How to delete marked documents in 1s.

In the process of work, almost every accountant encounters situations when, for one reason or another, it is necessary to delete either a document or an element of the directory. In the 1C program, deletion occurs according to a procedure similar to deleting files in the Windows operating system, but with a number of differences. Those. First, the item to be deleted is marked with the appropriate sign, i.e., as if placed in the trash. Physical removal is carried out after performing a certain algorithm of actions. How to delete documents marked for deletion in 1C.

Complete deletion occurs after checking all possible links in the information database. Often, differences in the format of the actions performed cause confusion and difficulties for program users. Now we will deal with the issue of deleting documents in different versions of the 1C program. It is worth noting that this procedure is almost the same in different program configurations.

In 1C version 7.7, to delete a document, you need to select the exclusive operating mode when entering 1C:Enterprise mode. Actually, exclusive mode is not needed to mark for deletion, but it is necessary to physically delete marked objects.

After logging in, select the desired entry in the journal and right-click on it, then select “Mark for deletion.” After this, the document or directory element will change its icon to an icon with a cross. Pressing the “Del” key on the selected element will have the same effect.

After this, the document is considered deleted and does not participate in calculations performed automatically by the program. However, it remains in the information base. To completely remove it, proceed to processing that deletes marked files. To do this, close all windows in 1c and click the main menu item “Operations” and the submenu “Deleting marked objects...”.

Agree with the proposal to continue the operation.

In the window that opens, you will see a list of all documents or directory elements to be deleted. In our case, this is only one document.

The top menu buttons control actions on documents. A button with an icon of installed checkboxes will highlight the entire list of documents. The next button with empty cells will clear the selected list. The third button opens the selected document.

Select the documents or directory elements that need to be physically deleted and click the “Control” button. This button analyzes reference links with the selected document. Note that the “Delete” button is not available before control. After conducting a control check, if there is a problem-free ability to delete an element, the “Control” button becomes unavailable and the “Delete” button becomes available. To physically delete a document, simply click the “Delete” button and agree to the final warning.

The document has been deleted.

However, there are cases when the check of reference relationships ends with the discovery of relationships with the selected document of other documents. In this case, until all detected links to the document being deleted are removed, complete deletion will not be possible.


In 1C version 8.2, to delete a document, you need to select the document to be deleted and press the right button to display the context menu. Next, you need to select “Set deletion mark” and agree to the warning. These actions will also occur when you press the “Del” key.

Yes, 1C 8.2 is not 7.7, even the deletion mark on the document is suspiciously long.

We agree with the warning about the duration of the operation.

In the window that opens, we see a list of database elements marked for deletion. The assignments of the control buttons are similar to those discussed in the section for 1C version 7.7. List selection of documents, list deselection, and opening of the selected document are available.

Select the desired element or group of elements and click the “Control” button to check the links. After checking, it turned out that there is a link to the Expense Invoice document that we are deleting in the Tax Invoice document. Let's delete the link to the consumable patch and check the links again.

After deleting the link, we carry out repeated control, after which it becomes possible to delete the selected invoice.

By clicking the “Delete” button, we delete the document permanently.

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When starting to work in 1C company programs, many people have a question: how to delete unnecessary documents or directory elements? When you click on the "Del" button, the document is only marked for deletion and remains in its place. After reading the article you will know the answer to this question.

Now we will look at how to delete documents in different 1C programs. A common point for all programs is that deletion is only possible in exclusive mode, i.e. No one except you should be working in the program at this moment; it should be closed on all other computers.

Now let's figure out how to remove unnecessary elements in one of the most popular programs at the moment - 1C: Enterprise Accounting 8, version 2.0.

First you need to switch the interface to Full. Go to the menu item

Tools -> Switch interface -> Full

Now select the item

Operations ->

And we agree that the operation may take a long time. Then in the window that opens, click the “Control” button.

The program begins checking whether other documents contain links to the ones you want to delete. For example, the document “Sales of goods and services” is marked for deletion, but there is a link to this document in the invoice. The program will report this and will not delete the document in this case. In order for a document or directory element to be deleted, you must first remove links to it from all other documents.

