Why does a mobile phone heat up when talking? The phone gets very hot when locked or while charging, is this normal? Why does the snow leopard smartphone heat up when talking?

    The answer, in principle, is quite simple - because the battery is working, it heats up the bulk of the entire phone, although maybe 10 percent can be given to other equipment.

    If we go into more depth into this issue, then during a conversation on the phone various currents pass, and this movement, it is (the movement of particles) that heats the entire phone.

    The fact that your battery heats up during a conversation, you may have some program running on your phone that you forgot to close, plus there is also a conversation, and the battery ends up putting a decent load on it. It’s good if so, but it may turn out that you have spyware running on your phone, which you obviously don’t know about. I heard about such a program three years ago, and the first way I suspected it was when the battery got hot.

    The heating of the phone during a conversation usually begins more noticeably when the battery is no longer new. Each battery has its own specific operating time. If the battery begins to heat up strongly and quickly when talking or charging, then this is a warning sign that you will soon need to change the battery, or charge it quite often.

    In fact, the answer to this question lies on the surface. The whole point is that the battery is simply working, which during a conversation is especially active in giving up its energy and discharging - this is precisely the main reason for the phone heating up during a conversation. Especially if the conversation drags on for a long time, the heating is felt more strongly.

    First you need to understand what exactly is heating up: the case (battery), the display, the processor. Secondly, don't worry. Since the phone heating up during a conversation (and even more so when charging) is quite common. It’s just that during a conversation, the battery works in intensive mode and heats up; secondly, during a conversation, we hold the mobile phone in our hand and against our cheek, which does not cool, but raises the temperature.

    Now, in order, for the main reasons:

    • battery problem. The battery works fine for about a year, and then problems begin. The old battery gets much hotter. There can only be one piece of advice here - replace it, God forbid it explodes.
    • If a mobile phone, which can conventionally be called a flagship (expensive and branded), heats up, then, strangely enough, heating is a common thing for these phones - the hardware is too powerful.
    • It can also get warm if there are many applications running, and we were also talking.
  • When using a mobile phone in talk mode, The battery is heating up. And this is not surprising, since the battery of a mobile phone gives off a lot of energy during a conversation and is itself discharged. Another important factor is that you hold the phone to your ear, pressing it to your ear and cheek and holding it in your hand, from the warmth of your body mobile phone Also heats up. This is the reason. Phones are heating up for all those who love to chat. There is nothing scary about this.

    Personally, my phone gets hot if I hold it in my palm for a long time. This happens especially strongly in the summer. The point is the battery, which gets very hot, both from a heavy load and from a warm palm, when held in the hand for a long time.

    Under heavy load, any equipment heats up, for example, a modem connected to a laptop heats up, although there may also be a faulty connector. Well, the phone can heat up from a hot hand. And current.

    Current passes through an electrical device and the nodes through which it passes heat up.

    Heat is released when the charge is discharged. Nothing criminal.

    because you seem to talk a lot, over time the battery begins to heat up - in this case, it is better to change the battery to a new and original one. Well, a less likely reason is that you changed the battery, but it does not fit your mobile.

    Modern smartphones heat up especially quickly (even during not very long conversations).

    These devices have several parts that heat up:

    And the more powerful the processor of your smartphone, the more it will heat up, even during a short conversation on it.

    In most cases, there are no problems with the phone, even if it gets hot during a conversation. The reason for the heating is that your phone's battery loses some energy when talking. It also discharges quickly. Another reason for the heating of a mobile phone is that during a conversation the phone is constantly in the hand, pressed against the cheek and receives a lot of heat from this. The longer you talk on the phone, the hotter it will become.

    It is also possible that you have some programs enabled, which may also be causing your phone to heat up quickly.

    If during short conversations your new (recently purchased) phone gets very hot, then this is a reason to take it to a service center.

Every smartphone user has experienced strong heating of the device body. But why the phone gets hot is not completely clear to everyone. To understand this topic, you first need to know the reasons and permissible temperature limits. And after that you can determine how to fix it.

