The Android system is eating up the battery 65 what to do. How to save battery power on an Android smartphone or tablet

The biggest problem for all phone manufacturers is device autonomy. Every year the performance improves, the resolution of displays increases, the thickness of gadgets decreases, but autonomy remains at approximately the same level. It is not uncommon for Xiaomi redmi, note and mi models to run out of battery quickly. In this article we will try to figure out how you can use software to increase the service life of your Xiaomi and what to do if your gadget begins to discharge faster.

Reasons for rapid discharge

  • Non-original charging unit. If you use a non-original charger, this may well cause the battery to drain quickly.
  • The charging cable may also be the cause, especially if it is a low-quality and cheap fake.
  • Non-original battery, as it turned out, some sellers sell Xiaomi smartphones with non-original batteries; they have a lower capacity and discharge 2 times faster.
  • Bad firmware is a very common reason for a decrease in device autonomy; this can be either a crooked custom or an unsuccessful update from the manufacturer.
  • Incorrect device setup. A large number of hidden processes occur in a smartphone, even when you are not using it, as a result of which the smartphone is constantly downloading something from the Internet, which leads to low autonomy.
  • Network quality. If you are far from a cell tower (for example, outside the city), then the smartphone needs to spend more energy maintaining the network, and if it periodically loses connection, the battery will drain very quickly.

Battery saving settings

If the media server uses a lot of power

A common problem with Android devices is excessive battery usage by the Media Server process. Periodically, the media server scans the device's memory to search for media content.

Quite often, it simply cannot read any file, this mainly concerns files on external memory, thereby constantly scanning, which causes the phone to discharge faster. You can check this by disconnecting the external memory from the device for a while, and then checking the battery consumption statistics. There are several ways to solve this problem once and for all:

  1. If the issue is with external memory (microSD), then initially you need to connect the card to the computer and check it for errors and bad sectors.
  2. Install the ID3Fixer program, it will help correct distorted ID3 tags, select windows-1251 (Cyrillic) encoding for all music files.
  3. If the previous option did not help, then install the program Xposed Media Scanner Optimizer, which will help disable scanning of media files if you uncheck certain boxes.

Increased consumption after firmware

If after installing new firmware you notice increased power consumption, there may be two reasons for this:

If you are ready to do anything for additional autonomy, then you should use the following methods:

  1. Turn off the weather and remove the weather clock;
  2. You should not install third-party themes; many of them have poor optimization, which results in errors in operation. Use a standard theme from the developer; to update the interface, change only the wallpaper;
  3. If you use the standard gmail program for mail, then do not enable automatic synchronization of POP or IMAP accounts for mail and yandex mailboxes. The point is that if at the time of mail synchronization you lose connection with the mobile Internet, the synchronization server freezes and can use the radio module for up to 4 hours, which will greatly drain your battery;
  4. Do not activate MIUI and Xiaomi services, if they are already active, you can freeze them through the Titanium Backup program, unless of course you do not use them.

Recently, smartphones have become real everyday assistants in solving many problems, which has made this type of gadget extremely popular. It is especially worth noting Android devices, which are distinguished by the ability to install a huge number of applications and practically unlimited functionality. However, even such advanced technology is characterized by the emergence of various problems that require solutions.

Low battery

One of the rather specific features of the operation of gadgets on this operating system is that it significantly increases the requirements for battery capacity on the part of the device.

You can often observe that a certain Android standby mode eats up the battery. Since this phenomenon significantly reduces the battery life of the device, and also makes its use less convenient, such a problem cannot be ignored.

First, you need to figure out why the device needs this mode at all. First of all, it was designed for periods when the device is not in use by the user. Often, many owners of Android smartphones incorrectly determine which process consumes the most energy.

Standby mode

This mode, despite the popular misconception, does not waste battery power, but, on the contrary, helps preserve it. You should not rely on the statistical data displayed by the device in the Battery menu, since they only reflect the involvement of the process in working with this structural element.

If the decrease in charge significantly exceeds the norm, possible reasons should be examined:

  • Live wallpaper or accelerometer sensor enabled;
  • The device is overloaded with running background programs;
  • Communication problems;
  • Increased display brightness;
  • Connection via mobile Internet or Wi-Fi;
  • Airplane mode is on.

IMPORTANT! Do not forget that high energy consumption is typical for all devices running this operating system without exception. Only a few brands specialize in producing energy-intensive devices.

