Mix Poster is a VKontakte auto-posting program. Autoposting on VKontakte: the best free and paid services Services for autoposting on VKontakte

Welcome to my blog! In today’s article I will tell you what services you can use to auto-post on VKontakte and other social networks. Comparing existing services will allow you to choose the best service that provides delayed posting to social networks.

Auto-posting allows the community administrator to significantly save time. On specialized services, you can prepare posts in advance and specify the publication time at which the post will be automatically published on the desired social network.

SmmBox - convenient auto-posting on VKontakte

The VKontakte posting service Smmbox provides you with the following options to simplify your work with filling groups:

  1. The coolest feature of the service is the automatic search for popular posts by category, key phrases and a compiled list of suitable groups on the following social networks: VKontakte, Facebook, Odnoklassniki, Twitter, Instagram, Google+. If you fill a group with content that is not your own, this is an ideal way to quickly find interesting material and a huge time saver for the group administrator.
  2. Delayed posting on VKontakte according to a schedule via Smm Box. In an hour you can set up publications for a month in advance at the time you need! As you know, the standard VK service allows you to schedule no more than 50 posts. Facebook doesn't have such a feature at all.
  3. You can automatically add watermarks to published images. This feature is useful for those who publish original content. It makes no sense to put watermarks on borrowed images.
  4. Found content can be published in several different groups.

Open the spoiler to watch the video review

Wide and convenient functionality will allow you to reduce the time for filling groups by at least 5 times! SmmBox is a shareware service. You are provided with free trial access with full functionality for 14 days. Then, if you pay for 3 months, you get a 30% discount, and if you pay for a year at once, the savings will be 60%.


Of course, Cleverpub provides delayed posting on VK. Using the timing function, it is convenient to plan the release time of publications. After setting it up, all new posts will be offered free time to post.

CleverPub provides statistics and dynamics of the development of your community.

A very convenient feature is batch uploading of images. After uploading images, you can add a text description to them.

You can search for messages in communities using the following parameters:

  • thematic category;
  • by percentage of virality, likes and reposts;
  • by type of post (pictures, music, video);
  • search priority (by query relevance, likes, reposts);
  • search by time;
  • search across all communities or a selected one.

If you need an administrator for a group, you can find one in the rating published by the auto-posting service Clover Pub.

Free auto-posting on VKontakte with the CleverPub service is available for 7 days. Then you pay one of the tariffs and continue to use the full functionality of the service.

All-inclusive tariff for 30 days (includes Autopost, Tracking, Message Search, Community Search) – 700 rub. 90 days – 1800 rubles, and half a year – 3300 rubles.


Delayed publication service EcoTime.me also allows you to set the time at which your posts will be automatically published in communities.

Ecotime features:

  1. Automatic posting on VKontakte.
  2. Convenient setting of the publication schedule. On the chart we set the required time, the interval between publications and their number per hour. Posts queued for publication will be posted according to the specified schedule.
  3. Load the logo template in PNG format into the settings template and now you can overlay the logo on published images.

As you can see, the EcoTime.me service has a basic set of functions for the group administrator, which allows you to reduce work time.


Through SMM service KUKU.io you can carry out delayed posting and analyze statistics on the most popular social networks Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google+, Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki and other less popular ones on our market.

KUKU service analytics allows you to track subscriber engagement, the number of clicks, the number of mentions and reposts. But this feature is not provided for free.

You can publish up to 50 posts per month for free and connect 3 communities on social networks. The extended plan for $9.99 per month allows you to connect 10 social media accounts, post 1,500 posts per month, and view activity analytics. For team work of up to 5 people, there is a “Team” tariff costing $49/month.


The main disadvantage of the feedman.ru project is its unstable operation, which is why not all posts come out as planned. It is most effective to use it as a supplement. If we compare the free functionality of Fidman with KUKU, the former has richer functionality:

Auto-posting on VK, FB and Twitter is available for free. Also, on a regular account you are allowed to connect up to 10 channels and store published messages for 21 days.


Socialite is primarily a service for advertising on social networks. As an additional feature, Sociate provides free auto-posting on VKontakte, Facebook and Odnoklassniki.

With “AutoPost” you can publish posts on VKontakte with attached photos, audio, videos and links. You cannot publish attached videos and audios on Odnoklassniki. And on Facebook only photos are allowed. This problem with attaching to Odnoklassniki and Facebook is the main disadvantage of auto-posters.

