How to make money from Google, honest reviews. Earning money from registrations and creating accounts How to make money using Google

Good afternoon, dear readers and guests of the blog, since you have come here, you are looking for information about how to make money from google And google adsense reviews, you've come to the right resource, everything you need is here. I, like you, asked these questions at the end of 2014, as I was looking for additional sources of profit and independence, unfortunately, in our country, where laws change every year and not always in your favor, the question of finances and opportunities arises acutely It’s basic to live normally, to be able to buy an apartment, preferably without a mortgage, a car, get an education and raise children, and travel in retirement, as foreigners do and not live on a pension, you’ll agree that’s cool. That’s why I chose this direction, in view of the fact that the Internet is developing very rapidly and there is simply huge money circulating in it, which is what we will attract.

The main purpose of the post

I want to tell you right away that this is not an advertising note like most bloggers who drain traffic to all sorts of referral links, here I want to show my example of how I went to my result and didn’t listen to anyone. Everything you read on the Internet, especially about making money, should not be taken at its word, but checked; it’s the same with making money on Google advertising. I'll tell you my story. I created the first site in 2014, when search engines already covered up free earnings from buying and selling links by releasing the “Penguin” search filter, thereby closing the shop, automatically on the Internet in just one year, more than 300,000 shitty sites disappeared. My friend, when he heard that I was going to try my hand at Google Adsense, said that all the time is gone and you won’t earn anything, but I didn’t listen to him and I never listen to anyone, I just check and do it, below you will see my results . So DO IT AND GO TO YOUR GOAL!!!

What is Google Adsense

Google AdSense is a contextual advertising service from Google. The program automatically places text and image advertisements on websites that are appropriate for the context. Website owners who place ads receive income from clicks (visitors clicking on advertising links) and ad impressions (Google AdSense for context).

What is Google AdSense?

AdSense is a great way to monetize your traffic and is very easy to use. For example, I earn the most from this system since 2003. also makes the most money simply by allowing other site owners to advertise their properties on the results page. All this is implemented using AdWords.

You may see these ads appear at the top and bottom of free/organic results, or on the right side of the page. Advertisers pay a certain amount for each click on these ads.

Now you have the opportunity to grab a share of Google's AdWords earnings by displaying these texts or images on your site. When someone clicks on these ads, you can earn up to 60% of the cost per click.

This affiliate program is called AdSense

This is a great program that can help you create extra income from your website, especially if your content is focused on publishing content.

So, if you're one of those people who doesn't like paying to maintain your own website, then this is a great way to get back all the money you've invested and earn on top!

How much can you earn with AdSense?

The commission you'll receive for each click depends on how much advertisers pay Google for a particular ad. You will earn a share of this amount. Personally, I can say that payouts can range from two cents to $14 per click

However, it is rare to get anything higher than $1, although over time you will notice that you earn much more from smaller bets.

It is important to note that I will not undertake to tell you exactly what kind of earnings you will earn for a specific volume of traffic. People always want to know what the average cost per click is.

Nobody knows the answer except Google, so I personally don't recommend you listen to anyone in this case. It's unlikely that I or any AdSense site owner can give you this information, since all ads cost differently and we don't know what advertisers are willing to pay.

However, there are some niches that pay more than others. So, it would be logical to believe that the words “auto”, “real estate”, “earn” and so on, can bring you much more money per click, since these are highly competitive keywords that are used quite often.

The higher the competition, the more advertisers will pay, therefore, the more you can earn.

While Google won't reveal how much you earn for each ad clicked on your site, you can log into your account at any time and see the total amount of earnings you've generated per day, week, month, year, and so on. .

For example, if you see that in a day you earned $13.70 for 10 clicks, then you can independently calculate that the average cost of commission per click is $1.37. But remember that this is just an average. You will not have information regarding how much it costs to click on each specific ad.

The amount of your earnings also depends on how much targeted traffic your site attracts, how closely the subject matter of the ads matches the interests of your audience, the location of the ads on the pages, and also on how much commission you receive for each click.