The solution to this problem will be extremely simple: turn off unnecessary components, reduce the brightness of the display, and also use the device by unloading unnecessary applications from its RAM. Only compliance with such rules can reduce battery consumption and make the battery life of the device a little longer.

In many modern phones, one of the weak points is the battery. And no wonder. Smartphone hardware is constantly improving, with quad- and eight-core processors, large and bright screens, all of which require a lot of energy.

Of course, you can install a capacious battery, but not many manufacturers are doing this yet, because the battery takes up a lot of space and you will have to sacrifice design - making the phone thick :)

Personally, I charge my phone with a 2230 mAh battery every day, it has become a habit. I use the phone often during the day and therefore at the end of the day there is about 20-30% charge left, but you can extend the battery life of the phone and make it work on a single charge for several days.

You can, of course, install one of the applications to save battery power, it is:

  • makes it easy to save battery
  • takes up memory
  • consumes phone resources
  • consumes phone battery

You can do everything that applications do yourself:

  • fine tuning for yourself
  • does not require additional resources
  • you know what you're doing
  • you have to go through the settings

I don’t insist that you have to do everything yourself, but for me personally, it’s better when I know what functions I’ve disabled or enabled to save battery; perhaps it will be more convenient for someone to use the application.

1. Display backlight brightness

So the first thing you can do to extend battery life is to lower the screen brightness. And if your phone has a light sensor, then turn on automatic adjustment. A bright display eats up the battery more than anything else.

Let's go to Settings -> Display -> Brightness and set the desired brightness level

2. Live wallpaper

The second step also concerns the display; to save battery, disable live wallpapers. Live wallpapers are certainly beautiful, but they consume a little energy, although they are useless on their own.

Let's go to Settings -> Display -> Wallpaper and select any photo from the gallery or from background pictures

3. Wireless modules

The next thing you can do is disable wireless modules that you are not currently using - mobile Internet, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, GPS

Let's go to Settings and disable unnecessary modules, the same can be done from the status bar

4. Using the GSM network

If the quality of the mobile network in your region is poor, then you can try disabling LTE and 3G networks. The phone will operate in GSM mode, it is the most economical, but allows you to transfer data at speeds of up to 236 kilobits per second, this should be enough for browsers or for calls, for example

Let's go to Settings -> More -> Mobile network -> Network mode and select the mode GSM only

5. Unnecessary apps

Remove unnecessary apps that are the biggest drain on your battery. To find out which applications are eating up your battery, go to Settings -> Power Options -> Battery Usage, here you will see which applications and services are using battery power.

Read more about cleaning your phone from unnecessary applications and other garbage.


These tips will help you save battery power on Android when needed. But! They are not required to be used every day, because Android is an operating system that allows

  • be always in touch using messengers like or Viber
  • quickly receive information and messages from social networks
  • track location and attach it to photos
  • Receive email notifications instantly
  • communicate via Skype

That's why I charge my phone every day and always stay online, instead of 3 days of power saving mode :)

Many users are faced with the problem of their Android smartphone quickly draining, and Google services are a common reason for this. Now we will try to figure out why exactly such troubles arise.

Fast battery drain due to Google services: how to detect it

All Google applications on your smartphone cannot work without the above-mentioned services. If your phone starts to run out of battery very quickly, then Google services may be the culprit. The battery, of course, loses its capacity over time, but if the gadget suddenly dies in a matter of hours, then the problem is probably in the software.

Finding out what exactly is draining your smartphone is quite easy:
Open the Settings app and then go to the Battery section. As shown in the screenshots below, click on the “Statistics” button.

The most power-hungry applications and functions will be displayed at the top of the list. If you see “Screen” in the first place, then there is nothing strange about it. If the so-called Google services are superior to “Display” or “Android Platform” in power consumption, then you are faced with the problem described above.

Why does this happen and how to stop it

There can be many reasons why Google services may consume excessive amounts of energy, so there are several solutions. Many people are experiencing problems, and if you are one of the victims, you have probably tried a simple reboot of the phone. If not, then do it right now. Also, immediately make sure that you are using the latest firmware and have updated all applications on the device. In most cases this helps.

Google Apps may drain your battery due to too many accounts

Google services essentially load the data needed by apps in the background. This could be your emails or advertisements that come with apps, notifications, or checking your location to trigger an event in Google Now. If you use several Google accounts, one of which, for example, is your personal and the other is work, then these services work simultaneously.

