How to raise the level in Steam: recommendations. Raising your profile level on Steam Ways to level up on Steam

Steam is an entire social network for players, where in addition to the main task - buying games - you can perform many other actions. In particular, users are encouraged to develop their personal page in every possible way, for example, by increasing its level. However, not everyone knows how to do this correctly and competently.

It’s worth making a reservation right away - raising the level of your account without spending real or internal currency on Steam is quite problematic and requires a lot of time, effort and desire. If you are not ready to part with money for the sake of a high level, you will need to resort to active communication with other Steam users.

Before moving on to the main topic, you should understand what the user level is based on. It directly depends on the number of created and/or improved icons. But the ways in which you will come to create them depends solely on your own financial capabilities and the amount of free time.

Creating Steam Icons

The main way to increase the level is to create (also called crafting) badges in Steam. A badge is an icon associated with a specific event: collecting all the cards from the game, participating in sales, holiday events. As you already understand, without having the entire pool of cards necessary to receive the badge, you will not be able to create Go. We discussed in detail how to receive cards on Steam in our other material and invite you to familiarize yourself with it: your maximum profile level depends on the effectiveness of this process.

Now that you know how to get the necessary item for crafting badges, let's move on to looking at all the available options related to getting a badge.

All badges are displayed on the main page of your profile. Their number and the individual level of each icon determines the profile level:

As you can see, getting each badge gives you 100 experience points.

Each received game icon can be upgraded up to 4 times. In the screenshot below you see an example of an icon improved 4 times (i.e. to level 5) with a total amount of experience received of 500 units.

It follows that each subsequent improvement of the icon gives you another 100 units. experience.

It is not necessary to improve the same icon; it is much more interesting to collect cards from different games. This option is more suitable in situations where, for example, from friends you can receive cards for a game that has an icon, but selling them is unprofitable due to their low cost. Or you just really like a certain game and want to highlight it.


The Steam Sale Badge can be upgraded any number of times. If you set out to get a high level of Steam profile without having a large number of games, make the most of this opportunity. The prices for sale cards on the Marketplace are quite low, but they are sold there until they are burned out in users' inventories (and this is a month after the end of the event).

Purchasing games

For every game you purchase, you will also receive experience. The amount of experience does not depend on the game. Accordingly, it is best to purchase a lot of cheap indie games. True, leveling up for purchase is very slow, since only 1 unit is given for one purchased game. experience. The only plus here is that you will receive cards that can be used for the previous method of leveling up on Steam. How to find cheap games that support cards in the Steam Store is written in the article at the link we provided at the beginning of the article.

What does the Steam level give?

Some users who want to get a larger Steam profile number are not aware of the additional benefits this provides. The value of these features is debatable, but it will be useful to someone.

Now you know the most useful information regarding increasing your level on Steam. By the way, you can see the ranking of leaders by level, as well as your place in the list of this table, on a special website -.

Badges? It will take a lot of icons.

We all like high levels. Gaining experience points is so satisfying that even Steam has adopted it. Each user has a certain level, and the higher it is, the more bonuses, for example, increasing the capacity of the friends list or a higher probability of getting card sets. I have an account of a pitiful level 18, which pales in comparison with the 1000+ levels on the first lines of the rating. Let's go over the basics:

  1. Creating badges is rewarded with experience points.
  2. Badges are created from cards that drop when you play games.
  3. During the game you can only get half of the full set, the rest must be purchased or exchanged on the Steam marketplace.
  4. Each badge created is worth 100 experience points and can be upgraded four times by collecting the same cards again for a total of 500 points.
  5. When creating an icon, there is some chance of receiving a set of three cards from the same set. And this probability is higher, the higher your level on Steam: every 10 levels add 20% to the chance.

You don’t have to own any game to create its icon - you can simply trade or buy the necessary cards on the trading platform. But how do you know which cards to buy?

Trader's Toolkit

The first point in everything related to the creation of icons. There you can find lists of complete sets of cards with their average price on the marketplace, with many filters to help you find the cheapest sets and hide those you have already collected. Just sort by price, click on the link next to the cheapest set - and you will be taken directly to the trading platform with the cards you want. From search to purchase, the time required is much less than similar actions performed directly on Steam.

