What portals are there in Minecraft and how to make them? How to make a portal to a city in Minecraft, detailed Minecraft instructions on how to make a new portal.

In this article you will learn about the mysterious dimensions in Minecraft PE on Android: hell and land! You will also learn and be able to make a portal!

What types of portals are there in Minecraft PE?

Portals in Minecraft PE can be divided into several categories, such as Hell and End.

Hell is a mysterious dimension Minecraft, where only aggressive mobs live! You won't find anything good here! Everyone will want to kill you or incinerate you! Terrible and terrifying! Bad and sinister zombie pigs! Mysterious ifrits! You can meet all these mobs only here! In hell! There is also lava everywhere, so be careful!

“Why go to hell if death awaits you there?” - you ask! We will answer this like this: You can find a lot of useful things in hell! For example: Quartz, Soul Sand, Lava and much more! Also in hell you can find so-called Fortresses, in which you can find chests with all sorts of useful things, such as: , Armor, . But don’t forget that monsters are waiting for you there too! Don't let your guard down!

How to make a portal to Hell in Minecraft PE without mods?

It’s easy to build a Portal to Hell in Minecraft PE, the main thing is to have a maximum of 14 obsidian blocks and flint with you! Finding obsidian is not very difficult, but extracting it is much more difficult, since it does not break immediately!

The portal to Hell is built according to this type:

  1. 5 blocks high and 4 wide.
  2. After you have built this structure, you need to click on any block of obsidian with a flint and a portal itself will be formed inside this building.
  3. This way you can go inside and you teleports to Hell! A second portal will appear in hell, which will send you to where you built the first portal.

How to make an End portal in Minecraft on Android without mods?

The Edge is another strange dimension! There you will find a battle with the ruthless! The entire island will be inhabited by Enderman who will also want to destroy you! Be very careful!

There you can kill the Ender Dragon and return home or continue your journey through the End City! In the End City you can find “Ships” containing a treasure – Elytra! This portal can only be built in Creative mode, but you can also get there in Survival!

The Portal is built like this.

If you are already familiar with Minecraft, then you are well aware that this world is large and vast. How can you move quickly over long distances in it? Well, let’s say, in creative mode you can take off and move quite far in flight without any problems, but in survival it won’t take long to get lost and disappear into the abyss in search of your city. What to do if you urgently need to get exactly where you need to go? Portals will help us do this. You just need to build them and activate them.

What kind of portals are there in Minecraft without mods?

It is useful for a beginner to know that in any version of the game the portal can only be to hell and back, but this portal can and should be used to move to the city or to the point in the world where you built it. There is also a portal to Ender, but it cannot be built in survival mode, you can only find it. But in the creative field it can be done, this will be discussed below.

How to make a portal to hell without mods

As mentioned above, this is the only portal that can be built without mods. It requires at least 10 obsidian blocks (an economical version of the portal, but in general it is built from 14 blocks) and a lighter. We lay out a rectangle of obsidian in 4 blocks horizontally and 5 vertically with an empty middle.

We set fire to the lower block and the portal is activated. Now, upon entering it, your character will fall into HELL of hellstone and lava. It is possible to build a portal to hell in creative mode, but such a portal will not work on Minecraft PE (Android). In the tablet version of the game, the portal replaces the lower world reactor, which is done completely differently.
So, to build a portal to hell, we first get obsidian by filling the lava with water from a bucket (or vice versa, water with lava).

Then we mine obsidian blocks with a diamond pickaxe (and only a diamond pickaxe, no other pickaxe will work). We are preparing the flint.

We lay out a 4x5 frame, even without corners. Here are 2 frame options, choose any of the two.

We set fire to the bottom block and that’s it: the portal is ready to transport you to the very heat of hell.

In hell you will come out of the same portal, which will be created there by itself. To return back to your world, enter it.

In Minecraft PE versions 0.12. and above, the portal to hell is built in exactly the same way. But in the versions below it is completely different: made of gold, cobblestones and a reactor. It looks like this:

How to do: first we need to place 4 gold blocks (you need to place them opposite each other). Between these blocks there are cobblestones (in a cross). Second layer: in the middle there is a reactor, on each gold block we place a cobblestone. Third layer: there is a cobblestone on top of the reactor, we stick 4 more cobblestones on it in the same way as below.

Then we switch to survival mode, tap on the reactor and, if you did everything correctly, you will go to hell. The portal is activated when you touch the reactor with a sword. By the way, good equipment doesn't hurt.
And this is in hell:

How to make a portal to a city without mods

The portal to the city is, in fact, the same hellish one, only not an entrance, but an exit. No matter how many portals to hell you create, you will always exit from the one you built first, so you need to make it where your home is located, that is, in the city. If you make the first portal in the forest, then you will always exit into the forest.

