How to make 10,000 friends on VKontakte. How to make friends on VKontakte quickly? Adding friends using communities

If you need friends in large numbers, and even for free, then you have come to the right place.

What's the point?

The point is that you are promoting yourself on VK public pages called “ Add“.

You just need to go to these public pages and write something in a similar form: “Hello friends. I want to add to everyone who reads this.” The more attractive your message, the more friend requests you will receive. In the most visited groups, you will have to enter captcha:

You can write as much as you want. Everything depends on you. I will say that I have never been banned for spamming messages like this.

You will have the largest influx of friends from the top (most visited) groups. Therefore, in top public pages you can see a whole mountain of messages every second.

How much can you gain, for example, per day?

Based on my personal experience, the girl’s profile will be able to score 100 friend requests in 10-20 minutes. Of course, if you need much more, then you will have to spend more time.

Cheating vs this method

If you compare this method with simple cheating, there are some nuances. Personally, I noticed that subscribers from public pages are a little more alive than screwed up bots. How does their “survivability” manifest itself? In likes, reposts, comments.

The method is really good, and most importantly - free.

Good news, friends - you can become mega-popular on the social network VKontakte in just a matter of days or weeks =)

However, this will be more of an appearance; a three-digit number in the friends column, alas, will not make you popular. However, for those who are wondering how to make a lot of friends and subscribers on VKontakte, and even for free, there is certainly some sense in this action.

For example, I very quickly made a lot of friends for my fake on VK (). Ask why do I need this? Yes, it’s elementary - with its help I promote my group dedicated to computer games for free.

I, in turn, need it to earn money. The scheme is as follows:

  1. I recruit as many friends as possible on the fake site.
  2. Then I begin to actively invite them to a specially created group.
  3. In this group there is a link to my website, of course stuffed with affiliate links. Everyone who registers or makes purchases through such a link brings me a small amount of money.
  4. I periodically publish announcements in the group and receive additional clicks.
  5. I repost from the group to my fake page so that it will appear in the news.

This is not the entire scheme, but only a simplified version of it, but this will be discussed in detail in another article. Of course, things can be significantly speeded up by investing money in advertising or using special services. service for making friends on VK.

However, this is far from the only goal.

Some people are stroking their pride this way) Some people use popular fakes to make money from services, like selling advertisements in their accounts en masse, and at the same time not annoying their real friends. By the way, on the forum you can also buy cheap advertising, reposts, likes, etc. to promote my groups on VK or external sites, I did something similar. But as for me, if you don’t have a decent stack of fakes, then you can make money much faster and easier on freelance exchanges if you know how to do at least something (draw, design websites, program, edit videos, promote groups in contact, etc.) , this is one of the best exchanges in my opinion and you get a minimum of 500 rubles for 1 order.

Someone, with the help of pumped up fakes, promotes groups, applications, for money or for the sake of money. Bloggers can use them to announce their articles - a couple of thousand of your subscribers will see your announcement in their news feed, and you’ll get at least a few clicks. Groups that sell goods on the Internet through subscribers. And so on, there are a lot of options.

Well, now let’s get closer to the essence of how fast promotion occurs.

How to quickly gain friends and subscribers on VKontakte

There are several options:

  1. Through the “Possible Friends” option.
  2. Through popular gaming applications.
  3. Using third-party programs and scripts.
  4. Become famous in some field and your friends will flow like a river) At worst, make a high-quality fake female, and add unique erotic photos/videos - again, the fans will flock, but such an audience is very specific :)

There is one bad news - VKontakte has a limit of 50 friend requests per day. Those. By sending out invites through “possible friends” you will get a maximum of 350 people in a week, besides, not all of them will accept the invitation, plus some will fall off over time.

Possible friends are formed from a list of mutual friends

In short, the process will drag on. In general, it’s not a tricky thing - you’ve recruited an initial number of people, and then once a day, go to the list and click the Add button 50 times until the limit is reached, periodically entering a captcha.

