Ao mmm. Where did the fortune of the founder of MMM disappear? Mmm time

JSC MMM is a private company, organized by Sergei Mavrodi. Traditionally considered as a classic and largest financial pyramid in the history of Russia. According to various estimates, 10-15 million investors participated in its activities. According to Sergei Mavrodi, the MMM company was purposefully destroyed by the relevant government agencies.

Founders of the pyramid

The founders of the company: Sergei Mavrodi, his brother Vyacheslav Mavrodi and Olga Melnikova. Head - Sergey Mavrodi. But Sergei Mavrodi has repeatedly stated that the other two founders were nominal figures and were necessary for him solely to register the company. This is indirectly confirmed by the fact that he was the only one actually prosecuted in the criminal case against MMM.

The name of the company was an abbreviation of the initial letters of the surnames of its founders.

How it all began

Having appeared in the early 90s, this company was able to attract about 10-15 million investors and, having quickly soared to the top of the financial Olympus, just as quickly faded away. There were different versions of why the company ceased operations. The press largely extolled the idea of ​​a classically collapsed financial pyramid and millions of defrauded investors. But was everything exactly like that?

In addition to the generally accepted theory reported in the press and on television, there is also an opinion that the company's activities were stopped due to government intervention. It would seem that everything is simple - the state does not want to let go of power, and as soon as it senses a competitor whom people trust more, it begins to free up the market for itself, removes the competitor, in other words. This version has many supporters, and was removed film PiraMMMida only increases their number.

Yes, the creators of MMM had many interesting ideas. At least the idea of ​​​​painting dollars red caused a stir, although it was not implemented. As conceived by the authors of the idea, the main nuance here was that repainting dollars red is not counterfeiting them. People were offered an alternative - to spend red dollars in stores according to their denomination, or to go to MMM in a few days and sell them at a higher price. But, realizing that this idea would attract a lot of unnecessary attention to MMM, the company’s founders abandoned such a move. Also among the interesting facts, it should be mentioned that MMM shares were supplied with the necessary degrees of protection, but were not securities in the traditional sense of the word.

In general, the company's activities have always been unusual. By setting prices for its shares independently, the company gave people the opportunity to earn money, and in addition, it was able to concentrate huge amounts of money in its hands. Perhaps this is what attracted the attention of government agencies to the company. After all, the one who holds the largest money supply in his hands automatically gets the opportunity to influence government processes, and this, of course, is undesirable for the country’s leadership. In any case, we don’t know for sure what happened back then in the 90s, so we can’t judge it objectively. But the fact that MMM-2011 and MMM-2012 is functioning again remains a fact.

Advertising "MMM"

In 1992-1994, an active advertising campaign of MMM JSC was launched on Russian television. All TV channels show advertising videos of the financial pyramid every day. At the same time, MMM produces visual propaganda - posters with the company logo and detailed explanations of the rules of the stock exchange game.

The heroes of advertising videos of MMM JSC are a lonely woman Marina Sergeevna, a simple Russian Lenya Golubkov, played by actor Vladimir Sergeevich Permyakov, his wife Rita Golubkova (Elena Bushueva), who dreams of “new boots, a car and a house in Paris”, Lenya’s brother Ivan Golubkov, students, a couple of pensioners. The videos were filmed once a month at first, then much more often. For one shooting day, Permyakov received $200-250. The main musical theme of the advertisements is “Rio Rita”.

The idea of ​​simple, visual and deliberately primitive videos, using characteristic and universally recognizable characters, ordinary, ordinary Russians, was put forward by Mavrodi himself; he also designed the company logo.

Mavrodi himself recalls how the tellers at the bank asked him with excitement: “Will they get married?” - "Who?" - “Well, Marina Sergeevna and this friend of hers, the captain of the submarine?” - “Are you crazy? This is an advertisement!

Mavrodi very skillfully used this moment in the future, and when the authorities (Antimonopoly Committee) tried to accuse MMM of “unfair advertising,” the heroes of the videos generally stopped mentioning promotions, tickets, and even MMM itself. They simply acted out their little life scenes on the screen, and that was quite enough. Even Victoria Ruffo, the star of the then extremely popular Mexican television series “Simply Maria”, who starred in several MMM commercials, visited Lenya Golubkov. Moreover, having learned where she was filming, six months later she sued Mavrodi.

Lenya Golubkov became “Person of the Year” in 1994, and was ahead of Russian President Boris Yeltsin in this rating by as much as ten points.

After Mavrodi was arrested, all advertising of MMM in the media, and especially on television, was completely prohibited by a special government order.


On January 10, 2011, Sergei Mavrodi announced in his video blog the creation of a new project - “MMM-2011: We Can Do Much!” . In his blog, Mavrodi initially called the project a financial pyramid and warned of a possible loss of funds at any time. It assumes a profit of 20% monthly, and for pensioners and disabled people - from 30%. Mavrodi believes that MMM-2011 will work for several decades. In support of MMM-2011, Sergei Mavrodi gave many interviews for both Russian and foreign media. On March 4, 2011, Mavrodi proposed the possibility of increasing the profitability of investments in MMM-2011 to 60% per month through “deposits” (obligations of participants not to “sell” MMM dollars for a certain period). Since April 23, 2012, you can only “buy” MAVRO with a yield of 40% per month. 1 On June 6, Mavrodi announced the closure of MMM-2011. On June 17, the rate of all MAVROs was dropped to zero. The pyramid existed for 1 year, 5 months and 6 days.


Information was published in online publications that the MMM-2011 financial pyramid has collapsed, investors can no longer get their money back, and Sergei Mavrodi is already collecting money for the next similar project, MMM-2012. Mavrodi announced his intention to create a new pyramid in 2012 at the end of May, on the 31st.

In response to this, refuting information was released from the official website of MMM-2011 that the MMM-2011 system was subjected to a provocation inspired by the media in order to cause panic and a mass outflow of participants, as a result of which the “Calm” regime was introduced until June 15, 2012. It is stated that investors will be able to withdraw their winnings only after June 15 as usual. In parallel with the MMM-2011 system, a new pyramid, MMM-2012, is being created. According to information from the official website, income will range from 30% to 75%. In this case, MMM-2011 does not close and will work in parallel with MMM-2012.

On June 16, 2012, it was announced that MMM-2011 would cease operating; money to participants under the scheme “real contribution + 10% minus “winnings” already received” began to be returned from the funds that were available in MMM 2011. First of all, debts in the amount of up to 10,000 were repaid rubles, after them in increasing order - 20,000, 30,000 and above. Mavrodi expects to fully complete payments for MMM 2011 within two to three months, including at the expense of approximately 10% of proceeds to MMM 2012.

So far, law enforcement agencies are only trying to classify MMM-2011 as “illegal business” or “fraud.” However, Mavrodi successfully dodges the accusations.

