MeowSim: your virtual pet on iPhone and iPad. MeowSim: your virtual pet on iPhone and iPad How to use MeowSim Tamagotchi Cat cheats

Your MeowSim, a Tamagotchi kitten, can become much happier after hacking the game for money (fish). For them you can feed the kitten only the best products and equip your apartment with good things. With the help of cheats you will get so much money in the game that it is almost impossible to earn it yourself, but you can do it completely free of charge and without downloading or additional mods.

MeowSim is a wonderful, colorful game for the whole family; its requirements are very small, so anyone with a modern iOS or Android can install it. The kitten is quite cheerful and is always happy to see you come into the game; you feed it and clean it. The most interesting thing is that even after leaving the game, the kitten continues to live in real time, and if you forget about it, it will die.

Feed your pet, preferably, healthy food, and change the diet, then he will be healthy and get sick less often; a money cheat will help you buy food. And if you completely forget to feed it, it can ruin the apartment, tear the wallpaper, scatter everything around the house and you will have to clean it up, so be careful.

Cheat codes for hacking the game MeowSim - Tamagotchi cat on Android and iOS

code for getting 5,000 fish (a lot of money in the game), for which you can not only buy good food, but also make the most wonderful apartment to your liking. To get money in the game, enter the code - fish5k)hpo

You don’t always have time to clean, play and feed your cat, there are hard days, but if you want your cat to remain healthy, well-fed and cheerful, use codes for his mood, they work within 24 hours after entering.

satiety 100% - sati1h)jek

happiness 100% - hapy1h)fok

health 100% - heal1h)tur

Do you want to give yourself a Tamagotchi in a new way? Now virtual creatures amaze with their diversity, but especially interesting are those that behave exactly like real animals - they play, are capricious and even do minor dirty tricks to their owners, with whom you will never get bored - and MeowSim is indeed one of them.


Here is a cheerful virtual pet - a cat, with a unique appearance that you have to choose, with its own name and character. It could be a cat or cat with fluffy fur of the most ordinary colors or, conversely, extraordinary pink, lilac or blue shades - you also choose the color of your character.

Your cat will behave exactly the same as all representatives of the feline family - sort through food, purr and damage furniture, jump onto chandeliers and catch fish in an aquarium, sleep a lot and rub against the refrigerator. So you shouldn’t expect calm behavior from your Sim in this game; it’s better to be patient, because any pet, including a virtual one, will definitely require it.

In MeowSim you will have to tinker with your cat as if it were a real one - feed him (and he won’t like just any food), give him water and, of course, bathe him, play mini-games with him and tolerate his pranks.

Your pet will have a whole apartment to sleep, eat, play and have fun - what else can a cat do?! Your own bedroom and a cozy living room, a kitchen with a coveted refrigerator and your favorite food bowls, a snow-white bathroom, and also a personal TV and an aquarium, a sofa on which you can sharpen your claws, and a chandelier on which you can swing and scream loudly - what is not a cat’s dream ! You can decorate and improve this very dream in every possible way by purchasing new furniture, toys, treats and even the cat’s favorite valerian.

So, play mini-games, make sure your cat is fed, happy, clean and healthy, earn money for it and make your pet’s home even better and his life even more comfortable.


Managing your pet in this simulator is implemented in a simple and accessible form: to pet your cat, just touch his image, and to feed or drink him, touch his bowl and select food or drink from the menu that appears.

You can learn about your pet’s wishes from a notepad hanging on the wall above the phone, and by touching the phone itself, you can buy your cat some toys or furniture, decorations for the apartment and entertainment, for example, a canary in a cage - I wonder how how long will she live?!

You will move around the apartment by sliding your finger across the screen and, as it were, flipping through room by room. At this time, the cat will live its own life, having fun to the fullest or just quietly sleeping somewhere in the corner of the apartment.

Unfortunately, money in MeowSim is earned very slowly, so you won’t be able to buy all sorts of things for your pet right away. But this is not the most important thing in the game; it is much more important that your cat will be well-groomed and happy thanks to the attention that you can give him.

Graphic arts

MeowSim features attractive cartoon graphics and a cute character, so this game is guaranteed to attract attention from gamers, especially the youngest.


The game is accompanied by a rather pleasant background melody, moderately cheerful and not particularly annoying, and the main character, the cat, will delight your ears with both cute purring and loud screams.