Green checkmarks in the figure indicate those documents that can be deleted, and red checkmarks indicate those that have links. The bottom part of the form shows which documents use the object marked for deletion.

After clicking the "Delete" button, those items that are marked in green will be deleted.

In order to delete objects in the new version of 1C: Accounting - edition 3.0, you need to go to the "Administration" tab and select the "Delete marked objects" item.

And starting from version 3.0.34, you need to go to the menu

Administration -> Support and Maintenance -> Deleting marked objects

Then you need to choose whether you want to delete all marked objects or just some of them.

In the program 1C: Integrated automation 8 and 1C: Salary and personnel management 8 you also need to switch the interface to “Full” and go to the menu

Operations -> Deleting marked objects

In conclusion, I would also like to note that documents that are marked for deletion but are found in a closed period (a date for prohibiting editing has been set) will not be deleted. Therefore, it is better to do everything in a timely manner, for example, once a month or before starting preparation for reporting.

And if you need more information about working in 1C: Enterprise Accounting 8, then you can get our book onlink.

Almost every accountant in the course of his work is faced with the need to delete some document in 1C. If you don’t know how to properly delete documents in 1C, our new article is especially for you.

Almost every accountant in the course of his work is faced with the need to delete some file or document. Deleting a document in 1C is not much different from a similar process when working with the Windows operating system. There are a few important differences though:

    firstly, initially the document that needs to be deleted must be marked with a special sign (if we compare it with Windows OS, we can draw an analogy with moving a file to the trash);

    secondly, direct deletion occurs according to a strictly defined algorithm of actions.

If you are using version 1C 8.2, then in order to delete a file you need:

    right-click on the required document;

    wait until the context menu appears;

    mark a specific file for deletion, for which in the list that appears, select “set a deletion mark”;

    give your consent to the system warning.

You can do it simpler and simply press the delete key after selecting the file to be deleted.

After all these manipulations, you will need to go to the main menu item called “Operations” and select the function of deleting marked objects. The system will give you a warning, which you will need to agree to before the program continues.

Next, the system will open a window in front of you where everything in the databases that are marked for deletion will be listed. From this list you have to select those that you want to delete right now. This can be one document or a whole group. When the file or files you are looking for are highlighted, you need to click the "Control" button. This is required in order to check links.

In the process of these actions, it may become clear that, for example, 1C directories contain links to the document to be deleted, or that the tax invoice contains a link that leads to the file that you are going to delete (invoice). To be able to complete the deletion process, you will need to open tax invoices or directories, or those documents that contain links to the file being deleted, and delete these same links. First, you will need to once again weigh the feasibility of such actions.

To avoid further confusion, you will need to recheck later after removing all links. And so on until the check shows that there are no links to the deleted file in other documents. After this, you will have access to the function of deleting marked objects. To complete the entire process, you will need to click on the “delete” button, after which the file will be deleted permanently.

On a note: If the recommendations below are not clear to you, and there are a lot of marked objects in the information base that interfere with your work, then I recommend contacting us -

If we consider the capabilities of standard application solutions - 1C: Trade Management 8, 1C: Accounting 8, 1C: Salary and Personnel Management 8, then in none of them in 1C: Enterprise mode you will not find the ability to directly delete objects, you can only mark objects on deletion. In 1C, you can delete marked objects only by running special processing - by monitoring the possibility of deletion. It is the “Deleting marked objects” processing that checks whether there are references to the objects to be deleted. That is, whether the integrity of the logical structure of the 1C information base will be violated when objects are deleted.

Why is the removal process 2-step? I'll try to answer by simulating the situation. So, let’s imagine that the 1C operator entered data into the Nomenclature Directory in the program. Then, after 5 minutes, I discovered some kind of error, immediately deleted the element and created a new one. It seems like nothing wrong, but another operator had already created a Customer Order document, where he used a directory item, which was subsequently deleted. Accordingly, in the document there will no longer be a link to the nomenclature object; it will be written there that the object has been deleted. That is, the integrity of the database in this case will be violated. Even if you create a Directory element with the same data, it will have a different identifier, and therefore it will no longer be possible to restore the previous state of the information security. That is why the developers approached the process of deleting objects in the program so carefully.

