We play Pokemon Go without leaving home. How to cheat Pokemon Go and play on iPhone without leaving home How to catch Pokemon without leaving home

Pokemon Go turned out to be a very exciting game, but in order to catch Pokemon and advance in the game, you need to walk a lot - bonuses are tied to places in the real world. I'm too lazy to walk. Therefore, users are looking for ways to trick the game into thinking that you are traveling around the world and not sitting at home.

By replacing their location data, gamers can “teleport” to a place where rare Pokemon are found. The average player needs to physically get to this place, and you will achieve this while sitting at home or at work. As Meduza found out, doing this on an iPhone is not so easy, but there are ways.

Changing geolocation without jailbreak

To hack Pokemon Go on iPhone, you'll need a computer running OS X, an Apple app developer account (it costs $99 a year), or a developer friend who can share access.

Step 1: Open the Mac App Store on your computer and install Xcode - this is a developer environment, it weighs almost 4 GB. Connect your iPhone to your computer and turn on Pokemon Go.

Step 2: Download the file pokemongo-webspoof.app.tar.gz from this link. Unpack the archive and right-click on the file. The OS will ask if you want to open an application from an unknown developer. Agree. Please note that the program must be in a directory whose name does not contain spaces - for example, you can put it in “Documents”.

Step 3: After starting the program, two things should open - itself and Xcode. In Xcode, pay attention to this place: the Bundle Identifier field should say com.iam4x.pokemon-webspoof. Change this name to com.iam4x.pokemon-webspoof.chtougodno, where chtougodno is whatever you want.

Step 4: In the Team section, enter your Apple ID, which is connected to your Apple developer account. After that, click on the Play button in Xcode.

Step 5: The program should start (but there may be some nuances - watch for errors if they appear). Go to the Debug section, select Simulate Location and PokemonLocation.

Step 6: Open pokemongo-webspoof and click on the Auto update Xcode location button.

This is all. Now you can choose any addresses and go anywhere. Try, for example, looking at New York and walking through it using the arrows.

Substitution of geolocation with jailbreak

This method looks quite convenient for those who do not have a developer account at hand. But to do this, you need to have a jailbroken iPhone - that is, “hack” the smartphone, giving you the ability to install third-party applications and change settings.

After this, you need to install two applications. The first - PokePatch - will allow you to hide the fact of jailbreak from Pokemon Go. The add-on can be downloaded from the developer repository ryleyangus.com/repo. The second - LocationFaker - changes the geoposition on a smartphone.

After that, just set the location you need in LocationFaker and try to launch Pokemon Go. The game will see you where you want it.

Instead of LocationFaker, you can install Fake GPS Pro - this application can “move” along the route, and the game will think that you are walking along the street, and not standing still.


After a sudden change of location, Pokemon Go can turn on a “soft blocking” mode: for the first few hours, useful items do not drop out at PokeStops, and Pokemon run away after the first throw. Some users actually encountered this type of blocking, and it also worked when the fake location was disabled.

Hi all! Today we will talk about such a really sensational game as Pokemon GO, which has gained enormous popularity in a minimal period of time. The essence of the game is to collect Pokemon using your smartphone through integration with the real world using the Internet. This game is something of a novelty, so players immediately became interested in the game from Niantic. True, there is not always time to go outside or there are some other reasons not to leave the house and that is why I will teach you how to play Pokemon GO without leaving home.

1) First, we need to download a special version of the NOX emulator from the link. We install it and launch it.
2) We are waiting for it to open, then click on the gear icon.

3) Go to the “General” tab and change the language to Russian and press the “Save Changes” button.
4) Now we go along the “Advanced” path and here we set the display settings only according to the parameters of your computer.
5) Go to the “Launch Settings” tab, here we change the display mode to “Phone”, and in the “Rendering Mode” tab we set “Compatibility Mode”, click “Save Changes” and reboot our emulator.
6) Go to the Play Market and log in with your account. After logging into your account, close and remove the market process in the emulator. Click on the "Location" button (GPS icon) in the column on the right.

7) Find on the map the place where we are or would like to be, click on it, then click “OK” at the bottom of the settings.

8) Launch the game and log into it using your account.
9) We perform a special key combination Ctrl + 1. Here you can, if desired, change the control keys for yourself.
10) Done, you can now navigate the map using the assigned buttons (WASD is standard). At first it will be unusual for you, but then you will get used to it; by the way, you can walk absolutely without obstacles, which simplifies the game even more.

