Fifth generation MiG: what will the new Russian fighter be like? Evolution of the PAK FA. How the Russian fifth-generation fighter has changed. An addition is expected to the family of “fifths.”

The current situation in the world makes us think about Russia's ability to resist modern military threats. It is no secret that the main and long-term threat to Russia is the United States. Since their policy of promoting their concept of the way of the world and globalization runs counter to some countries in the Arab world, as well as China and in particular Russia.

The gradual seizure of ever larger territories by the North Atlantic Alliance makes us think that sooner or later, when the United States establishes its order in the small countries of the Arab world, the turn of larger countries such as China, India, and Russia will come.

It is clear that if we do not seriously unite with China and India, and do not try to stop the United States and globalization, then in the future we will have to exist in a unipolar world, which we will not accept, and there will be a worldwide guerrilla war against the United States and the alliance. But in practice, the unification of Russia, China and India is out of the question. Therefore, Russia, as always, will have to rely only on itself, and on its armed forces, the combat effectiveness of which, to put it mildly, is alarming.

Modern large-scale war is fundamentally different from all known wars of the past; in a future war, conventional weapons do not play any role, since all armadas of armored vehicles are destroyed in a couple of hours by a pair of tactical bombers. In a future war, everything is decided by high technology and precision weapons, in the form of high-tech tactical aviation, and the final part on the ground will be completed by special forces, but we are not talking about them.

We are talking about 5th generation aircraft, which are many times superior to all aircraft of previous generations and are inaccessible to conventional air defense systems, and at the same time carry high-precision weapons. Which easily destroys the enemy’s strategic targets and paralyzes the entire defense industry, putting the enemy on the back foot. It is clear here that in the event of a possible US attack on Russia, tactical aviation will be used, which will bomb the entire infrastructure of Russia, of which there is not much anyway.

For example, it is enough to destroy the main hydroelectric power stations and nuclear power plants and the entire industry will immediately stop, and additional attacks on large defense plants will completely paralyze the defense industry. And you can launch ground forces with the support of attack aircraft, which will destroy enemy armored vehicles, thereby giving no chance of retaliatory strikes.

Many will say what about nuclear potential, but now the means of delivering a nuclear warhead have become very vulnerable. Yes, if we decide to use nuclear weapons in the first hours of the offensive, then rest assured that the Americans will be ready for this, and our missiles will be met by several US defense belts equipped with the most advanced means of destroying intercontinental missiles, so the chances are that at least one of our intercontinental nuclear missiles will pass multi-level missile defense are insignificant.

Now aviation plays a major role, and in particular 5th generation aircraft. Since only they will be able to effectively resist enemy strategic aviation. China also knows about this and is also preparing for the upcoming US aggression.

The start of testing in China of its own fifth-generation fighter forced Russian developers to focus even more attention on creating a domestic promising analogue of the 5th generation, which is called the T-50 (PAK FA). In addition to China, the fact that such an aircraft, the F-22 Raptor, has been in service with the US Air Force for 7 years now, has driven the creation of its own 5th generation aircraft. The Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Air Force, Colonel General Alexander Zelin, told a special correspondent about how the development of the fifth-generation complex is progressing.

To questions about how the tests of the new 5th generation Russian aircraft are going, how many test units there are now, and how soon it will appear in the Russian Air Force, and whether the delivery dates for the aircraft promised in 2015 will be met. — At the moment, tests of the fifth generation fighter are being carried out on schedule in accordance with the decisions made. More than 100 flights were completed under the test program. All the characteristics obtained during testing basically confirm the requirements put forward for this sample.

Currently, 3 experimental units are being used in testing; three more aircraft are expected to be included in testing in the near future. The total number of aircraft planned for testing is 14 units.

Other questions were also asked, such as: - what are the advantages of the Russian fifth-generation fighter T-50 compared to the American F-22 Raptor and the Chinese Chengdu J-20 Black Eagle - After analyzing a comparative analysis of the characteristics of the Russian fifth generation fighter T-50 with the American F-22 and Chinese J-20, we can conclude that the prototype T-50 is superior to foreign analogues in key indicators such as maximum flight speed (both afterburning and non-afterburning), maximum flight range , thrust-to-weight ratio, the value of the maximum realizable overload. Despite its overall weight characteristics comparable to foreign analogues, the T-50 has a significantly smaller take-off and range. In addition, in terms of the characteristics of the on-board equipment, the PAK FA looks better than its foreign counterparts.

T-50(PAK FA) Russia

F-22(Raptor) USA

J-20(Black Eagle) China

Basic comparative characteristics of the T-50, American F-22 and Chinese J-20.

T-50(PAK FA) Russia

F-22(Raptor) USA

J-20(Black Eagle) China

Maximum take-off weight

Thrust-to-weight ratio at normal take-off weight

5th generation aircraft are three world-famous models: the Russian T-50, the American F-22 (“Raptor”) and the Chinese J-20 (“Black Eagle”). It is these countries that, in the event of any serious global situations, will be able to influence the geopolitical situation in the world. Which model is better and who can capture the airspace?

In war as in war

Today we can say that many countries are waging a large-scale war, in which the main role is played not by weapons, but by innovative technologies and ultra-precise weapons. In this context, its 5th generation plays an important role. produced by the T-50 may well become a worthy competitor to other air vehicles. The distinctive features of these cutting-edge models include:

  1. Easy destruction of enemy strategic targets.
  2. The ability to paralyze the entire defense industry of a country.

Let's take a closer look at these three vehicles to understand what different countries offer as their reliable weapons.

T-50 PAK FA (Russia): how it all began

5th generation aircraft began to be developed not so long ago, and at first the design was carried out by fighter design bureaus back in the Soviet Union. It was in the 80s that full-scale work began on the production of a multifunctional fighter. First of all, it was planned to create a long-range interceptor that could become a worthy replacement for the Su-27 and MiG-31. The main requirements for the model were:

  • multifunctionality, that is, the ability to act on any type of target - air, ground and surface;
  • low visibility in any spectrum - from visual to thermal and electromagnetic;
  • unique maneuverability, which would allow the implementation of unconventional techniques and tactical elements of air combat;
  • expanded range of possible flight modes;
  • supersonic flight speed.

The first plane is lumpy

Before Russian 5th generation aircraft appeared, they underwent all kinds of improvements. Thus, first the Su-47 was promoted as the main interceptor fighter, then the promising Su-27KM fighter. However, none of these models could in any way belong to the fifth generation. That is why in 1998 a new technical specification was drawn up for the creation of a unique fighter. During this time, many models were thought out, only by 2001 the promising front-line aviation complex PAK FA was thought out.

Successful progress

The first Russian 5th generation aircraft began to be produced in Komsomolsk-on-Amur in 2006. By 2009, three technical samples had been created, after which they were tested. The first flight was carried out already in 2010, which made it possible to identify problems with the steering. As noted in the developers' reports, this model is distinguished by its simplicity and ease of maintenance, the ability to reach speed without afterburner, maneuverability with high overloads and stealth.

At that time, only the USA and Russia could boast that they had 5th generation aircraft in their arsenal. There were rumors that the Chinese were planning to create a new product. Looking ahead, let's say that they did create it - and in terms of its characteristics, it was in no way inferior to its American and Russian counterparts.