Sociate makes it easy to work with image packs. First, set up a publishing schedule, and then upload a bunch of photos, which will automatically be saved as separate posts. They can then be edited by adding a text description.

Having examined various services that provide auto-posting on VK, we can conclude that CleverPub is the most functional, and SmmBox is the cheapest. Leave your feedback on the work in the comments to the article.

Auto-posting to social networks can be set up for free through each of the services discussed above. But the functionality will be very limited. If you know a good and functional, and most importantly free SMM service, write in the comments.

In this article we will compare programs for auto-posting on VKontakte.. We already have a separate one, now it remains to list a few more programs and compare them. The article discusses 6 software - one paid and 5 free.

So, who needs this: this is needed for those who want to sell something online or advertise affiliate products. Autoposting is the placement of information without using the VK interface; in some cases, software can even parse the material.

So, we list the programs that work with the publication of material on Vkontakte:

  1. Script for imacros;
  2. Feedron;
  3. Spotlight on VK;
  4. ViKing Botovod;
  5. Vk-master;
  6. VkDog.

As you know, Imacros is a universal tool for solving various problems. You can record the macro or complete it yourself. You don't need to know programming to write tasks for this script. How it works? You click record the action and start filling out the forms you need, you can even switch between tabs. The plugin has three operating options; you need to experiment to find the most optimal one; as a rule, auto mode is enough. You need to think about and implement the following actions in code: connecting a csv file and getting material from it.

  1. The plugin itself is free, the only thing is that it does not fit all versions of Mozila (there is also a paid version in the form of software, you don’t need it);
  2. You can develop or complete someone else's macro;
  3. The program performs actions one-on-one, like a person;


  1. Does not work in multi-threaded mode, only one tab through which work is carried out;
  2. Low speed;
  3. There is no parsing of ready-made content. Programs for collecting posts and delayed publishing will cope with these tasks much more beautifully.


You can see the menu and functionality of the program in the photo above. Advantages:

  1. The presence of such items as parsing (called grab in the program) of content from specified communities according to various criteria. So, you can specify that the post should have a description, a certain number of comments, likes, etc. You can collect various content - video recordings, just text, audio recordings.
  2. Another interesting setting is the parsing of new records (called “robber” in the menu). It works on the following principle: you select the groups you like and the scanning time, and Feedron checks after a specified period of time to see if new entries have appeared. If they appear, the program copies them to your community. The material type is set in the settings.
  3. Grabbing an entire wall is an easy copying from a specified VKontakte community according to certain criteria, for example, you can copy only video posts, etc.
  4. Another option for autoposting is to use quotes from nextjok.net, bash.im, bezdna.su. The publication of messages can be configured by time.
  5. Publishing your material. Configured using the “create new entries” button
  6. Cleaning – mass deletion of posts based on certain criteria. Stop Spam – search and mass removal of advertising comments, works using special dictionaries. The program also allows you to find and block users who send spam.
  7. Adding material to the Wiki menu, for example, you can add new users, quotes, and more;
  8. In the settings you can enable anti-captcha and computer shutdown time.

Spotlight on VK

Another program that is used to promote groups, public pages, personal profiles and events. The functionality allows you to automate the parsing of users, inviting them to a group, friends, and joining a group. The most important thing is that with the help of Spotlight on VK you can set up auto-posting on your VK wall. So, let us now list the capabilities of this software:

  1. Putting smart likes to attract attention;
  2. Built-in browser that allows you to work with several accounts at once through different proxies;
  3. Inviting into a group;
  4. Delayed auto-posting with easy schedule settings;
  5. Maintaining statistics;
  6. Constant program updates;
  7. Free.


  1. If you read about Feedron, you immediately realized that Spotlight on VK has poorer functionality. What immediately catches your eye is that there is no parsing of finished material. There is no tracking of updates in other groups, only auto-posting of finished material.

