A hell portal is being made in minecraft. How to make a portal to a city in Minecraft, detailed instructions

The computer game Minecraft may seem primitive or childish to some. But in fact, with each new version, developers try to diversify it in every possible way. The player has an open world and complete freedom of action. The materials allow you to create even modern high-tech buildings and objects. And today you can find out how you can make a portal in the game Minecraft, namely Ender, heaven, hell, city, another world, forest and much more.

What is a portal in Minecraft and why is it needed?

A portal in Minecraft works the same way as portals in other games. That is - this a magical gate that instantly transports you to a specific area. Usually the last point of movement is very far away. Or this area cannot be found at all by moving around the game map in the usual way. When the portal is ready, you can easily move to the specified areas. Your character will be able to see what hell and heaven are in the game. They will also useful for saving time.

For example, you need resources that can be easily obtained from the forest. And all you have to do is enter the forest portal. And you're right there be where you need to be. According to the principle of the game, the most valuable resources are located in hell and heaven. In other places they are very difficult or even impossible to find. So that you can create such portals, read about them all below.

Instructions for creating a portal to hell

In order to make a hellish portal in Minecraft, we will need an unusual material - obsidian. Let's find out briefly about him. This is the most durable but destructible block in our game. It is mined in two modes: adventure and survival. Obtained by merging the source lava and water. There is only one way to destroy it - wither skull explosion. Try to use the latest versions of the Minecraft game, as this material may have different properties in outdated ones.

Obsidian in Minecraft

To mine obsidian you need a diamond pickaxe.

Diamond pickaxe in Minecraft

After this you need to find lava. You need to look in caves or underground. In total, you need to get 14 blocks for the portal.

When you have them, do the following:

To move to hell you need jump into this gate and stand for a while. After which the portal will begin to act and take you to the right place. This rule applies to all portals in the game.

How to make a passage to heaven in Minecraft

Now let's look at how we can reach heaven in Minecraft. When you manage to do this, you will receive unusual items. But more on that a little later. In the meantime, let's start the story about how to create a portal to heaven in Minecraft, since we have already made one to hell. Next, you will also learn about how to make a portal to Ender, the city, the forest and another world.


There are other portals to heaven. For example, they can be made from gold blocks. But, unfortunately, they are quite difficult to obtain. When you get to heaven you can open a special bonus box. In which are Valkyrie things.

Valkyrie's paradise items in Minecraft

With their help, you can defend yourself and extract resources much more effectively. There are also options for portals made from plants. And they can also take you to heaven.

Construction of the portal to Ender

All players can create a portal to Ender from version 0.17 of the game. To get into this unusual world for the game, you need 12 End portals and the same number of Ender eyes. Perhaps you don't know what it is.

In this case, some clarification is needed:

Name Peculiarities
Ender's eye (or Eye of the End) This is a special entity for finding the End portal. And also to activate it. If you right-click on it, the eye rises into the air and flies to the place where the End portal is located. May disappear once indicated. Once activated, the eye lowers to the ground and approaches the portal. Even if the frame is destroyed, the eye will fly to this place. And not to new portals.
End Portal These are special blocks with a greenish and blue tint, which are used to build a portal to the Edge or End. The portal itself, after creation, can be destroyed with simple water. Sometimes, instead of the usual Land, you can get through this portal to the underwater Land. It can be found in the fortress, above the lava pool.

Now let's create our End portal. To do this, you must have the above items in the amount of 12 pieces each.

Further procedure in Minecraft:

  1. First you need to dig a hole 1 cube deep and 3x3 cubes in size;

    Ditch for the portal to Ender

  2. After this, place 3 End portals on each side of the pit;

    Place End Portals along the edges of the pit

  3. Place the Eye of the End on every portal except one;

    Eye of the End on the portal

  4. Now stand in the middle of the pit and place the last eye on the End portal;

    The last portal without the eye of the End

  5. The game will immediately begin loading the new location;

    Loading Edge

  6. And in a few seconds you will find yourself in the right place. You have to fight the dragon to get useful resources and items.

    Edge or Ender

How to get to the Twilight Forest without mods in Minecraft

In order to get into the Twilight Forest, you need the same items as for Ender - the End portal and the Eye of the End.


  1. We again make a hole in the ground 1 cube deep, 5x5 wide;

    Portals in earthen pits

  2. Now in each side we place 3 End portals in the middle;

    Place 3 End Portals on each side

  3. Next, place the Eye of the Edge on each of them;

    Place the Eye of the End on every portal

  4. Remove all the portals and eyes and fill the holes with earth to create one dark mirror in the ground;

    Portal without End portals

  5. Then plant flowers in a circle: poppies and dandelions every other.

    Plant poppies and dandelions along the edge of the portal

The portal is ready. You can try it out by jumping inside.

How to build a portal to a city in Minecraft

For the city portal, we will again need obsidian, which we used to build the portal to hell. You already know what it is and where to get it.

So let's start creating:

Many such portals can be built. And every time we return from hell or enter a new portal, we will be transferred to another city. It's very convenient and cool. This way we can move between cities and go to hell if necessary.