On October 16, 2012, Mavrodi announced in an interview about the mass registration of MMM members as voters in the elections to the Opposition Coordination Council and plans to “get the entire council.” According to the Chairman of the Central Election Committee Leonid Volkov, about 18 thousand MMM participants registered that day. Volkov said that the Central Election Commission will do everything to ensure that as few of them as possible can take part in the vote.”

On October 17, it became known that a criminal case had been initiated at the request of 64 candidates against an “unidentified person” who “took possession of their funds, causing each person material damage in the amount of 10 thousand rubles.” According to a report in Snob magazine, the applicants are “adherents of Sergei Mavrodi from MMM, who were denied registration as candidates, and the money has not yet reached them, because they still cannot provide account details to return the funds.” According to Rosbalt, Mavrodi is engaged in activities to disrupt elections to the opposition coordination council in the interests of the Russian authorities.

MMM became known as the largest financial pyramid. The company was officially registered in 1989 as a cooperative enterprise engaged in the sale of computers, office equipment and components. The founders of the company were Sergei Mavrodi with his brother Vyacheslav Mavrodi and a certain Olga Melnikova. The name was made up of the first letters of their last names.

The head of the company was Sergei Mavrodi. According to him, his brother and Olga Melnik did not take any part in the activities of MMM and were only necessary for registering the enterprise. Over the period of its existence, the company has repeatedly changed its scope of activity - from the initially announced sale of computers to the organization of beauty contests. In October 1992, the company was registered as an open joint stock company.

A series of commercials was broadcast on television, the main character of most of which was a simple working guy Lenya Golubkov, who very quickly fell in love with the broad masses of the population. The videos were deliberately simple and visual, demonstrating everyday scenes from the everyday life of an ordinary person. The company's popularity grew rapidly. The number of company investors continuously increased and by the time of the collapse, according to various sources, amounted to 10 to 15 million people.

Over six months of operation, MMM shares increased in price by 127 times. Such widespread popularity can be explained by the fact that MMM actually took on the functions of the state - in conditions of instability of the ruble as a currency, MMM shares and tickets looked reliable and stable.Many organizations transferred available funds into shares, some of them even paid employees with pieces of paper with a portrait of Sergei Mavrodi. In fact, MMM worked according to the principle, that is, a type of monetary fraud in which payments to the first investors were ensured from funds received from subsequent participants in the pyramid. Accordingly, such a scheme cannot function for a long time and repayment of obligations to the last investors is obviously impossible.

Government agencies understood the operating principle of MMM, however, the company’s work was so well documented from a legal point of view that for a long time there was nothing to complain about. Instead, a large-scale “anti-MMM” company was launched on television, which, by the way, did not have the desired effect. On July 27, 1994, the company’s management issued a decree to reduce share prices by 127 times, actually returning them to the initial value of a thousand rubles Mavrodi said the stock price would grow twice as fast and its price would quadruple per month. In fact, the system was restarted. This somewhat stabilized the situation. On August 3, an extended meeting of the government was held, specifically dedicated to the issue of MMM.

Mavrodi, who was invited, did not appear at the meeting. On August 4, the businessman was arrested, and the MMM central office was stormed by riot police. On August 19, a crowd of thousands of defrauded depositors picketed the White House demanding the release of Mavrodi and the return of their deposits. The money was not returned. Mavrodi was soon released and in October of the same year was elected to the.

Hello, dear readers of my blog!

In this article we will introduce you to “ financial pyramid» MMM which he created Sergey Panteleevich Mavrodi. I will tell you my opinion about MMM and its creator.

Before writing this article, I looked at a huge amount of different materials on the topic of financial pyramids, all of them are very different, very contradictory.

But I will not rely on different opinions and speculations of people, because by and large they are all just lies and window dressing.

To begin with, I suggest you plunge into history and remember the creation of financial pyramids.

The first financial pyramid was invented John Law in France.

In 1717, he created the first company that was engaged in issuing shares. Subsequently, he received considerable profits and became the Minister of Finance of France. However, in 1720, John Law's activities were banned by the authorities (the king) and he was forced to flee France.

The next, one of the most famous, organizers of financial pyramids was Charles Ponzi, who founded his company in the USA and sold coupons throughout Europe. The Ponzi pyramid collapsed in 1920.

In 1992, the company AOZT “Russian House of Selenga” was created, which was later called a financial pyramid.

In 1994, criminal cases were brought against the company's managers, all of RDS's property was stolen, not without the participation of the authorities.

In the nineties, the following companies appeared:

— Khoper Invest;

- Vlastilina;

— Government short-term bonds (GKOs), and many other organizations.

To this day, all of them are considered evil, financial pyramids, because of which investors suffered huge losses - ordinary citizens who entrusted them with almost all their savings.

And so, what is it financial Pyramide?

A financial pyramid is a way for pyramid participants to receive funds by attracting new investors (subsequent participants).

For better understanding, I will explain with an example. Let's say you joined a certain organization where they tell you: invest 1000 rubles in the company and after 6 months you will receive 30% more, that is, 1300 rubles, and after a year 100% more, that is, 2000 rubles.

All these payments occur due to the receipt of money from new investors, that is, attracting new participants to the system. At least many people think so!

The following “curses” were imposed on all financial pyramids:

- sooner or later the pyramid will collapse due to the fact that there is not enough money for everyone (comrade mathematicians easily calculated this);

- financial pyramids are associated with fraud, they deceive people, they are evil!

Well, evil is so evil. The only truth is that insurance companies, banks, the state, etc. are, in essence, the same financial pyramids, but consider themselves official and necessary for society and the economic system.

Now let's talk about the Mavrodi pyramid.

MMM - We Can Do Much!

Here you can watch the whole series with Lenya:

It was 1994 and then millions of people invested all their savings in MMM shares.

The point is that a person bought shares, the value of which was constantly growing, the value of the shares was determined by Mavrodi himself. Anyone could sell these shares at a higher price than they were purchased.

Such income as in MMM was not offered anywhere; in a month the shares could increase in price by 100%. The advertising campaign shown above (a whole series with Lenya Golubkov), as well as income unprecedented anywhere, was the reason for such a large number of participants in the pyramid. According to various sources, from 10 to 15 million investors took part in MMM at that time.

At first everything went well, people received their “winnings,” but at one point everything collapsed.

Our valiant government, realizing the threat posed by MMM, began to actively fight this phenomenon. First there were the media and tax audits, and then the arrest and confiscation of all the people's money.

Today it is already clear to everyone who is to blame for the collapse of MMM in 1994. But where the investors’ money went remains a mystery.

