What equipment to install on T28. Video guide World of Tanks American tank destroyer T28

Soviet medium tank of the fourth level, has light armor and the size of a heavy one. But thanks to good dynamics and excellent weapons, it is simply a magical tank. When equipped with an 85mm gun, it can serve as a support tank; with the 57 mm ZiS-4 it turns into a universal tank. But still, it’s not worth getting into trouble with it.

Predecessor of the KV-1 heavy tank.


Lv. gun Breakthrough
Rapid fire
(m/100 m)
II 76 mm KT-28 37/100/38 105/110/164 13.13 0.61 2.29 540 3580
IV 57 mm ZiS-8 75/112/29 75/75/95 21 0.46 2.29 400 22910
III 76 mm L-10 66/100/38 105/110/164 13.13 0.57 2.86 641 10310
IV 76 mm F-32 67/100/38 110/110/156 15.22 0.51 2.86 770 27610
V 57 mm ZiS-4 112/189/29 85/85/95 23.65 0.34 2.29 740 40130
VI 85 mm F-30 120/161/43 160/160/280 11.67 0.42 3.43 1550 41000

Compatible Equipment

Compatible equipment

T-28 in the game

Research and leveling

T-28 modules; The initial state of the T-28 tree with full pumping of all T-46 modules

T-28 can be researched after T-46 for 3600.

In stock condition, the T-28 is terrible. At the end of 2011, you could often meet people who did not study the branch of heavy tanks of the USSR precisely because of the T-28, but if they tell you that it is better to beat the T-28 in free experience, do not believe it. This tank can be an excellent desk for learning the basics of playing a heavy tank, as it is very similar in size, maneuverability and armament.

For fans of “camping”, the T-28 will be a dynamic tank destroyer with a rotating turret and an accurate and rapid-fire “hole puncher”, but in this case, you will have to learn how to play the heavy gun on the KV-1, periodically finding yourself in the “world of pain” for TT IX level.

For most players, the first thing to learn on the T-28 is the F-32 gun, and then the F-30. The last weapon will significantly improve the tank's combat qualities and will allow you to support your older brothers on the KV-1, to whom you will often be thrown.

If you prefer not to go in the second line, but to shoot enemies from the bushes alone, then the accurate ZiS-4, which also does not greatly reveal the position, will be a better assistant in this matter than the slowly approaching F-30. In addition, its rate of fire and maneuverability of the tank allows you to defend yourself in close combat if a Tier V CT suddenly arrives at your position. True, in the latter case this is unlikely to help you if there is enough artillery on the map - due to the cardboard armor and large size, the “tram” is one of the priority targets for any artillery commander, and this should be taken into account when choosing a position (for example, a small bush near a boulder is preferable to a large bush).

Next on the research list are the T-28A suspension and M-17T engine, followed by the M-17F. But if desired, you can skip the suspension; all modules fit perfectly on the tank, without exceeding the maximum permissible weight. Then comes the T-28 conical, it adds 30 HP and slightly increases visibility.

The 10P radio, as in most other tanks, should be studied last if you do not prefer to “shine”.

Combat effectiveness

With the characteristics of the T-28, there are only two uses for it: firefly and sniper.

The first is theoretically possible due to its relatively high speed and maneuverability (this is one of those cases when the speed is limited not by the engine, but by the outdated chassis, so it is easily gained and is not lost when turning). But its large dimensions, thin armor and lack of a powerful radio greatly hinder this. Yes, “fireflies” don’t live long anyway, but the T-28 risks dying without detecting anyone.

But the second role is much more preferable. The high damage of the F-30 for its level and the even higher dpm of the ZiS-4 corresponds to this. True, the tank is often thrown to the “big brothers”, where both top guns are not so effective, but the T-28 is quite able to fend for itself.

In good hands, this tank is a real death machine, leaving behind only ruins and burning debris. But most players consider the T-28 to be simply a pass-through tank that opens up the KV-1. And this is their main mistake.

