How to promote a group among your classmates: practical advice for independent people. Promotion of pages and groups in Odnoklassniki How to promote a page in Odnoklassniki

Nowadays, you won’t surprise anyone with making money on the Internet, including on social networks.
In order for the client base to be constantly replenished and income to grow, you have to spend time not
only for the development of skills and suitable page design, but also for account promotion or

How to promote a page in Odnoklassniki? How to find new friends and subscribers,
who might be interested in cooperation? You can use
one of three methods:

  • increase the number of subscribers on your own;
  • use a special service;
  • download the necessary program.

Let's take a closer look at all the pros and cons of each of them.


The method is the most tedious and time-consuming, but it gives impressive results and saves money.
money. Its essence lies in the mutual addition of a large number of friends, but not
the first people you meet on the vastness of the social network, and those who could really show
interest and become a client in the future.

You should act according to the following algorithm:

  • go to the “Groups” section;
  • find communities on the desired topic - design, illustration, programming, writing
    articles and so on;
  • select the group with the largest number of participants;

  • in the list of users, go to each page in turn and send
    invitation to friends.

Important! Even if the work seems tedious and ineffective, because you can send only forty invitations a day, it will yield results. If you stick to this method and regularly add new subscribers, you will receive more than a thousand invitations in a month. Some of the new audience will definitely respond positively and be interested in the services.

Online services for promotion

The next way to attract clients is much simpler and faster, but if you decide
If you take advantage of it, get ready for the need for additional investments.
If your budget allows, feel free to use the following services:


They have a convenient interface that even a schoolchild can understand, and
will provide you with new projects. All information about resources can be read by clicking on
corresponding link.

Important! An additional advantage is the possibility of making money on exchanges. Received
income can subsequently be spent on promoting an account or community.

Special programs

Also, special services can play a significant role in increasing the customer base and income.
programs and scripts. This method is considered one of the most effective, but it will have to
tinker with installing the necessary components.
List of programs that you can use to gain popularity on the Internet:

Before using one of the applications, it is better to read the activation instructions and
reviews from other users. It will also help in choosing the most suitable option.
watching video reviews.

Each of the above methods is a proven and safe way to
big earnings, highly paid projects and new acquaintances. if you have
opportunity - try all three methods and find the best one that helps
increase the number of orders, audience and positive recommendations.
Offer your services, develop yourself, don’t be afraid to take on new things and become truly
successful freelancer.

Last updated September 20th, 2017 at 02:53 pm

There are several reasons why many users want promote your page on Odnoklassniki: to stand out among other people and for commercial promotion (selling products, brand promotion, etc.).

First of all, don’t forget to fill out the page with up-to-date information about yourself or your products.

Of course, a completed page, by itself, will not become popular, because promotion consists of something slightly different.

One of the criteria for page popularity is Friends.

The more friends you have, the more attention your page will attract.

To increase the number of friends you can use 2 methods:

1. Find “Add Me” groups where people add each other as friends. Next, we add everyone we want and write a phrase on the group wall (for example, I’ll add everyone) so that those who want to add you as a friend.

2. You can. There are many sites for this. This method is good because you don’t need any action: you just place an order and get the required number of friends according to various criteria.

Second criterion - classes.

The more classes there are under the notes (photos), the more significance is given to the page.

A quantitative unit (such as VKontakte likes), which shows a person’s interest in your note (including photos).

There are 2 ways to get classes:

1. Join class exchange groups. But the disadvantage of this method is that such groups are constantly blocked and you can also get banned.

2. You can. This is an absolutely safe and very convenient way.

Conclusion: so that the page attracts attention - wind it up friends. To ensure that the information on the page attracts people, use it classes.

This way you can become popular and people will attach importance to your page and the information you spread.

You can direct people's attention in the direction you want, and with the right approach, turn them into clients.

Better yet, create your own group and invite your friends to it, so that in the future you can .

You need your own group on Odnoklassniki not only for the sake of it, but also for running a business, promoting your own brand or website, and other purposes. In order for it to produce tangible results and not just “gather dust on a shelf,” it must first be created and filled with interesting content, and then promoted. Today we’ll talk about how to promote a group on Odnoklassniki from start to finish. We hope that the tips will be useful.

