The mission is a dangerous experiment. Review of Warface “Dangerous Experiment”

29.10.2015 11:12

A terribly interesting update has been installed on the game servers! Warface is already waiting for you: the special operation "Dangerous Experiment", where you will have to fight against hordes of cybernetic zombies, rank 76, the golden version of the M249 Para machine gun and the Anti-Zombie equipment, free contracts, rewards for obtaining ranks, more modules for weapons and much more!


Scientists working for Blackwood have gone too far when conducting experiments on people. It was completely obvious to everyone that such experiments were dangerous, but this did not stop our opponents. And what should have been expected happened - the research got out of control.

Now an entire region in Eastern Europe is overrun with victims of failed experiments. Thousands of cybernetic zombies are on the loose, and their numbers are only increasing.

Your task is to go to the scene of the tragedy, escort the EMP truck to the laboratory producing new monsters, and destroy its core, thereby preventing a global catastrophe. Be careful - to succeed, you will have to pass a serious test and defeat hordes of opponents you have never seen before!

For completing tasks, you will receive special rewards, including Anti-Zombie weapons that deal additional damage to monsters, Halloween themed items, and unique equipment that will help you feel like you are in the shoes of a zombie.

There were also many new achievements. To get them all, you will have to destroy tens of thousands of enemies!

The new special operation can be completed at three difficulty levels: “Easy”, “Difficult” and “Pro”. Access to the first two missions opens at rank 5, and the most difficult one at rank 10. However, you cannot complete a mission at the “Pro” level without completing it at the “Difficult” level.

Special operation access tokens are now issued from rank 5, 5 pieces per day, and at the same rank they can be purchased in the game store. The number of tokens accumulated by a character has been increased to 10.

Humanity is under threat - will you save it?


Improved network code. Now the server more often updates information about the position of moving objects in space (including players). This should help in situations where other players on your screen are not shown where they actually are, which sometimes causes the "damage not going through" problem (because you are shooting where the enemy actually isn't).


Let's celebrate All Hallows' Eve in Warface! Festive items and a PvP map, unique login gifts, and much more await you! Find out more about how the game celebrates this event from!


This time the set of both familiar and unique equipment is replenished!

  1. The gold version of the M249 Para is added to the M249 Para good luck box. And the machine gun itself is a rather interesting specimen, and its elite version also has additional bonuses - a unique design, an increased firing range, a larger magazine and increased damage to enemies in the “Dangerous Experiment” mode.

Getting 999 kills with the Gold M249 Para will earn you the achievement "The $999 Shot":

  1. To combat monsters, the command allocates a whole additional anti-zombie arsenal:
  • H&K G36 MG "Anti-Zombie" machine gun, which deals increased damage to monsters from the new special operation (can be obtained as a reward for completing a new special operation or purchased in the store);
  • an ominous cleaver, the blade of which is possessed by a demon (given as a reward for entering the game);
  • smoke and fragmentation grenades "Anti-Zombie" with the effect of summoning an evil spirit (given as a reward for logging into the game);
  • the Anti-Zombie katana, which inflicts damage on several enemies at once, has increased zombie damage and is capable of penetrating even the Corundum body armor in an additional attack (can be obtained as a reward for logging into the game and for completing a new special operation);
  • a cyborg mask that restores health and protects against the effects of flash-noise grenades (can be obtained as a reward for completing a new special operation).

With such ammunition it’s not scary to go against the dead!

  1. Weapons from the Halloween set of previous years received additional bonuses, including increased damage to enemies in the “Dangerous Experiment” mode.

  1. More modules for different weapons are unlocked! Many items in the game's arsenal (including entry-level weapons) can now be equipped with additional equipment. For example, “Common” weapons received additional modules from the “Rare” category, and “Rare” weapons received all available modules in the game. For some arsenal items purchased with credits and Warbucks for a time, it is also possible to install additional equipment.
  1. Increased damage to cybernetic zombies is now dealt by bolt-action sniper rifles and shotguns.

Get fully equipped!


  1. The 76th rank has been added - Colonel of the "Gods of War" squad! The rank badge features an elephant, a symbol of the Hindu god of war Indra, the thunderer and serpent fighter.

  1. Upon reaching the next rank, a gift is now given - a special box containing a weapon and, possibly, an additional item. Gifts for already obtained ranks are not given.

An example of a gift upon receiving a rank.

  1. Now training for playing as a medic opens at rank 2, and for an engineer at rank 5. A training task is available to the character immediately, a mission of the "Easy" difficulty level - after completing training, a "Difficult" level - after completing one mission of the "Easy" level, a "Pro" level - from rank 10 and after completing a mission of the "Difficult" level. To access the special operation "White Shark" and the "Snow Bastion" missions, character rank 25 is still required, but the upcoming special operation "Dangerous Experiment" (difficulty level "Easy") can be accessed starting from rank 5.


