Review of the game forge of empires. Forge of Empires Review

Forge of Empires is one of the most popular free browser games from InnoGames, which offers players a strategy gameplay where you have to build a city from prehistoric times to the modern era.

The player must learn to act as the leader of the Empire - the leader of the city and military commander in order to succeed against many other rivals. The game features both a single player campaign and PVP mode. In the single-player campaign, players gradually move from one era to another - thanks to the search for new technologies. Fans of game series such as Civilization will highly appreciate this approach to the game, and it will be easier for them to get used to the game rules. An important element of management is the distribution of resources - the success and further development of your state depends on it.

As mentioned above, in addition to the classic strategic elements such as building and improving the city, in Forge of Empires players can participate in exciting battles. Players can fight in PVP either with friends or with random opponents to show their superiority.

Forge of Empires will appeal to a wide range of players, and they will always be able to find something to do here - a single-player campaign and exploration of different eras, or participation in large-scale battles.

Forge of Empires is an excellent strategy based on the history of our world. It provides the opportunity to create and rule your own empire. Forge of Empires was released at the end of July 2014. It was based on the browser game of the same name, which is popular among strategy fans. The version for iOS devices has most of the features available on PC. It is noteworthy that the plot was based on our history from the Stone Age to the present.

As in any strategy, the main task in Forge of Empires is to develop your empire. Players can choose different paths to achieve the main goal, but in any case they will have to wage war and trade. In order for the estate to prosper, it is necessary to extract resources and improve technology. To do this, you will need to build certain objects: residential buildings, farms, forges and others. Experience points, coins and diamonds can be obtained by completing tasks. All missions relate to the development of the empire and its prosperity. If the player wants his subjects to be happy and his possessions to expand, he will have to make smart decisions.

In Forge of Empires we are given complete freedom of action. Settlements and cities can be built, guided only by your imagination - this way each territory will be different from the empire of other users. The player can be a peaceful and warm-hearted ruler who prefers to conduct trade, or an aggressive tyrant who wants to conquer neighboring areas.

The battles are quite interesting. Before they start, we can look at data about the enemy army and then enter into battle. The war will be fought on a lined field, where we have the right to either command our soldiers or put them on autopilot. In the second case, the fight will end faster. But fighting qualities and tactical skill mean a lot and often decide the outcome of a battle, so it is recommended to take a direct part in every battle.

Another interesting feature is the ability to finance various areas of activity. For example, you can invest in science to more easily develop technology. This determines how quickly the user will bring cavemen into the information age. It should be noted that the graphics are quite realistic and pleasant. Despite the fact that the empire can only be seen from above, the developers have detailed every building and every bush. Tiny people have a different appearance, and the buildings have their own, directly depending on the era.

The game is dominated by swampy tones, and it seems that an eternal sunset reigns over the empire. This is a plus, since games full of bright colors often hurt the eyes. Here the developers tried to make Forge of Empires pleasing to the eye. Forge of Empires is an excellent strategy that is in no way inferior to its browser version. Its close connection with the history of our world sets the project apart from other applications of this genre. Developing your own empire does not get boring, since each new era is radically different from the previous one.

With stunning flash graphics and gameplay in the style of Civilization. Usually, when starting to play a game, the user knows in advance in which world and in which era he will find himself. This is either a fictitious world from beginning to end with corresponding fantasy inhabitants, or the Middle Ages, full of events of chivalry and heroic battles, or a modern world in which everything is familiar and recognizable. But starting my way in the game Forge of Empires, the user must be prepared for the fact that the life of his hero will span not just one era, but several at once.

Yes, that’s right, from the very origins of the world it will be necessary to “grow” to the present day. Well, whether this can be accomplished is something everyone decides for themselves. The path will not be easy, but very exciting. Having achieved certain heights and victories, you can even allow yourself to be a little proud of yourself - after all, everything that you can see around is your doing.

Well, from the above, it is logical to assume that in the game itself you will have to deal with a huge variety of everything. Starting from the stone from which the first and subsequent houses will be built, to the weapons that will be used in battle. The latter is especially important, since the player will have to not only create, but also protect himself and what has already been created from attacks from enemies. And for high-quality and reliable protection, a well-equipped and trained army is needed. This will need to be carefully monitored, since different eras and times will offer new challenges, which means there will be a need to find new solutions.

