PC games similar to GTA. Criminal Minds - Games Similar to GTA! Gameplay True Crime

Saints Row is the answer to the question “What would GTA be like if its developers used illegal substances”: an absolutely insane series of games where everything is possible, from clearing out areas from gangster gangs and fighting with, to descending into the Underworld and meeting God. The weapons also match the atmospheric plot: in addition to the standard submachine guns, Saints Row has such crazy weapons as a dubstep gun, a lightsaber, and a plunger shooter.

If you ignore the insanity of the series (which is almost impossible), it is otherwise an excellent GTA substitute with shootouts, chases, side missions and collectibles scattered throughout the world. Saints Row also has one of the best character editors, which contains an incredible number of options.

2. Sleeping Dogs

This action movie was supposed to be a continuation of the True Crime series, which we wrote about above. But in the end, Activision froze development, and the already created materials were purchased by Square Enix. Since the rights to the series remained with the old publisher, the project was released under a new name.

Sleeping Dogs tells the story of an undercover man who infiltrates one of Hong Kong's biggest gangs to bring it down from the inside. The plot surprises with interesting twists and difficult moral dilemmas. Matching it is the gameplay, where, in accordance with the setting, the oriental with a dash of dirty tricks comes to the fore: in battles, the protagonist can use the environment, smashing aquariums and air conditioners with the heads of opponents. Finally, we cannot fail to mention the atmosphere of the game - nowhere else has Hong Kong with its charm and energy been recreated in such detail.

3. Watch Dogs series

The first part of Watch Dogs was positioned by Ubisoft as a “GTA killer” during the advertising campaign. True, a miracle did not happen, and it was not possible to knock GTA off its pedestal, but at the same time we got a good action movie with interesting gameplay mechanics that play off the abilities of the main character.

When developing the sequel, the authors behaved more modestly, took into account all the mistakes and, as a result, presented a good action game with variable completion of missions, RPG elements and a well-developed world that lives its own life, reacts to the player’s actions and constantly surprises with new possibilities. All this is seasoned with the frivolous general mood of the game and the most detailed San Francisco, in which the developers have recreated almost all the sights of the original city. And if Watch Dogs could hardly compete with its famous competitor, then Watch Dogs 2 is exactly the game like GTA 5 that gamers have been waiting for.

4. Just Cause Series

Just Cause has one of the largest worlds in video games, a huge selection of vehicles, complete freedom of action and a bright picture. And also a guide to overthrowing dictatorial regimes in third world countries.

The permanent protagonist of the trilogy, CIA special agent Rico Rodriguez, masterfully wields any weapon, controls all types of transport, and also skillfully handles a grappling hook, with which he can cling to any objects and attach them to each other. These skills will be useful to him in revolutionary affairs: each game in the series is dedicated to the destruction of rulers who oppress their own people and even aim at world domination. However, if you wish, you can leave the main storyline to simply explore the world, participate in races, cause chaos and destruction in enemy bases, or compete with friends in multiplayer.

5. Bully

The best bully simulator in the world - of course, from the creators of GTA. Bully will invite you to go to school, sit in class, do homework - and also bully your classmates, have affairs with girls, and run around.

The plot of Bully covers one year of the main character's education at a new school. During this time, Jimmy Hopkins - that's the name of the bully - must gain authority among all school groups, deal with newfound enemies and find his love. Despite the seemingly frivolous themes, the game raises pressing social issues and tells a fascinating story about growing up. Well, he doesn’t forget to entertain gamers with entertaining missions and mini-games.

6. Yakuza series

7. Crackdown 3

Crackdown is “GTA at maximum speed,” an action sandbox in which you can do anything, as long as this “anything” is justified by the fight against crime. Only the third part of the series is available on PC, but it is also considered the best, so in the absence of previous releases you have not lost much.

In Crackdown 3 you will play the role of a super agent who clears the streets of criminals in an original way - destroying everything in his path. Using superpowers, the main character can run faster than lightning, jump higher than skyscrapers and throw cars into the sky. A fun and crazy action movie that will help you have fun after a hard day.

8. Far Cry 5

Structurally, Far Cry 5 is not similar to GTA: if in Grand Theft Auto the narrative dominates the open world, then in Far Cry 5 the opposite is true: here the main thing is entertainment on a huge map, and the plot remains a secondary matter.

Nevertheless, in terms of freedom, the games can be called similar. In GTA, you can drop everything you’re doing at any time and go explore cities and their surrounding areas. Just like in Far Cry 5, you are free to postpone missions and explore the open world. Moreover, in both cases you will encounter random events that will shape your personal story of completing the game.