Every smartphone running on the Android operating system is prone to heating. It's just that in some people it manifests itself to a greater extent. The constant rise in temperature is due to powerful modern processors and chips that ensure the smooth operation of our smartphone. Now more and more individual models are being released, in which this is especially noticeable. You can find out that your gadget is highly susceptible to this problem by browsing thematic forums.

It is important to consider that the same temperature affects each smartphone differently. For some this is considered normal, but for others it may become the limit point of acceptable overheating.

Just remember one thing: if the device heats up and becomes warm, and when you continue to use it you do not feel discomfort, then such a slight increase in temperature is acceptable and not dangerous.

Usually, only three components of a smartphone are the cause of this problem: the display, the battery and the processor, and sometimes the graphics subsystem. So, if despite your attempts, overheating has become a problem, then it is better to take your smartphone to a professional. But this is an extreme measure, let's consider what you can do with your own hands.

Possible causes and solutions

As you know, electrical appliances overheat when used for a long time. This is primarily due to the fact that they use electric current to operate. Therefore, this is what happens during use. But sometimes the device overheats more than usual. And the temperature rises above the permissible value, as a result of which the device begins to malfunction.

There are several reasons why an Android phone gets hot:

  • Tasks are running that consume large amounts of electrical energy. You need to stop performing these tasks.
  • Malfunction of the gadget itself. The breakdown needs to be fixed.
  • Normal heating resulting from the operation of an electrical appliance. If the gadget is too susceptible to this, then you need to leave it alone for a while.

CPU overheating

Often a mobile phone on the Android system heats up due to a weak processor. An example is a regular personal computer. However, there the chip is located under a massive cooler, as it gets very hot during operation. Mobile processors use a special ARM Architecture. It helps to significantly reduce energy costs and reduce heating. But despite this, the device still heats up.

The reason is that no processor is perfect. It happens that engineers make serious mistakes when developing equipment, which can only be identified after launch into mass production.

In this case, there is little you can do. There is no point in worrying about the gadget either. When the device gets very hot, the chipset clock speed is automatically reduced. This slows down performance a little, but it saves the chips and battery from damage.

Battery overheating

Another common cause is the battery. If it does not heat up while charging, this may indicate a breakdown. The battery may be too worn out and damaged and should be replaced immediately.

However, overheating can occur even after changing the battery. The reason may be that a non-original battery is installed. Which simply does not fit this device. For example, the power controller produces more current than the battery is designed for. In this case, it is recommended to contact a service center, as this can lead to serious damage and even an explosion.

Heating when charging

Let's consider another version of the problem of why the phone heats up when charging. In most cases, this is considered the norm. After all, when working, the device receives energy from the network. You should start worrying if the temperature becomes too high. Usually the problem lies in the memory itself:

  • It could break and become unusable.
  • The new battery is not original or of poor quality (current strength is not suitable). This can greatly damage the gadget.

Samsung devices are especially sensitive to such moments. It’s another matter when the gadget seemed to be charged, and then with little use it went to zero in half an hour. Then it is recommended to check the functionality of the gadget’s charging unit.

Heavy applications and games

Most users know that functions such as Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, GPS and mobile Internet use a large amount of energy. And as stated above, this is what leads to excessive overheating of the device.

Modern processors get hot under a certain load. In standard operating modes, chipsets use only 2 or 4 cores. This helps greatly reduce energy costs and increase battery usage without additional charging. But there are poorly optimized applications that immediately load the GPU to its fullest. Most games with 3D graphics fall into this category.

With games it’s more or less clear. But in order to detect energy-consuming programs, everything is a little more difficult. You can see which ones consume the most energy. It is not at all necessary that they will lead to heating. Although the probability is quite high.

To somehow correct the situation, it is advisable to delete or simply disable an application such as Facebook. It automatically collects all information about its users and this consumes the phone's resources and can lead to overheating.

Viruses and mining programs

Viruses and programs for mining cryptocurrencies can lead to strong heating, up to the complete shutdown of the device. Such malware loads the system to 100 percent, draining the battery to zero and raising the core temperature to 70 degrees. You should carefully monitor your device and use antivirus software at the slightest suspicion.