As Mavrodi himself claims: the criminal case included witnesses who saw how people in uniform took money and 17 KAMAZ trucks left in an unknown direction. However, no one began to deal with this. They blamed everything on Mavrodi, saying that he deceived people, he is a fraudster, period, and then prison, prison and the anger of the people.

Personally, I have long formed my own opinion about our government. They don’t care about the people, the main thing is to steal more and fill their pockets.

Financial pyramid MMM 2011

In January 2011 Sergey Panteleevich Mavrodi launches a new project called MMM 2011. This "financial Pyramide" based on the acquisition of Mavro - virtual securities (they were also called MMM dollars).

If in the first company in 1994 MMM meant the first letters of the surnames of the three organizers of the pyramid, today MMM symbolizes “We Can Do Much,” “We Change the World.” I will tell you about the goals and ideology of Sergei Panteleevich a little lower.

Mavrodi’s new brainchild is fundamentally different from the company of 1994, numerous mistakes of the past were taken into account and everything was perfected, but, frankly speaking, it is not perfect.

Now MMM is an international mutual aid fund, a social network through which people (system participants) exchange money with each other.

In the system there are leaders called tens, centurions, thousanders, temniks, respectively, each manages his own cells.

In order to become a full participant in the system, the registered person had to make a contribution to the account of his ten (to the account of the foreman). Only in this case could he receive his interest in the future. This fact did not go unnoticed and served as a reason for some unscrupulous managers to make money on other people’s money, which, of course, caused discontent among system participants and destroyed the pyramid from the inside.

Participants gave their money, thereby exchanging it for “Moors”. The “Moors” themselves had varying returns from 30 to one hundred percent per month. If you put 1000 rubles at 30%, then in a month the amount will be 1300 rubles, the next month it will be 1690, and after a year the amount will be 23300 rubles. That is, the amount of invested funds increases by 23.3 times, and this is the minimum!

MMM 2011 lasted for a year and a half, with about 35 million people participating. Today there is a lot of different information on the Internet about the activities of this pyramid.

Personally, I am convinced that the government, with the support of the media, played the main role in the collapse of MMM 2011. They brazenly threw mud at the Mavrodi system, many believed in this nonsense and rushed to withdraw their deposits.

Naturally, the pyramid could not resist these onslaughts and on May 31, 2012, at MMM-2011, Sergei Mavrodi introduced the “Calm Mode”, according to which all payments would be suspended.

MMM 2012 - We are Changing the World!

On June 16, 2012, Mavrodi cancels the “Calm Mode” and resumes payments to participants.

The payments include the face value, that is, the invested amount, plus 10 percent of compensation, minus the funds already withdrawn.

Naturally, in the old pyramid there is not enough money for payments and they will be paid from MMM 2012 funds (no more than 10%).

When creating the new financial pyramid MMM 2012, Mavrodi took into account the shortcomings of the past and made appropriate adjustments. Now the entire function of the leaders is reduced to monitoring (control) and consulting the participants in their cells, and the exchange of money between the participants is carried out independently. The system has become more secure and automated.

Mavrodi himself believes that his brainchild will last much longer than the previous one, in addition, he believes that today's financial pyramid is practically invulnerable.

Today, many people consider Mavrodi a fraudster, they say that MMM is cheating its investors, and the authorities confirm this and urge them not to enter into this adventure under any circumstances.

The government stated that it is not going to be responsible for those people who will be deceived by Mavrodi, this is their problem. Personally, I think that this is another marketing ploy aimed at destroying the financial pyramid.

In general, my attitude towards the authorities is categorical, especially towards this party of “Swindlers and Thieves”, they sold out the entire country, they only care about their well-being and power, and certainly not about the well-being and normal life of the people.

The authorities see in Mavrodi and MMM, if not their competitor, then a system that poses a threat to the country’s economy (for starters), and, of course, their income.

Who will they take taxes from if everyone around them starts giving money? Who will work for them all their lives for a meager salary if everyone already has enough money? Who will invest their money in these “rotten” banks for their pitiful interest? Who will take out loans at huge interest rates?

Today we live in a slave-owning system, we are slaves of the state. We plow for pennies, and the “owners” receive all the profits. Most people constantly think about the lack of money, about how to survive until the next salary. They simply don’t have time to open their eyes and see what’s going on around them. The mindset of a slave is what the “masters” imposed on us.

This system has been created for decades and everything is aimed at zombifying people. We believe the news and politicians, we listen to them with our mouths open and agree that a person must constantly work hard and live in poverty. What are they? And they build cottages, buy limousines, denying themselves nothing...

MMM, first of all, is a war, a war of ordinary people against this unjust system. Mavrodi does not hide his primary goals:

1. Show people the life they deserve. A life where money will not be the most important necessity and people will have other priorities. Sergei Panteleevich has said more than once that people who join MMM change, and for the better. Proof of this is the various charity events carried out by MMM.

2. Destroy the injustice that surrounds us. Create a financial apocalypse.

Should we believe in these noble goals?

This is everyone's business, I personally believe. I believe in a man who once tried to make people happy and achieved unprecedented heights. About 15 million investors stood behind him, demanding his release, but the authorities decided otherwise...

Many today trust this man, watch this video:

Today, MMM 2012 is actively developing, but the authorities are trying to accuse Mavrodi of fraud. These thieves and swindlers are trying to make a fraudster of a person who does not even have access to the money of MMM participants, because in a financial pyramid of the 2012 model, the money is in the accounts of the participants, no one gives anyone any passwords.

A man who is trying to pay off his debts from MMM 2011, after it was destroyed by the state and the media. Of course, there were unscrupulous participants in the pyramid who destroyed it from the inside, but I don’t think that their “contribution” was not so high.

I watched many programs with the participation of Mavrodi and various politicians, bankers, experts, etc. To be honest, their behavior and speculation makes me smile. They seem to be smart people, judging by their position, but sometimes they talk such nonsense that you are amazed, while smiling maliciously.

For some reason, everyone thinks that the money in the pyramid comes from new people, and they completely forget about the excitement of people who, having received their winnings, will not leave MMM. The more participants there are in the pyramid, the stronger it becomes!

Is it worth joining MMM?

I won't give any advice, it's up to everyone.

If you want to make some easy money, then think carefully before deciding to take such a step. This is a financial pyramid and the risk of losing all your money is quite high. For many people, MMM is a game with the opportunity to win big. On the official website of Sergei Mavrodi it is written directly about this:

In addition, the existence of this financial pyramid is completely dependent on Mavrodi, and if he does not break the law, then no one’s life and health are insured.

Personally, I joined MMM 2012 and contributed a small amount. The main reason for my action is not money at all. After reading this post, you will guess why I did this.