Advantages of the T-50 PAK FA

As noted by many experts, the fifth generation of Russian aircraft has unique features. First of all, the models are attractive because they perform the functions of both a fighter and an attack aircraft. In addition, the new avionics suite integrates an electronic pilot function. Russian 5th generation aircraft are equipped with a promising radar station, which is complemented by its peculiarity - reducing the load on the pilot, who can concentrate and perform tactical tasks.

PAK FA equipment

Supernova fighters created in Russia are equipped with unique on-board equipment. Its peculiarity is that it is possible to exchange data online, and communication is carried out both with ground control systems and within the aviation group. Thanks to the use of modern materials and unique technologies, Russian military aircraft of the 5th generation are distinguished by their aerodynamic layout and low level of various degrees of detection. Thanks to this, the combat effectiveness of aircraft against various types of targets increases. The design of the model is made in such a way as to minimize the visibility of the aircraft. The PAK FA engine consists of 80% new parts, which increased the reliability and durability of the resource.

The T-50 is a 5th generation aircraft that belongs to the heavy class. A novelty in the Russian engine industry is a plasma ignition system, which ensures oxygen-free engine starting. Also, for the first time, digital control was used on domestically produced aircraft: this system is characterized by mobility and flexibility. As for weapons, the PAK FA is planned to be equipped with weapons outside and inside the suspension.

Weapon Features

The T-50 is a 5th generation aircraft that can fight at different distances. To do this, it is equipped with different types of missiles. The use of modern advances will make it possible to detect air and ground objects with greater efficiency. The model will also be equipped with a unified information system for combat use and control in order to exchange data with other aircraft. Among the new products, the aircraft will receive a navigation system based on GPS/GLONASS navigation, as well as electronic warfare, electronic warfare and suppression of IR seekers and remote fuses of enemy missiles, an electronic thrust control system, an in-flight refueling system, and a braking double-dome parachute.

Foreign experts have come to the conclusion that Russia’s newest 5th generation aircraft is a true success for the engineers who were able to design such an inconspicuous unit.

F-22 (Raptor) USA

This aircraft may well be considered the best aircraft of the 21st century. This is due to the fact that in this model the developers were able to implement the latest developments in the field of aviation. The F/A-22 began to be designed in 1991, and it was created on the basis of modern computer-aided design tools. 5th generations are considered the most powerful and strong in the world, as they are distinguished by long flight at supersonic speed and can show unique tactical techniques.

Compared to the Russian aircraft, the F/A-22 has a thrust vector control system, which translates into improved maneuverability. This (as well as the high level of electronic equipment) made this model the most powerful in the world. However, many experts note that Russian 5th generation aircraft can easily compete with their American counterparts in terms of power and reliability.

It is noted that the defensive complex of the Russian aircraft solves many problems with identifying objects with high accuracy, although the equipment of the Raptor is reminiscent of the equipment of attack aircraft. The American aircraft, in turn, boasts of being equipped with a new generation of adjustable aerial bombs, which are equipped with an inertial-satellite guidance system.

Raptor equipment

To make the aircraft less noticeable, the developers equipped it with a passive operating mode system. The 5th generation Raptor is capable of detecting a large air target at a distance of up to 300 km, and a ground target - up to 70 km. The cockpit has a wide-angle HUD with a large field of view, which also distinguishes the Russian aircraft. Among the weapons, we can note the built-in MB 1A2 cannon (ammunition - 480 shells), four air-to-air missiles, 6 AIM-120C missiles and two missiles in the compartments. Another row of missiles is located on the wing flaps of the aircraft.

The American aircraft became the first fighter to be fully equipped with an integrated avionics system. It includes a central integrated data processing system, a communications system, navigation, ICNIA identification and an electronically controlled combat system.

J-20 ("Black Eagle")

While Russian 5th generation aircraft are well-known, Chinese-made models are just conquering the world. Thus, the J-20 model is a heavy fighter created according to the “duck” design. However, in terms of its technical characteristics, it cannot be compared with either the Russian or the American model. Thus, experts note that the Chinese aircraft has problems with aerodynamics, its flight range is short compared to our model, and the unfinished design increases the radar visibility of the unit. The main problem of Chinese fighters is the lack of engines. It turns out that a heavy, oversized and highly visible aircraft has neither maneuverability nor operational reliability. Accordingly, the 5th generation and the American Raptor remain the most reliable in the world.

Comparative analysis

Let's make a comparative description of two models - Russian and American production:

Performance characteristics

Russian T-50

American "Raptor"

1 person

1 person

Wing area

Flight duration

Maximum speed

Range of flight

Maximum take-off weight

Combat ceiling

Conclusions: who is better?

The latest, highest-power fighters are currently only available in the United States and Russia. Who will win if the planes collide in the air? The answer to this question is not so simple. On the one hand, the American fighter has been in service for a long time, while our model is only undergoing flight tests. On the other hand, the Russian aircraft has a more advanced design, which makes it more maneuverable. Russian developers also focus on the fact that the T-50 aircraft can carry a larger fuel supply, therefore it will be more advanced than the American model in terms of practical range and combat radius. In any case, the performance of both models will be constantly improved, so it is still difficult to make a clear conclusion about who is stronger.

There is an important thing in modern warfare - air supremacy. It is, of course, not a panacea (as can be seen from the examples of Libya 2011 or Yugoslavia 99), i.e. does not guarantee victory in the war... but we can definitely say that without it it is extremely problematic to successfully conduct military operations.
Concepts for gaining air supremacy have changed along with the capabilities of technology and changing concepts of war.
Today, the fifth generation fighter is considered the most advanced “air fighter” in military science.
Let's talk about them.

What is the fifth generation and “what do they eat it with”?

The concept of the fifth generation is somewhat different in different countries and aircraft manufacturers. This is understandable - everyone wants their aircraft to be “enlisted” in the prestigious fifth generation. To summarize, the following main criteria can be identified:
- stealth in the radar and infrared range (including internal weapon suspension);
- cruising supersonic flight speed;
- improved avionics (onboard radio-electronic equipment) with increased control automation and radar (radar station) with AFAR;
- availability of a circular information system;
- all-aspect shelling of targets in close air combat (close air combat).
The Russian military added one more criterion to this (implemented, however, already on 4++ generation fighters):
- super maneuverability.
Plus, the Russian military has repeatedly said that the cost of a fifth-generation aircraft should be lower than that of the previous generation aircraft.
In the West, this demand initially seemed to be visible, but was later hushed up. There, the cost of a flight hour when switching to the 5th generation, on the contrary, increases.
In fact, if you look carefully, not a single one of the presented aircraft meets all the criteria at the same time.
The distribution of various aircraft by generation can be assessed from this picture:


By 2011, the only 5th generation fighter adopted for service was the F-22 Raptor (2001), created under the ATF (Advanced Tactical Fighter) program.
In a relatively high degree of readiness are: the Russian T-50 (PAK FA program - Advanced Aviation Complex of Frontline Aviation), the American F-35 Lightning II (JSF - Joint Strike Fighter program) and the Chinese J-20.
Already implemented “in hardware”, but it is at the beginning of the journey and in general is just a technology demonstrator of the Japanese ATD-X Shinshin.

