Comparison of iPhone 8 and Samsung 8s. I looked at the iPhone X but bought the Samsung Galaxy S8

This year, it's time to upgrade your smartphone for work and personal needs. There is not much point in taking last year’s model or a smartphone from 2-3 years ago, because it will have to be replaced in a year and a half.

To buy a good device for the future, you need to look closely at the flagship models, and as a bonus you can get all the fashionable features like wireless/fast charging, a good camera, moisture protection, etc.

I had my eye on the Galaxy S8 for a long time, but I was waiting for the opportunity to try out the new product from Apple. When everything became obvious, I made a choice not in favor of the Apple smartphone.

Now I’ll tell you in more detail why I chose a device from Samsung.

Price, price and price again

If you have just been approved for a loan for an iPhone X, you can immediately go down to the comments and call me a rogue.

For me, a smartphone is only an auxiliary device, not a tool for earning money. Post $1000 or I don’t see any point in buying a smart phone anymore.

No matter how fashionable, beautiful and powerful it may be, it does not justify its price.

Apple's flagship 80 thousand you still need to look, but the Galaxy S8 can be taken from 36 thousand. If you don’t believe me, here’s a proof: I didn’t expect that the prices for this year’s new product would be like this 6 months after the start of sales.

So it turns out that for the cost of an iPhone X, you can buy a pair of Galaxy S8s at once and still have some left over for accessories.

And needless to say, iPhones are not getting much cheaper. Tell this to those who bought a “seven” for a year ago 57-60 thousand, and now he can’t sell it for 30 or to those who invested in the iPhone 6s for similar money. Their smartphone is now priced at 20-23 thousand.

The same thing awaits iPhone X buyers; in a year, the model will seriously drop in price, and in order to lose less, you will have to merge the device before the autumn presentation and go without an iPhone for a couple of months.

If you take the device for a long time, the Galaxy S8 for 36 thousand looks like an acceptable purchase. What year iPhone can you buy now for 36 thousand rubles?


We have been waiting for serious changes in the iPhone for a long time, Apple has shown a good evolutionary step in the line and this is good. I don’t want to become a free tester of a new smartphone for 80+ thousand rubles. It is already obvious that the iPhone X is facing serious problems.

Everything has already been seen at sub-zero temperatures and on the screen. It is not yet clear how Apple dealt with the burnout of new matrices, how fast and wireless charging will behave during long-term use.

Samsung has been using these technologies for several years. The company has long tested rounded screens, OLED matrices and all possible types of chargers, and also offers protection according to the IP68 standard with a 3.5 mm connector.

Instead of loud statements and emoticons, Samsung has been offering users smartphones with support for two SIM cards and memory cards for several years now.

You can argue that no one needs this, try to find a convenient tariff and immediately select the appropriate storage capacity, but then imagine that you can not think about it at all before buying a device, and if necessary, install a stolen SIM card or expand the memory.

Instead, you will walk around with an iPhone X and a simple push-button dialer.


The Galaxy S8 is an honest 5.8 inches without any humps or protrusions. At the same time, Apple also limits developers regarding the upper and lower parts of the display.

What is the real working diagonal of the iPhone X; for Samsung it is the declared 5.8 inches.

At the same time, the iPhone has a screen with minimal frames on all sides, while Samsung offers a matrix slightly curved on the sides. There is both a wow effect and real benefits in the form of software features.

Don’t forget the already mentioned difference in display production experience and potential problems with the iPhone X. Galaxy also has Always On Display technology, which was not brought to the iPhone.


The Galaxy S8 has been on the market for six months now, and you can find all kinds of accessories on sale both from Samsung and from third-party manufacturers.

The South Korean company did their best and, together with the smartphone, showed a device that turns the device into a personal computer, a VR headset, and several branded cases with interesting features. Samsung wireless chargers have been on sale for several years now.

After the start of sales of the iPhone X, Apple was awarded only three models of featureless cases, which cost as much 7.5 thousand rubles and wildly inconvenient to use.

For fast charging, you will have to buy an additional adapter from an iPad or MacBook, and you need to wait until 2018 for wireless charging. The price will still have time to please the owners of the new iPhone.

It turns out that owners of a smartphone for 80 thousand rubles must buy accessories on AliExpress or wait several months.

