Minecraft what can be made from iron mixture. Minecraft: crafting recipes

Just Enough Items, this is a very useful mod that can add many features to Minecraft and thus, it can improve your overall experience. If you used or before this, you will be familiar with how it works. However, unlike these two mods, the mod's only items are significantly easier to use and because of this, its path is more accessible to the average minecraft user. The main mod is attention to stability and performance, which is why you see that it doesn't have even the slightest impact on the game's performance.

Just Enough Items mod for Minecraft 1.15.2 1.15.1 1.14.4 1.13.2 1.11 1.10.2 1.10 1.9.4 , which was designed to view items and their crafting recipes right in the game, so you don't have to keep the crafting page open for a certain mod, or if you have a lot of mods, open a lot of tabs to get the information you're looking for. Along with displaying recipes for each item, it can also display the usage of a specified item, which can be quite useful in many scenarios. This mod's keyboard shortcuts are pretty easy to get the hang of so within a few minutes of using it you'll have a pretty stable grasp of how it works.

Just Enough Items has many features to offer, but perhaps the most useful feature is the one that brings to the lookup table. To use this panel all you have to do is click Ctrl+F, then enter the name of any item and it will give all the information you need. The search function allows you to search for items that have been implemented using mods. All said and done, this is a very convenient and useful mod that will save you quite a lot that you would have spent on tedious searching.

The main material that is actively used by players in Minecraft is iron ingots. This is the ingredient needed for many tools. For example, for an iron ax the player needs three iron ingots and sticks (2 units), for iron rails six iron ingots and a stick (1 unit). Also, using this material in a workbench you can construct an iron pickaxe, pressure rails, trolleys, compasses, iron doors, buckets, scissors, shovels, boots, swords and many other useful devices.

List of Ingredients for Iron Ingots

There is nothing difficult in mining iron ore, which will later be the main ingredient for crafting iron ingots.
It is located quite deep underground. It will be much easier for the player to find the required ingredient in an abandoned mine or canyon. The probability of finding iron in such places is quite high. Having noticed ore blocks, you will need a stone pickaxe, with which the player can easily destroy the structure of the block. And so that the player has enough strength to finish off what he needs, stock up on food (for example, apples), several stone pickaxes and a torch.

When the materials are collected, the player will need a stove. You will put coal and ore in it. Then get the required number of iron blocks. If the manufacturing process is not interesting to you, you can go for iron ingots to a treasury or an abandoned desert temple, or to a shrine (temple) located far in the jungle.


What are crafting recipes for?

If you are new to the Minecraft game, then you most likely do not know how to craft any block, so this news has been created for you, which shows recipes for crafting all the items and blocks that can be created using a workbench. In addition, many players, getting acquainted with the game Minecraft for the first time, ask " Where to start survival? ". First, you need to get wood, then open the initial inventory where there will be a 2 by 2 grid. Put boards in these cells and you will get inventory. Then you can create many objects on the workbench on a grid that already works 3 by 3. Make any objects and blocks can be created using this page.

With each new version of the game, new recipes for items and blocks appear, the crafting of which is not so easy. That's why we've made it easy for you to search for recipes; just click on the item you need and the recipe will appear at the top. For example, here you will find recipes here: " How to make blocks in Minecraft", "How to make armor", "How to make a door", "How to make a saddle" and many others. In order to create something in Minecraft, move the necessary items from your inventory to the crafting grid, which can be obtained using a workbench.

How to view crafting recipes directly in the game?

If you want to view recipes directly in the game, try installing add-ons (),

Crafting is the main engine of the cubic world. Without crafting, you can't do anything. Crafting recipes will help you a lot when you start the game, and will be with you throughout the entire gameplay. But you still have to look at this page, as the game is updated, and accordingly new items and their crafts are added. The main crafting window has a size of 2x2 cells. Here you can make all the most basic items: Craft boards from wood, make a stick, and the like. But for more complex tools you will need a Workbench; it has a crafting field measuring 3x3 cells.

What is craft? This is the creation of certain objects from materials obtained in nature, or previously “crafted”. To craft this or that item, you need to know the crafting recipe, which is unique for each item.