Among the tools there is also a level cost calculator for approximate calculation of how much you will need to spend on purchasing cards to achieve a certain level. It doesn't take into account experience points from non-card badges or Steam sales, so it's a rough estimate, but it still gives you some planning for leveling up on Steam.

No less useful is the Steam card exchange website. Here you can change your duplicate cards to the ones you need using the trading bot. However, please remember that bots are prohibited by the Steam Subscriber Agreement.

“You may not use cheat codes, bots, modifications, hacks, or other unauthorized third party software to modify or automate any process in the Subscription Marketplace.”

So use it at your own risk.

All badges created during these sales give you bonus cards that you can use to build a themed badge and upgrade it endlessly throughout the event. Seasonal sales are the best and easiest way to upgrade your profile.

If you, like me, have a lot of games, and installing and launching them takes a long time and is reluctant, you can use Steam Achievement Manager. This program emulates launching a game from your library. In this case, no “hacking” of Steam occurs and you will not receive any special bonuses, except for saving your time and memory on your hard drive, since the game just needs to run for several hours to get all the cards.

  • Unpack the archive into any directory (except the Steam directory).
  • Just in case, exit games that have VAC.
  • Launch the program and find the game from which you need cards.
  • Click on it 2 times (achievements selection window). That's it, close the program and wait a few hours.

In Steam, in the Friends window, you can make sure that you are currently “playing” the desired game. Although no one has ever been banned for this, remember that you use the program at your own peril and risk.

Perpetual motion machine

When it comes time to create, experience points aren't the only reward. Each badge created gives you three custom items like emoticons or profile background images. Unless you're crafting badges for newly released or top games, drops will mostly be pennies, but it's pennies that will lead to new cards and badges.

And if no one on the trading floor is interested in your emoji in the shape of a baseball bat breaking a cake, you can turn it into gems, from which you can then create more cards - and the cycle of cards will continue!

No matter how shiny they are, metal cards are not a good investment. A metal badge will give the same 100 experience points when created as a regular one, but cards for it can be sold for much more.

Icons not from cards

In addition to assembling from purchased cards, there are a couple more ways to get special badges and portions of experience points along with them. The Collector Badge is awarded automatically when you reach a certain number of purchased games, gradually improving as your collection grows. The Community Pillar badge can be earned by completing simple actions on Steam, from writing a game review to voting on Greenlight, and can be upgraded twice, granting additional experience points. You can find a complete list of tasks to complete in the “Badges” section of your profile.


What is a Steam level? This is the total number of badges you've earned and shows your card collection and participation in Steam events.
Each Steam profile has its own level, but for most players it doesn't really matter. So why is it needed then and is it worth spending time and money on upgrading it?

So, the main advantages of leveling up, which guide those with higher levels, can be considered:

Free ways to level up

To raise (pump up) the level, you need experience points. The more experience points, the higher the level. Steam uses a progressive leveling scale depending on the experience points available. In other words, to level up by one unit from level 0 to 10, you will need only 100 experience points or 1000 experience points for all 10 levels, from level 11 to 20 you will already need 200 experience points per level or 2000 experience points to level up these 10 levels, etc. The higher your current level, the more difficult it is to pump it further and the more time and money you will have to spend.

In most cases, for every 100 experience points, a badge is given. The vast majority of badges are given for collecting one set of cards from any game. The maximum number of experience points for one badge is set at 500. That is, for each game you can collect five identical sets of cards and create a badge with a return of 500 experience points, thereby increasing your level or bringing it closer to higher levels. You can start collecting cards for absolutely any game, not just those that you have. To do this, just go to the Marketplace and type the name of the game in the search. Collecting or purchasing cards, followed by creating a badge, is the main way to level up on Steam. The most frequently asked questions about cards and their answers are presented.

All methods of leveling up can be divided into two types: free and paid. Using free methods, you are unlikely to be able to rise above level 30 for objective reasons and restrictions. The paid method will not have any restrictions. Free methods include:

1) Complete all community tasks. There are about three dozen of them and they serve solely to get acquainted with all the functions of the Steam system. For example, use an emoticon in chat or post a video on your profile. Maximum experience points for completing all tasks: 500.