  1. Now contracts are signed for free! You no longer need to pay a deposit amount when receiving an assignment. Rewards for completing contracts remain the same.
  2. The button to access contracts is now located on the top panel of the in-game interface.


  1. The icons for events occurring in the game have changed (critical wound, low health, etc.). They also have transparency, which will help you not lose sight of the enemy in battle.
  2. The radar has changed, it has become more informative and takes up less space on the screen. The radar scale in the "Survival" mode has been reduced (by about half).
  3. The color of mini-achievements that pop up in battles has been changed.
  4. Improved interface performance.


  1. During a dash, the player's sideways movement ("strafe") is slightly slower. The speed and dynamics of the dash and “strafe” separately remain the same.
  2. The time during which you cannot escape from a tackle has been reduced from 1 second to 0.8 seconds.
  3. If you are knocked down, it is no longer possible to continue using items. For example, defusing a bomb will be interrupted.
  4. Now the countdown of time when a player is not at the computer begins from the moment he appears inside a mission or match. Previously, the timer took into account the time it took to find a room and load the level.
  5. On the final screen after a match in the “Meat Grinder” mode, a “Kill Streak” column appeared, just like in the “Survival” mode.
  6. If the leader excludes someone in a room created for a clan battle, all players are given the “Not Ready” status.
  7. Internal voice communication has been removed from the game.
  8. To get the “Worse Than Your Ex-Ex” achievement, you now need to kill 500 enemies.


Friends, thank you for your feedback on the results of testing the version of the game dated October 23! Based on them, Crytek decided to refine some new products, including:

  • new sound effects;
  • recalculation of character ranks for ranks 12-76 (however, the amount of experience required to obtain ranks 2-5 remains the same as it was on the PTS, i.e. reduced).

In the future, after refinement and improvement, these mechanisms will again appear on the public test server.


  • Weapon: MS 255 12: there is no equipment from the "Rare" category.
  • Weapon: SRM 1216: Sound and animation were only played for three shots in a burst.
  • Weapons: RPK: the sound of firing with a silencer is louder than without this module.
  • Weapon: Beretta M9: the description of the weapon does not correspond to its actual characteristics.
  • Weapon: Elite Daewoo K1: flash hider is not visible when looking at the weapon from a third person.
  • Achievements: "Triple Loot": this achievement counts in all PvP modes.
  • Chat: the time for sending messages to chat for players in the “Newbies” channel is calculated incorrectly.
  • PvP: Statistics: Fixed some cases where win/loss statistics were incorrectly calculated.
  • PvP: "Survival": sometimes the player sees a red token after his death.
  • PvP: "Hangar": on one of the boxes there is no hint about a possible replant.
  • PvP: "Quarter": it is not possible to throw a grenade between certain trees.
  • PvP: "Construction": players' bodies are invisible when viewed from a third person from a certain angle.
  • PvP: "Terminal": no fragments when shooting at glass.
  • PvE: the event icon can remain active even after it ends.
  • PvE: objects at some game levels have incorrect dimensions.
  • PvE: PvP: some objects are invisible when looking at them from a certain direction.
  • PvP: PvE: There is a chance of getting stuck in some parts of the maps, leaving levels or entering inaccessible areas.
  • PvE: Incorrect lighting on some maps.
  • PvE: ability to go beyond the mini-map on some maps.
  • PvE: mission evacuation location icon is missing.
  • Training: A grenade crashes into an invisible texture on the helicopter door.
  • Autostart: Localization: no message about waiting for players if there are fewer users in the room than necessary to start the game.
  • Interface: A message congratulating you on unlocking an item may appear when you purchase it.
  • General: The game client may crash when pressing Alt+Enter.
  • General: Stamina may drop even when the player is not moving.
  • General: Weapons: The player can pick up a weapon when interacting with another player.
  • Contracts: The contract for killing 10 players in the head with a submachine gun in the Capture mode does not work.


  • The achievements "Complete the "Dangerous Experiment" for a certain class on a difficult level 5 times" actually count towards completing the mission on the "Pro" difficulty level.

To successfully log in, you must make sure that the game client is updated. The current version of the client is from October 29, 2015. The update will download automatically when you launch Warface. Make sure that downloading and installing data is not blocked by antivirus software.

Warface is a online developed by and co-produced by Crytek Seoul and Crytek Frankfurt with developing the port. The game was developed with Crytek's. The Xbox 360 port was discontinued on February 1, 2015.