Item Durability:

  • Wood - 60 uses
  • Stone - 132 uses
  • Iron - 251 uses
  • Gold - 33 uses
  • Diamond - 1562 uses

Also, every tool and piece of armor has durability. Each material has its own strength, some materials have more, and some have less. Accordingly, the strength and time of use of an item or attribute of armor are different. But if you use an item for other purposes, say you are extracting a stone with a shovel, then the damage to the item will be counted as two units, rather than using the item for its intended purpose and spending only one unit. Therefore, be careful when choosing a tool.

What will happen How to craft What you need to have Description
Wood Construction material. Needed for crafting many things
Boards (4 pcs.) Needed for crafting in a 3x3 grid
Boards (2 pcs.) Used for crafting tools, etc.
Coal + stick Needed for lighting
Cobblestone (8 pcs.) You can cook food and smelt resources in it
Planks or iron ingots (6 pcs.) The wooden one opens by clicking, and the iron one only when activated by redstone
Boards (6 pcs.) Opens (vertically) by clicking or when activated by redstone
Box Boards (8 pcs.) You can store your resources in it without fear of losing them. If you put two side by side, you get one big one.
Trap Chest Chest + tension sensor Like a regular chest, but it gives a signal when opened
Ender Chest Obsidian (8 pcs.) + Eye of the End Like a regular chest, but all the End chests will contain the same things. What you put in one will appear in the other.
Wool (any) (3 pcs.) + boards (3 pcs.) Used for sleeping. It is also your respawn point after death.
Enchanting table Diamonds (2 pcs.) + obsidian (4 pcs.) + book Used to upgrade tools and armor
Obsidian (3 pcs.) + glass (5 pcs.) + Nether star Gives players within a small radius various effects
Iron blocks (3 pcs.) + iron ingots (4 pcs.) Used to repair tools using experience
Sticks or hell brick (6 pcs.)
Cobblestone walls Cobblestone (6 pcs.) or mossy cobblestone (6 pcs.) Fencing. Counts as one and a half blocks for the player and mobs
Gate Boards (4 pcs.) + sticks (2 pcs.) Special "door" for the fence. Opens with a right click and counts as one and a half blocks
Sticks (7 pcs.) Used to move vertically
Tablet Boards (6 pcs.) + stick Sign with text written by the player
Sticks (8 pcs.) + wool (any) Decoration. Hangs randomly on the wall. To hang another one, remove this one and hang it again
Sticks (8 pcs.) + leather A thing that can show a block or item contained in it
Pot Bricks (3 pcs.) Decorative block in which you can plant a seedling, mushroom, flower, cactus or bush
Iron/gold ingots, diamonds, lapis lazuli, redstone or emeralds (9 pcs.) More compact storage
Return Receipt Iron, gold, lapis lazuli, diamond or emerald block Unpacking resources from blocks
Glass panels Glass (6 pcs.) Analogous to glass. To obtain glass, melt sand in a furnace
Iron grate Iron ingots (6 pcs.) Used as a fence or decoration
Glowstone Light dust (4 pcs.) For illuminating the area, as well as the space under water
Glowstone + redstone (4 pcs.) A lamp that illuminates houses and the area. Can be turned on and off.
Threads (4 pcs.) Decorative building material. Also obtained from sheep
Dynamite (TNT) Sand (4 pcs.) + gunpowder (5 pcs.) Explodes when activated by redstone and deals damage
Plates Planks, cobblestone, stone, sandstone, bricks, stone bricks, hell bricks or quartz blocks (3 pieces) Used as steps, roofs and decorations. If you put one on top of the other, you get a full-fledged block
Planks, cobblestones, bricks (regular, hellish or stone) or quartz blocks (6 pcs.) Full size steps
Snowballs (4 pcs.) Both building material and compact storage of snowballs
Clay (4 pcs.) Compact clay storage
Bricks (4 pcs.) Beautiful and durable building material
Stones (4 pcs.)
Hell bricks (4 pcs.) Beautiful and durable building material
Sheets of paper Reed (3 pcs.) For crafting books and maps
Sheets of paper (3 pcs.) + leather For crafting bookcases and enchanting tables
Book + pen + ink bag To record any text
Boards (6 pcs.) and books (3 pcs.) Used as decoration or to enhance the effect of enchantments
Quartz (4 pcs.) Decorative block