Even the included Galaxy S8 accessories look preferable: an AKG headset, a power supply with support for fast charging, a pair of adapters for Type-C. For an additional 3-5 thousand you can buy almost everything you need.


You can hack your password, your fingerprint, and even the new Face ID. For most users, the reliability of any of the data protection methods provided today will suffice.

The point here is precisely the convenience of everyday use of each of the blocking methods. With the iPhone, everything is clear - Face ID or a password, the entry mode of which opens only a few seconds after the face scanner fails.

At the same time, Face ID has limitations in the form of a small viewing angle of the sensor, the user must perform an additional action after scanning the face, the scanner needs to show the eyes, nose and mouth. The technology performs poorly when direct light rays hit the scanner and cannot remember more than one user.

Samsung also has: a password or pattern that duplicates the fingerprint scanner along with recognition of the user’s iris or face.

Android is more flexibly customizable and can remove blocking in specified places, if there are connected accessories, or according to other specified rules.

Using a smartphone that doesn’t require unlocking 90% of the time is very convenient.


This is the last argument of die-hard Apple fans, but the ecosystem has not been a significant factor for a long time.

Apple has abandoned all the features that were introduced several years ago to bring the Mac and iPhone closer together. The computer still cannot be unlocked from the iPhone (only from the Apple Watch), despite the fact that Windows paired with Android can do this.

A universal clipboard can be set up between any smartphone and computer without regard to the OS. All modern browsers offer sharing of tabs and bookmarks.

With the complication of iOS and the appearance of a large number of features in the system, simplicity, logic and ease of use have disappeared. Most functions now work similarly on iPhone and Android smartphones.

You can also remember about connectors, the latest models of Mac and iPhone simply cannot connect to each other without additional accessories; along with a pair of such devices, you need to carry two power supplies and cables to each of them.

In the meantime, take the MacBook and Galsxy S8 out of the box and see that the devices have a lot more accessories in common.

There is a saying on the Internet - the Galaxy S8 came out to show what the iPhone 8 will be like. The flagships of Korean and American production were released in 2017 for a reason; competition between IT giants is growing year by year. The courts are inundated with lawsuits regarding patent disputes, lawyers from both companies are endlessly suing each other for millions of dollars, in a word, the technology war is in full swing. After the scandalous fiasco with exploding batteries, Samsung simply has to prove its worth and outdo the Cupertino team with their eight.

Samsung and Apple are the undisputed leaders in the production of mobile devices. When the next creation of engineers from Samsung and Apple is born, the information space is filled with announcements of upcoming technological revolutions. Most often this is what happens, it’s just a pity that nothing fundamentally new has yet been invented. This time the same thing will happen, the people of Seoul will show the world two Galaxy S 8 models, while Apple is preparing three, iPhone 8, iPhone 7S and iPhone 7S Plus.

There will be minimal differences between the models, if only in screen sizes and some minor functions. Otherwise, these will be devices of the same type, but they will acquire their consumer in any case.

Today we’ll talk about the Samsung Galaxy S8, let’s try to compare it with the iPhone 8 model, look at the technical details and compare the design of the devices. go.

Galaxy 8 vs iPhone 8

Both platforms are not without popularity, users know both brands very well, being well versed in the obvious pros and cons, but still, these are completely different devices. Despite this, let's try to compare the iPhone 8 with the Galaxy 8 and figure out which is better for the final owner of the device.

The main characteristics of the iPhone 8 were described in the article technical characteristics of the iPhone 8, so we will present only the most basic parameters of the flagships.

Characteristics Galaxy S8:

  • Screen: 5.1 and 5.5 inches (3840×2160 pixels), curved Super AMOLED panel
  • Memory: 64 GB, memory card up to 256 GB
  • Processor and RAM: Exynos 8895, 4-6 GB RAM
  • Front camera: 12 MP, wide-angle lenses
  • Main camera: dual 16-megapixel sensor, 4K video recording, optical image stabilization
  • Other: Iris scanner, fingerprint sensor, fast and wireless charging

iPhone 8 Specifications:

  • Screen: 4.7, 5.5 and 5.8 inches (1920x1310 pixels)
  • Memory: 32/128/256 GB internal memory
  • Processor and RAM: A11, 3-4 GB RAM
  • Front camera: 8 MP
  • Main camera: 12 MP, two lenses, optical stabilization, 4K, slow motion
  • Other: Fingerprint sensor and iris scanner, wireless charging

Platform performance

Not long ago, someone under the nickname Kksneakleaks posted the results of testing the iPhone 8 in the Geekbench benchmark. As you can see in the screenshot, the new Apple smartphone model beats its main rival Galaxy S8 by a large margin with a score of 4537 points versus 2059, respectively. The figures for single-core tests are given; in the multi-core test, the superiority of Cupertino's team looks even more terrifying, leaving Andoid no chance for its brother.