9. Mafia Series

If we had written this material before the release of Mafia 3, the series would not have been included in it: nevertheless, its first two parts, although they imply some freedom of action and allow you to freely explore the world, are quite different from Grand Theft Auto.

With Mafia 3, everything is different: this is the most real clone of GTA, where you can run through the city streets with weapons at the ready, steal cars, arrange shootouts with the police - in general, have fun as you please. All this is accompanied by a rather fascinating plot with good cut-scene direction, a 60s atmosphere and a cheerful theme.

10. Red Dead Redemption Series

12. Total Overdose

A completely crazy GTA clone with a charismatic protagonist, Mexican flavor and a catchy soundtrack. Together with the main character, who avenges the death of his father, players will have to shoot hundreds of Bandidos, find the love of their lives and help the DEA destroy a powerful drug cartel.

If GTA 5 is a satire on society, then Total Overdose is an overt mockery of stereotypes. Sombreros, wrestlers, bullfighting and other integral aspects of Mexican life are shown here in an exaggerated way, flavored with a huge dose of humor and action. Unfortunately, the pleasure of the gameplay is spoiled by primitive graphics: Total Overdose was released back in 2005, and today the game is only suitable for weak PCs and nostalgic gamers.

13. The Saboteur

A stylish open-world action game featuring members of the French Resistance fighting the Nazis in occupied Paris. Players will have to complete tasks, block by block, to recapture the city from the invaders. This is reflected in the color scheme: the areas occupied by the Germans are in black and white with splashes of red, while the liberated territories show a riot of colors.

The Saboteur has a good balance between the story campaign, stealth and open battles. The main character is an experienced fighter and driver, so the missions are varied. The highlight of the game was the use of a brothel as a base for the Resistance - returning to headquarters between missions is always nice.

14. Prototype Series

The Prototype duology can be described as “GTA with superpowers.” Here, a character is running around digitized, able to turn his hands into tentacles and transform into any NPC he meets, and traveling by transport becomes unnecessary when you can jump over a skyscraper and rush to any point on the map with a bullet.

The protagonist can use his superpowers for various purposes. Mainly, of course, to confront the sinister corporation, which became the reason for the appearance of almost divine powers in him, and at the same time released him into freedom, turning people into. But he also does not miss the opportunity to help his neighbor by taking on various additional missions.

15. Mercenaries Series

A series of games dedicated to mercenaries - soldiers of fortune who are ready to take on any dirty work. Similar to GTA in the presence of a large open world, an impressive selection of vehicles and weapons, it has a greater emphasis on action and chaos - which is not surprising, since we are talking about mercenaries.

The first part of Mercenaries was released only on PlayStation and Xbox consoles, but the sequel also came to PC. It is worth paying attention to: there is a lot of shooting, even more explosions and destruction, and for the most furious maniacs there are airstrikes and nuclear charges that level entire cities to the ground. But there is little sense in what is happening - but who needs it if there is an opportunity to climb into a tank and cause total destruction?

16. True Crime Series

These GTA-style projects show players all the difficulties of being a cop in a big city - in the first part and New York in the sequel. When developing, the authors seem to have been inspired by films about bad cops: the methods of work of the main characters are clearly not taken from the job description of a law enforcement officer. Here, chases, shootouts and intense interrogations are common practice, and the preparation of reports and polite treatment of suspects are not considered something worthy of attention.

Like the other games in this collection, the True Crime duology contains sandbox-style gameplay, an open world and many side activities. Added to this is a licensed soundtrack (consisting mainly of hip-hop), crime fighting and the ability to choose between playing a “bad” or “good” cop.

Where to download: Games removed from official digital services

17. The Godfather Series

Games that give you the opportunity to feel like a tycoon of the criminal world, the real head of the “family”. The GTA clone dilogy The Godfather is based on the film saga of the same name, and invites players to meet characters famous from the films.

The developers managed to create an atmospheric world, come up with a decent plot and interesting missions, and even implement some kind of strategy with capture and hold. This is why The Godfather earns a place on our list.

Where to download: Due to the expiration of copyright, the games were withdrawn from official digital services

18. Dead Rising Series

Action-adventure games are similar to GTA only in general terms - after all, there are no zombies in Grand Theft Auto, and Dead Rising has a poorly developed universe. But there are still similarities: an open world, vehicles, some kind of freedom in completing tasks, the ability, if desired, to leave the main storyline and explore locations in search of interesting events and collectibles.

