How to come up with a painting for a surname. How to come up with a beautiful signature

A facsimile helps to verify a person’s identity and is present on important documents: passports, notary papers, contracts, deeds of sale and purchase of real estate, etc. It is desirable that a person’s signature does not change throughout his life. Although, a woman changes her painting with each marriage in accordance with her new surname.

However, everyone wants to make their painting the most beautiful. How to achieve this?

How to come up with an original and beautiful painting?

For the job to be successful, you should stock up on paper, a ballpoint pen and maximum patience. It is not advisable to use pens with gel refills, as they visually improve handwriting.

Beautiful paintings made using gel rods can look completely unpresentable if written with a pencil or simple ink:

Of course, how to make a painting beautiful largely depends on your handwriting. If a person is not used to writing out letters accurately and writes hastily and sloppily, any combination of elements will be unpresentable. Therefore, it is necessary to make an effort to sign documents without losing your “face”.


Autograph(from Greek "auto"

- myself and - “grapho” - writing) - in this case, a handwritten signature in documents, postcards, souvenirs, or a memorable short text inscription on a book, or photo, which ends with a personal signature. Any handwritten author's text is also called an autograph.

Nowadays, when handwritten documents (except letters, postcards and promissory notes) are becoming less and less common, the role of the autograph is transferred to the signature. And the attitude towards such a noticeable element of personality manifestation is becoming more and more serious.

(video on YouTUBE)

A personal signature acts as a bright poster with a list of psychological characteristics of its author and demonstrates the degree of complexity of the forgery, which indicates the seriousness of its owner. An autograph allows you to tell a lot about yourself without saying a word. When we put a personal signature at the end of a letter or document, we don’t even realize that in a split second we are creating a graphic self-portrait.

WATERMARK based on the original autograph, coat of arms or monogram can be made on your personalized writing paper. Congratulatory letters are written on this paper. You can use thicker paper to make business cards or postcards. White and colored paper with watermarks are produced to special order in Russia by Paperman.

EX LIBRIS for a home or personal library, a collection of electronic media: CDs, DVDs, tape or video recordings, as well as vinyl records, also be designed on the basis of an expressive artistic signature. The bookplate can be made in the form of a seal or printed on a color or black-and-white printer on self-adhesive paper, and then glued to the protected item.

Development of bookplate
based on autograph.

Typically, bankers have the most complex and stable signatures due to the specifics of their profession (examples below):

We are not aware of studies that would accurately report how many profitable transactions or contracts in which a certain person acts as a guarantor have changed in a less favorable direction or did not take place at all, but the fact that such cases occur in banking or when hiring

- we know for sure. In particular, the US Supreme Court in 1978 recognized the legality of the use of graphology in hiring.

One of the modern recruitment challenges is that as more people pass GCSEs and go on to university, firms are finding it increasingly difficult to select suitable candidates for vacancies from the growing pool of graduates. Peter Gerard, division manager at recruitment company Michael Page, says the number of job applicants in the UK has risen sharply in recent years. In some areas competition is particularly high, and the problem is exacerbated by the large number of people coming from abroad. One of the main reasons for this state of affairs, according to Gerard,

- Internet. “It’s easier for people to find out about new vacancies,”- he said in an interview with the BBC and added that thanks to online questionnaires, one person can now easily apply for a dozen places at once. However, as Calum Forrest, head of the European Jobs Center at Goldman Sachs Investment Bank, says, “If you hire the wrong people, you're doomed from the start.”

As a result of correspondence, sooner or later you will have to sign. You need to prepare for this in advance, without hoping that your resume will not get to the graphologist.

Remember your feelings from looking at various autographs that you have encountered in your life. Sometimes it is a pleasant roundness that calms and puts you at ease, sometimes it is overflowing energy that demonstrates activity and business pressure. It is easy to recognize modesty and eccentricity, authoritarianism and narcissism, and it happens that schoolboy clumsiness raises doubts about at least some positive qualities of its owner.

Below are autographs of prominent historical figures:

Autograph of Anna, daughter of Yaroslav the Wise (French Queen)

Autograph of Bohdan Khmelnytsky (Hetman of Ukraine)

Autograph of Taras Shevchenko (Poet, artist)

Autograph of Salvador Dali (Artist)

Autograph of Mikhail Bulgakov (Writer)

Autograph of Alexander Pushkin (Poet)

Autograph of Leo Tolstoy (Writer)

Autograph of Vladimir Ulyanov (Lenin)

Graphology specialists(handwriting studies), based on many years of observations, comparisons and conclusions, they claim that a signature, like handwriting, reflects the internal state of a person. Moreover, as the signature changes, the owner himself changes (and vice versa). These two factors are inseparable. It’s the same as if you’re in a bad mood, take it and smile... Your mood will immediately improve noticeably.

