How to increase the number of subscribers without creating content. Tips for promoting corporate Instagram

Hello! In this article we will talk to you about how to get many subscribers on Instagram. Should I use cheating for this through various services or do without cheating and do everything legally.

I will tell you about my mistakes that I made while developing my account. By the way, subscribe to it. I think you will find something useful for yourself there.

A large number of subscribers adds credibility to the account author

So let's promote our accounts correctly and look at the mistakes:

Cheating subscribers through services

Of course, this method worked before, because... entries in the feed were shown as they were received. The number of subscribers showed the importance of the blogger. And people were more willing to subscribe to such accounts.

But when the display algorithm changed, fake bots on Instagram simply became meaningless, because... Nobody will see your posts anyway. And they greatly spoiled the statistics for those who cheated them.

Why do you need to delete and block bots on Instagram? Don't skip this article because... it is very important in promotion.

Put a lot of hashtags on Instagram

I used as many hashtags as possible so that my post would be seen by many more people. But here’s the problem: not too many people watch posts using hashtags.

And as a result, a lot of stores and other mass followers subscribed to my account. As a result, the same situation turned out as with the previous cheating method.

After all, stores don’t look at your posts, spoil the statistics, and fewer and fewer people see you.

So what happens? Is there no way to attract people to your account anymore?

Of course you can! All is not lost yet. And mass following and mass liking come to the rescue, which still works!

We love Instagram and Instagram loves us!

Massfollowing - this is a mass subscription to thousands of Instagram accounts.

Mass liking - this is the mass placing of thousands of likes on user posts on Instagram.

Before mass following and mass liking, you must transfer your account so that your account is less suspicious on Instagram and you are not blocked.

And of course, we can do all this manually, but then our account will be blocked very quickly, because... You simply won't be able to comply with all the restrictions.

Of course, it’s not free, but this way you can attract real living people to your profile!

And you will be able to promote your posts and show them to more and more people.

But don’t forget about quality content, which is the main factor in promoting and gaining followers on Instagram!

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Make sure this account has posts available on

During the active development of social networks, we can all observe the lives of bloggers, media personalities, and popular personalities on Instagram. 100 thousand subscribers, 500, 1 million, 10 million. All these numbers are simply crazy. Well, how do they do it! It's all because of their popularity on TV! I can't do that! You can come up with many more such excuses. But it’s better that we don’t look for excuses, but figure out how to gain followers on Instagram without wild popularity, TV, a successful music career, and the like.

Before you start the promotion marathon, evaluate your strength.

  • Are you sure you want to promote on Instagram?
  • Are you ready to spend at least an hour every day developing your project?
  • Are you ready to constantly develop?
  • will you be persistent and not give up at the first difficulties?

If the answer is yes, then GO!

1. Choose a suitable topic

Already at the first stage, many Instagram bloggers make a fatal mistake. Well, what might come to mind first: cats, dogs, naked women, food. Yes, there are many examples of successful projects in these areas, but there are already so many similar channels that most users simply do not pay attention to them. The second no less dangerous situation is when the chosen topic is not at all interesting to the person. How long will it take you to write and publish photos about cars when you only have motorcycles in your head?

Total we have:

  • We are looking for a topic that is not hackneyed, which in the future may interest many people;
  • We evaluate our capabilities and access to unique content;
  • We decide whether this channel would be interesting to run.

If worthwhile thoughts don’t come to you on the first day, don’t be discouraged, time and imagination will help you. It’s better not to start at all than to work on an incomprehensible channel that even your friends won’t want to subscribe to.

2. Learn to work with photography

To attract followers on Instagram, you need to learn how to take high-quality photos. Angle, processing, image quality, all this comes with experience, reading relevant literature and studying graphic editors. Working on content on Instagram is an art, so don't stop at platitudes, get creative!