Some are inclined to classify the European Eurofighter EF-2000 Typhoon and the French Dassault Rafale as fifth-generation fighters (as they supposedly meet the criteria)... but these are very big optimists. Because there are questions ranging from “symbolic” supersonic cruising (without suspended weapons) to stealth.

Trinity from NATO. From top to bottom: EF2000 Typhoon, F-22 Raptor, Rafal
By the way, about stealth.

A small digression that will be useful to us later.
A quantitative measure of stealth is considered to be the ESR (Effective Dispersion Surface), which shows how well radio waves are reflected from the aircraft. The value can vary significantly even with a slight turn of the aircraft. The frontal EPR of 4th generation fighters (such as F-15, Su-27, MiG-29, etc.) is usually within 10-15 m².
By the way, when reading the characteristics of a radar, pay attention to the purpose with which ESR the detection range is indicated. Otherwise, some manufacturers like to write fantastic numbers (without stipulating that such a range is achievable only against targets with a huge RCS, like a passenger airliner or an ancient heavy bomber).

So - the manufacturers of the Eurofighter and Rafale claim an EPR of less than 1 m², which is comparable to the EPR of our PAK FA / T-50 (the average EPR of which is 0.3-0.5 m²). This is quite surprising, considering the titanium PGO (front horizontal tail) and the external suspension of the weapons of both Europeans... and the Rafale, in general, has a fuel refueling rod sticking out in front.
Serial Eurofighters, by the way, still have not received the CAESAR AFAR radars promised in 2013 (as part of the Tranche 3 batch).
In addition to the above aircraft, there are several other contenders for the title of fifth-generation aircraft that are in development or demonstration concepts: the Chinese J-31, the Indian FGFA (based on the Russian PAK FA program) and AMCA (program suspended in 2014), the Turkish TF- X, Korean-Indonesian KF-X/IF-X and Iranian Qaher F-313.
We will not consider them (as well as the Japanese) in this material because they are still green. We will give the Japanese a separate post. :)

Japanese ATD-X

“Not a pound on the ground” - Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor (USA)

This motto guided the developers from Lockheed Martin when finalizing the YF/A-22 prototype, which won the YF-23 prototype from Northrop/McDonnell Douglas within the ATF program - Advanced Tactical Fighter.
The original TTZ (tactical and technical assignment) of 1981 for the ATF program provided for the aircraft to operate as a striker, but already in 1984 the Pentagon updated the requirements for the ATF program, practically eliminating operation in the air-to-surface mode.

The F-22 was created mainly to combat the Soviet Su-27 and Mig-29 fighters and was supposed to gradually replace the F-15 fighters.
The Air Force initially requested 1,000 units. But in 1991, a more modest figure was announced - 750 cars. In January 1993, the program was again “cut down” to 648 aircraft, and a year later - to 442 units. Finally, in 1997, the Air Force reduced its purchase plans to 339 fighters... They eventually built 187 production ones. The last aircraft rolled off the assembly line at the Marietta (Georgia) plant in December 2011.
Of the criteria for a 5th generation aircraft, the Raptor fails in two positions: all-aspect fire and the presence of a 360-degree information system.
Its aerodynamics certainly suffered for the sake of stealth, but was not sacrificed to it, like the F-117 Nighthawk or B-2 Spirit. In addition, the aircraft received a controlled thrust vector (though only in the vertical plane), expanding its capabilities.

There are many stories about the Raptor's stealth. The information fighters “praises of American weapons” are very fond of repeating on military forums and everywhere where they can and where they can’t, about the Raptor’s ESR equal to 0.0001 m².
But the general designer of the T-50 aircraft, Alexander Davidenko, says: “The F-22 aircraft has 0.3-0.4 m². We have similar visibility requirements.”
What is the salt here and why is there such a huge difference? Is someone lying?
The funny thing is that maybe everyone is telling the truth. It’s just that Americans like to write maximum values ​​without even indicating them in small print and under an asterisk... and, apparently, they write not the average value of the aircraft’s RCS, as we do, but the minimum, from an ideal angle.
The F-22 with a powerful radar with AFAR was positioned as a mini-AWACS. But then there was a problem.
The fact is that the aircraft’s communication system only provided for the exchange of data within the F-22 group, among themselves and with a special repeater drone. The Raptor could only receive information from other aircraft. Therefore, the F-22 pilot would have to practice the role of AWACS, directing other fighters to targets, either by voice or through a special repeater drone (of which 6 were built).
In addition, when the radar is on, it will unmask the aircraft, reducing its stealth to nothing.
The Raptor's layout with S-shaped air intake channels and a weapons compartment between them determined the modest dimensions of the weapons compartments ("tailored" for Air-to-Air missiles) and a small set of weapons for destroying ground targets: two 450-kg GBU-32 JDAM bombs or eight GBU-39 bombs, weighing 113 kg.
Among the air-to-air missiles, the F-22 can carry 6 AIM-120 AMRAAM medium-range missiles in the ventral weapons bays and one AIM-9 infrared homing missile in two side compartments. Total: 8 missiles.
In addition to the 8 internal ones, the F-22 also has 4 external hardpoints, but the suspension on the external nodes negates its advantages - it deprives the aircraft of low radar signature and affects aerodynamics and maneuverability.

New Air-to-Air missiles (AIM-9X and AIM-120D) were planned to be integrated when upgrading aircraft to the Block-35 level (Increment 3.2. program - Addendum 3.2). Modernization under this program was supposed to begin in 2016 and provided for the renewal of only 87 aircraft (less than half of the fleet).
By the way, the synthetic aperture mapping mode (SAR), promised from the first day of production (as well as some other capabilities), was received by the Raptor radar only in Increment 3.1..
Despite the fact that the aircraft has been in service for more than 10 years and is constantly being modernized, it has still not reached the level of technical specifications of 1984 (which included the use of the entire range of F-15 weapons, operation from a 600-meter runway, reducing the time between repairs and simplifying the system maintenance from 3-level to 2-level), and the original TTZ of 1981 generally provided for dense work on the ground.
In addition, after being put into service, the aircraft presented many surprises.
These are the sensational problems with the on-board oxygen regeneration system. And the problem with the ejection seats. And the discovery in 2009 of unstable operation of the aircraft’s electronic systems and cooling of computing components in conditions of high humidity (it is unknown whether this defect was corrected; they say that since then the F-22 has no longer been used in humid climates). And an unreliable coating made of RPM (radio-absorbing materials), which has to be renewed almost before every flight. And curious errors with the software: in February 2007, the US Air Force decided to take these fighters outside the country for the first time, transporting several machines to Kadena Air Force Base in Okinawa. A flight of six F-22s that took off from Hawaii, after crossing the 180th meridian - the international date line - completely lost navigation and partially lost communications. The fighter jets returned to the Hawaii Air Force base, visually following the tanker aircraft. The cause of the problem was a software error that caused the computer to malfunction when the time changed.
Just since 2005, when the Raptor was officially put into service with the US Air Force, dozens of accidents of varying complexity have occurred with fighters, including five major ones (5 aircraft were lost), as well as two plane crashes that claimed the lives of two pilots.
Currently, the F-22 is the most expensive fighter in the world.
One Raptor cost the US budget more than $400 million (production cost + R&D cost + modernization cost).
Someone believed that if you cast it from gold and calculate the cost... the gold one will come out cheaper. :)

Gorynych baking pancakes - Sukhoi Design Bureau T-50 (Russia)

While some people are arguing about what index the production aircraft will receive in the Russian Air Force (the letter “T” is the name of the prototypes of the Sukhoi Design Bureau): Su-50, Su-57, or something even cooler... Others are breaking their spears about its names in the NATO classification - the funniest option was born from “PolarFox” (Arctic fox), when they remembered that NATO fighters are named with “F” and increased it to “FullPolarFox” (Full Arctic fox). :)
Meanwhile, the plane has already acquired a playful nickname “Gorynych” - after a spectacular jet of flame from an engine that caught a surge at MAKS-2011. This is better than, for example, the “Penguin,” as aviation fans dubbed the F-35.