As players play and complete matches, they will earn (XP), Warface Dollars ($), and vendor points (VP); how much is earned varies depending on the number of players in the lobby (in order to prevent or reduce potential boosting among players), how quickly the match is finished, and the amount of score and kills. Warface Dollars can be used to purchase certain weapons and items for the player's classes, while Vendor points contribute toward unlocking new items for purchase in one of three categories: Weapons, Outfits, and Equipment. Booster packs are available for sale in the in -game store, allowing the player to earn additional XP, $, and VP.


The game features four different classes: Rifleman, Medic, Engineer, and Sniper. The main functions of each class perform in a similar manner to those in . Each class has its own unique type of primary weapons and "Special Action" (with exception to the Sniper) and are each uniquely suited for different roles.

12.10.2017 15:56

Great news! The long-awaited special operation "Dangerous Experiment" will soon return to the game!

Great news! The long-awaited special operation "Dangerous Experiment" will soon return to the game. During the Halloween celebrations, you will have to fight against hordes of cybernetic zombies and receive themed rewards, unique achievements and weapons from the new “Punisher” series.


Scientists working for Blackwood have gone too far when conducting experiments on people. It was completely obvious to everyone that such experiments were dangerous, but this did not stop our opponents. And what should have been expected happened - the research got out of control.

Now an entire region in Eastern Europe is overrun with victims of failed experiments. Thousands of cybernetic zombies are on the loose, and their numbers are only increasing.

Weapon series "Punisher"

For completing the special operation "Dangerous Experiment" you will receive special rewards, including a special series of weapons "Punisher", which deals additional damage to zombies. With these guns you will deal with cyber enemies even faster! In addition, for destroying opponents using weapons from this series, you will be able to receive special achievements.


All the old achievements for completing this special operation remain in place. Now they will be added with stripes for killing opponents using guns from the new “Punisher” series of weapons! To get all the achievements, you will have to destroy tens of thousands of enemies!

New achievements

Boar Expert "Punisher"
Kill 15,000 enemies with the Punisher Boar

Expert PP-19 Bison "Punisher"
Kill 15,000 enemies with the PP-19 Bison "Punisher"

Expert Tavor STAR-21 "Punisher"
Kill 15,000 enemies with the Tavor STAR-21 "Punisher"

Expert XM8 LMG "Punisher"
Kill 15,000 enemies with the XM8 LMG "Punisher"

Expert FN Five-seveN "Punisher"
Kill 15,000 enemies with FN Five-seveN "Punisher"

Expert sapper blade "Punisher"
Kill 15,000 enemies with the Punisher Sapper Shovel

Humanity is under threat - will you save it?

It's done! On October 29, 2015, before Halloween, the developers added a zombie mode to the game. This is the second update from "Hunting Season" V .

The card is in special mode. operations, which means you have to spend tokens for entry. But now every 24 hours the game gives out 5 tokens instead of 2, and the total amount of their accumulation has been increased to 10. The mission includes only one map, but the damage from enemies increases with each difficulty level, new types of enemies appear, of which there are enough a lot of.

Access to the “easy” and “hard” versions is given to all users who have reached level 5 in the game, and “pros” - from level 10. Of course, before this you should complete the mission on previous difficulty levels.

According to the plot, in secret laboratories, scientists Blackwood conducted terrible and cruel experiments on people who were out of control. Squad fighters Warface advance to the center of production of these dangerous creatures, accompanying a machine with an “EMP” installation. Just hordes of enemies are running out of the darkness, wave after wave.

The installation requires time to recharge, but when it starts, all cyborgs within its range die. The closer the fighters move to the enemy base, the more dangerous and powerful enemies they encounter.

The artists put a lot of effort into the images of the monsters. There is everything: from ordinary ordinary zombie soldiers in exoskeletons to kamikazes with a large can of explosive in their hands, as well as cyborgs in symbiosis with huge robots.

To destroy the enemy, we were prepared with special event weapons and equipment. You can get it either for free for completing the mission “Dangerous Experiment” (at the end a box with a random “Anti-Zombie” item drops out), or simply buy it for credits. The cyborg mask (slowly regenerates health) can only be obtained by completing the mission on the “pro” difficulty level. Well, no one canceled the daily gifts for entry.

And now some tips for passing:
  • At the easiest level you can take any class and everything is quite simple there. We shoot crowds of zombies using any available means, deal with the boss, get a reward and move on to more difficult enemies.
  • Next you will have to act tactically. The team must have at least 2 attack aircraft with machine guns and 1 medic with a pump-action shotgun. The rest is optional, but it is best to take another attack aircraft and a sniper with a rapid-fire rifle. If you do everything correctly and kill your opponents before they get very close to you (and letting them get close to you is absolutely not recommended), then you will complete the mission without much difficulty or loss, even on an increased difficulty level.
  • It's time to feel all the pain and helplessness at the "pro" level. There are no options here - you need to take 2 main attack aircraft with machine guns (they will always go as far ahead of the vehicle as possible), one with an assault rifle and a box of high-capacity cartridges (his task is to monitor the machine gunners' ammo reserves, cover allies while reloading and shoot those who accidentally run towards him zombie). Well, 2 medics with pump-action shotguns will also come in handy. And if, in principle, you can take a sniper instead of one medic, then I recommend taking an engineer in this mode only in a bulletproof vest with increased ammunition (Varan or Engineer’s Combat Vest).