Way to go to the diamond world in Minecraft

For the diamond portal you need a mod for Minecraft, which can be downloaded here: https://minecraft-inside.ru/mods/64063-lockyz-extra-dimensions.html. You've probably heard about diamond blocks more than once if you're not playing Minecraft for the first time. They can be mined like other ores - in the ground.


Here you will also encounter a boss that you need to destroy to get to the bonus chest. It will contain unusual things that will lift your spirits. So you have found out how you can make a portal in the Minecraft game to go to heaven, hell, Ender, city, forest and other worlds.

There is only one way to go to hell. In this article we will not describe what can be found in hell - what kind of monsters there are, tactics for destroying them, resources, etc. We will answer the question: how to build a portal to Hell in Minecraft.

What do we need?

Building a portal to hell is not that difficult. This will require a small area, a certain amount obsidian(14 or 10 pieces) and lighter/fireball. Obsidian is not difficult to get; you can make it yourself or find blocks underground.

Next we need a tool, namely a lighter or fireball. The second one is much more difficult to create, so we will not consider the process of creating it; for this you can go to the appropriate topic.

The lighter can be obtained from one iron ingot And silicon. They need to be placed on the workbench as follows:

Now we move directly to how to build a portal to Hell in Minecraft. To do this, you need to arrange the obsidian blocks as follows:

But, as is known from practice, obsidian blocks located on the sides of the portal are not needed, so they can be replaced with any other blocks. In this case, the portal will look like this:

After creating the frame of the portal, all that remains is to bring the lighter to it and click once with the left mouse button on any of the blocks located on the portal to Hell. After this you will notice changes. To get to hell, just step into the portal and wait a few seconds.

Hello young players. Today you will learn how to make a portal to Hell in Minecraft! It is built from obsidian, mined exclusively with a diamond pickaxe. Obsidian deposits are found in gorges with lava and water. There is a way to create obsidian: pour water on a lava lake.

Construction of the portal

The creation process is simple. You can build a portal to hell in the game Minecraft according to the instructions:

To save money, we suggest this method:

Set the portal on fire with flint to activate it.

Inhabitants of Hell

Zombie Pig- the mob does not burn in lava and is friendly. By attacking a zombie pig, the player will sign his own death warrant - they will attack ALL zombie pigs in hell. Exercise extreme caution!

Ghasts- easy to spot by the screams and moans in Minecraft hell. This mob is unfriendly and shoots fireballs. Hitting the fireball with your sword will cause it to bounce back. There is a legend that ghasts are the souls of dead creepers!

Lava cube- the closest relatives of this mob are slugs. It is unfriendly, does not sink, and attacks exclusively in close combat.

Skeleton- ordinary skeletons. They can spawn in the fortress of hell.

Wither Skeleton- looks like a skeleton in shape, taller than the player, black, with a sword, and slower than a zombie. In Hell in Minecraft, the wither skeleton is found in fortresses.

Ifrit- a stronger opponent. Found on the roof of the fortress, shoots fireballs, completely hostile. They say that these are the souls of dead zombies.

Fossils in Hell in Minecraft

Quartz Ore- Quartz (Decorative block)

Sand of souls(Block for planting hell warts, slows down walking)

Hell stone(Forever burning)

Glowstone(Decorative block with strong luminosity)


The Hell Fortress has roofed corridors, a roof, rooms with infernal warts, chests with dungeons, spawners of Ifrits and Wither Skeletons. Finding a fortress is not always easy and depends on the generator of the Minecraft world and hell in particular. The fortress is generated on normal and high difficulty.

The virtual world of Minecraft is not limited to one dimension, which adds its share of “piquancy”; there is another dimension that we have to visit – hell. In order to get there (and this is necessary, since there are just a lot of useful things there, but also dangers) in Minecraft, we make a portal to hell, also known as the Nether World.

Here you can see a video of how to assemble a portal to hell from obsidian blocks and then activate it:

And in this version you can see an option on how to make a portal to hell without a diamond pickaxe and obsidian (using a bucket of water and a bucket of lava + a bunch of earth blocks):

Getting ready - deciding on the necessary equipment

You will need:

  1. Diamond pickaxe - the thing is that you will need at least 10 obsidian blocks, and, unfortunately, they cannot be mined with any other pickaxe;
  2. Flint, which is crafted very simply, requires silicon and one iron ingot. See the screen for crafting flint below:

Flint - arrangement of silicon and iron ingot in the workbench

Let's go mining

So, all preparations are completed - let's go mining. The activity is not very fun, but it is necessary, since the ingredients that are obtained exclusively in the lower world are simply necessary for a full-fledged game.

But back to mining, the game minecraft - portal to hell, sent us on a journey to the lower levels, since it is there that it is easiest to find obsidian blocks; they appear where lava flows meet streams of water (and obsidian is not always formed in this case , an ordinary stone/cobblestone may also appear).

Obsidian becomes immediately noticeable - under the layer of water you can see dark, almost black blocks, although they are actually dark purple in color.

To make mining easier, you need to block the flow of water, which otherwise will carry you towards the lava, and this is not very interesting, plus the extraction of material will be significantly more difficult.

