How to remove subscribers from VKontakte. How to remove yourself from subscribers in VKontakte

Today we will answer a question that interests many users of the popular social network, namely, how to remove VKontakte subscribers. But first, some general information.

Social networks have become an integral part of our lives. For some they are just a way to communicate with friends and distant relatives, but for others it is their own virtual world, which takes up much more space and time than reality. Social networks, of course, have both pros and cons, but let’s not talk about the bad. Let's talk about what might really be interesting and useful for us there.

If you are registered on VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, Mail World, Facebook, then you have enormous opportunities. Here you can find friends, relatives, colleagues and even make new acquaintances. You can upload your video or music, photos, or you can see what other network users have posted there. Participate in various communities and groups that unite many people according to their hobbies, tastes and even professional interests. Lots of entertainment in the form of games, puzzles and other applications will not let you get bored. And if your acquaintances and friends also become participants in the game, this will add even more excitement.

We all know that in the VKontakte network there is an opportunity, that is, a function with the help of which we can become witnesses to the whole of any of its participants. All you have to do is subscribe to the page of a person important to you and easily be aware of his every step on this social network. You will receive notifications that this person has added new photos to their photo albums, uploaded new music or videos, made friends with a new person, and much more.

If you have a lot of subscribers, it flatters you and doesn’t cause you any trouble, then that’s just great, enjoy the communication. But when a person subscribes to your profile, to whom you would not at all want to demonstrate your life, there is a way to remove VKontakte subscribers. To do this, you don’t need to be, but you just need to carefully look at your page and those functions that the administrators and moderators of the VKontakte site clearly suggest using.

So, how to remove VKontakte subscribers? Let's proceed directly to this easy and straightforward process.

If you have visited your page, then in the upper left corner of your profile, under the photo, you can find a link to a page called “My Subscribers”. By clicking on it, you will be taken to view a list of these curious users who are clearly not indifferent to your person. Having determined for yourself which of all these people you do not want to provide with unnecessary information for gossip, you proceed to remove this subscriber from your page. To do this, click on the cross in the upper right corner of the photo. A page will open where you will be asked whether you really want to add this user to the “Black List” or not. We press the magic “continue” button - and there is no subscriber.

Does the question of how to remove VKontakte subscribers no longer bother you? Everything is very simple, and you shouldn’t complicate your life with unpleasant meetings on the Internet.

How can you remove your VKontakte subscription if you were previously interested in someone’s profile, but today you are no longer interested? You should go to this person’s page and under his photo click on the inscription “Unsubscribe from updates.” Done, the unwanted virtual connection has been terminated.

So we told you how to remove VKontakte subscribers. Now that someone has become uninteresting to you, you know how to get rid of this extra person. Share your knowledge with your friends, maybe they will also find this information useful.

The question of how to remove VK subscribers is usually asked by those users who notice on their page the unhealthy activity of completely strangers who have not been added as friends. In our article we will talk in detail about how to remove VK subscribers from your VK page in various ways - from a computer or from a mobile phone.

#1 How to remove them from VK from a PC or laptop?

So, if you decide to remove people from your VK subscribers and get rid of their obsessive attention, then here’s how you can remove them by logging into your page on the VK social network via a laptop or personal computer:

  • Find the “Subscribers” block on the page - it is located in the same line where the number of your friends, photos and videos is indicated.
  • On the page that opens you will see all these people in the form of avatars. Hover your cursor over the photo of each of the unwanted users and click on the cross icon that appears - this way you send people to.
  • Click Continue.
  • Ready!

By the way, pay attention to the difference in the meanings of “subscribers” and “friend”. If you decide, this does not mean that you automatically remove him from your subscribers! Keep this in mind when you decide to clean out your contacts list.

#2 How to remove them from VK from a tablet or mobile phone?

  • Under your photo, find the item that indicates the number of people following you and click on it.
  • Select the name you want to delete from the list.
  • You will be taken to the user page. In the upper right corner, touch the three dots and tap Block.

If you do not want to leave deleted people on the blacklist, then within a day you can go into it using the settings and cross them off from this list - this way users will be able to visit your account if they want, but will no longer be able to. If you want to delete blocked VKontakte subscribers forever, then simply do not return them from the blacklist - this will guarantee you complete freedom from these people.

Is it possible to hide your subscribers?

