Latest updates in War Thunder. In War Thunder "Storm", new equipment, graphics, effects and music When will the update with tanks in war thunder come out?

Updates in the game War Thunder are ongoing. Mostly these are additions and corrections to existing things in the game. This online project has seen a lot in its time, despite the fact that it is still very young. Next we will talk about the latest innovations in version 1.35.

Perhaps the next version of the game will be released tomorrow, so if we don’t have time with the review, you can briefly learn about the updates from the developers themselves on the official website of the War Thunder game here .

In the meantime, our review from direct testers.

New mode

Latest update War Thunder 1.35 not only brought new planes, but also a new regime "Events". It promises to recreate historical battles with new missions. In this mode, it will be possible to fly on old maps, but with new settings - the player can choose the country for which he will fight, the aircraft for combat. For each such battle, a condition is introduced on the sides of the conflict - now, even before departure, the player will be able to see which plane he can fly on and what equipment will resist him. Thus, everyone will be able to assess the enemy’s strength. Battles in the “Events” mode have very wide possibilities, you can learn about them in detail in the following video.

New aircraft


The long-awaited “Lavochki” were added to the hangars of the USSR, namely: La-5(37th production series) and La-5F(39th production series). They correspond to the 7th and 8th ranks. La-5F is equipped with a forced engine.

Premium class aircraft B-25J-30 from the Soviet branch is also available to War Thunder players. Added to YaKam YAK-3P for the 11th rank, equipped with three B-20 cannons of 20 mm caliber. MiG-15 will now delight pilots with N-37D cannons and two NS-23s.


The US Army has replenished its ranks of equipment with the Saber F-86 and Curtiss P-36 “Hawk” modification G. The British line has been replenished with Spitfire of the following modifications: MK. IIa, LF. MK. IX with Merlin 66 engine and F. MK. IX for rank 10.

The Wehrmacht and the new “samurai”

Germany got the planes Fw-190A-5(4-gun) and Bf.109E-1, and Japan has a 4-gun Fw-190A-5 instead of Fw-190A-5/U3, Ki-96(premium) and Ki-102.

New cards

IN latest War Thunder update maps have been added for arcade battles "Island of bad luck" for those who prefer wide maneuvers and "Mountains of Despair" for lovers of mountains and dynamic combat. On the “Island” there are strategic targets for bombing - enemy bases. Among the mountains you will find marine objects.

Other innovations

In addition to everything you have already read, sorting of shells by caliber has been added. While loading their plane with bombs, each player will be able to view a list of ammunition sorted from small to large caliber. The cockpits of the Pe-2 "Peshka" series, Pe-3, Bf-109E-3, Boomerang, D3A1, F4F, Gladiator Mk.II, I-16 type 28, La-7, MC.200 and a lot others. Attention was also paid to graphics and geometry, and many bugs were eliminated.

Gaijin Entertainment has announced the release of update 1.67 “Assault” for the online military game. With it, the game will feature a cooperative mode of the same name, three new locations, as well as almost two dozen new vehicle models, including unusual Japanese tanks!

The new cooperative mode “Assault” will test the endurance of War Thunder pilots and tankers. In ground battles, players will have to fend off waves of enemy armored vehicles one after another. In battle, players will be able to use both ground vehicles and aircraft. In air battles, pilots of fighters and attack aircraft will defend their base, which will be attacked from all sides by enemy bombers. In both types of battles, each subsequent wave will be stronger than the previous one, but well-coordinated teamwork and successful interceptions will allow you to hold out until the end of the battle and receive a well-deserved reward.

19 new models of equipment. These included the British self-propelled gun FV4005. Its 183 mm gun became the largest caliber in the game at the moment, significantly ahead of even the KV-2 with its 152 mm gun. The ranks of Japanese ground vehicles recently added to the game have been replenished with three new vehicles, including the Type 60 APC self-propelled gun armed with ATGMs and the Type 95 Ro-Go multi-turret tank. The Soviet army received the powerful IS-6 - a heavy tank equally well suited for an aggressive breakthrough and for holding important strategic points. New items have also appeared in the lines of armored vehicles and aircraft of other countries in War Thunder. You can find out more about them in the development diaries:

Three new maps - now more than 80 locations! In addition to the new aircraft, aviation fans will be pleased with the new map for air battles, “Guiana Plateau.” The battle in this location begins at altitudes of more than 6,000 meters above sea level, while the entire zone is divided into conditional “floors,” each of which has its own goals and unique conditions for combat. The artists were inspired to create the location by the unique flat-topped mountain Roraima. It was this place that Arthur Conan Doyle took as a basis in his cult novel The Lost World.