When developing the T-50 as part of the PAK FA program, KnAAPO designers took a different path from their American colleagues. A compromise was found between stealth geometry and aerodynamics (in favor of the latter).
The main complaints about the stealth of the T-50 are the straight channels of the air intakes (in which the compressor blades are visible, which are a very good reflector of radio waves) and non-flat round nozzles.
Although there is still a big question - what should you choose: an S-shaped air intake (not showing the engine blades to the enemy) with a drop in engine power and small weapons bays... or a normal straight air intake, covered by a radar blocker with normal engine power and large weapons bays? Looking at the final result, we can conclude that the second option (with priority to flight characteristics and large weapons bays) was justified.
In many ways, this is probably why, even with less powerful engines of the first stage, the PAK FA surpasses its opponent in flight characteristics.

Even according to foreign data:
Maximum speed: 2440 km/h for the T-50 versus 2410 km/h for the Raptor.
Flight range: 3500 km for the T-50 versus 2960 km for the Raptor.
Although we will not know the exact numbers very soon.
Are these numbers realistic?
Considering the reduction in the midsection and take-off weight of the aircraft (compared to the same Su-35S) with increased engine thrust - quite. Moreover, during the tests in 2013, information was leaked (unconfirmed, of course - no fools) that: “with a full load of fuel and weight-and-size weapon models, the 4th side (054) took off from 310 meters and reached a cruising speed of 2135 km/h and a maximum speed of 2610 km/h, while there was still potential for acceleration, and also climbed to 24,300 meters - they weren’t allowed further.”
What will happen when instead of Product 117 with a maximum afterburner thrust of 14,500 kg, a second-stage engine with an afterburner thrust of 18,000 kg is installed?
Plus, our fighter, due to its all-angle thrust vector (controllable thrust vector), has super maneuverability and can do the most incredible things in the air, like the Su-35. Including "pancakes" oven. :)
The second serious advantage of the T-50 over the F-22 is its avionics.
The Russian fighter is much closer to meeting the penultimate criterion (the presence of a circular information system), because unlike the Raptor, which was left with only one radar... Sukhoi carries several of them!
The N036 radar includes five AFARs:
1) N036-01-1 - frontal (main) AFAR, 900 mm wide and 700 mm high, 1522 transceiver modules.
2) N036B - two side-view AFARs.
3) N036L - two L-band AFARs in the wing tips.

But, in addition to radars, the T-50 also has an optical-electronic locator "OLS-50M" (such a ball on the nose in front of the cockpit), which allows you to detect targets and use weapons against them, without turning on the radar at all. These are just simpler - they were installed on the Su-27 and MiG-29, giving our aircraft a significant advantage in air combat.

The third advantage is that the T-50 is better armed than its competitor.
In addition to the traditional 30mm cannon, the aircraft can carry missiles and bombs on 6 internal and 6 external hardpoints.
Missile weapons are represented by a much wider range.
Air-to-Air missiles (URVV).
Short range:
RVV-MD (K-74M2) - modernized R-73.
K-MD (“product 300”) is a new short-range missile for close-in highly maneuverable air combat and missile defense.

Medium range:
RVV-SD (“product 180”) - modernization of the R-77 missile.
RVV-PD (“product 180-PD”)
Long range:
RVV-BD (“product 810”) is a further development of the R-37 missile.
In addition to Air-to-Air weapons, the T-50 can carry a wide range of Air-to-Surface weapons.
These include adjustable aerial bombs KAB-250 and KAB-500 of various modifications.
And a new multi-purpose missile for ground work, the X-38M (with various types of seeker and warhead).
And anti-radar missiles Kh-58USHK and Kh-31P/Kh-31PD (on external sling).
And anti-ship X-35U, X-31AD (in the future, an aviation version of Onyx/Brahmos).
And much more. Our gunsmiths promised the PAK FA 12 new types of weapons developed specifically for it.

Information about the cost of the aircraft, like many other data, is kept secret by the Russian Ministry of Defense. In foreign sources there is a figure of $54 million (at the current exchange rate - divide by two) per plane. The cost of FGFA for India was announced at around $100 million. Therefore, the figure for the internal cost of the aircraft is similar to the truth.
Production of serial fighters for the Air Force should begin this year. So we will soon find out, at least, the official “proper name” of the aircraft and stop calling it “T-50”. We wait!

“Budget” thunder without lightning - Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II (USA)

If the F-22 was created to gain air superiority and mainly fight against Soviet modern fighters, then the JSF (Joint Strike Fighter) program, born as a cheap answer to all questions, provided for the creation of a universal “workhorse” - a strike fighter for American combat aviation and their allies.

The F-35 “Lightning II”, paired with the F-22, was supposed to replace all other combat aircraft of the US Air Force - from the F-16 Fighting Falcon fighters to the A-10 Thunderbolt II attack aircraft (I still have a hard time imagining the F-35 as the latter) . Plus, the cunning Americans decided to get three aircraft for the price of one: for the army, for the Marine Corps and for aircraft carriers.
Remember the saying about a universal tool that can do everything, but equally poorly?
This is exactly the case. The result is probably the most scandalous fighter of the 5th generation.

CTOL is a ground-based fighter for the needs of the US Air Force, STOVL is a short take-off and vertical landing fighter for the US Marine Corps and the British Navy, and CV is a carrier-based fighter for the needs of the US Navy.
We can talk a lot and for a long time about the long-suffering F-35... but the volume of the article is limited, and so is our time. Therefore, we will leave long detailed disassemblies for later, especially since we will later return to each of the listed aircraft separately. Therefore - briefly.
The winners of the “Unified Strike Fighter” program were eager to produce “4,500 aircraft or more” until 2027... But their appetites had to be curbed. There were much fewer orders. At first there was a figure of 2852 aircraft. By 2009, it was reduced to 2,456 units, and in 2010, the “sturgeon” was reduced to 2,443 units. Remembering the F-22 program... this is far from the limit. Especially considering the ever-increasing cost of the project.
By the way, the initial cost of R&D for the project was estimated at $7 billion. By the beginning of the program in 2001, the cost of development was called 34 and a few kopecks billion dollars, but today it has exceeded 56 billion dollars and continues to “get fat”.