Important! Under obsidian blocks, there is a high probability that there may be lava, so you should not stand on a block that you destroy with a diamond pickaxe; it is also advisable to have some other block in the next cell of the shortcut menu, since after you break the block, it can fall into the lava and burn, and if, as a block flies out, you immediately stick another block in its place, then the obsidian will not go anywhere except your bag.

The required amount of obsidian has been mined, therefore, the second step in Minecraft - making a portal to hell - is complete.

Deciding on the shape of the portal

In Minecraft, when making a portal to hell, there are two options for assembling an obsidian frame:

Obsidian Hell Portal Frame Options

I advise you to choose a more economical one, since this does not affect the functionality at all, and savings are always and everywhere savings.

Let's move on to assembly

Minecraft - making a portal to hell step three - it's time to start assembling and launching. I am describing a 10 block obsidian option. In the location chosen for the portal, dig a hole two blocks wide and one block deep:

Digging a hole

We install two obsidian blocks there

We install two blocks of obsidian in the hole

Assembled frame

We take the flint in our hands, point the cursor at any of the two blocks below and press the right mouse button. We hear a characteristic chirping sound and in less than a second we see a purple haze filling the obsidian frame inside.

Portal to hell activated

That's all - the portal is ready to use!

“Minecraft - Portal to Hell” I suggest watching the video (which you could see at the beginning of the article) for those who do not quite understand the article - it will be much more visual and understandable, after which you definitely should not have any questions.

All that remains is to go into the portal, see how everything began to blur and the words “Loading the world” or “Generating the world” will appear on the screen, after which you will find yourself in the Lower World, but that’s a different story.

It must be said that in Minecraft 1.6.2 the portal to hell is built in exactly the same way, so all I can do is wish you a successful game!

Minecraft is a multifaceted game that can be explored for a long time. One of the subjects of this exploration for the player can be worlds. They are available for exploration, however, you can only get into them through the help of the portal. There are many of these worlds, and they are added in new versions of the game. To name just a few: The Edge, Hell, Twilight Forest, Space. If you get into any of them, you will definitely encounter surprises. In some worlds, these surprises will be associated with pleasant discoveries, in others - with constant danger.

How to create a portal in Minecraft?
Like the worlds, the portals themselves differ in structure and manufacturing method. There are also ready-made portals, but finding them is often problematic. Moreover, a ready-made portal cannot be shaken out of a monster you have killed. It is much easier to create a portal yourself. But there are some nuances here too. The first thing worth noting is that for each world you need to create your own portal. Moreover, each one uses its own material.

If we consider portals in Minecraft in general, then it is worth saying the following: they are all created from blocks that need to be assembled in a certain sequence inside special structures. The difficulty lies in two things. The first is that if the sequence of blocks is disrupted, the portal will not work. Secondly, each portal needs its own material. For example, a portal to Paradise will require blocks of glowing stone. And for the portal to Space - iron blocks.
In addition, the construction of each location has its own characteristics.

How to build a portal to Heaven?
As with the construction of a portal to Space, you will need a special mod. After it has been downloaded and placed in the META-INF archive, you need to find the glostone material and build a frame from six blocks of this material. And since it is quite difficult to obtain it, this will require a trip to Hell. Then the constructed portal will need to be activated. To do this, you need to pour a bucket of water into the frame. The portal is ready.

How to build a portal to Hell?
If you want to build a portal to Hell, you will need to make some efforts, since it can only be built using a rare material in the Minecraft world - obsidian. And this is associated with certain frameworks into which the player will be driven. Obsidian can only be mined using a diamond pickaxe, and you also need to find that somewhere. In addition, this material takes a very long time to cut, which means that you will have to somehow distract the monsters, who will continue to attack, no matter what. Add to this the fact that a lot of obsidian will be required - about fifty blocks - and we get a long, labor-intensive process.

But can this stop a real crafter? But when you have obsidian, everything turns out to be quite simple: blocks of precious material are arranged in the shape of a square - two blocks at the bottom, two at the top, and three on the sides. Next you need to activate the portal. To do this, you will need a flint to set the lower block on fire. The portal is ready.

How to build a portal to the End?
A portal to the End, that is, to the End, can be opened if you find 15 Enderman eyes, or create them. They are made from fire twigs, which should be taken from the Blaze you killed. Each rod should be divided into two parts and connected to the Enderman pearl. Using the ready-made Eye of the Enderman, we find the opened portal. The item you obtain will be used as a compass. To understand which direction you should move, roll your eye and it will fall in the direction where you need to go. However, it should be remembered that the eye burns out after several tosses.

How to build a portal to the Twilight Forest?
In order to create a portal to the Twilight Forest, you will need the appropriate mod. After this, you can begin construction. Moreover, you, as in other cases, will need to comply with a number of conditions. First, there should be flowers around the portal, which consists of a square-shaped pond. Secondly, the water should not flow. To meet all the conditions, the portal should be built near a reservoir. The portal should consist of square blocks arranged in a square, the center of which must be filled with water. After this, surround the portal with flowers and the portal can be activated. To do this, simply throw the diamond into the water.