Overall, MeowSim is a pleasant simulator with a cheerful cat character who will definitely find something to entertain his owner, make him smile more than once or twice, and simply help him have a good time in his free time.

In the nineties and early 2000s, a game called Tamagotchi was very popular. Many people remember her. Children of those times spent a lot of time playing it. Our review today will be devoted to MeowSim, a unique game for iOS, built on the principle of human interaction with a virtual pet. This week, the developers released a new version that added support for Retina displays in Apple smartphones and tablets.

MeowSim is a Tamagotchi game that gives you a unique chance to become the owner of a cartoon kitten. However, unlike a regular Tamagotchi, your kitten will not only eat and drink, but also live in a virtual apartment, interacting with the virtual world. Every day you can see something new and funny.

At the very beginning of the review, I would like to immediately note one very nice feature - real game time. That is, your virtual kitten will exist even when the game is closed. Therefore, you will have to take care that your pet does not get bored.

So, let's launch the application. At the very beginning, after the loading bar has passed, we will see a beautiful picture with the inscription MeowSim, and a ginger kitten gnawing on a hefty sausage loaf. In order to start the game, you just need to click on the screen. After this, a blue sign with text will immediately appear in front of us. She will explain to us how to play MeowSim. Click OK and move on to the next step. Here we are asked to choose the color of our kitten, and also come up with and enter his name in the field below. Fill out everything required and move on. We will be shown a couple more windows with texts. We read them all. After all this we can enjoy the game.

The first thing we have to do is give our little mischievous kitten some water. We move the screen with our finger, trying to keep up with the running prankster, straight to the kitchen. There we need to give him water. To do this, click on the bowl and select a glass of water. But this is not enough for the kitten. To satisfy his desires, we give him some food. There are a lot of things on a cat's menu. So, you can give him sausages, meat, porridge, chicken leg, fish, canned food or even dry food. Each of them has its own influence on the small creature. For example, sausages will be better than porridge, and the animal will only need three servings per day.

By default, you have an infinite number of them available to you. However, you will not be able to feed your cat with semi-finished products alone - he is a gourmet. You will have to choose from the menu what he specifically likes. Select food and click “Add to bowl”. Watching the cat eat. After this, the same blue window will appear again, where they will tell us that our pet has fallen in love with us. Red hearts will appear above it.

In addition to meat, food and water, you can give your kitten some dessert. To do this, you need to click on the bowl again and select the appropriate product. You can identify it from a number of goodies, including cheese, chocolate, ice cream and even valerian. The next category is various additives. You can improve your animal's health with vitamins or treat it with medicine.

The game has its own in-game currency, with its help you can buy missing products and feed the animal. If you don't have enough money to purchase, you can purchase them through the Wallet menu using the in-App Purchase feature.

Overall, I really liked the game MeowSim. The graphics are nice and the gameplay is interesting. By the way, the last time the game received a very big update. It now boasts support for retina displays, as well as the larger screen of the iPhone 5 and iPad. In addition, the development of a new version of MeowSim is in full swing.

Just recently we told you about a Tamagotchi-style game called by the company Dynamic Pixels. The main task of the player in it is to take care of a small domestic kitten and raise it in order to raise it into a real cat. And so, the real cat grew up and everything would have been wonderful if he hadn’t gotten bored from loneliness. This is where the game begins.

Our cat wanted an adventure, but adventures have to start somewhere. He looked out the window, and there was sheer beauty upon beauty: blooming spring, birds chirping, the sun shining, a cat... oh-oh, koooshechkaa... It seems that our cat fell in love with the first “meow.” But how to get out of the home prison in which the harmful owner locked him?

At this point, the player finally intervenes in what is happening. Before us is the most ordinary quest, but presented in a very unusual and original way. We will help MeowSim first get to the treasured kitty, and then win her favor. Doing this will not be as easy as it might seem at first glance. The point is that the game does not forgive mistakes: if you answered a question incorrectly - start from the very beginning, if you gave your pussy a withered broom instead of flowers - restart again.

In reality, this is all due to the fact that the game is very short. It can be completed in two to three minutes (if all circumstances are successful). However, to make the task more difficult, the developers have provided three difficulty levels that can be selected in the main menu of the game after it starts. Whether you choose the easy or difficult path, it will not affect the overall course of history.

