How to bind writing a message in cs go. Bind buttons in CS GO

The more optimally the time in the game is spent, the more interesting it is to play Counter Strike. Approximately 50% of success depends on the speed of the keys. Buying weapons or armor, new movements and everything else - quality management. To optimize the performance of systems, you need to understand exactly how the "Bind" command works. There is nothing complicated about this, just use one of the methods described below. You can’t do without it, which can be downloaded on our website.

The "Bind" command itself is an opportunity to designate certain actions using various keys and their combinations. These are the very notorious “hot buttons”. There are several ways to bind the keyboard, so to speak.

Bind through the game menu

This is easiest to do when starting the game Counter Strike 1.6 in the settings menu. Here you can choose which action, which keys will correspond. You can even distribute one command to different keys. In a game, this can sometimes be a useful advantage.

This method has both pros and cons. The advantages include the ease of replacement, as well as the ease of returning to the original settings, that is, to the native settings. There are also disadvantages. And the main one is the impossibility of assigning several commands to one key at once.

Bind via console

There is a treasured “Y” key on the console. With its help, the console opens. By typing the command bind “button” “command”, you can bind all the buttons. This formula is taken as a basis. As an example - bind “Ctrl” “Jump” - jump for the Ctrl key. But besides a simple jump, you can assign a whole range of actions to a key. You can, for example, use a set of weapons, armor and grenades at once. Bind in the console is an opportunity to dream up and improvise. The advantages here are obvious - the widest, almost limitless opportunities to create teams. The downside is that gamers will have to learn a bit. You need to understand the game well enough to know the commands and weapons, etc.

Bind via config.cfg file

This is already a method for masters, and not just for advanced users. The file is located in the root directory "cstrike" and should not be difficult to find. The easiest way to open it is with notepad. This file contains all the game settings and the default bind. Creating combinations here is like a console. But there are already standard commands here and you don’t have to learn them in advance. You just need to choose the one you need and create a combination.

This article will be useful for those who do not know how to bind the menu in CS 1.6. Typically, a menu is bound in order to make it easier to open in the future and not have to write commands a hundred times to open a particular menu. In fact, binding the menu in CS 1.6 is very, very simple. Anyone who has already read an article on our website about how to bind a button in CS 1.6 should also know how to bind a menu in CS 1.6. All commands are written into the console, which opens with the “е” or “~” key.

How to bind the VIP menu in KS 1.6

This menu is available only to VIP players and only players with privileges can use it. In order to bind the VIP menu in CS 1.6, write the following command:

Bind "button" "vipmenu" bind "button" "say /vipmenu
One of the two commands must work, or even two at all. It all depends on which VIP menu plugin is installed on the server. In any case, it is worth trying one or another command.

How to bind the admin menu in CS 1.6

There are a huge number of plugins with the admin menu and they all use different commands to call. We will write down the most common ones for you. To bind the admin menu in KS 1.6 we write the following command:

Bind "button" "adminmenu" bind "button" "say /adminmenu" bind "button" "amxmodmenu" - works on all servers.

How to bind the server menu in CS 1.6

Again, as in the case of the admin menu, there are a huge number of plugins with the server menu and they all have different commands to call. We will write the most popular commands and binds for you.

Bind "button" "menu" bind "button" "servermenu" bind "button" "say /menu"

How to bind the weapon menu in CS 1.6

Many Counter Strike 1.6 servers have a plugin installed that allows admins to take any weapon absolutely free. In order to bind the weapon menu call in CS 1.6, write the following:

Bind "button" "weaponmenu" bind "button" "amx_weaponmenu"
We hope that now you know how to bind a menu in CS 1.6. I would like to point out that the commands are individual for each server, since different plugins are used everywhere, and, accordingly, different commands for calling the menu, however, most of these commands will still work on almost all servers. If you still have any questions or were unable to bind the menu, then write in the comments under this article. Have a good game.