How to prevent your smartphone from overheating

To ensure that your new phone holds its charge as long as possible, it is recommended to turn off options such as:

  • GPS, Google maps and other navigation programs that automatically track your current location automatically. Turn them on only when really necessary.
  • Mobile Internet 3G and 4G. In comparison, connecting to Wi-Fi is considered not so energy-intensive. Therefore, if possible, it is better to connect through it. And if the Internet is not needed, it is better to turn it off.
  • To be fair, it should be said that when not in active mode it does not consume much energy, but nevertheless it is better to turn it off.


To take adequate measures, you should at least roughly understand why the device is heating up. To do this, you can simply touch various parts of the device and see what exactly is overheating more than usual. The methods described in this article will help solve the problem.

Additionally, you can find the Cooler Master program in the Play Market. It will automatically monitor the temperature of the device, the cause and report if the readings become higher than normal. This will help to detect and prevent the problem in time. If none of this helps, then it is recommended to contact a service center. Professionals will tell you exactly what is wrong in your case and will be able to tell you what to do.


It happens that the mobile device that we deal with every day begins to get very hot. If this happens in certain situations (for example, after several hours of continuous play), then we will not be surprised at this: it is clear that the gadget’s processor was under load, which is why its temperature increased. But it’s another matter if the phone heats up while it’s inactive or, say, when performing some simple operations. In this case, you need to figure out what is happening and what the reason is.

In this article we will try to find out what can be a source of heating in the body of your device, what means an increase in the body temperature in one place or another, and also how to deal with the noted problem.

A little theory

It is no secret to us that a working device undergoes many processes that are hidden from the human eye. This includes the work of the same processor, power consumption, graphics processing, and much more. If outwardly the smartphone looks calm, then inside it there is a series of operations that can cause, among other things, heating.

There may be several answers to the question of why the phone gets hot. To understand the true reason, it is necessary to find out which of the device modules is heating up, after which we will understand the reason for this phenomenon. And to know what gets hot, you need to understand where the heating occurs. This is easy to find out: pay attention to the place where the temperature rises.

In total, there are not many elements in a smartphone that can heat up. These are: battery, processor and display. Only these parts can cause a serious increase in temperature during operation. Because of them, the phone gets warm, but the reasons for this are different. Read more about this in the following sections, divided by the criterion of which element becomes hot.

Powerful processor

We buy devices that have 4-8 cores, capable of running any application and processing any task in a matter of milliseconds. And this gives certain positive results: working with a powerful phone is much more pleasant, because it is much less buggy and at the same time supports the operation of colorful games and applications without any problems. Therefore, we try to choose just such a smartphone, without thinking about the temperature regime of such processors. And due to their high power, their average temperature is quite high. Why is this happening?

It's very simple: if the phone's hardware is involved in calculation processes, it will heat up in any case. Only, unlike a laptop, the insides of a smartphone cannot be cooled. There is no miniature cooler-fan driving air around the “heart”. That’s why the phone you work with for at least half an hour or an hour gets warm.

The degree to which the device heats up also depends on how “cumbersome” the tasks assigned to it are in terms of performance. If you play a colorful 3D game at maximum settings for 2 hours, the phone will heat up more than when simply surfing the Internet.


The battery installed in the phone is the only source of power for the gadget if it is not connected to an outlet or PC. Therefore, the electrical energy required to operate the processor comes from here. And, as we know, a working electrical appliance can heat up if you connect it to a power source.

Therefore, if you have been using your phone for a long time, the battery may become warm, causing you discomfort.

Only in this case you need to pay attention to the degree of heating. If you understand that this is a normal temperature, due to the fact that the back cover of the device is only slightly warmer than our body, there is no need to worry. Very soon it will cool down and return to its previous mode.

If, on the contrary, you feel that the smartphone is difficult to hold in your hands, then you need to do something. First of all, you need to know if this has happened before. If not, what caused such a reaction from the device? If this is your first time your phone gets very hot, we recommend turning it off as it may damage it further. After this, you need to understand what the reason was: perhaps you used a non-original charger; or the battery has been replaced. There are quite a lot of factors influencing this, including the need to understand how quickly the phone heats up, how long it takes to cool down, what applications were open at the moment when you felt the temperature rise.