And here's another cool video called: THE GOAT PROJECT WAS NOT PAID MONEY IN MMM-2011 You should watch it! 🙂

By the way, today many MMM imitators have appeared, which are very similar to the Mavrodi pyramid, they promise safer and better conditions for investors. Basically, such pseudo-MMMs were created by former managers (centurion managers, thousand managers, etc.) of the Mavrodi financial pyramid, and their main goal is money, so I recommend treating them with caution!

I will write about the results of my experiment on the blog, so as not to miss anything, I recommend it to you.

If you have questions regarding this post, you can ask them in the comments or write by e-mail, I will be happy to answer you.

That's all for me. How do you like the article?

Updated 09/14/2012 Withdrew my first winnings from the MMM-2012 system.

Here's a look at my video about registration in the system and withdrawal of money from MMM(my personal example):

As you can see, the system works and everything is paid. You can register for MMM 2012 using this link.

    pyramid pyramid I have a relative from there who first withdrew 400 thousand, then 800, everything is real, but it will fall apart when people stop bringing money there. I hope that it will last a long time because I’m also going to donate money :)

    joining at 12 is a desperate step! At 11 there was still a chance to make money and they made money, but now...

    People in our country are looking for ways to make money. It’s hard for us to make money for residents of our country who don’t know the Internet, don’t have the opportunity to travel far, have physical disabilities, and in the end, simply no one hires them. So they go to companies like MMM. One thing! The state constantly interferes with this type of income. Don’t touch people. If you want to risk them, let them take risks. They made money on the pyramid and thank God that the earning option was a success.

    Mavrodi!!! Well done! His brains work clearly and competently. Just don’t need such people for our economists who run the country! So they try, with the help of their power, to humiliate a person in every possible way.

    Are they afraid for the country's economy? On the one hand, this is correct. People take money from banks and carry Mavrodi.

    Are our banks not pyramids? They take out loans at 2%, and give them to the population at 28% and 36%. Not bad?

    There is no economic order in our country. Our leading economists are not interested in him.

    Here's your answer. Why do people bring money to Mavrodi!

    The article is interesting, but, as they say: “everyone has their own truth.” And mine is somewhat different from yours. But not completely. Only partially :)

    I have a different question, since everyone is so smart, everyone loves to discuss others and does it, saying “this is their speculation, lies, window dressing.” They won’t blame Mavrodi just out of nowhere. Why don’t they talk about those deceived (or as you say, losers?) people - what was their mistake?

    Poor old people, ordinary people who believed this Mavrodiy, or people like you - what they did wrong was that they lost even the minimum they had. Otherwise, people are incited to invest, but they are afraid to take responsibility for the consequences.


    As you don’t understand, a pyramid is a circulation of money, Mavrodi says that there is a danger of losing, but not because of whether you are lucky or not, but because of those people with whom you are in the cells. They may not pay you and it’s only because of them that you suffer! Having deposited one hundred thousand after a certain time, you want to withdraw the winnings of 200 thousand and ask your foreman for a transfer, but he tells you there’s no money, sorry, and that’s where you lose. Playing with people you know can make you feel calmer.

    And in general, you cannot lose in a pyramid, because as long as people bring money into the system, the system has something to pay out. For example, one hundred people from one cell brought 10 rubles each, in your cell there are 1000 rubles and from this money they pay someone the winnings, for example, a person won 100 rubles and asks him to transfer everything to him, chip in and he will take it and tell his friends that they can actually win, they will also bring 10 rubles and there is already more money in the system, etc. And in general, what am I getting at, you will only win where you are sure that you will not be deceived and cannot lose, and at the rate people are bringing money there, it will not collapse soon and there will be payments, so you can safely bring the money there :)

    oh, I don’t understand what I’m writing anymore, if I’m wrong about something, correct me or delete my post :)

    Alexander Bobrin

    Yuri, the foremen no longer receive money, the payments are handled by the KRO and the money does not only come from the top ten. If there is not enough money in the top ten to pay the participant, then a hundred is used, if there is not enough money there, then a thousand, etc. Otherwise, you are right.

    It’s better to play MLM games than to invest in pyramids/hype schemes :)

    I don't know much about pyramids. And my opinion is neutral, but I would never invest money in MMM or something similar.

    The most important thing is that everyone is immediately warned that this is a pyramid and you can lose money. What then are the complaints? I haven’t invested money in MMM yet, but I won’t say anything bad either. Everyone must understand that this is a risk. You can win, but you can lose. Nobody blames the casino owners, but it’s not possible to win there at all. I’m already silent about government structures of all kinds, which are worse than any pyramid.

    I wonder in Ukraine how things are going with MMM 2012? Are they paying money?

    Evgenia Kuvarina

    I agree, a person is warned about the risk and if the pyramid suddenly falls apart, then no one should be blamed for the loss. The man himself made a conscious decision, no one forced him. I won’t invest in such things myself. What difference does it make whether Mavrodi or the state is to blame; in the end, the only losers will be those who invested.

    God, why are you getting into this... Horrible...

    And again people went... How stupid are they?

    What can you say about Zikler Alexander?

    I'm just interested in your opinion...)

    Sasha turned out to be a good post - thank you... My point of view - to each his own, well, Borisov wants to cut down the babulets for free, the flag is his! “If he loses” - he’ll write a post, “he’ll cut down” - he’ll drink the post - he won’t have any money left in love with BE - he’ll cut off the money, throw away another worthless sticky thing, in the form of an ointment for hemorrhoids :), by clicking on the link - you’ll get relief and that’s it... I’m kidding, of course . Although...Sanya, even though you are on the jury in a mega wonderful competition dedicated to the pyramid, I hope you won’t lose your head and won’t scare off your readers...

    Alexander Borisov

    4@59 (boosya) - what kind of loot are you talking about? Wake up friend.

    I already have enough money. This is not why I like MMM. You won't understand this. As do many. It's too early.

    Irina M.

    It would be interesting to know Alexander Borisov’s opinion about MMM, because he writes that he is not interested in pyramids because of the money. What else?

    What other reason could there be for FINANCIAL pyramids?

    Great article! A whole political-economic study with elements of conspiracy theories.

    My personal opinion about MMM has always been negative. Although I didn’t invest anything there either and didn’t lose anything. But you wrote very correctly about the “pyramids in law” owned by the state. Naturally, what is allowed to Jupiter is not allowed to the bull. And the guys at the helm will never tolerate competitors.

    You can say whatever you want about MMM, but since the system does not create new value (physical or informational), new participants will always be needed for its existence; when they run out, the pyramid will collapse and those who are “at the tail” of the pyramid will not receive anything.

