How to hide audio in contact. How to hide audio recordings on VKontakte? How to open a friend's audio recordings if they are not displayed

Some time ago, VK introduced the ability to hide downloaded and added audio recordings. If you don't want anyone to see what music you listen to, then you've come to the right place - we'll show you how to hide music tracks.

This is what the audio block looks like on your page:

This is how your friends see him too. To hide this block, go to the settings by selecting the “My Settings” section in the menu.

Open the "Privacy" tab. One of the items is called “Who sees the list of my audio recordings”, in it select “Only me”.

To check whether the block of audio recordings has disappeared, ask a friend to visit your page. He won’t see the block, just as he won’t see the musical compositions that you added.

How to hide audio recordings in a mobile application?

Launch the VK application on your phone or tablet and click “Settings” in the menu.

In the subsection “Who sees the list of my audio recordings”, select “Only me”.

You don't need to do anything else.

How to view hidden audio recordings in VK?

And this is another popular question that users ask. And really, is it possible to see hidden music tracks from another user?

Traveling through RuNet sites, we saw many methods that supposedly allow you to see a closed list of songs. But these methods work only in words. We strongly discourage the use of all kinds of programs found on the Internet. Not only are some of them infected with malicious components, but when unpacking they may require you to send a supposedly free SMS message, which will ultimately lead to a significant debit from your personal account.

In general, no matter how hard you try, you will not be able to see if they were closed by the account owner.

Hello, friends! Not only friends can visit your personal VKontakte page, but also everyone else. So, if you don’t really want such attention, then you can hide some of your profile information. And now we'll deal with the music.

If you download songs to VK for yourself, so that you can then calmly listen to them while playing, working on the computer, or chatting with a friend, and you don’t want others to know about your musical preferences, then this can be hidden. Moreover, the settings here are quite flexible: you can make it so that no one knows what you are listening to, or you can create a list of users who will have access to your playlist, or, for example, everyone who is on your friends list can watch it. We will now consider all these nuances and learn how to hide music in VK on a computer or using a mobile application on the phone.

Scroll down the page and in the “Who can see the list of my audio recordings” field, select the appropriate option from the drop-down list.

If you click “Only friends”, then all users included in this number will be able to view your songs; guests and subscribers of the page will not. Check “Only me” - the “Audio recordings” section in your profile will not be visible to anyone. If you select “Everyone except...”, you will need to specify who cannot watch your music. But having chosen “Some Friends”, you need to mark those to whom it will be available, everyone else will not be able to watch it.

If friends or profile guests often leave music on your page, and you don’t want anyone else to know about it, then find the field “Who sees other people’s posts on my page.” Then select one of the options provided.

Now for those who you have restricted from viewing other people’s posts on your wall, it will look like this: only those posts that you created are displayed. For example, this could be an added photo, a topic made, a survey, etc.

By the way, if you published a note with a song, then it will not disappear from your wall and anyone can see it.

Now let's figure out what to do if you need to hide audio recordings on VKontakte from the news that friends and subscribers see. To do this, opposite the “What updates in the news...” field, click on the “Section updates” button. In the drop-down list, clear the checkboxes next to “Audio”, “Notes”.

After that, having uploaded a song to VK, a message about it will not appear in the news, the same applies to notes - if you often publish notes with music, then no one will see it in the news feed (however, this applies to any notes created - they will not be displayed in the news).

Closing music from the phone

You can hide VKontakte music on your phone through the mobile application. Go to your profile, click on the three horizontal stripes in the lower right corner and click on the gear in the upper right.

Select "Privacy".

Find the line “Who sees the list of my audio recordings” and click on it.

Mark the appropriate item with a marker. You can hide music from all friends - “Only me”, from page guests - “Only friends”, choose to have it displayed only for some friends. If you need to hide songs from someone specific, then in the “Banned” block, select users.

Here you can also choose who can see other people’s posts on my wall. Click on the item with the appropriate name and in the next window select the desired option.

Use the recommendations described to hide VKontakte songs added to your audio recordings from certain users or from everyone at all. You can also restrict access to viewing posts posted on your wall by other users.

VK provides users with the desired degree of privacy. If a person does not want strangers to view the list of his tracks, he can leave this option only for friends or remove it completely, making the list visible only to himself. Many people are interested in whether there is a way to circumvent this ban.