There is no other way to get into the city without mods and you shouldn’t believe anyone who claims there is. Tested in practice, all other portals can be created only after installing mods.

Portal to the End (Ender)

The Edge is a world in the form of an island, where a large number of wanderers of the edge live, as well as a dragon (boss); after destroying the dragon, the player can see the end screensaver of the game.
In creative mode, it can be built from 12 frames + 12 End eyes. All frames should be parallel to each other and face inward (it is better to place blocks from the inside, being in the center of the portal).

To activate the teleport, place an Eye of the End into each frame.

A portal to the edge is not created in survival; it can only be found in the fortress using the Eye of Ender. It consists of 12 frames in the shape of a square ring. To find a portal to the edge and activate it, you will need a large amount of the “Eye of the Edge” item, which is crafted from “Pearls of the End”, which in turn drops from Enderman (land wanderers). The Ender appears in dark caves and at night, and quite rarely.
Eye of Ender Recipe: Fire Powder + Ender Pearl
Fire powder is made from a fire rod that falls from ifrits (ifrits live in hell, their spawners can be found there).
You need to throw the Enderman eye into the air with the right mouse button and look where it fell, from where the eye fell you need to throw the next one. When you see that the eye goes down into the ground, you need to start going down there - the portal to the edge is located directly below it. Be careful, scales will spawn near the edge portal, and there may also be other hostile mobs.
The portal is missing a certain number of eyes, they need to be inserted with the right button, then the portal to the edge will be activated and it will be enough to jump into it to get to the edge.

You can only leave the edge by killing the dragon or dying.

Mods for portals

Want more portals?
Wormhole X-Treme is a plugin that implements the functionality of minecraft portals. To create a portal in minecraft, you are required to build a certain figure from certain blocks. In the settings, you can change the form of the minecraft portal to any other, and you can have several forms at the same time for different purposes. The resources from which the minecraft portal is built can also be changed. A control panel is also installed on the minecraft portal.

Maud Portal Gun for the game Minecraft PE will allow you to get everything that was available in the PC version. After you download and install it, you will have a weapon that creates portals, and many other nice little things.
Nether Portal Mod for Android will add portals to hell. Or rather, the ability to build them in the same way as in the PC version.
And, of course, fashion for paradise and the twilight forest.

There is no heaven in the official Minecraft game. There is an ordinary world, a lower world (hell) and an edge, and in order for heaven to appear, a special mod must be installed, which is called Aether. If the mod is not installed, the portal to heaven will not activate. It can be done, but it will only work with the mod. Charlatans offer a bunch of ways to build without mods, but none of them work!
How to do:
Make sure you have an Aether mod installed that is compatible with your version of the game client.
Place the glowing stone in a frame of 4 by 5 blocks and pour water from the bucket onto the portal.

Welcome to Paradise.

Twilight Forest- mod for the twilight forest. We install the mod and build the portal. For the portal you will need 1 diamond, a bucket of water, a shovel and 12 flowers or mushrooms. Dig a 2x2 hole one block deep.
Fill it with water.
We will plant the blocks around the perimeter with flowers or mushrooms.
We throw a diamond into the water and move away so that lightning does not strike us.
Let's go to the portal.

We immediately build ourselves a reliable shelter, preferably underground, in this world hostile mobs are always active.

Portal to space

Its construction without mods is possible only in version 1.2.5. For later versions of the game, in order to get into space, you should install one of the following mods: GalactiCraft or AstroCraft. And with the help of mods MarsPlanetAlfa or MarsPlanetMod You can make a portal to Mars. And don’t forget that before flying into space you still need to craft a spacesuit.

Enjoy your travels through the endless world of Minecraft!

Minecraft is a multifaceted game that can be explored for a long time. One of the subjects of this exploration for the player can be worlds. They are available for exploration, however, you can only get into them through the help of the portal. There are many of these worlds, and they are added in new versions of the game. To name just a few: The Edge, Hell, Twilight Forest, Space. If you get into any of them, you will definitely encounter surprises. In some worlds, these surprises will be associated with pleasant discoveries, in others - with constant danger.

How to create a portal in Minecraft?
Like the worlds, the portals themselves differ in structure and manufacturing method. There are also ready-made portals, but finding them is often problematic. Moreover, a ready-made portal cannot be shaken out of a monster you have killed. It is much easier to create a portal yourself. But there are some nuances here too. The first thing worth noting is that for each world you need to create your own portal. Moreover, each one uses its own material.

If we consider portals in Minecraft in general, then it is worth saying the following: they are all created from blocks that need to be assembled in a certain sequence inside special structures. The difficulty lies in two things. The first is that if the sequence of blocks is disrupted, the portal will not work. Secondly, each portal needs its own material. For example, a portal to Paradise will require blocks of glowing stone. And for the portal to Space - iron blocks.
In addition, the construction of each location has its own characteristics.