22.10.2019 at 21:07 · VeraSchegoleva · 440

« GTA is a series of third-person action games (the first game was released in 1998). In the game you need to play as, completing various assignments from gangs. Thus, the player raises his character to the top of the criminal world. Of course, for completing missions you are awarded money, for which you can buy a club, hotel, yacht, garage, etc.

You play as a hero who is hiding in a shopping center, but there are a lot of zombies in it. It is impossible to run out of the publication, since it was cordoned off by the military. You will have to confront the zombies on your own... Items from the market will help you with this. Look around - you will need any technique to throw objects at these creatures. In addition to survival, you have to unravel the secret - why this dangerous one arose.

5. Saints Row

Release year: 2006

In a game called " Saints Row" everything is allowed! You can create the appearance of your character yourself, and then choose a suitable car for him, pumping it up as you wish. During the game you will have to fight a lot, meet people and, if we talk about the most important task, you will have to do everything in order to survive in a dangerous city.

The world has become more violent, and criminal leaders have taken control of entire countries. Once in the city, you must immediately join a criminal gang. It may be dangerous, but that is your main task. Exciting missions await you. Look for items and weapons to fight the criminal world.

4. The Godfather

Release year: 2006

A game " The Godfather"was created based on the film "". You will go to the vastness of the USA, where your activities will take place.

After prolonged military operations, the country is rising from its knees and now intends to engage in its development. But not everything is as rosy as it might seem, because criminal gangs do not sleep. They intend to regain all sources of income that they once lost.

First you have to play as a small bandit who will take advantage of any opportunity to get closer to success. Get ready for the fact that you will have to spend a lot of effort to please the leader of the most influential gang. If you prove to your boss that you can be trusted, you will become a member of his family.


Release year: 2005

You have to go to a fantasy world to unravel the mysteries... " Yakuza"includes an adventure style. You will travel to the recent past - to 1988, where you will become part of a criminal gang. You will play as a 20-year-old, but already brave and fearless guy, Kiryu, who will have to confront a competitive market specializing in the sale of real estate.

Keep in mind that it will not be easy, but you need to capture the market territory to gain power. On your way, you will constantly meet enemies who will not spare their efforts to destroy you and trample you into the dirt.

The main thing is to always remain attentive to avoid mistakes. Passing all the tests, you will definitely achieve success. Improve your talents and skills while others are dozing!

2. Sleeping Dogs

Release year: 2012

« Sleeping Dogs"attracts a lot of attention, largely due to its name. Thanks to this game, you will immerse yourself in the cities of Hong Kong and be able to learn about them in detail. This is not just a game, but a guide for tourists!

Events in the game will develop around Wei Shen going to Hong Kong. His goal is to infiltrate Triad society. The plot is quite interesting and exciting, many battles await you, where you can demonstrate your best abilities. You'll have to learn parkour, which is pretty good for a simple cop!

You will work as an undercover agent. To earn the trust of the mafia, you will have to carry out various assignments.

1. Just Cause

Release year: 2006

World " Just Cause» with a third person view will captivate you! You will play as the hero Rico, a brave professional agent. Thanks to his courage and ingenuity, he managed to achieve success in his field.

You will go to an exotic island to destroy the system and eliminate the government. The population is suffering because the government has become too corrupt. Moreover, the population of the island turned into real slaves. The government has established strict laws and people cannot even say a word against it.

It is you who are entrusted with saving the people, overthrowing the government and putting competent people in their place. Be careful, because the future of the island depends on your actions.

The GTA action series has made players fall in love with the large open world of criminal gangs and small street gangs, driving chases in stolen cars, exciting shootouts and brutal hand-to-hand combat.

This selection includes games similar to GTA in style, atmosphere and general idea, which can be played online or in co-op.

1. APB Reloaded – gangs in the metropolis

Video Games APB Reloaded

The game was released back in 2011 and now, unfortunately, there are not enough people online, and the engine is noticeably outdated. But what an idea!

  • Game website: https://apb.4game.com/

2. Saints Row IV – high degree of madness

"Saints Row IV" - aliens, the kidnapping of the president, a virtual city and powerful superpowers.

Video games Saints Row IV

The only downside is that the graphics are a little outdated, but against the backdrop of the excellent gameplay, it’s not particularly noticeable.