Previously there was a well-known bug. It allowed you to watch hidden audio recordings from a friend without leaving the VK interface. For this it was necessary:

  • copy the original ID of the desired person;
  • In your profile, go to Audio recordings;
  • click on the user’s avatar;
  • in the context menu, select View element code;
  • in the HTML code window, replace the existing ID values ​​with the copied address.

It would seem that everything is obvious. There is no way to see or listen to closed audio recordings. But the Internet is replete with proposals for this. Among other things:

  • programs and utilities for PCs, smartphones on Android, iPhone;
  • online services by type: insert a link to a person, get a list of his music, hidden photos, just pay for showing the result (of course, deception);
  • hacking suggestions.

Everything is clear with the first two options. This is a guaranteed scam to make money or steal your page. Software like the VKbots program used to make it possible to view hidden songs, but now it doesn’t work either.

After hacking the page, music albums will become available, but is it worth it? If you really want to find out a hidden audio recording from a friend, then it might be better to ask him to make an exception for you.

Legal way

There are different levels of privacy available for music. From the available settings you can choose:

In the latter case, a friend can refer you. Just ask him to set it in the settings. Then the tracks will remain invisible to everyone else, but will become open to your contact.

Users of the VK social network share news, videos, music and photos with their friends. However, strangers may visit the page from whom we would like to hide some information. Changing the privacy allows you to make your profile partially or completely private. Below are ways to restrict access to audio tracks.

How to hide VK audio recordings

Each VK user has the opportunity to set restrictions on the right to listen to audio tracks or view photos. To do this, it is not necessary to make your profile completely private; account privacy management is very flexible, for example, one friend will see a certain list of entries, and another person will see a completely different one. The site offers several options for how to hide audio recordings on VKontakte:

  • a complete block for viewing data - none of your friends will see it;
  • creating a list of people who can open songs;
  • you can turn off the display of tracks that have been copied to the wall by other people;
  • privacy settings via the VK application on mobile.

How to block audio recordings on VK from all users

If you do not want to allow anyone to listen to and view audio tracks from the playlist, then you can make this section completely private. Only the page owner will have the opportunity to listen to them. This manipulation is carried out directly from your account, so you must first log in. Next you will need the following:

  1. Click on the icon with the name and photo, which are located at the top right of your VKontakte profile.
  2. Click on the button, a menu will appear where you need to click “Settings”.
  3. A new page will appear; to close audio tracks, click on “Privacy”, this item is located in the right side menu.
  4. The fifth line will control the audio display features from the list.
  5. To completely close them from all network participants, you need to click on the link next to the lock icon and activate the “Only me” option.

How to hide music on VK from specific users

Sometimes you don't want to allow only specific people on your friends list to listen to audio. Perhaps they made fun of your tastes or maybe they are relatives who then look at you disapprovingly after adding the Leningrad song. There is a way to hide audio recordings on VKontakte from one or more people. To do this you need to do the following:

  1. Click on the personal menu in the upper right corner of your profile.
  2. Select the settings item and go to the “Privacy” tab.
  3. You will again need the 5th line, where this time you need to select a different item.
  4. Click on the link and activate the “Everything except...” option
  5. You will see a form through which you can add individual people who you do not want to allow to listen to your music.

You can immediately select a group in which certain acquaintances are located, for example, “Work” or “Family”. If you need to close only from one person, then in the line below, start typing in his name in VKontakte. So add everyone who will be on the “black list” and will not have the right to listen to the recordings. Next, click on the “Save” button and close the tab. Using the same path, it is possible to delete a person and give him access again.

How to hide your audio recordings in VK on the wall

Sometimes people copy audio not to a playlist, but directly to a VKontakte page. The service allows options to close them if the need arises. Sound tracks are recordings on the wall, so you will have to completely hide everything that will be published on it. The group with songs will be visible if you have not closed it. This is done as follows:

  1. Open the menu in the right corner of the page.
  2. Go to the “Settings” section and click “Privacy”.
  3. The second group of links is the section called “Posts on the page”.
  4. Click on the link next to the item “Who sees other people’s posts...” and set the value to “Only me.”
  5. If any music tracks appear on the page from a stranger, they will be hidden from everyone. You can listen to them without any problems.