    I liked the point about the financial apocalypse and how you criticize the authorities. Therefore, I will touch on these topics. Today it is very popular to criticize the authorities. But what is most interesting is that with such statements nothing concrete is expressed - only stereotypes about Mercedes and cottages. Yes, that’s true, people were able to get into power and are now making money. Well, who stopped you from getting through? This all means that if you couldn’t do something like this, then even if you are given such an opportunity, you won’t do much. This is about the apocalypse. Do you need the decline of the country? Revolution, death, devastation? Is this what you are trying to achieve? How will you restore it? Damn, no one will take on such responsibility. So it turns out that when our (and only our) country falls apart, only then will everyone understand what it was all about. Well, I’ll say a word about Borisov’s competition - Apparently the competition will not be as objective as Alexander imagines it, because the author of this blog does not have a neutral opinion, but a very positive one (I still invested money, and I didn’t see any bad words in the article). . .

    Alexander accurately noticed this regarding “rotten” banks. But, dear friends, do not forget that on August 23 Russia will join the WTO.

    yeah, what a joke, having written such an article you are generally far from economic concepts, where money comes from and how much there should be, living as you say according to the Mavrodi mega system and not working for the state, you will all be bent in a few years, because on your candy wrappers Mavro, you won’t even have anything to buy, since everyone is rich and no one needs to work, it’s like they’re adults, but they’re crying like a cat

    San, I’m not telling you as a reproach, I’m just trying to open my eyes, no one has ever been able to prove to me that this system can work endlessly, but the state system can, although I’m not saying that everything is cool and correct in the state. Even didn’t understand why the nickname became q))))

    Interesting article. Has anyone actually made money on MMM 2011?

    In 1994, the decisive factor why people brought money to MMM was that the state deceived them with their deposits and the citizens of the former Union who had lost hope found in MMM the embodiment of their wealthy financial future which would give them a well-fed life. At first all this began to become a reality, but then everything collapsed, I feel sorry for those who lost their money

    Hello, I have one question, specifically from what profit are dividends paid?

    Banks have a system for issuing loans and, for example, dividends are paid from this profit, why does MMM pay?

    Good article)

    I have always wondered why in our country questions are asked to anyone, but not to the one who can answer?

    I'm talking about Samir's question.

    MMM has an official website, where there are comments from Mavrodi personally, a forum and also consultants. Isn't it better to look for answers there?

    Now to the article.

    I once understood one thing: those who don’t take risks don’t win; doesn't get a lot of money; In general, he achieves nothing in life. And he sits and shakes from everything that can somehow frighten him. Yes, you can always lose, you can always make a mistake. But also to win!

    And I decided to take a risk and invest a small amount in mmm-2011. This was just at the beginning of June 2012) While I was applying for the card, the “Calm” regime was announced. I found out about this by accident, on a news site with the headline “MMM-2011 has collapsed!” I thought it was good that I didn’t have time to invest) By the way, the centurion who connected me hasn’t been in touch since then.

    I went to the MMM website and saw that MMM 2012 appeared.

    Again, the thought flashed through my head: “He who doesn’t take risks, doesn’t win.”

    I took a risk: I registered. Connected. I think I should take a big risk! I invested about 25,000 for a month. A month later I withdrew all 25,000 plus another 7,000 (interest)

    Then I threw in 4,000 for three months as an over-deposit. As a result, after three months I withdrew 18,000 (!).

    I took a risk and won! And someone is still reading, reading, looking for something... So that later, when the system collapses, they can say: “Well, I knew it!” And, apart from moral satisfaction from oneself, there is nothing else to experience. And consider yourself “right again,” or even “smart.”

    Yes, if you really want to, who’s stopping you from investing 100-300 rubles and having a look? After all, even on Mavrodi’s official website it honestly says that NEVER invest ALL your money. But only the amount you want to risk. Even if it's 100 rubles.

    I don’t care about the apocalypse Mavrodi promised, or about the system either. I don’t care what happens to her in the future either. I am not a 17-20 year old youth who has never worked anywhere in my life, but shouting at every corner: “Long live MMM! Long live the Apocalypse! This is how you make money!”

    I earn money for my family traditionally, through work. MMM for me (and I guess I’m not alone in this) is only a means for a small cash increase. I’ll invest, for example, 5,000 from my salary to withdraw 25,000 in three months—that’s already good. And without any loans. And so on until everything collapses.

    If MMM lives for a long time, I’ll be happy!

    If they ask me whether to invest money, I will not answer anything. I would rather say “no”. Let the person decide for himself. If he doesn’t have courage, responsibility for his decision, if he’s used to blaming others for all his troubles, and is used to getting out of trouble at their expense, he’s not needed in MMM. Because if anything happens, he will be the first to shout “Mavrodi stole our money!”

    If MMM can help some single mother with two children buy, say, things, is that bad, or what? What about pensioners? What about students studying at their own expense? What about disabled people?

    People are different. For some, MMM is the only way to afford something without taking out dubious loans. For some, this is the only “glimpse at the end of the tunnel,” the hope that they will somehow be able to provide for themselves. For some (like me) it’s just a way to “earn extra money” on investments.

    And what difference does it make whether MMM collapses or not? While you have the opportunity, take advantage! I also don’t really believe in the indestructibility of the pyramid (especially in our state), but this does not prevent me from earning extra money from it.

    Alexander! Once again I received a link to your new article by mail and remembered that there was a post about your contribution to mmm. I clicked on all the articles and found the one I needed - convenient by the way. I don’t see anything new yet, but as I understand it, a conclusion can already be drawn. Although everyone seems to know him, we are kind of on your territory, so please!

    I heard something about MMM from Alexander Borisov, but I didn’t understand what it was, and then I came across such a post. Thank you.

    My name is Oleg. For 10 months I was the head of one of the MMM structures. I want this message to be read by those who are thinking about joining the pyramid or have already joined it. In 10 months I saw a lot of how people invested out of greed and how they lost tens of thousands of dollars by selling apartments and mortgaging real estate at interest. This is, of course, mass madness and people are caught up in the word money, which is very relevant in times of crisis. But this is where the trick lies, and Mavrodi himself talks about this more than once.

    But look, who is he, what has he really done that is useful for people? Nothing yet!!! So is it worth supporting his project, which brings pain, disappointment and even broken families?

    Yes, Mavrodi is good at manipulating people and it’s hard to realize that I, too, succumbed to manipulation at one time and, worst of all, that more than a hundred people followed me and many suffered.

    How do I feel about this? Very bad!!!

    Think about whether you would like to be in my place and realize that many people are suffering because of me (I also owe the bank a lot).

    Forewarned is forearmed. I sincerely described the situation, the choice is yours!

    I hope that it will be correct and you will not have to regret what you did!

    From uv. Zaplatkin Oleg.


    One of my good friends expressed the opinion that Mavrodi may have some kind of mental disorder - such as sadism. They say that he is not interested in money, but in the opportunity to see how many people will fall for his deception bait.