Advantages of creating a group on

Bill Gates, one of the best modern gurus, once said that if a person is not on the Internet, then he does not exist. To paraphrase his phrase, we can express the following thought: if a company is not on Odnoklassniki, it deprives itself of a significant audience. There are several reasons:

  • it is on this social network that people from all over Russia “sit”;
  • its functionality is not inferior to Facebook and VKontakte;
  • It’s much easier for skilled developers to stand out from their short-sighted colleagues.

The only “but” is that Odnoklassniki has much fewer manipulative tools due to the low popularity of the platform among marketers. However, this does not prevent community developers from making good money, including through affiliate programs and selling their own products.

Step 1. Create a group

Before you promote a group in Odnoklassniki, you need to create it. To do this, you need to go from your profile to the “Groups” page. Here you can see what other people are writing about. The most popular topics: entertainment, hobbies, useful tips, jokes, philosophy, and so on.

On the same page on the left there is a noticeable button “Create a group or event”, it is surrounded by an orange dotted line. You need to click on it. A long list of group types will open from which you need to choose yours. It could be:

  • public page - suitable for creating news on one specific topic;
  • business page - ideal for promoting a company or organization;
  • event - a group is intended to gather people united by one goal (for example, go to a museum or cinema, attend a webinar);
  • bulletin board - this group is needed to publish news about the sale or purchase of any product or its exchange with other people;
  • store - necessary for selling goods via the Internet;
  • a group of interests or just for your friends.

After choosing, you will need to fill out a form, indicating the name of your group, its description, subcategory, age restrictions and, if necessary, contact information. Next, you should upload a cover for the community. It should be clear, beautiful and interesting.

Step 2. Form a group

Also, before promoting a group on Odnoklassniki, you should register it. The first step is to choose a background for your community. To do this, click on the colored circle located on the right side of the page. It's very small, so don't miss it. Choose a cover that is more or less thematic. Agree, it will be quite strange to see a background in the form of flowers in a group about cars, and vice versa.

You can upload your own cover for a group on Odnoklassniki when the number of group members exceeds 10 thousand people. In this case, you will need three photographs - the main one (about 1340 by 320 in size), for the background (320 by 320 pixels), and for the catalog cover (about 240 by 90). To do everything correctly, you should pay attention to the tips offered by the system. After uploading, the photo will be sent for moderation and, if all is well, will appear in the group.

Step 3. Make settings

The next step that needs to be taken before promoting a group on Odnoklassniki is to set publicity settings. To do this, you need to go from the group menu to their page. Please note that all parameters are divided into several categories:

  1. The main thing is that here you can change the information that you wrote when creating the group (for example, rename it or give a more complete description).
  2. Management - here you can specify who can leave comments on posts, post links in them, write new posts and upload photos. It is also possible to customize the content of the top block.
  3. Administration - in principle, nothing needs to be changed on this page. The only thing worth doing is to appoint a user as a moderator to weed out obscene and unnecessary messages.
  4. Applications - here you can select those that you want to see on your group page. These can be tests, surveys, questionnaires, mailing messages, applications from users, various forecasts, booking tickets, and so on. You can also invite social network developers to host your own application.
  5. Money transfers - this item should only be enabled if your users transfer money to you for any service or product. Good functionality for people making joint purchases.
  6. Affiliate program - only works if the number of your subscribers is over 10 thousand people. A good source of income.
  7. Penalty points - if there are too many of them, your group may be removed.

Which of these parameters you need is up to you to decide. For regular groups, it is always enough to configure only the first 4 items.

Step 4. Write some interesting posts

Another step that should be taken before promoting a group on Odnoklassniki on your own is to write several truly useful and interesting posts. This could be any tips, guides, instructions, practical cases, product comparisons or anything else. Advertising messages should be published with great care and less frequently; many users simply skip them.

If you use a group to publish announcements, alternate them with content created specifically for the social network. At the same time, try to post one post from approximately 13 to 16 pm, and another from 17 to 19. According to, the network is most crowded at this time.