How to block music on VKontakte from friends via phone

To quickly find out about all changes in the account and the arrival of new messages, people install the program on their mobile VK. This is an official application that helps you access your profile via the Internet from your phone. There is a way to hide audio recordings on VKontakte from your smartphone if you are connected to the network. This is done as follows:

  1. Log in to your account. Call up the main menu with a slash to the left.
  2. Scroll down the page until the word “Settings” appears, tap on it.
  3. Go to "Privacy".
  4. The fifth line will be the ability to close audio tracks. Click on the line and select the required option. You can block them from everyone, only from some users, or allow only certain friends to view them.
  5. To disable this function, follow the same path and on the settings line click “All users.
  6. These manipulations are activated for the entire account, so they are saved when you log in from your computer.

Video: how to hide music on VKontakte from friends

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Users of the VK social network share news, videos, music and photos with their friends. However, strangers may visit the page from whom we would like to hide some information. Changing the privacy allows you to make your profile partially or completely private. Below are ways to restrict access to audio tracks.

Each VK user has the opportunity to set restrictions on the right to listen to audio tracks or view photos. To do this, it is not necessary to make your profile completely private; account privacy management is very flexible, for example, one friend will see a certain list of entries, and another person will see a completely different one. The site offers several options for how to hide audio recordings on VKontakte:

Related articles How to view hidden audio recordings on VKontakte How to delete saved audio recordings on VKontakte Program for freezing VK pages

  • a complete block for viewing data - none of your friends will see it;
  • creating a list of people who can open songs;
  • you can turn off the display of tracks that have been copied to the wall by other people;
  • privacy settings via the VK application on mobile.

How to block audio recordings on VK from all users

If you do not want to allow anyone to listen to and view audio tracks from the playlist, then you can make this section completely private. Only the page owner will have the opportunity to listen to them. This manipulation is carried out directly from your account, so you must first log in. Next you will need the following:

  1. Click on the icon with the name and photo, which are located at the top right of your VKontakte profile.
  2. Click on the button, a menu will appear where you need to click “Settings”.
  3. A new page will appear; to close audio tracks, click on “Privacy”, this item is located in the right side menu.
  4. The fifth line will control the audio display features from the list.
  5. To completely close them from all network participants, you need to click on the link next to the lock icon and activate the “Only me” option.

How to hide music on VK from specific users

Sometimes you don't want to allow only specific people on your friends list to listen to audio. Perhaps they made fun of your tastes or maybe they are relatives who then look at you disapprovingly after adding the Leningrad song. There is a way to hide audio recordings on VKontakte from one or more people. To do this you need to do the following:

  1. Click on the personal menu in the upper right corner of your profile.
  2. Select the settings item and go to the “Privacy” tab.
  3. You will again need the 5th line, where this time you need to select a different item.
  4. Click on the link and activate the “Everything except...” option
  5. You will see a form through which you can add individual people who you do not want to allow to listen to your music.

You can immediately select a group in which certain acquaintances are located, for example, “Work” or “Family”. If you need to close only from one person, then in the line below, start typing in his name in VKontakte. So add everyone who will be on the “black list” and will not have the right to listen to the recordings. Next, click on the “Save” button and close the tab. Using the same path, it is possible to delete a person and give him access again.

Find out how to delete audio on VK.

How to hide your audio recordings in VK on the wall

Sometimes people copy audio not to a playlist, but directly to a VKontakte page. The service allows options to close them if the need arises. Sound tracks are recordings on the wall, so you will have to completely hide everything that will be published on it. The group with songs will be visible if you have not closed it. This is done as follows:

  1. Open the menu in the right corner of the page.
  2. Go to the “Settings” section and click “Privacy”.
  3. The second group of links is the section called “Posts on the page”.
  4. Click on the link next to the item “Who sees other people’s posts...” and set the value to “Only me.”
  5. If any music tracks appear on the page from a stranger, they will be hidden from everyone. You can listen to them without any problems.

How to block music on VKontakte from friends via phone

To quickly find out about all changes in the account and the arrival of new messages, people install the program on their mobile VK. This is an official application that helps you access your profile via the Internet from your phone. There is a way to hide audio recordings on VKontakte from your smartphone if you are connected to the network. This is done as follows:

  1. Log in to your account. Call up the main menu with a slash to the left.
  2. Scroll down the page until the word “Settings” appears, tap on it.
  3. Go to "Privacy".
  4. The fifth line will be the ability to close audio tracks. Click on the line and select the required option. You can block them from everyone, only from some users, or allow only certain friends to view them.
  5. To disable this function, follow the same path and on the settings line click “All users.
  6. These manipulations are activated for the entire account, so they are saved when you log in from your computer.

Video: how to hide music on VKontakte from friends

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