfc activates a freely moving camera, giving you a look at the game world
tlc allows you to pass through walls and objects that the character cannot otherwise pass through
tmm 1 shows all locations on the Pip-Boy map
unlock opens a door, drawer, safe or terminal under the cursor
lock x locks chests, doors, x lock level (from 0 to 100)
activate opens items under the cursor that can only be opened using buttons and switches, and not keys and master keys
tm turns off the entire interface, entering the command again turns it back on (convenient for taking screenshots)
caqs entering this command ends the story part of the game
set timescale to [value] sets the speed of time flow (standard setting - 16, real time - 1)

Battle teams

Items and inventory

  • player.additem ID quantity— adds an item with the required ID in the specified quantity to your inventory
  • player.placeatme ID quantity— places an item with the required ID in the specified quantity in front of the player on the ground

In the same way, building materials are added, some of which are sorely lacking when arranging settlements.

general information

In "Fallout 4" codes are entered via the console:

1) press the key " ~ " (located in the upper left corner of the keyboard, under the “Esc” key);

2) in the line that appears, enter the code word;

3) click " Enter" to enter.

With cheat codes you can turn on character immortality, skip difficult quests, print money and caps for yourself, add missing skills and perks, put on cool armor from the beginning of the game, arm yourself with the best weapons with endless ammo.

Although, such cheating is not welcome among most players. It is better to use cheats just for fun, when everything has already been completed.

The character development system "S.P.E.C.I.A.L.", consisting of seven characteristics (strength, perception, endurance, charisma, intelligence, dexterity and luck), greatly limits the possibilities. Characteristics are set from the very beginning of the game, and change slightly during the process. There are 275 perks, but to see them all, you will need to replay the game several times, choosing new combinations of characteristics. Cheat codes will be able to remove this restriction.

It is possible that new categories of cheat codes will appear that were not present in previous games in the series; they are related to the innovations of the 4th part of Fallout: cheats for improving a dog, cheats for materials for building a house, cheats for crafting.

Cheat codes (on computer)

Fallout 4 codes
1. For immortality, superpowers

tim invulnerability
tgm immortality
tcl passing through walls

Fallout four codes
2. On the hero’s abilities (levels, perks, characteristics)

showracemenu change the hero's appearance
player.modav health [x] change maximum health points to "x"
player.modav actionpoints [x] change maximum action points to "x"
player.modav carryweight [x] change maximum carry weight to "x"
player.setav strength [x] change the "strength" attribute to the value "x"
player.setav perception [x] change the "perception" attribute to the value "x"
player.setav endurance [x] change the "stamina" attribute to the value "x"
player.setav charisma [x] change the "charisma" attribute to the value "x"
player.setav intelligence [x] change the "intelligence" attribute to the value "x"
player.setav agility [x] change the "dexterity" attribute to the value "x"
player.setav luck [x] change the "luck" attribute to the value "x"

Fallout 4 cheats codes
3. To control NPC characters

kill kill the character under the cursor
resurrect resurrect character under cursor

What cheat codes are there in Fallout 4
4. To open maps, locations, secrets

Fallout 4 codes
5. To receive resources, weapons, ammunition, suits

ID codes of the most necessary resources:

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Gamers just have to find a list of all the commands that would work as cheat codes. As the site learned, just a day after the official release of the game, a complete list of cheats for Fallout 4 appeared online.

To open the console on a PC and use cheat codes, just press the tilde (~) - the key immediately below the Esc button in the Latin keyboard layout. You can enter commands into the console that appears, regardless of whether they are entered in upper or lower case.

List of Fallout 4 cheats:

  • tgm - God Mode (invulnerability)
  • tim - Immortal mode. The character will receive damage, but health will never run out
  • tcl - Walk through walls, defy gravity
  • fov<1-360>— Change the camera angle (default 70)
  • sucsm<1-100>— Change the speed of the flying camera (default 20)
  • player.setlevel<#>Set the player level, where # is the desired level
  • player.modav <#>Set the skill level, where skillID is the skill number and # is the desired level
  • tmm 1 - Open the entire map. Marks all locations in Pip-Boy
  • unlock - Open any door or terminal the player's cursor is pointing at
  • player.additem <#>Add an item to inventory, where itemID is the item number, # is the quantity
  • player.placeatme Add an NPC near the player
  • tai — Turn off/on the artificial intelligence of non-player characters
  • tcai - Turn off/on enemy combat artificial intelligence
  • tdetect — Disable/enable the system for detecting players by non-player characters
  • killall - Kill everyone near the players. Does not affect companions and important story characters
  • kill — Kill one enemy, where targetID is the enemy number
  • resurrect — Revive one enemy, where targetID is the enemy number
  • tfc - Free camera with user interface disabled
  • tm — Disable/enable user interface
  • caqs - Complete all storyline quests
  • setgs fjumpheightmin<#>— Set the jump height, where # is the height
  • player.setav speedmult<#>— Fast run, where # is running speed
  • player.setav carryweight<#>— Change the carried weight, where # is the weight size
  • setscale<1-10>- Increase the size of the player character or non-player character. Values ​​can be entered from 1 to 10
  • set timescale to<#>— The speed of time in the game, where # is the speed
  • coc qasmoke - Teleport to a room with boxes that contain all the items in the game
  • coc PreWarSanctuaryExt01 - Teleportation to any location, you need to write to which one, for example to PreWarSanctuaryExt01
  • setav aggression 0 — Make NPC friendly
  • sexchange - Change your character's gender
  • tdetect - You become invisible to the AI
  • TWF - Turn everything around into a wireframe mesh
  • cl — Turn on, turn off and edit character glow
  • gr - Turn on, turn off and edit light rays

