Virtual walk through Chernobyl Yandex. Panoramas of Chernobyl: online walk through the exclusion zone

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Chernobyl in virtual reality Google

On April 26, 1986, Chernobyl greeted a new day. However, this day was completely different from all previous ones. The sun shone differently. The blue sky lay differently on the roofs of the houses. And the soccer ball under the feet of the perky schoolchildren may have rolled on the wet asphalt for the last time...

Yandex Virtual Chernobyl

Pulling back the thick home curtain, people greeted the new day, smiling at the warm sun and light April wind. The civilian population did not yet know that life had changed, and the recently made plans would never come true. People also did not know that nearby, since late at night, an unequal struggle had been going on with the bright flame of piercing radioactive rays.

The explosion of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant reactor brought a lot of suffering to the recently happy families of the cities of Chernobyl, Pripyat and nearby settlements. The radiation that escaped from under the biological protection cover instantly scattered over long distances. As a result, just yesterday the picturesque green region turned into a forgotten, alienated territory. Evacuation, sudden illness, loss of loved ones and home – these are the initial consequences that awaited people after the Chernobyl accident.

In recent years, tourist trips to the exclusion zone have become quite common. But since not everyone is able to control their will and go to the contaminated territory in person, virtual walks around Chernobyl are becoming very popular.

Virtual walk through the center of Pripyat

Traveling around Chernobyl via Yandex and Google

A virtual walk around Chernobyl will not seem boring and uninteresting. After all, the Internet user will be presented with wide panoramas of all the surroundings of Pripyat, the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant, and other significant places. The only difference between a virtual trip to Chernobyl and a real one is the ability to do it right from your couch. In the new century, advances in computer programming have made it possible to turn the impossible into reality.

Panoramas of Chernobyl on a map for online viewing of city streets. Traveling along the interactive map of Chernobyl - street panoramas. with search + weather discussed earlier. You move through the city streets in real time

Panoramic photos of the streets of Chernobyl

We look at the sights and city plan in the photo, what to see, pictures of the Kyiv region (Ukraine). You can enlarge or reduce panoramas of the streets of Chernobyl using the zoom tool +/-. The nearest settlement and surrounding area is the city of Slavutich.

A virtual tour through the streets of Chernobyl and a walk along the roads of the region is up to you. Panoramic photographs - pictures are controlled using arrows on photo images from Google Maps. It’s even simpler - where you clicked with the mouse, you moved there. To view now in detail st. Vatutina Kirov.

Panoramic photographs of Chernobyl and the Kyiv region in Ukraine are available to everyone to take an online tour without leaving their computer. They also work on mobile maps of cities and towns. You can take a virtual tour, navigate in real time along the roads, show the route with names, find out how to get to the street. Frunze.

Coordinates - 51.270,30.2196

Map of Chernobyl (Ukraine) with photos - images and panoramas of the region provided by the Google Street View mapping service

Virtual walks about Chernobyl give the user the opportunity to appreciate the scale of the long-standing tragedy, see everything in detail and see what is now happening in a place notorious throughout the world.

Catastrophe of the 20th century

This event, which occurred on April 26, 1986 in the city of Chernobyl, Kyiv region, is still remembered by humanity. It entailed global changes in the global ecology. Now Chernobyl and Pripyat are called cities without settlements, but there are still residents here. These are employees of enterprises serving the Exclusion Zone, as well as self-settlers.

Despite the damaged environment, some returned to empty houses. These are mainly elderly people who find it difficult to change their lives.

Features of a virtual walk

Employees of such well-known Internet resources as Yandex and Google took an excursion to the Exclusion Zone and prepared a report. Thanks to it, every network user can go on a virtual tour of the sites of a man-made disaster. Participants will see all the objects of the closed area. Here is their list:

  • The city of Chernobyl and the “Chernobyl region” stele,
  • Exclusion Zone,
  • Village Kopachi,
  • Village Zalesye,
  • Sarcophagus.

Participants in the virtual tour of Chernobyl can walk along interactive streets, see abandoned houses, kindergartens, and an amusement park. The thought that thirty years ago life was in full swing here evokes a painful feeling.

Nowadays, individual excursions are organized to Chernobyl, but they are expensive. A virtual walk is an opportunity to touch history and see the site of a world tragedy with your own eyes.

Panoramas of Chernobyl on Yandex Maps

For a long time, Yandex advertised its panoramas, but accessing them required installing their web browser, which turned off many users. Not long ago, these panoramas became available to everyone without any “additional conditions.” Chernobyl is a small city, but still not all the views there are interesting. We tried to select the most remarkable ones.

The first panorama is a panorama of Chernobyl. Let us remind you that Chernobyl and Pripyat are not the same thing.

The city is uninhabited, because it is captured by the forces of nature.

The central square of the city.

