The best mobile GTA clone games. Games similar to GTA Game in the style of GTA about fascists

22.10.2019 at 21:07 · VeraSchegoleva · 440

« GTA is a series of third-person action games (the first game was released in 1998). In the game you need to play as, completing various assignments from gangs. Thus, the player raises his character to the top of the criminal world. Of course, for completing missions you are awarded money, for which you can buy a club, hotel, yacht, garage, etc.

You play as a hero who is hiding in a shopping center, but there are a lot of zombies in it. It is impossible to run out of the publication, since it was cordoned off by the military. You will have to confront the zombies on your own... Items from the market will help you with this. Look around - you will need any technique to throw objects at these creatures. In addition to survival, you have to unravel the secret - why this dangerous one arose.

5. Saints Row

Release year: 2006

In a game called " Saints Row" everything is allowed! You can create the appearance of your character yourself, and then choose a suitable car for him, pumping it up as you wish. During the game you will have to fight a lot, meet people and, if we talk about the most important task, you will have to do everything in order to survive in a dangerous city.

The world has become more violent, and criminal leaders have taken control of entire countries. Once in the city, you must immediately join a criminal gang. It may be dangerous, but that is your main task. Exciting missions await you. Look for items and weapons to fight the criminal world.

4. The Godfather

Release year: 2006

A game " The Godfather"was created based on the film "". You will go to the vastness of the USA, where your activities will take place.

After prolonged military operations, the country is rising from its knees and now intends to engage in its development. But not everything is as rosy as it might seem, because criminal gangs do not sleep. They intend to regain all sources of income that they once lost.

First you have to play as a small bandit who will take advantage of any opportunity to get closer to success. Get ready for the fact that you will have to spend a lot of effort to please the leader of the most influential gang. If you prove to your boss that you can be trusted, you will become a member of his family.

3. Yakuza

Release year: 2005

You have to go to a fantasy world to unravel the mysteries... " Yakuza"includes an adventure style. You will travel to the recent past - to 1988, where you will become part of a criminal gang. You will play as a 20-year-old, but already brave and fearless guy, Kiryu, who will have to confront a competitive market specializing in the sale of real estate.

Keep in mind that it will not be easy, but you need to capture the market territory to gain power. On your way, you will constantly meet enemies who will not spare their efforts to destroy you and trample you into the dirt.

The main thing is to always remain attentive to avoid mistakes. Passing all the tests, you will definitely achieve success. Improve your talents and skills while others are dozing!

2. Sleeping Dogs

Release year: 2012

« Sleeping Dogs"attracts a lot of attention, largely due to its name. Thanks to this game, you will immerse yourself in the cities of Hong Kong and be able to learn about them in detail. This is not just a game, but a guide for tourists!

Events in the game will develop around Wei Shen going to Hong Kong. His goal is to infiltrate Triad society. The plot is quite interesting and exciting, many battles await you, where you can demonstrate your best abilities. You'll have to learn parkour, which is pretty good for a simple cop!

You will work as an undercover agent. To earn the trust of the mafia, you will have to carry out various assignments.

1. Just Cause

Release year: 2006

World " Just Cause» with a third person view will captivate you! You will play as the hero Rico, a brave professional agent. Thanks to his courage and ingenuity, he managed to achieve success in his field.

You will go to an exotic island to destroy the system and eliminate the government. The population is suffering because the government has become too corrupt. Moreover, the population of the island turned into real slaves. The government has established strict laws and people cannot even say a word against it.

It is you who are entrusted with saving the people, overthrowing the government and putting competent people in their place. Be careful, because the future of the island depends on your actions.

Why do we love Grand Theft Auto? For freedom? For the script? For the huge number of opportunities that the game gives us? Most likely, the game gained its extraordinary popularity thanks to the open world, which at the time of the release of the third part was a real innovation. And even if GTA III itself is far from the best game in the series, and even if hundreds of open-world games were released after it: in this clearing Grand Theft Auto is the undisputed leader, no one can shake the primacy of this franchise.

And yet, other games competing with GTA, in the hope of snatching their piece of the pie, still offer their own unique game design solutions. And, I must say, many succeed more than successfully. In this article, let's try to remember all the games that tried to copy GTA and they succeeded to one degree or another. Whether it's successful or unsuccessful is up to you to decide.