2) Participation in Steam events. This is a very broad concept that includes the number of games purchased, completion of one-time tasks (for example, turning a game card into gems), participation in free games during sales, number of years spent in the community, and much more. As a rule, for completing such tasks you can get no more than 100 units of experience, and on an irregular basis, that is, very rarely.

3) Begging. The object of begging can be both the cards themselves and any other gaming equipment that can be sold on the Marketplace. With the proceeds, the necessary game cards are again purchased and the level is upgraded. With similar actions, you can contact both friends and acquaintances, and outside players, offering them an exchange yourself. They won’t give you expensive things, but they can give you cheap things. You can also beg in large groups and gaming communities by posting a short ad asking them to send you unnecessary and cheap loot and placing it right there with a link to exchange it with you.

4) Equivalent exchange. When playing existing games, you will receive cards, sometimes the same ones. You can exchange them with friends to get rid of unnecessary ones, as well as to get what you need.

5) Exchange via ad. On Steam, especially for those interested in exchanging game cards, an official community has been created, numbering one and a half million people. Since the community communicates in English, you need to use a translator to write an advertisement for those card exchanges in which you are interested. You can also look for interesting options yourself, since there are advertisements in Russian. The community itself is represented.

Paid upgrade methods

There are two methods for paid Steam leveling:

1) About twice a week, games appear on the Steam store that are sold at huge discounts. Their cost is minimal, so you can buy a game for 3-5 rubles without any problems. Also, several times a year, Steam organizes grand sales, where the number of such discounted games increases significantly. You should purchase these games, and then use the IdleMaster program, which allows you to get cards from these games without playing them or even installing them! Each game drops 3-4 cards, which you can then either exchange or sell and purchase the ones you need. Thus, for minimal money you can get cards and spend money economically on leveling up. The program can be downloaded from the official website. Instructions and tips for using it are available in large quantities on the Internet.

2) Purchasing cards on the Marketplace. This is the most important and fastest way to level up for those who have money and who don’t want to slowly level up. You just need to top up your Steam wallet balance, go to the Marketplace, find and purchase a set of cards for the desired game. You can immediately purchase five cards of the same type, since you can upgrade the badge to the maximum level up to the fifth level. Using this method for pumping, you should pay attention to the efficiency of using the money you have, its full return, through two simple rules:

Your wallet account can be replenished not directly, but by purchasing game items (for example, a key or a weapon from CS:GO) at a favorable discounted price on specialized trading platforms on the Internet. After that, sell this item on the Steam Market and leave with a good profit.

Before purchasing cards on the Marketplace, use the analytical data of this site, which will allow you to have a ready-made list of the cheapest cards at the moment. The program has flexible, customizable filters for displaying information, the main one of which is the price for one set of cards (Set Prize). The displayed data has a slightly delayed relevance, so it is better to check it before purchasing cards, since their cost may change during the day.

It is best to craft (create an icon from cards) on the eve of and during the multi-day summer (in June) and winter (in December) Steam sales, since instead of discount coupons, after crafting an icon, you will receive “summer/winter sale cards” from which also You can craft badges, increasing the level, and it will also be possible to sell or exchange. This option is not available outside of sales days.

These simple rules will help save a lot of money and nerves, especially for those who have decided to seriously take up leveling or intend to do this from time to time.

Unlimited Badge

You also cannot ignore a topic that remains closed and unclaimed for most, but you also need to know about it. It's about creating an unlimited badge. Since the creation of icons from game cards is strictly limited to 500 experience points, you will have to move on to crafting cards from another game, and so on. At initial levels this is not a problem, but the higher your level, the larger the number of icons required. For example, to level up from level 0 to 10 you need only 2 full badges, but to level up from level 190 to 200 you already need 40 badges! For those select few who have enough money to upgrade their level to several hundred, a completely different option for leveling up is interesting, faster, and not tied to game cards. This chance is available to everyone by crafting a “summer/winter sale icon” on Steam in June and December. When buying cards for crafting a badge, you don’t have to worry about the 500 experience point limit, since the badge provides the opportunity to receive unlimited experience points. Therefore, you should not be surprised that when looking at the badges of some high-level player, you will see an icon with a huge amount of experience points.

