How to make money using Facebook. Earning money on Facebook How to make money on your Facebook account yourself

Good afternoon, dear readers! If you have an account on Facebook, then you can not only post interesting posts, communicate with friends and find interesting interlocutors from other countries, but also get a good income from your Internet activity. It is for this reason that it is necessary to study in more detail the question of how to make money on Facebook without leaving home.

Where to start making money on the social network Facebook?

Before you think about ways to make money on Facebook, you need to study the system itself more deeply. This is especially important if you have only recently joined this social network. After you become familiar with the specifics of working on this resource, you can fill your page with the necessary content - content.

So, if you decide to make money on Facebook from feature articles, pictures, videos, etc., then try to expand your account to at least 3-4 pages. In addition, do not forget to fill your blog with all the necessary content daily. It will be enough to add 5-10 articles or publications daily, then you can get not only a good income, but also a lot of new subscribers.

If you are unable to manage your account yourself, you can hire someone to do it for you. Of course, you will have to spend a little, but if you compare your income with expenses, then you will see for yourself that the difference is practically not felt.

Choosing the "money" direction

Before you start earning money, you need to choose the direction in which you are going to move. So, this can be approached from 2 sides:

  1. Selection of a thematic category based on personal hobbies and interests.
  2. Choosing more profitable directions, despite the fact that they are not part of your interests.
  3. Mix several directions at once

To make money on Facebook, based on option 3, you can create 1 page, each of which will have its own separate thematic category. For example:

  1. The first page is the topic “Health”. Here you can add publications about healthy lifestyle, diseases, their treatment, prevention, etc.
  2. The second page is about car repairs.
  3. The third is a mini online store and so on.

The most popular today are the following thematic areas:

  • business, work, study;
  • pharmaceutical topic;
  • women's portals, forums, blogs.

As you can see, it is quite possible to make money on Facebook on your page, but you need to put in a little effort.

Earn money using Like, repost and comments

Making money on Facebook from likes is one of the easiest and fastest ways to make your first profit on the social network. To increase your income, it is better to create several accounts at once. However, you should not think that you will earn money directly on the expanses of this social network. Making money on Facebook from likes involves registering on third-party sites (which give users tasks), and then authorizing the user through Facebook. Once you complete these little formalities, you can start earning some pretty good money. Forumok is the most popular exchange of likes on Facebook, working through the WebMoney payment system. Here's about her.

Why do you need to have multiple accounts when working with likes, reposts and comments? Because in this case, there will be excessive activity from your permanent account, which may alert the administration of the site where you complete tasks.

For this reason, remember: making money on Facebook from likes requires a sense of proportion and caution.

Earning money from groups

As with any other social network, making money on Facebook is not limited to just likes, reposts and comments. There is another type of income - creating and promoting your own community. Of course, implementing such a project will not be an easy task, but if you devote more time to it, it will pay off quite quickly.

Algorithm of actions for creating and promoting a community

To receive this type of income on Facebook, you need to carry out all the necessary steps step by step. Namely:

  1. Create a group based on a pre-selected thematic category.
  2. Filling the community with unique and interesting content. Making money on Facebook from groups requires a lot of time and effort if the project has just begun to develop. If you add 30 entries at once, and then don’t visit your page for 2 months, then even the most devoted subscribers will run away from you. For this reason, all information should be released gradually.
  3. To promote a group, you can use so-called bots, sending invitations to other users of the social network, or paid advertising on third-party resources. However, the latter option is not cheap, so novice entrepreneurs can rarely afford such a luxury.

Once your subscriber count reaches four figures, you will be able to make a good profit not only from content but also from advertising. We will talk about this further.

Earning money from advertising posts

If in the case of your own group you can earn money from advertising links using affiliate programs, then here you will interact with advertisers directly. The amount you will receive for advertising in your group is discussed with each client individually. However, you must remember that you can only make really big money on Facebook from advertising links if your community has a good reputation and profitability.

Note. Making money on Facebook from advertising is not suitable for all thematic categories, and this must be taken into account. If on Odnoklassniki and Vkontakte this nuance is not of particular importance, then on Facebook, which is inferior in popularity to these two social networks, it must be taken into account.