Step 5. Add hashtags

Hashtags should be used to attract attention to written articles. It is advisable that they consist of one or, at most, two words. To add, you need to find the phrase “Add keywords” below the photo, enter them and click on the “Finish” button. Later, using these hashtags, users will be able to quickly find your publication.

Step 6. Invite friends

After 5-10 posts have been written, you can start inviting friends to the group (up to 30 people per day). You can do this from the menu on the left. The button is called “Invite friends”. Another way is to go to the “Participants” page and click on the button with the appropriate name. You can also ask any person to join the group by writing in the “Comments” to his posts. You should not use personal messages for this, as the system may consider such requests as spam.

Step 7. Add people using third-party services

One of the most accessible ways to promote a group on Odnoklassniki yourself is to use the help of various services. For example, vktarget allows you to first earn a little money, and then spend it on buying subscribers. In this case, you can specify both the type of account, its age, and the number of friends. Of course, you can’t hope for quick promotion here, but it’s free. However, you can deposit 100 rubles into your account. This is enough to buy one hundred “living people”.

Step 8. Invite subscribers from other groups

Another way to promote a group on Odnoklassniki on your own is to contact the owners of other non-competitive thematic communities and agree with them on mutual PR. If you still have few subscribers, they, of course, are unlikely to agree to this. In this case, you will have to buy several publications. Moreover, it is advisable to do this with already promoted and well-attended groups.

To view the statistics of someone else's community, you should go to Popsters, log in through the desired social network and enter the address of the group you want to scan. The system will download the results and provide reports on the time of writing and publishing posts, the volume of text, relative activity per day or per week. The only “but” is that the service is paid. You can view prices on the “Tariffs” page.

If you are wondering how to promote your group on Odnoklassniki for free, try also leaving a link to it on the pages of other communities in the “Comments”. Just do it carefully. Your message should not in any way resemble an advertisement. For example, you can write “I completely agree with the opinion of the author of this post. I would just like to add that…” and after a short comment write the following: “Here I wrote about it.” Then leave a link to your post. There is no certainty that such a message will live long, but perhaps someone will have time to click on it.

Step 9. Advertise

Step 10. Place links to the group wherever possible

People who have already had to build up their subscriber base for a social network give the following advice on how to promote a group on Odnoklassniki yourself for free: leave links to your community on any thematic forums, in email signatures, in statuses posted on the main page your account page, in publications on the website. You can also do this on business cards, mugs, and other souvenirs or printed products intended for sale.

Step 11. Post information on the website

You can resort to this method of how to quickly promote a group on Odnoklassniki for free if you have a well-promoted website or blog. As a rule, you can post information about a group in the form of a widget or post. In the first case, you need to go to the “Developers” page, the link to it is located just below the link to “Advertising”. Here you should select “OK for sites” and after the transition, mark those applications that you want to see on your own resource. In our case, this is a “group widget”. All that remains is to act according to the instructions given by the developers of the social network.

You can also create a separate page about your community on the site. But you should write on it not about how to promote a group in Odnoklassniki from scratch, but about its existence and all the advantages of joining. The latter may include possibilities:

  • publishing exclusive content;
  • participation in any competition;
  • participation in interesting discussions;
  • consultations with company specialists;
  • anything else.

It’s worth trying to come up with something that others don’t have. If it works, the number of visitors will increase a hundredfold.

Step 12. Place a troll in the group

An interesting way to promote your group in Odnoklassniki is to place a real “troll” in it, capable of forcing the audience to act. If real users cannot yet be used as a provocateur, you can create a provocateur account for yourself and “place” him in your community. You should act carefully: users should not even doubt that the page belongs to a real person and not a fake.

To install photos in this case, you should select pictures that are not in the search. To do this, you can either go to English-language sites and select images, or colorize some old black and white photo of yourself and upload it to your profile. There should be several such drawings.

Then you should add several real people as friends, join various communities and publish posts on any topic. After which you can start communicating in your own group. Remember: a troll should stimulate communication, but has no right to offend participants in any way or create an uncomfortable environment for them.