Here are just a few of the main, most characteristic parameters of an autograph by which you can evaluate their owner.

Rising up the signature or its ending characterizes its owner as an energetic, temperamental, optimistic person.

Horizontal informs about balance and constancy.

Limply sinking signature or its endingsymbolizes pessimism, uncertainty, dissatisfaction with life and work performed.

Large and sweeping signature- author - egotist. He does not put up well with ordinary, average living conditions. Wants to achieve much more.

Initial letter of signature corresponds initial letter of surname expresses modesty, simplicity, and satisfaction of requests with its real capabilities.

Initial letter of signature- Name who wrote, and after it there is a signature from the surname - efficiency, responsibility for one's actions, thoughtfulness. The dot speaks of discipline and completion of one's intentions.

The initial letter is intricate(it is possible to combine different initials in the form of a monogram)- isolation, secrecy. Such people are selective in friendship and distrustful.

Availability in signature repeated monotonous strokes increased energy, author activity, ability to see perspective in diversity.

Additional items(strokes, loops, curls, semantic elements) contained in the signature of tense (cursive writing) indicate that the author has imagination and resourcefulness.

Excessively and unreasonably decorated With various curls and strokes, the initial letter and the entire autograph as a whole reflect excessive ambition, egocentrism, and narcissism, possibly to the detriment of the results of the business.

Signature without a flourish - culture, education.

Straight jerky a stroke at the end of the autograph, as if falling down, - energy, determination, courage, toughness in relationships with subordinates.

Returning from below to the beginning of the signature stroke- selfishness, mistrust.

There are different periods in life. There are ups and downs, victories and defeats. These factors are often reflected in the mood and autograph of its owner.

Morgenstern's book Psychographology, published in 1903, reproduces Napoleon's autographs under orders for the army after decisive battles.

Napoleon Bonaparte's signature options at different periods of his life reflect changes in career, status and mood. Below are autographs left by Napoleon on various documents.

Napoleon with the rank of artillery captain (1793)

Napoleon - Emperor (1804)

Napoleon's signature on the proclamation after the victory at Austerlitz (1805)

Napoleon's autograph after the battle of Moscow (1812)

Napoleon's signature when leaving Russia (1812)

Napoleon's signature after the lost Battle of Leipzig, which led to the loss of conquests in Europe (1813)

Often the person comes up with his own signature in accordance with their tastes, ingenuity, social status or profession.But as ambitions and business or creative activity grow, the need and desire for some kind of originality, aesthetics and special meaning appears! It’s not so easy to do it yourself, without calligraphy lessons, no matter how hard you try, but who to turn to- unknown...

Nami was a special algorithm has been developed for such an unusual creative process, and we made the first few works. The experience turned out to be successful. One of the customers said this about the result: I had an understanding that I needed to somehow improve the autograph, but I didn’t imagine that such a result could be achieved. It’s the same as walking around in an old, dirty, wrinkled tie - it seems shameful, but there is no other way.And now I feel more confident than ever in something so fashionable and elegant!

How is it done? autograph correction or update to display the new status of its owner, technological need, stable repeatability, etc.?

Such personal signature development consists of analyzing the motor skills of handwriting. Then, based on it, all kinds of signature designs are made, in accordance with the agreed parameters. Then the owner practices writing the proposed options in his own performance. The search for the best result continues through further adjustments over several sessions. (video on YouTube)

The cost of such development depends on the complexity of the work, the specifics of the task and the number of adjustment sessions.

Below are four typical examples of searching for options based on the semantic and graphic priorities specified by the owners of signatures, as well as taking into account the specifics of calligraphy and the motor skills of the owners’ writing. At the request of all autograph owners, we do not present their final results.

Example No. 1.

Initial signature (before development starts)

A selection from the proposed options based on a dynamic star, a hint of which was in the analogue, and several alternative styles.

After several sessions of writing practice, the customer decided to move away from the options that improved his counterpart and worked on alternative options. Below are signatures made by the owner at the stage of training stable motor skills of writing.

Example No. 2.

The autograph the customer used was too simple for his new position and was easy to forge. After independent attempts to create a new signature, the customer decided to order us to develop an autograph of a higher degree of complexity, but without frills.

We proposed about 50 designs of varying degrees of complexity. Some of them are shown below. After the first stage, three different options were selected, followed by further refinement and training of the final version.

Example No. 3.

The owner's execution of his own autograph based on his surname has gradually deteriorated over the past 10 years due to the large number of signatures on documents every day. Having moved to a new career level, he decided to redesign the autograph- more complex and dynamic, based on the name or its initial letter and surname.

In total, 45 different styles were proposed, based on the previous (upper) version and original. After training several alternative options, the final one was selected. Facsimiles were ordered for current documents. And on especially important documents and greeting or invitation cards, the owner signs an autograph with his own hand.