Ideally, you should create a website about something that you are good at and know a lot about. This way, it will be much easier for you to create enough content on this topic.

My earnings in AdSense

I've been receiving checks from Google since 2004, and since then I've read hundreds of success stories of various sites whose owners achieved 5-digit monthly income.

Now I will agree that 5 figure income is not the norm for most participants.

I use AdSense on 7 of my websites. My earnings range from 7 to 10 thousand dollars a month. A lot depends on traffic, and how much advertisers pay for their ads.

My sites have been operating for a very long time, so I have no problems with traffic, therefore, that’s why I earn such amounts. I create videos on and so on. Earning money with AdSense directly depends on the numbers. The more traffic there is on your site, the more earnings you will earn.

My checks weren't always this big. To be honest, in the first months of work in 2004, my checks did not exceed $30. However, as my traffic grew, so did my receipts.

It is hardly possible to clearly and clearly state for everyone that AdSense will not allow you to become a millionaire overnight! While it may look so simple, please don't underestimate the amount of work I've put into developing my sites over the years.

Creating a website for AdSense

Before you start working on your own website, make sure that you are well versed in the topic and know a lot about the field. This way, it will be much easier for you to fill the site with content.

The more content there is, the more likely you are to be accepted into the program. Also, the more content and traffic you have, the more earnings you will earn.

If you want to earn a lot, get ready to write a lot of content and learn how to promote (read) your website. Don't think that you can launch a 10-page website and earn $500 a month. This is unrealistic.

Now let's talk about website development.

If you want to do everything yourself, then, first of all, you will need (, and then buy hosting and fill it with your pages. Decide what your website should be - static or blog-form.

Web hosts simply offer you the opportunity to host your website, but they don't teach you how to promote and optimize your website for search engines, which helps you attract traffic in the first place. So, don't expect much from them if you need to promote your website and if you want to make money from Google AdSense.

This isn't necessarily a bad thing. For example, I taught myself how to develop websites when I got into it in earnest, and it turned out to be not so difficult.

Now, for static sites, I work in Dreamweaver and my blogs are based on WordPress.

How to Succeed with AdSense

Let me tell you a couple of methods to start making money with Google AdSense.

Generate traffic

With AdSense you won't earn anything if you don't have enough traffic. Please don’t think that this is so easy to do, don’t think that this is an opportunity to get rich very quickly. This requires strength, and this whole epic begins with attracting traffic.


Try using different ad sizes, images or text, and work on color schemes. For example, I like my advertisements to be the same color as the background of my site so they blend better.

Many people prefer to make their ads stand out, but this method has never worked for me. I think this happens because it makes the ads look... like ads.

Set Channel Settings to Targeted

When you target your own channels, you make them available to advertisers who may want to target your site directly. Such advertisers pay more, which means you will earn a larger commission for each click.

It's all pretty easy to understand and set up.

Simply click on "My Ads" in your account, then select "Custom Channels". Select the channel you want to target and then click on the targeting block as shown below...

Avoid free hosting

I understand that this is a difficult time in the economy, and many people cannot easily part with money after spending it on organizing a website. But the facts don't lie. Owners of successful websites invest money. At least periodically.

I have yet to see a magazine write about a successful site hosted on or other free hosting. Never.

If you want search engines and visitors to take your site seriously, you need to be the real owner of your site. You must be dedicated to it.

Even if it means you have to wait and save money for 6 months to buy a domain name and hosting. I would do this rather than resort to using free hosting.

Another problem with free hosting is that they can delete your site without warning. This has happened many times, and most recently happened to one of my subscribers who complained to me via email. There was nothing I could do. If you don't own your website, you don't own your income.

More AdSense Tips. Watch the video below.

Just remember that success in AdSense depends on how well you attract targeted visitors to your site.

How to overcome the low earning threshold in AdSense

People often ask why they earn so little. There are several reasons for this.

1. Insufficient traffic volume

If your site has less than 500 visitors per day, then it will be very difficult for you to make any money using AdSense. You need to keep in mind that only a small percentage of visitors (1-2%) will click on your ads, so if you have 500 people visiting your site a day, that will roughly net you 5 ad clicks.