I also can’t describe the option of how to become famous here). So that leaves one last interesting way:

Mass increase of friends and subscribers in VKontakte groups using the service

A method for those who do not want to waste their time digging through software and manual additions - you can simply use special. there are a lot of services out there now. I like it better - it has the best price-quality ratio in my opinion. For a small amount, they will organize a quick boost of VKontakte friends for you (as well as subscribers to groups, followers, etc.)

Prices there at the moment are approximately as follows:

I do not recommend using dubious programs, especially those you downloaded for free from shady sites. There are probably Trojans sitting there that will steal your VK passwords. Good software for making friends on VKontakte is quite expensive and very difficult to use, and is not suitable for everyone.

Cheating friends on VK through applications

Suitable for those who need to make a few friends in a free way; this is done through numerous VKontakte applications.

However, not everyone is suitable - we need gaming applications where the so-called friending is developed - adding friends to receive gaming advantages and bonuses. This is a fairly popular marketing ploy among developers of such toys.

For example, I can name some of the most successful application groups for making friends - In the Trench, Tyuryaga, Metro 2033, Rules of War, Dead Zone, etc. there are a lot of them, look in the catalog with more than 1 million participants.

As a rule, it should have a topic like “Looking for friends”, “Add as friends” or something similar.

We go into it and leave our request to be added, and immediately we receive a bunch of requests) Sometimes there are no such topics in official groups, then you can look for fan publics dedicated to this application, there will definitely be a similar topic there.

What's good about this method? Because even if the limit of sent applications has reached, you still increase the number of subscribers, due to the fact that applications are sent to you, you just need to approve them) Thus, collecting a couple of dozen groups of gaming applications and sending there messages like “Add yourself!!!” you get a good flow of fresh blood)

We repeat the procedure every day, maybe even several times a day. In order not to go into applications every time and not to add bookmarks with groups to the browser, you can open My news -> Comments and you will see all the topics in the groups where you unsubscribed, you can leave new comments right here ( all unnecessary tracked comments can be filtered by clicking the cross)

This way you can add several hundred VKontakte friends every day, for free and spending very little time. And what to use them for is up to you =)

By the way, for those who need to make additional friends, you can below in the VK comments unsubscribe for mutual adding as friends + repost the post on the wall, so that more people would get here and more would be added as friends.

If you carefully follow the updates on our website, you can probably remember the article where we talked about various. One of the limits concerns the number of friends on the social network.

If anyone else knows, we officially declare that on VKontakte the number of friends one user cannot have more than 10 thousand. Why is this and what to do if you have more friends?

Let’s be honest - we don’t know what the VK administration was guided by when introducing this limit, since our project is just . Let us assume that this was done against the backdrop of an unlimited number of subscribers. Moreover, recruiting even 10 thousand users whom you would know, to put it mildly, is not an easy task.

Okay, let’s say this is so, you say, but is it really possible that with 10,000 friends the “gate” slams shut? Not really. Let's not forget about subscribers, who can be as many as your heart desires. This means that those users who do not fall into the specified 10 thousand automatically become subscribers. In this case, the user has a choice: for example, he can remove the user from friends, “sending” him to subscribers, and add another user in his place.

Frankly speaking, we would not worry about this limit at all, given that there are subscribers. And we don't recommend it to you.

How to add 10,000 friends on VKontakte?

In fact, our site has talked about this before. So let's repeat it briefly.

One of the most interesting ways to find friends is through communities. Go to VK, in the search for communities, write something like “add as a friend” or “be added.”

Go to the groups you found and leave a request like “I’ll add you as a friend.”

Waiting for applications. You can also independently add yourself to users who want mutual friendship right in the same community.

The main thing is to remember that you cannot add more friends to whom you have sent applications, however, if the user himself is added to you, this rule does not apply.

How to make many friends on VKontakte? This is one of the most popular questions asked by many users of this social network. A large number of contacts allows you to increase the rating of your page, effectively advertise services, products, and so on. In this article we will talk about several methods of making friends. Be prepared for the fact that you will have to work hard if you want to save money and not pay for the services of specialists.