F-35B for the US Marine Corps
The plane made its first flight in 2000. Small-scale production began in 2006. 11 years have passed, and the plane is still not ready.
The most interesting thing is that the US Marine Corps is waiting most of all for its F-35 (because, unlike the Air Force and Navy, they do not have an alternative candidate)... But not only was the Marine F-35B cut off in terms of bomb load (it can be carried in compartments weapons are only bombs with a caliber of 450 kg, in contrast to the 900 kg bombs in the other two modifications). He constantly has some problems. It even got to the point that in 2012 the F-35B program was going to be closed.
The latest scandal happened recently. It turned out that, contrary to the developers’ statements, it still has not reached combat readiness.
This is despite the fact that the first flight of the F-35B took place in 2008, and they planned to put it into service back in 2012!
Out of desperation, the US Marines have already extended the service life of their AV-8Bs (vertical take-off and landing aircraft, which were supposed to be replaced by the F-35B) until 2030, purchasing 72 decommissioned Harriers from the British for gutting them for spare parts.

The F-35 was originally supposed to replace even... the A-10 attack aircraft!
In general, at the moment, 154 production (!) F-35s and 174 aircraft in total have already been produced. And adoption keeps getting pushed back and pushed back.
That super-helmet, which allows the pilot to see the situation through the plane at all 360 degrees, does not work (I think the third contractor has already been replaced).
There's a problem with the software.
That’s 8 consecutive “flights” - unsuccessful attempts to land the prototype of the deck-based F-35S on a simulator of an aircraft carrier deck. The aircraft's hook, located too close to the main landing gear, could not engage the arresting gear cables.
They found Chinese spare parts.
The Martin-Baker US16E ejection seats are of the wrong system (and they take two years to refine!).
It's a problem with the fuel tanks.
Something else.
Only on the problems of the F-35 can a separate series of articles be written. :)
Recently, the F-35 even ranked among the top five worst US fighters in the history of aviation, according to National Interest magazine.

The main disadvantage of the F-35 is its low flight performance: insufficient thrust-to-weight ratio and maneuverability, and low maximum speed.
It’s not for nothing that Australians from the Air Power Australia think tank make claims against the F-35, saying that it “does not meet a large number of requirements for a fifth-generation fighter and is a 4+ generation fighter due to the impossibility of flying at supersonic speeds without using afterburner, low thrust-to-weight ratio, relatively high ESR, as well as low survivability and maneuverability.”
But in addition to the disadvantages, the Lightning-2 also has an advantage over the Raptor: the F-35 received an analogue of our optical-electronic locator (OLS). The electro-optical system (EOS) AN/AAQ-37, unlike our OLS, has a 360° constant view and is located at the bottom of the fuselage, “sharpened” mainly for work on the ground.
The AN/APG-81 AFAR radar, according to the developers, allows you to detect air targets at a range of 150 km.
Here it must be said that the radar developers are lying. Because we are talking about a target with an ESR of 3 m² and a detection probability of 0.5 when scanning in a sector of 0.1 of the total radar sector for 2 seconds.

The F-35's weapons are located on 4 hardpoints in two intra-fuselage compartments. The aircraft also has 6 more external hardpoints.
To operate against air targets, the F-35 can carry the AIM-120 AMRAAM medium-range air attack missile, as well as short-range missiles: AIM-9M Sidewinder, AIM-9X, or the British AIM-132 ASRAAM.
For ground work F-35 - JDAM, SDB and AGM-154 JSOW CABs.
On an external sling, it will carry missiles from the already time-tested HARM and Maverick, to the relatively new AGM-158 JASSM or SLAM-ER; Brimstone ATGMs and disposable bomb clusters CBU-103/104/105.
The full range of planned weapons can be assessed in the picture:

At the same time, it is reported that the F-35 has not yet been taught how to use all this splendor.
The cost of the aircraft, by the way, also differs from the initially planned average of $69 million per unit.
In 2014, for an aircraft without an engine they asked: F-35A - $94.8 million, F-35B - $102 million and F-35C - $115.7 million.
True, in the report of the Senate Appropriations Committee, the F-35B actually cost the state $251 million in 2014.
Well, okay, let's believe in the cost declared by the manufacturer. And we’ll chalk up the doubling in price of the aircraft to yet another fair share between Lockheed Martin and the US KPM officials. ;)
It’s time, by the way, to remember the price of the Russian T-50, announced above.

“Peking Duck” - Chengdu J-20 (China)

The Chinese aircraft J-20 (aka “Project 718”) was developed as part of the “2-03” program at the “611th Institute” (better known as CADI - Chengdu Aircraft Design Institute) in Chengdu. This one of the most secretive and mysterious Chinese aircraft construction projects has already changed its name several times: first it was XXJ, then J-X and J-XX, and now J-20.

The aircraft, made according to the “canard” aerodynamic design, unusual for the 5th generation, when viewed from above, resembles the failed 5th generation MiG MFI fighter (the prototype of which we know under the name “MiG 1.42”). Apparently, cooperation with the Russian TsAGI Institute and ANPK MiG in the early 90s was not in vain.
But don’t even think about hinting to the Chinese about Russian or anyone else’s help in the development of the J-20 or the light J-10 (similar to some of the MiG’s developments under the LFI - Light Front Fighter program)... They will eat you alive. We did everything ourselves! :)
The plane is like a hodgepodge - it is both similar... and unlike other 5th generation aircraft.
So, if you look from the front, we will see the “brother of the F-22”. The shape of the air intakes, the unbound canopy of the cockpit, a similar silhouette... although it is quickly given away when viewed from the front by the PGO and lower aerodynamic ridges.
The shape of the air intakes with the so-called external boundary layer turn is reminiscent of the F-35.
The PGO and the overall silhouette when viewed from above are reminiscent of the MiG MFI prototype.
In this case, the aircraft has an S-shaped bend in the air intakes, like on the F-22.

Although the Chinese plane is blamed for the weak parallelism of the front and rear edges of the horizontal tail, as well as the aerodynamic ridges protruding from the rear... the plane can still be classified as inconspicuous.
Some have expressed doubts about China's possession of radar-absorbing coating technology. But RAMs (radio absorbent materials) are not a sacred cow. After the destruction of the American F-117 in Yugoslavia, pieces of the skin probably went to all interested parties - both Russia and China. In addition, many probably remember how in 2011, the American Lockheed Martin RQ-170 Sentinel drone, made using stealth technology, was “landed” in Iran. There was great indignation in the United States at the time. In this case, the Iranians probably shared a piece with China. :)

American UAV RQ-170 Sentinel
The most vulnerable elements of the J-20 program are the power plant and avionics.
The aircraft should receive a Chinese WS-15 engine with a thrust of up to 18,000 kg, developed at the 624th Institute, now known by the abbreviation CGTE (China Gas Turbine Establishment). But there are still problems with the engine. And this is traditional in China.
One can recall the problems of the Chinese WS-10 Taihan, installed on Chinese “clones” of the Su-27 family... and the subsequent purchase from Russia of a large batch of AL-31F engines.
Similar problems are experienced with the WS-13 engine for the FC-1 light export fighter. The engine has been in development for more than 10 years, and production fighters fly on Russian RD-93 (a modification of the RD-33 engine).
According to experts, the normal take-off weight of the J-20 is about 35 tons. If this is so, then two AL-31Fs are clearly not enough for the aircraft. There will be neither cruising supersonic nor achieving a maximum speed of 2M.
The second important issue is avionics and radar.
The creation of a radar station for a new generation fighter was probably carried out on a competitive basis by two institutes - LETRI (Leihua Electronic Technology Research Institute) and NRIET (National Research Institute of Electronic Technology). According to available data, preference was ultimately given to Nanjing NRIET, which proposed a type 1475 radar project, the AFAR of which is expected to have about 2000 transceiver modules.
True, the situation here is even more interesting than with engines. Since the maximum level for China until now has been at the level of our 001 “Sword” radars from the 80s. Where does AFAR suddenly come from? The Chinese would be able to copy and complete the type 1473 radar, developed on the basis of our “Pearl” (which they buy from us for their J-10 fighters).
The J-20's armament will likely include the PL-10 Air-to-Air missile (similar to the AIM-9X) and PL-12C (a modification of the PL-12 missile with a folded wing). The PL-12 is an analogue of the American AIM-120 AMRAAM and the Russian RVV-AE with a launch range of more than 70 km. Perhaps the aircraft will receive the new PL-21 long-range air attack missile system.

