Airplanes io full screen. Wings Io Games

What is not an airplane is an enemy

Let's imagine that you've already tinkered with the editor: you've chosen a worthy plane, slightly changed its appearance, changed its color, and given it a name. At this point, your possibilities have been exhausted, which means it’s time to leave the boring land. Get into the cockpit, grab the steering wheel tightly and climb up. You won't be alone in the air - dozens of planes of different shapes and colors are waiting for you to join them. Why do you think? They will not at all pirouette with you for company, will not teach you the rules of flight, will not compete; they have a completely different, hostile task - to destroy you.

Having looked around, open fire on the enemies, they have already managed to surround you and are about to shoot back and your plane is unlikely to withstand fire from all sides. If you get your bearings in time and take off, you may gain a couple of extra minutes, but if not, your brand new, but no longer good for anything, plane will fly down and probably crash to pieces. Sounds so-so, doesn't it? Therefore, if you want to stay in the sky as long as possible and prove to your brutal opponents that you are not a weakling, and that the pilot is no worse than them, you should constantly move from one place to another, perform risky stunts to divert attention. Collect bonuses that are generously scattered throughout the sky, because they will help restore the health of your plane.

From beginner to pro it's not just one step

When you first find yourself high above the ground, you will have a hard time. The fire will be almost constant, the enemies will press and attack, and all you have to do is respond to them in kind. Even if you have little experience, the plane is not the most powerful, and the life reserve is rapidly approaching zero - do not give up, fight to the last, until the engines fail.

Destroy enemies in batches, shoot without even aiming. Every killed enemy is a plus to your experience and honestly earned points. Accordingly, the more enemy planes fall from your brave and furious fire, the more you will earn, the stronger you will become. Of course, before you become a professional, you will sit at the controls of hundreds of aircraft, spend tons of liters of fuel, repair and improve your aircraft many times, but the results will make themselves felt. Having passed all the tests, you can proudly be called an ace.

Attitude and preparation play a big role in success. The first is entirely up to you: if you believe in advance in your own victory and don’t doubt it for a minute, then consider that you have already won. With preparation, everything is also quite simple - you have an airplane and some capital, which you can spend on repairing and upgrading the winged transport. You can also improve and expand the capabilities of the aircraft by adding a set of new engines, strengthening the wings, hanging a couple of guns on board, and so on - there are many variations. All you have to do is earn money and then nothing can stop you.

There are other players here who also want to earn victory. Thus, the game Wings turns into a game where there are no allies - only opponents. Hope appears when most of the attacks aimed at you are repulsed. Self-confidence awakens. Remember that is played by real people. They are capable of setting traps, but they have the same weaknesses - after all, control is carried out with the mouse, which means that it takes some time to come up with a move. Take advantage of this gap and attack.

"How to Design an Attack" You have a great plane, Wings.Io took care of it, but you don’t have enough experience yet. This is certainly fixable, but it takes training. While the transition from “beginner” to “professional” is taking place in your head, you need to think about how not to screw it up. Pardon the French, but there is no other way to describe what is happening. When you are trying to do something and are being fired at from all sides, no shields will help. However, the game in question gives even beginners a chance to become leaders, just shoot indiscriminately.

Then you can take aim, although to tell the truth, it’s quite difficult to make turns at the same time so as not to hit you and aim at someone else. Shoot at everything that has wings, you can't go wrong with it. Otherwise, Wings.Io will remain an unconquered peak. Spin, spin, move, fly, but don’t stand still. Then you become a huge target. Believe me, the rest of players will not miss the chance to get rid of their careless competitor. Why make it easier for them?

The game doesn't like losers. Heroes are another matter. But there are already a lot of experienced gamers here, you have to gain experience. It will be entertaining. A few days of hard work, and your strategic potential will be unrecognizable. The character is pumped up, and the rest of the gamers, hidden under nicknames, will not come within range of a cannon shot. But stop dreaming, because in such conditions the Wings game will become very boring. But you don't need this.

"Conquer the world of Wings.Io" If you look at your passport or birth certificate, at worst, you will see your real name there. So, the game Wings requires that your character have a personal ID. Considering that this game has hundreds of thousands of subscribers, it is difficult to find a name that is not used. But this is only the first difficulty that you will have to overcome. It is much more difficult to stay on the map for more than a couple of minutes. The shelling will rain down, but if you get your bearings and dodge in time, you can continue.

Move further along the map and accumulate vital bonuses. Speed ​​is your ally, so it’s better to consider the situation while moving. Real users won’t give up, so this is an opportunity to objectively evaluate your strengths in online toys. The plane entrusted to you is not very powerful, but it is small and maneuverable. Move it using the mouse, and shoot enemies in Wings.Io with the spacebar. At the same time, keep an eye on the green life line - when it is empty, you are finished. Good luck.