When developing and creating your property, do not forget that it will be inhabited by people who want convenience in everything. Therefore, when thinking over a plan for the arrangement of buildings, you need to make everything as comfortable as possible. By the way, the graphics in the game are worthy of special praise, good detail and beautiful pictures - the artists did their best. However, the game does not end with solving the problems of the city; there is not emptiness around it, but very real lands that can be... captured. For example, mines and send specially trained people to work in them.

Forge of Empires video

The player will have to be resourceful when it comes to capturing territory. Of course, the hero has complete and undivided control of the battle, but the outcome of the battle can be quite unexpected. Therefore, before approaching the enemy with a sword drawn, it is better to secretly sneak into the enemy camp and find out about the size and power of his army. It may turn out that friendship with this enemy will be better than a bloody war.

Of course, in the huge variety of the current one, it is difficult to surprise the consumer with something new, but the creators of Forge of Empires succeeded.

Our Forge of Empires review will tell you about a new online project prepared by the creators of such popular online games as Tribal Wars and Greepolis. The game fully lives up to its name “Forge of Empires”, since its participants will have to build their own state. The starting point will be a small tribe originally from the Stone Age, and the finish will be…

Forge of Empires

Forge of Empires

Our Forge of Empires review will tell you about a new online project prepared by the creators of such popular online games as Tribal Wars and Greepolis. The game fully lives up to its name “Forge of Empires”, since its participants will have to build their own state. The starting point will be a small tribe originally from the Stone Age, and the finish will be a developed society of the technical era. A distinctive feature of this online strategy is the 2.5 D graphics, on the basis of which excellent models of buildings, mechanisms and people are created. Nicely designed locations complete the picture.

Features of gameplay and registration in the game Forge of Empires

Registration in Forge of Empires in Russian will allow the player to join the open beta test, let's make a reservation right away that all important gameplay components are already functioning in this game. A single playthrough of Forge of Empires begins with the construction of a couple of huts in a small village. Following the advice of a virtual guide, the user will quickly understand the process of building the city.

It will be exciting to play from the first minutes, since construction will take place at a brisk pace. As for the tasks, they will be unexpectedly diverse. In addition to the mandatory missions to construct a certain number of buildings, the landowner will need to monitor the population and raise the spirits of the residents. So it will be interesting to play - you will also have to go on reconnaissance campaigns and conquer nearby lands.

The game Forge of Empires is endowed with deeply developed gameplay. So, in order for the player’s city to be able to move from one era to another and master new skills, it is necessary to regularly carry out scientific research (crafts, weapon making, construction, training, etc.).

Battlefield in Forge of Empires

Developing your troops in Forge of Empires will allow you to participate in battles with bots or other players. The turn-based battle system is familiar to many strategy fans, in which enemy units take turns making moves and attacking actions. The main highlight of such combat is the competent use of the landscape features and the skills of the fighters.

Our verdict on the game

The online game Forge of Empires has absorbed all the most interesting components of strategies released since Age of Empires. Founding an empire in ancient times and raising it to the pinnacle of world domination in modern times, while performing many side activities, will appeal to players of different ages and personalities. The main thing is that people like to think with their heads and patiently wait for the results of their actions.

That's all. We hope that our review of the game Forge of Empires helped to get an idea about this project. Good game!

IN Forge of Empires you are invited to lead and lead your Empire to the heights of technological and economic prosperity from the Stone Age to the modern era.

At the very beginning of the game Forge of Empires, we get a small settlement that will later develop and be built according to your engineering and architectural plans into a huge metropolis. Of course, the game involves and works out in detail the economic aspect of the development of your future Empire; it seems to us that the diplomatic section will also be interesting.

From the very beginning of playing Forge of Empires, you are faced with choosing the path for the further development of your civilization, here everything depends on your chosen and favorite style of play - will your rule be warlike and aggressive, or will your people expect peaceful eras of development with an emphasis on peaceful diplomatic side of development. However, you will still have to fight, even if you have peaceful plans (don’t forget about the treachery of neighboring rulers, online gamers just like us).

But the primary task in Forge of Empires is still the construction, planning and development of our city. Gradually, by studying science, we develop crafts and the economy; along the way, we study the combat skills and weapons of your units, and therefore our defensive power.