3. Watch Dogs 2 – the adventures of a hacker

“Watch Dogs 2” invites the main character to create anarchy in modern Chicago, using not only firearms, but also the power of his smartphone.

Video games Watch Dogs 2

A charismatic hero turns off traffic lights, turns on the alarm and reads the messages of passers-by on their smartphones - this is already something new.

  • Steam page: http://store.steampowered.com/app/447040/

4. Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Wildlands - cacti and drug dealers

The events of “Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Wildlands” take place in sunny Bolivia, where banditry and human trafficking are rampant.

Video games Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Wildlands

The game also has excellent picture quality; we strongly recommend playing it at maximum settings.

  • Steam page: http://store.steampowered.com/app/460930/

5. Broke Protocol – GTA meets Minecraft

Compared to the previous projects on the list, “Broke Protocol” looks like a pathetic parody, but don’t rush to conclusions, in fact the game is very good.

Video games Broke Protocol

Game Features
1 Complete freedom - the goal is to earn as much money as possible, and whether you do it honestly or by knocking change out of the pockets of passers-by is not discussed.
2 About 250 players on servers, if there are no real ones, then they are replaced by bots - they are stupid, of course, scary, but for shootouts and chases they will do.
3 Eliminate the guards, distracting the attention of police, robbing banks and stealing from stores - cubic characters know a lot about banditry, although playing for the “positive” side is no less interesting.
4 Survival Elements: you need to eat, drink and monitor your energy levels.

Nice cubic graphics and complete chaos - haters complain about an unfriendly community, but what else can you expect from a game about crime?

  • Steam page: http://store.steampowered.com/app/696370/

There is still no information about “GTA 6”, and there won’t be until Rockstar Games is working hard on “Red Dead Redemption 2”, so all that remains is to go through the fifth part again and again, and when you get tired of it, try other games similar to “ GTA."

GTA 5 was released today, so we suggest recalling the best games made in a similar style. The franchise has spawned many projects that in one way or another reflect the features of this iconic series.


GTA came out today 5. The fifth title promises to set new standards for open-world action games, and there is no doubt that Rockstar was able to do this. We, like most console owners, have already started playing, so expect a big review of Grand Theft Auto 5. In the meantime, we suggest recalling the best games made in the style of the franchise. The series has spawned many projects in which one way or another the features of this iconic series can be discerned.

Saints Row 4 will surpass any trash movie or game in its recklessness. This is an example of how to make the most frivolous action possible, while competently parodying the main clichés and well-known franchises. As the President of the United States, you need to fight off aliens and do a lot of things that are difficult to describe.

Saints Row - GTA, whose brakes completely failed. There is simply no other such frivolous game; the developers are ahead of the rest in this sense. SR is fun to play through, but like any parody, it's a dud inside. If you want a more or less normal plot or adequacy, the game cannot offer anything. Volition excel at silliness and parody, but going through Saints Row is like watching American Pie. Sometimes, of course, it’s funny, but this humor is second-rate, too obvious and without sophistication.

The cooperative, which, in theory, was supposed to double the degree of madness, turned out to be frankly weak. The characters hardly interact, the videos are identical for both single and joint playthroughs. It's not good to do this, Volition.

However, as a fun game, Saints Row 4 is perfect.

The action was one of the biggest surprises of last year. Nobody expected much from the continuation of the lousy True Crime series, but a high-quality action movie came out. The game was created for the Western world, so you won't see any Asian features here. In general, Sleeping Dogs is the very best GTA, only with some important differences.

Firstly, you play as a police officer, albeit undercover. Secondly, there is left-hand traffic here, and it takes some time to get used to it. Thirdly, there is a lot of waving with arms and legs, but not enough shooting. Actually, in other respects this is absolutely the same GTA with similar plot moves, story development and climbing the criminal ladder of Hong Kong.

The fights turned out really great. The developers made the right decision by using the Batman: Arkham Asulym combat system as a basis - it is used in every first action game with massacres. In addition to realistic fights with a juicy crunch of bones, I remember the excellent finishing moves, which are very similar to fatalities from The Punisher. The hero slams his opponents' heads into the blades of air conditioners, throws enemies into ovens, and throws them onto high-voltage electrical panels - such cruelty came in handy for an action movie about wayward eastern mafiosi.

The Driver series is inconsistent. After the disgusting Driv3r came the worthy Parallel Lines, which takes place in two time periods. We spend the first half driving around the sunny New York of 1978, and then we are transported to the gloomy 2006. The main character was framed, and he was put behind bars for 28 years. The move with different eras is interesting in itself, but the atmosphere of our days is much inferior to the Big Apple of the seventies.