Surely most players have noticed significant changes in the CS:GO gaming system compared to earlier versions of the game. Many of these changes were assessed in a positive light, considering them more convenient and practical. The second half of the players do not agree with this opinion; imagine them; on the contrary, they are convinced that everything has become much more confusing and inconvenient. For example, for many, the new purchasing system seemed quite complicated and unusual. But for every problem there is a solution.

You still don’t know how to bind keys in CS:GO and are wasting time buying weapons? Then this article is for you.

Now let’s look in detail at the answer to the question of how to bind a button in CS:GO - for quick access to various game functions with one click.

What is a bind, and why is it needed in CS:GO?

A bind is the assignment of a command or several commands to a key for quick access to them. Each player can take advantage of this function to facilitate the gameplay, in order to get the most out of the game.
The most popular commands that players use are purchasing items and writing chat messages. Indeed, why waste precious game time writing monotonous messages, or constantly buying weapons, if all this can be done with one simple click of a certain key?

How to write commands for a bind?

Like most commands in CS:GO, the bind command will have to be entered manually using the console. To open it, you need to press the “~” key, usually located under “ESC”.
So, in order, for example, to quickly purchase a certain weapon, you need to enter the following in the console line: Bind “f1” “m4a1; primammo.” Where “f1” is the key to which the action is bound, and “m4a1; primammo" - the action that will be performed when this key is pressed. All bindings are carried out according to this principle, for any commands and keys. The name of the keyboard buttons and game weapons can be easily found on the Internet.

Key binding format

bind key_name "buy weapon_name"

Examples of binds

bind f1 “buy ak47; buy m4a1; buy vest; buy deagle; buy flashbang; buy smokegrenade; buy molotov; buy incgrenade; buy defuser"
bind f2 “buy awp; buy vest; buy deagle; buy flashbang; buy smokegrenade; buy molotov; buy incgrenade; buy defuser"
bind f3 “buy vest”
bind f4 “buy kevlar”
bind f5 “buy hegrenade”
bind f6 “buy flashbang”
bind f7 “buy smokegrenade”
bind f8 “buy molotov; buy incgrenade”
bind kp_home “buy awp”
bind kp_uparrow “buy g3sg1; buy scar20″
bind kp_pgup “buy ssg08″
bind kp_leftarrow “buy ak47; buy m4a1″
bind kp_5 “buy sg556; buy aug"
bind kp_rightarrow “buy galilar; buy famas"
bind kp_end “buy p90″
bind kp_downarrow “buy bizon”
bind kp_pgdn “buy mac10; buy mp9″
bind kp_minus “buy deagle”
bind kp_plus “buy tec9″
bind kp_enter “buy p250″
bind kp_ins “buy defuser”

Useful binds

bind b "buymenu; buy defuser” - in order not to forget to buy tongs. When you open the shopping menu, they will be purchased automatically.
bind f1 “toggle sensitivity 1 5” - when you press the “f1” button, the sensitivity will change to “5”, when you press it again - to “1”.
bind kp_enter “use weapon_flashbang” - use the flashbang grenade

Also, you can assign (bind) a key to write something in the chat, for example:

bind f1 “say Hello everyone!” — You assigned a key to write a short message in the chat. You can also write something of your own.
bind f1 “say_team GL & HF” - just in case, a command to write ANY message in the team chat.

Very useful - to get a weapon/item, etc., you need to register a bind (in the same file, see below), for example:

bind f1 “use weapon_m4” - made in order to simply take out an item and hold it in your hands. If necessary, you can configure it in the CS:GO settings menu (inside the game)

Also, you can bind the mouse, but your left and right keys are initially assigned to “Fire” and “Aim,” but the wheel - mouse3 (click on the wheel) is not assigned. It can be assigned to purchase an item or to hold the required specified item (only one) when you click on the mouse wheel. Also, there is such a thing - mwheeldown and mwheelup. For example:

bind mwheeldown “buy molotov; buy incgrenade"

In order to change your hand when shooting (during the game), you do not need to go to the menu, but just write a bind to any of the keys.

bind x "cl_righthand 0"
bind c “cl_righthand 1” (I change hands to C and X, but you can set the keys as you wish naturally, also 0 is off, 1 is on)
bind f1 “use weapon_knife; use weapon_awp" - you can bind it to any key instead of "f1" - this is in order to pick up the AWP and then pick up the KNIFE. Perhaps a useful bind for servers with avapkas.