Numbers have a magical meaning for many people, but in this case, it does not matter, since iOS and Android are fundamentally different platforms and it is not very correct to compare them on this parameter. Smartphones have excellent hardware; they can handle any 3D game and any video, regardless of resolution. So system performance is rather a subjective factor, and rather depends on the observer, in this case the owner of the device. Some people fundamentally don’t like Android, so they go and buy iOS smartphones, while others do the exact opposite, here a matter of taste comes into play.

Improved displays

Both flagships will have magnificent OLED displays, but with different diagonals and matrix resolutions.

The iPhone 8 will have three screen options: 4.7, 5.5 and 5.8 inches, with a resolution of 1920x1080 pixels. Compared to the Samsung Galaxy S8, with a screen resolution of 2960x1440 pixels (4K), it looks funny, but for the human eye there will be no difference. The eye is not able to see the pixel on such a monitor, so there will be no visual differences.

Almost identical cameras

If you compare the cameras of the Galaxy S8 vs iPhone 8, the differences will only be in the software processing of photos, since the sensors themselves will be of excellent quality with a bunch of bells and whistles, just like the optical image stabilization in both flagships. The camera resolution on both competitors will be 12 megapixels, which is quite enough for modern smartphones.

Other features

When comparing which is better, the iPhone 8 or the Samsung s8, it is difficult to choose a single winner; in terms of functionality and capabilities, the devices are almost identical, the differences are in small details, and even those are more of a software nature. Even such features as fingerprint recognition will not bring new colors to the war of technologies; you should not expect a technological breakthrough here. Both sensors will work perfectly, recognizing the fingers of their owners without any problems.

In addition, wireless charging will be available on both the Samsung Galaxy S8 and iPhone 8. The only thing is that manufacturers from Cupertino claim the ability to charge the device “remotely” up to 4 meters from a power source. The Apple smartphone definitely wins here.

Improved voice assistants

Samsung released the Bixby voice assistant, capable of seeing the world through the camera lens and thus interacting with the user. Siri will not yet be able to boast of such a function, but the time is not far off when voice assistants will be able to directly interact with the owner. Let the time of robots come!

AR technologies instead of VR

Samsung has long dreamed of immersing the world in virtual reality technology. However, the method they chose was somewhat outdated; they suggest using special glasses and helmets for diving, while the progressive world has long been looking at the smartphone screen and happily catching animals in Pokemon Go.

Apple, on the other hand, calmly looks at its competitor’s efforts in this direction, and is in no hurry to invent radical ways to use virtual space.

AirPods included

The Samsung S8 comes standard with good wired headphones that meet the high demands of true music lovers. At the same time, engineers from Apple offered users excellent quality AirPods wireless headphones. Thus, they completely bypassed their competitors from Korea.


In an attempt to compare the iPhone 8 and the Samsung Galaxy S8, we tried to be objective; both devices are made at a qualitatively different level than previous phone models, this is a fact. Time will tell how the competitive struggle between them will unfold. In the meantime, those who have the opportunity buy a new smartphone; those who don’t, read the news and watch video reviews.

It is worth recalling that in 2017 Apple smartphones celebrate their 10th anniversary, so we congratulate all fans of the brand on this historical date.


The dimensions of the compared devices do not quite match. It would be more logical to compare the Galaxy S8 Plus with the iPhone 8 Plus, and the 8S with the simple S. But we have what we have. All their differences are:

  • autonomy;
  • ergonomics;
  • dual camera, which the iPhone 8 does not have.

It's time to compare iPhone 8 and Samsung Galaxy s8 in design. Both have the same design, consisting of two glass panels with a metal layer between them. In Apple's gadget, the metal is painted in a different color and it stands out more due to the thicker frame.

In the Samsung C8, the frame at the edges is very narrow due to the curved glass and therefore the metal is essentially visible only at the ends, but even there the phone is painted with glossy black paint, and therefore blends in with the body. It’s hard to call these phones wear-resistant. The appearance of the C8 clearly demonstrates what can happen to it if it falls into the hands of a careless person.