The cost of working on Facebook and profitable vacancies

Working on Facebook can bring good income if your activity is not periodic. Remember that even though this is virtual, it is still earnings, and it also requires a responsible approach.

  • a freelancer, or a person who provides a certain type of service at a distance;
  • a seller selling his products;
  • online consultant;
  • Internet coach;
  • advertiser

A huge advantage of these vacancies is that you can make money on Facebook in one way or another absolutely independently. That is, you will not need to follow anyone’s instructions, but offer your services and working conditions to clients. Be sure that if you can advertise yourself as a specialist in a particular field, attractive (from a financial point of view) offers of cooperation will pour in from people who want to cooperate with you.

How much can you earn?

So, we looked at how this or that user makes money on Facebook. Now you need to understand how much money you can get for your work on this social network.

So, if you have more than 13,000 subscribers on your page, then the approximate daily cost of advertising will be about 300 rubles. However, the price, as they say, is negotiable, but we will take these figures as a basis.

In order not to cause displeasure and indignation on the part of subscribers, do not place more than 2 advertising links per day on your page. So, each link costs 300 rubles - that’s already 600 rubles in 24 hours. We multiply this amount by 30 days - it turns out 18,000 rubles per month, and this is only from one account. This is why if you want to make money on Facebook this way, then create 3-5 user profiles. Even if your work does not pay off immediately, do not despair: in a few months you will reach a new, higher level of earnings. In the meantime, work on Facebook and enjoy what you do, because you can only dream of this type of income.

The question is how to make money on Facebook, interests many users of social networks, because with the development of information technology and the deep integration of the Internet into people’s lives, this area has begun to generate huge profits. Moreover, it is the World Wide Web and various social services that today seem to be the most promising for building a profitable business.

To be able to have an income, you need to do some serious work first. It is impossible to make money on Facebook after registering your account and inviting dozens of acquaintances as friends.

To organize a good income, you will have to work hard and hard to promote a page or group, look for additional sources of profit, and try new methods and techniques.

Features of the functioning of the nipple

Compared to VKontakte, Facebook today is not so developed and integrated with small businesses, so there is less competition here, and there is a chance to quickly get promoted and get into the flow of successful entrepreneurs.

Primary requirements:

  • A high-quality page is an interesting account with a carefully filled out questionnaire
  • A large number of friends
  • Constant updates
  • A relevant topic that will attract representatives of the target audience
  • Selection of optimal methods of earning money, taking into account the specifics of the page or group, interests, target audience, etc.

To understand how to make money on Facebook, you need to consider the specifics of work social network. There are pages and groups that are interesting to people - they come in, view information, read text, scroll through photos, watch videos. The number of users registered on social networks is in the millions, and they all buy goods, use services, paying attention to advertising and various messages.

If you figure out how Facebook makes money, the answer will be obvious: on advertising. The social network itself is free - both when registering and while on the site and performing some actions, users do not pay anything. At the same time, the effectiveness of advertising placed on pages in the form of individual messages or in news format is very high.

As studies have shown, about 90% of users who go to a company page, do not go to its official website, since the information on the social network is enough for them. Therefore, many well-known corporations create and maintain pages on Facebook, while small ones are completely limited only to them, without creating a separate resource.

Generating income from the page

It would take a long time to list how to make money on Facebook on your page, but the basic principle remains the same - with a large number of content views by members of the target audience, you can place advertisements on the page and receive money from advertisers.

So, if we bring simple calculations as an example, it turns out: for one advertising message on a good page with a large number of subscribers, the advertiser pays 500 rubles. They usually don’t make more than 2-3 advertising publications a day (so as not to tire people) - the income per day is 1000-1500 rubles. That is, you can get more than 30,000 rubles a month simply for posting a picture and text, which takes 5-10 minutes.

Naturally, everything is not so ideal: advertisers will not contact you every day, the cost of advertising may vary, you will have to constantly work on the page (so that users do not leave, but are interested in constantly viewing publications), etc. But there are also many examples of successful online businesses, and with a huge number of subscribers we will not be talking about hundreds of rubles, but thousands.