Battle tactics

The T-28 spends most of its battles after the KV-1, Churchill and T1 Heavy, but often ends up in battle at levels 6 and 7, where at the slightest attempt to get ahead it turns out to be a target. It’s quite rare to find yourself in the “top” these days.

  • Top of the table. Being at the top, you shouldn’t delude yourself about the appearance of this car. Despite the fact that it looks much more serious than its M3 Lee and Pz III counterparts, attempts to play in the style of “hey, I’ll move forward” usually lead to the senseless death of the vehicle. The T-28's armor does not exceed 30 mm, and the high profile combined with straight armor plates on the machine gunner turrets makes you an easy target. The main advantage of the T-28 is the F-30 cannon. In terms of characteristics and effectiveness, this gun is second only to the rapid-fire M3L/37 of the M3 Lee, however, the Lee does not have a turret and is therefore much weaker in close and urban combat. The F-30 has the maximum penetration and accuracy for its level, which makes the T-28 an ideal sniper and allows you to easily dismantle any tank of level 4 and below at long and medium distances. Moreover, in such battles, the T-28 turns out to be one of the few that can easily destroy heavily armored French Tier 4 tanks B1 and AMX 40, and one high-explosive shell from the F-30, if successfully penetrated, will smash into pieces any Tier 3 tank like the BT-7 . In close combat, this gun is not as good as the ZiS-4, and the size of the tank makes it too easy a target, so try to keep your distance from enemies, hiding behind corpses and other cover.

If the enemy has French AMX 40 or B1 bis tanks, then they should be chosen as the main targets, as low-level teammates are often helpless against the well-armored French.

  • Middle of the list. When the T-28 falls into the middle of the list, freedom of action and life in general deteriorate sharply. At such levels, the armor and survivability of the T-28 do not allow it to engage in a more or less serious firefight alone. Any tank of the 5th level will crush the T-28 with two or three shots without suffering significant damage. And here again you will have to resort to sniper tactics. Hiding behind the backs of its heavy counterparts and in shelters, this tank can cause a lot of trouble for the enemy, but beware of detection; it won’t be difficult to dismantle you. If you see that a tank that has just been shot has turned its gun on you, leave immediately, it is better not to fire for 30-50 seconds than to die and deprive the team of your gun.
  • Bottom of the list. Here everything is much worse, the relative survivability of the T-28 becomes completely worthless. Here the player will have to get used to the role of fire support. Your main task will be medium and light tanks - by knocking down their tracks and treating them with your gun, you will not only make life easier for your heavy tanks, but also protect your Artillery SPGs from fireflies. With proper distribution of fire, you can make a significant contribution to the victory of your team.
  • Good top guns.
  • High speed and maneuverability
  • Big sizes
  • Thin armor
  • Poor fighting qualities in stock condition

Equipment, equipment and ammunition

The main advantages of the tank are its speed, maneuverability and the excellent F-30 cannon. It is also worth noting that this tank is a company tank and is used as a breakthrough tank. And despite its relatively weak armor, speed, maneuverability, and in particular the gun, will do their job. But there is no difference in the configuration of the tank, whether in a random unit or in a company. Therefore it is universal:


For the F-30 cannon, you should take armor-piercing shells. But you shouldn’t neglect high-explosive fragmentation weapons, as a situation may arise in which you have to fight with level 6 tanks or stop the capture of a base. In such cases, the HE projectile is irreplaceable. In the case of the ZiS-4, the situation is clear. Only armor-piercing shells. When equipped with a rammer and reinforced aiming drives, this gun turns into a machine gun.

Known Issues

Inconsistency with the historical prototype:

  • In reality the tank weighed about 25 tons, in the game - 17 tons.
  • The F-30 cannon was installed on the T-28 tank, but no firing was carried out with it.

Machine evaluation

T-28 evaluation

  • - For the excellent damage and penetration of the F-30 gun.
  • - For good speed and the ability to manage to break a grab while being on the other side of the map.
  • - For the accurate and fast-firing ZiS-4 cannon.
  • - For the accuracy of the ZiS-4, but low one-time damage.
  • - With the combination of speed and lethality of the F-30, it will not be difficult to get this medal.
  • Death Scythe- the lethality of the F-30 cannon will allow you to receive this reward.
  • - For the phenomenal penetration of the ZiS-4.