It is still difficult to say that there is a Chinese J-20. Either this is really a machine planned for production, or it is a 5th generation prototype, or even a technology demonstrator (like our S-37 Berkut).
One thing is for sure - the Chinese J-20 clearly does not reach the fifth generation. Due to the lack of a clear avionics and radar with AFAR, issues with stealth, as well as clearly insufficient engine thrust (most likely not providing cruising supersonic sound), it can be called a Demo version of the Chinese 5th generation. :)
The Chinese produced a heavy, large, stealthy aircraft with low maneuverability and thrust-to-weight ratio.
What could be his role on the battlefield?
A fighter is not suitable for gaining air superiority due to low maneuverability and low thrust-to-weight ratio. For an interceptor - not enough speed. Fighter-bomber? How large are the weapons compartments (the possible volume of which is reduced by the S-shaped air intake channels) and the combat load?
These are all estimates, of course, because there is still too little reliable information.


It is too early to say anything definite about the many capabilities of most of the presented aircraft. Firstly, due to the secrecy of the characteristics, and secondly, prototypes can differ very seriously from production vehicles, as we can remember, for example, from the story with the same T-10 (prototype of the Su-27 fighter). It is unknown how much the same PAK FA will change, having received a second stage engine, etc.
But what can be said definitely?
To sum up, we can definitely conclude that the creators of the F-35 made a mistake when trying to combine three different aircraft with different performance requirements in one. I wouldn’t be surprised if in the end the Japanese ATD-X surpasses it in a number of characteristics (but I seriously doubt the superiority promised by the Japanese over the F-22).

It can also be said unequivocally that the competition for air supremacy among the fives in the next decade should unfold between the two strongest competitors - the T-50 and F-22. The others are seriously inferior to them in terms of air combat.
Moreover, in this battle, the Russian fighter has a clear advantage. This is not surprising, given that the T-50 appeared almost 20 years later than its rival. And our approach to design is different.
In general, we “traditionally” lag behind the Americans in the arms race by half a step (this is related to the question of who on the planet is increasing militarization, by the way), which allows us to avoid the mistakes of our competitors and raise the bar set by them. It was a similar story with the appearance of a pair of Su-27 and MiG-29 in response to the F-15 and F-16.
With better aerodynamics (and, accordingly, better flight characteristics), the T-50 surpasses the F-22 in several other ways:
- larger weapons compartments;
- a more diverse range of weapons (has long-range air-to-air missiles and a wide selection of air-to-surface ammunition);
- OLS, which allows you to search and attack the enemy without turning on the radar (in addition, the optical-electronic locator does not care about low radar signature);
- all-aspect UHT (super maneuverability);
- the aircraft can be used from unpaved runways (runways).
At the same time, it seems to be somewhat inferior to the Raptor in stealth. Which, by the way, is not yet a fact, because the Behemoth X-32 from Boeing (the prototype competitor of the X-35, which lost in the JSF program) met the requirements for stealth, not having an S-shaped channel from the air intake to the engine, but covering its radar -blocker, and the keels, for example, are much smaller. Therefore, in the forward hemisphere of the EPR, it and the F-22 may not differ much.
From behind, the T-50 will definitely “glow” better than its competitor (due to the “unsteeled” round nozzles), but a final assessment of its stealth can only be given after the appearance of the second stage engine.

X-32 from Boeing
Performance characteristics of aircraft claiming to be “fifth generation fighters”:

Stealth (the notorious stealth technology) at one time suggested to the Americans the idea of ​​qualitative, rather than quantitative, superiority over everyone else.
Today it is clear that this bet did not justify itself. Because, firstly, the main rivals of the United States in the “great game” (Russia and China) are also already acquiring their own 5th generation aircraft. And secondly, the “efficiency/cost” criterion; in relation to the super-expensive American “five” is still waiting for its impartial assessment.
Are they so superior to previous generation aircraft that they cost so much more? Will the many times higher price be compensated by the corresponding many times greater efficiency? Is it deserved? For example, there is a strong opinion that in a duel situation the “5th generation” F-35 fighter will lose to the 4th generation Su-35S fighter.
Despite all this, the creation of a 5th generation fighter is a big step forward for any state.
In addition to the development of technology, this is a serious military argument for gaining air supremacy and, in addition, obtaining a certain status for the country. You could say joining the select club.

Russian Aerospace Forces fighters / Photo:

On March 25, the Russian Aerospace Forces celebrated Fighter Aviation Day. On March 25, 1916, the first air detachments in our country were formed. Over 100 years of evolution, the fighter has turned into a multi-purpose machine capable of destroying any enemy. In our material we will talk about the most modern fighters of the Russian Air Force.

In 1915, Russia adopted a special type of aircraft - a fighter. The very first such machine was the S-16 project of the famous Russian aircraft designer Igor Sikorsky. Just a year later, on March 25, 1916, an order was signed, in accordance with which the formation of the first full-time fighter aviation detachments began.

Fighters from the beginning of the last century reached flight speeds of up to 150 km/h, and their crew consisted of a pilot and a navigator. Having noticed an enemy plane, the pilot flew up to it from above, and the navigator dropped cannonballs, metal bars and even weights. A little later, the method was improved: the navigator armed himself with a revolver and shot at the pilot of the enemy plane.

S-16 fighter designed by Igor Sikorsky / Photo: Rostec

At the end of the 1930s, fighter planes were already reaching speeds of about 450 km/h. From plywood biplanes they turned into all-metal monoplanes with closed cockpits, and revolvers gave way to machine guns.

A modern fighter requires a complex design, powerful engines and avionics. Thanks to its versatility, it is capable of performing many other tasks, that is, being multi-purpose.

Su-35: on the verge of two generations

The Su-35 fighter has a 30-mm cannon, 12 hardpoints for missiles and bombs, more than 3,500 km without refueling, and target detection over several hundred kilometers. As the American publication The National Interest recently wrote, “exceptionally easy to control and equipped with very powerful weapons, the Su-35 can deal with the best Western aircraft, even the F-22 Raptor.”

The Su-35 is recognized as the world's most powerful fourth-generation fighter. However, the “4++” generation, to which it belongs, is quite conditional: with the exception of low visibility technology and an active phased array antenna (AFAR), the “thirty-fifth” satisfies most of the requirements for fifth-generation aircraft.

The Su-35 has an advanced information and control system, an Irbis radar station (radar) with a passive phased antenna array, as well as new AL-41F1S engines developed by NPO Saturn. These engines meet the requirements of the fifth generation, including the ability to reach supersonic speeds without the use of afterburner.