Bully can hardly be called a copy of GTA, since no one is killed in the game, and the game itself is not about crime, but about the school experiences of the young and cocky Jimmy Hopkins, whom his loving mother sent to a boarding school. Angry at the whole world, including his own mother, Mr. Hopkins immediately begins to misbehave and act out, thereby opposing himself to the whole of God's light. In the shoes of a young bully, we will have to learn hundreds of different ways to annoy our enemies. For example, by attending chemistry classes, you can learn methods of creating stink bombs, which are very effective in the fight against local majors.

First of all, I would like to recommend Bully to those who enjoy humor and satire more in GTA, because this game consists almost entirely of humor and satire. In addition, the game was developed by Rockstar itself, even if not the main division. You won’t see cruelty and murder in this game, what kind of cruelty and murder does a teenage schoolboy experience? The open world in the game is not that big, but rather very compact, by the standards of GTA-shaped games, of the available locations only the College itself with the surrounding areas and a suburb with shops and attractions. Weapons: slingshots, sticks and your own fists. Those who are tired of monotonous crime action films will definitely like Bully.

Total Overdose

At one time, Total Overdose was considered quite a good game and a worthy competitor to GTA. Now, of course, this game is very difficult to play due to outdated graphics and no longer relevant mechanics. At the time of its release, Total Overdose offered the player complete immersion into the world of high-speed and crazy shootouts with jumps around corners. By killing players using particularly sophisticated methods, we gained points, which, however, did not affect anything other than satisfying the player’s vanity. That’s how many points I scored, a whole million – many people said to themselves.
Total Overdose was really rich in all sorts of non-standard situations for GTA, for example, you could jump out of a car at full speed and shoot all the enemies with headshots directly in Slow Motion. For something like this, if I’m not mistaken, you could get several thousand points.

The only thing that might be interesting about Total Overdose now is its possible port to mobile platforms. The performance of mobile platforms can easily afford this; the final say remains with developers and publishers. The rights to the game belong to Square Enix, which is very active in the mobile market, constantly porting classic franchises of yesteryear, such as Final Fantasy. The game itself could be a good success, due to the fact that the game genre is relevant on Android and iOS, and the game itself can even now give odds to games like Gangster or 9mm.

Assassin's Creed

Can Assassin's Creed be called a GTA competitor? Yes and no at the same time. No, because the setting is completely different, unlike the crime drama GTA, a whole pseudo-historical thriller unfolds in Assassin’s Creed, which has no end or edge. Unfortunately, if GTA itself is constantly evolving, offering something new to the player in each new part, then Assassin’s Creed is constantly marking time, only individual nuances are polished from game to game, and the entire open world is based on the incessant capture of turrets. And if in the first parts of AC we could still tolerate something like that, then by the third part the franchise began to choke. We hope that in Assassin’s Creed: Unity the series will come out of its peak and make a real reboot of its gaming philosophy.

And yet, we will include Assassin’s Creed on this list, if only because Ubisoft, albeit quietly, is trying to create its own “medieval GTA.” It must be said that the company does this very well; Assassin’s Creed does not have any special competitors, and they are unlikely to appear. Sales of the franchise cannot but please Ubisoft management. It was largely from profits from AC that franchises such as the new Far Cry, Watch Dogs and The Division emerged. We can only hope that the new parts of Assassin's Creed will stop being so monotonous and of the same type.

Far Cry

Many will be very surprised to see this game on this list. But let's think about what Far Cry and GTA have in common. But in fact there is much more in common than there is difference. Firstly, it is a large open world, completely accessible for exploration. Secondly, this is a “global sandbox”. Whether in one or another game, the player can easily entertain himself by coming up with another activity for the evening, without resorting to story missions. Thirdly, there is a large abundance of side missions and games, such as poker or billiards. Also, in Far Cry 3 we can see the general satirical mood characteristic of all stories in the GTA series. There are, of course, quite a few differences, and the most important difference is the third-person view in Far Cry 3, but it does not greatly affect the overall mechanics of the game.