It’s really faster and easier to get the required level, but when doing the calculations it turns out that it’s not profitable from a financial point of view. But if you have already decided to resort to this method of leveling up, then purchase these badges in the second half of the last day of the sale, when the price for them falls due to decreased demand. The day after the sale, they can no longer be bought or sold.


Free ways to level up

To raise (pump up) the level, you need experience points. The more experience points, the higher the level. Steam uses a progressive leveling scale depending on the experience points available. In other words, to level up by one unit from level 0 to 10, you will need only 100 experience points or 1000 experience points for all 10 levels, from level 11 to 20 you will already need 200 experience points per level or 2000 experience points to level up these 10 levels, etc. The higher your current level, the more difficult it is to pump it further and the more time and money you will have to spend.

In most cases, for every 100 experience points, a badge is given. The vast majority of badges are given for collecting one set of cards from any game. The maximum number of experience points for one badge is set at 500. That is, for each game you can collect five identical sets of cards and create a badge with a return of 500 experience points, thereby increasing your level or bringing it closer to higher levels. You can start collecting cards for absolutely any game, not just those that you have. To do this, just go to the Marketplace and type the name of the game in the search. Collecting or purchasing cards, followed by creating a badge, is the main way to level up on Steam. The most frequently asked questions about cards and their answers are presented.

All methods of leveling up can be divided into two types: free and paid. Using free methods, you are unlikely to be able to rise above level 30 for objective reasons and restrictions. The paid method will not have any restrictions. Free methods include:

1) Complete all community tasks. There are about three dozen of them and they serve solely to get acquainted with all the functions of the Steam system. For example, use an emoticon in chat or post a video on your profile. Maximum experience points for completing all tasks: 500.

2) Participation in Steam events. This is a very broad concept that includes the number of games purchased, completion of one-time tasks (for example, turning a game card into gems), participation in free games during sales, number of years spent in the community, and much more. As a rule, for completing such tasks you can get no more than 100 units of experience, and on an irregular basis, that is, very rarely.

3) Begging. The object of begging can be both the cards themselves and any other gaming equipment that can be sold on the Marketplace. With the proceeds, the necessary game cards are again purchased and the level is upgraded. With similar actions, you can contact both friends and acquaintances, and outside players, offering them an exchange yourself. They won’t give you expensive things, but they can give you cheap things. You can also beg in large groups and gaming communities by posting a short ad asking them to send you unnecessary and cheap loot and placing it right there with a link to exchange it with you.

4) Equivalent exchange. When playing existing games, you will receive cards, sometimes the same ones. You can exchange them with friends to get rid of unnecessary ones, as well as to get what you need.

5) Exchange via ad. On Steam, especially for those interested in exchanging game cards, an official community has been created, numbering one and a half million people. Since the community communicates in English, you need to use a translator to write an advertisement for those card exchanges in which you are interested. You can also look for interesting options yourself, since there are advertisements in Russian. The community itself is represented.

6) Participation in free game giveaways. Many thematic gaming sites periodically distribute free games to everyone for some action, for example, registering on their site. The resulting games can be added to your library on Steam and you can get cards from them that can either be sold or exchanged. You can track distributions, for example.

Paid upgrade methods

There are three methods for paid Steam leveling:

1) Purchasing cards on the Marketplace. This is the main way to level up for everyone. You just need to top up your Steam wallet balance, go to the Marketplace, find and purchase a set of cards for the desired game. You can immediately purchase five cards of the same type, since you can upgrade the badge to the maximum level up to the fifth level.

2) Purchasing ready-made sets (kits) of cards through a trading bot for in-game items (for example, keys to CS:GO or TF2 games, gems). This is the fastest way to level up for those who do not want to slowly and methodically buy cards. There are both domestic and foreign services, but they work according to the same scheme. Before exchanging, it is better to inquire in advance about reviews, the contents of the bot’s inventory, the price per set, and whether the purchased cards will be duplicated with the badges you already have.

