Game for lovers in love printable. In love - board games

To prevent relationships from becoming boring, you need to introduce some variety into them. The game In Love will allow a couple in love to brighten up their leisure time, have a good time and get to know each other better. Do not think that you have thoroughly studied your partner; there will probably be secrets that you did not have time to learn about.

The game process consists of completing tasks indicated on special cards. Players take turns rolling the dice and, according to the symbol that appears on it, draw the corresponding card. Don't worry, you won't have to wash the floors, cook dinner or build a house. A gentle erotic massage, an answer to an exciting question, a test of your partner’s knowledge and other intriguing actions will help warm up the lovers’ imagination and excite the blood. It's time to rejoice in victory - the prize is described in the "Bonus". This could be breakfast in bed for several days, compliments or other niceties. For convenience, you can place the reward card in a magnetic frame and attach it to the refrigerator so that your significant other doesn’t forget anything.

In Love can easily be called an interesting and relaxing game that allows you to get to know your loved one better. It will be an excellent gift, because what could be better than spending such a pleasant time together.


  • play track;
  • 270 cards (for him and for her) with questions and tasks;
  • 10 mission cards;
  • 20 bonus cards;
  • cube;
  • magnetized frame;
  • rules of the game.
  • Video for the board game In Love

  • Reviews for the board game In Love



    I bought it and didn’t regret it. My girlfriend really liked the game, it helped us get to know each other better. In my opinion, a great gift for a couple, even if they have been together for more than a year. The choice was between her and various forfeits. Forfeits are of course funny, but I wanted more sincere, warm participation. I plan to order something similar later)

  • InLoveboard game Russian-made, intended for couples in love so that they can get to know each other better. She has already definitely won loving hearts and has become quite popular. In the process, partners will reveal their unknown strengths and expand their horizons by carrying out tasks from the cards. One game lasts from 30 to 60 minutes.

    Degree of difficulty: undefined

    Number of players: 2

    Develops skills: communicative

    A game that brings you closer together

    In addition to the introduced competitive moment, board gameInlove At the same time, it maintains a romantic mood, so it is recommended to play only in private. This game will be a wonderful gift for the beginning of a relationship, for small but significant dates, for Valentine's Day (February 14), or wedding anniversary to friends or parents. The cards are gradually revealed love- the desires of the partner, his real feelings, intelligence, thereby contribute to strengthening the relationship, and also give true pleasure in victory. After all, who doesn’t want a personal wish fulfiller?

    What's in this bright box?

    • Two sets of cards with actions and questions: blue for the guy, pink for the girl. Of these, 35 cards with “Feelings”, 35 with “ Reflections" and 35 – with " Relationships»;
    • « Competition» for both partners – 60 pcs.;
    • Victorious " Mission" - 10 pieces.;
    • Bonus cards– 20 pcs.;
    • Hexagonal cube;
    • Original magnet, made in a love theme, with a connector for a wish (the wish of the winning partner is placed in it, hung on the refrigerator, for example, so that the loser always remembers it);
    • A stylish box with convenient compartments, necessary for the game itself.

    Card for him and her

    The cards “for HER” and “for HIM” of the game differ in color: the questions that are on the Pink card are asked by the guy to the partner, and vice versa. The main thing is that the rivals in love “In Love” do not see the color on the front side of the card when asking a question, because it is unlikely that anyone will decide to simply give up victory when fighting for such a pleasant and valuable prize.

    – only for those who are in love! Why wait until February 14th to play games for lovers? The popular board game in love is available every day, 24 hours a day! Of course, you can buy a ready-made set. But why spend 2,000 rubles if you can make the game yourself? Moreover, the whole process takes no more than an hour.

    What is included in the in love set? Only cards, one game die and a frame with a magnet. The main set of the game contains 300 cards with questions or tasks. The game is designed for two people, so this number of cards can drag out the game. I recommend using 100 cards to start with. Board game in love, print cards and rules for free.