It is also important to remember that each click will earn you less than $1, so the importance of having large amounts of traffic to start making money with AdSense is obvious here.

Some niches may have more relevant niches than Google displays. This can greatly impact your click-to-visitor ratio. If the ads are not relevant to your content, then visitors are unlikely to click on them.

That's why it's important to make sure your site has plenty of content so you can help Google display the most relevant ads. True, sometimes it happens that there are simply not enough relevant ads, and nothing can be done about it.

Keep in mind that a couple of two-sentence posts with images are unlikely to help Google find relevant ads, as there is too little content.

3. Low paying niches

Let's be clear that some niches pay more than others. If you have a website about finance, then most likely the ads on your site will bring you more money than if you were running an entertainment blog.

So, the niche you choose plays a huge role in how much you can earn. This is why it is quite difficult to determine how each individual enthusiast will earn money from AdSense. There are too many different aspects.

Is your site not being accepted?

People often ask why their site is not being verified by AdSense. This question is quite difficult to answer, since I do not work at Google, and it is almost impossible to guess here.

In many cases, this is because your site doesn't have many pages. I usually recommend publishing at least 20-30 pages, and also try to keep the content within one niche and focused around one topic.

Google does not like sites that try to cover as many areas as possible, as this will make it difficult to target ads. The more focused your content, the better.

In addition to large amounts of content, try to create long articles (at least 700 words or more). Google doesn't like sites where content is divided into small "notes" because they look like they were specifically created for AdSense. Fill the site with serious sensible material, make an effort, this is your site, after all!

Also, do not forget to monitor grammar, spelling, article structure, and so on. Remember that you are entering into a partnership with Google, and this company does not like sites on which nothing is clear.

Have you been blocked from AdSense?

Recently, many website owners began to complain that their websites were blocked in AdSense due to “fraudulent activity”.

This has confused many people, as they completely deny their guilt and claim that they did nothing illegal, and therefore they are interested in what criteria Google used to make its determination.

Remember that Google makes money from advertising. The advertisements that appear on your pages cost some people a lot of money, especially if they are frequently clicked on.

  • Google tracks clicks very carefully, especially if your account is new.

So, if a company senses something that's not natural or suspects that you're getting traffic from places that encourage bots or automation, then your account will be deactivated in order to protect advertisers' wallets.

Previously, accounts were disabled when fraudulent clicks were detected and confirmed, but now you can be disabled even if the company anticipates a potential danger.

The funds you earn are then returned to the advertisers, which is why you won't be able to receive a check if your account has been disabled.

Unfortunately, no one knows exactly how a company identifies potential risks, or how it recognizes whether a click was natural or fraudulent.

In addition, everything is complicated by the fact that interaction with the company's technical support is automated, especially if you have been disconnected from the system, and all this happens without warning. This confuses those people who did not do anything prohibited. In addition, it is unlikely that you will be able to receive a satisfactory or even an extended response to your requests or questions.

It's not our money... unfortunately

As frustrating as it may be that you could be banned from AdSense any day, it's always important to remember that Google shares its profits with us. If there was no AdSense, all that money would go to Google anyway. So, if you look at it more broadly, it is their money, not ours.

I can imagine how difficult it is to experience the moments when your seemingly honest hard-earned money is taken away from you, but it’s not in vain that we tick the conditions and obligations of the program.

In AdSense, no one guarantees you anything. Now the errors of the system are obvious, and even absolutely innocent people can get caught when they see a notification about a blocked account, and that is why there is no need to “put all your eggs in one basket.”

No one is safe from being blocked... and this is the other side of the coin if you suddenly decide to connect to the AdSense program.

Attention: The article is based on translation, the author may not agree with the information presented.

Hello friends! In this article I want to tell you about how you can make money thanks to the well-known and popular google adsense service. The article is dedicated to beginners, people who are not at all into this, but want to know what google adsense is and what they use it with! I will write everything in detail and only specifics!