Where to register binds?

My computer/Disk where Steam/Steam/Steamapps/Common/Counter-Strike Global Offensive/csgo/cfg/config.cfg is installed (for example, I have drive F:)
— File (right click)> Open with...> Notepad> And on the last line (clean, if not, create one) write down your binds (one bind - one line), as in the image.

Key names on the right side of the keyboard

1. kp_slash (button “/”)
2. kp_multiply (button “*”)
3. kp_minus (button “-“)
4. kp_home (button “7”)
5. kp_uparrow (button “8”)
6. kp_pgup (button “9”)
7. kp_leftarrow (button “4”)
8. kp_5 (button “5”)
9. kp_rightarrow (button “6”)
10. kp_end (button “1”)
11. kp_downarrow (button “2”)
12. kp_pgdn (button “3”)
13. kp_ins (button “0”)
14. kp_del (button “.”)
15. kp_plus ("+" button)
16. kp_enter (Enter button)

P.S. You can also use the f1-f12 keys in binds, but remember! f5 in the game is counted as a screenshot, and their designations are also f1, f2, f3...

Additional keys

You can also bind these keys. Their names:

2. del
3. home
4. end

1. leftarrow - Left arrow
2. rightarrow - Right arrow
3. uparrow - Up arrow
4. downarrow - Down arrow

There are also binds with them, for example:

bind uparrow «buy ak47; buy m4"

Weapon names


Ssg08 (ssg08)
Galil Ar (galilar)
Famas (famas)
SG553 (sg550)
AUG (aug)
M4 (m4a1)
M4A1 with silencer (m4a1_silencer)
AK47 (ak47)
T automatic rifle (g3sg1)
CT automatic rifle (scar20)
AWP (awp)

Submachine guns

Weapon name/Weapon name in console

Mac 10 (mac10)
UMP-45 (ump45)
P90 (p90)
PP-19 Bizon
MP7 (mp7)
MP9 (mp9)


Weapon name/Weapon name in console

Auto Shotgun (xm1014)
Mag7 (mag7)
Sawed Off Shotgun (sawedoff)
Nova Shotgun (nova)
M249 (m249)
Negev (negev)


Weapon name/Weapon name in console

Glock (glock)
Dual Elites (elite)
Five Seven/CZ-75 Auto (Depending on what is selected in inventory) (fiveseven)
Desert Eagle (deagle)
Tec9/CZ-75 Auto (Depending on what is selected in inventory) (tec9)
P2000 (hkp2000)
USP (usp_silencer)


Incendiary Grenade (incgrenade) – CT incendiary
Flashbang (flashbang) – Light
Smoke (smokegrenade) - Smoke
HE Grenade (hegrenade) - Grenade
Molotov (molotov) — T Molotov
Decoy (decoy) - False
Kevlar (kevlar) - Body armor (Without helmet)
Kevlar+Helmet (vesthelm) - Helmet + Body Armor
Zeus x27 (taser) – Stun gun
Defuse Kit (defuser)

How to unbind a button in CS GO?

If a player accidentally binds an action to the wrong key, then you can always unbind the button in CS:GO with the “unbind” command. For example, the capital code for unbinding all actions from the F1 key will look like this: “unbind f1”.

Due to the growing number of players in Counter Strike, more and more new questions arise about this game. Beginners ask a huge number of different questions and one of them is the question of how to bind a button in KSS. The keybind is used to quickly write commands. For example, when you press the key V You can open the administrator menu or quickly purchase this or that weapon. In this article we will tell you how to make a bind in KSS, and also posted a list of useful binds for you.