Perhaps Mafia is the game closest in spirit to GTA. And at the same time, both of the released Mafia parts are very far from GTA in terms of game mechanics. Of course, there are a lot of similarities in terms of script, production and overall presentation. It’s true that the developers of Mafia tried to tell a much more dramatic story, devoid of the caustic sarcasm so characteristic of the entire GTA series. Unfortunately, or maybe fortunately, in Mafia you can’t upgrade cars and compete in low-rider races. But there is much more to this game - atmosphere, presentation and direction. Mafia was the first serious computer game about bandits, in which the bandits were real people, with their own ideals, weaknesses and preferences. In GTA, such things appeared, perhaps, only with the release of the fourth part; before that, the characters in the series were not worked out as carefully and scrupulously as was done, say, with the same Niko Belik.

Unfortunately, Mafia II turned out to be a failed game for many, because there were no interesting gameplay moments in the game and never appeared, but the plot and script sank very noticeably. The story told in Mafia II was not as strong as in Mafia I. The main characters of the second part were devoid of personality. It was completely incomprehensible why Vito and his childhood friend Joe stepped on a crooked path. It feels like they just did it out of nothing to do. And besides, the very narrative in the game was borrowed from the shooters of the early 2000s, which was not a mission, but a small war in which we were required to clear all the locations on the map. This approach is unacceptable for a serious crime drama.

The second part of Mafia, one might say, practically put an end to the future of the franchise; it is possible that this was the last part of the series. After such a crushing failure, it is unlikely that anyone else will sponsor a new pseudo-crime drama about gangsters.


Mercenaries is a solid action game in an open world without a head. When playing Mercenaries, the player encounters virtually no restrictions, in this game everything and a lot is allowed. Moreover, the game has a rather interesting implementation of the destruction system, and the game, let us remember, was released in 2008. After firing a rocket launcher at a skyscraper for some time, it will inevitably fall apart like a house of cards. For many, such opportunities at that time literally tore down the tower, after the pseudo-destructibility of Crysis, such extensive liberties seemed like a real breath of fresh air in the all-consuming atmosphere of prohibitions and restrictions.

Let us remember that any meaningful destructibility has not yet been implemented in the gaming industry, and what prevents this is not the capabilities of personal computers and consoles, but game design simplifications. A modern game designer is simply afraid to imagine what could happen if a player accidentally breaks the quest house in which the quest character sits. All mechanics will be broken and most likely the game will have to be played through again.
It definitely makes sense to look at Mercenaries now, since they don’t make games like this anymore; they all rely on seriousness and casual realism, without burdening the player with total prohibitions and impenetrable complexity. And yet, it makes sense to remember the fact that the game developer, Pandemic Studios, ended its days in poverty, found itself bankrupt and was disbanded.

The Saboteur

The Saboteur was developed by the same Pandemic Studios, the authors of Mercenaries. The game turned out to be Pandemic Studios' last game, and I have to say, it wasn't all that bad. This was a worthy representative of the B-class of games that do not lay claim to the main laurels, but always remain in the wings if some AAA project suddenly turns out to be a weak game.

The Saboteur embodied elements of modern games with the conquest of territory, similar to some Assassin’s Creed, that were still unknown at that time. And, I must say, it was implemented very well at that time. Moreover, the conquered territory was displayed graphically: the areas controlled by the fascists were painted in black and white, as if taken from the film “Sin City.” The cleared lands were painted in rich, bright colors and transformed Paris beyond recognition; it blossomed and turned green, like the same Shire from The Lord of the Rings.

Unfortunately, one unique idea did not save the project, and Pandemic Studios had to be closed. The time of passable B-shooters was coming to an end, and the company was unlikely to be able to surprise this world with anything new.

Sleeping Dogs

This game was not praised at the time of its release. GTA V had not yet been released, and GTA IV was quite seriously outdated. Many have forgotten what the real Grand Theft Auto is and that's why Sleeping Dogs was called the “GTA killer”. Of course, compared to the recent GTA V, the game looks very weak, but it also has its own interesting features. Of course, the main aspect that may be of interest to all fans of GTA clones is the Asian flavor, which is practically not covered in the big GTA. Yes, there were yakuza in San Andres, but not much attention was paid to them, so it makes sense to dive into Sleeping Dogs for another week.

In addition, unlike GTA, Sleeping Dogs featured a completely authentic Hong Kong, which was called Hong Kong and was not hidden under a fictitious, slightly changed name. All the main attractions of this place remain in place and if you ever wanted to wander around virtual Hong Kong, Sleeping Dogs can do it without any problems.