Hello, dear tankers! Today we continue to look at the US tank destroyer branch, and today we have one of the most incomprehensible and terrible Tier 8 vehicles. Terrible not only for the enemy, but also for the driver. This is a machine that does not forgive mistakes. A machine that, if used correctly, can bring panic and fear into the enemy’s formation. This is one of the most incomprehensible, creepiest, most unexpected cars in the game. Meet T28.

Well, the car is level 8. Despite its level, this vehicle does not find a place in companies, like many other tank vehicles. This machine is designed for terrible random bending, but you will have to try hard to bend everyone individually. Many drivers of this PT and the next one also pay with nerves, and many get a lot of fun. Therefore, if you do not like very slow and armored vehicles, then it is better to stop at the T25 AT. This car differs from its predecessor in all respects and in each individual respect. It’s worth trying to play on this machine, perhaps even on the OT (general test) right away in the top configuration, but if the machine is not for you, then it’s better not to torture yourself and the allied team - nerves are more expensive. It is also worth considering the fact that T95 is a truly terrifying continuation of T28 (in two senses of the word “terrifying”, for whom you decide). The value of this horror is 2,580,000 credits and 87,000 experience. The numbers are quite normal for level 8, so there is nothing scary or unattainable about them. From experience, this is even slightly less than the alternative T28 prototype. However, since the machine is quite demanding on the hands and does not forgive mistakes, we immediately need to install additional equipment, seat a good crew and apply camouflage. We will talk about the equipment later, but now expect to spend at least 1,000,000 credits on its purchase, since the previous machine was light, and this is a heavy PT with completely different class modules. As for the crew, everything is quite simple, but with its own moments. I have already said more than once that the higher the level of the vehicle, the more strongly the crew influences its characteristics. Therefore, I highly recommend transferring the crew from the previous vehicle, since the specialties are completely the same. I advise you to transfer immediately with a 100% level of proficiency in your main specialty; this can be achieved in several ways:

  • The most convenient way is to retrain everyone for gold. The perks for us and our predecessors should match, so you don’t even have to reset them. It will cost you 200 * 5 = 1,000 gold.
  • An alternative option is retraining for silver up to 100%. Here we will have to sacrifice a small amount of experience, since we will be forced to reset the crew's skills and retrain them. Thus, part of the experience in the “plus” will cover the entire penalty amount, and in addition to this we will be able to choose new perks and skills. It will cost us 40,000 * 4 = 160,000 silver.

I also highly recommend applying camouflage to your car. We are a PT, which already means that we have a bonus to camouflage, and in combination with camouflage we will get a good increase... It will cost 80,000 * 3 = 240,000 credits for 30 days. For level 8 it's not that expensive.


Here is the car's research tree

Of course, the already discovered pre-top gun and radio station cannot but rejoice. However, if you have already upgraded the alternative AT T28 prototype, then the gun and engine should already be open.

As usual, the choir room must be opened and installed immediately to increase the load-carrying capacity of the machine. We will also significantly increase the turning speed and maneuverability on different soils, which in turn is extremely important for a PT with our dynamics.

Both the top-end engine and the stock one do not achieve sufficient power to achieve more or less normal speed at our weight. Yes, a top engine is important, but on this tank the game is not based on dynamics, so a top gun will be more useful for us.

Well, we obviously won’t have enough of a stock radio station to play at our levels, so we’ll definitely install a top-end one right away, since it was opened a very long time ago and is quite light in weight. It will be quite enough for us.

This tank has a terrible, very terrible top gun. Of course, many will say that the BL-10 will be better, but this is not so. Firstly, accuracy is better here, and secondly, one-time damage does not always make the difference. There are many situations when it is more important to inflict 100 - 200 units. damage is faster than inflicting 700 - 800, but wait 15 seconds... We have more than enough penetration even with basic shells, so we won’t have problems with penetrating Mouses, Is-7s and Slippers. The damage is also quite good, and with a high rate of fire we can add more and more damage. As for the pre-top gun, it’s not enough for us, but be patient and gradually upgrade the top gun, in the end you’ll get what you wanted and the game will become much more enjoyable.