You can receive funds not only for publishing information from advertisers (this is the most primitive option), there are many methods.

Ways to earn income:

2) Sale information courses, services under the terms of affiliate programs

3) Sale of personal services/ – consultations, finished products, coaching, webinars, etc.

4) Page support core business– links to the site, advertising offers, creation of a company business card, etc.

To make the page interesting, you need to constantly add new content (videos, photos, music, interesting stories, links to useful resources), communicate with the audience, organize feedback, interact with other accounts on your own behalf, and hold competitions. At all stages, you need to remember the target audience and take into account their interests.

Profit from group promotion

When thinking about how to make money on a Facebook group, you need to immediately decide on a method and create groups on the social network, taking into account specific conditions and requirements.

Effective ways to generate income:

1) Resale – a group is created for the purpose of its further resale. In this case, the main role is played by the following indicators: topic, number of users, activity. You can get subscribers using special services (but not recommended), you can actively advertise the group, and constantly work to make the project interesting. The final price depends on the parameters of a particular community, but as an example, we can give a figure of $2,500 for a group of 15,000 people (English-speaking).

2) Advertising – a platform originally created for posting advertising messages. The number of users, the topic, and the level of solvency of potential advertisers are also important here (for example, in the field of finance, advertising will a priori be more expensive than in the field of social housing, for example).

3) Traffic redirection– the main income of companies that promote a brand on the Internet. The group acts as a platform for publishing news, links to the official website, and supporting the resource. Users read interesting content on the social network and go to the site, increasing its traffic, generating profit from contextual advertising on the resource, etc.

4) Promotion of goods and services - own or large stores, which then pay a percentage of sales.

For a group to be successful and generate income, it must be managed competently: constantly maintain the interest of subscribers, establish communication with them, conduct competitions and surveys, and offer a variety of content.

Must be tracked user activity, analyze what they like best, what provides greater conversion, etc. Only careful analysis and constant work to improve the content and increase the popularity of the public will lead to success and allow you to use the network’s capabilities to the maximum.

Earning money in other ways

Many users are not sure whether it is possible to make money on Facebook: they register an account and a group, add a few pictures and quotes, invite friends, and then regretfully stop working on the social network in the full confidence that there will be no profit here. This approach will really not bring any results, since you will have to work a lot and constantly.

You can make a profit in a variety of ways - including on a YouTube channel: shoot videos and advertise various products in them, redirect users from Facebook to your channel, thus receiving additional subscribers.

You can devote a page to any series, cinema in general, photo processing, music, etc. Anything that requires you to download . Then the files (series, films, presets for Lightroom or frames for Photoshop, music albums) are uploaded to a file hosting service and a link to them is provided from Facebook. You will be charged for downloading files; if the number of downloaders is in the thousands, you can provide a good source of passive income.

You can approach making money on a social network from the other side - to complete tasks received on various services: join groups, earn money from likes, comments, etc. Any activity on a social network can be well paid; just go to the exchange, register there and start completing tasks.

Good day, dear readers. Today we will talk about how to make money on Facebook without investment. Facebook is a very popular social network. It occupies a leading position worldwide in its segment. Therefore, where there are a lot of people, there is always an opportunity to make money. About some ways to make money on Facebook.

How to make money on Facebook?

One of the first ways that I would like to tell you about is the simplest one that absolutely any user can handle - this is by subscribing, joining groups or communities.

One such site that provides the opportunity to start making money on likes and other social activity is SMMka. Payment for completed tasks fluctuates around 0.15-0.5 rubles. It is also worth noting that this site has an affiliate program that allows you to earn 15% of the earnings of the referrals you invite.

Money for likes, reposts, subscriptions....

Another site that works with the popular social network Facebook is SocialTools. You can find quite a lot of tasks on this project, so you will have something to do and how to earn extra money in your free time. Payment for social activity is quite high compared to SMMka, which is why this service really deserves attention.