In addition to the plane map, the update will add two new locations to the game for mixed battles. In The Ardennes, assault tanks will battle on the streets of an ancient Belgian city for control of strategic points, while anti-aircraft guns will try to prevent enemy bombers from striking from the numerous hideouts of this hilly terrain. The second map, Phang Nga Bay, will take pilots and ship commanders to the coast of Thailand in the coming days as part of regular weekend testing of naval battles. More detailed information about this map will appear on the game website soon.

As an avid fan of the appearance of German tanks, I spent a lot of time in World of Tanks. But at some point I abandoned this game - the gameplay became boring, and the local developers were too lazy. WoT's main competitor, War Thunder, recently received a major update that caught my attention. And for good reason - update 1.67 brought me back to tank games.

As mentioned, I haven't touched any tank games for about 2-3 years. During this time, World of Tanks has changed a lot (as far as I heard), but WarThunder has not stood still. I tried this game back in the day and didn't really like it, but now it's been refined and polished. First, a few words about the main gameplay.

Hardcore gameplay motivates you to become better

Initially, the big difference between World of Tanks and War Thunder was the hardcore gameplay in the creation from the company Gaijin. A less random penetration system and a realistic tank behavior system were implemented a few years ago, and over time it was all polished. On a heavy tank you can get a one-shot from a medium tank. This will scare many away from the game, but such a system motivates more to become better - it teaches you to use the features of the map for the so-called “positioning”.

Experience shows that survival on the WarThunder map depends on the player's knowledge of the area and experience. You can take some kind of imba like the American T29 and stand so that one tower is visible, or you can carefully drive along the edge of the map and take the position of a sniper on a self-propelled gun. Variability is present, and its understanding comes gradually.

Regarding aircraft, I can say that I personally am not a fan of air battles. But in WarThunder they are, perhaps, implemented better than other games. A large selection of real aircraft models, dynamic gameplay and the same hardcore nature. After all, these same developers once worked on the IL-2 Sturmovik series.

Best Technique Update 1.67

From left to right: Ru 251, Sturmpanzer II, IS-6, 29-K and FV4005

It so happened that my favorite nation in tank games received some very good vehicles. The German branch has acquired an excellent premium tank Ru 251. A very fast machine that perfectly balances the entire line of German tanks. At mid-ranks, Germany has almost no fast vehicles that could quickly take positions in the first minutes of the battle. Now Ru 251 can do this.

This reconnaissance tank reaches speeds of up to 80 km/h in arcade mode, and even more in realistic mode. In a collision with even the most armored tanks, a penetrating gun, for which cumulative shells are available, will help. Of course, there is no smell of armor here, but the tank is agile and punchy. In the War Thunder 1.67 update, I liked playing Ru 251 the most.

Another new product in the German line is a self-propelled gun Sturmpanzer II. This funny self-propelled gun is a real killer and stealer in its combat rating. All thanks to the 150 mm cannon, which fires powerful high-explosive shells. They will be fatal to any equipment you encounter in battles. The local eight-cylinder engine makes it easy to change position - the main thing is not to get under fire. A funny feature of the Sturmpanzer: the vehicle rolls back slightly after firing from its cannon - you can feel the power of the weapon. Little things like this add realism to the game.

Objective update imba - IS-6. This premium tank is definitely worth the money spent on it. This is a mobile heavy vehicle with good frontal armor and an excellent weapon. Its only weak point is the gun mantlet. The tank can easily one-shot into it, but experienced players are unlikely to expose this small area to attack.

The most interesting vehicle in the update from a gameplay point of view is the Soviet anti-aircraft gun 29-K. Essentially, this is a 76mm anti-aircraft gun mounted on the good old YAG-10 truck. This mix was actually used during the Great Patriotic War. On the battlefields of War Thunder, such an anti-aircraft gun brings a lot of pleasure to the game. Firstly, it is fast - you can quickly change your position. Secondly, its gun is very powerful - it penetrates almost everyone (except perhaps “Mouse”). And thirdly, it all looks quite funny and unusual.

The rest of the cars are typical average cars. The American T34 is much inferior to the imbricated T29. The "Barn" FV4005 is a fun vehicle that can punch through any tank in the game, but its gameplay will disappoint many with its huge turret without armor. They actually made fun of the Japanese a little by releasing the Type 60 ATM missile armored personnel carrier.

Single player mode for PvE

One big drawback of many multiplayer games is the lack of a good single player mode for farming local currency on bots. War Thunder recently got rid of this problem. The so-called “Storm” mode appeared. It can only be played on airplanes for now. You can play alone against bots or with friends or random players.