Before reading the article further, I DEFINITELY recommend that you sign up for a live online webinar, which we will conduct with my colleague Ruslan Bely and tell you what methods of earning money exist today and which ones are relevant for you at the moment, regardless of your age, gender and status.

At the webinar we will tell you how you can normally earn from 30-50 rubles in 9-12 months. per month thanks to your website or blog. We’ll explain everything to you in simple terms, ONE, TWO, THREE... Even a teapot will understand... Don’t miss this chance to attend such an event...

We hold such events only once a year...

What is Google Adsense anyway?

What is google adsense? Google adsense is a contextual advertising service from Google, thanks to which anyone who has their own website, forum or blog on the Internet can earn money, and real money, not virtual money, but later I will tell you how this money is withdrawn from the Internet!

So! This is how google adsens works. I'll explain with a simple example. Let’s say company “X”, which sells bicycles on earth, decided to make its own online store and sell its bicycles also via the Internet, so that people could go to their website, choose a bicycle to their liking and place an order.

This is understandable; now you can sell and buy anything you want via the Internet. So, how do people who are looking on the Internet for the opportunity to order a bicycle via the Internet find out about the existence of company “X” and that it sells bicycles? No way!

The Google Adwords service comes to the aid of company X (do not confuse it, it is Google Adwords and not Adsense). Company “X” says to the Adwords service, “Guys, we want people who want to buy a bike online to know about our online store.”

Company “X” accepts the terms of the google adwords service and creates an advertisement that contains text and a link to the page of their online store. A person who sees this ad will click on it and end up in that same online store and maybe buy a bike...

To the google adsense service, as well as to people on whose websites an advertisement from company “X” is displayed. Money is paid for clicks on an advertisement; company “X” chooses the price per click itself, whether it’s 2 rubles. per click, or 50 rubles. Accordingly, the higher the cost per click, the more effective the advertising.

Here you go! I think you understand everything here! Now let's get back to Google Adsense advertising. How can a person who has his own website start making money thanks to this service?

Everything is still very easy and simple. And again a specific example and again about bicycles. Let’s say I have my blog on the topic “Bicycles and everything connected with them,” I write about bicycles, about riding bicycles, etc., that is, people who are interested in this topic come to my blog! How can I make money from this blog?

Elementary! I can go to the Google Adsense service and tell it, “Guys, I want to make money on a blog, what do I need for this?”

Google Adsense will offer me to place blocks of advertisements on my blog and pay me for clicks on these advertisements. That is, when a visitor to my blog clicks on an advertisement, I will be paid money for it. Where to charge?

To your personal account in the google adsense system, which you will have after registering on the service, and from there you will withdraw money, again, more on this a little later.

I’m sure many people immediately have a question: “approximately how much does google adsense pay per click and how much can you earn from adsense?” Differently. When they can pay 0.5 cents per click, and when even as much as 3-5 $. I’ll tell you a secret, there are clicks with a price of 60-80 $. “Stunning, almost 2500 rubles. per click???

It can’t be,” you say. Maybe friends, maybe! It all depends on the topic of your site, on its traffic, on the TIC and PR (for beginners, don’t delve into this yet and don’t be scared), on the location of the ads, etc.

Imagine that you have a blog with a traffic of 1000-2000 people per day! How many of them will click on your advertisements? According to statistics, with the correct placement of advertisements there are 100-130 people! I think with so many clicks you can earn $30-50 a day, and if there is more traffic, the profit is correspondingly greater. Not bad right? Friends!

OK! We figured it out, now let’s tell you a scheme for making money on Google Adsense advertising, what you need to do in order to start making a profit in just a few days! As far as I understand, you already have a website or blog, if not, do it!

The earning scheme in google adsense is simple:

1. Register for the Google Adsense service.
2. Customize your ads to match the design of your website or blog and receive its code.
3. Place the code on your website or blog.
4. Watch how money comes into your account.