Forumok is perhaps the TOP site for making money on social media. networks. It allows you to get money not only for activities on Facebook, but also opens up the possibility of working with other social networks. The minimum amount for withdrawal is 300 rubles, but the payment for tasks is very decent (minimum 2.25 rubles). This project also has a referral system. Among other services, I would also like to recommend Sarafanka, Prospero, Smofast and others.

As I mentioned above, boxes also allow you to get money for actions on Facebook. For example, on the websites VMmail and Seosprint you can find tasks whose authors also pay for performing simple actions on the most popular social network in the world.

You definitely won’t be able to earn a lot of money, since there are not so many tasks for owners of Facebook pages on the above projects. Even if you connect all possible services and work with them constantly, your daily earnings will not exceed 200-500 rubles per day. It’s even possible that I overestimated this show, but it can definitely be achieved if you connect other social networks to your profiles on sites, especially and.

Money on a group or public page

You can also make money on Facebook using your groups or public pages. Only for this it is necessary that you have as many readers as possible, since you will receive money by advertising.

You can find advertisers or inform them that your site is ready to consider their options on special advertising exchanges. Finding them is not that difficult. But in order to become an attractive platform for advertisers, you need to have a very, very large audience who are participants in your sites. This can be achieved without investment, but it will obviously take more than one year.

There is also an alternative: create an online store based on a Facebook group. Fortunately, the developers of the social network have made this feature absolutely free.

Thoroughly search for a supplier of goods and start reselling their products on Facebook. At first it will be quite difficult to find the first buyers, but after some time the interval between purchases will be reduced significantly.

Can bring more per day. I think that this is a very profitable niche, especially if you encounter fairly low competition, since there are not many online stores created in the Russian-language segment of Facebook.

This method is especially attractive because it allows you to make money on Facebook without investment. Although a minimal investment in advertising would be very helpful.

Money from advertising

This topic can be developed in several directions at once, each of which will be profitable in its own way:

  • Provide your services to interested clients for a monetary reward.

If we talk about the site, it opens up the possibility of attracting traffic through search engines, and subsequently making money on contextual advertising. This is also a good platform for PR of the services you provide. That is, with the help of websites you can confirm to the client that you understand this niche. To completely dispel the doubts of a potential customer, you can publish some examples of your work on your online resource.

But if you don’t want to create a website, but want to get clients, your path will be built through freelance exchanges and forums. On the freelance exchange, you must create a profile where you indicate your type of activity, examples of work, etc. On forums - create topics describing the services you provide and other related information.

But what about the situation with forums, what with freelance exchanges - you need information that would prove your professionalism to the customer. And it’s best to publish this information on your personal website.

Hello! In this article we will discuss how to make money on Facebook.

  • How much can you earn: from 50 rubles per day.
  • Minimum Requirements: none.
  • Is it worth earning: It’s better to earn money on VKontakte.

Features of Facebook for earning money

Facebook is the most popular social network in the world. The total number of users has long exceeded 1 billion. At the same time, in Russia and the CIS countries it is far from being so popular.

That is why Facebook is not suitable for working with the Russian-speaking segment of the audience. The number of users is small, no one is in the mood to buy anything, and therefore pay dearly for .

Let's figure out how you can make money on Facebook, whether it's worth it and what you can use the social network for.

Facebook target audience

To understand how ways to make money on Facebook differ from other social networks, let's look at the target audience of this network. The profile of the average user looks like this:

  • Male/female from 25 to 44 years old.
  • Higher education.
  • Resident of a capital or large city.
  • Works in a good company, businessman or.
  • Active life position.
  • Interested in politics, IT technologies, business and various areas of culture.
  • He comes to the social network in order to establish business contacts.

Should be considered:

  • The level of costs here is higher than on VKontakte;
  • Facebook plays more to strengthen its reputation than to stimulate sales.

We've sorted out the portrait of the target audience. Now let's move on to ways to make money on Facebook.

How to make money on Facebook: 5 ways

I have prepared for you 5 ways to earn money that are relevant for Facebook.

