Where in classmates is black. How to add a person to the blacklist in Odnoklassniki

This function was introduced by the creators of the social network so that all users can independently regulate their social circle and get rid of unnecessary people in their environment. The service is completely free, so absolutely everyone can use it, which makes the emergency even more useful. You can constantly edit your emergency situation by adding or removing people from there. A user whose page is in an emergency will not be able to write to you, watch your materials, comment on posts and give classes. He will only see your avatar on your page. Read on our website detailed instructions on how to page another person.

How can I find out who I am on the blacklist on Odnoklassniki?

There is no separate service or function in the social network itself to identify those who have included you in an emergency. This service cannot be offered to you either for money or for free. However, you can easily find out that a user has sent you to an emergency if you go to his page. If, after visiting a person’s profile, you saw only an avatar, and all the buttons for communication are missing (even adding as a friend), this means that the person sent you to an emergency.

What does the blacklist in Odnoklassniki give?

This function is very useful for those who want to fine-tune and define their social circle within the OK social network. Feel free to add everyone you consider necessary to the emergency situation, you will make your stay on the Internet comfortable and calm. Communicate only with people you like. This function also helps to get rid of annoying bots and sending advertisements to personal messages. With a couple of clicks you can. You will find step-by-step instructions about this on our information portal.

What does the blacklist mean and how does it work in Odnoklassniki?

Emergency is a sheet that contains users who cannot access your personal page. You personally choose which profile to add to the emergency situation. After this, the person you have chosen is added to the list and can no longer contact you within the OK social network. However, he can write to you or add you as a friend from another page. Remember that you are only blocking an account. You can use the Blacklist service both from a desktop computer and from a phone/tablet through the mobile version of the site or the official application. On our portal you can read a detailed article about.

How to remove yourself from the blacklist in Odnoklassniki?

There is no way you can extract your page from another person’s blacklist. You can only ask him about it by logging in from a new account or through a page that is on his friend list.

This is the main advantage of this feature: without the permission of the person who blocked you, you will not be able to perform any actions in relation to this person, thereby, you will not bother him. If you were added to the emergency situation, it means that the owner of the account had a reason for it, or he simply decided to limit his social circle on the social network.

How to add a guest to the blacklist in Odnoklassniki?

To do this you must follow the following procedure:

  • open the profile of a person who visited your profile and whom you want to block if he seems suspicious to you;
  • under the avatar, click on the “Other actions” button to open an additional menu;

Not all PC users understand social networks and their interfaces. For example, OK fans often wonder how to view the blacklist in Odnoklassniki. On the one hand, there is nothing complicated about this, however, if you look at it on the other hand, this is not such a simple task as confident Internet users think. No special knowledge or skills are required, you just need to master the social network interface and remember the location of important functions.

We have prepared instructions on how to do this and tried to collect all the available methods for both the computer version of OK and the mobile application of the social network.

From phone

Every social network has a blacklist, and OK is no exception. If you add a user there, he will not be able to write messages to you or view your profile. Sometimes you need to look through the blacklist in order to amnesty someone, or delete a user who was included there by mistake.

First option via “other actions”

The first way to visit an emergency situation is to log into your profile and open a special menu. This is done as follows:

Now you can view the list of added people and remove unnecessary or accidentally added ones.

The second option is through “profile settings”

The second method to open the blacklist is to use the “Profile Settings” function, to do this follow these steps:

From computer

In the browser version of OK, you can view the blacklist and edit it if necessary. There are several ways to do this, let's look at each of them.

Option one through “My Settings”

You can get into your blacklist through your profile settings:

Option two through the “Friends” section

You can also open the blacklist through it:


Now you know how to check the blacklist in Odnoklassniki, there are several methods for mobile devices and for the browser version of Insta on a PC.

Social networks are the same as a person’s life, where there are those with whom you want to communicate, and those with whom you want to avoid communication. And if in real life meeting a bad person is sometimes unavoidable, then doing this in Odnoklassniki is very easy. Inappropriate, intrusive or abnormal users can be ignored and a virtual collision with them can be avoided. For this purpose, the site’s creators have developed a “black list”.

A blacklist is required if:

  • You are sent abusive or intrusive messages;
  • They write obscene and rude comments on photos or posts;
  • Users who send spam and advertisements ask to be friends.

If you place these users in an emergency, you will avoid all the problems described above and will use the site for your pleasure. Finding the section with the list of blocked people is easy. In this article we will tell you where the “black list” is located and how to use it.

In the full version of the site

To find yourself in the “quarantine zone” of your account, you can use several methods.

Through the "Settings" section

Via profile

You can also get on your stop list through your profile:

Via mobile application

Users of the application have access to the same functions as in the full version of the site. You can get on the list indicating inappropriate and annoying people like this:

  • In the lower right corner, click “Menu”, or in the upper left corner, click on the picture with three stripes;
  • In both cases, a menu section will open where you can select the “Black List” item;
  • You can also get there through the settings section using the following path: “Menu” - “Profile Settings” - “Black List”.

Via mobile version

Access to your blacklist in the mobile version of Odnoklassniki is only possible through the settings section:

By accessing the “Black List” section using any of the described methods, you will be able to view the entire list of unwanted visitors, as well as unblock them. Protect yourself from virtual bullies and use Odnoklassniki with pleasure, communicating only with those you really want.