But, like any copy, Sleeping Dogs turned out to be worse than its older ancestor, and after the release of GTA V, many forgot that such a game had ever been released. We hope that this franchise has a great future, because by adjusting and correcting a number of shortcomings and crooked corners, Sleeping Dogs could well emerge as a worthy competitor to Grand Theft Auto.


InFamous is “GTA with superpowers.” For the time being, this game was positioned as a key game on the PlayStation platform, which is why it received so much attention and advertising. Sony invested quite actively in advertising its brainchild, placing banners with InFamous everywhere possible, and commercials were constantly playing on TV. However, in fact, the first part turned out to be, if not crude, then a rather sluggish game. The second part turned out to be very good, InFamous: Second Sun generally received millions of enthusiastic responses from players and the press.

At the moment, Second Sun is the best-selling game on PS4, mainly due to the lack of any other equally noteworthy projects on the console. First of all, the third part of InFamous amazes with its incredible graphics, after playing at least a little in this game, you understand, here it is, a real next-gen. Otherwise, it cannot be said that Second Sun is particularly ahead of its time; in terms of gameplay, it is the same modern game as many other games on the market. InFamous: Second Sun is positioned primarily as a youth and informal game. Almost all the characters in the game speak slang with the active use of modern neologisms, which are incomprehensible even to many people in their thirties.

Everything would be fine, but most old and not so old players did not like the youthful sweetness of InFamous: Second Sun, many did not appreciate the incomprehensible teenage jokes and gags. But, as we have long known, Sony is not a stupid company and has a couple of aces up its sleeve for such grumblers. No gaming segment has ever been left on the PlayStation without its gaming segment. We hope PlayStation 4 will be no exception.


Crackdown is a less-promoted “superhero GTA”, but already on the X-Box platform. As is usually the case, the Realtime Worlds studio entered into an exclusive agreement with Microsoft, committing to develop a game for the X-Box 360 that will not be released on other platforms. Of course, it is very difficult to compete with InFamous Crackdown, these games are too different, and besides, fundamentally different amounts of money were invested in them for promotion. But it also has its own interesting features.

If in InFamous the player most often found himself on the other side of the law, then in Crackdown, on the contrary, the player acted as a guardian of law and order. Crackdown implemented a destruction system that was quite good for those times, and if it weren’t for it, most likely no one outside the X-Box community would have known about this game.

L.A. Noire

Now, if anyone can be called a full-fledged GTA rival, it’s L.A. Noire. And here’s the irony: the same Rockstar studio was involved in the development of the game, although it developed L.A. Noire is little known in our latitudes Team Bondi. Unfortunately, almost immediately after the development of the game was completed, the company was forcibly disbanded, the reason being a far-fetched scandal, according to which many of the company’s employees worked overtime. Perhaps this would not even be a trifle, if not for the confessions of former developers in their voluntary choice of such a schedule for their own work. However, all's well that ends well, and in the same 2012, Team Bondi was bought by the publisher KMM Interactive. Since then, the employees have been working on the little-known project Whore of the Orient.

L.A. Noire is fundamentally different from all the games on this list. For example, the open world in L.A. Noire is almost completely conventional; you can’t do anything in it except freely ride around the cozy streets of Los Angeles. The plot and its presentation are made in radically more serious tones than in GTA. There is virtually no hint of satire or dark humor. Each mission to which the main character of the game Cole Phelps arrives is a small drama, each suspect aggressively defends his innocence. It is extremely difficult to find those who are right and those who are wrong, and to avoid making mistakes in L.A. Noire is very difficult.

Of course, in a simulated simulator of a law enforcement officer there should be little shooting and a lot of intellectual work. In this regard, there are no complaints about L.A. Noire does not exist and cannot exist. In fact, the game can be called a very expensive and beautiful quest in which we look for the true killers, periodically interrupting for shootouts with villains and other scoundrels.

The game took a very long time to develop, it is not surprising that Team Bondi has released only one game in its entire history, L.A. Noire took six years to develop. The unique technology for capturing movements of facial expressions, by which we determine whether a person is lying or telling the truth, was constantly being refined, right up to the final days of development. I must say that in L.A. Everyone should play Noire, if only to see with their own eyes the splendor of this technology; you won’t find anything even close to this in any other game.