3) About twice a week, games appear on the Steam store that are sold at deep discounts. Their cost is minimal, so you can buy a game for a few rubles without any problems. Also, several times a year, Steam organizes grand sales, where the number of such discounted games increases significantly. You should purchase these games, and then use the IdleMaster program, which allows you to get cards from these games without playing them or even installing them! Each game drops 3-4 cards, which you can then either exchange or sell and purchase the ones you need. Thus, for minimal money you can get cards and spend money economically on leveling up. The program can be downloaded from. Instructions and tips for using it are available in large quantities on the Internet.

Recently, Steam has been actively fighting against this type of receiving cards from cheap games - the price of games, even when on sale, increases, or games are completely removed from sale. The solution may be to purchase games at their real cost, on third-party sites, for a few rubles per game. Only in this case will this method be beneficial.

Metal icon

It is also worth mentioning metal badges. Firstly, the cards for creating them cost at least twice as much as regular ones. Secondly, you can upgrade such a badge only to the first level, having received 100 units of experience. So why are they needed then? Such badges are usually used in the “Show Badge” section of the profile, since they are very expensive and rare for ordinary players to purchase and craft.

Unlimited Badge

You also cannot ignore a topic that remains closed and unclaimed for most, but you also need to know about it. It's about creating an unlimited badge. Since the creation of icons from game cards is strictly limited to 500 experience points, you will have to move on to crafting cards from another game, and so on. At initial levels this is not a problem, but the higher your level, the larger the number of icons required. For example, to level up from level 0 to 10 you need only 2 full badges, but to level up from level 190 to 200 you already need 40 badges! For those select few who have enough money to upgrade their level to several hundred, a completely different option for leveling up is interesting, faster, and not tied to game cards. This chance is available to everyone by crafting a “summer/winter sale icon” on Steam in June and December. When buying cards for crafting a badge, you don’t have to worry about the 500 experience point limit, since the badge provides the opportunity to receive unlimited experience points. Therefore, you should not be surprised that when looking at the badges of some high-level player, you will see an icon with a huge amount of experience points.

Also, this project offers a rating not only on a global scale, but also on a continental and national scale. The most likely is that you will be included in the TOP-100 of the national ranking, as the least competitive (for example, the Russian Federation). As you level up, you will be able to get into the continental rating (for example, European). There you can also familiarize yourself with each profile based on numerous leadership parameters, as well as find out statistics on your level and place in all ratings.

A few simple tips that will help save a lot of money and nerves, especially for those who have decided to seriously take up leveling or intend to do it from time to time. First of all, you should pay attention to the efficiency of using the money you have, its full return, through a few simple tips:

Your wallet account can be replenished not directly, but by purchasing game items (for example, a key or a weapon from CS:GO) at a favorable discounted price on specialized trading platforms on the Internet. After that, sell this item on the Steam Market and leave with a good profit.

Before purchasing cards on the Marketplace, use analytical data from the site, which will allow you to have a ready-made list of the cheapest cards at the moment. The program has flexible, customizable filters for displaying information, the main one of which is the price for one set of cards (Set Price). The displayed data has a slightly delayed relevance, so it is better to check it before purchasing cards, since their cost may change during the day.

- it is better to purchase cards for leveling up long before the start of the summer or winter sale, since the number of people wishing to purchase the same cards will be lower, and the price for them will be correspondingly lower. Such price reductions occur during sales on Steam, timed to coincide with certain events throughout the year. Many people deliberately try to sell cards below their real value in order to get funds in their Steam wallet as quickly as possible to purchase games at discounts.

It is best to craft (create an icon from cards) on the eve of and during the multi-day summer (in June) and winter (in December) Steam sales, since instead of discount coupons, after crafting the icon, you will receive “summer/winter sale cards”. Crafting badges from them is quite an expensive pleasure. The best option is to start leveling up on the first day of the sale, since there will be a huge demand for “summer/winter sale cards” and the highest possible price. This tactical trick will allow you to get back the money spent on purchasing cards by 40-60%. This advice is only for those who are patient. Please also remember that the sale, exchange or crafting of the “Summer/Winter Sale” badge is only available on the days of the sale.
