How to remove dead VKontakte subscribers. How to remove yourself from subscribers in VKontakte

Hello, and today we will talk about how to delete VKontakte subscribers. This feature is not to everyone’s taste, since now, when you remove a person from your friends or refuse his friend request, you will continue to see the unwanted person as before, only in your subscribers.

This is often annoying, because not everyone wants their news to appear in someone else’s feed, especially a stranger’s. Subscribers are good mainly for those who crave popularity. What if he’s not thirsty at all?

In addition, various spammers, advertisers, “just-to-add” bots get into your subscribers, and people you don’t want to see remain there - just unpleasant personalities or “ex-lovers”. Therefore, many people want to know how to delete VKontakte subscribers at once. Unfortunately, the social network does not have an official method, but all is not lost - there are “workarounds” below.

If there are only a few subscribers and they are all “live” (not spammer bots), you can ask them to unfollow you through a message on your wall or even a private message. If there are a lot of them, or their DMs are closed, or the pages of your subscribers are frozen, the problem cannot be solved this way. In addition, your message on the wall is not at all a guarantee that they will see it.

But the next option is much more radical and will work for sure.

welcome to Black List

When you try to remove a VK user from subscribers, the social network’s functionality only offers to add him to .

How this is done, step by step:

● open “My subscribers”;
● hover the cursor over the subscriber’s avatar, click on the cross in the upper right corner and thereby block it;
● confirm sending the user in an emergency;

● long and tedious doing the same with other subscribers until everyone ends up in a ban.

Now be patient. In an hour, or better yet in a day, it will be possible to remove all these people from the blacklist, but not earlier, otherwise they will again end up as subscribers. You can, of course, not remove them at all - a matter of taste.

Another radical method is to go to the subscriber’s page and far below under his avatar click “Block Username”. Suitable only in cases where there are few subscribers or this one is especially annoying in some way.

You can also add it to the blacklist manually by copying the address of the VK user’s page there and clicking “Add”.

“Leave me alone, everyone,” or how to protect the page from prying eyes

There is also a third option - do not delete subscribers, but do not leave them almost any information. This opportunity is provided by the “Privacy” tab (the “Settings” menu). In it you can configure your page so that most of the information is available only to friends.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to completely hide the information on the page; other users will at least see something. For example, it is impossible to hide posts on the wall, the list of subscriptions (publics), etc.

The only way to completely hide a profile from another person is to add him to the “ban”. Then all he will see from the information on your page is that he cannot view it. Otherwise, users will be left with something to be torn to pieces. Plus, the subscribers who were there before will also not go anywhere.

The “level” of an account on the VKontakte social network depends on several factors, among which the most significant are the number of friends and subscribers. The fact is that the social network provides for adding only 9999 friends, which may not be enough for many popular personalities. In this case, other people interested in them remain subscribers, getting the opportunity to follow their idols, but without the privileges that are available to friends. It happens that a user has a desire to get rid of his subscribers for one reason or another. In this case, we can talk about deleting one subscribed user or all of them at once. In this article, let's look at how you can remove VKontakte subscribers from a computer or mobile device.

Table of contents:

Why do you need a large number of subscribers?

A large number of subscribers on the VKontakte social network is a luxury that not all users can afford. The presence of a large number of people following an account indicates that the person is interesting to others. Accordingly, the social network ranks such a user higher in all kinds of ratings, including in search.

For example, if your name is Mikhail, and you have more subscribers than any other user with the name Mikhail on the social network VKontakte, the search engine will give you the highest ranking when asking for “Mikhail.”

Subscribers are one of the key resources of every VKontakte page that strives for popularity. In this case, it doesn’t really matter whether real people follow you or already deleted accounts - in any case, subscribers give “weight” to the page. Accordingly, it is impractical to delete subscribers en masse, and it makes sense to delete specific subscribers if you do not want some people to monitor your activity on the social network.