(version for android 4.4.2 and higher. Intel devices are still in flight)


At the beginning of the game, you will need to log in using your Google account (since the apk was taken from an unofficial source, it is not recommended to use an account linked to ingress). After choosing the color of clothes, hair, skin, a map will open to you - a real map of the area on which you need to walk with your feet. They will immediately “throw in” three test Pokemon that you need to catch. After catching the first Pokemon, you will be asked to enter a nickname (the nickname must be unique and cannot be the name of one of the Pokemon).

Main screen:

To search for and catch Pokemon, oddly enough, you will have to move around the city with your feet (in real space) with GPS and the game turned on. Camera control tap+swipe - rotate, double tap+swipe - zoom in/out.

The appearance of Pokemon is not tied to pokestops (portals); they appear randomly not far from your route. It has been noticed that Pokémon appear more frequently near arenas.

To search, there is an indicator at the bottom right that there are Pokemon somewhere nearby. When you click on it, a window with more detailed information will open (when you select a specific Pokemon in the nearby window, when you move towards it, the window will flash with a green frame):

To catch a found Pokemon, you need to tap on it (click), when it appears in front of you, you need to throw a pokeball at it and get into the green or yellow circle (after catching the Pokemon can get out of the trap - you will have to catch it again or leave it):

To catch “difficult” Pokemon (those with a yellow circle), feed them a berry (taking out a Razz Berry from your backpack) and they will be easier to catch. In addition to Pokeballs, there are also Great Balls, Ultra Balls and Master Balls.

The color of the sight circle indicates the difficulty of catching: green - easy, yellow - difficult, orange - very hard, red - unreal)). The size of the circle also affects the chance of catching a Pokemon - the narrower the circle, the higher the chance of catching. The Pokeball can be presented twisted, then when caught there will be a bonus xp.

After catching a Pokemon, it will appear in your Pokemon Storage (not to be confused with your inventory).

At the moment, not all types of Pokemon have been introduced into the game, but about 147 species. You can catch and store several Pokemon of the same type in storage.

Game points (AP) are awarded for caught Pokemon. The amount of AP for different caught Pokemon is different. AP is also given for collected items, capturing PokeStops and fighting (more on this later). A certain number of collected AP allows you to get the next level.

Pokemon GO TEAM

When you reach level 5, you need to choose a team.

There are 3 teams in the game, designated by three colors: yellow (instinct), blue (mysticism), red (valor). In order for the team selection to appear, the arena must be in your coverage area, click on it, the leaders of each team will appear in front of you and tell you what the “strength” is:

Spark: Hello, my name is Spark and I am the leader of Team Instinct. (Yellow). Pokemon are creatures with excellent intuition. I bet the secret to this intuition lies in the process of their emergence from the egg. If you trust your instincts, you won't lose!

Blanche: I am Blanche, leader of Team Mystic. (Blue). The wisdom of Pokémon is immeasurably deep. I study the reasons for their evolution. Thanks to a calm analysis of the situation, it is impossible to lose!

Candela: I'm Candela - leader of Team Valor! (Red). Pokemon are stronger than humans, and they have hearts too! I'm researching how to enhance Pokemon's natural power in my quest for true power! There is no doubt that the Pokemon trained by our team are the strongest in battle!

Be careful - you cannot change the team,
the choice is given only once.


“Portals” are of two types - pokestops (for obtaining equipment) and arenas (gyms) - for training and battles.

Pokeballs tend to run out, so they need to be obtained from Pokestops (portals). To do this, you need to click on the PokeStop (portal) (it must be within your range of action and active):

swipe its image (circle in the middle) from right to left or left to right.

After receiving items from a PokeStop, you can “spin” it next time in 5 minutes (you can tell by the color of the PokeStop: blue - available, pink - already spun, you have to wait). It is not necessary to wait until the end of the spinning animation and pick up objects; you can spin them up and immediately exit - the items will automatically go into your inventory.


Pokemon are needed to capture and hold the arena (gym). Approach an uncaptured arena (gym) and place your Pokemon there:

If the arena (gym) is already occupied by a player from the other team, then you have to overthrow the Pokemon, free the arena (gym) and occupy it. You can also drop your Pokemon into your team's occupied arena (there is a limit on the number, see below). The higher the level of the arena (gym), the more Pokemon the enemy will spend to take possession of it.

How to proceed: you approach the arena (gym) - open it - click on the glove at the bottom right - select 6 Pokemon for battle - after GO you start tapping on the enemy - when the blue mana bar is full, long tap on your Pokemon - you can swipe right to left to avoid the blow - if the arena is pumped up (that is, more Pokemon have been planted there), then you will have to fight again, and so on until you knock out all the Pokemon.