Last year the Chernobyl disaster marked its thirtieth anniversary. In connection with this date, panoramas of Chernobyl again became popular among different segments of the population. The area near Pripyat appears on screens more and more often, and the number of people who would be happy to visit the exclusion zone is growing every day.

Why shouldn't you do this?

So, why shouldn’t you go to the infamous city and admire the panoramas of Chernobyl live? A walk through this place might be quite exciting. However, one must understand that even though it happened three decades ago, this area has not become any less dangerous. Radioactive contamination within a radius of thirty kilometers around the epicenter of the disaster has not yet been eliminated. And that’s why it’s better to admire the city streets in photos, which Google can provide in abundance. If you want to see a live image and what is currently happening on the streets, there is also no need to go to Chernobyl: the Yandex panorama is fully capable of satisfying the user’s curiosity.

Benefits of a virtual tour

On the one hand, it will seem stupid to sit in front of a monitor and watch footage taken by a satellite - after all, if you wish, you can simply come to Ukraine and see everything with your own eyes. Nowadays, there are even special agencies that organize tours to the popular exclusion zone. However, there are several reasons why Chernobyl panoramas and a virtual walk will be the best option.

  • There is no need to buy tickets or prepare documents to cross the border between states.
  • Considering the current political situation and relations between the two countries, it is much more prudent to limit it to video.
  • Radiation, despite the passing of years, still poses a health hazard and being there without special means. defense is simply unreasonable.
  • Of course, no one will be allowed into the epicenter of the disaster, but this is precisely the most interesting thing!
  • Yandex maps make it possible to “visit” any corner of the nuclear power plant at any time of the day or night, and absolutely free!

What interesting things are happening in Chernobyl at this time?

This place is considered abandoned, but in reality everything is not so gloomy. Today the station can be compared to a huge construction site - work continues there to eliminate the consequences of the accident, in which specialists from all over the planet are taking part, who were not afraid to come to Chernobyl. The panorama map will show that on the site of the fourth power unit, construction of a new shelter is underway, to replace the sarcophagus that was erected in November 1986. According to the promises of the French contractor, the huge arch will be able to stand for more than a hundred years. At the same time, an American company is building a storage facility to store spent nuclear waste. The first two power units are still unloading spent reactor fuel - therefore they have the status of nuclear facilities.

Is there life in Pripyat?

A virtual walk through Yandex maps will allow you to observe the work currently underway there, as well as make a shocking discovery for some: people still live in this area! Even when the period of resettlement began, certain groups wanted to stay in their native lands. Currently, 157 people live in the zone. The Ukrainian government has stopped supporting their lives since 2003, due to changed laws - this is the official wording. The virtual tour will also show that approximately 6.5 thousand people work at various enterprises in the exclusion zone. In addition, approximately 2.5 thousand work at the nuclear power plant itself. Union representatives say approximately 11,000 people work for the benefit of the station. To ensure that their radiation dose does not become higher than permissible, work is carried out in shifts that last only a few hours. At the same time, the degree of exposure is monitored by individual dosimeters, and the condition of the workers themselves is monitored by doctors.

What future awaits Chernobyl?

At the moment, the tourism direction is mainly developing, due to the continuing interest in the zone. Foreigners show great curiosity in this matter - and this affects the price of excursions. There is an intention to turn this place into a production site with special conditions. However, bringing such an intention to life requires serious research that can confirm the safety for the health and life of workers. For now, no one can claim that this territory is completely safe in this sense. There is also a possibility that the area will be turned into a bio-reserve.

Summing up

Summarizing the above, we can rightfully say that the safest, most economical and educational way to visit Chernobyl will be a virtual tour of it.

(53 ratings, average: 4,30 out of 5)

Every year they become more and more popular, more and more travel agencies and stalkers appear who, with undisguised pleasure, show and tell everything they know about the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone. Modern technologies also do not stand still and are moving in the right direction. They combine our historical past with modernity and create amazing things. Such a thing, for example, became virtual walks around Chernobyl. They will be discussed further in the article. But first I want to add a few words from myself.

Secret object "Chernobyl 2" (Arc)

It seems that it has become more popular, but everyone is starting to forget about the tragedy. Less and less is said about the history of this city. Everyone just wants to look at the terrifying beauty of the city of Pripyat and the outlines of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

Of course, this is very important and necessary, but it is still important to know the history. Therefore, before moving on to the description of the virtual tour of Chernobyl, I will tell you about the events that took place in Pripyat in 1986.

The Chernobyl accident in the city of Pripyat occurred thirty-one years ago in April 1986. The accident occurred in the fourth power unit of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

After a huge explosion that occurred on the night of April 25-26, the reactor of the fourth power unit was completely destroyed. A colossal dose of radioactive substance was released into the atmosphere, irradiating a vast area around the nuclear power plant in Pripyat. Now this territory is called the “Chernobyl Exclusion Zone”.