Step 13. Track the effectiveness of publications

For developers who already know how to promote their group on Odnoklassniki, the creators of the social network came up with the “Statistics” service. The link to it is in the top menu, under the word “More” (click on it). Here you can see the number of participants, user engagement and other interesting information. Try to use this information!

As a conclusion

There is no secret technique for how to promote a group on Odnoklassniki. The step-by-step instructions presented on this page are very simple. It will help you go from a novice developer to the owner of a large community on a social network. Just follow it to achieve real results. Good luck!

How to promote a page on Odnoklassniki: cheating friends and subscribers.

Every user who makes money on their page or group on a social network (or who wants to start making money) should first of all think about how to promote their page or group on Odnoklassniki, gain friends and subscribers.


  1. Independent free promotion of a group or page on Odnoklassniki;
  2. Using special online services, promotion sites that attract users to groups;
  3. Using programs that automatically recruit friends and subscribers.

Let's look at each of them in detail.

Independent free promotion of groups and pages

This method involves manually adding friends, who add you in return. The method is long and tedious, but, nevertheless, with painstaking work it gives results.

What do we have to do:

Online services for attracting subscribers to Odnoklassniki

There is a much easier way to recruit friends or subscribers to a group, but there is a drawback - it is paid. Namely, online services for promoting groups and pages on Odnoklassniki.

There is no need to describe them; all the information is on the pages of these services:

P.S. While I was surfing the search engines, I found one service that provides promotion services for free -

How to promote a group in Odnoklassniki: 4 ways to promote a community in Odnoklassniki manually + 2 programs for recruiting community members + 2 popular advertising exchanges.

There are probably no people left who have not registered on Odnoklassniki or Facebook. We spend a lot of free time on social networks, chatting or viewing new posts. In addition to the fact that people spend their leisure time and relax in this way, they also began to earn money through groups on social networks.

One of the most popular social networks is Odnoklassniki. They have a wide audience. Some people mistakenly believe that only older people prefer to sit on this site, but this is not true. There are thematic communities on Odnoklassniki that bring their administrators not only pleasure, but also a stable income.

Those who have just begun to engage in this type of activity are wondering: How to promote a group on Odnoklassniki? After all, until you have subscribers, there will be no profit. Let's look into this issue.

4 options for promoting a group on Odnoklassniki

Online business can be easily combined with your main job. The profit from such an activity can be (on average) 5,000 - 15,000 rubles.

First of all, the exact amount depends on what exactly you are going for.

There are quite a lot of options:

  • sell goods from Chinese trading platforms;
  • sell handmade products;
  • earn money by advertising;
  • offer paid services or information products.

Each of them is a separate extensive topic for discussion. But all these methods rely on the same algorithm: after the Odnoklassniki community has been created and filled with various information, it needs to be promoted and attracted new subscribers.

How much admins can earn directly depends on their number.

The most popular promotion methods are:

  1. Manual sending of invitations.
  2. Posts with viral content.
  3. Buying advertising in other groups.
  4. Mutual PR.

1) Manual sending of invitations.

The longest way to promote a group on Odnoklassniki is to add friends yourself and invite them to join the community. It takes a lot of time, but is absolutely free.

Step-by-step instructions for promoting a group in this way:

  1. The administrator must buy or create an account, or even better, several. The situation when such accounts are quickly banned is not uncommon.
  2. Start inviting as friends all the people who might be interested in your group. This step is necessary because the admin can only send invitations to join the group to friends.
  3. Send invitations to new “friends” to become members of your community.

To speed up this process at least a little, you can immediately open several browsers to work with each account separately. You can send out 30-50 invitations per day from one page. The restriction was created to protect users from spam.

Proceed carefully - any dissatisfied person may consider your actions spam and send a complaint to the administration.

When someone presses "Class" or " tell friends” to this post, a notification about this appears in the feed of their friends, who will also pay attention to this post. The more interesting and emotional the content, the more people will like it. And, of course, by distributing the link to the post, they will advertise the group as well.

Viral content is most often pictures with funny animals, various logical riddles, as well as popular videos with bright titles. There is no single recipe for popularity. Creating viral content is a real art.

Bright posts like this attract attention. Due to this, you can significantly increase the number of subscribers. After seeing such an image or video, many will want to go to the group that published this post.