3. Use filters and graphics applications

Photoshop is certainly good, but today there are many other equally exciting tools for photo processing. The same Instagram, before publishing, suggests applying filters or playing with the settings of brightness, sharpness, and the like. But applications like Prisma, Photo Lab, Artisto are of greater interest. An unusual and interesting treatment always catches the eye and is sure to arouse the interest of Instagram users. And sometimes you can get caught up in a wave of growing interest in a particular tool and attract additional attention to your page.

4. Create a content plan

Once you decide on the topic, you will definitely have ideas on what to post on Instagram. True, chaotic thoughts can most often simply confuse you and in the end you will post whatever you want, often deviating from the main message. It is important to stick to a specific plan; subscribers must understand what they will see when they come to visit you. Here is a detailed article on how to create a content plan for Instagram

5. Work with videos, stories and live broadcasts

To attract subscribers to your channel, you will have to arm yourself with the entire arsenal of Instagram. The main thing here is to be on the crest of the wave. Photographs are, of course, unsinkable classics, but when social. the network is introducing a new format, it undoubtedly attracts more attention. Even just working with video, you already automatically receive a promotion bonus in front of most channels. And active work with stories and live broadcasts will give you even more advantages in pursuit of user attention.

6. Experiment with serving, follow trends

Scrolling through your Instagram feed, you may have noticed various features:

  • the first photo in the gallery is intriguing and bewitching, the next ones are selling;
  • static photos in video format;
  • a call to click on the photo 2 times (if you agree, or to see a secret picture);
  • captions on the video.

Of course, not all of these techniques will cause a positive reaction, but each method of helping to attract attention is good for its purposes. You can choose the methods that are right for you, look for something new, or come up with your own.

7. Add a description

If you still think that people don’t read people on Instagram, immediately forget this nonsense. Just imagine, you see in your feed a photograph of an unremarkable abandoned building. This is how it remains until you add a heart-warming story about the tragic fate of the building to the photo. And now comments appear under the picture, people begin to share the link to the post with friends, and the post begins to take on a life of its own. Be sure to write under each of your creations. Interesting texts will definitely attract attention, and the most interested users will become your subscribers.

8. Write hashtags

Hashtags on Instagram are one of the main ways to search for information of interest (you can also subscribe to them). By adding 3-4 hashtags to each publication, you will eventually increase the audience of the post. This tool becomes especially relevant against the backdrop of the popularity of a topic or event. You publish a photo from the stadium where your favorite team is playing, feel free to put #Luzhniki #football #Russiaforward and interested users will find you themselves.

9. Hashtags in the comments

In addition to the description, hashtags can be added in the comments. Upload a photo, add a description and publish. Next, add the necessary tags by commenting on your post. In this case, you will not clutter the signature with unnecessary information for the user, but at the same time you will make the post available in search.

10. Geolocation

Another one of the tools that bloggers on Instagram do not use so often. But this is a great bonus that helps attract subscribers. In addition to the fact that a mark where the photo was taken appears under the photo, the entry is included in those offered to users from your location. And if geolocation is added to stories, there is a chance of getting to a place of honor at the top of the feed.

11. Comment, like, subscribe

Instagram is a social network and people communicate here, get approval for their work, attract followers, and if you focus only on yourself, you can lose an excellent channel for attracting subscribers. They commented on the post, saw you, left a like, noticed you, subscribed, became interested in you. 2-3 years ago, mass following and mass liking were the most effective way of promotion for many. Today the situation has changed, but if you approach this tool wisely, you can get pleasant results.

12. Post regularly

Attracting a large number of subscribers is not an immediate task. In order to get results, you need to work and work. Adding photos from time to time will not convince guests that your channel will be interesting to them. Why subscribe to a profile if the next publication will come out unclear when.

13. Place a link to your Instagram profile on other resources

The most ideal option is if you have a website, blog or other resource where you are also active. But even if you only have profiles on social networks, act anyway. Even a VKontakte or Facebook link can attract a significant number of subscribers.