Just Cause

Another fun interactive sandbox on our list. Essentially, throughout the Just Cause series, the player had to entertain himself, creating challenges on the fly. For example, the main feature of the game was a smart parachute; diving from the air, you could land on any car in traffic, throw the driver out of it, climb into it yourself and take control of it. And this is all provided that the main character is not a superman, but an ordinary person.

But even with this approach to the player, it is very difficult to attract a large number of new fans to another GTA competitor. The stunt tricks and every-minute madness seemed to many to be not enough and the franchise came to naught. However, the talent of the developers was noted and they are currently developing a game in the setting of post-apocalyptic Australia from the movie “Mad Max”.

The Godfather: The Game

It would seem that an average game, B-class, The Godfather: The Game still has its own set of advantages over its competitors and even over GTA. Although, more precisely, there is only one advantage - the game is made under the license of the film trilogy “The Godfather”. Yes, even though Francis Ford Coppola's legendary saga did not receive its gorgeous game adaptation, The Godfather: The Game has something to praise for. At the time of its release, the game had a completely innovative damage system. It was possible to shoot off the opponents' arms, legs and head separately. Having shot in the hand, the enemy could drop the weapon, and having shot in the leg, he began to limp heavily. At that time, there were only a few games that were capable of something similar. Resident Evil 4 was the first to demonstrate a separate damage system, which brought this game to a hitherto unattainable Olympus of fame.

In addition, the game provided a very interesting appearance editor; you could customize absolutely any character, any constitution, many even managed to “sculpt” yourself. It was also possible to change clothes, hat, boots and glasses. At that time, this was a fairly high level of personalization of your own character. Coupled with a simple leveling system, each character was perceived very personally.

But most of all, it was the opportunity to integrate your character into
classic "Godfather" plot. As we progressed, we could meet many characters from the film. In particular, new details have been revealed about the circumstances of the death of Luca Brasi. I also had a lot of contact with Tom Hagen, Don Vito and Sonny Corleone. Many fans of the original film received a lot of positive emotions from virtual communication with their favorite characters.

But The Godfather: The Game had more than enough negative aspects. In particular, all the locations in the game were extremely similar, the graphics left much to be desired, and the gameplay did not offer much variety. By the second part of the game, all these shortcomings had to be changed, but for some reason this was not done. As a result, it all ended in the second part of the Godfather gameization. But if the developers had shown a little more diligence, everything could have turned out differently.

Batman: Arkham City

In many ways, it was the second part of the relaunched Batman trilogy that became the standard for a superhero game. Almost everyone was satisfied with Batman: Arkham City: geeks, fans, and gamers. For geeks, the game could offer hundreds of details from the world of DC Comics. Ordinary fans of Christopher Nolan's trilogy were pleased with the game's overall atmosphere, which was close to the new films. And gamers were pleased with the almost complete lack of flaws in Batman: Arkham City. It’s strange why the third part was entrusted to some completely young chicks who very carefully copied all the elements of previous Rocksteady Studios games, but for many it was a little difficult to play the same thing for the third time.

Batman: Arkham City offered players a completely new gameplay close to GTA. The game offered us an open world that we could freely explore. Each location was individually designed for each villain who lived in it. For example, the Joker's haven was decorated as a cheap circus, befitting the clown nature of the owner. And Mr. Freeze's laboratory turned out to be almost completely covered in a layer of ice. Christopher Nolan himself couldn't have done better.

The gameplay mechanics were no less innovative. Batman: Arkham City is an excellent fighting game, with ideal difficulty that will not leave indifferent any fan of high-quality mauling. The perfect consistency of strikes, interceptions and blocks turned every fight into an interactive dance. Stealth turned out to be no less interesting due to the fact that enemies can shoot at Batman to kill, and Batman, due to his altruistic considerations, cannot kill anyone. Gradually leveling up and unlocking more and more new gadgets, the game of hide and seek with the guards became more and more interesting and varied, if only due to the fact that the guards themselves acquired new weapons and devices.