Example No. 4.

The former teacher started her own business. At the time of our acquaintance, the constantly growing enterprise required updating of many parameters. After developing a new trademark and other graphic constants, she felt that her new status and, especially, emotional upsurge were absolutely not consistent with the “teacher’s” signature (left version), which had served her faithfully for a long time. After several attempts to independently improve the situation by adding her name to her last name, the businesswoman asked us to address this problem.

We began our search for options by trying to untie the tangle of initials. We added more flourishes with baroque plasticity. After training we settled on them. Surprisingly, the final version of such a difficult autograph in her execution turned out quite consistently.. Often on election posters a politician's quote is followed by his autograph. If it is legible and expressive, then the impact of the poster is much greater. This is how the voter behind the autograph intuitively sees the character and principles of the politician. Considering that trust in politicians is not very high, (3:14 min video on YOU TUBE)

A signature is considered one of the main ways to identify a person. It fits into the main document of any resident of Russia - the Russian passport. With the help of a beautiful signature, which is not so difficult to make, you can not only add zest to this document, but also specifically assert yourself. Every person wants a beautiful signature, right?

What should you know before choosing a new signature?

It is necessary to clarify some points before recommending certain actions to change the signature. The fact is that, as mentioned earlier, a signature is an important element of personal identification. You may have quite serious problems if, for example, the signature on an important application differs from the signature on your passport. There is no need to hope that they will not be compared! It is best to come up with a signature in childhood, before you have yet received a passport; it is also possible to choose a new signature during a planned passport replacement.

It is also worth considering that the signature should be as simple as possible, and this rule applies not only to celebrities signing autographs. You cannot replace the signature in your passport, and you will get very tired of displaying inconvenient characters for a long time. It is also worth understanding that any signature must be legible.

Original tips to help you come up with a beautiful signature

Despite the rules associated with important legal documents, for many people a signature is a beautiful and memorable set of symbols, elements and everything else.

A beautiful flourish in the document is needed if you are going to change your last name or get a passport for the first time. Those who get married and change their last name come up with spectacular murals. The need to create or replace an “autograph” takes you by surprise. The art of “documentary calligraphy” is easy to learn. Show your individuality, make your autograph original and memorable. The painting is the author’s calling card. Try creating your signature online using these free tips.

What is a signature for?

Without painting it is difficult to live fully in society. Any adult has to deal with papers. With the help of the “author’s stroke,” the content of documents, consent or denial of information is confirmed. The first official sign is the signature in the passport. At the time of receiving the document, it is important to decide on the option and stick to it in the future. Learn, instead of a quick squiggle, to depict a funny touch, creative with curls, additional elements quickly, with a little effort and effort.

It is important to first decide on the form, and then train the accuracy of its transmission in documents. Painting matters - it indicates a person’s character. An experienced graphologist can easily determine the author’s gender, hidden character traits, psychological and physical condition.

How to come up with a signature for a passport

When creating a painting, you need to decide what it will be: simple or complex, short or long. How to come up with a painting based on convenience: too complex and cumbersome. A simple one will become an “easy password” that anyone can easily repeat. The right option would be a simple touch with its own distinctive feature. Look at the photo and choose the best option.

Examples of signatures by last name

Regardless of who you are going to become: a teacher, director, accountant or worker, you will have to learn the skill of accurately conveying an autograph over and over again. - a key hint on how to come up with a signature. A successful stroke is created like this:

  1. Take a piece of paper and write your last name.
  2. Separate the first three letters - this is the best option for coming up with several signatures.
  3. It’s good if the surname begins with a consonant, with round, clear, graphic characters.
  4. Add the first letter of the name.
  5. Put your initials in front.

If you do not want to record your last name, put the first letter of your first and middle names. Next, use elements for decoration. It is interesting to combine the Cyrillic and Latin alphabet. Try playing with the letters by rearranging them. Many people create cool signatures using old calligraphy and extra flourishes. A man's autograph should be discreet; the decor looks ugly. Girls are allowed to add curls and squiggles, small drawings.

Examples of signatures by last name

Creating murals is not as difficult as it might seem. This is a fun and creative activity. Creating paths to connect letters is interesting. Here are beautiful signatures as an example:

  1. Putin V.V. uses a smooth transition of elements.
  2. Medvedev D.A. uses first and middle names, a smooth connection of elements.
  3. Visual photo: the great writer A.S. Pushkin has a long, sweeping painting. It is based on the capital letter of the first name and the full last name. The painting is clearly horizontal and legible.
  4. Celebrity autographs

    Famous people use autographs as a kind of business card. Autographs are becoming a separate branch of modern collecting. John Hancock has creative writing. In his signature, he uses an ancient Latin font, which looks impressive.

    Another interesting option is Kurt Vonnegut's autograph.