Quartz blocks (2 pcs.) Decorative block. Used to build columns
Quartz slabs (2 pcs.) Decorative building material
Sand (4 pcs.)
Sandstone (4 pcs.) Decorative building material
Sand slabs (2 pcs.) Decorative building material
Jack-o'-lantern Pumpkin + torch Area illuminator
Carrot + fishing rod Allows you to control saddled pigs
Sticks (2 pcs.) + boards, cobblestones, iron\gold bars or diamonds (3 pcs.) For the extraction of stone and ores
Sticks (2 pcs.) + boards, cobblestones, iron\gold ingot or diamond For the extraction of earth, grass, sand, gravel, snow, clay and mycelium
Sticks (2 pcs.) + boards, cobblestones, iron\gold bars or diamonds (3 pcs.) For quick extraction of wood and anything wooden
Sticks (2 pcs.) + boards, cobblestones, iron\gold bars or diamonds (2 pcs.) To loosen the soil/grass (right click)
Stick + boards, cobblestones, iron\gold bars or diamonds (2 pcs.) Deals more damage to mobs and players than a fist
Sticks (3 pcs.) + threads (3 pcs.) To attack mobs and other players with arrows from a long distance
Flint + stick + feather Bow Ammo (also dropped from dead skeletons)
Leather, iron\gold bars, diamonds or fire Leather helmet gives 0.5 protection Iron - 3 Gold - 2.5 Diamond - 1.5 Chain mail - 1
See helmet Leather breastplate gives 1.5 protection Iron - 1 Gold - 1 Diamond - 4 Mail - 2.5
Trousers See helmet Leather pants give 1 unit of protection Iron - 2.5 Gold - 1.5 Diamond - 3 Chain mail - 2
See helmet Leather boots give 0.5 protection Iron - 1 Gold - 0.5 Diamond - 1.5 Chain mail - 0.5
Flint + iron ingot Lights a fire
Fireballs Gunpowder + fire powder + coal Lights a fire like a lighter. When released from the dispenser, it becomes a fire projectile (like the Ifrits)
Dye + gunpowder A fireworks component responsible for the color, shape and character of the fireworks. The dye can be any
Rocket Star + sheet of paper + gunpowder Launches a small rocket upward, which after a certain time explodes like a firework
Iron ingots (2 pcs.) To extract leaves (left click) and wool from sheep (right click)
Sticks (3 pcs.) + threads (2 pcs.) For fishing in water
Iron ingots (3 pcs.) For scooping water and lava, as well as obtaining milk from cows
Gold bars (4 pcs.) + redstone Show time of day
Iron ingots (4 pcs.) + redstone Indicates your spawn point
Compass + paper (8 pcs.) Shows an image of the surface of the world
Eye of the End Fire Powder + Enderman Pearl Used as a means of detecting fortresses. Also needed to activate the portal to the Edge
Boards (3 pcs.) For storing mushroom soup. After eating the soup, the bowl remains
Mushroom soup Red and brown mushroom + bowl Restores 4 hunger
Bread Wheat (3 pcs.) Restores 2.5 hunger
Sugar Cane For making cake and brewing some potions
Cake Buckets of milk (3 pcs.) + sugar (2 pcs.) + egg + wheat (3 pcs.) Restores 1 hunger. You can eat 6 times. After crafting, the buckets remain
Pumpkin + egg + sugar Restores 4 hunger units
Cookie Wheat (2 pcs.) + cocoa beans Restores 1 hunger unit
Carrots + gold nuggets (8 pcs.) Restores 3 hunger
Apple + gold nuggets (8 pcs.) Restores 2 hunger. Regenerates health four seconds after eating
Apple + gold blocks (8 pcs.) The old recipe (was before version 1.1), returned in an enhanced version in version 12w21a (1.3). Unlike a regular apple, it gives the effect of Regeneration IV (restores health very quickly) for 30 seconds, as well as Resistance and Fire Resistance for 5 minutes. This apple in the inventory has a purple signature and shimmers, whereas the regular golden apple's signature is turquoise and does not shimmer.
Watermelon slices (9 pcs.) For compact storage of watermelon slices, which restore 0.5 (half) of hunger. When destroyed, 3-7 watermelon slices fall out
Watermelon seeds Watermelon slice For growing watermelons. Can only be planted on loosened soil (bed)
pumpkin seeds Pumpkin For growing pumpkins. Can only be planted on loosened soil (bed)
Bone flour Bone Used to dye wool white. Can also be used as fertilizer for seedlings and wheat, which leads to their instant ripening
Iron ingots (5 pcs.) Transports players and mobs along rails
Self-propelled trolley Furnace + trolley Pushes (not pulls) other trolleys using coal