14. Use an agenda

The agenda can be considered everything that interests your audience today. Blog about cars, follow world exhibitions, publish photos about finances, note the sharp rise or fall of the Dow Jones index. If highly specialized events are difficult to find, you can become attached to a holiday, high-profile event or scandal. It’s better to be careful with the latter, sometimes you can run into negative popularity.

15. Don’t miss marathons, flash mobs and challenges

Such events can be very popular, interesting, and just plain fun. Shave one eyebrow, scare the cat with a cucumber, give up coffee for a week. If this is a marathon, then you can make a whole series of exciting publications. If you get into the flow and will be among the first, people will definitely pay attention to you and many will become your subscribers. Just don't overdo it and don't participate in dangerous or illegal activities.

16. Pay attention to advertising

Undoubtedly, advertising on Instagram is not a cheap undertaking, especially if your profile does not advertise any services or products, but is an entertainment public or just a personal page. However, if your content is unique and you're confident you'll be successful, it's worth a try. Many people need a little push for popularity, and this can be advertising.

17. Connect statistics

To make it easier to track your progress in attracting subscribers, activate your business account. To do this, you need to link your Instagram profile to your Facebook page. As an additional bonus, you will receive information about your audience, at what time published posts receive greater coverage and many other goodies.

18. Automate

In order to speed up the process of attracting subscribers or make promotion more comfortable, in some cases it will be advisable to automate some processes:

1. Publishing posts on a schedule. Instagram does not provide such functionality to its subscribers, but there are services that provide this service: SMMplanner, SmmBox,

2. Mass following and mass liking.

Hi all! Today I will tell you how to get a lot of followers on Instagram for free or for money in order to promote your profile yourself. Many people want to be popular, but when you look at the number of your subscribers, you immediately realize that popularity is still far away. That's why I want to look at several proven methods on how to speed up this process.

Method 1. Inviting from other social networks to your profile for free

To begin with, we will use all our resources from other social networks, for example from Facebook. To do this, log into the instagram application and make sure that all your accounts are linked to instagram. Select "Options" - "Settings" - "Linked Accounts". There will be checkboxes next to related social networks. If any of them are not connected, then do it right now by clicking on it and log in by entering your username and password to allow access.

Now, go to “Options” again and pay attention to the item "Invite friends". You can instantly invite your friends from Facebook by clicking on the appropriate line. But in order to gain subscribers from VK, classmates and other social networks, you will have to do things a little differently.

Click on the line "Invite friends", which is located under Facebook and select all your existing social networks and instant messengers (such as Viber or WhatsUp). Moreover, if you send an invitation to VK, then you will have 2 options: either send a message to the wall so that all your friends and subscribers can see it, or send a personal message to your friends.

Of course, you won’t gain many followers on Instagram this way, but nevertheless, you will have “Living start-up capital.”

Method 2. Social services for boosting your profile on Instagram

Now let's look at ways where you basically don't need to do anything. All you have to do is put everything on stream. As a rule, in such services, you will have 2 options: either free, but slow, or for a small fee, but fast and without wasting time.

Of course, I would like to immediately note that no matter how hard they try to write to you that these are real subscribers, in reality this is not the case. It’s just that when such services indicate the word “live,” they simply mean that these are not bots, but real people. And I want to say that these are really real people, only they will subscribe to you for money or for bonus points. Such people are called offers.

Therefore, be prepared that with a large number of followers, you will have few views and likes. Although in practice, even a certain percentage of offers show interest in your content. But you should not abuse this. This is usually practiced as a starting point, since people are psychologically structured in such a way that if a lot of people subscribe to a public page, channel or profile, then the herd instinct kicks in (since people subscribe, it means it’s interesting).


First of all, I would like to recommend you a cool service for promoting your profile on Instagram and other social networks - Soclike. Unfortunately. You can’t get free subscribers here, but the prices here are very reasonable and the subscribers are high quality. No bots!