    Oleg! Respect to you for not being afraid to write the truth. For me personally, there is a small white spot in this story - well, was it really some kind of sophisticated, transcendental financial crime? Did you really have to be a candidate of economic sciences to understand this issue? Despite the fact that Mavrodi himself wrote on his website about the pyramid, about risk and tede. I don't understand!

    Oh, and then we remembered about MMM))

    Personally, I have been a member since the very beginning of the 12th pyramid. The last time I received so-called “mutual assistance” was around March, about 800 rubles. Since then I have switched to this MMM and have no intention of returning to it.

    From the very beginning I planned that MMM would fall apart, and I didn’t give a damn about all this “ideology”, which was frankly delusional and made up from thin air. I just wanted to buy some money, so to speak. But I couldn’t have expected that MMM12 would close SO soon.

    For those who are not in the know, I’ll explain a little as an eyewitness to the events.

    Until December 12, everything was going perfectly, on the rise. The entire MMM site was full of messages, videos and reviews. Everyone was happy, everyone got paid.

    Then payments to most depositors officially stopped abruptly. The pretext was “irresponsible citizens are filming too much on the eve of the New Year. There won't be enough for everyone. Full payments will resume at the end of January.” It was just like a bucket of cold water.

    Particularly advanced ones began to contribute their hard-earned money to the System, for example, for support (there were a lot of messages on this topic, like: “today I gave up +1000, +15000,” etc.), Mavrodi announced a bunch of bonuses to those who invested.

    But no one received the money. Looking ahead, I will say that no one received bonuses either.

    And many had loans, debts... They took everything to MMM, so they wanted more money.

    I can’t imagine what it’s like for those people who, at the end of November, persuaded relatives and friends to invest in MMM, and even in large sums.

    What happened next was even more fun. January came to an end (or so), and suddenly a new announcement: “Gentlemen, no payments now, complete restructuring. From now on, it's every man for himself. Unite in groups and dance as you wish.” To say that it was F is to say nothing.

    At the same time, a HUGE mass of people who believed in the “mmm ideology” and the “imminent financial apocalypse” fell into money very coolly. To creditors, to friends, to relatives...

    Well, it didn't end there. For the majority, all hopes for anything “will be fixed soon” have completely died. In total, from February to April, there were no payments either - personal accounts were endlessly made. The created structures fell apart (later) like houses of cards, while most did not start up at all.

    As one of my friends said, Mavrodi promised a financial apocalypse - and he delivered it. For our investors.

    After all, you can take out a huge loan, buy a house/apartment/car/something else, and pay it off for the rest of your life. But you will still have what you bought. And in the case of MMM - only debts. It was as if he was giving money to passers-by. Or burned it immediately after leaving the bank.

    Now, of course, on the mmm website they write about the mutual assistance received, about the apocalypse, etc. But compared to the excitement of last year, this is a drop in the ocean, I would even say, the agony of the system.

    Why did this happen? Who the hell knows, maybe it’s true that everyone rushed to withdraw money, maybe it’s a cunning deception, maybe Mavrodi miscalculated... In principle, it doesn’t matter anymore.

    MMM undermined my self-confidence quite well.

    I was lucky: I didn’t take out loans, didn’t get into debt, didn’t invite people out of principle. If you count the total, you didn’t even lose any money there—but, again, if you add it all up, you didn’t gain any money.

    All financial pyramids have the same end - a criminal case against the creator and a game of hide and seek with the authorities.

    They play on the banal greed of people, driven by the same greed.

    Why are people so stupid and fall for these various mmmms and all sorts of other crap...

    I liked that Alexander compared MMM with any government structures that also look like pyramids.

    I probably wouldn’t be against pyramids with small sums of money - well, people play at mutual aid - there’s nothing terrible and mathematically it’s true - but sometimes they pawn the latter: either they’ll take out a loan, or they’ll mortgage the apartment. I just feel sorry for people...

    From the very beginning, this whole “ideology” was questionable. Apart from empty words and promises, nothing more.

    One of my good friends expressed the opinion that Mavrodi may have some kind of mental deviation - such as sadism. They say that he is not interested in money, but in the opportunity to see how many people will fall for his deception bait.

    Money doesn’t happen out of thin air and just like that.

    Alexander, haven’t you withdrawn your profits from MMM yet? 🙂

    I knew guys who were not afraid of the word financial pyramid. Inviting people to projects, they openly said, yes, this is a financial pyramid, so what’s wrong with that. Whoever managed it, earned it.)) Moreover, people came to them and are still coming, I just sometimes look at what they are doing there.) The logic of people always remains a mystery to me...

    Whoever is at the top of the pyramid gets a good kickback.

    And what’s most interesting is that people understand that it’s a scam and still get into it.

    I also participated in MMM, and managed to come out with a slight plus. Around 100 dollars. I invested several times and always got it. Probably lucky.

    Yes, I had experience with this system until I understood how everything works.

    At the beginning you invest, you make plans, but in the end everything is fine for the first 2 months, then suddenly there is a pause. And so this pause lasts along with promises that we need to wait. In short, this whole dream lasts half a year, and then there’s a restart, saying, excuse me, we need to start again. Those who have experience shoot earlier...

    Yes, if you constantly make money from hype, then this is a guru of deception. Although my friend bought himself a new apartment in six months.

    The question for him, of course, is different - how many people did he cheat when he collected the so-called partners?

    It’s strange, but for many people, money is the only thing they care about in life. They don’t even hesitate to make money

MMM 1994 as it was. Joint Stock Company "MMM", a company that was created in the USSR, and existed at the border of two states until 1994. The organizer of the society was . The founders of the company were: Sergei Mavrodi, Vyacheslav Mavrodi (brother of Sergei Mavrodi) and Olga Melnikova. Thus, the name of the company became an abbreviation of the first letters of the surnames of its founders. JSC MMM is a classic and largest financial pyramid in the history of the USSR and Russia. According to various estimates, from ten to fifteen million investors participated in MMM JSC.

Now it’s no longer a secret to anyone that it was purposefully destroyed by the relevant government agencies: “In the criminal case there are reports from the governors to President Yeltsin on how the “operation to collapse MMM” is going.”

History of MMM 1994

Since 1989, the company has carried out different types of activities depending on what the rapidly changing situation in the country dictated.

In 1993, MMM OJSC issued 991 thousand shares with a par value of one thousand rubles, which began selling on February 1, 1994. After the introduction of “two-way quotes,” shares began to sell “like hot cakes.” After such success, another 991 thousand shares were issued, which were sold with even greater success.

The current situation has led to Sergei Mavrodi introducing “MMM tickets” into circulation, which are not formally securities. The ticket price was one hundredth of a share, similar to rubles and kopecks. This turned out to be very convenient for investors, since share prices were already very high. MMM tickets were similar to the Soviet “ten”, but instead of a portrait of Lenin, a portrait of Sergei Mavrodi was placed in the center. Also, the tickets had all levels of security and were printed in the same place as American dollars.