Leveling up

It is better to open and install modules in this order

  1. Radio station
  2. Chassis
  3. Top gun
  4. Engine

The last 2 points can be swapped if you find it too unbearable to drive with a stock engine.

Advantages and disadvantages of the car in the top configuration


  • Low silhouette
  • Excellent armor in the frontal projection
  • Great weapon
  • Good shooting accuracy on the move


  • Poor side and stern armor
  • Weak dynamics
  • No tower

Balance weight

We find ourselves in battles of levels 8 - 10. In principle, we don’t care who we punch holes in, but we don’t care what kind of artillery we catch blanks from. However, we feel comfortable anywhere if the ultimate machine is about you and you know how to play it.


A successful game with PA will bring us a small farm. All this is thanks to the vehicle’s good survivability and the ability to inflict high damage on any opponents. However, this is all when using ordinary shells and consumables; with premium ones you will be at a disadvantage. The game without PA will also be little different from the last option.


Well, get used to the fact that you are a mobile pillbox. We have extremely weak dynamics, so we need to very carefully choose the direction where to go from the very beginning. We are unlikely to be able to return to base, not to mention changing the flank. It is also worth noting that our body is quite long, which means that it will not be difficult to penetrate you into the side projection, and you will also get hit. We should be wary of artillery because cardboard sides and sterns and splashes will pass through just fine. Also, due to the low speed, we simply will not be able to quickly change position. Our worst enemy is ST at short distances, they can simply get in from the side and hurt us. Shoot down the tracks with them, crit the engine, do whatever you want, but don’t let them in your area. Well, this PT is probably all about its features. I will only say that you need to think carefully before every action, turn, shot. The game on this PT is built with the help of brains, not hands and experience, which is also important.

Optional equipment

Everything is standard here, but with some features

  • Rammer
  • Drives
  • Fan/lining/optics/mesh - depending on the playing style. Personally, I would put a liner, we don’t have dynamics anyway, so we won’t lose anything, but the arte will have to try harder when dealing damage. With such a lining, even a direct hit can only be an injection.


Also standard

  • Repair kit
  • First aid kit
  • Fire extinguisher

Crew Perks


  1. Sixth Sense
  2. Disguise
  3. The Brotherhood of War


  1. Disguise
  2. Sniper
  3. The Brotherhood of War

Driver mechanic

  1. Disguise
  2. Virtuoso
  3. The Brotherhood of War
  1. Disguise
  2. Radio interception
  3. The Brotherhood of War


  1. Disguise
  2. Non-contact ammunition rack
  3. The Brotherhood of War

Vulnerabilities of the machine

Orange- commander, gunner, loader
Red- engine, tanks, transmission
Green- easily penetrated zones
White- ammunition rack
Blue- driver mechanic.

And finally, a few videos of the car

In World of Tanks.

Namely, we will get acquainted with the fourth level medium tank - the T-28, or “Winnie the Pooh”, as they affectionately call it.

A long time ago, the T-28 with its F-30 gun felt like it was in a fairy tale, but then the developers decided to take away the imba.

To be more precise, they created a separate premium T-28. This did not bother the technique at all; it successfully wets the rand with a “hole punch”, having adapted to the new conditions.

And this is a good sign. So what are its features? You will learn about this by reading the review of the Soviet tank in Words of Tanks.

A little historical background

The story of Winnie the Pooh began in 1930. The attention of the Soviet delegation in Great Britain was attracted by the promising 16-ton Vickers tank, and it was decided to purchase documentation for its products from the company.

However, the British put forward a number of demands that our side considered unacceptable.

As a result, the USSR developers produced their own version of the unit after studying the sample. The tank was produced at the Krasny Putilovets plant until 1940.

Many changes were made, from the armor to the gun. It soon became clear that the technology did not fully meet the requirements of the modern battlefield. A total of 503 units were produced.