To free the arena (Gym) from the enemy's Pokemon, you need to lower its prestige to 0. To raise the prestige of your arena (Gym), you need to train in it by defeating your own Pokemon.

If your first Pokemon in the arena is defeated, then the second one connects. A third player from another player (most importantly, from the same faction) can connect.

A fight in your own arena (gyma) is exactly the same as a fight in the opponent’s arena (gyma). Only in the case of their own gym, Pokemon do not fly out when they lose. It’s better to swing in other people’s arenas (gyms). It’s best to place more powerful Pokemon on your own so that they don’t get knocked out.

One of the reddit users also reported receiving the maximum gym level - level 30 with 21 slots for Pokemon. To do this, it was necessary to gain 204,000 prestige points.

If a Gym's Prestige is reduced to zero, the defending team loses control of the Gym, and you or another player can take control of the Gym by assigning a Pokémon there to defend the right to the Gym.

Also, each occupied arena (gym) brings you +10 coins per day, you can pick up coins in the store available from the game menu. You can receive no more than 100 coins once every 21 hours, i.e. if you capture 15 arenas, then there will also be 100 coins. All players whose Pokémon are in the arena (gym) receive coins, not only the one who captured:

What can you buy with coins:

  • pokeballs (for catching pokemon).
  • “incense” baits - increase the chance of finding/attracting wild Pokemon for 30 minutes, from 1 to 3 Pokemon every 5 minutes (Pokémon that are not found in the area can come running to the bait).
  • lucky egg (for 30 minutes doubles the points received in the game).
  • “lure” module (inserted into a PokeStop and lures Pokemon, but, unlike an individual lure, they are visible to everyone who is near the PokeStop).
  • incubator (three-time use, for growing eggs).
  • backpack upgrade (increases inventory).
  • storage upgrade (increases Pokemon storage capacity).
  • poke coins (buy a handful of game coins for real money).

Questions about the arena (gym):

  • How to replace a Pokemon in the arena (gym)? - Not at all, until the enemy knocks him out.
  • Why can't I knock a Pokemon out of the arena? As soon as the battle begins, everything winds down and I again find myself in the arena's dressing room. - Communication glitches. Restarting sometimes helps. It happens that an opposing Pokemon has CP10, but it kills the entire team (bug). Sometimes just waiting for the battle to end helps (the probability of winning is about 25%)
  • How to challenge a Pokemon to fight another Pokemon? - No way with wild ones. Only in the arena (gym).
  • What happens to my knocked out Pokémon? Is it lost forever or is it coming back to me? - Will go back to storage.

Pokemon GO EGGS

So, you came across an egg in the game (they fall out of PokeStops) - to germinate it you need an incubator. You already have one in your inventory - unlimited, and in the (game) store you can buy a three-time one or they will give it to you when you reach a level, and grow several eggs at the same time. In order for the egg to germinate, you need to travel N number of kilometers (indicated on the egg, there are 1, 2, 5, 10, the further the better the Pokemon). The found eggs themselves are visible on the page adjacent to the page of your caught Pokemon (in the Pokemon storage, second tab. In total, you can only carry 9 eggs and you cannot get rid of them, only “bear them.”


You can also improve and upgrade your Pokemon. To do this, select a Pokemon in your storage. To improve or upgrade you will need stardust and candies. A candy for strengthening needs 1, for an upgrade it varies depending on the pokemon - 12, 25, 50, 100, 200 or 400. The level of the pokemon is not written anywhere, but you need to navigate by the notch on the arc above the pokemon. The amount of dust required also varies. Minimum 200 dust to improve the weakest Pokemon. You get stardust when you catch or incubate a Pokemon (100 dust for each) and as a daily bonus for captured arenas (in addition to coins), the professor sends you candies when you send your Pokemon “for experiments” (1 candy for each) , and the sent Pokemon will not return to you. You can donate sick Pokemon. The transfer button is located at the very bottom of the Pokemon window. Also in the Pokemon storage window, you can sort them by number in the Pokédex, favorite, time of capture, name, fighting strength.

The scale in the form of a semicircle above the Pokemon is the combat power indicator, the entire scale is the maximum possible CP at a given player level, the current CP is marked with a dot. If the position of the point on the scale is not the farthest right, then the CP and HP indicators can be improved by pressing “Power UP”. Even if your Pokémon's gauge is full, you can improve it several more times, gaining a new level. You can give a Pokemon a new name by clicking on the pencil next to the old one (Cyrillic is possible, but not longer than 12 characters).