Very soon we will see the fourth part of the series, this time released under the leadership of Rocksteady Studios. The game will be called Batman: Arkham Knight, it will be released in the first quarter of 2015 and, according to rumors, will be the final statement in the series. Of course, sooner or later someone will develop a reboot again and we will again put on the skin of Batman, but until then we have to wait a little. The game brainchild of Rocksteady Studios has somewhat stalled and slowed down in development; the third part of the franchise does not evoke new emotions, as well as the former delights and joyful reviews.

Saint's Row

Saint's Row is a perfect example of how anything can be taken to the point of absurdity and you can get your share of the benefit out of it. Let's be honest. Not all players play GTA for the sake of the plot or scenario; many simply like to cause disasters and other madness in the open world and they get their share of pleasure from it. Saint’s Row was made just for such people, a game that embodied all the craziest undertakings in GTA, in particular in GTA: San Andreas.

There is some absolutely phantasmagoric hell going on in the plot of the game. Either aliens land on Earth, or the main characters, criminals by nature, become the heads of the US government. Trying to understand the logic in all these events is absolutely useless, it is not here. But there are many different entertainments for the fan, such as combat helicopters, jet packs, tanks and strike fighters. For many, such entertainment is much more interesting than tons of complex dialogues from GTA V.

At the moment, Saint's Row is an underdog and B-game that lurks in the shadow of Grand Theft Auto. With such a frivolous approach to business

The Grand Theft Auto series has attracted a wide audience from the very beginning of its history. Its appeal, to this day, lies in the simple ability to do things in the game that you can't do in the real world. Even necessary. Of course, storylines are of interest to reviewers and, if there are any, historiographers of the gaming world, but the main vector of attention of both human rights organizations and fans of this game will always be focused on the gameplay. Crazy, cruel, and destructive. GTA, even in its first games, proved that the ancient maxim of “bread and circuses” will work as long as the last man lives. The gameplay features that make it possible to classify a computer game as GTA-like are simple: violations of rules, destruction and violence in the open world. A third-person view and the ability to “level up” a character within reasonable limits will also come in handy. After all, in essence, GTA is a fusion of RPG and Action, where “robbing cows” is not an additional option. an option, but an end in itself.

Mercenaries 2: World In Flames

The name of this game immediately contains a description of the gameplay. Playing as a mercenary carrying out orders for elimination, blowing up everything that gets in his way.

The Godfather

Either of the two games with this name exploits with slight variations the gameplay of the video game Mafia, which, in turn, is an analogue of GTA in the USA of the 30s.

The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings

Similar to Asassin's Creed and Mercenaries. The tasks consist of destroying unwanted people.

Vampire: The Masquerade Bloodlines

A role-playing game with a clear emphasis on action. Instead of bandit clans, there are vampire clans.

Deadly Premonition

A very unique game in mood, which is the legacy of Twin Peaks and GTA “in one bottle”.

Far Cry 3

Of all the Far Cry parts, it is the third that is most similar in gameplay to GTA.

State of Decay

Open world, the main task is to survive. Crowds of zombies.

Infamous 1.2

Each part of the series provides a vast world to explore. Well, destruction is also available.

Sleeping Dogs

Chinese GTA about an undercover cop in Hong Kong.

Mafia 1,2,3

The action of the first and second parts differs in time frame and graphics. In the second part, the events unfold in the 40s of the 20th century and the graphics are better.

Just Cause 2

An abundance of different means to achieve your goals, a huge and picturesque world.

The Saboteur

The action takes place in Paris in the 40s, and we play as a saboteur. The game is decorated in noir colors.

Grand Theft Auto, or as everyone calls it GTA for short. There is probably not a single gamer who does not know this amazing series of games about the adventures of criminals. Not a single game in the series has yet received negative reviews or failed to sell, and the company that created it, Rockstar, no doubt thanks to this franchise, has become one of the most popular in the world. Many are trying to repeat its success by making games similar to GTA. They make GTA-style games for the iOS and Android platforms. Our selection is dedicated to mobile clones of this franchise.

Payback 2 (iOS, Android)

Payback 2 clones the first games in the franchise with its isometric view and the fact that the plot is not so important here. The main part of the game is occupied by racing, cleaning up and causing mayhem, and advancement in the gangster hierarchy is completely secondary. But overall the game is a very good clone and should appeal to GTA fans.