The T-28 tank began its combat career in the Winter War in Finland. Almost immediately its disadvantages were revealed: unreliable chassis and thin armor.

During the Great Patriotic War, most of the tanks were lost.


In World of Tanks, the T-28 has become a kind of “firefighter” on the front line, thanks to its powerful weapon and speed. What are its gaming characteristics?

  1. Protection. To be honest, for a tier 4 tank it’s no good. The forehead of the turret is slightly protected, but it can also be penetrated without looking (only 30 mm). And it’s hard to miss such a carcass. What did you want, it’s “Winnie the Pooh”.
  2. Firepower. The tank has two lines of weapons. One is 57 mm anti-tank “holes”, the second is 76 mm caliber guns. It all starts with the stock KT-28, after which there is a fork. Both weapons are relevant in the future, so it’s worth upgrading two branches.
  3. Dynamics. The tank's trump card is its mobility. Although it has considerable dimensions, it accelerates to 45 km/h. Yes, light tanks outperform it, but the T-28 has a higher power density. Plus – a turret with fast rotation (44 deg/sec).
  4. Communication, detection. The stock radio station 71-TK-3 has only 300 meters of communication radius, so quickly replace it with 10P with a review of 360 meters. If possible, buy camouflage.

Equipment, pumping

If you managed to play hard on the T-46 tank, then you have pumped out the 76 mm L-10. All you have to do is buy it and everything will be great.

If you plan to keep the equipment in your hangar, buy a radio station and tracks.

The maximum number of crew is six people. So there is room to roam in terms of diversity! Initially, you download the “camouflage”, the commander – the “sixth sense”.

Then you simply choose different skills, adjusting them to suit your performance characteristics. We make sure to make one crew member a “jack of all trades.” Add “combat brotherhood” at the end.

The consumables you take are: a manual fire extinguisher/large repair kit/large first aid kit. You shouldn’t skimp, as modules and crews will often be knocked out for you.


“Winnie the Pooh” is a medium tank that can stand in the bushes for a long time, and then rush into a breakthrough, turning on the afterburner. And he does it no worse than LT.

Fire tight contacts should be avoided. It's better to save your hit points until the end of the battle.

When shooting from the second line, always stand in the bushes if you cannot hide behind cover. If you are noticed, change your position.

The first shots should always be at the tracks. Play as a team, don't try to take all the enemy's HP for yourself.

If you have enough experience, target the internal modules of enemy tanks. This way you will get more money and experience.

If you're tired of standing in the bushes, go to the enemy base. Break through and give him a “fun life.”

At the same time, do not forget that you have a considerable “carcass” and self-propelled guns can pretty much beat you up.

Ideally, you need to move from bush to bush, wait for light and illuminate the space with a stereo tube.


  1. Good maneuverability, dynamics.
  2. Large crew.
  3. The best “hole puncher” is the ZiS-4.


  1. Mediocre communication and review.
  2. No armor.
  3. Visibility.
  4. Large dimensions.

The Soviet T-28 tank in World of Tanks cannot be called ideal. Sometimes it gets so annoying that you want to get rid of it as quickly as possible.

At the same time, it is impossible to resist the charm of Winnie the Pooh. And its size makes you feel scary, big, invincible.

In any case, play with him in the sandbox, where all your mistakes will be looked upon favorably.

Just have fun with this monster!

Recently, an alternative direction has appeared in the American branch of anti-tank self-propelled artillery systems - high-level anti-tank vehicles with rotating turrets. But we will talk about them later, and in this guide we will try to study all the nuances and features of controlling the self-propelled gun that has become familiar to us - the T28. This tank destroyer is radically different from both its predecessor T25 AT and the TOP American tank T95. This is something between a fast level seven tank tank and an extremely clumsy and slow TOP vehicle. In a word, the option is a compromise, without pronounced advantages and disadvantages.