And now everything in detail:

1. First things first register for Google Adsense service. I registered a long time ago, so the registration and account activation scheme may have changed. It seems that after you register for the service, after some time you should receive an envelope with a PIN code, which you will need to enter into your account on the google adsense service and confirm that you are exactly who you say you are and live in the address you specified during registration and really want to earn money from google adsense.

2. Once you register for google adsense and activate your account, you will need to do the following:

a) Go to the item - “Adsense settings” - “Allowed sites” and select “Allow ads to be shown only on the following sites.” In the form, enter the address of your website or blog on which you will post ads.

b) Go to the tab “Adsense Settings” - “Channels” - «+ Add new client channels” and enter the address of your website or blog (website in my case) in the column.

Go to the “Adsense settings” tab - “Get ads” and select the item - “Adsense for context”

After the ad is created, click “next” and add the same channel we created in the tab "channels"! This is necessary for Google to track the effectiveness of this ad unit! Click “Next” - “Send and receive code” and copy the code that google adsense gives us.

Ready! The ad has been created!

3. We place this code in the place we need on our website or blog, where we want the advertisement to appear! I think there is no need to comment on anything here!

4. Let's look at how money from advertising is pouring into us!

Great! We've sorted out registration, setup, creation and placement of ads! Now let's talk a little about withdrawing money from the Google Adsense system.

Today, this service has become so popular in Russia that it is now possible to receive earned money not only with Google checks, which are very difficult to cash, but also through various payment systems Yandex Money, Webmoney, Rapida...

Google adsense pays out money when you have at least $100 in your account.

I personally withdraw money to webmoney through Rapida. . In order for you to be able to receive money earned from Google Adsense through the Rapida system, you will need to go to your account in the “My Account” menu and in the “Payment Purpose” section select the same Rapida system.

As I said, Google automatically sends money when $100 has accumulated in the account, so as not to receive money often and little, you can go the other way, you can receive money less often, but a lot. =) To do this, you just need to select the item “Delay my monthly payments” in the “My Account” section and in the “Payment Delay” section.

Let the money accumulate, $500-1000 will come up, and then you can withdraw!

So, well, let’s now give you some tips on how to properly make money on Google Adsense advertising, so that you, as beginners, don’t make gross mistakes at the initial stage, and also start getting maximum results!

Well, that's basically it! I wish you success in your endeavors and big earnings! Making money on adsense is SUPER!!! I recommend!!!

Best regards, Alexander Borisov

Easy Money? Well, let's say, not exactly easy, but real. Google's AdSense service is an excellent earning opportunity for small, medium and large sites. AdSense displays advertisements for products and services that are relevant to your site's content, targeting your regular visitors. You, in turn, receive a small amount for each ad impression or for each user clicking on the ad. Today we present to you several ways to increase your AdSense income.


Creating an ad

    Select size. We'll cover how to do this below, but Google offers best practices for getting more clicks on your ad.

    Select ad type. Determine the type of ads that will be displayed on your site: text only; text and image/multimedia advertisements; and image/multimedia ads only.

  1. How to develop your own advertising company

    How much can you earn?

      An objective approach to earning money. When registering with the AdSense system, you will probably want to know what level of earnings you can expect. Many parameters affect the level of your expected income, so effective management of these parameters will help maximize your potential income level.

      Traffic. The first and most important thing that will allow you to make money on the AdSense system is the users who will click on your ads. To do this, you need visitors who are interested in the content of your site! Regardless of whether you are the owner of a business portal or running a personal blog, there is one rule - declare yourself!

      • Large sites with intense traffic can get up to a million views per day, while for a small blog it is considered lucky to get at least 100 visitors per day.
      • For every thousand views, you will be credited from $0.05 to $5. Of course, this is a wide range of values, and if you consider the monthly period, this amount can range from $1.50 to $150.00! What level of earnings your site will achieve largely depends on you, the site itself and your efforts in promoting it.
    1. Click through rate (CTR). This is a percentage of the total number of visitors to your site compared to the number of visitors who clicked on your ad. If 100 people visited your site and one of them clicked on your ad, then your CTR is 1%, and this is normal. You will be able to see a real difference when increasing your website traffic.

