Fiber optic cable. Types and device

Many Internet users use optical fiber, but not all of them understand what it is and how information is transmitted?

Optical fiber, also known as optical fiber, is the fastest and easiest way to transmit data on the Internet. Such cables have their own special structure: they consist of many thin wires that are separated from each other by a special coating.
Each wire is a piece of light, and the light in turn transmits data. This cable is capable of transmitting data for both the Internet and TV and landline telephone.

This is why users of fiber optic networks often combine these services offered by their provider and connect a telephone, router, PC and other possible equipment to the network.

Fiber optics are often referred to as “Fibre-optic communications”. It allows you to transmit data using the best laser, and their transmission is possible over long distances at high speed.
Cables and their fibers have a very small diameter - fractions of an inch. The optical rays inside them carry data and pass through a special fiber core made of silicon.
Using such fiber, you can restore and set up a connection not only with any city, but also with other countries.

1. Internet (fiber optics)

The cable will make it possible to set up a very high-quality connection to the worldwide network. The data transfer speed is the best so far.

Advantages of optical fiber:
- Optical fiber is a strong and durable material with a high throughput level. This is what allows the speed to “accelerate” to such a level.
- Safety. Using such a system will ensure maximum security when working with the network. Attackers cannot obtain your data, or almost impossible.
- The level of protection of such a cable is enormous, and it is also protected from various interferences with its operation.
- By connecting such a fiber, it becomes possible to organize a number of additional functions. Often such cables are used to install video surveillance systems and other security devices.

2. Optical fiber connection

In Russia, and many other countries, a network of this type is provided by Rostelecom for Russia. We’ll look at how to connect this type of Internet and configure its operation below.

The first step is to make sure that fiber optic is connected to your home. And then you will need to go to Rostelecom and ask to connect the service. But now you need to configure the connected equipment.

Setup Instructions:
- After the optical fiber has been installed, the entire base part is installed by specialists, the rest of the setup must be done by hand.

- Install the yellow cable and socket as shown in the figure.

The most common types of fiber optic cable used in Ukraine were described. And today - a cross-section of the cable, and as the story progresses - some practical aspects of its installation.

We will not dwell on the detailed structure of all types of cable. Let's take some averaged standard OK:

  1. Central (axial) element.
  2. Optical fiber.
  3. Plastic modules for optical fibers.
  4. Film with hydrophobic gel.
  5. Polyethylene shell.
  6. Armor.
  7. Outer polyethylene shell.

What does each layer represent when examined in detail?

Central (axial) element

Fiberglass rod with or without a polymer sheath. Main purpose - gives rigidity to the cable. Fiberglass rods without a sheath are bad because they easily break when bent and damage the optical fiber located around them.

Optical fiber

Optical fiber strands are most often 125 microns thick (about the size of a hair). They consist of a core (through which, in fact, the signal is transmitted) and a glass shell of a slightly different composition, which ensures complete refraction in the core.

In cable markings, the diameter of the core and sheath is indicated by numbers separated by a slash. For example: 9/125 - core 9 microns, shell - 125 microns.

The number of fibers in the cable varies from 2 to 144, this is also recorded by a number in the marking.

Depending on the thickness of the core, optical fiber is divided into single-mode(thin core) and multimode(larger diameter). Recently, multimode has been used less and less, so we will not dwell on it. We only note that it is intended for use over short distances. The sheathing of multimode cables and patch cords is usually done orange color(single mode - yellow).

In turn, single-mode optical fiber can be:

  • Standard (marking SF, SM or SMF);
  • With dispersion shifted ( DS, DSF);
  • With non-zero biased variance ( NZ, NZDSF or NZDS).

In general terms, a fiber optic cable with shifted dispersion (including non-zero) is used over much longer distances than a regular one.

On top of the shell, the glass threads are varnished, and this microscopic layer also plays an important role. Optical fiber without a varnish coating is damaged, crumbles and breaks at the slightest impact. While in varnish insulation it can be twisted and subjected to some stress. In practice, fiber optic threads can withstand the weight of the cable on supports for weeks if all other power rods break during operation.