Deleting marked objects in 1C 8.2

Let's look at an example of deleting marked objects in 1C 8.2 (Regular application). But first, I’ll answer a site visitor’s question regarding what and in what mode marked objects are deleted. Deletion occurs in exclusive mode, i.e. only your session should be active in the infobase. Next, we perform the following steps:

Some statistics on deleting 1C objects - client-server architecture 1C information base of 6.5 GB (PostgreSQL), 135,000 objects were marked for deletion, 92,000 of them can be deleted. The control was completed in 4 hours, deletion in 18 hours. Control and removal are not fast processes - I would advise you to first run them on a test base, then you will know the approximate estimated execution time.

The 1C Enterprise system does not initially involve direct deletion of any objects from the database, for example elements of directories, documents, reports, etc. Of course, you can still configure the user’s role so that he can immediately deleted from 1s some object no mark for deletion, but doing this is highly not recommended. We would also like to note the fact that even if the user’s role is configured to directly delete objects (interactive deletion), this is still will not allow him to delete some objects in enterprise 1c, and this can only be done through mark for deletion.

Why was the mark for deleting objects in 1c made?

Let us answer the question “Why was this mark for deletion made?”, because it’s faster delete an object from 1s straightaway. This was done for several reasons:

  1. There is a possibility that the user will subsequently change his mind and want to return the deleted object, when there is a check mark, it is enough to uncheck it, If you delete it interactively, you cannot restore data.
  2. In 1c, one object, for example a document, can refer to many other objects in the system (directories, constants, other documents, etc.), and at the same time many other objects can also refer to this object (in our case, a document). If the 1C enterprise system allowed direct deletion of objects from the database, this would lead to dire consequences, since objects with “broken links” would immediately begin to appear, and this would be a loss of data and incorrect functioning of the database, which sooner or later it will lead to the collapse of the database and almost complete loss of your data!

Two types of deletion in 1c, the concept of referential integrity control in 1c

In a programme 1c objects can be deleted two ways:

  1. Using interactive deletion (direct deletion without referential integrity checks)
  2. Through a deletion mark (deletion with referential integrity check)

Let's look at what referential integrity is in 1C. But in order for you and me to answer this question, we need to know what “broken” links are in 1C. For those who don’t know, broken links in 1c are links that point to an unused memory area, that is, they essentially point to nowhere. Now let's take as an example any document in the 1C enterprise system. It contains many different details. These details can be either simple (primitive types such as number, date, boolean), or they can be object (such as links to other system objects, for example various directories, enumerations, etc.) So here is the control of referential integrity in 1c this is exactly what the fact means that the object will not be deleted from the 1c system as long as it is referenced by any other objects of the system. Just marking the deletion of 1c objects allows you to preserve the referential integrity mechanism in 1c, since processing the deletion of marked objects will not allow you to delete an object while other objects are referencing it.

How to restore deleted objects in 1c? What happens to objects after they are deleted from 1C?

Many people ask us similar questions, and there is only one answer: physically deleting data from 1c (using the methods described below) leads to COMPLETE DESTRUCTION OF THE FILE FROM THE BASE! Restoring deleted files from the database is not possible.

We are always ready to provide you with timely assistance in updating the 1C 8.3 system.

Interactive deletion in 1s

So we have already discussed with you that interactive deletion in 1s occurs without referential integrity control, and this is fraught with very bad consequences for the system; it is recommended to use such deletion only for debugging purposes. To turn on interactive deletion 1s We first need to go to the configurator, open the General ---> Roles branch and select the “Full rights” role.

Now press the F9 key, the role “Full Rights” is copied and another “Full Rights1” appears. Open it by double clicking the mouse. The role properties window will appear, click the "Actions" ---> "Set all rights" button. After that, click OK. Now let’s save the database configuration; to do this, click on the little blue barrel in the upper left corner, or press the F7 key. If the barrel becomes inactive, then the configuration is saved. We have created a role with rights to interactive deletion of objects from 1c .

Now in the configurator, open the Administration ---> Users tab.