  1. Select a tab "Instagram cheat" and select Followers.
  2. Scroll down to select your package. Yes, you cannot order one follower here, as they are sold in packs of 100 pieces. The larger the pack, the cheaper each subscriber will cost you. Let's say we select the minimum tariff for 100 pieces by clicking on the "Basket" button.
  3. Next, look at our products in the cart and click "Checkout".
  4. Now, follow the instructions. You need to write your email for the report, as well as a link to your Instagram profile, which will need to be promoted by subscribers. Next, press again "Checkout", after which you will proceed to the payment form.
  5. When we have entered everything, click on the “Pay” button. How to pay is up to you. Today, payment is possible through Yandex Money, WebMoney and Qiwi. But there are also special payment aggregators, thanks to which you can make payments even from a Sberbank card.

Basically everything. Now all that remains is to wait for the influx of subscribers.


Quite a good service for the “Meat” set, which can be described as paid-free. The essence of this online service is that you create a special task for other people who will receive special points for completing it.

These points can be bought (1000 points - 100 rubles), or earned in the system yourself by completing similar tasks for entries, likes and reposts from other people.

Go to the site SMOFast and go through a simple registration, after which you will be taken to your personal account. If you intend to buy coins to purchase offers, then go to “Balance” and top it up with at least one hundred rubles.

After that, go to “Coins” and buy yourself a tariff package for 100 rubles. For this you will be awarded 1000 coins.

If you decide to collect coins for free, then you will have to sweat a little by completing the tasks yourself. To do this, in the “Earn” menu, select any social network, as well as the type of task being performed, for example “Vkontakte” - “Likes”.

Now, click on the “Like” button opposite any of the tasks, after which a new window will open. Your task is to like a photo or post. After this, 9 coins will be credited automatically.

Once you have a supply of coins, you can start creating your task. To do this, go to the menu "Add task" and select from the drop-down list what interests you, for example "instagram followers".

Now enter the required information so that the offers can get started. To do this, enter your Instagram login, the price for the completed task (put 9 coins), and if you wish, you can set the number of subscriptions per day and the total number. After this you press "Add task" and watch how followers gradually begin to appear.

This way you can get a lot of likes and followers to add fat to your profile.

Kwork is a great solution for speed dialing

Of course, Kwork is not a special promotion service, but a full-fledged freelance exchange. But nevertheless, you can find a lot of interesting performers there who will be happy to add subscribers to your account.

To do this, log in to Quark. If you haven't registered there yet, be sure to do so. And then, look for the word in the search "Instagram followers". After this, you will see a huge number of offers to promote and promote your profile on Instagram.

Go to any of them and see all the conditions. For a small fee of 500 rubles, they will get you around 3000-6000 subscribers to your account, with a guarantee of unsubscribes.

Just in case, contact the seller and ask about this promotion, find out about the guarantee. Of course, these will not be real people, but offers and fakes, so don’t expect them to shower you with likes. But nevertheless, the number 6000 will look more respectable than 25. But again, these 5-6 thousand subscribers will be of no use when in reality 5 people like your photos.

Just remember, before ordering the service, you will need to top up your balance.

Method 3. Hashtags

If you use the right hashtags, this can have a good effect on the number of subscribers. Just try to post more often, and be sure to add interesting hashtags at the end. Just don’t overdo it with quantity, otherwise there will be over-optimization.

Organic hashtags

For example, if you went to the concert of Philip Kirkorov, put down several relevant hashtags, for example #Philipkirkorov, #King, #Pop music #ConcertPhilipkirkorov. I am sure that you will get several subscribers just from one photo.

Look, I recently met with one of my favorite bands, Louna, and naturally took a photo with the lead singer. Posting this photo on Instagram with the hashtag #louna, I received more views, likes and comments than usual. In addition, 4 people subscribed to me. Yes, it's definitely not much. But it's just one photo and just one hashtag.