    He depicts his own profile, inside which his last name is “hidden”. Jay Leno portrays a funny proofreading and caption for his last name.

Everyone comes up with their own signature; no one is limited by any rules or laws. But still, in graphic improvisations, their author is subject to certain patterns that reflect the properties of his nature, which makes it possible to draw up a fairly accurate portrait of him.

Pay attention to where the end of the signature is directed: up, straight or down. If up, this indicates that optimism prevails in a person’s character, he is full of energy and strives to achieve his goal. If such a person experiences disappointments or depression in life, he successfully overcomes them and is reborn with new strength, desires, and ideas. Often this is a personality type with a creative bent.

If the end of the signature is directed directly- this indicates a balance of manifestations optimism and pessimism. The influence of the environment plays an important role.

If the end of the signature is directed down- then in this case a person is more susceptible to a state of pessimism, which quite significantly suppresses his creative activity. Such people either have no faith, or it is very weak; in addition, they may experience decreased willpower, poor resistance to alcohol, and susceptibility to diseases of the cardiovascular, nervous systems, liver and gastrointestinal tract.


If the signature long- then this characterizes a person as thorough, not fond of haste, haste, capable of delving deeply into the essence of the matter, persistent, quite stubborn, assiduous, but at the same time somewhat picky and boring. Such a person should pay attention to the function of the nervous system and kidneys.

If the signature short, then this is a sign of a person’s haste, a desire to quickly grasp the essence, a superficial attitude to the matter, since there is not enough patience for a deeper and more detailed analysis; such a person is less capable of monotonous, long-term work that requires constant attention, and he does not really like slow people.
As for health, the nervous and cardiovascular systems may be labile.

Note. In the latter case, you should definitely find out whether the person also has another signature, since often bank employees, doctors, cashiers, as well as people in professions for which they often have to sign, often have two signatures; one, as it were, official, and the other - for affixing on various documents, usually shorter - in order to save space and time. Consequently, certain professions also affect the signature, often contributing to its shortening.


Before analyzing the signature according to this criterion, you should mentally divide the signature in half.
The first half of the signature is associated with the beginning of any activity - mental or physical and by it one can judge how a person starts a business. At the same time, the first half of the signature characterizes the intellectual or mental sphere of a person, while the second half of the signature shows the attitude towards practical (physical) activity and indicates how the person completes the task.
Who a person is - a theorist or a practitioner - can be determined based on the load of the first and second half of the signature.
If there are signatures at the beginning two, or even three capital letters, in the absence of large formations in the second half, then we can confidently assume that the person gives preference to mental work. Such signatures usually have managers of various ranks.

U measured load of the first part ( minimum capital letters, their low amplitude) indicates a propensity for applied activities. Often people whose signatures contain these characteristics are employees and public figures by profession.

On the contrary, if there is large formations in the second part of the signature, it can be argued that practical activities are attractive to such a person.


If capital letter in the signature differs significantly in amplitude from lowercase, then man, im Those who have such a signature are capricious and have increased demands on others.

If its amplitude slightly different from lowercase letters, then the owner of the signature is modest, without any special claims to people.

Small letters characterize a rational, economical and concrete person, speak of the ability to concentrate the mind, but very small letters indicate that their owner is prone to selfishness and stinginess.

Large letters(as in children) characterize a dreamy, somewhat naive, impractical, trusting, and often overly kind person. But large letters can also mean a desire for independence and freedom of activity. People with this characteristic should pay attention to the spleen and liver.


Kind, gentle, calm people write rounded letters,

and hot-tempered, harsh, intolerant, irritable angular. Angular letters speak of a desire for independence, a critical mind, stubbornness, aggressiveness, a tendency to self-assertion, leadership, and ambition.

Based on this feature, you can determine how a relationship with such a person might develop. IN depending on whether there are more rounded shapes at the beginning or end of the signature, we can say in which case the person behaves more gently. At the beginning of a relationship or later.

For example, the signature in the picture on the right indicates that the owner of this signature is more likely to be correct at the beginning of a relationship.


If all letters in the signature interconnected, then we can talk about the consistent, logical character of this person, his mental activity, as well as some conservatism in his views, a rather complex perception of everything new.

Thinking is more flexible and adaptive if the signature reveals moderate number of breaks between the letters, which also indicates the ability to harmonize the desired and the actual.

An excessive number of gaps indicates figurative and concrete thinking, unpredictability of actions, daydreaming, a desire to attract attention and impress others.


You can judge a person's self-confidence in confidence and firmness, with which he signs.
An insecure person can also be easily identified by his signature.


If a person is boastful and tries to embellish his virtues, then this is easily revealed in his signature, since it also embellished: various curls, ribbons and friend and similar formations. And the more there are, the more superficial and insincere there is in a person.