      Revenue per 1000 impressions (RPM). This is an estimate of how much you could earn per 1,000 impressions (page views).

      • For example, if you earned $1 per 100 impressions, your RPM would be $10. This figure is not a guaranteed income, but based on the RPM you will be able to gauge the overall performance of your site.
    2. Content is everything. The quality of your content is an important factor when predicting your earning potential. If your website provides rich, interesting content and a user-friendly experience, you will have more engaged users. This will also make it easier and faster for Google's crawlers to find relevant ad content that best suits your site. Interested users + targeting = your formula for successful earnings!

    3. Create keyword-rich pages. Place carefully selected, revenue-generating keywords at a specific density on optimized pages of your site and you will receive natural and high-quality backlinks to your site.

      • If your site is about topics like debt consolidation, web hosting, or asbestos cancer, you'll make a lot more money than if your site's topic was “I'll give free puppies to good hands.”
      • If you only focus on high-paying keywords, you will face stiff competition. What you're looking for are keywords that have a lot of demand, but for which there are quite a few offers. Therefore, you need to do a thorough keyword analysis to optimize your pages.
    • Although Google does not disclose the exact details on which the content of ads on a particular page depends, the system rules indicate that ads depend on the text content of the page, but not on meta tags.
    • Quality is the most important characteristic of any website. If your site does not contain decent quality content, most likely a visitor who visits your site once may not return to it again.
    • Some webmasters are developing completely new sites specifically for AdSense text ads, but this is against the rules of the AdSense system, which prohibits the creation of sites completely under AdSense, especially if you probably want to place several affiliate links or sell your own product.
    • Excellent resources for making money are using sites that generate traffic, for example, Flixya. You can sign up for Google Adsense and Flixya without spending the time and money it takes to drive traffic or create your own website.
    • Don't use non-English characters on English-language pages - there is a software bug that causes irrelevant ads to appear in French.


    • Google sets many restrictions on how ads can be shown. One of the main reasons for account blocking is to set up ad blocks in such a way that visitors think that it is “content”. To be clear, never try to use CSS to hide the Google logo unless you have received official permission!
    • At the very beginning of the Internet era, you could see a request to click on ads on websites. Times have changed and now if Google detects any possible activity that looks like fraud, your account will be blocked as there is no presumption of innocence.
    • If your site has no content, Google will have to guess what your page is about. In this case, the system may determine the topic incorrectly, and irrelevant ads will be displayed on the page.
    • Don't click on ads on your site. If Google catches you doing this, your account will be blocked and all the money you've earned will be withheld. However, if you mistakenly click on your ad a couple of times, Google will keep the money earned from those clicks and there will be no penalties because this doesn't happen all the time.

Everyone has the right to earn good money, but not everyone knows how to earn it. The secrets of making money lie on the surface. How to make money on Google Adsense? With the help of a program developed by Google, it is possible to receive a substantial monthly reward. This type of income requires having your own website or blog.

Critical point: your site must have more than 5,000 visitors per day!

What is the program

If you have a website with traffic, anyone can make money using this affiliate product.

This is one of the types of passive income, which can be obtained in the following ways:

  • From contextual advertising when placing a block visible to visitors. The contextual ad should resonate with the information on the site. The search engine itself determines which ad to place based on an analysis of keywords and the frequency of their use. You can design your advertisement at your own discretion: color, size. Advertising should be in harmony with the site and not be annoying, so its creation must be approached with the utmost seriousness.
  • You can also place Google search blocks on your page. Profit is accrued based on the number of clicks. For one click on an advertising blog, income is charged from 3 cents to 5–7 dollars.
  • Earning money from games and posting video materials with InStream advertising.

How it works

In the Google Adsense system, you will be called a “publisher”. The technology is as follows: the owner of an online watch store, for example, places advertising on your resource for a fee - through the Google Adsense system. A visitor to your resource, if he is interested in a given product, can click on an advertisement and then be taken to the advertised online store.