Apple's phone is slightly better ergonomically than the S8, because it's easier to hold in the palm of your hand. At the same time, among the advantages: Samsung s8 looks a little more interesting, because its body is smaller in width. Samsung have a larger screen diagonal and a thinner frame along the contour.

Of the important points, it is worth noting the noticeable soiling of both devices. This applies very much to dark color schemes. Both have an oleophobic coating on both the back and front panels, so removing dirt from the surface of the phones will be quite easy.

Front panel functionality

When comparing similar, and not so similar, things, the sensitivity of smartphones when pressing the front panel comes to mind. In Apple, this technology is active for the screen and the Home button, while in the S8, only the Home button area understands pressing. With its help, you can wake up the device and exit from any application to the home screen, even when the button itself is not displayed on the display.

In Apple, this topic was initially developed much more widely, and in addition to the perception of pressing a button, you can put pressure on many other elements:

  • calling the context menu in the case of icons;
  • opening a quick view of pictures or links;
  • and much more.

In short, 3D Touch has a lot of functionality. And many of the features are really useful and convenient.

Protection from moisture and dust

Phones have such an important role in life as protection from moisture and dust. In the S8, the case was made sealed, while Apple coated the inside of the smartphone with a special water-repellent composition. As a result, moisture may actually get inside the case, but this will not affect the operation of the gadget.

Secure Unlock

Among the significant differences, we note the fingerprint scanner. At the apple company, he lives where he is supposed to. While in the Galaxy S8 the sensor is placed directly next to the camera where it is connected to:

  • firstly, it is very difficult to reach due to the elongated shape of the body;
  • secondly, you constantly miss and hit that same camera.

In terms of the scanner’s response speed, there are no complaints about either one or the other.

In addition to traditional secure unlocking methods, S8 equipped its gadgets with face and iris scanners. They generally work, but they carry some limitations, for example, the device will not be able to identify a face in complete darkness, and paired with iris authentication, this technology does not work if the device is constantly moving from side to side, which is very important in the subway and any other public transport.


Samsung display:

  • made using AMOLED technology;
  • has a resolution of 1440 by 2960 pixels;
  • aspect ratio 18.5:9;
  • and diagonals of 5.8 and 6.2 inches, respectively, for the S8 and S8 Plus.

In apples, the screens are more traditional:

  • This is an IPS LCD display;
  • with diagonals 4 and 7.5 inches;
  • and resolution 750 x 1334 and 1080 x 1920.

In Samsung S8 and iPhone, the picture looks absolutely smooth. But in C 8, realizing the redundancy of the resolution of their matrices, they specifically made it possible to virtually reduce it to reduce the load on the hardware.

Samsung: + and -

Samsung Galaxy S8 or iPhone, in any case, the elongated shape of their displays, in addition to the obvious benefits of a futuristic design, has a number of disadvantages:

  • for example, a rounded corner of the screen sometimes hides useful information behind it;
  • the non-standard form is not adapted to the content of modern times. As a result, the same video is either stretched or displayed with frames.

In short, there is no particular point in an elongated display yet, but we probably won’t deny the potential for the future.

We consider Always on Display to be one of the important trump cards of the S8, which displays on the screen:

  • time;
  • date;
  • charge level;
  • and shortcuts to recent notifications.

It’s a shame that Apple products still don’t have such a solution.

Color rendition

The color rendition of AMOLED screens has always been famous for its saturation. Compared to an apple, Galaxy looks more colorful. Especially for those who don’t like this, there is a flexible color corrector in the settings.

Apple, for its part, can offer a True Tone mechanism that adapts the color temperature of the screen based on external lighting. By the way, we have a reading mode that reduces eye strain.

In terms of viewing angles, the iPhone 8 or Samsung Galaxy S8 do not have any critical shortcomings, while with the brightness adjustment range it is not so simple:

  • the upper limit allows you to safely use gadgets in direct sunlight;
  • But the bottom one on the Apple device is higher by default, but if you don’t limit yourself to the original settings, you can make it even dimmer by lowering the white point.


The Galaxy S8, both the simple and the Plus model, comes with a Qualcomm Snapdragon 835 for China and the US and a Samsung Exynos 8895 for all other markets. The S8 is available in a 4 GB (RAM) x 64 GB (built-in memory) modification, and the older brother comes with 6 x 128. There is the possibility of expanding the storage.