A list of users will open, select the user under which you want to enable interactive deletion of 1c objects and press pencil or F2. The user properties window will open, go to the second tab "Other". There, find the role that we copied, in my case it is “Full Rights1”, check the box and click OK.

After this, launch 1C Enterprise, select the user for whom the new role was installed. Now you can delete objects directly, to delete an object, select it and press the SHIFT + DEL key combination, the system will ask if you are sure about deleting, if the answer is positive, the object will be deleted from the system.

Deleting 1c objects by marking them for deletion or how to delete objects in 1c?

Now let's look at the question with you " How to delete objects in 1c?". So, we open the database we need in 1C enterprise. The screenshot shows "Accounting of a government institution", click in the menu on the "Operations" tab ---> " Removing marked objects".

If you have a managed interface, such as in "Enterprise Accounting Rev. 3.0", then there you need to go to the "Administration" tab, there you will see the "Service" subgroup, and in it you need to select " Removing marked objects".

An alternative way to open the object deletion assistant in 1C 8.2 and 1C 8.3

In general, if you cannot find a button in your configuration with which you can call the wizard deleting marked objects 1c, then in 1C 8.2 you can open it in the following way, this method is suitable for any configuration, the screenshots below show what actions need to be performed in 1C 8.2. Open the tree of all treatments that are in the system and select " Removing marked objects".

If you are working on the 1C 8.3 platform and you have a configuration with a managed interface, then you need to enable the “All functions” button; see how to do this.

Start searching for objects marked for deletion in 1c

A window will appear in front of us, which is shown below, it will reflect all objects marked for deletion in the system. We check off those that we want to delete; in general, it is advisable to delete them all, because they are marked for deletion, which means they are no longer needed in the system. After you have noted everything you need, click “Control”.

The system will take some time to complete this task, a little later you will see the window shown below. Please note that you may have objects with both green and red checkmarks.

Green means that the object can be deleted, red means that it cannot. An object marked with a red checkmark cannot be deleted, since it is referenced by other system objects. In the window below you will see those objects that reference it, and before you delete an object marked with a red checkmark, you need to remove references to this object from other objects. What does this mean in practice?

The need for timely removal of objects marked for deletion in 1c. How to delete objects marked with red checkmarks?

Let's look at an example using the "Enterprise Accounting" configuration. We have a document “Acceptance for accounting of fixed assets”, which respectively indicates the main asset (for example, a computer) and many other parameters, but they are not of interest to us at the moment. If we want to remove this OS from our database, then without additional actions we will not be able to do anything. Our OS (computer) will be marked with a red tick when we try to remove it. Why? But our document “Acceptance for accounting of OS” has a link to the OS that we now want to delete! When we click on it in the list of objects, we will see all the objects that reference our OS, and before we delete this OS, we need to first go into all these objects and delete the references. In our case, this means that we need to cancel the document “Acceptance for accounting of fixed assets”, and delete this fixed assets from the document, and then record the document. Now the document no longer references our OS, and we can delete it. One rule follows from all this: It is necessary to delete objects marked for deletion in 1C in a timely manner! Otherwise, getting rid of them later can be very, very problematic, due to the fact that there will be a large number of links between objects. By the way, timely deleting objects from 1s also has several obvious advantages:

  1. System performance increases
  2. Reduces the likelihood of user errors
  3. Reduces the size of your database
  4. There is no “interface clutter” when the system has many objects marked for deletion, documents posted, and also not posted.

In our company you will always receive first-class service for the 1C program at very reasonable prices!

Completing the removal of marked objects in 1s

Now let's delete the objects completely. Click the "Delete" button. The system will delete all objects that were marked with green checkmarks.

Only those marked with red checkmarks will remain, click “Close”, this is the process deleting objects from 1c completed. If something doesn’t work out for you, we are ready to connect to your 1C remotely and help solve your problems.

1c deleting marked objects, detailed video instructions about deleting 1c objects

  • We tell you why you need a deletion mark in 1c
  • We show with an example how to delete objects in 1C
  • Useful practical advice is given
  • We show how to delete objects marked with red checkmarks in 1C
  • There is also a lot of other useful information

We hope that our article is about deleting objects marked for deletion in 1c She was very helpful and answered all your questions.