Playing on it leaves a very pleasant impression. We now have the strongest frontal armor, and our best gun has excellent penetration. But we have become much slower and clumsier. In addition, if in a frontal attack we have a chance even against a heavy tank of the tenth level, then even the best light tanks will penetrate our sides and stern. So there are a lot of nuances here, let’s try to find the optimal way to upgrade and play this tank destroyer, since there are cases when the T28 turned out to be invincible, and the whole team of opponents was unable to solve the problem of its destruction.

Let's start with history. The creation of the T28 and T95 clearly deviates from the concept used by the US armed forces. Firstly, the idea of ​​​​creating heavy tanks is understandable, but in the USA a tank necessarily implies the presence of a turret. Secondly, our model was also not suitable for the class of US tank destroyers (in the States they believed that tank destroyers should be as mobile as possible, but the T28 and T95 were extremely slow). In a word, the project, which began in 1943, was never brought to fruition. Powerful weapons and thick armor made this tank a formidable opponent, but its enormous weight and extreme slowness did not fit into the army leadership’s ideas about the future of armored forces. These installations were tested until 1947, when the final decision was made to abandon such monsters.

Unlike real history, on the battlefields of World of Tanks you can meet a “crocodile” (as the players nicknamed this self-propelled gun for its low silhouette and the danger posed by it) quite often. But in its stock configuration, our anti-tank weapon is nothing special - extremely low speed and dynamics, a rather weak weapon. So we will have to try hard before we can force our opponents to reckon with us.

The first priority for owners of the factory version of the T28 is the installation of the improved “T28VVSS T56” chassis, which has a load capacity of 62.5 tons. The fact is that we can only install a stock gun on a standard chassis, but the new base will allow us to mount additional modules. Plus, we will slightly improve the body rotation speed. That's just the point, it's not much. 20 degrees per second is the maximum for us - this is the slowest level eight tank tank and one of the slowest armored vehicle models in the game (only our “big brother” T95 is slower). In any case, the chassis should be installed first.

Our tops:

It was also possible to study the AT Gun T5E1 90 mm caliber gun on the T25 AT. If you have already opened it, install it without hesitation. It has greater armor penetration, damage, and almost the same rate of fire as a stock gun. This is a good passing option, although in the future a real monster awaits us - a level ten weapon.

It’s too early to install the best and most powerful gun yet. First, let's take care of improving the dynamic characteristics of our self-propelled gun. We will do this using the Ford GAFM2 engine with a power of 510 horsepower. Agree, this is clearly not enough for a steel monster weighing 62.5 tons. In general, this engine is also installed on the next PT, which weighs even more. As a result - the minimum speed in the game. In our case, it will be only 18 kilometers per hour. Of course, this is very little, especially if you remember how nimble and maneuverable the previous model was. But there’s nothing to be done here - you’ll have to pay for the power of the guns and the thickness of the frontal armor with such a slow speed.

Now it’s the turn of the 120 mm AT Gun T53 cannon. This pleasure costs a lot - 63 thousand experience. But we get a magnificent weapon. The penetration of a basic armor-piercing shell is 248 millimeters - this is enough to penetrate the armor of almost any heavy tank in the game. Our damage is 400 units. Not bad considering that our gun has a rate of fire of 6.6 rounds per minute. In terms of damage, we lag behind both the ISU-152 and the Ferdinand, but in terms of DPM (damage per minute), we are ahead of our competitors.

The aiming speed and accuracy of a top gun are traditionally slightly worse than that of stock guns, although in general these indicators are at a decent level. In principle, you can open the T95 without studying this gun, but there is no point in this. Firstly, with it we will be able to deal more damage, which means we will earn more experience and will be able to open the “turtle” faster. Secondly, this gun will be useful to us on the next model.

The latest module for us will be the SCR 528 radio station with a communication radius of 745 meters. This is the best American radio for the tank destroyer class, so there is nothing to complain about - it copes with its task of transmitting information about the location of enemies to us “excellently”. Now all we have to do is accumulate experience to study the T95. It is worth noting that these self-propelled guns are similar in many ways (powerful guns, strong frontal armor, slowness). So, by playing the T28, we gain invaluable skills in controlling the TOP US anti-tank gun.