Taking all this into account, certain conclusions need to be drawn.

Hot display

Perhaps, if you notice that your mobile device screen is heating up, you shouldn’t worry about it. Most likely, you simply spent too much time on your gadget, which is why the temperature of some of its components began to rise. For this reason, for example, a Samsung phone often gets hot.

The degree of heating depends on the type of display used and the brightness setting. If the temperature rise issue bothers you too much, you can try turning down the brightness; if this does not help, contact the service center. They should tell you whether this is a normal temperature for your device or not.

Charging process

It often happens that the phone gets warm while charging. There is nothing surprising about this - when connected to the network, the charging adapter begins to heat up, after which the temperature of your smartphone’s battery also increases. If, again, you can hold your device in your hands without getting burned by it, there is no need to panic. Otherwise, we advise you to take the phone for repair and it is advisable to refuse to use the charger, so as not to cause further damage. It happens that the phone heats up when charging if the network adapter fails. If this happens in your situation, be careful: it may harm your gadget.

Communication problems

As practice shows, there are a number of other situations. when the phone heats up, discharges and shows unstable operation in general. In particular, we are talking about communication problems.

You see, if a smartphone does not receive the proper signal strength, it tries to find it, connect to the network and work normally. If this cannot be done for a long time, the device uses up its battery power and at the same time begins to heat up. In this case, we recommend switching it to “Airplane Mode”.

Do no harm!

If you feel your device heating up for any reason, first of all try to protect yourself from unpleasant situations, such as further breakdown and failure of the phone. Unplug it, turn it off, disconnect the battery - all these actions are aimed at rebooting the gadget, letting it cool down and start working normally. Only if these actions did not help get rid of the problem, start to figure out what’s wrong.

Individual working mode

Also remember that all devices are different in some way (in terms of temperature standards). One smartphone can operate at one temperature, while for another it is considered unacceptable, and vice versa. Don't be alarmed if you bought a gadget and noticed that it gets hot. Read reviews about this: you may not be the only one who has encountered this problem.

3D games, video shooting and heavy applications place increased load on the video accelerator and processor. As a result, the device not only heats up, but also discharges quickly. The active operation of navigation and network technologies such as GPS, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth or 3G (especially when there is no good coverage) leads to the same effect.

What to do

Try not to overload the device. To keep your smartphone cool, take breaks during long gaming sessions, downloading large files from the Internet, or when working with the camera and heavy programs. Disable navigation and network modules when you don't need them.

2. The gadget has unfinished programs

It is possible that one or more of the installed applications contain bugs or poorly optimized code and are therefore wasting system resources. Because of such programs, the processor can work at increased power without good reason. The natural result: more heat is generated and the battery runs out faster.

What to do

Remove all unnecessary programs from your device. If the temperature rises when working with an application that is not a game, video service, or other resource-intensive program, try uninstalling it or replacing it with an analogue one. Also, do not prevent individual programs from updating, as new versions may contain bug fixes.

3. The device is affected by external factors

If the gadget is in direct sunlight, in a pocket, under a blanket or in a thick case, this can also lead to an increase in temperature.

Individually, these factors rarely lead to overheating. But if several of them operate simultaneously and you actively use the device, then the risk of getting burned increases noticeably.

What to do

Try not to keep your smartphone under the sun in hot weather. Set up an auto-lock screen to prevent the camera or other apps from accidentally launching in your pocket. Do not put the device in your pocket if the smartphone is downloading large files in the background. Remove the case when playing games if it interferes with cooling.

4. You are not charging your device correctly

Using a damaged or non-original charger can cause problems, including overheating. If you have a working official accessory, then the smartphone should not get very hot while charging.

The exception is when the device is connected to the mains while playing games, watching videos or downloading files from the Internet. In such situations, you are guaranteed noticeable heating.

What to do

Use only original cables and adapters. If your charger is damaged, replace it with a new one. Try not to download files, run games or heavy programs on a smartphone connected to the mains.