However, you should not place too much hope on the strength of the fibers - even varnished fibers break easily. Therefore, when installing optical networks, especially when repairing existing highways, extreme care is required.

Plastic modules for optical fibers

These are plastic shells, inside of which there is a bundle of fiber optic threads and a hydrophobic lubricant. A cable can contain either one such tube with optical fiber, or several (the latter is more common, especially if there are a lot of fibers). Modules perform function of protecting fibers from mechanical damage and along the way - their combination and marking (if there are several modules in the cable). However, you need to remember that the plastic module, when bent, breaks quite easily and breaks the fibers in it.

There is no single standard for color marking of modules and fibers, but each manufacturer attaches a passport to the cable drum in which this is indicated.

Film and polyethylene sheath

These are additional elements protecting fibers and modules from friction and moisture- some types of optical cable contain a hydrophobe under the film. The film on top can be additionally reinforced with interlacing threads and impregnated with a hydrophobic gel.

The plastic shell performs the same functions as the film, plus it serves as a layer between the armor and the modules. There are cable modifications where it is not present at all.


This can be either Kevlar armor (woven threads), or a ring of steel wires, or a sheet of corrugated steel:

  • Kevlar used in those types of fiber optic cable where the metal content is unacceptable or where its weight needs to be reduced.
  • Cable with steel wire armor designed for underground installation directly into the ground - durable armor protects against many damages, incl. from a shovel.
  • Cable with corrugated armor laid in pipes or cable ducts, such armor can only protect against rodents.

Outer polyethylene shell

The first and practically the most important level of protection. Dense polyethylene is designed to withstand all the loads that fall on the cable, so if it is damaged, the risk of cable damage increases significantly. You need to make sure that the shell:

a) It was not damaged during installation - otherwise moisture that got inside will increase losses on the line;

b) During operation, it did not touch a tree, wall, corner or edge of a structure, etc., if there is a risk of friction in this place under wind and other loads.

The times when a regular telephone line and modem were enough to connect to the Internet are long gone, and today a high-speed Internet connection is already an urgent need. Let's look at the principle of operation and the main device of a fiber-optic Internet connection, which is by far the fastest way to transfer data.

With a fiber-optic connection, high connection speed is ensured due to the cable structure, consisting of light-transmitting wires coated with a special protective coating. Data is transmitted using a light beam. By the way, in addition to connecting to the Internet, optical fiber can also act as a data transmitter for telephony and television, so a router, TV and telephone can be connected to one cable.

The diameter of the fibers that make up an optical cable is very small - it amounts to hundredths of a millimeter. Optical rays pass through them and are transmitted for many kilometers.

Benefits of fiber optic internet

Today, fiber optic cable provides the required Internet connection speed. It is with the help of this technology that maximum data transfer rates are ensured. Optical fiber has the following advantages:

  • Long service life of communications;
  • Excellent throughput, thanks to which information is transmitted as quickly as possible;
  • Transmission security – unauthorized access attempts will be immediately detected;
  • High level of noise immunity;
  • Optical cable is great for transmitting multimedia;
  • Fiber has the potential to carry other types of data.

How to connect to the Internet using fiber optics

Connecting a user to the Internet using optical fiber has several varieties, which are designated as “FTTx”, depending on how close the cable is laid to the end user:

  • FTTH(fiber to the home) – to the apartment;
  • FTTB(fiber to the building) - into the building;
  • FTTN(fiber to the node) – to the node;
  • FTTC(fiber to the curb) – to the microdistrict.

As you guessed, the fastest connection will be the FTTH connection, which provides the widest possible communication channel. The principle is clear from its name - the optical cable goes directly into the apartment. In this case, communications look like this:

  1. Incoming fiber optic cable;
  2. Media converter and cross-box (equipment provided by the provider);
  3. Patch cord for connecting equipment;
  4. Patch cord to the user's computer or router.