The new Apple Phone is built on the Apple A11 Bionic processor. RAM in the eight is 2Gb, plus - 3. Storage in both cases can be 64 or 256. Apple hardware platforms have long become the most efficient on the market and the fact that the A11 leaves Exynos behind in synthetics was not a surprise to us.

In real life, the Galaxy S8 and iPhone 8 can handle:

  • clients of social networks;
  • heavy video files;
  • light and bulky toys.


From its battery of 1821 milliamps per hour, the iPhone eighth model lives for two days at a rhythm that kills the Galaxy S8 Plus in a day. Now imagine how much better the 8 Plus holds its charge on a 48% more capacious battery and how quickly the Galaxy S8, which has a battery one-seventh smaller than the Plus, runs out. In the S8's defense, the battery will last most people a day.

iPhone 8 or Samsung Galaxy S8? Both have power saving modes.

In Apple's phone, this function, although effective, is very primitive. In C8 it’s more complicated:

  • There is also a simple mode;
  • and very economical, cutting off functionality, but greatly increasing autonomy.

Gadgets support wireless charging. Samsung's is more advanced and works with a proprietary fast charger. Apple decided not to experiment; for this reason, the most common high-speed charging of the battery is only available when connecting a wired adapter.


Let's start with the sound of the speaker. In both cases, the speakers live at the lower ends. Only in the Yabloya company does the conversational one act as an additional one and form a stereo pair. In terms of sound quality, Apple's device is noticeably ahead thanks to strong bass and overall pleasant sound, but it sounds quieter than the S8. And in our opinion, this is really important, because on a noisy street you are unlikely to need velvety sounds, but loudness definitely is. And also the phone from the apple company does not have a mini-jack.


Of course, the cameras in both flagships are good. They produce a detailed image and cope with difficult shooting conditions, but the post-processing of the software is completely different.

If the S8 is very playful with contour sharpness and saturation, and turns even ordinary things into a cheerful riot of colors, then the iPhone inadequately increases the contrast. Sometimes this benefits the picture, but situations where this approach kills the variety of colors happen much more often.

Overall, the camera has a good dynamic range and even on a cloudy day allows you to take good, sharp images thanks to its fast optics and short shutter speeds. As usual, the S8 pleased us with shooting at night, where the phone demonstrates some of the best performance on the market. But, surprisingly, Apple’s gadget is not as far behind as it was a year ago. His picture is worse, but only slightly. Taking a selfie in the dark, the apple, alas, completely disappears. Samsung does selfie much better in such situations.

Both Galaxy s8 and iPhone 8 record video in 4K. Koreans are one of the few on the Android smartphone market who have managed to overcome artifacts when shooting video. But their software still doesn’t work as well as Apple’s. On the iPhone, adaptation to changing conditions still happens, albeit a little, but more smoothly.


So which is better iPhone 8 or Samsung s8?

iPhone 8 and 8+ are your choice if you:

  • believe that iOS 11 will sooner or later stop being buggy and stupid;
  • you like old school designs;
  • you want a smartphone with a performance reserve of 3 years.

GALAXY S8 in both versions:

  • have a more futuristic appearance and newfangled features such as a face scanner and iris scanner;
  • take better photographs at night;
  • they have mini-jacks;
  • normal sound in headphones,

but they are inferior to apples in terms of autonomy.

All other quality parameters of these gadgets, if not equal, are very close to each other.


Comparison of iPhone 8 and Samsung Galaxy S8

Apple and Samsung are at it again, but which mobile titan created the better phone this time? We compare the design, specs and price of the Galaxy S8 and iPhone 8 to help you decide how to spend your money. Let's conduct a full comparison of iPhone 8 or Samsung. When Apple released the iPhone 8, we were impressed. While the build quality and features were decent enough, the battery life left a lot to be desired.

But enough to warrant an overall score of 3.5/5. However, the iPhone 8 remains one of the most popular smartphones in the UK. It will be top of the list for many who are looking to upgrade.

Galaxy S8, Samsung's latest flagship and Apple's main rival. Samsung has unveiled its new phone with the latest and greatest mobile components. Therefore, we have high hopes, which will delight us in our full review. Until then, we can't come to a definitive conclusion on whether the iPhone 8 is better than the Galaxy S8. We can still detail all the key differences between the phone. iPhone 8 Plus in centimeters and weight in grams.