Freight trolley Chest + trolley Used to transport things on rails
Demolition Trolley Dynamite + trolley Activated by activated activating rails and explodes 4 seconds after activation
Loading funnel + trolley Absorbs objects lying on rails and in containers above itself
Stick + iron ingots (6 pcs.) Trolley tracks
Stick + gold bars (6 pcs.) + redstone When activated, they speed up the trolley, when disabled, they stop.
Pressure rails Pressure plate + iron ingots (6 pcs.) + redstone Analogous to a pressure plate. However, it is not activated by the player, but by the trolley
Activating rails Red torch + iron ingots (6 pcs.) + sticks (2 pcs.) Activate dynamite trolleys that pass over them
Boat Boards (5 pcs.) Needed for quick movement through the water and convenient fishing
Stone or boards Used to activate items when pressed. It turns off after a second. The wooden button can be activated with an arrow, but the stone button cannot. Before version 1.4.2 it was crafted from 2 stones/planks
Stick + cobblestone Activates and deactivates objects
Pressure plate Boards (2 pcs.) or stone (2 pcs.) Activates items when a player or mob steps on it. Wooden plates can also be activated by an object falling on them, but stone ones only if the player steps on them
Weighted pressure plate Iron (2 pcs.) or gold bars (2 pcs.) Only activated by dropped items
Tension sensors Iron ingot + stick + planks New type of switches. They can be placed opposite each other and connected by a thread
Red torch Redstone + stick Used as a power source for wires and circuit elements
Red torches (2 pcs.) + redstone + stone (3 pcs.) Repeats and also delays the signal. Used when creating redstone circuits
Red torches (3 pcs.) + quartz + stone (3 pcs.) Allows you to compare two redstone signals with each other, subtract one signal from the other and check the fullness of containers located behind it
Music block Boards (8 pcs.) + redstone Allows you to create your own tracks directly in the game. When left clicked or activated, it plays the note it is tuned to. You can right-click to change the note
Boards (8 pcs.) + diamond Plays music from records that drop when skeletons kill creepers. Music depends on the inserted record
Glass (3 pcs.) + quartz (3 pcs.) + wood plate (3 pcs.) Emits a redstone signal in the presence of daylight and does not respond to artificial lighting
Cobblestone (7 pcs.) + bow + redstone Designed for issuing or throwing things away
Cobblestone (7 pcs.) + redstone Unlike the distributor, it does not use things for their intended purpose, but simply throws them away as if the player had thrown them away
Hopper Iron ingots (5 pcs.) + chest Can move items from containers above her to the container she is attached to
Planks (3 pcs.) + cobblestones (4 pcs.) + redstone + iron ingot A block that can push other blocks in any direction
Slime + piston An improved piston that can also return the block it pushed into place
Wool + dye Wool dyeing
Ink bag + bone meal (2 pcs.), or gray dye + bone meal For dyeing wool light gray
Ink bag + bone meal For dyeing wool gray
Rose For dyeing wool red
Red dye + yellow dye For dyeing wool orange
Dandelion For dyeing wool yellow
Cactus Greens + Bone Meal For dyeing wool lime color
Lapis lazuli + bone meal For dyeing wool blue
Lapis lazuli + cactus greens For dyeing wool turquoise
Lapis lazuli + red dye For dyeing wool purple
Purple dye + pink dye For dyeing wool lilac
Red dye + bone meal For dyeing wool pink
Flasks Glass (3 pcs.) Used in brewing potions
Cooking stand Fire rod + cobblestone (3 pcs.) Used for brewing potions
Iron ingots (7 pcs.) For filling flasks with water or just for decoration. Water is poured into it from a bucket
Fire Powder Fire Rod It is an ingredient in potions and is also used in crafting Eye of the Edge and Lava Cream
Lava cream Slime + fire powder For brewing a potion of fire resistance
Split Spider Eye Mushroom + spider eye + sugar Used in brewing potions. Adds negative effects to them
Sparkling watermelon slice Watermelon slice + gold nugget Ingredient for healing potions
Used to craft Glittering Watermelon Slice and Golden Apple
Gold nuggets (9 pcs.) No comments

