How to change your nickname in Warface and how much will it cost? How to change login in Warface.

Today we will tell you how to change your nickname in the game Warface. To do this, it is enough to perform a series of sequential actions. We will also discuss the restrictions that apply to name changes.


Before moving on to a detailed discussion of how to change your nickname in Warface, you should talk about an error that occurred in the project some time ago, since it is closely related to the topic under discussion. There was a glitch in the game resources, as a result of which it became possible to create characters that have the same nicknames.

This error was soon corrected, and this did not happen again. Identical pseudonyms were forcibly replaced with “No Name”. Players affected by this phenomenon now have the opportunity to re-select a character name, any free option. From now on, the nickname change function is available on the official game resource.

It allows you to choose your desired nickname instead of the signature “No name” without financial costs. In this case, you should be especially careful. The fact is that a name change can only be done once. Therefore, you should choose a pseudonym especially carefully.


Let's move on to the practical part of solving the question of how to change your nickname in Warface. First, go to your personal account. Select the appropriate section. In the menu, select the required character on one of 3 servers. Next, in order to solve the question of how to change your nickname in Warface, you need to indicate the most suitable nickname.

After entering the call sign, it is checked to see if it is busy. If the specified name is already used by another project participant, you must specify a different one. Now we have gone through the main algorithm.


If you are interested in how to change your nickname in Warface, you should know that this can only be done in certain circumstances. The actual change of nickname is carried out only during the period when technical work is taking place on the project servers. Once you select a new call sign, it will not change immediately. To do this, the server must be restarted.

Technical work will certainly be reported on the game’s official resource, in the news. The free nickname change is available once only and is open exclusively to users who have suffered from the error described above.

When renaming, you must follow the current project rules. The administration cannot guarantee that after changing the pseudonym, a project participant will not be blocked for violating the instructions.

Nick is your name in the game and when registering you need to pay at least a little attention to its selection. It’s great if you already have a nickname that you often use online; if it’s still not taken, then feel free to write it in the appropriate field. Don’t vehemently write a meaningless set of letters instead of a nickname; later, when the game draws you in, you will constantly want to get rid of this clutter and put something more laconic in its place. Fortunately, the game has such an opportunity.

Nickname change procedure

You need to go to the official website of the game, log in with your account and click on the my profile link. Once there, you will immediately see an extensive list of options for managing your profile, at the very bottom of which you can see the “change name” icon.

In the name change window, you must first select the desired character, and below enter his new, desired name.

Please note that the maximum name length is 16 characters.

The cost of the service is affordable and equal to 600 credits. In addition, if you were automatically renamed by the system to “no name_”, then the nickname change service is available to you completely free of charge.


Let's conduct a short educational program on the procedure, which will answer the main questions of players:

  • You can pay for the name change in any available way, except for game credit. Payment is made after reserving a new name and can be canceled at any time, up to changing your nickname. In case of cancellation, the money will be returned to your gaming account.
  • Funds already in your account cannot be used to pay for the service; you will need to top up your account. You can immediately deposit the required amount or pay it in installments until the renaming service is paid in full.
  • The name change is not instantaneous, you will need to wait for technical work on the server, then your character will be renamed. The frequency of using the renaming service is not limited; you can use it as often as you like.


This video clearly shows how you can change your nickname and what is required for this.

If you are a fan of the Warface game and have been taking part in it for a long time, then you probably have an old nickname that you may already be tired of. Of course, I wouldn’t want to lose my old account and start a new one with a more appropriate name. In such a situation, an interesting question immediately arises about how to change your nickname in Warface, and whether it is even possible to do this. In fact, this task is not an easy one.


First, you need to carefully consider whether it is worth making adjustments to the name in the Warface game at all. If you change your nickname, then your acquaintances and friends will not recognize you, because they are used to seeing you with the same name. Of course, you can warn them in advance that you are planning to change your name in the near future. Also, before deciding how to change your nickname in Warface, you need to come up with a new one. Naturally, the right decision would be to change the data once, because if you plan to regularly make changes to the nickname, then you can quickly lose your reputation, although it will already be unknown to your opponents, since they will not see the previous player.


Let's now move on to solving the main question of how to change your nickname in Warface. As we mentioned earlier, before changing your old nickname to a new one, you need to carefully consider all the options and settle on the one that is most suitable for you. You should definitely check to see if he is busy. Remember that there are a large number of users in the game, and the nickname you choose may simply be taken. It is recommended to immediately prepare several new versions of yours, because then you can quickly change your nickname.