ViKing Botovod

A program that allows you to do more than just set up auto-posting is adding posts both in your personal account and on the wall of a group or event. It is clear that information posted in the group to which the user is subscribed will appear in his news. The criterion for choosing a program for auto-posting is also what additional functions it has:

  1. There is a free version;
  2. Sending personal messages;
  3. Putting likes on specified addresses;
  4. Artificial intelligence that supports communication with users. Interestingly, the developers published information that the length of the conversation reached up to 550 messages in total, and the interlocutor did not understand that he was communicating with a bot;
  5. Proxy;
  6. Scheduler;
  7. Adding friends to your account based on certain criteria;
  8. Built-in browser with the ability to open multiple tabs;
  9. Account anti-ban system;
  10. And here’s the most interesting thing about auto-posting: the program can be connected to the RSS feed of your site and new articles will be published on VK pages, groups or meetings. Some services offer this opportunity, but their advantage is that they can publish it to different social networks.


  1. Paid, promotional price on the official website: 2850 rubles, one-time purchase.

Vk-master (Mix Poster)

This is posting and auto-posting of the most popular posts from a given list of groups. Your users will receive interesting information and will want to share it. Those. Publishing only your product is a bad tactic. Now, if you offer participants of groups and public pages just interesting information, this will change things for the better. So, Mix Poster will be useful to businessmen who develop their business through VKontakte and Facebook. So, the advantages of Mixposter and its functionality:

  1. Delayed publication of posts and their saving offline;
  2. Multi-channel sending of posts to the wall;
  3. Inserts for generating a unique post;
  4. Auto-replace links or text in a post;
  5. Parsing posts from VKontakte;
  6. Quick change of users in a click;
  7. There is a manager for re-publishing videos from a VK group.


  1. Paid, but there is a free trial period. Plus, something we haven’t seen anywhere else yet – there is the possibility of renting software for three months.


This program will help you, even if you are leading not one group, but a thousand and one. VKDog is an automatic filling of VKontakte, you can manage several VK groups, receive payment for it, and the program will do the main work. So, the main functionality and advantages of Vkdog:

  1. You can add your own hashtags, copyright and signature to your posts;
  2. You can add watermarks to photos;
  3. You can automatically change the description for the video;
  4. Indicate the words and phrases that will need to be replaced;
  5. Parsing materials with a certain number of ratings;
  6. Antigate;
  7. Parsing by keywords;
  8. Publishing material by repost;
  9. It is possible to add photos in advertising;
  10. The program has been developed for a long time, a very successful project.


  1. Paid, only monthly fee, quite expensive.

Comparison of programs and services

Now let’s compare the functionality of programs and services with similar tasks. Since the software is paid, we will compare it with paid services. Both options are updated and performance is constantly maintained. Almost all software is paid for one-time, unlike websites. Another advantage is the presence of its own functionality, which is not implemented on websites.

The main component of any successful group is the posts that are published on the community wall. Today there are many services on the Internet that help facilitate the process of publishing content. Developers know that VK auto-posting is the most popular service. It is this tool that will be discussed in this article.

Auto-posting to VKontakte groups

VK autoposting is a tool (function) that allows you to automatically publish pre-planned content.

The main task of auto-posters is to automate the process of publishing posts, which greatly facilitates working with the community.

For example, you have a group where you need to publish a new post every two hours. For some, this is completely inconvenient, since it is not always possible to be online. Someone hires individual people—editors—to perform this task. But what's the point when there is a tool specially created for this - auto-posting.

Using this tool, you will no longer worry about posting a new post every few hours. It is enough to devote an hour or two of your time and schedule posts for several days in advance. If the topic allows, then you can plan at least a few weeks in advance.

Of course, auto-posting is not suitable for every group. You can only use it in a category where you know in advance what content will be published in the future. For example, you have a community of lovers of classical literature, where you publish various excerpts from certain works. In such a community, recordings can be scheduled at least a month in advance. But if you have a public news site, then you are unlikely to know what exactly you will publish tomorrow.

Auto-posting on VKontakte can be divided into two groups:

  • Internal – use of an auto-poster (or “timer”) built into the site;
  • Third party – use of special software.

The first method is free. The second one depends on the specific service (there are free and paid ones).

After the appearance of the timer on VKontakte, some services lost their relevance, since there is simply no point in paying for what is available in VK itself. Therefore, the developers, in addition to the autoposter, began to add a grabber to their software.

A grabber is a program designed to monitor and collect material. In other words, it finds the content you need (ready-made posts), then you can edit it, and then schedule publications. As a rule, the search is carried out according to specified criteria (topics).

Pros and cons of auto posting

Of course, this function has many more advantages than disadvantages. Let's highlight the main ones.