A common man has a signature simple, modest.
But various decorations can be quite often found among people with a rich imagination - artists, painters, musicians.

People with a logical mindset - mathematicians and physicists - often have a signature like “ naked”, that is, the letters they use in their signature seem to have lost some parts. This also speaks to concrete thinking. If such letters have little connection with each other, then this indicates illogicality, vanity, and short-sightedness of thinking.


Signature compact, compressed usually have "tactics", that is, those whose minds are occupied with specific activities.

Against, sweeping signatures are often those of “strategists”—those who think globally, combinatorially, and systematically. As a rule, these are major managers and public figures.


Based on this feature, you can determine the degree of a person’s generosity: if the distance between the letters significant- then this is a generous person, and in the extreme degree of manifestation of the sign - a spender.

If letters in the signature fit on top of each other, then this indicates economy and even stinginess.

By the distance between letters, you can even find out in what period a person is more generous, as well as in what area his generosity is predominantly manifested - intellectual or material - it depends on which part of the signature the distance between the letters is greater - at its beginning or at the end.


People talk about physical strength bold lines of letters, blots(this is especially noticeable when using an ink pen), large pressure on the paper, strong pressure when writing is evidence that the owner of this signature is an extrovert.

Thinning in the form of a hair, a line of letters and even, as it were, line loss on nek
In some areas, it is characteristic of introverts, that is, people whose mind is directed inward. If such people engage in social activities, it comes to them very easily, but through a struggle with their inner self.
If the force of pressure is even, moderate, then this indicates balance, thoughtfulness of actions, and self-control.

Uneven, impulsive pressure indicates impetuosity, emotionality, impressionability, and inability to work systematically.

Thick, greasy pressure characterizes people with developed sensual drives and a desire for material well-being.

If the thickness of the pressure changes, it is clearly visible transition from thin lines to bold, then this speaks of sexual inclinations, rich imagination, emotionality, lability of the nervous and vascular systems, and inconsistency.

And finally very weak, uneven pressure in places found in people who are unsure of themselves, hesitant, inclined to torment themselves, doubters, in people with an unbalanced psyche, neurasthenia.


Those who emphasizes your signature from below— proud, interested in the opinions of others about themselves, touchy.

People who have a signature that covered by a line from above, are vain, proud and strive for great achievements.

But by the length of the “tails” at the end of the signature one can judge the degree of a person’s reaction to attempts by others to interfere in his affairs. The longer the tails, T
We are more intolerant than its “owner” towards various kinds of orders, decrees and comments addressed to him. Such a ponytail also indicates caution and prudence.

If a person crosses out his signature, then this indicates his dissatisfaction with himself, self-criticism, a doubting, hesitant nature. Such people may be susceptible to neuroses, vegetative-vascular dystonia, peptic ulcers, and also more easily succumb to various vices (smoking, alcohol, etc.).


If the signature contains formations that resemble vertical lines, then this means, as it were, a barrier, a slowdown, a brake on mental or physical activity. In this case, you should pay attention to which part of the signature these verticals are located.

Presence of vertical formations at the beginning signatures indicate poverty of imagination, insufficient intellectual and creative activity.

If the "vertical" occurs approximately in the middle signatures - then this indicates a delay, slowness in the transition from an idea to its implementation, and if at the end signatures - about difficulties in completing things (such a person needs external control and appropriate incentives).

If present in signature clearly expressed vertical formations, medical diagnosis should be aimed at identifying genitourinary problems.


Unevenness, " galloping“The letters in the signature are evidence of emotionality, lack of restraint, and, in extreme degrees of manifestation of the trait, uncontrollability and imbalance. Such people are often susceptible to vegetative-vascular dystonia, neuroses, and thyroid diseases.

If the signature smooth, written as if along a ruler, then in this case we can talk about restraint, self-control, rationality. In this case, you should pay attention to the condition of the nervous system, kidneys and spleen.


If a person is secretive and independent in character, then he often signs his signature circles. A lesser degree of expression of such qualities is characterized by the presence in the signature smaller loops.
People with similar elements in their signature try to find a job where they would be free, independent, and not subordinate to anyone. It is about such people that they say: “A cat that walks around on its own.” be" and "On my own mind." Eyelets They are also an indicator of stubbornness, willfulness, caution, and “obsession” with any ideas or problems.

It should be taken into account: there are loops at the beginning, in the middle or at the end of the signature and, in accordance with this, draw final conclusions. The signature, in which the letters turn almost into a straight line, also speaks about the secretive nature of a person.


The dot is a positive sign. Its presence in the signature indicates discipline and a tendency to complete what was planned.

If the period is at the end of the signature, then this speaks of a person’s desire to be sure to complete the work he has started. The presence of a point is also one of the indicators of performance.

A person’s desire to obtain comprehensive information before he begins to implement his plan is characterized by dot at the beginning of the signature.