Currently, changing a nickname in Warface is impossible, and the reason for this is a violation of statistics, as well as confusion in tournaments. You have only one way out - this is to create a new character with new data. Of course, it’s a pity to part with a pumped-up player, so you should think about whether you even need a replacement in a popular project. A less radical solution to the question of how to change your nickname in Warface will not work. As you probably already understood, in order to get a new name, you will be required to create an account. This is the only solution to the problem. Let us remind you that Warface is a massively multiplayer online shooter developed by Crytek. This project is based on the gaming platform CryEngine 3. The plot takes place in 2023. The game will offer classic full-fledged battles, character classes and various cooperative missions.

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As everyone knows very well, Warface has its own special system - the fact is that you do not play on behalf of your account, as happens, for example, in Counter Strike. On your account you create characters that you can then play for your own pleasure. Accordingly, you need to assign a name to each of them when creating it. However, the first choice is not always the most successful. Therefore, from this article you will learn how to change your nickname in Warface.

Nickname change

If you are interested in the question of how to change your nickname in Warface, then this process will not cause you any special problems. You will need to log in to the game and go to your personal account - that’s where you can easily find the button responsible for changing your nickname. After this, select the character whose name you want to change - a new window will open where you can enter a new nickname. However, take your time - the system will first check whether such a nickname is already registered in the game so that there is no coincidence. And if everything is in order, then all you have to do is reserve the name you have chosen so that no one can take it until you pay for the service. As you may have already understood, changing your nickname in Warface requires a fee, so you will need to stock up on funds in advance. Now you know, but how much does it cost? And how is payment made? The answers to these questions are extremely important.

How much does it cost to change your nickname?

Many gamers are wondering whether it is possible to change their nickname in Warface at all. Now that you know that this procedure is available to everyone, you should find out how much it will cost you. The price for all players is fixed at 600 credits, so before you change your name, think about whether you need it and whether you entered the exact nickname you want. How to change your name cheaper in Warface? To do this, you need to participate in the bonus program and reach at least the fourth rank there in order to be given a discount on changing your nickname.

Paying for a nickname change

Some gamers are in a hurry and make a mistake - they add funds to their account, and then carry out the operation to change their nickname. In this case, there is one important feature in the game - money is withdrawn from you only after you fill out an application. Immediately after this, all the money that you deposit into your account will be redirected to pay for the nickname change. So take your time, because the credits that are already on your account will not help you - they cannot be used to change your nickname.

If you are a fan of the Warface game and have been taking part in it for a long time, then you probably have an old nickname that you may already be tired of. Of course, I wouldn’t want to lose my old account and start a new one with a more appropriate name. In such a situation, an interesting question immediately arises about how to change your nickname in Warface, and whether it is even possible to do this. In fact, this task is not an easy one.


First, you need to carefully consider whether it is worth making adjustments to the name in the Warface game at all. If you change your nickname, then your acquaintances and friends will not recognize you, because they are used to seeing you with the same name. Of course, you can warn them in advance that you are planning to change your name in the near future. Also, before deciding how to change your nickname in Warface, you need to come up with a new one. Naturally, the right decision would be to change the data once, because if you plan to regularly make changes to the nickname, then you can quickly lose your reputation, although it will already be unknown to your opponents, since they will not see the previous player.


Let's now move on to solving the main question of how to change your nickname in Warface. As we mentioned earlier, before changing your old nickname to a new one, you need to carefully consider all the options and settle on the one that is most suitable for you. You should definitely check to see if he is busy. Remember that there are a large number of users in the game, and the nickname you choose may simply be taken. It is recommended to immediately prepare several new versions of yours, because then you can quickly change your nickname.


Currently, changing a nickname in Warface is impossible, and the reason for this is a violation of statistics, as well as confusion in tournaments. You have only one way out - this is to create a new character with new data. Of course, it’s a pity to part with a pumped-up player, so you should think about whether you even need a replacement in a popular project. A less radical solution to the question of how to change your nickname in Warface will not work. As you probably already understood, in order to get a new name, you will be required to create an account. This is the only solution to the problem. Let us remind you that Warface is a massively multiplayer online shooter developed by Crytek. This project is based on the gaming platform CryEngine 3. The plot takes place in 2023. The game will offer classic full-fledged battles, character classes and various cooperative missions.