Minecraft is a sandbox game. Allows gamers to build a wide variety of objects from blocks in a 3D environment. The user controls a character who can create or destroy. The opportunity to play online with many other users is presented.

Game description

This game has gone through a fairly long development cycle. However, crafting in Minecraft has always been the main activity. You can buy the game for twenty euros and start using it using a special client. In addition, there is a demo version that provides an opportunity to familiarize yourself with the main features.

The creation of the game began back in 2009. Minecraft was released in the fall of 2011. Even before the release of the full version, the game was able to gain enormous popularity among gamers. In the fall of the same year, the program was released on Android devices.

Maps for Minecraft are released with enviable consistency. In addition to them, many other improvements are constantly being added to the game, which are aimed at diversifying the gameplay.

Crafting in Minecraft

As mentioned above, this activity in the game is, one might say, the main one. In general, crafting in Minecraft is a way to obtain items and blocks. To obtain a specific object, it is necessary to place the required amount of materials in a special grid. The game has two types of grids - 2x2 and 3x3. The first is in the inventory, and to use the second, you will have to create a workbench.

Minecraft Crafting Rules

Skins for Minecraft can help decorate the game. But still, the basis, whatever one may say, remains crafting. However, to create any thing, you will have to adhere to some rules. They will help beginners understand the basics and make crafting in Minecraft quite simple and interesting. Below is a list of basic rules.

  • Crafting things is possible only if you have a certain amount of material.
  • Boards, stones, and so on can have an absolutely varied appearance. However, the player will only be able to recolor white wool. Some Minecraft skins change this rule.
  • The material must be located in the grid in a certain way. It will not be possible to make the required thing if the ingredients are placed in the grid just like that. Crafting a ladder, for example, is only possible if all its parts are correctly positioned. However, the creation of some things does not require a specific placement of ingredients.
  • When you press the crafting button once, one item will be created and, accordingly, one ingredient from each cell will be spent. However, you can create the maximum possible number of items at once if you hold down the Shift key.

Crafting in the pocket version of the game

Adaptation of the program for mobile devices also affected the game system. In addition to the fact that some maps for Minecraft were not included in the mobile version, we had to use a completely different type of crafting - MATTIS. Compared to the version for personal computers, the usual 3x3 and 2x2 cells have been removed. Instead, the user is given the opportunity to select the required recipe from a list that is presented in alphabetical order.

Currently, the mobile version has four types of crafting sections. An undoubted advantage is that the user does not have to remember how the materials should be located in the creation grid. The downside is that the list of recipes for creating things is significantly longer.

The crafting panel itself in Minecraft Pocket Edition is presented as follows: on the left side of the screen there are four categories of items (they look like simple icons without any labels). The central part of the display is occupied by a list of crafting items. The right side of the screen is represented by a button that shows how much material is needed to create. Just below this key is information about the item that will be created.

To date, there are one hundred and sixty-four recipes for crafting.

Crafting in Minecraft: Recipes

So, having looked at the main features of the game, let’s move on directly to recipes for creating various items. Each object can be classified into a specific category. Below we will look at various recipes, for example, how to craft a ladder and so on.


Blocks are, one might say, the basis of the game. All maps in Minecraft consist of them. Together they create the surrounding virtual world. Blocks can be retrieved, repurposed, and returned back to the Minecraft map. The volume of one element is equal to one cubic meter. Most of the blocks are static. However, for example, water or lava can change their appearance under any influence.


Today there is a huge number of different blocks in Minecraft. The crafting mod can also add a number of blocks to the game. In the original Minecraft world, which is randomly generated, you can find many blocks, for example: stone, snow, grass, sand, iron, coal, gold, ice, various flowers, wood and much more.

Treasures allow the player to find a number of additional blocks. After one of the updates, some elements can not only be created, but also found in the corners of the map. For example, someone who wondered how to craft a fence may forget about this problem. Now it can be found throughout the map. However, for those who still create everything with their own hands, we present a recipe for how to craft a fence. You will need six sticks (or two and four pieces of wood).


This category represents things that a player needs to perform any actions that cannot be performed with his bare hands. For example, extracting resources or performing new actions. Many tools can be repaired, and some can be enchanted. Crafting things, namely tools, is of great importance during the game. It can facilitate the extraction of rare resources and speed up the process.

Crafting tools

So, let's move directly to what tools can be created in Menicraft, and what ingredients are required for this.

Application of tools

It should be noted that every tool wears out sooner or later. Its lifespan depends on what the item was made from. One use is to completely destroy a block or hit a mob. Please note that if the tool is not used for its intended purpose, it will quickly wear out. For example, if you use a pickaxe to cut down trees, each hit will be equal to two uses.