The more complex, " loaded”signature, the more clearly one can see a person’s ability to create problems for himself, which is called “making a molehill out of a molehill.” This signature is often found among psychosthenics.

Vice versa, the simpler signature - the fewer problems a person lives with - he strives to simplify his life.


Identical, repeating elements
in the signature, characterize the individual’s tendency to a greater or lesser degree of obsession in thoughts and actions, a habit that is difficult to eradicate. At the same time, this sign also speaks of perseverance and the ability to endure monotonous work more easily.

As for health, you should pay attention to the state of the nervous system: neuroses are possible, in particular obsessive-compulsive neurosis. There may also be a tendency to increase blood pressure.


If the signature clear And you can read the letters that make it up, then we can safely say that the owner of such a signature is not selfish, since he subconsciously strives to be understood by others. Teachers often have clear signatures, teaching
tel. From a medical point of view, people with such a signature may be susceptible to diseases such as psychosthenia, diabetes mellitus, and hypertension.

If the signature illegible, then this characterizes a person as selfish, caring little about whether others understand him or not, and also not very careful.
Such people may suffer from diseases of the eyes, nerves, liver and gallbladder, as well as stomach ulcers.


If a person uses in his signature foreign font(meaning that instead of Cyrillic the signature is made in Latin, Arabic, hieroglyphs, etc.), this may mean that either he is a fan of everything foreign (this is more often typical of young people), or he wants to stand out, or he is characterized by independence in his views and judgments.


This means that individuals whose handwriting or signature close to the template- have little initiative, their thoughts and judgments are stereotypical. People with a similar signature should pay attention to the function of the liver, gall bladder and spleen.

The brighter and more convex differences appear in writing, especially the creative person before us, striving to bring variety to life. We can confidently talk about the romanticism of the owner of such a signature. In health, you should pay attention to the state of the psycho-emotional sphere.


The simpler the signature, the simpler a person lives and thinks. Often, simple, ingenuous people write an abbreviated or even full last name instead of a signature; they do not have enough imagination to somehow modify their signature or embellish it. Such people are less emotional.

Hence, the more ornate the signature- the more complex a person’s nature, but also the greater the susceptibility to cardiovascular and neuropsychiatric diseases.


In order to correctly draw conclusions on this basis, it is necessary to directly observe the moment of writing the signature. If a man signs quickly without thinking, then this may indicate a professional habit (for example, among cashiers); be an indicator of increased excitability of dysfunctional choleric temperament, the state of the nervous and cardiovascular systems.
According to the drawing, such a signature is similar to a signature characterized by confidence in writing (see criterion 7).


Straight tilt characterizes a person who is direct, restrained, consistent, has self-control, and sometimes stubborn. This indicator is also evidence of the dominant influence of the mind.

Right inclined the signature speaks of the balance of a person’s character traits, his ability to understand other people, to compromise. (In this case, of course, other factors should be taken into account.) Letters that are too tilted, almost lying down, are a pathological phenomenon.

If the signature is overturned left 125° against the direction of movement, this is most often due to a discrepancy between personal natural inclinations and inclinations of a person with living conditions, and also indicates willfulness, stubbornness, demandingness, distrust, and sometimes secrecy and insincerity.

If the inclination of the letters in the signature is of different types, then this is due to contrast, capriciousness, instability of feelings, impetuosity, affectivity, lack of restraint, scattered aspirations. You should be careful in dealings and relationships with such people.


Characterizes the degree of giftedness of an individual, development of intelligence and culture. Individual letters in such a signature may sometimes seem ugly, there may be irregularities and kinks in them, but they form one harmonious whole.


It often happens that the same person has a signature sometimes neat, sometimes careless. This characterizes a person with a pronounced selective attitude towards others. If someone is of interest to such a person, then he will try to show this in his signature, try to show himself from the best side, and if not, then he will treat his signature carelessly. In terms of health, you should pay attention to the state of the cardiovascular and nervous systems, as well as the thyroid gland, liver, and gall bladder.


A signature is one of the factors that reflects a person’s inner world; it is natural, therefore, that with a change in the internal state, the growth of spiritual consciousness and other changes in a person’s life, his signature also changes. If a man degrades, then the signature also degrades if a person is being improved, then the signature changes accordingly.

The signature may also change and in connection with a woman's marriage, which reflects real changes that have occurred in her emotional, social, personal and other spheres.


If an individual, having written some part of the signature, returns back by some line, or something else adds, then this suggests that the owner of such a signature, having done some work, is inclined to return to its beginning, analyze what has been achieved, which means he has a desire to introduce something new, modify, supplement what has been done, that is, there is a state of dissatisfaction, a constant desire improvement.