As you can see, in this case it is necessary to have additional equipment in the apartment. When connecting using FTTB technology, this equipment will be placed somewhere in the building, and a regular LAN cable will enter the apartment.

Citizens live both in their own or rented apartments, and in private houses. But everyone wants to get access to the global network in their home, which is currently necessary for work, study and leisure. For example, Internet from Rostelecom is provided via fiber optic, and connection to private houses and apartments is carried out everywhere. For residents of apartment buildings, the situation is simple. The provider lays the cable throughout the room, and then a connection is made based on an individual request. However, those who want to join the World Wide Web often have questions: what should owners of private sector residential premises do, how to install Internet from Rostelecom. This article will talk about this.

For owners and residents of the private sector, there are some difficulties in providing access to the global network. This is due to various factors. For example, a great distance from the nearest point of the provider or the lack of technical ability to connect.

A major provider of global network access services in our country is Rostelecom. It has been providing communications and telephone services to clients for a long time.

Rostelecom is able to implement this through its own resources. Technologies available to rural residents are xDSL or GPON. Let's take a closer look at the latter.

Gpon fiber optic

GPON is an abbreviation of the words Gigabit Passive Optical Network, which means “Passive Gigabit Optical Network” in English. Passivity is due to the inactivity of network equipment along the cable.

The cost of laying an optical cable is significantly higher than copper. Accordingly, the service provider tries to minimize costs. Rostelecom provides fiber-optic Internet to a private home according to the following principle. The cable is stretched to the nearest switch, and then there is a division by subscriber. At the entrance to the client’s apartment there is a special device - an optical router that converts the signal from the provider’s cable.

This is what the router looks like:

The router has two optical inputs and four Ethernet outputs. This is usually enough to provide Internet from Rostelecom to a private home.

The advantages of the technology include the following indicators:

  1. The optical cable is not affected by weather conditions.
  2. The data transfer speed compared to copper cable is increased tens of times.
  3. The lifespan of the optical fiber is unlimited.
  4. GPON guarantees stability when working with the World Wide Web.

This technology also uses wireless Internet from Rostelecom. To do this, the subscriber must have a router with Wi-Fi functionality. You can get it from your service provider or purchase it yourself.

Connection cost

Access to the global network via fiber is provided through optical network equipment. Such a device is quite expensive, but the provider already has ready-made solutions for subscribers, including renting a router. The cost depends on the region of residence of the client.

For example, the monthly tariff for the Moscow region with a connection speed of up to 100 MB/s is 500 rubles. In this case, the kit consists of a free Wi-Fi router from the provider company and Kaspersky Anti-Virus for one month.

This package also allows you to use Rostelecom’s interactive television, connected using IPTV technology. The option is available on any router when using an optical line from Rostelecom in a private home.

How to connect

In order to provide Internet from Rostelecom to a private home, you need to visit the company’s office, leave a request on the website or call the hotline. The provider will check the line to the client’s private home and offer options to choose from. The subscriber determines the best option for himself and enters into an agreement with the service provider.

The next step is that Rostelecom will extend optical fiber to the client’s private home and provide the necessary equipment. If the user requires preliminary configuration, engineers will provide this service for an additional fee.

Alternative connection methods

Internet from Rostelecom is delivered to a private home using GPON technology and in other ways: through a telephone line, using Wi-Fi wireless technology or a mobile modem. Let's consider the options provided by Rostelecom for its subscribers.

Adsl phone line

The answer to the question: is it possible to use the capabilities of a home phone and connect to the Internet from Rostelecom, yes. This is one of the legacy xDSL technologies. To use it, you must have a telephone line in the subscriber's residential building. The user connects a router with an ADSL port to the telephone line through a splitter, and uses a network cable to connect the network device to the computer.

The main disadvantages of working using xDSL technology are its low speed and signal instability. This method is used in remote settlements where there are no other alternatives.