  • Process automation. All you need is to schedule posts, the program will do the rest for you.
  • Publication accuracy. All your posts will be published at exactly the appointed time and will contain exactly what you specified.
  • High efficiency and productivity. The program can do the job much faster than a human.
  • Low cost of service. The price ranges from 200 to 500 rubles. per month (for 5 communities). This is not such a large amount. It easily pays for itself if you place at least some advertising on your public page.
  • Availability of free software. If your budget does not allow the use of paid services, then it will not be difficult for you to find free analogues.
  • The presence of grabbers in some programs.
  • Most services are paid.
  • Using services that search for material, you may encounter copyright issues. Mostly popular public pages with millions of people face this problem, so they are forced to edit and check each post.

Autoposting SmmBox

One of the most convenient online services is .com

It allows you to schedule posts for a week in advance in just 10 minutes. Its functionality includes the following features:

  • Finding relevant content for your community;
  • Editing posts;
  • Publication at the appointed time;
  • Statistics and analysis of posts.

All this will allow you to save time on selecting material for your community.

The project offers a free trial period of 14 days. You will be able to take advantage of the full functionality and decide for yourself whether this service is right for you.

As for prices, one month of using the service will cost you 299 rubles. (5 groups).

VK postinger

Unlike the example above, this software must be downloaded to your computer and then used for its intended purpose.

The spammer "" is designed to promote a business on VKontakte. This is done using the following tools:

  • Parser – search (by criteria) for users, groups and videos;
  • Liker photos/posts;
  • Sending messages/comments;
  • Sending out invitations;
  • Grabbing posts;
  • Repost from specified groups;
  • Delayed posting.

A wide arsenal of possibilities allows you to use the program not only as a tool for mailing, but also for auto-posting.

The main advantage is the free version of the program. There is a “PRO” version, which costs 99 rubles. Agree, this is very little, taking into account the fact that the program is purchased once (no payments every month).

Other auto posters

In addition to the programs described above, there are many other similar projects and services on the network. Below we have indicated the most popular and effective of them:


The cost of services for this project is 450 rubles/month. for 5 accounts (there are several tariffs).

Its functionality includes:

  • Grabbing posts;
  • Editing;
  • Postponed publications.

High-quality implementation of assigned tasks has ensured SMMPlaner great popularity among administrators of VK groups.


Another service similar in functionality. Monthly cost of use – 350 rubles. (for 5 accounts).

RoboPosting can search for content for your community and schedule future posts.


Unlike other similar projects, Socposter offers payment for each post. The cost of 1 post is 1 ruble.

You can also order a search for posts. The cost of this service is 1.5 rubles for each publication.


This service is designed for simultaneous management of groups on several social networks at once. Here you can not only find material for your publications, but also repost news from third-party sites and other social networks. networks.

The cost of the service is 400 rubles/month. (1 account in each of 10 social networks).


This project is an exchange for searching advertising posts. If all the services described above help you search for content to fill your public page, then they will help you find advertising.

You can find both a group to place your advertising and advertisers who want to place their advertising with you.

The effectiveness of free auto-posting

Many people believe that if a program is free, then it does not do its job well. Fortunately, this is not always the case.

As for auto-posting, services most often have paid and free versions. The second is such due to the limitations of its functionality. For example, only 1 account or no cross-posting. This is also a great way to introduce your potential clients to the service.

Efficiency is not affected. Most often, people are quite satisfied with the free versions. And many simply use the timer built into the VK website. It performs the auto-poster function quite correctly. Its only drawback, compared to third-party software, is the lack of grabbing.

Bottom line

Today we talked to you about the topic of auto-posting on the VKontakte social network. We told you what it is, for what purposes it is used and what services exist. This is a great way to automate the community management process.

Now you know about the availability of paid and free programs that you can use in your work today. We hope the article was useful to you.

Friends, I am glad to welcome you again! Today I’ll tell you how to do auto-posting on VKontakte for free. This is a very important function and now you will learn everything.

If you use social networks to make money online, then how to dial many subscribers I already wrote, but now I’ll tell you how to make these subscribers become your clients and partners.

Strange as it may seem, they also block mailings about advertising groups. After all, it would seem that VK advertising groups were created specifically to publish advertisements there. But still, this is also considered a violation of the rules and suspicious activity, in general you get a ban.

But if you publish advertising posts on your own wall, no one will block you for it. All that remains is to understand what good it is to constantly post on your own wall.