Guiana Plateau - a new map where you can farm bots by plane

The idea behind Sturm is this: in the case of airplanes, you need to protect your base from enemy bombers. Any equipment in the hangar participates. The developers encourage participation in the “Storm” with separate rewards - amplifiers for farming. Thus, you can farm bots to upgrade your equipment if you don’t want to bother too much in standard battles, where you can fly away from a one-shot.

The main thing in Assault is to kill bots as quickly as possible, but this is difficult to do. It is important to choose the right fast equipment with a good weapon. Otherwise you will face defeat. To be honest, the mode is not yet balanced, since the bots take out the base too quickly, and it is difficult to destroy enemy bombers, even if they are computer. “Assault” for tanks will appear soon.

What's the result?

All of the above is only part of the major update War Thunder 1.67. The first big update of 2017 brought many redesigned vehicle models - both tanks and aircraft. Two new locations have appeared - one for air battles, and the second for ground battles. And much, much more that makes me happy. The guys from Gaijin properly support their game by developing the all-in-one concept. Ships will soon be tested to join the planes and tanks.

Naval battles are already being tested

War Thunder is a multi-level game where everyone will find their favorite technique, their own play style and their own mode. However, the network code remained "with quirks". Several years ago, when I first got acquainted with this game, I saw flying tanks, overturned cars, and more. I saw this a couple of times in update 1.67. In general, this did not bother me much, since such bugs happened to other players.

We can also say that, compared to World of Tanks, the creation of the “snails” is much more hardcore, even in arcade game modes. This scares off a lot of players. But it is enough to spend about 50 battles, and even the most casual player will become an inveterate tanker and pilot.

War Thunder after the update,upcoming War Thunder updates

What awaits us in the new War Thunder updates? Each new major (large) update of the War Thunder client adds new equipment, maps, various functions and corrects many shortcomings of the game. Most of all, users are interested in the introduction of new maps, equipment and functions, for example, the appearance of machine guns or changes in artillery. Really, are minor edits and fixes of minor patches really that interesting? Equipment and maps, and more - this is the key to a successful update for the common man. So what innovations should we expect in the new major updates of the game, which will most likely receive serial numbers 1.47, 1.49 and 1.51?
We talked about the updates that are most likely to appear in patch 1.47 here.
Now let's touch on those things that will most likely appear, but in other, later updates of the game.

New War Thunder tanks.
It is definitely worth waiting for new ground equipment from the USSR, Germany and, of course, the USA. In the current update 1.45, machine guns were added to some vehicles. However, not all tanks that were historically equipped with machine guns received their legal front-loading and anti-aircraft machine guns. Subsequently, the DShK machine gun in War Thunder should be installed on all tank models: IS-2 mod. 1944, IS-2, IS-3, IS-4M, T-54 mod. 1947, T-54 mod. 1951, ISU-122, ISU-122S, ISU-152, we are waiting for this in the next update. Machine guns should also appear on most German tanks: top-end Panthers and Tigers, as well as medium and light tanks.
The most active discussion is on the introduction of new top tanks, which will expand the time frame of the equipment presented in the game and increase the maximum combat rating. It's no secret that now German top cars are significantly inferior to cars of the USSR and the USA, so this problem needs to be solved.
What tanks can be introduced? Most likely, we should expect the appearance of the German super-heavy tank Pzkpfw. VIII Maus and Leopard I.

Already, the developers are conducting a series of historical articles that are dedicated to the German Maus tank. Coincidence? Don't think. It will be there, the only question is whether it will appear in the next update.
But as a result of the introduction of such technology, the developers will be faced with the question: what kind of machines will other nations have to equalize the capabilities of the parties? This question is one of the most difficult for developers. After all, if the Panzer VIII Maus super-heavy tank is introduced, the Soviet IS-4M tank will not be able to fight it - there will be an overestimated imbalance. The IS-4M simply cannot penetrate the top German! Soviet anti-tank self-propelled guns will also have problems. There is no need to talk about serious problems with medium tanks, since for balance in this case, simply new sub-caliber or cumulative shells for the T-54 will be enough. Therefore, it is too early to talk about the promised T-62. If the new medium tank T-62 is introduced from the Soviet side, then we should expect an increase in the combat rating of all nations and the corresponding vehicles; whether the developers will agree to this is a difficult question.
What is the solution to the balance of Soviet tanks? Which tank will be the top one in the USSR branch? What will happen to the battle rating? Most likely to be used is the T-10M, IS-8 or IS-7. What kind of tank will be introduced is a debatable question. One of the cars in this series will definitely have to appear if Maus appears.
What about the Soviet tank destroyers? There is almost a 100% probability of the SU-122-54 appearing in the future in this situation. This vehicle will be able to fight most tanks more successfully than the clumsy ISU-152 with mediocre penetration. Surely the SU-122-54 will hit Maus.