Before talking about game tactics, let's highlight the strengths and weaknesses of T28. They will help us behave correctly in battle, hide shortcomings and make the most of the advantages of self-propelled guns. By tradition, let's first name the pleasant moments.

The first piece of good news is that you can forget about the “crystal quality” of American PTs. Our frontal armor is 254 millimeters, so now in a head-on collision we are not afraid of even heavy tanks of the ninth and tenth levels, not to mention medium and light vehicles, which we will destroy in a minute without losing HP. The second obvious advantage is the TOP weapon of the tenth level. With it we are guaranteed to penetrate the armor of any armored vehicle up to the ninth level inclusive. Neither the IS-4 nor the E-75 will be able to escape our fire. Of course, problems will arise with TOP vehicles, so let’s remember the most vulnerable places of the IS-7 (the part of the lower armor plate to our right), “Mouse” (cheeks on the turret, NBL). When used correctly, this gun can inflict several thousand units of damage in one battle. Our frontal armor is not just thick - it is also ricochet-resistant. Good angles of inclination are ensured by regular ricochets of enemy armor-piercing shells. And the last plus is the hull shape, proprietary to TOP US anti-tank vehicles. We are like a shadow, he is so low. In practice, this allows us to use any bush as a good shelter.

Now a little about the disadvantages of this anti-tank installation. First of all, we have a very slow car. The maximum speed of movement and rotation of the body are the lowest at its level. It turns out that we have nothing to do at all in the attack - we have no chance of catching up even with heavy tanks, so in most cases we have to limit ourselves to the task of guarding our own base and shooting at exposed enemies. Our armor is strong only in the frontal part, but the rear and sides are so “cardboard” that even fourth-level vehicles can penetrate them with sub-caliber shells. This also affects tactics - ideally, we should be in a very narrow place on the map, which excludes the possibility of the enemy driving into our side or rear. Due to the squat body, we have poor vertical convergence angles. The cannon is too low to the ground, so it will be almost impossible to hit the enemy who is hanging over you on the mountain. The frontal armor is not all ricochet - the upper armor plate is poorly positioned (almost at a right angle to the enemy), and its size is too large. The last drawback is the muzzle brake on the TOP gun. Every shot is a chance that we will be discovered by dust and blown leaves.

Now about tactics in battle. The T28 is an excellent armored vehicle destroyer. Our shortcomings and advantages perfectly compensate each other, resulting in a perfectly balanced weapon for destroying enemy armored vehicles. Of the obvious disadvantages, only the low squatness of the installation can be noted. Our main task is to hide from artillery fire. There is no armor at all in the upper part of the self-propelled gun, so the self-propelled guns will inflict maximum damage on us from above with high-explosive shells, and in the event of a direct hit from an armor-piercing blank, we will simply be destroyed in one shot, despite a decent amount of HP (1150 units of health). Strong frontal armor allows us to feel confident in gorges and narrow city streets, but we are extremely vulnerable in open spaces. If a medium tank managed to get to our rear or was pressed against the side, then we have practically no chance of survival. It is advisable (especially if we are at the top of the list and the outcome of the battle depends on us) to always have one support tank next to us, which will drive away annoying medium and light tanks from us.
Due to the characteristics of this self-propelled gun, we do not have such a large choice of tactics on the battlefield. Of course, the most acceptable option is a blind defense. Our stealth, gun's rate of fire and armor penetration allow us to quickly deal with opponents who managed to avoid meeting our strike force. This tactic should be used in cases where we find ourselves in battle with tanks of the ninth and tenth levels. If we are at the top of the list, and it is we who will inflict the main damage to the enemy, then there is more choice of tactics. The first option is a systematic push through the enemy’s defenses. Here the strongest frontal armor and the TOP gun come to our aid. The main thing is that our flanks are covered by allied vehicles, which will not allow the enemy to get to us from the rear. Of course, the speed is too low, but we will attract the main forces of the enemy to ourselves, and we will be able to simplify the task for the allied machines. The second behavior option is to cover the flank. We just take a safe place in the shelter and wait for enemies. Remember that it is better to take the direction from which the main enemy forces will move, because we are able to penetrate almost any armor.

