How to enter keys in Steam, and why it is needed. What is a key in Steam and how to activate a game on Steam How to activate a key in the mobile version of Steam

Many of us use the Steam gaming client, which provides access to many popular games. Downloading games from Steam often occurs using an electronic key, and having received such a key, the user sometimes does not know how to work with it and where it can be activated. This material is intended to help such users; in it we will tell you how to activate the key in Steam, and what is the step-by-step procedure for such activation.

What do you need to know about the key in Steam?

Let me remind readers that a Steam Key is a digital-alphabetic code that allows you to activate a game in your Steam account. You must be the owner of such an account, and if you do not have one, then you need to register and create it.

Steam does not sell keys to ordinary customers. You can buy such keys in various computer online stores, receive them as a gift (gift) from another user or game developer (the latter have many free keys), purchase them second-hand from some dubious seller, and so on. At the same time, in most cases, the buyer himself is responsible for the validity of such a key, and if you suddenly find a message in Steam that the key you previously activated has been revoked, you can only shrug your shoulders, since it will be difficult to prove something.

I also note that when activating a key, the latter is tied to a specific account, and it will be impossible to activate it on another account.

To view the activation status of your existing keys, just go to “Account”, then to “About Account”, and then to “Licenses and Key Activations”.

How to activate the game on Steam with a key

So, you somehow received a key for the game on Steam, and you want to activate it immediately. I recommend doing the following:

We activate the key in Steam through the browser and mobile applications

Many users often ask if it is possible to activate a Steam key through a browser and mobile phone. If previously the possibility of activation through a browser was not available, activation through a mobile phone (using the functionality of various mobile applications). And it did carry the danger of allowing attackers to access your account (after all, the user de facto transferred his Steam account data to mobile application developers), but now there is a completely official possibility of activating your key through a browser.

To do this, you need to go to the activation page on the official website, enter your account information there (having a Steam account is required). And activate the product (you can try using the same link using a mobile browser). I also ask you to take into account hypothetical changes in Steam policy, and the possible removal of this tool in the future.


In this material, we looked at what a key is in Steam, and what is the step-by-step algorithm for activating such a key. The activation procedure itself is performed in a rather formulaic manner and does not pose any difficulties for the average user. At the same time, I also recommend making sure that you purchase keys from a trusted counterparty, otherwise at one sad moment you may face the revocation of your Steam key.

This is a fairly common topic on many forums and Steam gaming communities. Let's see what it is and how to use the keys you receive.

What is this?

Before thinking about how to enter keys in Steam, let's see what it is all about. So, you have decided to buy yourself this or that game. How can developers and creators protect their product from illegal copying? Of course, many come up with different protection systems, while Steam offered an interesting thing - a key.

This is not something that can simply be generated by a cracking program. In order to answer how to activate a key in Steam, you must first obtain it. And the way to get it is simple - buying the game. After that, it will be sent to you by email. There is one for each game. With all this, these keys are created individually, which guarantees reliable protection against copying and attempts to “transfer” the game from one account to another. Now let's see how to enter keys in Steam.

If the game asks for keys...

So, users may encounter such a problem that when starting the game they may be asked for an activation key. Very often this problem appears on Need For Speed. Players quite often ask what to do when they have already activated all the keys, but the system still does not let them into the game. How to enter keys in Steam in this situation?

Here, of course, the situation is somewhat different from what we will consider further. The thing is that many games require an additional key. It is obtained through registration in a particular project. Thus, you will need to “dig” through your letters that you received and find the one that the game support sent you. It must contain the active email and the required combination of numbers and letters. Just enter everything you need into the required fields, and the problems will go away on their own. If this does not happen, contact support - all games are purchased on Steam, which leaves you the right to use the so-called support, which should help you solve the problem. But there is another situation that is more suitable for our topic today.

First start

So, how to enter keys in Steam when the game requires them? You need to register an account and then buy any desired toy. With all this, you must have an active email and access to it. After you make a purchase, you will receive an email containing a key.

But where to enter the key in Steam? Sometimes playing on your own the first time you start it requires an introduction from you. You will just need to copy it from the received letter and paste it into the required fields during the first launch. So this process will not take you much time.

There is a little advice: you shouldn’t buy many games at the same time and launch them right away. This is necessary so that you do not get confused with the keys. It is best to do everything consistently and gradually. True, you can open many windows in your browser, each of which will open a specific letter with a key. But this is not the best idea. There is another method of “activating” the key. Let's see which one it is.

Key activation

So, if you need to activate the “number” sent to you, but you don’t know where to enter the keys in Steam, then the following words will definitely help you.

In order to successfully activate a key issued by the Steam system, you, of course, need to have an account and access to it. If you cannot log in to the account from which the key was sent to you, you can completely forget about activation.

However, if everything is fine with access, then you will need to install the Steam agent and then log in to it. Next, go to the "My Games" section. Here you have to read the user agreement and then confirm your consent. Next, you will need to enter the received key for the game in the window that appears, which you received immediately after paying for the purchase. Click "Ok" and wait a bit. The toy will appear in your games list. Now you can safely use it with the activated key. Remember that when you change your account, you will not be able to transfer your old version of the game to it - you will have to buy a new one. So take care of reliable protection of your existing account from ill-wishers and hackers.

It’s already autumn, and very soon it will be October, in which the next one will take place. But after purchasing a game code on the portal, many people wonder where and how to enter the key in Steam.

On Steam you can get promotional codes, as well as purchase an activation code for your favorite game. To activate the key in Steam, you need to follow a few simple steps. The only thing is that you must have the official software of this store installed. Although recently Steam allows activation directly through the browser.