Method 1

Sending invitations to users. You can search for friends on your own. For example, send invitations to users who are friends of your friends, or to random people. The method is quite complicated and ineffective. You can add up to 20 people to your contact list per day. This is due to the limitations of the site itself - you can send no more than 20 requests to add friends daily. However, it is not a fact that everyone you invite will respond positively to you.

How to make many friends on VKontakte? Method 2

This method will help you get many more users. He

is to search for thematic communities and groups. There are many communities on the VKontakte social network that help. The principle of their work is as follows: you go to them, leave your request on the wall or in a document specially designated for this and wait for users to start adding to you. You can also send friendship invitations by viewing offers similar to your application. Don't forget about the limit - 20 per day. There is no limit to the number of people whose invitations you can accept. Obvious disadvantages: the site administration can freeze the page for a large number of requests. Therefore, if you decide to use this method, try to add several people at a time so as not to attract the attention of the VKontakte security system.

How to make many friends on VKontakte? Method 3

Services for making friends allow you to also expand your contact list. What are they? These are special sites that function as follows: you complete simple tasks (for example, like a photo, join groups, leave a comment, etc.) and receive bonuses for this, which can later be used to pay

cheating. How effective this method will be is entirely up to you. It is quite possible to recruit 100 people or more per day.

How to get a lot of VKontakte friends? Method 4

This is the easiest and 100% way to add to your friends list. The cheating services we talked about earlier can fulfill your requirements for payment. The disadvantage of this method is that such resources are mainly taken for “wholesale” work, that is, when you decide to add 5,000 people or more (depending on the resource, the figure may vary). But, having paid for the service, you can not worry and be sure that you will soon receive the long-awaited “friends”.

So, we told you how to add many friends on VKontakte. It is quite possible to do without investments and work hard for several days or weeks so as not to spend money on it.

How to add friends in contact? If you want in contact you can add many users as friends, the main principle of adding friends is that they want to add you, and not you want to add them. In contact there is a certain limit on adding friends - 40 people per day. But at this rate, you probably understand that you won’t go far. VKontakte gathers many friends for various purposes, some for communication, others for promotion or blogging.

Ways to add many friends on VKontakte:

First method: there are special communities that are designed for adding friends. Often in these communities, likes (hearts) are exchanged for posts and photos. Join them and write a few phrases on the wall and add as friends people who viewed your profile and came to visit you. Join several of these communities and you can gain from tens to hundreds of good friends who will want to communicate with you.

Second way to increase friends in contact: If you already have from 50 to 100 people as friends, you can use the “Possible Friends” service. In order to use the service, you need to go to your friends list and select friend categories on the right in the list. Next, look at the list of people presented before us where you have a large number of mutual friends. After going through this list, you can add many users in a row as friends or select those people with whom you would like to communicate.

Third way to replenish friends VKontakte e: to do this, open the PR application and select one of the offers from there. Using such an application makes it possible to recruit many people into groups and add them as friends. So use all the capabilities of this application to recruit people as your friends who are interested in increasing their social circle.

Fourth method finding in friends contact: open the “communities” tab and go through the groups that you think are interesting to you, select the one you like best, join these communities and add many friends to your communication list. I recommend this option to those who like to communicate online.

The fifth way to add friends on VKontakte: many people sit all day and spend playing games. Find yourself a group with a popular application, links are located on the game screen itself. Each group has topics that are dedicated to adding as friends. You can always find them and thereby expand the list of your friends for communication and games on the social network.

The sixth way to get yourself friends in contact: enter the word “friend” in the search and you will see a great many offers from groups that want to offer you friendship based on similar interests. Select them, join them and expand your circle of friends in contact.

The seventh way to attract many friends: very quickly and completely FREE, you can recruit a large number of friends in the promotion and promotion service. You can read about this in detail Or watch the video:

The eighth way to add a lot of friends in contact: having joined various large groups based on your interests, in the “news” section we comment on other people’s news and enter approximately the following phrase “good day guys, I’ll be glad to meet you, add me as a friend.” Repeat the procedure every day. And your friends will certainly grow exponentially.

Ninth method: visit me on my page and be sure to add