Earnings from activity

Likes, reposts, joining a group, comments - all this is the easiest and most relevant way for any social network to earn money without investment. Its essence is as follows:

  1. Registration in the service.
  2. Filling out your profile.
  3. Perform simple tasks.
  4. Receiving the money.

Service for making money on Facebook - SMMok. Payment for the above actions is minimal: up to 3 - 4 kopecks for likes, reposts and joining the group. You can pay from 1 ruble for a comment. You won't earn much, but you still give free likes every day. Why not try to monetize it a little and earn some real dollars.

Earning money on Facebook from advertising

I combined earnings on my page and in the group, since the scheme of work is approximately the same:

  1. Creating a page/group.
  2. Attracting a large number of users.
  3. Monetization through advertising or .

Sounds pretty simple. But in order to attract at least a large audience, you will have to try. And depending on the topic of the community, materials and monetization method, you can receive either 100 rubles for advertising or 10,000, with the same number of users.

Everything you need to remember when making money on a group and personal page on Facebook:

This is what they pay for in SMM. And not just for posting funny pictures and attracting subscribers who will be deleted in a week.

Earning money on Facebook in online stores

Attracting additional traffic

Getting additional traffic is a great option for those who want to expand their main way of earning money. It could be:

  1. Own blog/website.

All you have to do is repost your materials to your Facebook page. But this is a way to additionally attract users when other social networks have already been mastered. As I said above, if you don’t already use VKontakte, then it’s better to start with it first.

These are all current ways to make money on Facebook. Of course, many of them are available on other social networks, and more often than not, they will bring in more money there.

You shouldn't engage in Facebook. This social network is not well suited for such a business. The Russian-speaking audience is not interested in information products, so Vkontakte is most suitable for this niche.

Who is suitable for making money on Facebook?

Ways to make money on Facebook differ in their audience. You will have to focus on new directions that are interesting to other people.

Facebook is great for reaching a foreign audience. Outside the CIS, Facebook is the first social network. And if you can work with foreign countries, then this is definitely a great opportunity.

That is, making money on Facebook is suitable for those who know languages ​​and want to work with foreign audiences. It is advisable to know English, but any other language of the EU countries will do.

How much can you earn on Facebook?

Now, as always, let’s briefly look at the earnings figures:

  • Likes, reposts and joining a group - up to 50 rubles per day.
  • Earnings from communities - from 1,000 rubles per month.
  • SMM promotion - from 3 to 15 thousand rubles per month for maintaining a group and creating high-quality materials. Up to 1.5 thousand for simple filling with copied materials.
  • Creating your own online store - from 10,000 rubles per month.
  • Attracting additional traffic - there is no specific figure.

How to use Facebook to make money

It is best to use Facebook not so much to earn money, but to increase your own opportunities. That is, you do not earn money in the usual sense, you attract clients, improve your own brand, and promote yourself as a specialist. There are three options on how to do this.

Creating groups to attract clients

Creating thematic communities is the easiest way to attract customers. Simple from the point of view of the fact that it is understandable to everyone. The algorithm of actions is transparent:

  1. You create a community.
  2. Fill it with quality content. Funny pictures and quotes are completely unnecessary.
  3. Colleagues and clients come, participate in discussions, repost, and like.
  4. Orders appear.

But running groups on Facebook has its own characteristics. Most people have had a smart feed for a long time, so they will have to compete for impressions in the news. It is very difficult for small communities to do this without promotion costs. Therefore, this method of attracting customers and improving your reputation is relevant if you have money.


Making contacts for business is called networking. Your task on Facebook is to communicate in thematic communities of specialists without offering your services. That is, the algorithm of actions is approximately the following:

  1. Join communities in your specialty and related areas.
  2. Participate in discussions.
  3. Help, advise, share your own experience.
  4. Do you recommend specific specialists or materials?

A trivial example:

You, but you know how to run groups on social networks. The discussion is about the question “What posts to come up with for group N.” You either recommend ideas for posts or send a link to materials on the topic. If this is a business owner, also advise him of great specialists in personal messages.