Illegible " abnormal“The signature is often found in people suffering from obsessive states and ideas, with disturbed mental balance or in a state of severe preoccupation. The prominence and number of anomalies in the signature varies depending on the mood.

When a person is calm, his signature looks normal, but as soon as a painful state sets in, anomalies appear in the signature, which are characterized by the presence of unnecessary inappropriate strokes, additional drawings, a jumble of dots placed anywhere, etc.


The wavy lines in the signature characterize a person who is flexible, diplomatic, able to make compromises, and easily adapt to different living conditions. More often they are sanguine, less often - phlegmatic. Such people are less likely to complain of illness.


Evenness of line lines,
uniform spacing between letters, uniform pressure and amplitude of the inscription are signs of geometric consistency of the signature.

Such a signature characterizes the degree of volitional development of a person, his mental consistency, efficiency, thoughtfulness of actions, stability of feelings, certainty and immutability of relationships both to individual phenomena and to everything in the surrounding life. Opposite characteristics of the signature will indicate otherwise.


If the signature has an elongated beginning, then, depending on the degree of manifestation of this characteristic, one can judge the degree of willfulness, self-confidence, and also despotism of its owner. A person with this signature should pay attention to the function of the liver, nervous system and gastrointestinal tract.


If the signature amplitude clearly decreases from its beginning to its end, this means that a person’s performance, energy, interest and other qualities also decrease from the beginning to the end of the activity. Such individuals may have a tendency to irritability and fatigue. They should pay attention to the condition of the liver, thyroid gland gland and nervous system.

If the amplitude increases, then this suggests that a person gradually develops activity from the beginning to the end of the activity.

If Signature amplitude is even- then this characterizes a person whose performance remains at a stable level from the beginning to the end of the activity, the attention is stable, the interest in what is happening, both in work and in personal life, is constant.

If the beginning of the signature large, and then gradually decreases or turns into a wavy line, then this speaks of some secrecy of a person, but also of his sophistication and diplomacy.

For those who do not know how to keep secrets, the signature begins with small letters, which increase towards the end.


If the person writing in his signature seems to connects two adjacent letters through a common element, combines them, which means a person is trying to optimize his activities. That is, he has a tendency to simultaneously deal with several cases at once or wait until some cases accumulate, in order not to waste time on them separately, but to solve them all together. Types that have similar elements in their signatures have a rational, practical mind. By temperament, they are more often sanguine, less often phlegmatic.


Symmetrical elements in the signature, for example, two horizontal or vertical strokes (=, //) are an indicator of a person’s stable character, harmony, balance of a person’s qualities, and the ability to make compromises. People who have the above elements in their signatures love reliability in everything and strive to insure themselves in their activities. In terms of health, such people should pay attention to the condition of the genitourinary system, respiratory and nervous systems, as well as the function of the spleen.


The presence of such an element as a digital addition speaks of a suspicious, distrustful nature, characterized by a critical mind and caution. It may also indicate a tendency to neuropsychiatric diseases.

Secret procedure

“Over recent years, graphology has been used to assess the hidden abilities of athletes and military intelligence officers,” says Ilya SHCHEGOLEV, a famous psychologist and author of the bestseller “The Secret of Handwriting.” — And now handwriting specialists are also in demand in business. They are involved in personnel selection by reviewing CVs or handwritten applications, such as leave applications. This secret procedure helps test the loyalty of staff and identify people who are “dangerous” to the organization. Or unfavorable trends in employee behavior. Finally, graphologists are able to assess the characters of people with whom they are to build business relationships, but there is almost no reliable information, with the exception of their personal signature. Graphology allows you to create a psychological portrait of a person based on how he writes individual letters, words, and sentences.

Fighting "r"

“Any person’s signature contains letters, the writing style of which is closely related to turning points in their biography,” explains Shchegolev. “Practice has made it possible to identify a number of letters in our alphabet that are the most informative in this regard. These primarily include: “o”, “a”, “c”, “b”, “r”, “t”, “u”, “sch”, “ts”, “i”, “i” . About the amazing information hidden in the writing of some of the letters mentioned, we can assess the character and behavioral characteristics of the organization's personnel. Just one example.

Letter "R"

It contains two elements: an inclined stroke or process, to which a hook or oval is adjacent. There are many variants of spelling the letter “r”, this is not surprising. After all, the shape of the letter reflects the paths chosen by a person to understand the world. If the length of the branch of the letter “p” is noticeably greater than the height of the lowercase letters, then a person chooses a path in life on which his fighting qualities, perseverance and determination are most fully expressed. This is the path of a fighter who knows how to defend his views. Excessive length of the appendage indicates a person whose path through life is different. This type of people is characterized by demonstrativeness and feigned determination, but in business their fighting qualities do not manifest themselves.