How to remove VKontakte subscribers from your computer

Getting rid of VKontakte subscribers is much easier than acquiring them. Every user can do this without much effort. To remove a subscriber, you need to do the following:

Please note: By getting rid of subscribers in this way, you blacklist them. Accordingly, they no longer have the opportunity to view the data on your page in any way. If you want to fix this, you will need to remove the user from the blacklist. To do this, go to your account settings and select the “Black List” section. Next, you need to click the “Remove from list” button next to the person to remove him from the black list. But here it is important to note that after performing these actions, the user will not automatically subscribe to your account, restrictions on such actions will simply be removed from him.

How to remove VKontakte subscribers from your phone

The official VKontakte mobile application provides that the user may want to block his subscriber, having the necessary functionality for this. To delete a subscriber through the official VKontakte client, you need to do the following:

After this, the user will be removed from your subscriber list and blocked.

Any fairly active VKontakte user faces the problem of an excessively large number of subscribers on the page. In this case, if a person is not chasing the popularity of his profile, there may be a need to completely or partially clear this list.

The administration of the social networking site VKontakte does not provide its users with the opportunity to delete subscribers by pressing a couple of buttons. To clear this list, you will need to perform a series of actions, which boil down to blocking the page of the person being removed from the subscribers.

Ways to delete followers of a social page. There are very few networks, and those that exist are certainly associated with user blocking. This, in turn, can cause difficulties for you if the person you want to remove from subscribers continues to independently visit your profile and conducts quite active correspondence with you.

If the reason for deleting subscribers in your case is related to the presence of people with reduced activity in the list, then the variety of options for you is greatly reduced. Under such conditions, you can safely skip the first two methods and go straight to the last one.

Method 1: Request to unsubscribe

This technique applies only to isolated cases of deleting subscribers and works exclusively with respectable users. At the same time, you do not need to block a person or otherwise restrict access to your own personal profile.

The person being unfollowed should ideally have the messaging option open.

The method takes into account the use of social media. VKontakte network from a computer, through a standard browser.

As you can see, this technique is completely unsuitable for multiple removals. In addition, it is not very often that there are enough honest people who can go to your page and press just one single button.

Method 2: hiding information

Quite often, deleting subscribers from VKontakte is associated with a reluctance to share published information with some users. Under such circumstances, the best way to get rid of unwanted subscribers is to improve your account privacy settings.

Despite the settings, absolutely any user will be able to visit your page and view the entries left. In addition, some other profile information that cannot be hidden will also be viewable.

Under these settings, subscribers will not be able to track your activity or leave their mark on the page.

After completing the above steps, all your subscribers will not be able to access the main features of the VKontakte social network. In particular, this could be functionality for writing personal messages or the ability to comment on posts.

Please note that third party users who are not subscribers will also lose access to information.

Method 3: Block users

This method of deleting subscribers is the simplest, but, to put it mildly, quite radical, since you will simply need to block this or that user. At the same time, the method allows you to perform a massive cleaning of the list of subscribers, however, still in manual mode.

A blocked person can be returned from the blacklist without returning to the subscribers section.

You should be careful when using this method. This is due to the fact that after blocking for some time (until manual deletion), the user loses the ability to view your profile and write personal messages.

Please note that, as is customary on VKontakte, the user will not be able to remove the block without your desire.

If you want a blacklisted person to remain able to visit your personal profile, you need to remove him from there. However, it is extremely important to take into account that at least 20 minutes must pass from adding a user to the emergency situation (1 hour is recommended).

Having completed all the prescribed actions, you can personally verify the relevance of this method by returning to your page and comparing the early number of subscribers with the present one. Also remember that now the deleted person can apply as a friend again and, if you refuse to add him, he will end up as a subscriber.

The third method of deleting subscribers is the most promising. This is due to the fact that it is often necessary to remove inactive or deleted users from subscribers, communication with which is usually limited.

Sometimes you notice that you somehow have too many subscriptions. They could appear because you were indiscriminate in your actions, or maybe you were hacked. Some people gain subscribers this way. In this article you will learn how to remove yourself from VKontakte subscribers in order to unsubscribe from everything superfluous and unnecessary.