And the point of auto-posting is that when you publish a post, it appears not only on your wall, but also in the feed of all your subscribers and friends. Since the post will gradually move down in the feed, you need to publish it as often as possible.

There are robots that do auto-posting on VKontakte, but they are paid. But there is such a trick that you can set everything up for free. True, you will need to spend about twenty minutes of time once a week.

And so now look carefully at how auto-posting on VKontakte is configured. Go to your page, then post as usual, just don't publish it.

At the bottom there is the word “more”, it opens a menu that has a timer. This timer will make you publish this post at the time you set.

Let's now create a post that will publish itself. First we write the text and add a picture. After clicking on the timer, a calendar opens where you can set the publication date and time.

I set tomorrow March 7th and the time at 8:30 a.m., then click on the “queue” button. After this, your post will appear in pending.

In this way, you can create a series of posts that will be published throughout the day, and it’s better if you charge it this way for the whole week.

This way, all your subscribers will remember you when they see ads in their news. If you don’t do this, then there will be no benefit from the numerous subscribers you collect. And so the movement will begin and everything will be done by auto-posting on VKontakte for free.

Friends, if you want to learn a huge number of tricks for promoting a business through social networks, and even get free robots and learn how to use them, you can read in my article “ make money on the Internet with withdrawal of money».

Friends, now you know how to do auto-posting on VKontakte for free and in the near future you will know completely. This way you will bypass all competitors who know less than you.

Hello, dear blog readers. I recently decided to try driving traffic from social networks to one of my sites and realized how much time social media can take up. networks, or rather maintaining groups on social networks. After suffering for a couple of days, I began to look for ways to automate this whole thing and began to look at services that offer the ability to auto-post to social networks. Auto-posting to social networks is the only way out if you have several groups in different social networks. networks.

In today’s article I will talk about several auto-posting services, thanks to which you can significantly save your precious time and increase activity in your groups.

What is auto-posting and auto-posting services?

Autoposting is the automatic publication (posting) of posts and images on the pages of your groups and profiles on social networks.

Thanks to auto-posting, you can significantly save time, since posts are published automatically or semi-automatically.

Auto-posting services are special sites (services) thanks to which community administrators can prepare posts for a group in advance, and they will be published automatically at a strictly specified time.

The service does not allow automatic posting to groups and public pages, but you can get the required number of participants, friends, likes and reposts in 9 social networks, which can also be very useful for any group or page.

Free auto-posting to social networks using the kuku service

The service is paid if you use all its capabilities, but in some cases limited capabilities will suffice.

Here you can add up to 3 groups or pages on social networks for free. The service supports all major social networks.

Autoposting here works as follows. On the page for adding posts, you can add an unlimited number of posts, specify the publication time, and the service will automatically publish the post at the specified time in your groups or profiles.

Auto-posting to social networks with the Feedman service

At the service feedman more opportunities than the previous candidate. Here you can use both a regular (free) account and a premium package. A premium account costs only 500 rubles per month, but includes unlimited auto-posting on Facebook, Twitter, VKontakte, Yandex photo, Odnoklassniki and My World. In addition, a premium account allows you to use an unlimited number of channels and unlimited storage of published materials.

After registering with the service and connecting your profiles, the service will automatically find all groups where you are an administrator. All you have to do is approve the necessary sites for auto-posting.

But what I liked most here is the wide range of auto-posting tools. If in most of these services you can only write a post, add a link, an image and set the time, then here all the possibilities are used. For example, for VKontakte, in addition to the above, it is possible to add an audio or video recording and indicate that the post is a repost with a link to the original source.

Smmplanner - another auto-posting service

The service is also very functional. Like the previous two, it can be used either for free, with minor restrictions, or for a fee.

When registering, you are given a quota of 50 free posts monthly, but this quota can be increased by another 50 posts by joining the VKontakte service group and liking their Facebook page. In total, you will receive 100 free posts every month. If you have one website, then I think this is more than enough. Well, if this is not enough, then for pennies you can always buy additional posts or unlimited.

The advantage of the service is the possibility of auto-posting in Telegram. Smmplanner is so far the only auto-posting service where I have seen the possibility of publishing in Telegram. There may be others, but I haven't met them yet.

If you actively post on Instagram, then especially for you, there is the opportunity to add your own proxies.