(the maximum trainer level in the game is not yet known)

trainer level number of items up to next level trainer level number of items up to next level trainer level number of items up to next level
2 lvl 2000 xp 11 lvl 10000 xp 20 lvl
3 lvl 3000 xp 12 lvl 10000 xp 21 lvl
4 lvl 4000 xp 13 lvl 10000 xp 22 lvl
5 lvl 5000 xp 14 lvl 10000 xp 23 lvl
6 lvl 6000 xp 15 lvl 15000 xp 24 lvl
7 lvl 7000 xp 16 lvl 20000 xp 25 lvl
8 lvl 8000 xp 17 lvl 20000 xp 26 lvl
9 lvl 9000 xp 18 lvl 20000 xp 27 lvl
10 lvl 10000 xp 19 lvl 25000 xp 28 lvl


(the number of XP is indicated without the use of Lucky Egg)

action number of XP
PokéStop “hack” +50xp
catching a pokemon +100xp
catching a new Pokemon (+100 per catch) +500хр
nice throw (not a bad throw of a pokeball) - you need to get into the large circle of the sight +10xp
great throw (good throw) - you need to get into the middle circle +50
excellent throw (excellent throw) - you need to get into a small circle +100
curved throw (in addition to nice, great, excellent) - how to do it, see FAQ +10
egg incubation 2km
egg incubation 5km
egg incubation 10km +1000xp
Pokemon evolution 12-50 candies +500хр
Pokemon evolution >50 candies +1000xp
training in the arena with your team's Pokemon (for each defeated) +10xp
battle in the arena with the other team's Pokemon

Q: - how to walk?

A: - feet around the city))

Q: - How do the commands differ besides the formal description? What does this affect?

A: - so far only by ideology, what influences it is unknown

Q: - What does weight and height affect?

A: - According to unverified data, it affects CP, both up and down, depending on the type of Pokemon. Characteristic marker XL or XS above height and weight.

Q: - Why do Pokémon of the same level with the same level of pumping have different characteristics?

A: - Pokemon do not have an exact attack and HP value, they have their own, as yet unknown, range. By analogy with living beings.

Q: - is there any confirmation/denial that the elements influence the course of the battle? For example, does a fire Pokémon have an advantage over a Grass Pokémon, or is a Rock Pokémon well protected from Electric?

A: - Below is a picture of the effectiveness of types (elements):

Generation 1

Applicable to: Pok?mon Green (Japan), Red, Blue and Yellow

Generation 2-5

Applicable to:

Pok?mon Gold, Silver & Crystal.
Pok?mon Ruby, Sapphire, FireRed, LeafGreen & Emerald.
Pok?mon Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, HeartGold & SoulSilver.
Pok?mon Black, White, Black 2 & White 2.

Q: - What does the Battery Saver option in Settings do?

A: - when turning the phone to any position other than horizontal, the screen turns black in the game with a faded game logo. Does not work on all phone models, but is relevant for Super AMOLED.

Q: - is there an assumption/fact how many “foots” are in meters and any trick in the direction of the search?

A: On the field test, one leg was equal to 40 meters. The trick to finding the answer is below.

Q: - Question: Is it possible to upgrade only after you have completely improved it? and where can I see who this or that Pokemon will turn into after the upgrade?

A: - you can evolve with any level of CP. After evolution, the window with the new Pokemon will automatically open and you will see who it evolved into.

Q: - What do the leaves flying across the screen in a certain position mean?

A: - that there might be a Pokemon there. most often they appear there

Q: - how many levels does the arena have?

A: - according to unconfirmed reports, 21 Pokemon were put in one arena, while the arena level was 30

Q: - Is it possible to replace a planted Pokemon in the arena?

Q: - Is HP restored and how long does it take?

A: - they do not recover themselves, to cure a Pokemon you need to use a spray in your backpack, or a yellow crystal (if HP is 0) which will restore 50%

Q: - Is there a card like Intel in Ingress?

Oh no. There is a plugin for IITC, with the ability to save the type of portal (PokeStop\Arena), you can upload the entered data and exchange it with other players. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/139783/Ingress/pogo-portals/IITC%20plugin-%20pogo%20for%20portals.user.js

Q: - How are the locations of portals in Ingress and Pokestops in PoGo related?