Check out our full guide on how the Samsung Galaxy S8 stacks up against the iPhone 8.

Comparison of iPhone 8 or Samsung. It's easy to argue that all smartphones look the same these days. Samsung Galaxy S8 and iPhone 8 are different from each other when it comes to design.

Apple hasn't made any significant changes to the iPhone since the iPhone 6 was introduced back in 2014. It's still a thin, light and basically flat phone, except for a slight change to the camera.

By comparison, the iPhone 8 or Samsung Galaxy S8 is 8mm thicker, 155g heavier and boasts a curvy "Edge-style display" that wraps around the sides of the phone. So it definitely feels better in the hand, which will fit better than others.

But the main difference is Samsung's "Infinity Display", which is marketing jargon for the screen that takes up almost the entire face of the phone. Compared to the iPhone's low screen-to-body ratio of 65.6%. The best part of the Galaxy S8 is the display. This was made possible by moving the fingerprint scanner to the back. And increasing the size of the display panel to 5.8 inches (compared to the previous 5.1 inches). As a result, the Samsung Galaxy S8 has a much larger screen , than the 4.7-inch iPhone 8. iPhone X and - AirPower.

IPhone 8 or Samsung Galaxy S8 – Waterproof

The good news is that the dimensions haven't changed much from generation to generation with Samsung's flagship. The Galaxy S8 therefore measures a still manageable 148.9 x 68.1 x 8 mm, compared to the iPhone 8 at 138.3 x 67.1 x 7.1 mm.

Both phones are waterproof, although the Samsung Galaxy S8 has a better IP68 water resistance certification. This means it was tested at a depth of 1.5 meters for 30 minutes. In contrast, the iPhone 8 is IP68 certified, meaning it survived at a roughly similar depth for 30 minutes.

The Samsung Galaxy S8 is available in Black, Silver and Blue color options, while the iPhone 8 is available in Jet Black, Black, Silver, Gold, Rose Gold and most recently (RED).

Here's our mobile editor Max Parker taking on the design:

“I like the iPhone 7, it's sleek and familiar, but after buying the S8 it feels like a relic. The bezel is too big and ugly, and the screen feels crowded in its body. The iPhone 8 needs a drastic redesign to offer Samsung some competition.”

Features: which phone is more powerful?

Until we've fully tested the iPhone 8, we can't give a definitive opinion on whether it's more powerful than the Samsung Galaxy S8. But we can still look at the raw hardware and see how the specs stack up.

For starters, the Samsung Galaxy S8 has a 5.8-inch display (or the Galaxy S8+'s 6.2 inches). It uses a fancy 18.5:9 aspect ratio, which means you'll get a widescreen image. You'll also benefit from a fairly generous QHD+ screen - that's 2960 x 1440 pixels, giving you a total pixel density of 567 pixels.

By comparison, the iPhone 8 has a much smaller 4.7-inch display with a less impressive 1080 x 1920 pixel size that runs at a pixel density of 441 pixels. This means the Galaxy S8 has a significantly sharper display, which means it should be sharper and more detailed. Add to that, Samsung's Galaxy S8 uses an AMOLED panel, which should have richer colors and better contrast. Than the Super AMOLED screen on the Galaxy S8, and we expect the iPhone 8's screen to be much more impressive than the Galaxy S8's. How much has it increased?

iPhone 8 or Samsung Galaxy S8 – A11 Fusion

As for the calculations, it is impossible to say at the moment. The iPhone 8 uses a built-in A11 Fusion chip, which we believe is powerful enough to run smoothly. Samsung, meanwhile, has chosen different chips in different markets: you'll get either Qualcomm's Snapdragon 835 or Samsung's own Exynos 8895 smartphone.

Either way, both chips are built using the new 10nm manufacturing process. This means the chips should - in theory - be more powerful and less power hungry than Apple's A10 chip, which is built using a much older and less efficient 16nm process. Of course, real-world performance will suffer for many reasons, including how well the underlying software and chips are optimized.

IPhone 8 or Samsung Galaxy S8 – Camera

It's too early to say whether the iPhone 8 will beat Samsung in photography. Samsung has proven itself to be more than capable with a 12-megapixel camera that boasts a wide f/1.8 aperture. And built-in optical image stabilization (OIS). But Apple's iPhone 8 also features a 16-megapixel shooter with iOS and an even wider f1/.7 aperture. Which means more light can reach the phone's image sensor, which is a good thing.