As for equipment, we would recommend installing a stereo tube (370 meters of visibility is not bad, but you want to notice the enemy from afar in order to have time to destroy him before he manages to get close to us). We also make sure to install a rammer, since our gun has a good rate of fire, and when combined with this module it becomes even better. Depending on the style of play, we will leave the third slot for ventilation, camouflage net or anti-fragmentation lining. Ventilation will improve the skills of all crew members (by the way, there are four of them). In practice, this will increase the reloading speed of the gun, its accuracy, and the dynamic characteristics will also improve. The rammer is our everything; without it, our formidable weapon is no longer so dangerous for the enemy, since they can destroy us during reloading. The camouflage net is suitable only for those who like immobility and fire from an ambush. Anti-fragmentation lining is suitable for fans of aggressive play, since with it we will receive less damage from artillery.

The ammunition capacity of the TOP gun is 40 shells. We will load most of it with armor-piercing blanks. If you have gold, you can buy a couple of sub-caliber shells (they have enough penetration to cause damage even to E-100s and mice). Be sure to leave room for two or three landmines - they will be useful in preventing the capture of your own base.

The Soviet T 28 cannot be called the strongest or one of the best tanks in World of tanks at the fourth level. This is more of an average guy, capable of performing certain combat missions, but at the same time possessing both strong qualities and weaknesses. We hope that guide to the T 28 tank in World of tanks will help you better utilize the strengths of this ST.

  • high power density
  • Good acceleration dynamics
  • Capable of maintaining a speed of 45km/h
  • Accurate gun
  • High DPM
  • Good armor penetration
  • Weak armor
  • Large dimensions
  • Mediocre review

On the one hand, there are not many disadvantages, but unfortunately they overlap each other, not only is the body pierced by all and sundry, and besides, it is also huge. So on the T-28 we are a large and light target, which also shines far away due to its size, but we ourselves are able to see enemies only at a distance of 340 meters.

Strong qualities T 28 in World of tanks not a little. They can be summarized and say that the tank has good mobility and an excellent weapon for its level. Many players consider these qualities to be the main qualities for a medium tank in the game, and they will certainly succeed by choosing the T-28.

T-28 tank modules in WoT


If you prefer to operate from afar, or in the PT style, then install it on the T-28 stereo tube, reinforced aiming drives, camouflage net or send.

If the role of a mobile CT is closer to you, then an improved one would be a good choice ventilation, forwarding, reinforced aiming drives.

Upgrading the T-28 tank in WoT

First of all, you should open the ZiS-4 gun. By installing it on T-28 in WoT, you can significantly increase the damage done, which means you can earn more experience and silver needed to replace other modules. After the gun, we pump up the engine, chassis and turret, then the radio.

Crew Perks

For the T-28 crew, camouflage would be a good choice. This will make your tall tank a little less noticeable. The sixth sense is a good skill for a commander, useful on almost all tanks, this is mentioned in most guides for WOrld of tasnks. Considering the high rate of fire, the Sniper perk will be useful.

Eagle eye and radio interception will help increase your visibility, which will not allow enemies to shoot your combat vehicle with impunity.

Tactics on the T-28 in World of tanks

One in the field is not a warrior - this phrase is perfect for the T-28; if you remain in the open space, you will become an easy target for enemies, whom you may not even see, but they will hit your outstanding hull with fair consistency. The Soviet ST has a good weapon with a high DPM, which means it can cause huge problems for the enemy team. In World of tanks it is not worth driving forward in a T-28, it is better to act as support, dealing damage from the second line.

Operating from the depths, the T-28 is able to reveal itself to its fullest potential. Allies will highlight enemies and take part of the damage themselves, and you will be able to realize the capabilities of an excellent weapon - the ZIS-4.

The T-28 can successfully operate in the style of an anti-tank self-propelled gun, setting up ambushes in the bushes. If you prefer this style of play, install a stereo pipe and a camouflage net.

Beware of land mines hitting your tank, because the T-28's armor is weak and you can take huge damage.