Ticket and stock rates were set through “self-quotations” and changed twice a week. Thus, on average, investments grew by 100% per month. This was reported in a large number of print media, radio and TV.

Until August 4, 1994, the day when Sergei Mavrodi was arrested from the moment the shares went on sale, their prices increased 127 times, and the number of MMM investors ranged from 10-15 million, according to various sources. There was so much money that they did not have time to count it and measured the amount in “rooms.” Thus, in Moscow alone, investors brought in about $50 million a day to MMM.

The first clashes with the authorities at MMM began in April 1994. Then, several buses with tax inspectors, accompanied by masked special forces with machine guns, arrived at the central office in front of the eyes of thousands of people standing in line. They came into the office to hand over a notice about the start of a “scheduled tax audit.” In response, Mavrodi promised to convene a nationwide referendum on confidence in the current government. He promised to collect a million signatures to initiate a referendum within a week. Taking into account the millions of his investors, the authorities had no doubt about the positive outcome of this operation for Mavrodi, and taking into account the economic situation in the country and the outcome of the referendum. The authorities had to announce that everything that happened was a “misunderstanding.”

The authorities took the next step in July 1994; a campaign against MMM was launched in the media. They showed videos with “anti-MMM” propaganda on TV, officials of all ranks spoke, explaining that MMM is a scam and it is necessary to urgently take money from it. Of course, this provoked panic among investors.

“Let one of the officials state publicly that Sberbank is a scam. Tomorrow there will be no stone left unturned from Sberbank! And they talked about MMM constantly for at least two weeks in all media. Everyone, absolutely, who had at least some influence on the masses, at the highest level, right up to the prime minister and president. And then they said: “The MMM pyramid has collapsed!” It wasn’t the pyramid that collapsed, it was you who ruined everything!” (Sergei Mavrodi).

After July 27, Sergei Mavrodi restarted the system, announcing that the value of shares was returning to par, but their price would grow twice as fast, that is, quadruple per month.

This move completely turned the situation around, and queues lined up at MMM again to buy tickets and shares at par.

On August 3, Mavrodi was invited to the White House for an extended government meeting dedicated to the “MMM issue,” to which, of course, he did not show up.

"What for? I didn’t need anything from them, but we still wouldn’t be able to come to an agreement. And what is this “issue”? Everything had already been decided by this point. By me, without their participation. And why "extended"? As far as I know, even Foreign Minister Kozyrev and Defense Minister Grachev were present there! What do they have to do with it? Like in a gang, in short. Collective responsibility. So that everyone is head over heels. For the decision to “kill!” (Sergei Mavrodi).

On August 4, 1994, Sergei Mavrodi was arrested at his apartment on Komsomolsky Prospekt “for tax evasion.” The assault on the apartment (special forces descended onto the eighth-floor balcony from above via cables) was shown live on all TV channels. The activities of MMM were suspended, and Sergei Mavrodi announced his intention to run for the State Duma and began an election campaign in Mytishchi.

On the same day, August 4, 1994, employees of the Moscow Tax Inspectorate, with the help of riot police, stormed the central office of MMM, conducted a search there and announced that they had “revealed gross violations of tax legislation,” ordering the collection of 49.9 billion rubles into the budget. Mavrodi himself subsequently repeatedly pointed out the absurdity of this accusation:

“If MMM is a pyramid, then from what were they going to collect taxes? From the pyramid? We have to choose one thing: either a pyramid or taxes.” And further: “And how did they “reveal” the violations? During the search? In two minutes? Like a tin can? They probably read it on the ceiling and immediately arrested me and rushed off. On the same day, without delay. It's a hurry! In general, tax violations are usually discovered during a tax audit. More or less long lasting. And not during a half-hour search. But here, of course, is a special case. Archenemy! The law is not written for him. No time for any stupid formalities! Or does anyone doubt that he is a criminal?!”

A huge number of depositors gathered at the MMM office; they were concerned about what was happening and demanded that the authorities return their savings. Having been refused, people tried to occupy the MMM main office building in the hope of returning their deposits, but it was too late.

Witnesses who confirmed under oath in court that seventeen (!) KAMAZ trucks of cash were taken out of the back door from the MMM office by security officers. But when this fact came up in court, prosecutor Amalia Ustaeva calmly stated: “How do you know that these were intelligence officers? So what if they were in uniform? Have you checked their documents?” And, oddly enough, this argument was accepted by judge Nadezhda Markina as irrefutable. Thus, the issue with the disappeared KAMAZ trucks was closed.

On August 19, 1994, thousands of MMM depositors came to the White House and demanded the release of Sergei Mavrodi. All media outlets claimed that Mavrodi was arrested on suspicion of fraud.

Sergei Mavrodi himself said the following:

“MMM was artificially destroyed by the authorities. All the other pyramids collapsed on their own. In my criminal case there are reports from the governors to President Yeltsin about how the “operation” to collapse MMM is going. Where to next? And what about 8% of Gazprom shares? What about the oil industry? Still, this is in the case materials, these are not fairy tales. Here they are, assets! So what kind of pyramid is this?”... And one more thing: “MMM did not violate any laws. Not in a single letter. It is no coincidence that I was arrested on a completely stupid charge of tax evasion. (That is, logically, it turns out that everything was great, but I just didn’t share it.) It’s just that the authorities didn’t know under what pretext to imprison me, and they couldn’t come up with anything smarter. Because there was nothing to imprison for! They say: “He circumvented the law!.. found holes in the legislation!..” Well, so what? What?! It is a crime? No. Amend the law, patch up the holes - but why put them in jail? And keep all your moral assessments: “who will cause these little ones to stumble” to yourself. Who are you to judge me? Gods? I will deal with my conscience myself and answer for myself at the Last Judgment.” “The main lie that the authorities (and not only them!) usually resort to when talking about MMM: “The first ones made it, but everyone else!..” Lies!!! Shares and tickets could always be returned and completely freely. Any time! Throughout the entire six months when the company operated. Until I was arrested. There were checkpoints on every corner. Go and give it up. Without any questions and exactly at the price that was announced by me at that time. So there are also millions of winners. As well as the losers. They just keep quiet. Everything is as usual. Good is sluggish and passive, and evil is vigorous and active.”

Today it is built in a different way, this time Sergei Mavrodi bypassed the entire clumsy system of legislation, find out starting in 2011 and everything will become clear to you.

62-year-old Mavrodi died in absolute poverty - for some reason numerous press publications are trying to convince us of this. They say that his only income recently was 15 thousand rubles a month, which a certain well-wisher from Noginsk near Moscow paid to a combinator who had gone into circulation for “consulting.” Mavrodi gave half of them to the bailiffs, and ate the rest. But, as it turns out, the deceased was simply demonstratively poor. And he had money, and a lot of it.