When you learn how to bind buttons in KSS, you will greatly simplify the game for yourself, and also make it as convenient as possible. By assigning a bind to the keys, you can open the bank, various menus, quickly buy weapons, set mines, write various phrases in the chat and much more, and all this by pressing just one key. However, you can only bind one command to one key. So let's get started.

In order to bind the button to KSS, open the console (Ё or ~) and enter the following type of command:

Bind "button" "command"
For example, you can write the command: bind "p" "say !bank"- in this case, when you press the key P Your server bank will open. At the same time, the team "say !bank" sends a message to chat !bank. The same team say sends a specified message to the chat, so after this command you can enter your message into the chat, be it the server menu, VIP menu, and so on.
We think that you understand the general principle of binding buttons in KSS, so now we want to provide you with a list of the most common binds for KSS.

How to bind a medic in the KSS

Bind a medic to the CSS easy enough. To do this, open the console and bind with the command "say !medic". This command sends a message to the chat !medic, with the help of which we will call that very doctor. At the same time, we will call it with just one keystroke, and not by opening a chat and entering a command. Bind makes the game a lot easier and simpler, doesn't it?

Example of a medic bind: bind "p" "say !medic"

How to bind the purchase of weapons in KSS

What could be better than quickly purchasing a weapon with just one click? A bind to buy weapons in the KSS will not only reduce a lot of time for buying equipment, but will also significantly simplify your game. Without further ado, we want to provide you with a list of binds for purchasing weapons at KSS.
  • bind "F1" "autobuy" - automatic purchase (M4A1 or AK-47, armor, cartridges and tongs).
  • bind "F2" "buy hegrenade; buy flashbang; buy flashbang; buy sgrenade"- purchase of all grenades.
  • bind "F3" "buy awp; buy deagle"- a bind to buy AWP and Deagle.
  • bind "F4" "buy m4a1; buy vesthelm; buy defuser; buy hegrenade; buy flashbang; buy flashbang; buy deagle"- special forces weapons package (M4A1, helmet and body armor, fragmentation grenade, blind grenades and Deagle).
  • bind "F5" "buy ak47; buy vesthelm; buy hegrenade; buy flashbang; buy flashbang; buy deagle"- weapons package for terrorists (AK-47, helmet and body armor, fragmentation grenade, blind grenades and Deagle).
You can bind the purchase of weapons in KSS at your own discretion. To do this, you need to bind according to the following template:

Bind "key" "buy weapon name; buy weapon name"
We have placed a list with the names of weapons just below. Each new weapon must be separated by a semicolon, as shown in the examples just above.

glock - "Glock18"
usp - "H&K USP .45 Tactical"
p228 - "SIG P228"
deagle - "Desert Eagle"
fn57 - "FN Five-Seven" -
elites - "Dual Beretta 96G Elite"

m3 - "Benelli M3 Super90"
xm1014 - "Benelli XM1014"

Automatic pistols:
tmp - "Steyr Tactical Machine Pistol"
mac10 - "Ingram MAC-10"
mp5 - "H&K MP5-Navy"
ump45 "H&K UMP45"
p90 - "FN P90"

Assault rifles:
galil - "Galil"
famas - "Famas"
ak47 - "AK-47"
m4a1 - "Colt M4A1 Carbine"
sg552 - "SIG SG-552 Commando"
aug - "Steyr Aug"

Sniper rifles:
scout - "Steyr Scout"
sg550 - "SIG SG-550 Sniper"
awp - "AI Arctic Warfare/Magnum"
g3sg1 - "H&K G3/SG-1 Sniper Rifle"

Machine guns:
m249 - "FN M249 Para"

vest - "Kevlar Vest" (Body armor)
vesthelm - "Kevlar Vest & Helmet" (Body armor + helmet)
flashbang - "Flashbang" (Blinding Grenade)
hegrenade - "HE Grenade" (Frag Grenade)
sgrenade - "Smoke Grenade"
defuser - "Defuse Kit" (CT forceps only)
nvgs - "NightVision Goggles"

How to bind the admin panel in KSS

Administrator bind in KSS This is a very useful thing, because by pressing just one button you can instantly get to the admin menu. The commands for opening the admin menu on all servers are different, but just below we have written for you a basic command for binding the admin menu in KSS, which should work on all servers if you have administrative rights.