In general, the USSR and the USA have many excellent tanks, which diversify the game. However, these updates may change the game too much, its battle rating and time limits. Do not forget that the developers emphasize that the time period of the game is from the Spanish Civil War to the Korean War.
A branch of American tank destroyers will definitely appear in the next updates. The developers were talking about them long before 1.45. These vehicles should fill the half-empty US vehicle tree.
Also in the game there will be assault howitzers that will hit directly. In Germany, these cars will probably be Bison, Wespe, Grille, Hummel and others.
Of course, if new top-end German and Soviet tanks are introduced, then new top-end American equipment will also be introduced.
The American heavy tank M-103 and the branch of US heavy tanks as a whole will not need improvement, since the M-103 shaped charge can penetrate more than 300 mm of steel! But we believe that with the advent of the Maus tank, the top American medium tank M48 Patton III is worth waiting for.
Most likely, with the appearance of such a formidable and protected tank as the Maus, the developers will add a new medium tank for Germany. This tank, as we have already said, could be the Leopard I.

New planes.
If new top tanks are introduced, which will raise the maximum battle rating in the game and expand the time frame of the presented equipment, then we should expect new aircraft.
Many players complain about the underrated characteristics of the top USSR aircraft, which are not able to fight with great success against American Sabers of various modifications. What is the solution here? It is likely that a new top fighter will appear, which could be the MiG-17. This aircraft fits perfectly into the time frame of the game (began operation in 1951). This aircraft will be approximately equal in speed to the American top fighter (MiG-17 speed is 1070 km/h). This aircraft is also better armed than the MiG-15. And even though it has only 3 cannons: 2x23 mm NR-23 with 160 ammunition and 1x37 mm N-37d cannon with 40 rounds, but this aircraft can carry bombs up to 250 kg and guided missiles!
Of course, many non-top aircraft of all nations will be added to the game. Among them will be: Douglas A-1 Skyraider - an aircraft with an amazing bomb load of 3600 kg! Focke-Wulf Fw. 200 Condor - German 4-engine long-range multi-role aircraft, Bf 109 K-14, Focke-Wulf Ta 152 c, A6M5C, Ki-44, Pe-8, Arado and many others.

Rumor has it that work is underway on carts and rocket boosters for aircraft, which will help heavy aircraft take off much faster.

Multiple introductions are planned that will change the gameplay of the game. These include the emergence of new viewing methods (view from the gunner and from the driver), illumination of aircraft cockpits, and opening canopies. These changes will have a particularly strong impact on simulation and realistic game modes. Thus, open cockpits will affect the pilot's visibility and the performance of the aircraft.
All War Thunder players are looking forward to the destructibility of objects, the introduction of soils and a general change in physics. Let's talk about this in detail. The destructibility of all buildings in the game does not need detailed explanation. The developers want to make the game closer to reality. Now it will be difficult to hide behind a thin wall of a building from a shell. The shells will pierce the walls! Not only the gameplay of the game will change, but also the load on the user’s PC. It’s no wonder that developers are currently working to optimize the client.
It is likely that destructibility of objects will be introduced in the next updates to the game.
As for the ground, this change will affect the mobility of all types of equipment. Now the mass of tanks, their maneuverability and the load on the tracks will be taken into account. Different types of ground will make greater changes to the game. Although previously there was a noticeable difference when driving on asphalt and a swamp, now this difference will become colossal. It is likely that in realistic mode tanks will be able to get stuck in a swamp! But this is just our proposal.

The general change in the physics of the game will significantly change the model of rams and the interaction of tanks. Work on this is ongoing continuously. We'll see what the gaijings end up with.

Graphic arts.
The graphics of War Thunder are one of the best of its kind. The game engine pleases not only with graphics, but also with optimization. This way the game can run even on weak machines. Maximum graphics settings provide such quality that it becomes difficult to distinguish the game from reality. Of course, the developers will continue to work on improving graphics and optimizing them. Various effects will be introduced, the detail and quality of the models in the game will be improved. According to these parameters, the game will not stand still. Shooting effects will be added for all types of vehicles and their weapons, movement effects and much more.

New War Thunder maps.
The developers are constantly working to add new maps, optimize and refine old maps. It is almost pointless to talk with precision about which cards will appear in the game, since this information is closed, and the developers themselves often change their plans. With each new major update, you should expect new cards. The game is definitely lacking city and winter maps at the moment. You can predict the appearance of a map of Berlin and winter Stalingrad.