In 2014-2015, under the “Closing the Digital Divide” program, the communication service provider installed wireless communication points in small or remote settlements. As a rule, they were installed in the center, and access to them was provided to owners of private houses for a subscription fee.

The disadvantages of this approach are the following:

  1. Short range of wireless communication point. To connect to the World Wide Web you had to be at a distance of no more than 100 meters. That is, most users would have to be outside to access the global network.
  2. Poor service costs a lot of money for residential building owners.
  3. The lack of signal stability and natural conditions did not allow the access point to be used as a permanent connection to the global network.

Taking into account all of the above, after some time such a project was closed. To prevent equipment from being idle, Rostelecom provided wireless Internet to every private home using a communication point. That is, residents bought routers for themselves, using them to strengthen the signal. Over time, the quality of service became higher, and many users provided themselves with wireless Internet in private housing.

Another option for gaining access to the global network is 3G (4G) modems. They use mobile communications from any of the operators: MTS, Megafon, Beeline and others, as well as from Rostelecom itself. The provider is now able to provide mobile Internet service.

To gain access to the World Wide Web, you need to purchase such a modem and connect it to your computer via a USB port. The first launch will take some time, since you need to install the software from the modem, having carried out preliminary configuration. Configuration occurs automatically, without user intervention.


  1. Most cellular operators and Rostelecom do not have towers within an accessible distance from settlements.
  2. The signal quality and speed when using a mobile modem are low.
  3. The provider's inability to provide a stable signal leads to constant connection interruption.

Despite the listed disadvantages, this method has an advantage over other options: it provides the user with complete freedom. You don't need to be near a wireless point or inside a home.

Fiber optics is the fastest technology for transmitting information on the Internet today. The structure of an optical cable has certain features: such a wire consists of small, very thin wires, protected by a special coating that separates one wire from the other.

Each wire carries light that transmits data. An optical cable is capable of simultaneously transmitting data, in addition to an Internet connection, also television and a landline telephone.

Therefore, a fiber optic network allows the user to combine all 3 services of one provider, connecting the router, PC, TV and phone to a single cable.

Another name for fiber optic connection is fiber optic communication. Such communication makes it possible to transmit data using laser beams over distances measured in hundreds of kilometers.

An optical cable consists of tiny fibers, the diameter of which is thousandths of a centimeter. These fibers transmit optical beams that carry data as they pass through each fiber's silicon core.

Optical fibers make it possible to establish connections not only between cities, but also between countries and continents. Internet communications between different continents are maintained through fiber optic cables laid along the ocean floor.

Fiber Internet

Thanks to an optical cable, you can set up a high-speed Internet connection, which plays a huge role in today's world. Fiber optic wire is the most advanced technology for transmitting data over a network.

Advantages of optical cable:

  • Durable, high throughput, facilitating fast data transfer.
  • Security of data transmission - optical fiber allows programs to instantly detect unauthorized access to data, so access to it is almost impossible for intruders.
  • High immunity to interference, good noise suppression.
  • The structural features of an optical cable make the data transfer speed through it several times higher than the data transfer speed through a coaxial cable. This primarily applies to video files and audio files.
  • When connecting fiber optics, you can organize a system that implements some additional options, for example, video surveillance.

However, the most important advantage of fiber optic cable is its ability to connect objects located at great distances from each other. This is possible due to the fact that the optical cable has no restrictions on the length of the channels.

Internet connection using fiber optic

The most widespread Internet in the Russian Federation, the network of which operates on the basis of optical fiber, is provided by the provider Rostelecom. How to connect fiber optic internet?

First you just need to make sure that the optical cable is connected to the house. Then you need to order an Internet connection from your provider. The latter must provide connection data. Then you need to configure the equipment.

It is done like this:

The terminal is equipped with a special socket that allows you to connect to a computer and connect the router to the Internet.

In addition, the terminal has 2 additional sockets that allow you to connect an analog home telephone to a fiber-optic connection, and several more sockets are provided for connecting television.