Mutual subscription

In addition, you can use so-called viral hashtags, thanks to which you can increase the percentage of subscribers. Just after each post put one of these: #followme, #follow4follow, #mutual subscription, #f4f #follow, etc.

True, if someone subscribes to you in this way, then they expect a reciprocal subscription from you in return.

Method 4. Cold bypass

The method is very ambiguous and quite long, but nevertheless it bears fruit.

Manual method

The essence of this method is that you simply start visiting the profiles of other users (through search, hashtags, friends, etc.) and start being active there, leaving comments, liking, subscribing to them.

Some people wonder what kind of stranger it was who liked or subscribed. They come to your page and start browsing your profile. Sometimes they just leave a mutual like, and sometimes they actually become interested in your content and subscribe to read more of you.

But this method is quite long and tedious, so it can also be done automatically.

Automatic method - Zengram service

I would also like to suggest that you consider the option of automatic bypass. There are many different applications and services, but I will focus on Zengram. This service is paid, but you are given a 5-day free period so that you can try out the functionality and decide whether you need it. And the most interesting thing is that time only passes if the project is launched. If it is stopped, then time stops.

Now you can view in statistics how many people you have subscribed to and how many people you have liked.

Method 5. Recruiting live subscribers (official method)

This method was invented by Instagram itself, and only real and targeted subscribers are recruited here without any cheating. But I want to say right away that this can take a lot of money. It all depends on what post you are promoting, what target audience, etc. For some, one follower costs 1 ruble, while for others it costs 50.

In order to gain many followers on Instagram using the official method yourself, you first need to. I dedicated an entire article to this.

But besides this, you will need to register your bank card in the Facebook advertising account, since promotion will take place through this social network. To do this, log in to the business page and create an advertising account. There you will need to enter your card number with all that it implies. After this, you will be charged a small amount of money to verify the identity of the card, after which the money will be returned.

You can also set up a payment method on Instagram itself by going to “Settings” and selecting “Payments”, which is located in the block "Company Setup". You will also be redirected to the Facebook advertising account, where you can do all the manipulations.

  1. When you have your map link ready and your personal blog set up, log in to your page and click on the “Promote” button.
  2. Next, select the post that you think should capture the audience and click on "Create a promotion".
  3. Now, select the item “Stimulate profile traffic”.
  4. Now you need to set up an advertising campaign. In the “Audience” section, you can configure the gender, age, and geotargeting of potential subscribers. In the budget section, set the amount you are willing to spend on the entire advertising campaign. Later, it will be divided by the number of days. Well, we set the duration. If you set a budget of 700 rubles for 7 days, then you will be debited 100 rubles per day. After that, we launch the project, and when it passes moderation, we look at the result.

In general, promotion in this way is a whole science. You need to test different posts for different groups of audiences (women, men, 18-25 years old, 26-35 years old, etc.). Only then leave the most productive advertising campaigns. But thanks to this method, you will have the most targeted subscribers. But in principle, you can configure everything yourself.

Method 6. Commenting on celebrities

Yes, no matter how strange it may sound, if you comment on celebrities, you can also increase your number of followers on Instagram absolutely free of charge and without cheating. This method of gaining subscribers has proven itself well not only on Instagram, but also on YouTube and other social networks.

The idea is that you find the profile of celebrities, bloggers or people with an audience of thousands, and leave a meaningful comment there.

Instagram is one of the popular social networks for sharing photos on the Internet. Today we will try to tell you all the secrets of how to quickly gain subscribers to your Instagram profile, we will look at how this can be done for free and for a fee. And also a little secret of what you need to do to have many followers (subscribers) on Instagram.

How to gain followers on Instagram

It is worth noting right away that the article will be voluminous. Let's immediately divide our article into three parts:

  • How to gain followers on Instagram quickly, but for a fee.