Gangstar Vegas (iOS, Android)

Development Gangstar Vegas was developed by the well-known company Gameloft. It should be noted that the game turned out to be very good. In my opinion, this is what a GTA mobile clone should look like. Everything that is present in the original is here. A huge world, dozens of different cars and guns, the history of the formation of a new gangster authority, a variety of optional activities, such as playing in a casino, underground battles or real estate trading and, of course, the opportunity to dress up as your hero.

Car Jack Streets (iOS)

Car Jack Streets is about a guy who lost a lot of money and bet on the counter. Well, in order not to be buried in the forest for debts, our guy, whose name is Rendal, by the way, begins to earn money in all possible ways. And, I must say, there are many of these methods in the game. You can steal and sell cars, rob banks, be a courier... or you can earn extra money as a taxi driver or deliver pizza. In short, decide for yourself whether you will be a law-abiding citizen or a repelled criminal.

Gangster Revenge: Final Battle (Android)

IN Gangster Revenge: Final Battle you have to race through the streets of a huge metropolis on a motorcycle or car, driving, of course, a gangster. And like all self-respecting gangsters, you have to commit robberies of stores and banks, while avoiding pursuit of police cars. Steal sports motorcycles and cars and drive at high speed through the city streets, ramming all oncoming cars and obstacles on the way. Engage in battle with numerous bandits and enemies, using various combat techniques, and also not forgetting about bladed weapons and firearms.

Shadow Gangster War (Android)

IN Shadow Gangster War you, as a member of a mafia group, will carry out various missions. It differs from other GTA clones in its visual style - all the heroes here are stickmen. You will control the main character, who will have to find the killer of his wife. At the same time, of course, you have to move around a criminal city, participating in supermarket robberies, street shootouts, car thefts and other criminal matters. And be careful not to fall into the clutches of the cops.

Mafia Gods Criminal Escape (iOS, Android)

For a long time, calm reigned in the US criminal world, but at a certain point peace Mafia Gods Criminal Escape is rocked by a brutal murder. Now an American member of the mafia needs to go to the vast expanses of Russia to find his opponent and restore justice, regaining his influence on the criminal world. It won't be easy; you'll have to solve a huge number of puzzles and take part in more than one shootout. But a real crime boss is not afraid of fire and begins to return stability to the criminal world and power into his own hands!

Gangstar Rio: City of Saints (iOS, Android)

Gangstar Rio: City of Saints is a continuation of the Gangstar series. You will visit 5 districts of Rio de Janeiro. From the poorest neighborhoods to the richest, as well as the jungle, beaches and business district. Now you can diversify the appearance of your character. In addition, you will find a huge selection of weapons - cannons, machine guns, grenades, bazookas and the highlight of this version - a soccer ball with explosives! Control a plane, a tank, a helicopter, assemble different cars and motorcycles. And of course, 60 missions - kill corrupt politicians, deliver packages, protect witnesses, etc.

There are many more GTA-style games on Android and iOS, but we tried to select the best and most interesting projects. We hope this collection will help you. Well, if you know other good mobile GTA clones, write in the comments.

When it comes to open-world action games, many people immediately think of Grand Theft Auto. The gangster saga from Rockstar is rightfully considered the best in its genre, and the release of each new part is a landmark event not only for the gaming industry, but also for the entertainment industry as a whole.

Millions have tried to put their own spin on the series' formula, often resulting in amazing games. And while players are waiting for the re-release of the fifth part on new consoles and PCs, let's remember the most interesting open-world action films. Let’s make a reservation right away: this is not a selection of “GTA clones” (it’s hard to call them that), these games are completely self-sufficient. They are united only by some structural features - a school of design that was popularized (but by no means invented!) by Rockstar.

Red Dead Redemption

According to good tradition, only Rockstar themselves can surpass Rockstar. is so good that it can single-handedly make you fall in love with Westerns. Her Wild West lives its own life, it is full of details and bright events. And it seems that we should thank Red Dead Redemption for the beautiful nature in GTA V: a couple of years earlier, Rockstar made believable wild animals here and subsequently clearly used these developments in the next game.

We can talk about Red Dead Redemption for a long time, but this game simply needs to be played. Unfortunately, it never came out on PC, and among the console versions it is better to give preference to the one for the Xbox 360 - it is believed that the picture there is a little better.