Where is the blacklist in Odnoklassniki? A number of people have a similar question. Therefore, it is worth understanding it in more detail and providing relevant information to users.

  1. Got a nice interface.
  2. Lots of useful features.
  3. You will appreciate the availability of a number of versions of the site, including a smartphone application.
  4. It is possible to communicate comfortably on the portal.
  5. You can watch videos, listen to music and play games.
  6. The social network is stable and there are usually no problems with it.

One of the portal's capabilities is blocking. It allows:

  • Limit communication with a number of people.
  • Block profiles that send spam.
  • Avoid communicating with users who are unpleasant to you.
  • Block access to the page for people who appear as guests too often and are actively interested in your life.

How to add a person to a block

If you logged in from a PC, then you need to:

  1. Login to messages.
  2. Go to a chat with a specific user.
  3. Click on the information item.
  4. Click on the “Block” button.
  5. The person will be added to the emergency situation.

When the user is on the site through the phone application:

  • Go to the person's account.
  • Open a menu with actions for the profile.
  • Find the blocking item in it.
  • Confirm action.

Afterwards the user will go to the block and will no longer disturb you. But where can I watch the emergency? We will offer a number of options for people.

Where is the blacklist located in Odnoklassniki mobile version?

How to find an emergency? You can check it:

  1. From a computer.
  2. From the mobile version.
  3. Via a smartphone application.

Users can use various methods to visit the site. Therefore, it is worth studying each option in order to outline the algorithm for subsequent actions. The whole procedure will not take you much time.

On the full version of the site

The first way to view the emergency:

  • Go to the page.
  • Go to settings.
  • View items.
  • Find the “Black List” among them.
  • Click on it.
  • Study the list of accounts in emergency situations.

There is a second option:

  1. Scroll down to the bottom of the page.
  2. Find “Black List” in the footer menu of the site.
  3. Click on this item.
  4. You will have access to the list of blocked users.

How to view the blacklist in Odnoklassniki from your phone

Many people use the mobile version. To use it you will need:

  • A smartphone with good characteristics to fully interact with the device.
  • Good mobile browser.
  • Special version OK. All you have to do is go to the website and the mobile version is immediately offered.

How to view the black list in Odnoklassniki? If you visit the social network from your phone, then this task is easy to cope with. Required:

  1. Open the side menu on the portal.
  2. Find the settings item.
  3. Enter them.
  4. View the proposed list.
  5. Find a blacklist item.
  6. Click on it.
  7. Go to Emergency.

The entire procedure takes the user a minimum of time. In an emergency, you will be able to view blocked people, remove individual profiles from the list if you want to continue communication. A simple interface will allow you to quickly understand the portal's features.

In the application

You can log in from your mobile phone using the application. Now the program is becoming popular, more and more users prefer it. Required:

  • Go to the app store on your platform.
  • Find the Odnoklassniki program.
  • Download and install it.
  • Wait until the procedure is completed.
  • Log in to the application.
  • Log in to the page.

Why should you use the application? The reasons for the program's popularity are obvious:

  1. It has a beautiful design, the design will appeal to every user.
  2. The interface is designed so that you feel comfortable working with the program.
  3. Adaptation for mobile screen has been carried out.
  4. Offers useful features that people constantly use in the application.
  5. You can actively work with the program and replace the standard version of the site.
  6. Provides music listening function.
  7. Able to communicate comfortably.
  8. You can quickly exchange messages. The application contains notifications.

Therefore, the program will be an excellent solution for people who use mobile phones to visit OK. But how can you view the emergency situation in the app? Required:

  • Click on the side menu.
  • View it and find the settings item.
  • Proceed to “Profile Settings”.
  • This section contains an emergency clause.
  • You will be able to study the list of blocked people and remove individual pages from the emergency situation.
  • You can continue to communicate with users who were removed from the emergency.
  • The whole procedure takes a minimum of time.

The site developers created such a section to protect personal data from unpleasant, aggressive people. Being included in the emergency situation means that the owner of this account will not be able to access your page, view and comment on photos, give a rating, or send a message.

All that he will see when trying to visit the profile is the main photo and the message: “the user has added you to the blacklist.”

Attention: this service is absolutely free, any attempt to write off money for using it is fraud.

How to blacklist in Odnoklassniki

Every user periodically needs to include someone in an emergency. But how to add an unpleasant person to the blacklist in Odnoklassniki? There are three simple ways to do this:

Important: a blocked user will be able to visit your page from another account.

How to use emergency in Odnoklassniki on your phone in the mobile version

To add a friend to an emergency from your phone, go to his profile. After clicking on the “three dots”, a menu will open. There is a “Block” option. Click, confirm, block.

How to view the blacklist

While in the “Friends” section, you need to open all available tabs by clicking the “More” button. Select the “Black List” column. A list of users located there will open. In this window, the site allows you to unblock the user by removing him from the emergency situation.

Remember, social network users can not only leave aggressive messages, unflattering comments or low ratings, but also use your personal information for personal gain. Therefore, it is important to use this service in time, preventing them from appearing on the page.