The online game “Wings io” is a multiplayer battle arena where everyone can take part in an air battle. Players control fighter planes inside a confined space. The goal is to survive and upgrade your car. We warn you right away: it’s not easy to do both in

How to play

To move the plane around the screen, use the mouse, and shoot at enemies with the spacebar. There are many participants in “Wings io”: in the morning, during the day, in the evening and at night, the sky of the game is teeming with combat vehicles. Each one can provoke you into battle. The range of most projectiles is colossal. You may not even see the one who is attacking, and your fighter will bend under the barrage of shells raining down on it. Parachutes will help restore strength and repair damage. Inside them you can find first aid kits, ammunition and additional guns. With their help, you will improve the combat characteristics of the aircraft and gain experience points. This is extremely important for success in If you upgrade your car well, you will have access to new missiles with a wide range of destruction, rail guns, and even snipers as partners.

A real surprise awaits users in the game “Wings io”. Instead of an amoeba, a worm or some other living creature, they have a fighter jet at their disposal.


The action takes place in the airspace over the sea. Flying an airplane is not difficult. Direct it with the mouse in the desired direction. The most difficult thing in “Wings io” is to dodge your opponents’ projectiles and get hit by them yourself. Initially, your car is armed only with an automatic cannon, which is recorded in the upper left corner of the screen. It has unlimited ammunition, but its effectiveness leaves much to be desired. From time to time, other types of weapons are parachuted onto the playing field: guided and unguided missiles, aerial bombs, etc. Choose what you think is necessary. Even bombs can knock down an enemy plane. To do this, you just need to rise higher and throw more accurately. If you do not achieve a direct hit on the target, the enemy may himself come across your “gift”. Do not forget that all weapons found have limited ammunition. When it ends, only the cannon with which the Wings io game began is left.

The goal is extremely simple: you need to shoot down as many enemy fighters as possible until they shoot you down in return. This is the only way to earn points and take a prestigious place in the io-game ranking. There is no provision for any leveling of the character.

Note that the gameplay of remains almost the same. We did not find any special changes compared to previous game versions of the game. Of course, web programmers and development authors have added various amendments and made significant additions (what you lacked under Agaio and Slytherio is now available). The more aggressive style of Wings io is also emphasized; it will still be necessary to connect and adapt to the somewhat uncharacteristic style. What do you think you should expect from these shooters, which are only available in beta versions?

The essence of

The main meaning of Wings io is to eliminate competitors who are also on the game server. They fly the planes, trying to get far into the leading positions in the standings. Igrun, who finds himself in first place, is automatically rewarded with double the number of lives and is crowned. He becomes the rightful king of this imaginary space. Shooting down a king is a decent task. If you are a truly purposeful person and dream of improving your health by fully restoring it, then overthrow the tyrant. This is not an easy task, but the game is worth lighting the candle.

To recover, at first you will be satisfied with tiny multi-colored dots of a yellowish tint. Using them you will be able to collect points in the game Wings io. The glasses will give you extra speed. Earn experience points by fighting in exciting battles and battles. If you fall into a pond or go off course, you see that your energy is slowly flowing out of your veins. How to avoid death? Kill the enemy, bloodthirstyly dealing with the enemy.

Remember, in Wings io parachutes equipped with first aid kits will regularly fall from the clouds. Thanks to them, you can heal the wounds received in fights. Also, parachutes stuffed with ammunition and weapons will descend from the sky. They will be divided by color characteristics and icons. Look at them to determine what kind of arsenal has you covered in gingerbread today. Available weapons in the game Wings Io: laser guns, rail and three-digit machine guns, super strikes, rockets. Notch the brain cortex: the perk wears out quickly.

How to play successfully?

Depending on the Wings io tactics you choose, you can join the strategists to overcome the map as efficiently as possible on the official website of the game. Situations change. In one place, practice this behavioral line, in another, do other things. Change your behavior pattern. Its winnings depend on constant movement. Variations have been invented that do not include cheats and mods: bend down closer to the water, shoot at gamers with a minimum energy balance; try your hand at air battles (if you are brave).

The stages of the game are exciting. Wingsio, like all simulation games, has skins. They come in a huge variety. Use them to make your flying machine more beautiful and brighter. In the initial steps, basic design elements will open; later you will find a more interesting design. Register: Registration is now open for the adventure. Create a personal account, fill out your profile, enter a memorable and great nickname into the nickname line. We wish you victory in Wings io!