Let's put aside the billion-dollar income of the founder of the financial pyramid of the 90s. Let's even forget about the African, Asian and American MMM clones of recent years. So, in Jordan I saw a Bedouin who invested 300 thousand dollars in Mavrodi’s pyramid. And there were a lot of them there.

Let us turn to the completely legal earnings of the deceased. Over the past two years, Mavrodi has launched three of his series on the Internet: “Zombie”, “Devil” and “Antiworld”. All of them have collected hundreds of millions of views. A million views on YouTube is approximately

500 dollars in real money. Provided that the money is paid in Russia, European and American “YouTubers” are paid, as a rule, 5–6 times more. And Mavrodi’s series were broadcast on several large portals at once, such as YouTube and Vimeo. Their production was cheap, so hardly all the income from the shows was spent on fees. However, Mavrodi always saved on fees: a day of filming for the “face of MMM” Lenya Golubkov, actor Vladimir Permyakov, cost $200. The rest of the TV commercial characters were paid significantly less. Attention, question: where did the money go? Maybe not millions, but tens of thousands of dollars. Maybe even several hundred thousand. The deceased received payments for shows regularly, so he was definitely not in poverty. Where did the money go?

700 million dollars missing

In addition to home-made films, made on the knee, but generating profit through online views, Mavrodi also wrote books. "PyraMMMida", "Son of Lucifer", "Temptation 2", "The Punishment Room" and "Prison Diaries". The circulation is tens of thousands of volumes, but it is impossible to say exactly how many books were published. They were published and reprinted by several publishers. And given the craving of our readers for such reading matter, it is easy to assume that the circulation was serious. Even the most unsuccessful author is paid at least 3 thousand dollars in royalties, regardless of circulation, and Mavrodi published four books in five years. Where's the money? It’s time to remember the story of how, after Mavrodi’s first arrest in August 1994, 17 KamAZ trucks with cash were taken out of his Moscow office. This is not a myth, there are living witnesses. But there is no money, and it is unclear who took it, where and which bank accepted this money on its balance sheet during the investigation. And did you accept it? Or did Mavrodi himself take out the money?

In recent years, Mavrodi has opened financial pyramids abroad one after another. At the same time, in the countries from which the combinator “left”, they kept a count of the affected people and the missing money. Of course, it cannot be compared with the Russian 15 million victims and 3 billion dollars for which enterprising Russians exchanged banknote-like “MMM shares” with the face of Mavrodi, but even the Americans, as it turns out, became victims of the criminal talent of the Russian scoundrel - in the USA from his actions 275 thousand people were officially affected.

On this topic

There is an active website on the Internet aimed at Chinese and English-speaking audiences. The portal publishes video messages from a person who looks very similar to the founder of the MMM financial pyramid, Sergei Mavrodi, who died in March 2018.

There is such a public organization - the MMM Depositors Association. Its leader, Levon Sarvazyan, told a story. When in 1997, investors filed legal claims against Mavrodi for $82 million, and the court accordingly accepted these claims, the schemer, annoyed by Themis’ decision, scattered several tons of his shares and tickets throughout Moscow, thus devaluing all claims. Since then, no Russian court has accepted the claims of the owners of MMM securities. After all, thousands, if not tens of thousands of people, got them for nothing! About 15 years ago, Komsomolskaya Pravda wrote that allegedly $700 million belonging to MMM was kept by the security forces. But today this money is not there.

Mavrodi's real estate disappeared without a trace

It is also known that over the past 20 years, Sergei Mavrodi has been actively buying real estate both in Russia and abroad. One building, worth $12 million, was sued from him by the capital's authorities - the representative office of St. Petersburg is now located there. The buyer, as if on behalf of Mavrodi, was the MMM-Invest structure. It was re-registered several times under different names - at one time it was called “Russ-Invest”. MMM investors found out that 72% of Russ-Invest’s assets were in heavy engineering, and another 20% in the oil industry (in particular, Surgutneftegaz). Yes, so, until the mid-2000s, MMM-Invest bought houses in Moscow - dozens of houses. And this property was not subsequently alienated by anyone (we mentioned the only such example above). Who is the owner of these houses today, and to whom did Mavrodi register them? About ten years ago, the Investigative Committee undertook to unravel the chain of Mavrodi companies - from MMM-Invest to Russ-Invest and beyond. But, judging by the lack of victorious reports, the investigation came to nothing.

“I’m not a freeloader, I’m a partner!” – exclaimed Lenya Golubkov, a character in a MMM television advertisement. How many partners Sergei Mavrodi’s structures had and who they were, so to speak, by name, can be established if desired - as the trial of the 2000s showed, all the schemer’s papers were in perfect order. Thus, it is easy to assume that these names are not a secret to law enforcement officers. And here the question arises: didn’t law enforcement officers deal with the holders of Mavrodi’s expensive property, so to speak, privately?

MMM are the first letters of the surnames of Sergei Mavrodi, his brother Vyacheslav Mavrodi and Olga Melnikova. Sergei Mavrodi often said that his two companions were nominal characters who had nothing to do with making money. But is this really so? It is noteworthy that during the trial in the Mavrodi case, the degree of involvement of the other two “Ms” in financial combinations was never established - perhaps this is precisely the clue to where the wealth of the financial pyramid is hidden?

Did those who arrested cash the money?

According to Mavrodi himself, in the 90s he earned $50 million a day. Part of this money ended up in Russian and foreign banks - to the owner of a Russian passport named Yuri Zaitsev. When Mavrodi was detained in a Moscow apartment on Frunzenskaya Embankment in 2003, a passport was found on him in exactly that name. The further story is this: the passport is confiscated by law enforcement officers, and it immediately disappears. After which, within a few days, millions of dollars disappear from Zaitsev’s accounts in several banks. It would seem that it is enough to answer the simplest question: who exactly confiscated Zaitsev-Mavrodi’s passport and where did he return it? But the answer is unknown, although the question, you see, is quite simple.


In 2017, the “financial social network” MMM Global operated in 100 countries around the world, with hundreds of thousands of “partners” in China, Nigeria, Zimbabwe, Ghana and Kenya. Recently, cash deposited in Mavrodi’s accounts was immediately transferred into bitcoins, and then into certain conventional monetary units “Mavro”. Dividends were paid exclusively in Mavro, and those who managed to convert them into bitcoins turned out to be great. And those who didn’t have time went broke. But who controls Mavrodi’s bitcoin accounts is unknown. Although, as experts assure, all the chains along which bitcoins move are completely transparent, and the names of the holders of Mavrodi’s inheritance will thus sooner or later become known.