BESIDES: If you're crazy about cowboys in the open world, check out . Despite the PlayStation 2 era graphics, this is still a great game. In addition, it is available on PC.

Sleeping Dogs

Spun off from the moderately successful series. This is a game about triad wars in beautiful, neon and mostly rainy Hong Kong. Criminal showdowns, shooting in the air, fist fights without rules and restrictions - everything here is staged at the level of good Hong Kong action films. True, it is the open world that plays a secondary role here - there is not enough scale, detail and life. But there is a lot of color.

Everything makes us hope that in the sequel (it has already been confirmed, but not yet shown) we will see something much more ambitious.


The series is a superhero take on open world gaming, a perpetual Sony exclusive. Instead of pistols there are special abilities, instead of vehicles there is parkour. There is also a special reputation system, according to which the decisions you make give the main character the reputation of a good person or a villain, open access to new quest lines and even influence the ending.

In terms of scale, InFamous plays on the same field as GTA, but it places emphasis in a completely different way - that’s why they love it.


The famous “sandbox” from Microsoft, which at one time well strengthened the position of the Xbox 360 on the market. It’s just pretending to be a serious game about how pumped-up agents protect the city from crime. In fact, this is a fun fight where you can put on an exoskeleton and indulge in delightful vandalism.

Crackdown has two main features - good destructibility and the ability to use everything that comes to hand as a weapon, including pedestrians. The second part tried to become more serious and as a result lost all its enthusiasm. You can play the original now, but you should show some leniency towards it - after all, it came out seven years ago.

L.A. Noire

Toy post-war America of the middle of the last century, detectives in hats and coats, a series of mysterious murders, a depressing atmosphere - the Team Bondi studio chose a very advantageous environment for its game and implemented it brilliantly. The Los Angeles here is amazingly good - the creators went through a ton of photographs and documents to make it not only detailed, but also historically accurate.

But for some reason there are terribly few additional tasks that would allow you to study it with interest: here you can only look for new cars and prevent rare crimes. It’s as if the developers themselves don’t want you to be distracted from the main plot for a long time - if you want, trips around the city can be reduced to a minimum by putting a virtual partner behind the wheel. is a great game about murder, investigation and interrogation, but the amazing city in it undeservedly remains in the background.

Just Cause

Tired of endless, same-type gang warfare? It's time to take on more important things - like starting a revolution on a sunny tropical island! Special Agent Rico Rodriguez has almost no job restrictions, and he will be allowed to play tricks to his heart's content. You can destroy enemy bases with a machine gun, ride any vehicle (enjoying completely unrealistic physics) and experiment with a grappling hook, achieving mind-boggling results.

The available space is enormous: the archipelago is considered one of the largest open worlds in history. A thousand square kilometers! I want to ride, fly and misbehave and don’t want to start the main task at all. The story missions here are painfully similar.

Batman: Arkham City/Arkham Origins

The Arkham series did not immediately adopt a large-scale sandbox format - the action of the first part took place within the walls of a mental hospital and the game was more reminiscent of classic Metroidvanias. In the sequel, Batman was given a separate area of ​​Gotham.

However, the gameplay has not changed much because of this: during the story missions, the player is still driven into the room. But in your free time, you can soar over the city, deal blows to robbers and collect upgrades for your suit. Arkham Origins has slightly expanded the accessible piece of Gotham, and the upcoming one promises to increase the gaming space by as much as five times.

The open world is not vital for the Dark Knight, but it still suits him. Be sure to check it out - this is not only the best game about superheroes, but also one of the best games in the adventure genre in general.

Saint's Row

The series is the apotheosis of a frivolous approach to using the open world. Almost every detail here is grotesque, pretentious and absurd. Get ready to wear ridiculously ridiculous costumes, shoot lasers at combat toilets, and roam the cosmos to the song “What Is Love?”

The game is not shy about borrowing other people's ideas and making fun of everything it can, including competitors, movies, music, and even itself. If such a volume of meaningless and merciless does not disgust you, then you can spend a fair amount of time pleasantly in Saint’s Row.

The series got crazier and crazier with each episode, so if you really want to know what craziness is, start at the end.

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The second part of the selection will appear on the website tomorrow at the same time.