5. The gadget has problems with the system

An increased temperature of the device may be the result of a malfunction in the operating system or its built-in programs. In addition, over time, residual files and other software debris accumulate in the OS, which can also contribute to heating.

What to do

To get started, simply restart your device and make sure the operating system is updated to the latest version available. If nothing changes, try or return to factory settings, after saving important data.

6. Something is wrong with the hardware

If the recommendations listed above do not produce results, there may be a problem with the smartphone’s hardware. Manufacturing defects or breakdowns as a result of physical damage can lead, among other things, to disruption of normal heat exchange.

What to do

If you suspect a malfunction, try returning the device to the store under warranty or take it to a service center.

Knowing why the phone is heating up, the user can try to reduce its temperature.

This will help solve one of the most common problems - although device owners also encounter it on other platforms.

If the issue is left unresolved, a smartphone may not only lose some of its functionality, but also fail prematurely.

Danger of overheating

Smartphone manufacturers provide the possibility of heating their products in some situations - when running resource-intensive applications, while charging or surfing the Internet.

Sometimes this is even considered normal and does not require any action on the part of users to fix the problem.

But, if the smartphone body constantly heats up (even when it is not in use), you should try to reduce the heating first on your own, and, if the problem becomes critical, contact service.

The danger of an overheating smartphone(and first of all, the processor and battery heat up) lies in the possibility of a noticeable reduction in battery life. After six months, the period of operation of the gadget without recharging decreases by 1.5–2 times. Sometimes its battery may even explode or spontaneously combust.

Causes of overheating

The main reasons for overheating of a modern smartphone include:

  • Problems with the platform on which the device operates (including the operation of background applications and virus infection);
  • The brightness set by the user is too high;
  • Operation of wireless network modules;
  • Wrong approach to charging a smartphone;
  • Wrong case.

Almost every user can encounter any of these reasons. Moreover, usually several of them simultaneously affect the heating of the phone body.

However, dealing with most of these reasons is not so difficult - just pay more attention to your smartphone than usual.

Problems with the operating system

The reasons for the increase in smartphone temperature are often operating system and software failures.

While using the gadget, installing and uninstalling applications, internal memory fills up with residual files, which sometimes affect the processor temperature.

An even more serious impact on the heating of the phone is the operation of open background applications that reduce the performance of the device and you can close them using built-in or third-party “task managers”.

The problem could also be with the firmware.- especially if it is reinstalled by the user himself. Errors in the program code lead to overheating of the processor and battery. You can solve the problem with a reinstalled platform by returning the gadget to factory settings or rolling back the system to a previous version (if such an option is provided), during which such problems were not observed. If your phone is heating up in the default version, it may be worth updating it.

If none of the tips help solve the problem, it is possible that the system is infected with a virus– most likely, a “worm” that transfers the user’s personal data to third parties.

Because of this, the smartphone can heat up, and the confidentiality of the information stored in its memory is at risk.

The problem can be solved by installing a good antivirus (for example, each of these programs has free versions) and scanning the system.

Screen Options

One of the answers to the question about overheating may be the screen parameters.

The maximum brightness, which is often set when using a smartphone in sunlight, reduces battery capacity 1.5 times faster than with standard settings.

At the same time, the passive cooling system of gadgets cannot cope with the increase in speed, and the device heats up more.

To solve the problem, you should use automatic brightness settings. If these indicators do not suit the user, you can change them yourself - increasing them when watching a video or while playing a game, decreasing them during normal use.

Heavy CPU usage

The smartphone's central processor is most often loaded if the user turns on modern ones.

Temperature no higher than 45 degrees is considered normal, critical - above 50 degrees.

If the gadget heats up more, and none of the methods to correct the situation helps, you should close all applications and wait about a quarter of an hour.

A smartphone that turns off due to overheating may turn off. After this, you should leave the gadget alone, trying to turn it on no earlier than after 20–30 minutes. In some cases, the problem disappears after turning it on.


Having followed all the tips for reducing the temperature of a smartphone, the user in most cases achieves the desired result.

The only exception may be a problem with the hardware, which you cannot solve on your own. However, the solution may be to contact the service.