Before we start our long story, we want to say that in order to have many followers on Instagram you will have to work very, very hard, and the more subscribers you need, the more difficult your path will be. You understand, it’s easy to get 1000 followers on Instagram, but 100,000 thousand is very, very difficult.
Below we offer you several working and proven strategies for increasing followers on your Instagram profile.

What to do to have a lot of followers on Instagram.

Before we start describing ways to attract subscribers, we would like to talk about what you need to do to have a lot of followers. In other words, attracting a follower on Instagram is still half the work. Your main task will be to get the person to actively view your profile, like, comment, etc.

  • Unique and individual subject matter and style of content presentation. From the very beginning, you need to think about what you will post, try to use the same frame filters, etc. In general, in other words, your profile should be recognized immediately, and even if someone tries to copy you, you would always be ahead and people would always understand that you are you.
  • Correct profile design. Your profile should be beautifully designed and should not contain unnecessary, redundant information. You must come up with a sonorous, easy-to-remember name. At first, try to avoid advertising and links; we recommend not posting advertising posts and links to at least 30-50k followers.
  • Only your own unique interesting content. The photos and videos you post on Instagram should be unique and, most importantly, interesting. There are very, very many ways to interest and force a user to subscribe to you using only photos and videos. Here's a simple but working method: We make a 30 second video “will an iPhone explode if you cut it in half” at the end of the demo video we write something like “Subscribe and be the first to know, as soon as we have 10,000 subscribers we will post a continuation of the video”
  • Always use hashtags. As we have already written, many Instagram users track new publications using hashtags that interest them not through their feed, but through special services (For more details, you can read- ). Therefore, remember for each publication you should have at least 2-4 hashtags, but no more than 5-6.
  • Frequency of publication of material. Remember, if you post 1 photo a week, then even if you have 100k followers, everyone will gradually unfollow you and forget about you. You must post at least 2-3 photos and videos per day.
  • Feedback with people. Remember, always respond to the comments of your followers on Instagram, thereby you increase, firstly, activity, and secondly, the involvement of users in your profile.

Well, now we know how to keep attracted followers on Instagram, but how to quickly gain followers on Instagram? Read on!

How to gain followers on Instagram for free.

We are moving on to the second part of our article, but before we tell you about ways to attract free followers on Instagram, we will make a few important notes.

  • Firstly, your social network account must meet all the requirements above, that is, the profile must be beautifully designed, you must have constantly prepared material for publication, there must be no advertising or extraneous links, in other words, everything that we described above.
  • Secondly, your profile should be open and accessible to everyone.
  • Thirdly, you must have at least 50 photos before you start attracting people; you cannot cheat participants into an empty account.

If this is all clear, then let's look at all the available ways to make sure you have a lot of followers on Instagram for free.

  1. Mutual subscription. Everything is very simple here: you subscribe to real people from your target audience and according to your interests and topics. They mutually subscribe to you, after 1-2 months you unsubscribe from the person, and he continues to subscribe to you. Pros (Free. Followers are only your target audience.) Cons: (For a long time, only half of the people you follow will follow you back. A large percentage of unsubscribes in the future. Automation of the process is already a paid method)
  2. Liking photos and comments. As a manual process of attracting people to your profile, it’s not very good at all, the essence of the method is: you like people’s photos, they go to your profile and if they like your content, they subscribe to you.
    Pros: (Only target audience. You do not need to subscribe to other users of the social network.) Cons (Long and slow process, out of 100 likes you get, 1-2 people will follow you. You can get banned for a huge number of likes. Can be automated, but the software costs money )
  3. We'll overspam with hashtags. Everything is clear from the name, when you put 25 or more hashtags on your topic under one photo. The advantage is that the method does not take much time, but the disadvantage is that the quality of the content is lost because spam overload looks terrible.
  4. Spam. For spam, they use fake aliases to avoid getting banned and spam the personal messages of other users, like look what I found and throw a photo from your profile.
  5. Getting to the top. You all understand perfectly well that if you get to the top of recommended content, then this is a goldmine of free subscribers on Instagram, but we will write a separate article about how to get there, because there is a lot, a lot of information.
  6. Offers. You create 1-10 fake accounts for yourself, go to sites, complete tasks with fakes, and spend the points you receive on promotion to your main Instagram profile.
  7. Friends from other social networks. For example, you create a fake on VK, get 10k friends for it, and then publish photos on VK through a connection and people subscribe to you, the same can be done with Facebook. You can repeat it many times, quite an effective way.
  8. Fake competitions. Let’s not be verbose, the essence of the method is to come up with a competition with good prizes on hype, and then choose your fakes or friends as winners.