How to build a portal to Heaven?
As with the construction of a portal to Space, you will need a special mod. After it has been downloaded and placed in the META-INF archive, you need to find the glostone material and build a frame from six blocks of this material. And since it is quite difficult to obtain it, this will require a trip to Hell. Then the constructed portal will need to be activated. To do this, you need to pour a bucket of water into the frame. The portal is ready.

How to build a portal to Hell?
If you want to build a portal to Hell, you will need to make some efforts, since it can only be built using a rare material in the Minecraft world - obsidian. And this is associated with certain frameworks into which the player will be driven. Obsidian can only be mined using a diamond pickaxe, and you also need to find that somewhere. In addition, this material takes a very long time to cut, which means that you will have to somehow distract the monsters, who will continue to attack, no matter what. Add to this the fact that a lot of obsidian will be required - about fifty blocks - and we get a long, labor-intensive process.

But can this stop a real crafter? But when you have obsidian, everything turns out to be quite simple: blocks of precious material are arranged in the shape of a square - two blocks at the bottom, two at the top, and three on the sides. Next you need to activate the portal. To do this, you will need a flint to set the lower block on fire. The portal is ready.

How to build a portal to the End?
A portal to the End, that is, to the End, can be opened if you find 15 Enderman eyes, or create them. They are made from fire twigs, which should be taken from the Blaze you killed. Each rod should be divided into two parts and connected to the Enderman pearl. Using the ready-made Eye of the Enderman, we find the opened portal. The item you obtain will be used as a compass. To understand which direction you should move, roll your eye and it will fall in the direction where you need to go. However, it should be remembered that the eye burns out after several tosses.

How to build a portal to the Twilight Forest?
In order to create a portal to the Twilight Forest, you will need the appropriate mod. After this, you can begin construction. Moreover, you, as in other cases, will need to comply with a number of conditions. First, there should be flowers around the portal, which consists of a square-shaped pond. Secondly, the water should not flow. To meet all the conditions, the portal should be built near a reservoir. The portal should consist of square blocks arranged in a square, the center of which must be filled with water. After this, surround the portal with flowers and the portal can be activated. To do this, simply throw the diamond into the water.

You begin your journey in Minecraft at a random point in a randomly generated world that resembles ordinary Earth. Naturally, there are mobs that don't actually exist, plants that you are unlikely to find, but in general the essence is about the same. And quite a large number of players spend all their time there, not suspecting that Minecraft is something more than one single virtual world. In fact, there are several of them, and you can travel between them using portals. Some of them are provided by the developers, some are added using special modifications, so you definitely won’t get bored while you explore them. But, as mentioned earlier, to travel to any of the additional worlds you will need portals. Through them you will go to new locations, and through them you will return. Therefore, everyone should know what portals there are in Minecraft, how to make them and where they lead.

Portals in Minecraft

Today, a portal is just a science fiction concept that has not yet been realized in life. This is a kind of gate that instantly transports a person from one world to another and back. They are presented as very different - some see them as blurry breaks in space, others, on the contrary, believe that they should have clear boundaries. If you are wondering what portals there are in Minecraft, then you should know that they relate more to the second option. In the game, this is a frame of certain blocks, the passage in which is activated in one way or another. Naturally, each type has its own materials and activation items. Therefore, you need to know what portals there are in Minecraft and what you need to do with them to get to any of the worlds.

Journey to the Lower World

One of the first worlds the player learns about is Nether. This is a kind of analogue of Hell, stylized in the same theme. And if you want to find out what portals there are in Minecraft, then you should start with it. At the same time, it cannot be said that it is very easy to make - you will need material that is not so easy to find, and even more difficult to make yourself. This is obsidian. This material is not generated on the map when creating a world; it cannot be crafted or dropped from mobs. How to get it then? In a rather clever way: you will need lava and water. In this case, it does not matter whether this happens in nature or from your message - only the order is important here. The lava must flow into the standing water, and then at the point where they meet you will get a block of obsidian. If the lava is static and the water is dynamic, you will get a stone, in any other case other than the first, you will only be left with cobblestone blocks, so be extremely careful. Having made a frame of obsidian, set fire to the space inside it with a lighter - and your gate to the Lower World is ready. Do not neglect them, because, in addition to a huge amount of fun and pleasure, you will find materials there for the construction of other teleports. In Minecraft, the portal to the city and to the Lower World does not require complex materials, in other cases you will have to try.