  • Wood is one of the simplest ingredients. It can withstand sixty uses.
  • Gold is endowed with low strength, but is capable of destroying blocks much faster. Capable of withstanding thirty-three uses.
  • Cobblestone is a fairly common item in the game. Withstands up to one hundred thirty-two uses.
  • Iron has good strength and can withstand two hundred and fifty-one uses.
  • Diamond is the most durable item in the game. It can withstand 1562 uses.

Weapons in the game

In the game you can use weapons that are stored in chests. Crafting a chest can be done without difficulty.

  • The fist is the default weapon in the game. One of the advantages is that with its help you can repel enemies. For example, you can push a monster off a cliff.
  • Sword. To perform an attack, use the left mouse button. Three blocks is the range of the sword. You can kill an enemy with a different number of blows - it all depends on the material from which the sword was made. Gold and wooden are capable of killing many enemies with five or six hits; stone - from four to five, iron - from four, diamond - from five. Many swords break very quickly. The only material that will last long enough is diamond. However, finding it is a difficult task. To protect against impact, you must press the right mouse button. You will need the following items: one stick + boards (in addition to boards, you can use diamonds, iron and cobblestones).
  • Onion. To use this weapon you must also have arrows. They can be crafted or picked up from dead skeletons. Once fired, they can be picked up and reused. We will need to tighten the bowstring using the right mouse button. The arrow's flight range and damage depend on the tension force. With a good pull, enemies die in two or three shots. The bow can be used three hundred and eighty-five times before it breaks. To craft a bow you need: three sticks + three threads. To create an arrow you need: flint + stick + feather. To create a ghostly arrow you need: four light dust + an arrow.


Armor in the game serves to increase the overall protection of the character. Leather, iron, gold and diamonds can be used to craft armor. Cuirass, helmet, boots and leggings are components. When the armor appears on the character, a scale appears that shows the level of protection.

Armor significantly reduces the damage the character receives, but at the same time tends to wear out. Its strength depends on the material from which it is made. The most durable armor is made from diamonds. However, the damage it can absorb is only twice the strength of iron protection. Making armor from diamonds is quite difficult, since they are difficult to find.

Crafting armor

  • Helmet. This category of armor, made from various ingredients, can provide additional protection. For crafting, five pieces of leather are used (in addition to it, you can use diamonds, iron or gold ingots).
  • The cuirass adds a certain amount to the character's defense. It can be made from various ingredients. The player's choice determines how much protection his character will receive. To craft, you need eight pieces of leather (diamonds, gold or iron ingots).
  • Leggings, like other armor components, provide a certain amount of protection to the character. For crafting, seven pieces of leather (diamonds, gold or iron ingots) are used.
  • Boots provide additional protection. For crafting, four pieces of leather (diamonds, iron or gold ingots) are used.
  • Chain armor. This type of protection can only be obtained by using fire. However, it cannot be purchased legally. To get fire you will have to use either cheat codes or certain modifications. After the next update in the game, the recipe for obtaining this type of armor was cut out.

Strength of protection

Like all items in the game, armor will wear out sooner or later. How quickly this happens depends on the material chosen for its creation. The level of wear depends on the amount of damage to a certain part of the armor.

  • Leather armor. A leather helmet can withstand 55 damage. A leather cuirass will break after eighty. Leggings can withstand seventy-five, and boots can withstand sixty-five.
  • Golden armor. A helmet made of gold will withstand a level of seventy-seven damage. Cuirass - one hundred and twelve. Leggings can withstand one hundred and five damage. Boots - ninety-one.
  • Iron armor. A helmet made of iron will withstand an amount of damage equal to one hundred and sixty-five. Cuirass - two hundred and forty. The leggings will withstand two hundred and twenty-five hits from enemies. Boots - one hundred and ninety-five.
  • Diamond armor is the most durable and can withstand enormous levels of damage. The helmet can handle three hundred and sixty-one hits. The cuirass will withstand five hundred and twenty-eight damage, leggings - four hundred and ninety-five, and boots - four hundred and twenty-nine.

So, the article provides basic recipes for creating the most common items. Of course, these are not all instructions for creating things. To get the most detailed crafting recipes, you should download the program and start playing. Remember that everything comes with experience!