They call it human error. But what was this mistake? The power in the reactor of this power unit was increased three months earlier than was written in the plan.

The initially planned power for the experiment was 700 MW, but just before the experiment began, the power dropped sharply and became equivalent to 30 MW. The operator was forced to begin the planned experiment at 200 MW. After 36 seconds, the power level began to rise. The operator had to press a button and an explosion occurred.

Memorial to the lost villages in Chernobyl

Pripyat - the place where hell happened

It became the worst nuclear disaster in the history of mankind after calculating the number of victims and deaths during and after the liquidation of the accident, as well as due to the economic damage caused to the country.

More than 30 human lives were lost during the first 3 months of liquidation of the accident. Doctors have found that almost 100 people died due to high levels of radiation within 15 years after the accident. To this day, no one knows how many more victims of the Chernobyl accident there were.

Palace of Culture "Energetik" in Pripyat

More than 130 people received radiation sickness of varying severity in the first days of the accident. The number of evacuees is generally astounding: more than 115,000 people were taken out of the Exclusion Zone - a 30-kilometer radius around the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. And three times as many liquidators arrived to replace the evacuated people. From the entire Soviet Union, 600,000 workers arrived at Chernobyl to eliminate the consequences of the accident.

If we talk about the one that hit the planet, then the indicators are impressive. When the reactor was burning, the cloud that formed above it was carried by the wind far beyond Pripyat. Thus, radionuclides represented by iodine and cesium spread throughout the Soviet Union (now Ukraine, Belarus and Russia) and throughout much of Europe.

Hotel "Polesie" in the center of Pripyat

Virtual walks around Pripyat

Walking around Pripyat is now a very popular type of extreme excursion. Excursions from Kyiv come especially often, thanks to the close location - there are only 150 kilometers between Kiev and Pripyat.


In Pripyat you can also meet foreigners who are interested in the history of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, which affected all of humanity. After reading facts on the Internet and finding out about possible anomalies in the Exclusion Zone, people decide to come to Chernobyl to see everything with their own eyes.

Unfortunately, the modern pace of life does not always allow us to visit the places we want and when we want. Many people work, study, schedules are drawn up months in advance. And besides, you need to coordinate everything with your friends, or those with whom you are going on a trip. To decide whether it is worth spending your weekend on a trip to Pripyat, you need to weigh the pros and cons very carefully.

For some people, photos and videos, of which there are so many on the Internet now, are not enough. For complete information, there is an online walk around Pripyat Yandex.

Anyone can try virtual walks around Chernobyl, because to do this you just need to go to the Internet and type into the search engine “Virtual walks around Chernobyl three-dimensional street views.” The system will immediately redirect you to a page where a virtual walk around Pripyat will be available online.

Radioactive cars in Pripyat Amusement Park

Virtual walks around Chernobyl - the basics of a virtual trip

Online virtual walks around Chernobyl are very easy to use. Just go to the website “Virtual walks around Chernobyl Yandex maps”, and a map of the city will open.

A blue stripe will highlight the place where virtual walks around Pripyat Yandex are available. This means that specialists worked there, photographed the area from satellites and directly on Earth, and created such a wonderful application for users.

To get to the place of interest, click the corresponding point on the map (necessarily on the blue path). Where you click, a binocular icon with an extension will appear, which will, as it were, demonstrate virtual walks around Chernobyl.

Radioactive Ferris Wheel in Pripyat

Read more about walks in Yandex

It’s interesting that even a child can try virtual walks around Chernobyl Yandex, everything is so easy and simple. You need to move frames using the binoculars icon, and you can use the arrow keys on your computer keyboard to inspect the area, or simply move your finger in the right direction on touch screens.

It will be more convenient if you download the Yandex maps application on your phone: finding the “Pripyat virtual walk” function in it is much easier. Computer users just need to find a site on the Internet.

Walks and panoramas of Chernobyl

No virtual walks through Chernobyl videos can compare with those provided to users by Yandex. Here you can move at any time to any place available on the map and look around. By the way, there are a lot of available places.

There are unique species that cannot be found in any photographs on the Internet, on forums or on social networks. Each street is signed and the house number is indicated. This way you can write down the address and make a tentative route for your excursion.

It will be a very wonderful experience to compare what you see on a virtual walk and live. Comparing the appearance of the same place in summer, autumn, winter and spring is a very interesting idea.

An abandoned children's doll in a kindergarten in Chernobyl

Of course, no virtual walk through Chernobyl can replace Yandex in reality. But, nevertheless, this modern function will become an assistant in choosing a tour, in preliminary inspection of the area, because many tourists tend to get lost in unfamiliar places. After watching virtual walks around Chernobyl, you will definitely want to visit it in the near future.