If your advice helped, then they may turn to you as a specialist, or send a client who needs some services. This is a great way to promote your services. In addition, it helps to develop your own brand.

Promoting your own brand on Facebook

We have approached the general direction - developing our own brand. Analysis of the target audience showed that people on Facebook are not looking for some product or service. They are looking for partners, employees and trying to talk about their business. Selling something directly will not work, but declaring yourself that you are a specialist will do the trick.

It is beneficial for Russian users to use Facebook in this area. Networking, creating thematic communities, publishing materials and that’s it - clients will find you themselves.

Is it worth making money on Facebook?

If your target audience is not on Facebook, then it is better not to even try to make money on this social network. Simply because the Russian-speaking segment of the audience has already chosen VKontakte and Instagram. And with the same amount of effort invested, these two social networks will produce greater returns, not Facebook.

Facebook is a fairly profitable platform for monetizing a foreign audience. Plus, this is one of the , so you can promote your page and community there for show. That is, as one of the additional sources of profit, but not the main one.


Don't look at Facebook as a way to make money. For each direction that I wrote in the article, there is a more profitable alternative - Vkontakte. Facebook is only suitable for those who want to promote their personal brand to a target audience, but this does not contribute to direct income.

Making money on the Internet is easy if you know how. On the social network Facebook, you can very easily earn serious money simply by liking pages.

    • New project - make money on likes!
    • The cost of likes: what does it depend on?
    • Payment

No one will refuse additional income, especially if it does not require spending a lot of time and effort. Today, almost everyone is registered on a social network, and, most likely, more than one, but this is where you can make money very easily - no education or experience is needed here, which means that such a part-time job can be done by anyone who knows how to use the Internet.

New project - make money on likes!

Relatively recently it became known about a new exchange of likes on the social network Facebook, where anyone can earn considerable income. For each “like” heart you can get up to 50 cents, and instantly.

The cost of likes: what does it depend on?

The cost of your like will depend on how many people you have as friends. Anyone with less than a hundred people on their friends list will receive one cent per like. If the number of friends is from 100 to 200 people, the price per like will increase to 2 cents. Every hundred people on your friends list adds one cent per like to your cost.

Watch the webinar on ways to make money on Facebook

Grow your Facebook community wisely: Check out the complete guide to making money on Facebook

Accordingly, if you have 300 people as friends, your like can be valued at 3 cents, 1 thousand friends on the list - 10 cents per like, whoever has up to 5,000 thousand people as friends can earn as much as 50 cents per like. At the maximum rate (up to 5 thousand friends in the list) on Facebook, your earnings for 10 clicks will be 5 US dollars.


It should be noted that payments on Facebook are made instantly, and the funds received can be withdrawn immediately after they are received. The minimum withdrawal amount is at least 5 US dollars. Withdrawal of funds is made through the Webmoney system.

The entire process of earning money takes place on the exchange - you will not need to follow links and various sites to complete the task. All that is required from the user is to like the site and earn money.

In order to start making money, you first need to go through the registration process on the likes exchange. To enter the site you must log in via Facebook. The advertiser selects the “customer” button, those who decide to make money on likes click “surfer”. After this, you need to click the “login via Facebook” icon.

How to create an online store on Facebook

Now you can go directly to earning money. Your personal profile on Facebook is processed automatically by the system, taking into account the number of people who are on your friends list, as well as activity on the site in question.

In your personal account, the price for liking your profile is indicated, and topics that interest you are offered that you are willing to like. For efficient and most effective work, we advise you to choose all topics. After selecting topics, you can start surfing, where all the likes currently available are shown.

We recommend a course on making money on the Internet: Find out more than 50 ways to make money online, including ways to make money on Facebook

Likes are created by advertisers. Not robots, as many believe, but ordinary people who need to promote their group, website or community on Facebook. The cost of likes is set by the advertiser himself. To work productively and get a good income, you need to check updates several times a day, this way you can come across interesting offers more often, while receiving additional income.

If you want to make real money, you need to like everything that is offered, and not just expensive options. You need to understand that there are quite a lot of surfers and there are more and more of them every day, and the work can simply end in one moment.