As usual, Driver focuses heavily on cars and chases. Most of the tasks are related to transport in one way or another - fans of shooting races across the city will certainly be pleased. It is curious that after five years of silence the series changed its concept. In Driver: San Francisco you can’t leave your car, but you can and should “move” from one car to another; you’ll be pleasantly surprised by the high-quality view from the cabin. Since then, nothing has been heard about the continuation, which is a pity. San Francisco was definitely a successful reboot of the series.

Instead of bandits with huge gold Rolexes, the Czechs showed a different side of the criminal world. A time when gangsters had stricter laws than police officers. When it was forbidden to kill anyone without the approval of the mafia boss. When, finally, the criminals were gentlemen and wore expensive suits, and did not wear Adidas and did not scatter kilograms of cocaine on the tables.

A small Czech company created a cult game, much deeper and more detailed in terms of atmosphere and characters than GTA. Of course, these are series about different eras, they focus on different things. But Mafia is a more serious and adult project. It’s a paradox, but after almost nine years the developers have not been able to even repeat, let alone surpass, their masterpiece. Mafia II turned out to be a pathetic piece of work, a weak shadow of The City of the Lost Heaven. Banal plot, transience, boring missions. Illusion Softworks, please release the first Mafia on the new engine, or at least an HD edition of the beautiful original.

All Points Bulletin, better known as APB Reloaded, offers you to rob a bank and run away, shooting back from the cops, with a plump bag of money on your back. Or take the side of the keepers of order. Let us remind you that the fifth part of GTA is dedicated to bank robberies, and one of the main reference points for the developers is the wonderful 1994 action movie Heat.

APB is a multiplayer shooter in which events are very unpredictable. On a quiet street, a shootout involving special forces and bank robbers can unfold, which will result in a tense chase through a busy city. Surprises await at every turn. The fact is that players are assigned to units: they can organize an ambush for enemies, come to the aid of allies, and generally start a local war in the middle of the city. And the same thing happens throughout the metropolis.

The main feature is the gameplay, which is tied to triggers (invisible “buttons”). Step on one, and your carefully thought-out bank robbery plan will instantly collapse, forcing you to think on the fly about options for getting out of the current difficult situation. Let’s say that at the most crucial moment the alarm beeps. The security forces immediately arrive, shooting starts, and you are torn between the desires to “just escape” and “to escape with the stolen money.” And here it would also be nice for your partner to get some help - help out or run away while there is an opportunity? The security forces have their own concerns. It is much better to take the criminals alive - but the enemies do not want to surrender under any circumstances. What is more important: to shoot the robbers, or to try to arrest them, risking missing the lawbreakers altogether?

Character customization is important in MMOs. Many players want to create a hero that is different from the rest. This is quite possible in the All Points Bulletin character editor. The possibilities are vast; you can spend hours selecting tattoos or customizing the shade of your protégé's hair. Those who like to tinker with the character's appearance settings for a long time will be satisfied.

The shooter was released two years ago, but is still very popular and has proven itself well among fans of the genre. Moreover, there are practically no multiplayer action games, including bank robberies.

The GTA series has inspired many developers to create similar projects. And not everything can be called a clone; each game focuses on something different. One takes on cool chases, another with realistic fights, and the third is a general MMO. If you are waiting for the PC version or, if you have a console, for some unimaginable reason you have not yet bought GTA 5, we recommend that you go through the games from this material

When it comes to open-world action games, many people immediately think of Grand Theft Auto. The gangster saga from Rockstar is rightfully considered the best in its genre, and the release of each new part is a landmark event not only for the gaming industry, but also for the entertainment industry as a whole.

Millions have tried to put their own spin on the series' formula, often resulting in amazing games. And while players are waiting for the re-release of the fifth part on new consoles and PCs, let's remember the most interesting open-world action films. Let’s make a reservation right away: this is not a selection of “GTA clones” (it’s hard to call them that), these games are completely self-sufficient. They are united only by some structural features - a school of design that was popularized (but by no means invented!) by Rockstar.

Red Dead Redemption

According to good tradition, only Rockstar themselves can surpass Rockstar. is so good that it can single-handedly make you fall in love with Westerns. Her Wild West lives its own life, it is full of details and bright events. And it seems that we should thank Red Dead Redemption for the beautiful nature in GTA V: a couple of years earlier, Rockstar made believable wild animals here and subsequently clearly used these developments in the next game.