The main distinguishing feature and main difference between paid methods of attracting subscribers on Instagram is the huge time savings. The larger your budgets, the faster and more people you will recruit.

  1. Buying subscribers. No, this is not a scam or an offer, but a purchase; they usually buy broken profiles of people who are subscribed to your profile against their will and without their knowledge. The person restores access but in 90% of cases remains subscribed to you
  2. Advertising. Purchasing advertising from famous Instagram bloggers and large public pages on Instagram.
  3. Competitions. Real competitions with real prizes and a budget for competition PR.
  4. Purchasing and ordering content. For example, ordering a photo or video clip with a famous blogger or small TV star.
  5. Auto subscriptions. Everything is the same as mutual subscription in free methods, only paid services do everything themselves, they subscribe and unsubscribe from people themselves.
  6. Use of software and third-party services. Again, we are not talking about cheating, but about sites and programs that automate any processes. For example, Social Hammer allows you to add up to 100 fake accounts and, under certain conditions, configures all accounts for mass liking, auto-subscription, unsubscribe, spam, and so on. The InstaSocialKit program is an indispensable assistant in attracting followers on Instagram. And many other programs, as you yourself understand, they all cost money.

We hope our article will be useful to you, if you don’t understand something or if you know other ways to quickly gain followers on Instagram, write in the comments.

Instagram is a popular social service that every smartphone owner has heard of. This social network specializes in publishing photos and short videos, so in order for your posts to be seen by family and friends, you need to expand your list of subscribers.

Subscribers are other Instagram users who have added you as “friends”, in other words, subscribed, so your latest posts will be visible in their feed. The number of subscribers is displayed on your page, and clicking on this number shows specific names.

Adding subscribers

Users can add to the list of subscribers, or rather, subscribe to you, in two ways, which depend on whether your page is open or not.

Option 1: your profile is public

The easiest way to get followers is if your Instagram page is open to all users. If a user wants to subscribe to you, he clicks the appropriate button, after which your list of subscribers is replenished with one more person.

Option 2: Your profile is private

If you have restricted viewing of your page to users who are not on your list of subscribers, then they will only be able to view your posts after you approve the application.

How to get subscribers among your friends

Most likely, you already have more than a dozen friends who successfully use Instagram. All that remains is to notify them that you have joined this social network.

Option 1: a bunch of social networks

Option 2: linking a phone number

Users who have your number saved in their phone book will be able to find out that you have registered on Instagram. To do this, you just need to link your phone to the service.

Option 3: Posting photos from Instagram to other social networks

Users will also be able to find out about your activity and follow you if you post a photo not only on Instagram, but also on other social networks.

Option 4: Adding a link to your Instagram profile on social networks

Option 5: sending messages, creating a post on the wall

The easiest way for all your friends and acquaintances to know that you have registered on Instagram is if you send everyone a link to your profile in a private message or create a corresponding post on your wall. For example, in the VKontakte service you can post a message on the wall with approximately the following text:

How to find new subscribers

Let's assume that all your friends have already subscribed to you. If this is not enough for you, you can increase your list of subscribers by devoting time to promoting your account.

Today, there are a lot of possibilities for promoting a profile on Instagram: adding hashtags, mutual PR, using special services and much more - all you have to do is choose the most suitable method for you.