    Board game in love print card templates

    Here's how to make cards for the game in love at home:

    • download the images (see below) and open the pictures in Photoshop;
    • use each picture as an example. Write your tasks or question on the cards;
    • You can make as many cards as you like. It all depends on your time, patience and imagination!

    Relationship template

    Feeling pattern

    Reflection template

    Competition template

    How to write questions or tasks?

    Examples of tasks for the game in love:

    • what are my chest measurements (waist, hips);
    • the date we met;
    • what the weather was like on last Valentine's Day;
    • you should call me tomorrow and tell me 5 compliments;
    • I expect from you a huge bouquet of roses and more...

    Again, I repeat: tasks can be anything. What's so good about the homemade version? Only you know your soulmate 100%. Therefore, you can create not only funny, but also interesting questions. Board game in love, print and play!

    The essence of the game: Taking turns performing tasks - telling revelations about themselves or solving intellectual problems - two lovers compete to see who will lose a forfeit to whom.

    Box contents:
    300 cards
    1 cube
    1 magnetic frame

    Experienced players suggest that there are three stages of a relationship: “Twister” to get to know each other, “In Love” to enhance feelings and a breakaway “Party in bed” to give vent to passion.
    Recommendation on the seller's website

    You can learn more about a person in an hour of play than in a year of conversation.

    You can put many different things on the table: a candelabra with three candles, an aroma lamp, or plates with a ready-made dinner. But, looking into this section, you imagine completely different things on your imaginary table: a complex tactical game, a collectible card game, a parlor game for the imagination... Today we are putting an unexpected thing on the table - a romantic game for a couple in love. Or maybe it would be better to place In Love on the bed?

    The pink and black box with the couple unambiguously positioned looks tempting. I really want to know what's inside. We don’t find the “Kama Sutra”, instead there is one sheet of rules, a solid pile of three hundred cards, a kind of cube, a velor field for the game and a magnetic frame.

    A magnetic frame containing the bonus card he or she won can be attached to the refrigerator to remind the loser of his or her new responsibilities.

    Different cards for him and for her

    Love, as you know, has no rules. The game In Love has them. Quite simple and specific, but freely interpretable.
    The cards are divided into six categories. Two categories common to him and her are bonus cards and mission cards. They must be blindly picked up one at a time at the beginning of the game. The mission card must be examined immediately upon receipt - it contains a combination of colors that must be collected to win. It is prohibited to look at the bonus card, with the exception of some specific gaming situations.

    I came across a new game for couples in love “In Love”. The box says “For persons over 16 years of age.” It became incredibly interesting, what kind of game is this? Let's figure it out together!

    Outside and inside.

    Externally, the box with the game “In Love” is very attractive. Judging by the drawings and pink design, it is easy to guess that there is some kind of love toy inside. I immediately noticed this interesting design: very colorful and stylish.

    So, we open the box, and what do we see inside? Several blocks of cards in the package, a dice, instructions, a beautiful magnetic frame and the stand box itself.

    I'll describe everything in order:

    1. Cards. In the box you will find the following types of cards: “Reflections”, “Relationships”, “Feelings”, “Competition”, “Bonus”, “Mission”. The purpose of each deck will be discussed a little later.
    2. Dice. The cube is not an ordinary one, but with hearts that indicate some type of card or skipping a move. More details about this are written in the instructions.
    3. Instructions. All the rules fit on one box-sized page. And the rules are not very complicated, you can’t especially sign them. Everything is clearly explained, but you need to play it once to fully understand everything.
    4. Magnetic frame. The winner will be able to attach their winnings to the refrigerator or any other metal object, that is, a “Bonus” card, which says that you have won. But I will also talk about this later.
    5. Stand box. It actually contains cards by category and there is a place for throwing the dice, which makes this game quite compact: the cards are not in piles on the table or anywhere else, the dice does not fly away anywhere and there is no need to look for it. In general, everything is done for a comfortable game. The stand has a velvet feel to the touch. You can even play in bed and not be afraid that something will get lost.