Third-party apps may not work properly with Google services

Excessive energy consumption may not be caused by the services, but by the third-party application that uses their services. Reboot your phone into safe mode, and if Google services stop bothering you, then the problem is with some application.
  • Turn off your phone completely
  • Turn it back on and when the boot animation starts with Samsung written on it, press and hold the Volume Down button until the phone boots up completely.

Uninstall any recently installed programs to find the culprit.

Check if accounts are synchronizing correctly

Sync errors occur precisely when Google tries to sync data but is unable to do so. For example, it cannot connect to a certain server, causing the software to crash. If something goes wrong while syncing photos, contacts, calendar and Google tries to transfer data, but the process fails every time, then you will have to delete your Google account and add it back after a reboot. This usually helps, so be sure to try it.

The problem may be with the GPS.

When an app needs a user's location, it requests it through Google Play Services, which gets the data using the built-in GPS. The GPS module consumes quite a bit of power, and since the aforementioned services assist in the location-finding process, they can drain power much faster, although the real culprit is GPS.

In this case, we can only help you with one piece of advice: use the more energy-efficient detection method “Energy Saving”. To do this, open “Settings”, go to the “Location” section and change these settings. The location will not be as accurate, but in most cases it will be enough.

Check if the system maintenance program is the cause

Third-party system maintenance apps disable unwanted processes, but sometimes they get stuck in a loop, meaning they keep restarting, causing your phone to perform even worse. Fortunately, it is very easy to check this by disabling the application that services the system.

Disable your antivirus and/or firewall

Data protection software, such as antiviruses and firewalls, negatively affects the autonomy of the mobile device, since it must be constantly running. If you don't download applications from suspicious sites or open unexpected files in emails, then the risk of your operating system becoming infected is very low. As with OS maintenance apps, try disabling (or even completely removing) your antivirus or firewall and see what happens.

Have you been able to resolve the problem with power hungry Google services? Maybe you know of another working way to get rid of this trouble? Share your thoughts in the comments.

One of the most important parameters of any modern smartphone is its autonomy. This is affected by the battery capacity, but there are other important parameters, such as system settings and overloading of the device with various programs. If you choose a phone based on its battery life, then you will probably first pay attention to Xiaomi gadgets. The battery here is the largest among all manufacturers with a good reputation. Out of the box, the smartphone can last an incredibly long time without needing to be recharged. If you use it in power saving mode and activate it only for phone calls, some devices can last up to 64 hours!

But what if you bought a Xiaomi Redmi Note 4 and soon noticed that the battery is draining very quickly? This is a clear cause for concern, but the problem may well be easier to solve than you think. Before resorting to drastic measures and buying a new battery, you can try software optimization of your smartphone so that it starts to discharge more slowly. Today we will tell you how to do this.

Why does the battery drain quickly on Xiaomi Redmi Note 4?

The main reasons that a Xiaomi smartphone consumes too much energy and its battery runs out quickly can be:

  1. Using a non-original charger.
  2. Non-original battery in a smartphone.
  3. Bad firmware.
  4. System failure.
  5. Poor network quality, forcing the smartphone to spend more energy to maintain the ability to carry out conversations.

Give gifts

Battery saving settings

  1. Disable widgets located on the desktop of your mobile device.
  2. Turn off GPS and alternative programs that help determine the location of your phone. They consume a lot of energy. Go to settings, find the item there "Location in background" and uncheck the boxes next to each application that you do not allow to detect your location automatically.
  3. Remove desktop animations.
  4. Go to your battery statistics and see which apps drain your battery the most. If you see that there is some application that you do not use and it is running in the background, disable it or delete it so that your mobile device does not discharge so quickly.
  5. Set the screen brightness to low automatically.

  1. Turn off the network search option when Wi-Fi is turned off. There is an option in the gadget settings "Always look for networks", and it should be deactivated.
  2. Don't leave power-hungry apps open in the background. Acceptable programs include instant messengers that consume minimal energy. Internet browsers and music players running in the background are the most harmful.
  3. Enable battery saving mode in security settings.

We hope our recommendations helped increase the autonomy of your Xiaomi Redmi 4. Well, if you have done everything described in our article, but the battery still continues to drain as quickly as possible, we recommend contacting a service center.