3) Advertising in other groups.

An interesting, and most importantly effective way to attract subscribers to the Odnoklassniki group is advertising in similar communities.

4) Mutual PR for promoting groups.

Another reliable way to promote a group on Odnoklassniki is mutual PR.

This is done very simply: you need to find administrators of the same new communities on Odnoklassniki and offer them mutual advertising. They make posts advertising your page on their wall, and you, accordingly, repost their posts.

PS. Please note: it is important that the audience is similar in topic, but not the same.

How does promotion of groups on Odnoklassniki usually work using mutual PR? Here's a little step-by-step instructions:

There are 2 ways to find administrators for self-PR:

  • enter various groups with similar topics and personally negotiate a deal;
  • look for admins on a special exchange for promotion (,

The second method is more effective and it doesn't take much time!

On such sites, admins offer their services and leave ready-made content for reposting. You can also publish your ad. All you need to do is contact them, discuss all the details, and make a deal.

This kind of PR is completely free. This is a kind of barter between administrators on social networks. The only condition from the exchanges is registration on the website.

To quickly promote a group on Odnoklassniki, you need to select more admins for potential cooperation. Don't expect them to make you offers.

Act on your own!

Once you have the courage, you can make proposals to the administrators of even those groups that have significantly more subscribers. Don't be afraid that you will be rejected. Everyone once started from scratch, so there is a chance that they will be in solidarity with you and will definitely help you in promoting, especially a worthwhile project.

2 paid platforms for promoting a group on Odnoklassniki

Above we described how to manually promote groups in Odnoklassniki. There are also platforms for increasing the number of subscribers in a group using special programs and services. As a rule, they work on a paid basis.

1. Programs for recruiting community members.

The simplest and fastest method for promoting a group on Odnoklassniki is to buy a program for recruiting members. It will help you increase the number of subscribers in a short period of time, without making much effort.

The best programs for cheating, according to most group administrators, are "OdInviter" And "OdFriendsAdder". It’s not difficult to download them, but you’ll have to pay about $30 for promotion services using them. In just a few months, the number of subscribers can increase to 10,000 people!

The only condition is to configure the program manually at the first stage of use, as well as constantly check the operation of the service.

"OdInviter" And "OdFriendsAdder" are worth the money spent only if you are really ready to seriously promote your project on Odnoklassniki.

Important : These programs help to “wind up” a live audience of subscribers, not bots. This is a fundamental point, because only “living” readers have values. In addition, she can be banned for a large number of bots in the group.

As for bots, there are services and programs that are also ready to increase the number of subscribers for a minimal price. That's just due to bots and fakes.

This should not be done for the following reasons:

  • If you need to really promote a group on Odnoklassniki for your future business, then bots are not the best option. These are not real participants, but simply fake pages that will not order your products, will not put a “class” under the entry, etc.
  • Now the social network Odnoklassniki has a filter that detects bots. If your group is filled with them, the community will be closed.
  • Blocking due to bots may be temporary, but the management of the Odnoklassniki network is free to close the group forever.

2. Advertising exchanges.

Advertising exchanges are similar to mutual PR in their promotion method. The only significant difference is the paid basis for concluding an agreement. These sites were created to automatically fill groups on social networks with thematic advertising.


is a relatively new service for promoting communities. The platform helps advertisers place their ads in thematic groups of social networks.

Administrators of groups in Odnoklassniki, in turn, have additional opportunities to increase subscribers + can subsequently earn money by selling advertising space in their own group.

As a rule, only administrators with a large budget use the services. Today this is the most popular site that unites all social networks of the CIS countries. The total audience reach is more than 140,000,000 users!

If you have the means, it's really worth turning to Target for help.

Both paid promotion platforms will help to significantly increase the number of subscribers in the group. If you spare no expense in promoting your brainchild, in 3-6 months you can recruit up to 500,000 people in the group!

to promote any group in Odnoklassniki:

For novice admins, this is a big number, for which it is not a pity to pay money. Moreover, when you understand how to promote a group on Odnoklassniki, they will start paying you for advertising on your community page. So this investment will pay off in a short time.