Despite the absence of an AFAR, the Irbis radar station produced by KRET can detect targets at a range of up to 400 km, as well as track up to 30 air targets and simultaneously fire at eight of them. Irbis is at the level of the most modern foreign developments in this area, surpassing most Western radars.

MiG-29: the “fulcrum” of Russian aviation

The MiG-29 entered service in 1983. The fighter's aerobatic performance shocked many Western pilots who flew it. In NATO, the fighter received the high-profile name Fulcrum, which translated from English means “fulcrum.” Even then, the MiG-29 had a number of unique features.

The radar station made it possible to detect air targets at long distances, including low-flying targets. The cabin was equipped with a system for displaying information on the background of the windshield, as well as a helmet-mounted target designation and display system (NSCI). The latter allows the pilot to instantly lock on a target just by looking at it. By the way, the helmet-mounted target designation system “Slit” on Soviet MiG-29 fighters is considered the world’s first mass-produced NSCI.

Particular attention was paid to safety on board. The ejection seat allowed the pilot to leave the car in a critical situation even at zero altitude. There was also a built-in voice indication system, called "Rita" by pilots, which warned of dangerous flight conditions or threats from the enemy.

MiG-29 / Photo: Rostec

The highly maneuverable MiG-29 has a high rate of climb - 330 m/s. For comparison: for the American F-16 it is 270 m/s. The MiG-29 has repeatedly surprised viewers of numerous air shows with its aerobatic capabilities.

By the way, in 1988, it was the MiG-29 that became the first Soviet combat aircraft to be demonstrated at the Farnborough foreign air show. Some aerobatics shown there by our MiGs are still “Russian exclusives” and are named after our pilots. It was then that Anatoly Kvochur first demonstrated the “Bell” aerobatic maneuver on a MiG-29.

The debut at Farnborough was significant for the MiG-29 for another reason.

MiG-29 of the Swifts aerial group / Photo: Rostec

Then, for the first time, an original coloring was invented for the “twenty-niners” - swifts appeared on them. These birds gave the name to the legendary Russian aerobatic team "Swifts".

Su-34: a formidable “duckling”

The newest Russian fighter-bomber Su-34 can perform aerobatic maneuvers and carry out missile and bomb strikes with equal ease. For such capabilities, the Su-34 was nicknamed Fullback in the West, which means “defender.” In the Russian army, it is affectionately nicknamed “Duckling” - for the shape of the nose fairing of the cabin.

Su-34 / Photo: Rostec

The Su-34 front-line bomber differs from its Su-27 prototype in its lower speed - 1900 km/h versus 2420 km/h - and somewhat worse maneuverability. But this “hybrid” of a fighter and a bomber has one clear advantage - a much larger take-off weight, up to 45 tons. At the same time, the total mass of the Su-34 combat load is 8 tons. The range of weapons is quite wide: free-fall bombs and unguided missile units, a complex of high-precision weapons based on adjustable aerial bombs and air-to-surface missiles of various weights and purposes.

In addition to strike weapons, the aircraft can carry electronic warfare (EW) containers on external nodes. All Su-34 aircraft transferred to the Russian Aerospace Forces are equipped with the Khibiny multifunctional electronic warfare complex developed by KRET.() Installation of such electronic warfare containers allows, in a matter of minutes, to transform any combat Su-34 into a special jammer aircraft capable of providing effective protection of entire aviation groups from reconnaissance and destruction by aviation and anti-aircraft missile systems. The entire air group covered by such an aircraft will simply disappear from enemy radars.

EW "Khibiny" on the wing of a Su-34 / Photo: Rostec

Another key difference between a fighter-bomber is the two-seat cockpit, in which the pilot and navigator sit shoulder to shoulder, rather than behind each other. In terms of comfort, the Su-34 probably has no equal in its class. On board the "thirty-four" there is a bathroom and a kitchenette with a microwave; there is enough space in the cabin for relaxation. Pilots have the opportunity to stand up from their seats and straighten up to their full height. Until the plane rises to 11,000 m, pilots experience virtually no overload and may not need an oxygen mask for most of the route.

MiG-31: “hunter” at altitude

The MiG-31 long-range interceptor fighter was ranked third in the list of the best Russian military aircraft according to the American publication The National Interest.

The MiG-31 supersonic all-weather long-range fighter-interceptor currently in service with the Russian Air Force was developed in the 1970s. It became the first Soviet fourth generation combat aircraft. The characteristics of the MiG-31 are truly unique. There were only two aircraft in the world capable of intercepting at an altitude of up to 20 km at speeds of up to 3000 km/h - the MiG-31 and its predecessor the MiG-25.

MiG-31 / Photo: Rostec

The basis of the MiG-31 aircraft's weapons control system is a radar station with a passive phased array antenna "Zaslon" developed by the Research Institute of Instrument Engineering named after. Tikhomirov. By the way, the MiG-31 became the world's first fighter equipped with a phased array radar, and remained the only such serial fighter until 2000.

In total, more than 500 MiG-31 aircraft of various modifications were built, and its serial production ceased in 1994. Recently, the future of the MiG-31 was discussed at the level of the Military-Industrial Commission. As a result, it was decided to upgrade the aircraft to the MiG-31BM.

If earlier aircraft of this family were classified only as long-range fighter-interceptors, the modernized MiG is capable of hitting both air and ground targets. The efficiency of the MiG-31BM compared to the MiG-31 increased by 2.6 times. The combat capabilities of the fighter will also be expanded by the new Zaslon-M radar. The detection range of fighter-class air targets has been increased to 320 km, and the range of their destruction to 280 km.

PAK FA: fifth generation fighter

The PAK FA (T-50) is considered the first fully “digital” fighter of the Russian Aerospace Forces. The aircraft made its first flight in 2010. In 2013, small-scale production of aircraft for testing began, and serial deliveries to the troops are expected in 2017.

Most of the information about the first Russian fifth-generation fighter is secret. Therefore, only approximate characteristics of the aircraft are known. The PAK FA fully meets all the requirements for fifth-generation fighters: it is stealthy, has supersonic cruising speed, multifunctional, capable of maneuvering with high overloads, and equipped with advanced electronics.

The latest systems for the fifth generation fighter are also being created at Rostec enterprises. Among them is a multifunctional radar system with active phased array antennas. It will be fundamentally new, different from an aircraft airborne radar in the traditional sense. The aircraft will be equipped with not only the main radar station with AFAR, but also a set of other stations across the entire surface of the aircraft, essentially constituting a “smart skin”.

The PAK FA will be equipped with a fifth-generation ejection seat produced by NPP Zvezda. A special feature of the new catapult is the use of a multi-program electronic seat motion control system connected to the aircraft information system. That is, the aircraft’s speed, flight altitude, pitch and roll angles and other parameters are analyzed automatically. This takes into account many other data, including the height and weight of the pilot - from 44 to 111 kg.

PAK FA T-50 / Photo: Rostec

The first production samples of the PAK FA are equipped with AL-41F1 turbojet engines with an afterburner and controlled thrust vector, manufactured by NPO Saturn. This engine allows you to reach supersonic speed without using afterburner, and also has a fully digital control system.

The fighter is equipped with a 30-mm 9A1-4071K air cannon, developed by specialists from the Tula KBP. The new gun is a modernized version of the 30mm GSh-30-1 aircraft gun, produced since the 1980s.