A: - Directly. Pokestops are located only at the coordinates of portals, but not all. Gyms are also located according to the coordinates of the portals, but not all of them. There is a theory that the respawn of Pokemon (Pokespots) occurs at the coordinates of the remaining portals. Simply put, if you open the Ingress portal map https://www.ingress.com/intel and go to the nearest portal, you will probably find either a Pokestop, or a Gym, or nearby Pokemon (Pokepot).

Q: - How does flashing the Nearby bar in different colors relate to the distance to the nearest Pokemon?

A: - If you select one of the Pokemon from the Nearby list, the bar will blink when you approach it. If you do not select anyone from the list specifically, the bar will blink yellow when you approach one of the Pokemon on the list, or green when the number or order of Pokemon on the list changes.

Q: - how to throw a curved pokeball?

A: - while holding the pokeball in battle mode, move your finger around (as if drawing a circle) until the pokeball starts spinning and throw it at the wild Pokemon. Please note that the flight path will change

Q: - how to change the game nickname?

A: - you need to follow the link https://support.pokemongo.nianticlabs.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=319908, fill out the form, and then confirm your E-Mail by following the link in the letter you received (if you have not done this before).

Users of the new mobile toy all over the world never tire of looking for new ways to deceive the system and or iOS in the region in which it has not yet been officially presented. There are also different ways to deceive the navigator, and one of them is GPS substitution. A program that allows you to change geolocation data and simplify your task in hunting Pokemon is called Pokemon GO Fake GPS. It allows you to replace coordinates, but before using it, think carefully - do you want to have a short-lived game and quickly lose interest in the fun? If not, play honestly, do not use or resort to the method described below.

If you do not have root rights on your smartphone, you don’t even have to read the GPS signal spoofing algorithm - you still won’t be able to apply these tips in practice.

So, there are a number of methods to correct geolocation in the Pokemon GO game. Let's look at all the options and try to understand which ones work and which ones don't.

Fake GPS Pokemon Go

In order to use this method, you need to click on the gear and go to “Settings” of your gadget. There we select the item “Geolocation” / “Location” and enable the option “Detect using a GPS navigator”. Thus, the phone will not determine your location via 3G Internet or wi-fi.

After this, you need to download the signal substitution program to your Android. Fake GPS can be easily found and installed from the usual Play Market, here is the link:

  • 1. Immediately disable the automatic launch of Fake GPS when you turn on the gadget - the “Start on boot” button
  • 2. Set up “Expert Mode”
  • 3. Enable or leave enabled the function of automatically closing the application - “Enable auto close”
  • 4. Ability to hide the fake navigator icon – “Hide Icon” - leave it or remove it at your discretion.

After carrying out these manipulations, the software will work. Now all you have to do is configure it.

  • - Update Interval must be installed in between 1000-2000 . Please note that the higher the values, the less often the fake geolocation will be updated in the Pokemon GO game. If you want it to be updated as often as possible, set the update interval as low as possible.
  • - Ultitude GPS must be set to level 65.
  • - Accuracy navigator signal - set here to 1.
  • - Movement speed (GPS Speed) you need to enter values ​​in the range from 2 to 6. This thing can be turned on so that the game counts the mileage wound around one point, or, more precisely, in its radius. This way you can “release” Pokemon eggs in the Incubator much faster, without having to travel tens of kilometers around the surrounding area. Here it is important to set exactly the values ​​2-6, since the fake navigator will recognize it as normal walking speed, and the player will have less chance of being banned. Theoretically, you can set higher values ​​for faster movement, but this way the system will understand that you are deceiving it and will temporarily restrict access to the toy, sending you to the blacklist.

Setting up Move around fake location Fake GPS

Setting up movement using a fake GPS

To set the movement parameters, you need to go to the “Settings” of the application that we downloaded and click on the “ Move around fake location" Next, check the boxes that you need and disable the unnecessary parameters.

- Timeout in seconds. It is not necessary to activate this function - it only makes it possible to see on the stopwatch the time after which you need to stop “walking”.

- Distance to move. This parameter should be left within 1-100. This will be the distance from the player’s fake location that the Trainer can move in Pokemon GO.

Setting up expert mode

  • 1. Download;
  • 2. Open the application;
  • 3. Find Fake GPS in the list;
  • 4. Launch the substitution menu;
  • 5. Move to the /system folder.
  • 6. Reboot the smartphone.

Replacing geolocation in Pokemon Go using Mock Locations

In order to use this trick, you will also need super-user rights. There’s no way without them.