How to activate a key in Steam on PC

  • The first step is to download and then install the online store software on your computer. You must download the software exclusively from the official website.

Attention! Do not use file hosting services, torrents or other file sharing services. An installer loaded in this way may contain viruses. Download the program only from the official website of the online store.

  • After you have downloaded the program, you should install it on your computer. And then log in using your Steam account.
  • Next we find the “Games” menu, in which we are interested in the “Activate via Steam...” item.
  • The next step is to accept the subscriber's message. If anyone is interested, read what they write about. If you’re not interested, scroll down and then click “I Agree.”
  • The “Product Activation” form will open, in which you need to enter the key in Steam to activate the purchased game.
  • After this, the system will think a little and report that the operation was successful.

Is it possible to activate a Steam key through a browser?

Many people do not want to install additional software on their PC. Then a reasonable question arises: is it possible to activate a Steam key through a browser? Not long ago, the Steam online store introduced the option to activate a key through a browser.

To do this you need:

  • be a registered user of the online store;
  • follow this link;
  • enter the key, accept the user agreement and click the “Continue” button.

After this, the system will notify you that the product has been successfully activated.

How to activate a Steam key on your phone

Another popular question from users is activation on the phone, via Android or iOS. Here the situation is similar to activation via a browser. At this point in time, you can use the browser of your phone or tablet for this purpose. There is no application for activation via phone.


Thus, at this point in time, the only way to enter the key in Steam is to use the official software of the online store. This software must be downloaded and installed on a personal computer. Recently, you can use a browser to activate.

Hi all. Today I want to tell you about what a key is in Steam and how to activate the game on Steam. If you are not yet familiar with this service, then after reading today’s article you will learn how to activate games on Steam.

First, let's look at what a key is in Steam. Key- this is a special code with which games on Steam are activated (added to your account). It mainly consists of 15 characters, and can contain both numbers and letters. Here is an example of a key in Steam:

As you can see, every 5 characters there is a hyphen, dividing the key into three parts. Also, keys may be slightly longer than the previous one or may not have hyphens at all. Such keys, although quite rare, sometimes come across.

Where can I get the keys? Well, for example, in many online stores you can purchase a key to a particular game (you can also buy a key on Steam itself). For a fee, of course. You can also win keys in daily competitions, which are often held on the same online stores. In general, there are plenty of ways to obtain keys, the main thing is to know how to do it.

After you buy the key you will need to activate it. Therefore, after considering what a key is in Steam, let's move on to the second topic of the article and see how to activate the game on Steam.

How to activate the game on Steam

First of all, you must have your personal Steam account where the game will be activated. After registration, go to any page of your account and at the top of the window, first click on the " tab Games" and then on the inscription " Activate on Steam...":

Here you just need to press the button " Further" to go to the next step:

This window contains the so-called “Steam Subscriber Agreement”, which describes various information on using Steam, your rights, and so on. Click " Agree" to move on:

Here we come to the main window where you can activate the game on Steam. Copy the resulting key and paste it into the only text line located in the center of the window:

If the key is valid, then after pressing the " Further", you will be able to activate the game, and it will appear in your account library. Otherwise, the system will inform you that the key is invalid and that activation of the game is impossible.

That seems to be all, we have gone through all the basic steps of activating the game on Steam. Now, to check if the game is in your account, go to the " tab Library" and in the left list find the name of this game:

Some novice users do not know how to activate the key in Steam. This function is for .

There are also users who simply have certain problems with this procedure.

We will try to answer all questions related to it. Go!


Why is the code needed?

To put it simply, it is needed in order to simplify the procedure for receiving it after purchasing it as much as possible. The purchasing procedure is as follows:

Considering the principles of operation of the application, the procedure described above is optimal. If it were not for her, then receiving the purchased application would be very difficult.

True, this is only relevant for those cases when it is purchased not on Steam itself, but on some third-party resources.

With the standard purchase procedure (without a key), everything is simple - we find it by name or in the list of available ones, go to the page and click “Add to cart”.

Where to get?

There are a lot of resources where they are sold. These are all kinds of sites, such as, and the like. Most of them are very famous and “promoted”.

They work very simply - someone buys a game and gives away the code for it, again, for money through their website.

And we, ordinary users, make a purchase of these same keys (or keys - it’s the same thing).

What to do after purchase

Now let’s move on to the activation procedure itself. It is as simple as possible and consists of the following:

  1. Launch Steam. After this, of course, you need to log in to this program.
  2. In the menu at the top, select the “Games” menu. In the drop-down list, click "Activate on Steam...".

Required item in the program window

  1. Then the first window will open. There will be short instructions on the procedure you are currently following. Nothing special is written there, so you can just click “Next”.

  1. After this, you can read the license agreement. There is information on the terms of use of the account, standards of conduct, and so on. Here, click the “Agree” button. It is advisable, of course, to read the license. It's convenient that you can print it out. To do this, click on the inscription "Click here to print".

  1. In the next window you will need to enter the purchased code. There is a single input field, so it is impossible to mix up anything. When this step is completed, click Next and wait for it to happen.

After this, if the key passes verification, the game will appear in the library. The activation window will close automatically and the library we need will open.

Select it from the list on the left. If you just installed, there will be only one line.

Once the page is open (again, if you are a new user, it will open automatically), click on the “Install” button.

All you have to do is wait until the installation is finished and start playing.

Is there any other way to do the same?

It is impossible to activate the key anywhere except the Steam program on your computer.

There is information on the Internet that this can be done in, but this is not so. The only way is to use Steam on a PC or laptop.

If you have other questions, write them in the comments. We will definitely answer.