The Russian fifth-generation fighter Su-57 (until August 2017 - T-50, PAK-FA) has begun the next phase of testing. Boris Obnosov, General Director of the Tactical Missile Weapons Corporation (TRV), spoke about this in an interview with the Military-Technical Cooperation magazine. According to him, the weapon system for the Su-57, developed by the company, is currently undergoing flight testing.

“We have moved on to practical flights. I think that in the near future we will see the result,” says the general director of TRV.

Development of the Su-57 began almost 20 years ago, back in 1999. Then the project was called “Advanced Aviation Complex of Frontline Aviation” (PAK-FA). New aircraft developed by OKB im. Sukhoi should replace the Su-27 fighters and MiG-31 interceptors currently in service with the Russian Aerospace Forces. Among the foreign analogues of the Russian fifth-generation aircraft are the F-22 Raptor fighter and the F-35 universal strike aircraft, which entered service with the US Air Force.

The aircraft made its first flight under the factory designation T-50, built at the aircraft plant named after. Yu.A. Gagarin in Komsomolsk-on-Amur, committed in 2010. As of August last year, 11 aircraft were produced. And in December, a new engine designed for the Su-57 with increased thrust and fuel efficiency, known as “product 30,” was tested. Previously, the Su-57 was equipped with a modernized version of the AL-31F engine. It is also used on Su-35S aircraft.

As Colonel-General Viktor Bondarev, Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Aerospace Forces, said in August 2017, the Ministry of Defense will receive a new vehicle in 2018.

“The T-50, or Su-57, will soon, starting next year, begin to enter service with the troops, and pilots will master and operate it,” Bondarev said then.

However, as Konstantin Makienko, deputy director of the Center for Analysis of Strategies and Technologies, noted in an interview with RT, this does not mean that the aircraft will enter combat units this year.

“The plane flew with the second stage engine in December 2017. Tuning an engine, especially with a new gas generator and a new hot part, is a very long process,” explains the expert. — Therefore, I think, 12 aircraft will be purchased, and all of them will formally go to the Aerospace Forces, but in fact to the GLITs (929th State Flight Test Center of the Ministry of Defense named after V.P. Chkalov in Akhtubinsk, Astrakhan Region. — RT), maybe to Lipetsk (State Order of Lenin Red Banner Center for Aviation Personnel Training and Military Testing of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation named after V.P. Chkalov. - RT), where they are no longer practicing the aircraft, but combat tactics.”

  • Wikimedia/Rulexip

According to the expert, the Su-57 will be at the testing stage within the Aerospace Forces structure for several more years. In addition to testing the new engine, the use of new aircraft weapons (AWW) will also be tested.

“The use of ASP is also not an easy thing. We need to practice this in different modes, different situations, strike different targets,” the expert notes.

Speaking about the goals of creating the Su-57, Makienko said that this fighter is designed to “strengthen the Russian Federation’s position in the air.”

“This fighter is needed to maintain air,” the expert concluded.

Impact force

The peculiarity of the Su-57 is a combination of the functions of an attack aircraft and a fighter. This is reflected in weapon systems. The Su-57 can be equipped with a 9-A1-4071K aircraft cannon, "" class missiles: R-73/RVV-MD (short range), K-77-1/RVV-AE/SD (medium range), K-37M /RVV-BD (long-range), as well as air-to-surface missiles: Kh-38ME (short-range), Kh-58USHKE (anti-radar), Kh-35UE (tactical anti-ship) - and KAB-500S adjustable aerial bombs. The maximum combat load of the aircraft is 10 tons.

“If we talk about the cannon, then this is, in principle, the well-known automatic 30-mm cannon of the Shipunov Design Bureau (GSh-30-1. - RT), - Viktor Murakhovsky, editor-in-chief of the Arsenal of the Fatherland magazine, told RT about the features of the Su-57’s weapons. “But new ammunition is used, for example with a plastic leading device, which increases its initial speed and increases the life of the gun barrel several times.”

  • Aviation gun GSh-30-1
  • Wikipedia

In addition, according to Murakhovsky, it is planned to use projectiles with remote detonation at various parts of their flight path.

Testing of the gun began in 2016 in the Moscow region at the State Government Scientific Testing Site for Aviation Systems in Faustov. The rate of fire of the product, designed to hit all modern armored targets, reaches 30 rounds per minute.

As for guided aircraft weapons, they, as Murakhovsky notes, will form the basis of the Su-57’s ammunition.

“This is a new generation of short-, medium- and long-range air-to-air missiles and a new generation of high-precision air-to-surface weapons. These include anti-ship and anti-radar missiles,” the expert notes.

  • Fifth generation fighter Su-57
  • Wikimedia / Dmitry Zherdin

Viktor Murakhovsky emphasizes that the aircraft’s adjustable bombs will be guided by a laser beam or use an inertial satellite navigation system for homing. According to the expert, small caliber aerial bombs will also be used - less than 100 kg, the need for which was demonstrated by the operation in Syria.

“Loitering ammunition and a whole range of other products are being developed,” says the expert.

Smart Power

According to Makienko, everything related to missiles or anti-aircraft missiles is a very closed topic. In the most general form, the improvement of ASP, the expert notes, consists of increasing noise immunity, increasing range, and perhaps reducing dimensions, “since all this must be placed in closed compartments.”

The last requirement, according to experts, is due to necessity. For this purpose, almost all weapons are hidden inside the side.

“The Su-57, as a fifth-generation complex, can provide sustaining supersonic flight without afterburning the standard aircraft engine,” notes Murakhovsky. “The configuration of the Su-57 airframe is such that it has a smaller cross-sectional area (RCS) than previous generations of aircraft.”

Russian and foreign experts estimate the visibility indicators of the Su-57 aircraft for radars in the range from 0.1 square meters. m up to 0.4 sq. m. For comparison: the EPR of the Su-27 is more than 10 square meters. m.

“Also a distinctive feature of the Su-57 is the use of the so-called digital board,” Murakhovsky said.

The plane has an electronic co-pilot - an on-board computer that can take over some of the functions of controlling the plane and conducting combat. Thus, a combat radar with an active phased array antenna allows you to simultaneously recognize up to 60 targets and aim weapons at 16 targets at once. The Himalaya complex with the smart skin function, in turn, interferes with the homing heads of enemy missiles.

All radio-electronic equipment, all weapons systems, the Su-57 power plant, according to Murakhovsky, are digitally controlled and “connected to a common digital bus.”

“The units of the unit have a modular design, which makes it possible to implement new modes of flight control, operation of the power plant, use of weapons, and communication systems,” said the military expert.

According to Murakhovsky, the modular scheme makes it possible to integrate fighters into a unified aviation and air defense control system and use them as part of the so-called reconnaissance and strike contours (reconnaissance and destruction means united under one command).

“This reduces the combat control cycle time during combat operations and, accordingly, the reaction time to the appearance of the enemy by approximately three to five times compared to existing options,” the expert notes.

According to Murakhovsky, all Su-57 systems now need to be thoroughly tested.

“The new combat complex, from a cannon to high-precision weapons, requires full testing on this aircraft, not only with regard to the use of the product itself, but also integration with control and weapons systems not only of the Aerospace Forces, but also of other types of troops,” the expert emphasized.