The player's first task will be a Sudoku puzzle, solving which the cat will get out into the street. Then you will need to decide how to meet the cat. I must say that she is a very picky person, so you should be very careful when choosing an approach. After a successful decision, the kitty will pay attention to us, and will stare at us so much that she will lose sight of the crow, who will boldly and rudely take away the bow from our beauty. Don't cry, mademoiselle, this is a job for a real knight! Of course, our cat understands that to strengthen sympathy he will need to do something more, so he goes in search of a red ribbon. Thus, the game's plot develops quickly... but ends just as quickly.

The overall atmosphere was fun and relaxed. Funny characters: from MeowSim himself to the cool crow boss, of course, make this game even more perky and fun. The graphics also occupy a significant place - all the pictures look clear and colorful, so children will especially like the game.

In total, in iQuest the player will encounter three types of games, each of which requires a unique solution. In addition, everywhere you will need to be smart and give the correct answers to the questions asked. In general, I really liked the toy, but the only thing that upsets me is that it turned out to be very short. However, if you have already played MeowSima, then I advise you to play iQuest. Moreover, Valentine's Day is just around the corner, so the love theme of this toy will be very appropriate.

+ colorful animation
+ several mini-games
+ funny characters

- too short

Overall rating: 9/10

Information about the Game:

Type: Quest

Devices: iPad

Version: 1.0.1

Developer: Dynamic Pixels

Price: For free

Requirements: iOS 3.2 or higher

Tested on The new iPad

Despite the fact that today we will talk about a toy that is far from new, it is still of interest, especially after the next update. If you are not yet familiar with this cute Tamagotchi cat, then get acquainted - MeowSim.

For those players who have cats at home (in real life), getting used to the gameplay will not be difficult. Feed, play, clean up poop, scold for a broken vase, etc. But those players who can only dream of a cat will enjoy it even more. This is real freedom: you choose the color and gender of the cat, come up with a name for it, and the fun begins. Then everything develops according to a random pattern.

That’s the beauty of the toy, that you don’t know at all who will grow up: an obedient kitty or an evil monster, because everyone has different characters, so you will have to raise your pet in a special way.

It should be noted that the game is designed for In-App Purchase. If you want to make your virtual cat happy, you will have to donate real money to buy interesting toys, delicious food, etc.

In addition to games with the kitty itself, there are also a couple of mini-games that you can play for free, albeit with some restrictions. For example, if you tap on the refrigerator, you can play a fun Pac-Man-like mini-game " Cat and mouse". A similar surprise awaits the player when he clicks on the aquarium.

By tradition, let's evaluate the graphics with music. In the latest update, the developers added support for the Retina display, which means complete joy for owners of iPhone 4/4S, The new iPad, etc. You can fully see all the delights of Retina graphics in the screenshots. There is practically no music, at least during the game itself. And is it really needed when we need to listen more carefully to see if the cat was perched on the chandelier while we were selecting a suitable entertainment toy?! In terms of voice acting, everything is logical: the cat purrs cutely when we scratch behind his ear and emits a menacing “meow” when he lunges at the ball.

The player may have difficulties with the controls, especially on a smartphone or player, the screen of which does not allow you to vigorously slide your fingers right and left. That is why I recommend that you first read the help (during the game, click on the paw, select Service->Help->Management), and only then start mastering all the other wisdom, which in general does not exist.

The player can always track the status of his pet if he clicks on the note attached above the phone in the living room. By clicking on the phone itself, you can order new toys or various household items for your cat. In addition, it would be useful to remember that the player can view and top up the balance of his wallet through the “Wallet” item (after clicking on the paw).

MeowSim is a simple game, but fun and exciting. This is a mature Tamagotchi with richer capabilities. To fully enjoy the game you will need a real investment, but even without it the gameplay is enjoyable. MeowSim 3 will be released very soon, which the developers are now actively working on, but for now it’s time to gain experience with the first MeowSim in order to meet the new product fully armed.

+ advanced Tamagotchi
+ fun gameplay
+ nice graphics

Overall rating: 8/10

Information about the Game:

Type: Virtual Pets

Devices: iPhone, iPad, iPod touch

Version: 1.1.0

Developer: Dynamic Pixels

Price: For free

Requirements: iOS 4.3 or higher

Tested on iPhone 4