The iPhone 8's front camera takes 8-megapixel snapshots and has a decent f/2.2 aperture. But Samsung seems to have beaten Apple again on hardware, offering the same resolution (8MP). Also an exceptionally wide f/1.7 aperture. However, there are many factors that influence how well a photo looks. So we need to do a proper review to find the truth. In past performance, Apple's low-spec camera outperformed competitors that were twice as powerful. , black how to turn it on on iPhone and iPad.


While the iPhone 8 boasts waterproofing and a fingerprint scanner, the Samsung wins on features. The Galaxy S8 is waterproof and has a fingerprint scanner. But, unlike the iPhone 8, it can be charged wirelessly and unlocked using an iris scanner. And still has a 3.5mm headphone jack. What's more, base storage starts at 64GB (compared to Apple's 32GB) and requires a Micro SD card slot to boot.

We'll have to wait to properly measure the iPhone 8's battery life, but we're very underwhelmed by the use of the Galaxy S8 at this price. That's likely thanks to the 3,000 mAh battery, which is a decent option, larger than the 2,700 mAh in the iPhone 8. We hope Samsung's new flagship can match the Galaxy S7's ability to offer a day's use on a single charge.

IPhone 8 or Samsung Galaxy S8 – Price, and where to buy?

Samsung has confirmed that the Galaxy S8 will start at RUB 40,689, which is much higher than Apple's iPhone. Although according to rumors, the iPhone 8 may match this price. Where can you buy these smartphones? We will leave links to verified

Apple has released its new flagship called the iPhone X. It is the main competitor to the Samsung Galaxy S8, which was released just over six months ago. Both smartphones have all the latest developments in the field of mobile technology, so nothing stops us from comparing them.

Design and display

Both manufacturers were definitely inspired by the trends of 2017, which is why both the Galaxy S8 and iPhone X received edge-to-edge displays. Their design is different for each: Samsung decided to leave small frames at the top and bottom, while Apple chose to abandon them altogether.

As you can see, the iPhone has a cutout at the top of the screen where all the necessary components are located, including the earpiece, speakerphone and TrueDepth front camera. The “Home” button remains only in the S8, but even then it is already virtual.

Their screen diagonals are the same - these are 5.8-inch OLED panels with a high pixel density. The resolution of the Samsung panel in the S8 is slightly higher, but there are no problems with picture quality on any of the flagships. They are capable of displaying HDR content, which means the maximum brightness of the screens is very high.

Smartphones from both companies are dust- and water-resistant, but the Samsung S8 can be underwater at a depth of 1.5 meters for 30 minutes, and its rival at a depth of up to 1 meter. In terms of size, they are also very similar. The iPhone X is wider, but lower than the device of a competing brand. The iPhone, it is worth noting, is noticeably heavier than the Galaxy: 174 grams versus 152.


We haven't been able to test the iPhone X's performance yet, but it feels very fast and responsive. In this regard, the S8 is probably inferior to it, but this does not mean that it slows down. Both devices use the latest chipsets made using 10nm technology. In the case of smartphones from the Korean brand, you get an eight-core Exynos 8895, and in the case of the brainchild of Cupertino engineers, the user receives a 6-core A11 Bionic with an integrated neural engine.

According to preliminary data, the iPhone X scores more than 4 thousand points in Geekbench in single-core mode and approximately 10 thousand points in multi-core mode. The Samsung Galaxy S8, in turn, scores less than 2 thousand in single-core mode and almost 6,500 points in multi-core mode.


Both flagships have simply excellent main and front cameras. Samsung offers a single 12-megapixel sensor with an f/1.7 aperture and optical stabilization, while the iPhone X received a pair of 12-megapixel modules with an f/1.8 aperture and dual optical stabilization. The advantage of the new 10th iPhone is the ability to record video in Full HD quality at 240 frames/s. It can also record 4K video at 60fps.

The front panels of these gadgets are also decent. The Samsung S8 boasts an 8-megapixel sensor with autofocus support, while the X offers a 7-megapixel sensor with HDR support and the ability to take portrait photos. These lenses also serve as a facial recognition scanner. The iPhone doesn't have a fingerprint sensor, but the Galaxy does.