For PVP fans, a nightly reworked holiday map has been added during the Halloween event. "Farm" in team battle mode. Unexpected screamers and a lot of fun are guaranteed. There are new badges for completing the “Dangerous Experiment” and the opportunity to earn/finish off old event badges from last year.

Rewards from “luck boxes” for increasing your character’s level have been added for all players. The higher the level, the better the gift. It has become much easier for new recruits to accumulate initial capital in game currency, without the need to spend money on repairs.

And briefly about the rest:
- You can now subscribe to “contracts” for free, and the button with them is located at the top of the game interface for convenience.
- Added a new 76th rank with the image of an elephant.
- Fans of achievements and meat will like the new achievement “Kill 50,000 enemies” - this tells us that there is simply a sea of ​​enemies.
- Voice communication has been completely removed from the game.
- More modules have become available for entry-level weapons.
- After changing the timing for exiting tackle mode, the developers are still trying to find a balance and have so far reduced the time from 1 second to 0.8.
- Now, if on the HF the leader of the room excludes a player, then the status of all participants changes to “not ready.” Previously, bad people “kicked” strong players and started the match, from now on this will not happen.

The next big event is scheduled for the New Year. Perhaps there will also be a pleasant surprise in the form of a new winter PvE or PvP map. We believe and wait.

Mode for every taste: from casual shooting games to hardcore mash-up


The fall of 2015 was a real gift for fans: first, the PvP “Survival” mode was added to the game, and now the developers have finally brought to life what the community has been asking them for a very, very long time - a zombie mode, which was called “Dangerous.” experiment". You can try your hand at this map in the “Special Operations” section, provided that you are at level five and have an access token. However, this should not be a serious problem: the maximum number of tokens that can be stored in the inventory has been increased to ten, and those issued daily have been increased to five.

The events of the new mode take place near the laboratory where the Blackwood corporation conducted experiments on people. As you might guess, something went wrong: zombies broke free, killing all the scientists and base personnel. The soldiers of the Warface squad will have to restore this mess: under their escort, a truck with an electromagnetic installation is heading to the scene, and the goal of the campaign is the most noble: to stop the production of zombies and save the world from this terrible infection.

The gameplay of “Dangerous Experiment” is reminiscent of the PvE “Escort” missions: a truck with an installation slowly drags towards the target, and players shoot zombies appearing from the darkness. The EMP generator helps us in battle as it recharges: a powerful flash kills all the zombies around, dead soldiers are resurrected, and the total ammunition is replenished. But staying alive in this moment is a very difficult task.

At first, the game tries to deceive the player: shooting at a bunch of helpless zombies is no more difficult than shooting at bottles at a shooting gallery. However, after passing each “checkpoint” the amount of living (or inanimate?) enemy force grows exponentially. And when there are enemies really a lot the game will become much more difficult: in the heat and confusion of battle, you need to have time to cover the backs of your comrades, prevent particularly nimble specimens from destroying the truck, and not die yourself. The forces of the dead, by the way, are growing not only quantitatively, but also qualitatively: the ordinary zombies are joined by elite zombies in heavy armor and kamikaze zombies, hung with explosives. And when, towards the end, huge cyborg zombies begin to emerge, the complexity makes you want to climb the walls.

In addition, the mode has several difficulty levels, radically different from each other. If on “easy” tactics are not needed at all, and the mode can easily be completed by any set of classes, then for others you need to seriously prepare - each fighter must clearly know his position and responsibilities in the game. Passing the “Dangerous Experiment” on the “Pro” difficulty is generally a task for the most gifted, both in tactical thinking and reaction. To simply gain access to it, you need to be the lucky owner of level ten (or higher), and also complete the mode on the previous two difficulties. But the reward for this is appropriate - only in this way can you get the unique “Cyborg Mask”, which has the useful property of restoring spent health.

By the way, about clothes: you can get a set of good equipment especially for the new mode - but for this you need to go through the mode at least once. In addition, after each completion, players will receive one random item from the Anti-Zombie Box, as well as daily login rewards.

The zombie mode “Dangerous Experiment” turned out to be extremely good: what is happening on the screen does not at all resemble the usual Warface, but rather some kind of Killing Floor: a sea of ​​meat, blood and fun. We also made sure that the game was interesting for both veterans and newcomers: completing this special operation on easy difficulty is quite possible even with weak equipment, but the latter is extremely hardcore.