In exactly the same way, gamers can obtain individual items. Through a space in the console, you can specify the desired number of items.

List of cheats for Fallout 4 items:

  • 0000000F - Covers
  • 00023736 - Stimpak
  • 00023742 - Radaway
  • 00075FE4 - Core for power armor
  • 0004835F - Nuka-Cola Quantum
  • 0000000A — Master key
  • 0000000A - Hairpin
  • 00GB0MB – Gingerbread
  • 001BF732 - Oil
  • 00023742 — Antiradin
  • 0004D1F2 - Electrical tape
  • 00069086 - Nuclear component
  • 00069085 - Glass
  • 00024057 - Rad X
  • 00023736 - Stimulator
  • 000AEC64 – Leather
  • 000AEC62 - Gold
  • 0006907E - Gears
  • 000366C5 - Screw
  • 00033778 - Buffut
  • 00069082 - Spring
  • 000AEC60 - Stopper
  • 000366C0 - Purified water
  • 001BF72E – Glue
  • 0006907A - Aluminum
  • 0006907C - Copper
  • 0006907В — Wiring
  • 00059B1E - Turpentine
  • 001BF72D - Acid
  • 00069081 - Bolt
  • 0006907D - Crystal
  • 0006554A - Miracle glue
  • 000AEC61 - Fiberglass
  • 00069071 - Plastic
  • 000AEC5E – Ceramics
  • 000AEC63 - Lead
  • 000AEC5С - Absest

List of cheats for Fallout 4 weapons

  • 0001F669 - Minigun
  • 000BD56F - Fat Man
  • 000E6B2E - Mini Bomb
  • 0018ABE2 - Cryo Cell
  • 00171B2B - Cryo Cannon
  • 000D8576 - Deathclaw Glove
  • 00183FCD - Gnonak's Ax
  • 00174F8F — Institutskiy Mayak
  • 000E9A43 - 2076 World Series Baseball Bat
  • 000FE268 — Nailhoney
  • 000E942B - Junk Jet
  • 000FA2FB – Shish kebab
  • 000DC8E7 — Pistol with silencer
  • 000FD11B - Volley
  • 000E98E5 - Hallucinogenic Gas Grenade
  • 00065DEC - Radio Beacon
  • 00069088 - Super Hammer
  • 000C1897 - Nuclear Battery
  • 0010E689 - Mini-core
  • 0001f669 - Minigun
  • 0001f66c — Ammo for the Minigun
  • 00171B2B – Cryolator
  • 000DC8E7 — Silent pistol Savior

Fallout 4 ammo cheats

  • 000DF279 - Gamma gun cartridges
  • 0001DBB7 - Plasma Charge
  • 0001F66B - 308 caliber cartridges
  • 0001F278 - 5.56 caliber cartridges
  • 0001F66A - 45 caliber cartridges
  • 0004CE87 - 38 caliber cartridges
  • 0009221C - 44 caliber cartridges
  • 00245D6A - 10 mm cartridges
  • 0001F66C - 5 mm cartridges
  • 00245D68 - Shotgun cartridges
  • 000FD11C - Cannonball
  • 001025AA - Alien blaster cartridges
  • 000CAC78 - Flamethrower fuel
  • 000DF279 - Gamma cartridges
  • 000FE269 — Railway nail
  • 0001DBB7 – Plasma cartridges
  • 0018ABDF - 2 mm electromagnetic cartridges
  • 000CABA3 - Rocket

According to, Fallout 4 and The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim were developed on the same engine. This means that many of the console commands may be the same. Obviously, the list will be expanded in the future.