For one click, the advertiser sets a certain price, which is distributed between the owner of the site on which the block is located and the Google service. A click is essentially one visit by a person to the advertiser’s website. The higher the cost per click, the higher your earnings as a publisher and the higher the advertising effectiveness.

Advantages of making money with Adsense

  1. Earning passive income while sitting at a computer in the office or at home. At the first stage, you will have to devote a couple of hours a day to the site; subsequently, money will be earned automatically, and there will be no need to waste time on it. This is just income for lazy or very busy people!
  2. It’s easy to earn from 1000–3000 USD without much effort.
  3. Possibility of combining with main job.
  4. If you are a webmaster, there is a minimum investment in creating, promoting and optimizing your site for Adsense. Earnings are approximately three thousand. e. you can get it even on a simple website, without any bells and whistles. You just need to fill it with content correctly. If you have no experience in web programming, you can use free website creation systems.
  5. The secrets of this activity are widely described on the Internet.

You can hope to receive real money if you properly think through and optimize your website so that there are more visits; profit directly depends on their number.


  1. Registration for Adsense. To register in the system you need a Google mailbox. Go to, to register you need to click “Sign up”, select your account and Russian language. Next, fill in the data fields: you must provide reliable data. Within a week a confirmation will be sent by email. Now you can start working.
  2. Set up ads in accordance with the site design. To do this, go to the Adsense settings and in the “allowed sites” select the option “allow ads to be shown only on the following sites.” This action is necessary to place advertising exclusively on your own website. Indicate your website or blog.
  3. Then create ad types (size, type, design) in the Adsense for Context section. A code will be automatically generated that must be placed on your resource.

The procedure has been completed, and all that remains is to wait for daily receipts.

  • To avoid being banned from Google, it is better to read the rules of the Adsense program before starting work. Violation of the rules threatens the loss of this service.
  • Don't overload your site with advertising. Visitors usually want to leave such a site immediately, because with such an abundance of advertising it simply dazzles the eyes and it is difficult to concentrate on the main thing.
  • Advertising must be placed in such a place that it catches the eye of the site visitor. A good solution is to use large square advertising texts at the end of the article on each page. You can also place advertisements in the article itself.
  • Image ads are more eye-catching and get more clicks.
  • The advertising code of the ad cannot be changed!
  • Under no circumstances should you increase views yourself, that is, click on advertisements yourself, since the robot tracks the IP address.
  • The newly created resource does not need to be immediately overloaded with advertisements; let people first get used to the site, and its traffic will reach a figure of three hundred people.
  • Ads cannot be placed on a site that is intended for sales, because buyers can go to a competitor and buy a product or service from him by clicking on the ad.

Amount of income and withdrawal of money

Receiving a reward depends on many factors, including the content of the site or blog, the number of visits and the location of the advertisement. To receive large amounts of money, you also need to promote your website so that it is among the first in search results. But that is another topic.

How much do advanced bloggers earn - at least 30,000 rubles monthly. For practically passive income, this is quite good money, especially for residents of the regions.

Earned funds can be withdrawn through WebMoney, Yandex Money, or through the Rapida payment system. The minimum withdrawal amount is $100. Adsense automatically pays out money once a month when the amount for the previous month exceeds this figure. If you want to receive a large amount at once, but later, you can choose a delayed payment in the system.

Topics that generate more income:

  • insurance,
  • hotels,
  • movies,
  • passenger cars,
  • education,
  • credit,
  • banks,
  • trips.

These are the most popular positions, arranged in descending order.

As you know, any business activity is subject to taxes in accordance with the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. Not so long ago, the tax office was not too interested in business on the Internet, but since many entrepreneurs are switching to business on the Internet, the tax office is showing increased interest in them.

If your income is small, you don’t have to worry too much. But if you receive large incomes, it is worth registering as an individual entrepreneur. Typically, the tax office does not audit newly created enterprises that are not yet 3 years old from the date of registration.

As you can see, the Google Adsense program pays well for those who take into account all the recommendations. What’s most interesting is that you can earn income in any country by doing this business.