Bind "F10" "sm_admin"
When you press a key F10 The admin menu will open. You can specify your own key and command to open the admin menu.

How to unbind a button in KSS

If you want to remove a bind from a button and put a new one, to do this you need to use the command unbind, For example: unbind c. After entering this command you will remove the bind from the key C. We think the point is clear.

Friends, we hope that our article was useful for you and we described in detail for you how how to bind a button in KSS v34. These methods are suitable not only for CSS v34, but also for all other versions. By the way, the button binding in KS 1.6 is completely similar to KSS, with the exception of the bind for purchasing weapons. If you still have any questions or were unable to bind the button, write in the comments under this article, we will be happy to help you. Have a good game!

Natus Vincere lost to Team Liquid in the semi-finals of ESL One Cologne 2019 in CS:GO. The confrontation ended with a score of 0:2 - 12:16 on Dust 2 and 12:16 on Overpass. Danil's team Zeus Teslenko took 3rd-4th place and earned $22 thousand. Earlier, Astralis left the championship.

Team Liquid reached the finals of the tournament. On July 7 at 17:00 Moscow time, Nick nitr0 Cannella’s team will compete with Team Vitality in a best-of-three match. You can follow the schedule and results of the competition in our report.

ESL One Cologne 2019 takes place from July 2 to 7 in Cologne, Germany. 16 teams are competing for a prize pool of $300 thousand. The championship is part of the second season of the Intel Grand Slam: if Team Liquid wins, it will earn a million dollars.

Valve has fixed a bug with Lifestealer in Wrath of the Mo'rokai

Valve has released a small update that fixed a bug with Lifestealer in the temporary event “Rage of the Mo'rokai” for Dota 2. This was reported by Vikram Reddy on Reddit.

With the help of a bug, the player could kill an allied monster using Infest of the second level, and then pick up the artifacts that dropped from it. When selling them, Lifestealer earned 100 thousand gold, which can be spent on six slots for himself and a Moon Shard with Aghanim’s Scepter for the whole team.

The temporary event “Rage of the Mo’rokai” was added to Dota 2 on the night of July 6, Moscow time. It is available to buyers of the Battle Pass for The International 2019. Fans of the game were unhappy with the mode. Several topics were published on the Dota 2 subreddit with negative reviews and calls to remove the event, and instead give all Battle Pass owners 50 levels.

New details have emerged about Escalation mode in Gears 5

The Coalition has released a new video sharing details about Gears 5 and the competitive Escalation mode.

In Escalation, two teams of five must hold their control points. Users will start the challenge with five lives left. If you die five times, you will not be able to respawn until the next round. The time after which a killed hero can return to the game will decrease with each new round.

In addition, the developers have made changes to the system for placing weapons in the combat zone, which will allow you to come up with new strategies. The characters' equipment will depend, among other things, on where they appear on the map: for example, only players in the rear will receive smoke grenades. And if all players on one team are dead at the same time, the victory is automatically credited to their opponent.

Turn-based tactics Wargroove is coming to PS4 soon

British studio Chucklefish reported on how work is progressing on porting the pixel strategy Wargroove to PS4. According to the developers, the new version of the game is in the final stages of production, and the release date will be announced very soon.

The studio thanked the players for their patience and long wait.

For a number of reasons, the PS4 version took a little longer to complete than we expected. We can talk about some of them - for example, about technical problems that needed to be solved, such as how multiplayer would work or the ability to share game content. We cannot talk about other details due to a non-disclosure agreement! — Chucklefish

The fantasy strategy is called the successor to classic projects like Ancient Empires and Advance Wars. The new version of the game will include all original content, with the exception of cross-platform multiplayer mode.