    The box itself, cards and everything else are made of high-quality materials and are pleasant to the touch. The game was made in Germany.

    Come on, give the cards in your hands.

    Perhaps the cards deserve special attention. There are 270 cards in the set. And they are all of two types: for HER (pink) and for HIM (blue). As I wrote earlier, all cards are divided into categories: 35 cards each from the categories “Reflections”, “Relationships”, “Feelings”; 60 common (pink and blue) “Competition” cards; 10 Mission cards; 20 “Bonus” cards.

    I’ll start the description with the “Mission” cards, because... these cards are your luck and victory. The Mission cards indicate a set of flowers that you need to collect. Collect all the colors - you win. Do not show the “Mission” card to your “opponent” so that he (she) does not know what colors you need to collect or how many you have left to collect.

    In turn, on the cards of the categories “Reflections”, “Relationships”, “Feelings” various tasks for the participants are written and the color is indicated. That is, if a person answers a question or completes a task, he wins a card and, accordingly, a color. All three types of cards are marked on the back with corresponding heart symbols, just like a dice. Complete the tasks well to get the coveted color and win the game. The tasks in these cards are completely different: from practical actions to erudition tasks. Overall, very informative.

    There are also “Competition” cards - they are common for both Him and Her. In these cards you need to complete some tasks in competition. Whoever does it first or better wins this card.

    And “Bonus” cards are your reward. If you win, take the card, magnetic frame and place it on the refrigerator so that the loser does not forget what he must do. For example, this is what is written on “Bonus” cards:

    “You should write me romantic notes every day for a week.”

    “For five days you must call me every day at 17:00 and tell me 5 compliments.”

    “For three days you will serve me breakfast in bed.”

    And many other, no less attractive rewards, which, you see, are very profitable.

    Before we begin.

    So, we've looked at the box, figured out the cards - let's get ready for the game.

    He and She sit in front of each other and place a stand box between them. Next, you need to arrange all the cards into the categories “Reflections”, “Relationships”, “Feelings” for Him and Her by color (pink and blue) and place them in the appropriate containers in the stand. In front of Her should be blue cards in a vertical position with the text facing towards it. And there should also be pink cards in front of him. Next, divide the deck of “Competition” cards approximately in half and also place them vertically in containers.

    Place the Mission and Bonus cards in two horizontal containers. That's it, you can start the game.

    Game process.

    Each player must pull out a “Mission” card and look at it, but not show it to the opponent, so that he does not know what colors you need to collect to win.

    Next, everyone must take a “Bonus” card and, without reading it, place it in front of them. You will only be able to read your card if you win a card that says that you can read your Bonus Card.

    The girl always starts the game. She rolls the dice and you see what symbol appears on it. As I said earlier. Each symbol on the die represents a type of card or a pass. Also, the symbols are duplicated on the back sides of the cards so that you don’t have to look at the instructions every time. After She has rolled the dice, She must take out a pink card with the corresponding symbol on the back and give it to him. And He reads out the task to her and She must complete it in order to win this card.

    The process repeats, only now He rolls the dice. And so on, one by one, until someone completes their mission, that is, collects all the colors indicated on the “Mission” card.

    But winning may not be so easy, because whether you win a card or not depends on whether your “opponent” liked your answer or the completion of the task.

    My girlfriend and I had a lot of fun with this game! A very good selection of tasks and questions for a couple in love. Sometimes whether you win or not depends on how well you know your “opponent”. But the questions don’t end there: there are questions about knowledge of geography, politics, history, and so on, which adds a lot of variety to the game. Very fun competitive tasks. My friend was delighted with the cutest romantic tasks for me and for her and bonuses.

    We played this game for a very long time, and we hope to play it again.

    This board game can be a great gift for a loved one or a couple in love. Then they will enthusiastically tell you how fun, interesting and at the same time romantic it was for them to play. I guarantee!

    This game can be purchased in the online store, and if you want to play it before purchasing, then come to the Unicorn club, there is NastolkoTeka, where you can play this game for free.