We can talk about Red Dead Redemption for a long time, but this game simply needs to be played. Unfortunately, it never came out on PC, and among the console versions it is better to give preference to the one for the Xbox 360 - it is believed that the picture there is a little better.

BESIDES: If you're crazy about cowboys in the open world, check out . Despite the PlayStation 2 era graphics, this is still a great game. In addition, it is available on PC.

Sleeping Dogs

Spun off from the moderately successful series. This is a game about triad wars in beautiful, neon and mostly rainy Hong Kong. Criminal showdowns, shooting in the air, fist fights without rules and restrictions - everything here is staged at the level of good Hong Kong action films. True, it is the open world that plays a secondary role here - there is not enough scale, detail and life. But there is a lot of color.

Everything makes us hope that in the sequel (it has already been confirmed, but not yet shown) we will see something much more ambitious.


The series is a superhero take on open world gaming, a perpetual Sony exclusive. Instead of pistols there are special abilities, instead of vehicles there is parkour. There is also a special reputation system, according to which the decisions you make give the main character the reputation of a good person or a villain, open access to new quest lines and even affect the ending.

In terms of scale, InFamous plays on the same field as GTA, but it places emphasis in a completely different way - that’s why they love it.


The famous “sandbox” from Microsoft, which at one time well strengthened the position of the Xbox 360 on the market. It’s just pretending to be a serious game about how pumped-up agents protect the city from crime. In fact, this is a fun fight where you can put on an exoskeleton and indulge in delightful vandalism.

Crackdown has two main features - good destructibility and the ability to use everything that comes to hand as a weapon, including pedestrians. The second part tried to become more serious and as a result lost all its enthusiasm. You can play the original now, but you should show some leniency towards it - after all, it came out seven years ago.

L.A. Noire

Toy post-war America of the middle of the last century, detectives in hats and coats, a series of mysterious murders, a depressing atmosphere - the Team Bondi studio chose a very advantageous environment for its game and implemented it brilliantly. The Los Angeles here is amazingly good - the creators went through a ton of photographs and documents to make it not only detailed, but also historically accurate.

But for some reason there are terribly few additional tasks that would allow you to study it with interest: here you can only look for new cars and prevent rare crimes. It’s as if the developers themselves don’t want you to be distracted from the main plot for a long time - if you want, trips around the city can be reduced to a minimum by putting a virtual partner behind the wheel. is a great game about murder, investigation and interrogation, but the amazing city in it undeservedly remains in the background.

Just Cause

Tired of endless, same-type gang warfare? It's time to take on more important things - like starting a revolution on a sunny tropical island! Special Agent Rico Rodriguez has almost no job restrictions, and he will be allowed to play tricks to his heart's content. You can destroy enemy bases with a machine gun, ride any vehicle (enjoying completely unrealistic physics) and experiment with a grappling hook, achieving mind-boggling results.

The available space is enormous: the archipelago is considered one of the largest open worlds in history. A thousand square kilometers! I want to ride, fly and misbehave and don’t want to start the main task at all. The story missions here are painfully similar.

Batman: Arkham City/Arkham Origins

The Arkham series did not immediately adopt a large-scale sandbox format - the action of the first part took place within the walls of a mental hospital and the game was more reminiscent of classic Metroidvanias. In the sequel, Batman was given a separate area of ​​Gotham.

However, the gameplay has not changed much because of this: during the story missions, the player is still driven into the room. But in your free time, you can soar over the city, deal blows to robbers and collect upgrades for your suit. Arkham Origins has slightly expanded the accessible piece of Gotham, and the upcoming one promises to increase the gaming space by as much as five times.

The open world is not vital for the Dark Knight, but it still suits him. Be sure to check it out - this is not only the best game about superheroes, but also one of the best games in the adventure genre in general.

Saint's Row

The series is the apotheosis of a frivolous approach to using the open world. Almost every detail here is grotesque, pretentious and absurd. Get ready to wear ridiculously ridiculous costumes, shoot lasers at combat toilets, and roam the cosmos to the song “What Is Love?”

The game is not shy about borrowing other people's ideas and making fun of everything it can, including competitors, movies, music, and even itself. If such a volume of meaningless and merciless does not disgust you, then you can spend a fair amount of time pleasantly in Saint’s Row.

The series got crazier and crazier with each episode, so if you really want to know what craziness is, start at the end.

* * *

The second part of the selection will appear on the website tomorrow at the same time.