Sometimes, instead of one process, the letter “r” has two processes that form an acute angle. The double process is characteristic of people who instantly react to changing situations. The reaction is acute, there is no time left to think about the consequences. In the handwriting of many famous people, along with the letters “r”, which have a single branch, you can often see letters with a double branch. This is what V. Lenin, A. Pushkin, M. Lermontov wrote.

Sign in front of the registry office

In the West, graphology has already been introduced into the rigid mainstream of pragmatism.

“In France, graphological analysis of biography is very often used when hiring,” says Valeria KURAVLEVA, head of the personnel department of one large Russian company. — In Israel, all civil servants are required to undergo a handwriting examination. In Holland and England, a graphologist's report recently became mandatory when hiring full-time employees. In Germany, it has become customary to consult a graphologist before getting married. Especially often those who meet through marriage correspondence resort to the help of experts. In the countries of Southeast Asia, comparing the handwriting of the bride and groom is a long-standing tradition that is part of the marriage ceremony. We use this too. How many were fired because of some squiggle in the signature - you have no idea!
What reveals a person's character:
- slanted handwriting;
- letter pressure;
- size, height and width of letters, their roundness;
- location of lines;
— distance between words and lines;
— margins — the distance to the edge of the sheet.

Bonaparte Napoleon's signatures, which changed during his life.

Handwriting changes with age

“Over time, due to circumstances, a person’s character and attitude to life may change, and this is also manifested in handwriting,” says Vitas SALJUNAS, deputy director of the Lithuanian leadership security department. — The changes in a person’s character were especially clearly evident in Napoleon’s signatures - as if the strokes belonged to different people. He made his first signature in 1793, while he was an artillery captain. She, according to experts, speaks of ambition and arrogance, but does not stand out in any way particularly graphically. The second signature is imperial, 1804, with a spectacular flourish. The third (1805) - after the victory at Austerlitz. Experts believe that its centrifugal outline indicates unyielding perseverance, ambition, a tendency to make extensive plans, and confidence in their implementation. The fourth signature is after the battle of Moscow. A colossally grown “N” indicates exorbitant ambition, self-centeredness, power, vanity, and arrogance. Napoleon drew the fifth signature after fleeing Moscow. It is crumpled and shapeless. Experts are aware of the dejection of the state, the tension of thoughts seeking a way out. The sixth signature is from the Battle of Leipzig in 1813. Broken lines, pressure with strokes, descending strokes are the result of another defeat.
The last signature made on the island of St. Helena, according to experts, belongs to a man who suddenly aged suddenly. This is indicated by the sharply descending stroke and the lack of graphic force in the pressure.

(consults graphologist-criminologist Tatyana BORISOVA)

Writing is the geometry of the soul.

Try your hand at graphology

Student notes, letters, medical prescriptions, and statements cannot be used as a sample. It is better if the person does not know why you are asking him to write a few phrases on a sheet of unlined paper. And be sure to sign! Each characteristic feature and feature of the letter is assessed with a certain number of points, then these points are summed up. If the answer seems unexpected or unpleasant to you, do not be embarrassed. After all, this is a game.

Autographs of famous people

Using the test, you can practice graphology using these signatures


Very small - 3 points
Small - 7
Average - 17
Large - 20


Tilt to the left - 2 points
Slight tilt to the left - 5
Tilt to the right - 14
Sharp tilt to the right - 6
Direct writing - 10


Round - 9 points
Square - 10
Spicy – ​​19


The lines are creeping up - 16 points
The lines are sliding down - 1
Straight lines - 12

(span and pressure)

Easy - 8 points
Average - 15
Very strong - 21


Tendency to connect letters in a word - 11 points
Tendency to separate letters from each other - 18
Mixed style - both - 15


Diligent handwriting, letters written neatly - 13 points
Handwriting is uneven, some words are clear, others are difficult to read - 9
The letters are written haphazardly, the handwriting is sloppy, illegible - 4


38 - 51 points: this handwriting is observed in people with poor health, in those who are well over 80.
52 - 63 points: this is written by timid, timid, passive, phlegmatic people.
64 - 75 points: this handwriting belongs to people who are indecisive, soft, meek, with refined manners. They are a little naive, but not without self-esteem.
76 - 87 points: this is the style of people who are distinguished by straightforwardness and frankness. They are sociable and impressionable, as a rule, good family men.
88 - 98 points: someone who has reached this amount of points is distinguished by honesty and integrity, has a strong, stable psyche, is courageous, full of initiative and determination, and a savvy person.
99 - 109 points: These are individualists, quick-tempered and have a sharp and quick mind. They are usually independent in their judgments and actions, but at the same time they are touchy and difficult to communicate, as they are harsh and grumpy. Among them there are gifted people prone to creative work.
110 - 121 points: people without a sense of responsibility, undisciplined, rude, arrogant have this style.

Handwriting examples for people with mental disabilities