Advice! You should not start studying combat areas of development, otherwise you can be taken by surprise by treacherous neighbors and lose a lot that you have acquired with such difficulty.

Listen to advisor's teachings in the game, this way you will achieve your goals with fewer losses and faster at the stages of development of your empire in the game Force of Empire, plus for completing its tasks you will receive resources and gold, which will be useful at the initial stage and you will quickly become familiar with navigation and control.

Buildings and structures in Forge of Empires

Let's look at the important points of construction in the Forge of Empires. The main building in the city is Town Hall, roads must be built to it from all other buildings with the exception of decorative ones. The town hall is given to the player from the beginning of the game and with the transition to other eras it changes its appearance and name (Castle, Acropolis, etc.). Other buildings, with the development of eras and the transition to another era, will have to be demolished and new, more advanced ones built in place of old buildings. There are two types of housing for the population - one of them allows you to collect tax every hour in the game manually, you just need to click on the selected building, this option is probably more suitable for those who often come in and spend a long time in the game. Buildings of this type allow you to collect more taxes because rich and successful citizens live in them. Houses of the second type allow you to set up a cash collection at your discretion, at least once a day, but they bring significantly less income to your treasury. Let us remember that collecting taxes from buildings brings the main cash income. The next important resource produced by industrial buildings is “ production” which is indicated by hammers in the game menu panel. Here we are offered a large selection of production facilities for the production of various raw materials and products for your citizens.

Move a building to Forge of Empire You can click on the hammer in the “construction” menu, arrows will appear at the top of the screen next to the $ icon, select the building and move it in the desired direction.

With the opening of eras and the reconstruction and demolition of buildings that you don’t need, the names and functions of some buildings change, although the main task remains the same - “production”. We note the good animation and graphic effects - everything in the smallest detail, including moving figures of peasants swarming in the fields or artisans rushing about their business.

Video of the construction of buildings in the Forge of Empires:

Development and technology in Forge of Empires.

Industrial buildings are divided into two types. The first, as we mentioned above, give us a production resource and a certain number of hammers, and the second produce various goods: glass, rubber, gunpowder, iron, etc.

We will need goods to discover technologies. For example, to open such a necessary technology as “Artillery gun”, in addition to a certain number of hammers and gold, we will also need 60 units of produced gunpowder. The construction of the necessary buildings for the production of goods takes quite a long game time, and you need to think about the proper distribution of resources before you start constructing any building.

And another necessary resource for the development of science in your state is glasses. This resource is awarded to you hourly - one hour is one point, 24 hours is 24 points, that is, points can be called a temporary resource. Points can be purchased using in-game gold, but the price increases for each purchase. The further you advance through the eras, the longer you will have to accumulate resources and points to study technologies and further development. Well, unless you exclude donations in the game.

Fights in the game Forge of Empires.

It should be noted that Force of Empire has an excellently developed control system in tactical mode, which is quite rare to find in browser-based strategies, with the exception of perhaps a small number of browser-based games. It is possible to conduct battles both manually and automatically. The battle takes place on a map divided into hexagonal cells, the number of maps increases with almost every significant update of the game.
The landscape of the area where the battle takes place plays an important role; just send one mounted soldier and you will have the necessary tactical information. You can chat with your opponent in battle. There are always eight units at the beginning of the battle, both yours and the enemy. Before the fight, you can decide on the composition of your army. There are three main goals for participating in battles:

  1. Capture strategic map in order to seize key resources.
  2. Robbery your neighbors (we take away resources and drawings of Great Buildings).
  3. Performance game tasks to complete.

As you gain experience and discover technologies, new troops and weapons will become available to you.

To summarize, in general the game is made of very high quality, with an emphasis on the economic side and allowing you to create your own state and rebuild a metropolis according to your plan, in which the life of a big city will bustle. The graphic and sound quality is practically not inferior to competitors in the industry, and in many ways it is ahead in terms of gameplay innovation, which is sometimes striking in its realism.

If you are a fan of economic turn-based strategies and like to rebuild and develop industry and industries, if you like to wage aggressive online wars with worthy and strong opponents, then we advise you to pay attention to Forge of Empires, the secrets of which we tried to reveal in this review.