Portal to paradise

Having been to Hell, you can go to Heaven. Many portals in Minecraft cannot be made without mods, and this is the first of them. Therefore, take care in advance to download the necessary modification and install it on your computer, and then begin your journey. As mentioned earlier, materials for the construction of the frame of other portals, including this one, must be sought in the Lower World. The frame of the gate to Heaven should consist of glowstone, which can only be found in Minecraft Hell. Having collected the required amount, start building, and then fill the bucket with water and fill the space that you set on fire in the case of creating a portal to the Lower World. That's all, you can go on a journey that will bring you even more pleasure than before. It is worth considering that most instructions are based on Minecraft 1.5.2. How to make a portal in other versions? There is nothing to worry about here. Since in this case it makes no difference which version of the game you have installed.

End of the game

Everyone knows that Minecraft is a sandbox game. In such projects, you can build anything, do whatever comes to your mind, explore, interact with the game world, but you have no specific tasks, no final goal. This was the case with Minecraft, until the developers decided to make a splash - they introduced a new world, which was called the Edge (or End, as you prefer). It is the final one and the main boss lives there, so if you are tired of your adventures, it is better not to go there. If you are already ready for the last battle, then you will need to acquire twelve eyes of the Edge, and then go in search of fortresses, in which you will find the necessary portal. It is impossible to create it, so you don’t even have to try - it’s better to start searching right away. When you find it, place the eyes of the End in the cells of the frame, and when the last eye falls into place, the portal will be activated.

A space flight

Another mod adds a new world to the game, which is outer space. Making a portal to travel there is quite simple - you will need to change the obsidian to iron in the recipe for the gates to Hell, but at the same time you need to go to the new world with proper preparation. The mod adds crafting a spacesuit and other space accessories that you should get.

Portal between cities

A teleport is also useful, connecting two locations in one Minecraft world. "city"? You need to install one teleport block in one locality, another in the location you need, connect them together with red dust, and a short route between two points is ready.

Portals in Minecraft provide access to new, previously unknown worlds. Exploring locations brings resources, exciting battles and conquering the next location in the game.

General rules

The ability to move depends on the availability of certain resources for each portal, but there are several basic construction rules:

    We build a portal 3 by 3 blocks without filling the corners - this saves 4 blocks and resources, but does not affect the activation of the entrance.

    The principle of creation is the same - a frame is built from the necessary blocks and activated by a given element.

    Do not lose the entrance to the created portal, mark the coordinates or make visual structures. You can use the command /spawnpoint to be reborn at the newly built entrance.

    The size of the portal can be any; if you have the resources, you can create huge doors to a new world.

    After activation, the portal frame can be removed or replaced with another one.

Portal to paradise

To create a fantasy world you will need:

    glowing stone blocks - created from glowing stones or glow dust mined in Hell;

    heavenly lighter for activation (crafted from a gold ingot in the middle and a flint in the lower right corner).


Portal to hell

Hell is available to experienced Minecraft residents, for this you need:

    the presence of a diamond or iron pickaxe;

    obsidian blocks;

    flint or fireball - for activation.

If it is not possible to create obsidian, then you can use lava and water in the process of building the frame; for this, any blocks are laid out around the perimeter of the frame, lava and water are poured into it, forming the necessary resource. For example, the lower part of obsidian is made like this: 2 parallel rows are placed on the ground through a cell of 3 blocks and 1 block each to give integrity, the inner empty part of 3 cells is filled with lava and water, obtaining obsidian, the side walls and the top are also poured Part. The method requires care.


Portal to the city

First you need to find a village or use a brown egg to create a villager; the more there are, the faster the city will be built. After this, create a portal to Hell (the first one created is taken into account), move to the lower world and back, build another portal to Hell in the city. Now it can be used to quickly return to the city from any point.


Twilight Forest Portal

The mysterious location is full of dangers, but those who open it will have the courage and skills to win:

    We dig a hole 4 by 4 cells on the site, leave a square of 4 cells (2 by 2) in the center, which we fill with 3 buckets of water;

    we plant flowers along the perimeter of the water;

    throw the diamond into the water.


Portal to Ender World

In order to fight a dragon, you need to build a portal; its creation is considered the most difficult and occurs in several stages:

    You need 12 units of the Eye of Sauron to activate the portal, which can be created using fire powder (crafted from an ifrit rod) and Ender Pearls.

    Ender Pearls are obtained by completing a daily quest (dropped from lucky blocks)

    We install the End portal blocks on the ground, measuring 3 by 3, with the Eye of Sauron on top (12 pieces), we do this carefully so as not to accidentally fall through when activated.

    2 sides are lined up with a pattern in one direction, 2 in the other, i.e. The ovals of the blocks and the eyes installed on them must match (put the first 6, turn the remaining 6 in the other direction). You need to place the portal around yourself - the blocks are automatically lined up in the required sequence, the eyes are perpendicular to the entrance perimeter line.

Don't stop at achievements, conquer new Worlds, build portals - creating them yourself requires effort and time, but it's worth it!