Perhaps you do not want to delete all VKontakte subscribers from your phone or laptop at once, but, for example, you simply decided to make sure that some of them are not visible to other users. For example, your boyfriend is too jealous and constantly expresses his dissatisfaction with the presence of other men among your friends or subscribers. In this case, you can easily hide some people from this list at will, and they will not lose the ability to see your publications. Here's how to do it:

  • Log in to your account settings.
  • Find the "Privacy" section and open it.
  • Select "Who is visible in the list of my friends and subscriptions."
  • Check the boxes next to the names of the users you want to hide.
  • Click on “Save Changes”.

Who are all these people and should they be removed from VK?

Before trying to find a way to remove a person from subscribers on VK (in the mobile version or from a computer), it is still worth understanding the question of who the social network denotes with this unusual word.

This list includes all those users who have ever sent us a request for , but we did not answer them with consent and did not click on the corresponding button. Now they can follow our updates, read VK posts and look at photos, since all actions on our pages fall into their feeds.

And, before you have tried to clear your VKontakte subscribers and remove all unnecessary ones, we want to remind you that the more users visit your account, the higher the rating of your VK page. If you are still sure that you want to permanently remove a person from your VKontakte subscribers, then above you will find detailed instructions on how to remove someone using various devices. Therefore, we recommend that you, first, and then decide on their fate.

Now you know absolutely everything about how to remove people from subscribers on your page in VKontakte using a computer or phone. If something remains unclear to you, then at any time you can ask our specialists a question by filling out the comment form below.

Users who send you a friend request will immediately be added to your subscriber list. They will see your updates in their news. This will continue until you either approve the application, or do not remove them from the list of subscribers in contact.

Let's figure out how this can be done.

What is it for

It is worth noting that a large number of subscribers provides certain advantages. With their number, the indicator of popularity within the social network is growing (see). This way, you will be ranked higher than other users in search results. If popularity allows, your page may be included in the list. This way, other users will see you, become interested, and perhaps start communicating with you, or simply try to add you as a friend.

But if you are not interested in all this, and you do not want strangers to follow your page updates, then simply remove them from your subscribers. Now I will show you how this can be done.

How to remove subscribers in contact

First, you need to determine whether they exist. To do this, pay attention to the list located just below your profile photo. If there are subscribers, there will be a corresponding notification here.

When you hover your mouse over any avatar, a cross icon will appear in the upper right corner. It is designed to remove a subscriber from your VKontakte page. This procedure must be done with everyone.

Please note that when you try to delete a person, you will receive a message that they will automatically be placed in . He will completely lose access to your page. We agree and click “Continue”.

We delete all subscribers by analogy.

How to remove subscribers in a contact from your phone

Here the process is a little different.

First, you need to go to the main page of your profile and follow the appropriate link to view subscribers.

In the list that opens, go to the page of any user - just click on it.

We confirm the operation by clicking the “Yes” button. Great, the subscriber has been deleted. By analogy, do the same with the rest.

How to hide VKontakte subscribers?

Do the following.

Go to your page and open the list of subscribers.

Here we hover over the subscriber and press the button "Block".

5 / 5 ( 8 votes)

But you don’t always want to see strange people among your subscribers. I often want to delete subscribers on VKontakte.

Some information about Vkontakte

Every second or third resident can confirm this, since there are probably no young people who have not registered here and do not post photos or videos from their personal lives.

Over time, when developments and innovations began to be implemented at a rapid pace, this resource began to be considered the most popular and relevant.

The method of online communication could not help but attract other current users, and this is a confirmation of its simplicity of the interface - ease of use.

The creator of the resource is Pavel Durov, who regularly updates the site and monitors its structure and content.

Due to his responsible approach, VKontakte has become the most famous social network among the majority of Internet communication lovers.

What do VKontakte subscribers mean and what are they for?

Using the VKontakte social network, it is not difficult to understand who the subscribers are and what role they play for each individual user.

To add subscribers on VKontakte or become one for a specific person, group or public resource, you need to go to the appropriate page and click on the “Add as a friend” button there.

Following this, you are automatically included in the list of subscribers and remain there until the moment you either refuse this, or the person transfers you to the list of their friends.

Changes to the page you follow will be visible in your news feed.

The most free subscribers on VKontakte are those users who upload files and post interesting facts (news, anecdotes, jokes). They may be representatives of specific companies or entrepreneurs pursuing commerce with the desire to earn more money from it.

If the information is related to a specific brand or its products, then using these pages it is easier and more convenient to order the supply of quality raw materials or services.

Free accounts are still created, for example, to test personal abilities.

If the number of readers allows you to make the page a testing ground for business development, then postponing it is not advisable.

Ordinary people who love online communication and invite all their acquaintances with whom they subsequently correspond about work, hobbies or plans for the future can have a lot of subscribers.

Users are gaining subscribers on the VKontakte social network. But you won’t be able to grow your business this way.

Getting rid of subscribers from different accounts

Regular updates on VKontakte do not pass without a trace, as evidenced by the appearance of subscribers and the ability for everyone to view them.

One way to remove them is to blacklist a person’s page, for which you should open “My subscribers” and hover over the avatar of the desired person.

Then in the right corner there will be a cross that says “Block”. Click on it and confirm adding the page to the blacklist.

In the case where there are a lot of unwanted readers, this option will be labor-intensive, but definitely reliable and effective.

After waiting for some time, you need to go to the list of users from the blacklist and delete everyone one by one. You can slowly but surely clear VKontakte of all subscribers.

They will never come back!

Therefore, this method, although time-consuming, is proven.

Other methods:

  • Write a message and ask him to unsubscribe from your news.
  • Post a post on the wall with the same request.
  • Tighten privacy settings to close information and prevent it from being publicly visible.

Representatives of groups and publics whose creators want to remove some subscribers should find “Page Management” in the menu on the right side, then “Members”. Having selected the one you need, click “Remove from community”.

By adding visitors to a ban list, they are blacklisted and are no longer followers of a specific group. This is the most popular way to remove them.

Considering the features of VKontakte, we can say for sure that this social network is in demand and is one of the top five resources in the whole world, therefore information on how to remove a person from subscribers in VKontakte is popular. And this is the key to further progress!

Hello, friends.

The social network VKontakte is becoming a virtual home for us, where we want to arrange everything at our own discretion. Sometimes simple settings are not enough and additional knowledge is needed to hide interesting posts, friends, gain access to certain data, promote a page and group.

These are the questions we consider on the blog site, we learn to use all the capabilities of the social network and related services and programs. Today we’ll figure out how to delete VKontakte subscribers.

When a person applies as a friend, he automatically subscribes to your updates. When you do not want to accept an offer to be a friend, you have the option to leave the user on your subscription list.

The number of people who are interested in your news affects your page ranking. If you want to promote your personal brand and become a popular person on VK, then the more inhabitants of the social network want to receive information about changes in your profile, the better. Therefore, many specially and other indicators in the personal account and groups.

In addition, when the number of people interested in you is more than 100, statistics become available: how many people, their age, gender, city and country, device type. You can get this information by clicking on the chart icon under your main photo.

If you are not interested in popularity on a social network and page traffic indicators, you can delete friend requests and clear the list of people you are interested in.

Removing from your computer

There is no such function in VK; the only available way is through blocking the user. After this, he will not be able to write messages, view your news and other information. First you need to go to the appropriate section on the site.

In the window that opens, we see everyone who submitted a friend request, but was not added as a friend. To remove them from this list, you need to click on the cross that appears when you hover over a person’s avatar.

When you hover over the icon, you see the inscription “Block”. This is no accident; when removed from this section, your failed friend is sent to the blacklist.

This action will have to be done with each user separately; it will not be possible to delete everyone at once. If you don’t want to waste time, you can leave everything as it is and just stop watching. In this case, even those who follow you will not be able to view the information.

Deleting in the mobile application

You can also clear your subscription list from your phone. To do this, log in to the application, go to your profile and click on the appropriate link.

To get rid of the inhabitants of this section, you need to go to each person’s page and send him to the blacklist.

You cannot quickly and completely clear the list of subscribers to your news either on a computer or on a phone. Therefore, you will have to tinker.

What to do next

You can leave everything as is. The section of signed persons was empty, but another was filled. Blocked subscribers are blacklisted. It can also be cleaned so that there are no unnecessary people there. First let's go to settings.

If you change your mind about blocking a friend, then within 10–15 minutes you can remove him from this list, and he will return to the subscription list. Later removal will lead to the fact that this person will no longer be among the ranks of unwanted guests and failed friends. And there will be no reminders about it on your page. To make sure everything works, it is better to wait a few hours and then cancel the blocking.

That's what I do. I have no reason to ban strangers who have done nothing wrong to me. And even if they are already blocked by the administration, I remove them from my list of unwanted guests so as not to store unnecessary information in my profile.

To do this, you need to click on the corresponding inscription next to the person we want to remove from the blacklist.

The same steps can be done on your phone by opening the section in settings.

And now delete those who do not need to be blocked.

That's it, information about the person has been removed from your page. If this is a stranger who once wanted to make friends, then most likely he will not bother you again. If this is an annoying fan, then it makes sense to leave him blocked in order to protect yourself from communicating with him.


See you again, friends.