Why do you need to unsubscribe and what will happen if you don’t?

The reasons for unsubscribing from a person or group on VKontakte can be different:

How to remove yourself from subscribers on VK step by step instructions

This can be done manually. To do this, go to the page with your groups. Next to each community there will be an icon with 3 dots on the right. When you hover over it, you will see a menu in which there will be an “Unsubscribe” item. After clicking on this item, you will be asked to confirm this action, and then unsubscribe.

This is a reliable but time-consuming method, because if you have a lot of subscriptions, it will take a lot of time. Therefore, it is better to use automatic. To do this, open the Google Chrome browser and download the Instrumentum extension.

Open the extension and enter your VKontakte username and password, and then allow this application to access your page. Now click on the “My Page” button in the extension. Next, select “Clear community list”.

After this, you can click on the “Clear Community List” button to start the process. It may take some time - it depends on how many subscriptions you have.

Note! The extension can leave you with those groups in which you are an administrator, moderator or editor if you check the appropriate box.

Possible problems when unsubscribing from VK

Problems may be the following:

  • Extension. It may not install if you have an older version of the browser. Update it and then everything will be fine.
  • Captcha. If you perform a lot of monotonous actions, VKontakte may think that you are a robot. There's nothing you can do about it - you'll have to enter the captcha every time.

This is where the list of difficulties ends.


That's all, the methods are quite simple. You can delete it manually from any device, but the automatic option is best used on a personal computer.

Subscription is one of the most interesting features of modern social networks. networks. It allows you to receive news about a particular user in real time. All his new publications become immediately visible to subscribers when sent. People who have many followers are considered popular.

Getting subscribers today is not difficult. Many third-party services can grow an army of thousands of fans for anyone in a couple of days, both paid and free. But what if subscribers need to be deleted for some reason?

How to delete deleted subscribers in a contact?

There can be many reasons for deleting subscribers. The most common of them is getting rid of blocked users, the so-called dogs. To clear your list of admirers from these useless characters, you need to go to your page and then click on the subscriber counter. A list will appear in the window that opens, from which you can remove unwanted fans by clicking on the cross.

When attempting to remove a person from this listing, the user receives a warning that the removed subscriber will be blacklisted. But how to delete subscribers on VK without blacklisting them?

Actually, not at all. Sending a person to an emergency after being removed from subscribers is inevitable. However, this does not mean that it must be left there forever. To remove a user from the blacklist, allowing him to view the page again, you need to go to “Settings” → “Blacklist”.

Here, by simply clicking on the appropriate links, you can either remove someone from the emergency or return them back. For example, if someone absolutely does not want to leave and subscribes to the page again, you can keep him on the blacklist longer or even leave him on it forever.

Procedure deleting VK subscribers from your phone almost no different from deleting through the full web version. Blocked users will still be blacklisted, from where they can be released with one click.

How to remove a person from subscribers in a contact in other ways?

There are not many ways to clear your page of unwanted subscriptions. The simplest and most effective of them is to permanently blacklist a particular user. However, there are more humane ways to resolve differences.

  • Write a personal message. There are situations when the user can simply be asked to unsubscribe. Most decent people would do just that and leave the page alone.
  • Sending a message to a feed. You can also publish a post asking people to unsubscribe on your wall. This will save time if you need to contact several people at once.
  • Change privacy settings. Restricting access to a page through privacy settings is another interesting method of dealing with subscribers. Perhaps, finding themselves outside the circle of initiates, they themselves will begin to unsubscribe from the page.

How to delete all VKontakte subscribers at once?

The functionality of the social network does not provide for mass registration of users in emergency situations. Therefore, to clean a large list of subscribers you will have to do routine work. You can also use third-party programs from independent developers, but this is not recommended. An inexperienced user can easily run into scammers, as a result of which he will lose access to the page or be blocked for attempting to spam. For this reason, it is better to do everything honestly from the very beginning, and then any problem will be resolved by itself.