IN Fallout 4 as in all games from Bethesda, there are IDs by which you can get what you need. In our guide we will show you the ID list of: items, weapons, building materials, armor, etc. in Fallout 4.

List we are looking for:

  • Essentials
  • Construction Materials
  • Weapons and ammunition
  • Power Armor

List of essentials

ID List of Essentials:

List of building materials

ID List of building materials:

ID Construction Materials
000C1897Nuclear battery
00059B25Miracle Glue
00069087 Optical fiber
00069082 Spring
00069086 Nuclear component
00069085 Glass
00069081 Bolt
0004D1F2Insulating tape
00059B02Pre-war money

Food List

ID Food List

List of weapons

ID List of weapons and ammunition:

ID Weapon
00069088 Super Hammer
000E27BCGatling laser
000D1EB0Optical gauss carbine
0014831СShort Combat Shotgun
0015В044Submachine gun
000BD56FRocket Launcher "Fat Man"
0014D09EShort injection carabiner
000DDB7СGamma gun
0001f66cAmmo for the Minigun
0001F66C5 mm cartridges
000DF279Gamma gun cartridges
0001F66B308 caliber cartridges
0001DBB7Plasma charge
0001F2785.56 caliber cartridges
000C1897Nuclear battery
0009221C44 caliber cartridges
0001F27610 mm cartridges
0001F673Shotgun cartridges
0001F66A45 caliber cartridges
0004CE8738 caliber cartridges
000CAC78Flamethrower fuel
001025AAAlien blaster cartridges
0010E689Mini core
000DF279Gamma cartridges
0018ABDF2 mm electromagnetic cartridges
000FE269Railway nail
0001DBB7Plasma cartridges
0018ABE2Cryogenic charge
000C1897Nuclear battery
00075FE4Nuclear unit (power for armor)
0001f27950 caliber cartridges
000589F2Synth Relay Grenade
0012E2CAArtillery smoke bomb
00056917 Vertibird flare

List of legendary and unique weapons

ID List of legendary and unique weapons:

List of regular and power armor

ID List of regular and power armor:

ID Armor
00140C3DT-60 Left Hand
00140C45T-60 Right Arm
00140C4AT-60 Helmet
00140C3FT-60 Right leg
00140C49T-60 Left leg
00140С42T-60 Chest part
00154AC3X-01 Left Hand
00154AC4X-01 Right Hand
00154AC5X-01 Helmet
00154AC7X-01 Right leg
00154AC6X-01 Left leg
00154AC8X-01 Chest Part
Raider Power Armor
00140С52Left hand
00140С53Right hand
00140С55Right leg
00140С56Left leg
00140С57Chest part
00154ABDT-45 Left Hand
00154ABET-45 Right Arm
00154ABFT-45 Helmet
00154AC0T-45 Right leg
00154AC1T-45 Left leg
00154AC2T-45 Chest Piece
00140C4CT-51 Left Hand
00140C4DT-51 Right Arm
00140C4ET-51 Helmet
00140C4FT-51 Right leg
00140C50T-51 Left leg
00140C51T-51 Chest part
000DED29Silver Cloak Costume

List of armor and clothing for dogs

ID List of armor and clothing for the dog:

List of Bandanas

Bandana ID List:

List of Vault-Boy Bobbleheads

ID List of Vault-Boy Bobbleheads:

List of Parties with Resources

ID List of parties with resources for building settlements:

ID Supply of Resources
001EC131Metal Party (100)
001EC132Metal Party (50)
001EC133Acid Party (25)
001EC134Clay's Party (50)
001EC135Clay's Party (25)
001EC136Aluminum Lot (50)
001EC137Aluminum Lot (25)
001EC138Security Fiber Lot (25)
001EC139Antiseptic Party (25)
001EC13AAsbestos Party (25)
001EC13BCeramics Party (25)
001EC13CLot of Schemes (25)
001EC13DLot of Schemes (50)
001EC13EFabric Lot (25)
001EC13FConcrete Lot (50)
001EC140Copper Party (25)
001EC141Party Jams (25)
001EC142Party of Crystals (25)
001EC143Fertilizer Lot (25)
001EC144Fiberglass Lot (25)
001EC145Fiber Optic Party (25)
001EC146Party of Cogs (25)
001EC147Glass Party (25)
001EC148Party of Gold (25)
001EC149Lead Party (25)
001EC14ALeather Party (25)
001EC14BNuclear Materials Party (25)
001EC14CButter Lot (25)
001EC14DLot of Plastic (25)
001EC14ERubber Party (25)
001EC14FBolt Party (25)
001EC150Silver Party (25)
001EC151Spring Party (25)
001EC152Wood Party (50)
001EC153Wood Party (100)

Lists will be updated as information becomes available.