So, to start replacing coordinates, you first need to install the module on your phone Hide Mock Locations. This program makes it possible to hide from the Pokemon GO application the fact that you are being cunning with geolocation determination.

Download Hide Mock Locations

Then download Mock Location (Fake GPS) - this is the program itself.

Download Mock Location (Fake GPS)

After all the procedures, open the program and select from the list of applications the one in which we need to replace the coordinates, that is, Pokemon Go.

In the settings of your device, go to the “For Developer” category and allow fake geolocation. Afterwards, open Open Mock Location and you can hide the deception from the authors of Pokemon GO. If you do not have the rights to enter the phone settings in developer mode, you need to activate them. To do this, just select the “About device” item in “Settings”. If you quickly tap on the “Build number” line, “Developer Mode” will appear in the settings, which is what you need.

In order to designate specific fictitious coordinates, you first need to find them on the map. You need to tap the desired location on the map and the coordinates will begin to be replaced.

Next, as in the case of a fake GPS, we set the movement speed. The most optimal ratio is 18:2. If you increase the speed, the game will not count the movement as walking, but, for example, it may regard it as driving a car, without counting the distance traveled. At optimal speed, in turn, you can calmly hatch the eggs in the Incubator, without straining at all and without adding up the mileage while walking.

When you turn on the game after all the manipulations have been completed, you will see that the Trainer is moving around the map.

It is best to first walk short distances, for example, walk around one area, in order to deceive the Pokemon GO application in this way. Then you can gradually increase the radius of your walks. When you do get your first ban, you will understand how best to spend the distance. And try to play honestly, without using cheats - it’s more interesting this way!

It has been installed more than 100 million times. Such popularity also attracted hacking fans - it turned out that you can cheat the game and catch Pokemon without leaving your home using GPS Spoofing technology.

How it works

The essence of the game is that a person moves around the city and looks for fairy-tale creatures - Pokemon. Players can challenge Pokémon to battles and catch them if they win. In addition, Pokemon can be raised from eggs, for which you will not have to catch them, but move around the city on foot over a certain distance (from two to ten kilometers). Capturing and raising Pokémon allows players to increase their level - this opens up the possibility of catching stronger monsters and receiving even greater rewards.

Accordingly, the use of GPS is critical for this game. The application must understand where the player is in order to display information about the Pokemon available to catch.

Using GPS Spoofing allows you to deceive a gaming application - the program needs to be convinced that a person is moving around the city, while he is actually not moving. Videos have already been published online that show how you can cheat the Pokémon Go app for iPhone. The only negative is that anyone who wants to cheat in the game will have to jailbreak their smartphone.

Additionally, there are guides on how to trick an Android app. The essence of the scam does not change - using a special tool for faking GPS coordinates, the player can “move” around the map, setting new coordinates. In fact, you don’t even have to get up from the couch.

How to avoid a ban

The game developers actively block users who violate the rules for using the service and deceive the application. Although it is still unknown exactly how the system tracks the use of GPS spoofing. However, the player community has already developed some recommendations that can reduce the likelihood of a ban.

In particular, when using the technique, it is recommended not to use it too explicitly - not to change coordinates very often and at a significant distance from the previous point or home region of the user (traveling from Australia to Japan within an hour will definitely lead to blocking).

In addition, even when moving within the same city, users are careful - for example, after changing coordinates to a distant area, the player can turn off the application and launch it an hour later. In this case, it will look very much like the person simply drove to the right place by transport.

Not just Pokemon

To deceive Pokémon Go, they use not only deception programs, but also real GPS spoofing at the radio level. True, you will need special equipment to suppress the real GPS signal and replace it with a “fake satellite”:

You can deceive GPS even easier than in this video - using a common SDR called HackRF. However, the authors of the method honestly warn that in many countries transmissions are prohibited on the frequencies used by the HackRF jammer.

This is a good time to remember that global positioning systems are not just used for games. Nowadays, a GPS or GLONASS receiver is found in almost every smartphone; they are actively used in navigators and transport systems. In addition, such equipment is installed on many devices that do not move anywhere (for example, ATMs). At the same time, the level of confidence in satellite signals tends to 100%. This means that hacking GPS opens up large-scale opportunities to carry out a wide variety of attacks.

You can listen to what the exploitation of vulnerabilities in GPS and GLONASS global positioning systems can lead to September 8 at 14:00 at a free webinar by Pavel Novikov, an expert on the security of telecommunication systems at Positive Technologies.

You can register to participate in the webinar here:
