When will Object 252 be released? What did the potato do right?

For 5 days now, a complete bacchanalia has been going on in the random: Maus is oppressing everyone, the grill can no longer roll away abruptly into the sunset after being fired, and against the backdrop of all this, the new heavy tank of the 8th level “Defender” or its less cool-looking clone Object stands out 252U.

What is the difference between Object 252U and Defender?

I will immediately answer the exciting question of every tanker: Are the Defender and 252U the same tanks? YES. YES and YES. The only difference is the price and camouflage, that’s all.
Therefore, let’s look at the performance characteristics of the Object 252U, understanding that they are the same for both combat vehicles.

TTX Object 252U / Defender

  • Durability – 1500 units (standard for USSR TT in WoT).
  • Hull armor – 130 / 100 / 90 mm (the pike nose is extremely vulnerable, the turret is ricocheting).
  • Engine – 700 hp (mobile, at IS-3 level).
  • Vision – 350 m (an extremely blind tank, any Helkat will bend it in the dark).
  • Damage – one-time damage on average 440 units. Damn nice alpha, we pay with an extremely oblique weapon. Spread 0.44 with 3.2 second convergence.
Compared to the IS-6, the new premium Object 252U / Defender looks better in terms of guns. Penetrating 225 millimeters on a standard BB gives the ability to do the stated 1760 units of damage per minute. All that remains is to get into the tank, and this is not easy to do, believe me.
UVN at Object 252U WoT is simply humiliating 5 degrees! This is when entering maps with the most rugged terrain. Don’t forget that this pre-machine is not a preferential one, which means 10 will do whatever they want with it. His armor is simply ridiculous against any level 10 tank. Of course, having entered as part of a proven platoon, you can try to play for a good result, but first you at least need to pass ropes course or performances in the Gold League from WG. To be sure of your comrades.

Where to penetrate Object 252U / Defender (weak spots)

Learning how to penetrate Object 252U / Defender is simple, shoot at any part of its body, except for two places. I highlighted them in the screenshot.

The tower is flattened, and everything is beveled, which means constant ricochets. But many people are already writing to me that they are punching it into a mask with a breakdown of 200 units! I'll have to test it.
The second strong point is the upper armor plate (nose), you should not shoot at it either, the angle of inclination is crazy. But if the enemy brought the tank towards you in a diamond shape, send it into the VLD, by doing this he neutralized all his rebound.
But I’ll tell you where to pierce the Object 252U further: into the lower armor plate - large size, armor 202 millimeters, and this is with the given armor. Sides without screens and bulwarks, you can finally sew USSR level 8 TT without hassle into the side. The stern, the back of the tower - all these are the weak points of our prem.

Pros and cons of the tank

Pros: good BB penetration, high alpha, good speed.
Cons: poor visibility, weak armor, high dispersion, long convergence.

Object 252U is a promising Tier 8 Soviet heavy weapon. The machine is available in two forms, identical in technical characteristics, but differing in design. In the “Defender” version you will receive a detailed, stylish camouflage with the inscription “The enemy will not pass” and other unusual features.

We bring to your attention a brief overview of the Object 252U defender tank (guide, characteristics, reviews). In terms of safety margin, this machine does not have outstanding characteristics - 1500 units. The viewing radius, which here is no more than 350 meters, is also not encouraging. But what distinguishes the Object 252U is its armor, which ensures the tank’s unreal survivability. The flattened, regular-shaped turret has up to 500 mm of armor. But the weak point is the insidious hatches, which even sevens can break through. Difficult for the enemy and VLD, made using pike nose technology. Here the armor thickness reaches 350 mm.

It makes sense to buy the Object 252U tank because of its armament - powerful and capable of up to 440 units at a time. Otherwise, no advantages of the weapon were found. Slow reloading, long aiming, poor stabilization - all this can be corrected with additional modules (rammer, stabilizer and ventilation). The crew of the vehicle is quite demanding, so you need to carefully upgrade the team’s skills (everyone has a fighting brotherhood and repairs, the commander also has a sixth sense, an eagle eye).

Is it worth buying Object 252U for farming? The issue is quite controversial. It will take time to really make money from this machine. You will need to get used to the long reload and develop your own game tactics. We advise you to stay on the first line of battle, since due to the large spread it is impossible to hit the target from the second or third line. Stand straight to the enemy and hide the NLD. In this case, you will hold out for a long time and will be almost invulnerable to opponents.


+ high one-time damage among TT-8;
+ good booking;
+ large margin of safety.


- mediocre dynamics;
- long mixing;
- mediocre ammunition size;
- short viewing range;
- small UVN.

How much does Object 252U cost? The price is shown above. We have this machine much cheaper than in the official store. In addition, you receive gold that you can spend as you wish.

Play and win!

22-02-2017, 21:48

Hello to all fans of Soviet technology, the site is here! Today we will talk about a new vehicle, a very promising Tier 8 Soviet heavy premium tank - this Object 252U Defender guide.

This unit has been issued to supertesters for quite some time now, and today, February 22, all tankers have the opportunity to get it in their hangar. Of course, you should get to know the newcomer better, but before moving on to what Object 252U TTX, it is worth mentioning that the car was released in two forms.

There are two tanks available in premium stores: Object 252U and Defender. In fact, these are two cars that are absolutely identical in their characteristics, each of which has a premium status. The only difference is that the “Defender” received a unique stylized camouflage, which, I must say, is quite beautiful and worked out very carefully. Here you have a button accordion with a machine gun on the back of the turret, and USSR symbols on the side, and a pathetic inscription on the muzzle - “The enemy will not pass” (you can see images of tanks above).

TTX Object 252U Defender

From the very beginning, it should be said that this device has a standard safety margin by the standards of most TT-8s, and at the same time it was endowed with a very weak basic viewing radius of 350 meters.

The truly remarkable aspect of this cord can rightly be considered survivability, since it Object 252U characteristics bookings are truly worthy of respect. Let's start with the fact that our turret has a very flattened and at the same time very regular shape, with various bevels, so that in the frontal projection its given armor values ​​vary from 250 to 340 and even 500 millimeters of armor, depending on where the enemy projectile will enter . But it’s worth remembering about the two hatches on the roof of the tower; even level seven vehicles can penetrate us here.

The frontal projection of the body is no less interesting. I’ll say right away that in the NLD heavy tank Object 252U it is rather weakly armored, the reduction here does not exceed 202 millimeters, that is, classmates will be able to penetrate.

But just look at the VLD with its pike-like nose and the incredible angle at which it is located. Despite the stated thickness of 130 millimeters, these two inclined slabs Object 252U WoT reach 270-350 millimeters, that is, it will be extremely difficult to penetrate us here.

If we talk about the sides of the car, they also have rational bevels, that is, exposing a rhombus, Object 252U tank will be able to catch ricochets. However, here it is worth considering one nuance - if you place a diamond, the angle of the VLD will greatly decrease and they will begin to punch you here. That is, the side should be tanked so that the VLD is completely hidden behind some house or stone.

The driving characteristics of our Soviet newcomer are also not bad; in mobility it is similar to its fellow nationals IS-6 and IS-3. This means that Object 252U Defender World of Tanks there is a good maximum speed for a heavy-duty vehicle, tolerable dynamics, and in our case the situation with maneuverability is quite decent.


In terms of weapons, this tank stands out quite strongly from the IS-3 and IS-6, in the good sense of the word. The gun in our case is really worthy of close attention and you will be surprised by some of the indicators, especially considering the fact that this is a premium tank.

U Object 252U Defender gun It has even more powerful one-time damage than other Soviet heavy weapons, which is already worthy of respect. True, the gun’s rate of fire is lame, but this does not prevent us from achieving a DPM of about 1760 units of damage, which can also be considered quite decent.

The surprises do not end with the penetration parameters, since a 225 mm armor-piercing projectile for premium vehicles is a very good result. For now Object 252U tank will be able to farm perfectly and will break through even tenth levels. But for head-on collisions with high-level equipment, it still doesn’t hurt to carry 20-30% gold ammunition.

In terms of accuracy, there is also something to linger on, but don’t expect anything supernatural. Here we can immediately say that the gun has a large spread, weak stabilization, but the aiming speed is better than that of its “relatives,” although not by much. But UVN Object 252U WoT is weak, the barrel can bend down only 5 degrees and this is sad.

Advantages and disadvantages

In order to play any tank as efficiently as possible, you need to understand what pros and cons it has. For this reason, we will now highlight the main strengths and weaknesses of [b]Object 252U World of Tanks.
Excellent frontal armor;
Good mobility for a heavy tank;
Powerful alphastrike;
Decent damage per minute;
Good penetration.
Very bad review;
Poor accuracy;
Uncomfortable vertical aiming angles;
Poor maneuverability.

Equipment for Object 252U Defender

To make the machine you play on more comfortable to use, and in our case you can also farm more, you need to choose the right additional modules. Thus, on tank Object 252U equipment we will supply the following:
1. is an excellent choice that will allow us to deal more damage per minute and make us a more dangerous opponent.
2. – the accuracy of our gun leaves much to be desired, and with this module both stabilization and the initial circle of dispersion will improve.
3. – since it is not possible to correct the review using acceptable methods, it is better to give preference to a comprehensive boost of characteristics.

Crew training

Another extremely important point in playing on any tank is the correct training of the crew, because a lot also depends on the selected skills. However, our choice will be quite standard for an assault heavy tank, that is, for Object 252U perks should be taught in the following order:
Commander (radio operator) – , , , .
Gunner – , , , .
Driver mechanic - , , , .
Loader – , , , .

Equipment for Object 252U

Another standard concerns the purchase of consumables, and given the fact that we have a premium tank in our hands and many will want to farm as much as possible on it, it makes sense to buy , , . Otherwise, if your goal is to achieve maximum results in combat and comfort, it is better to carry Object 252U equipment from , , . In addition, this unit should not burn often, which means you can buy one.

Tactics for playing on Object 252U

In all its parameters, this Soviet heavy tank is a real breakthrough tank, the main task of which is to assault and push through directions. Of course, based on such conclusions for Object 252U tactics consists of fighting on the first line.

Of course, you must understand that you cannot move forward thoughtlessly. First of all, you must take a position so that enemy artillery cannot fire at you, and also all vulnerable sides are hidden. What is meant is that Soviet heavy tank Object 252U must stand with his forehead facing the stew, hiding his NLD. So, we show only the armored parts of the tank (VLD and turret), but you can’t stand in one place either; dance to make it more difficult for the enemy to target weak hatches on the turret.

Besides, there is no point in constantly being attacked by enemies. If you have the opportunity, it's better to hide, because Object 252U tank capable and even should play as an alpha, especially when it comes to the battle at the bottom of the list, where powerful guns of the tenth level are able to penetrate us even head-on, although not always.

But if you can’t push through the direction, you see that the enemy is superior in numbers or firepower, you can remember about good mobility. Object 252У World of Tanks capable of changing attack directions and even flanks, that is, you can drive into the enemy’s rear or side to deal a crushing blow. The same applies to situations when your base is captured; if you react in time, you can be in time and knock down the capture.

As you can see, Object 252U WoT is a very versatile and strong machine, capable of not only farming well, but also influencing the outcome of the battle, especially when it comes to battles at the top of the list. However, you must tread carefully, hide your weaknesses, be wary of artillery, and also be aware of your poor vision.

Today World of Tanks has more than 400 tanks. All of them are unique and interesting in terms of gameplay. A special niche is occupied by premium and promotional cars, which are difficult for many players to obtain.

If you have to pay real money from your own pocket for the right to own a premium, then promotional combat vehicles will require diligence and skill from you. The purpose of the review will be a tank that cannot be classified as one of the previously presented types of equipment, namely - "Object 252U Defender" .

General information

"Defender" is Soviet Tier VIII TT with a powerful 122 mm gun, excellent armor and good mobility. It gained popularity among tankers precisely because of the ideal ratio of these three parameters.

This combat vehicle can do everything that a heavy tank needs to be able to do, namely: shoot a large amount of damage, block enemy shells with its thick armor plates and retreat in time in case of danger. Let's talk about its characteristics in more detail and understand why players love it and why they want to get it into their hangar.


The gun combines all the makings of Soviet tank building. High one-time damage and armor penetration They will not allow the enemy to cool off in cover, and the shooting accuracy and aiming speed give us the opportunity to shoot exclusively from the first line.

The fired shells will have to land clearly on the target, because every miss is a quarter of a minute of inaction, this is how long the Defender recharges. You can see all the numbers taking into account 100% of the crew in the image, and we continue our review of the most desirable Tier 8 TT.


Object 252U “Defender” has a pike nose, which, along with thick NLD and VLD, gives a good increase in its survivability.

Undoubtedly, the NLD is much worse booked than the top sheets, but for small things like levels 6 and 7, breaking through the bottom sheet will be the ultimate dream.

Tanking is what the Defender should do. The given armor in the front of the hull in some places goes beyond the bounds of reason and this will please the owners of the tank.

Many argue that the vehicle’s security indicators are imbalanced, but each tank has its own weak points in the armor. The Object has turrets that can be penetrated in close combat even by levels 7. Also included in all this is the mechanical drive hatch, which in a clinch can sometimes take in enemy blanks.

Dynamics and agility

It won’t be possible to change flanks like gloves, but the tank will boldly move in a clearly chosen direction, keeping up with the main group.

The heavy weight accelerates slowly and deliberately, due to its mediocre power density. The agility of the 252, like all tanks of this class, is low, so you should focus your attention on the approach of light or medium tanks, which can spin you around in open space.

Other characteristics

The amount of HP does not stand out in any way compared to other TT-8s, so there is no need to distribute them left and right. The Defender notices enemies only from a very close distance, which is very typical for almost all heavy tanks of the USSR. The council's radio station is on the level, so you won't have to lose enemies on the mini-map.

Combat tactics

Object 252U is characterized by flank pushing tactics. As mentioned at the beginning of the article, the tank is good for its powerful gun and thick frontal armor. Our task is to issue 440 average damage and while reloading, try to deflect enemy shells with your pike nose.


Object 252U “Defender” has established itself as the best Tier VIII TT and has become one of the most coveted premiums in our game. Extremely rarely available for purchase, they are released for sale during major holidays, mainly on Defender's Day - February 23.

22-02-2017, 21:48

Hello to all fans of Soviet technology, the site is here! Today we will talk about a new vehicle, a very promising Tier 8 Soviet heavy premium tank - this Object 252U Defender guide.

This unit has been issued to supertesters for quite some time now, and today, February 22, all tankers have the opportunity to get it in their hangar. Of course, you should get to know the newcomer better, but before moving on to what Object 252U TTX, it is worth mentioning that the car was released in two forms.

There are two tanks available in premium stores: Object 252U and Defender. In fact, these are two cars that are absolutely identical in their characteristics, each of which has a premium status. The only difference is that the “Defender” received a unique stylized camouflage, which, I must say, is quite beautiful and worked out very carefully. Here you have a button accordion with a machine gun on the back of the turret, and USSR symbols on the side, and a pathetic inscription on the muzzle - “The enemy will not pass” (you can see images of tanks above).

TTX Object 252U Defender

From the very beginning, it should be said that this device has a standard safety margin by the standards of most TT-8s, and at the same time it was endowed with a very weak basic viewing radius of 350 meters.

The truly remarkable aspect of this cord can rightly be considered survivability, since it Object 252U characteristics bookings are truly worthy of respect. Let's start with the fact that our turret has a very flattened and at the same time very regular shape, with various bevels, so that in the frontal projection its given armor values ​​vary from 250 to 340 and even 500 millimeters of armor, depending on where the enemy projectile will enter . But it’s worth remembering about the two hatches on the roof of the tower; even level seven vehicles can penetrate us here.

The frontal projection of the body is no less interesting. I’ll say right away that in the NLD heavy tank Object 252U it is rather weakly armored, the reduction here does not exceed 202 millimeters, that is, classmates will be able to penetrate.

But just look at the VLD with its pike-like nose and the incredible angle at which it is located. Despite the stated thickness of 130 millimeters, these two inclined slabs Object 252U WoT reach 270-350 millimeters, that is, it will be extremely difficult to penetrate us here.

If we talk about the sides of the car, they also have rational bevels, that is, exposing a rhombus, Object 252U tank will be able to catch ricochets. However, here it is worth considering one nuance - if you place a diamond, the angle of the VLD will greatly decrease and they will begin to punch you here. That is, the side should be tanked so that the VLD is completely hidden behind some house or stone.

The driving characteristics of our Soviet newcomer are also not bad; in mobility it is similar to its fellow nationals IS-6 and IS-3. This means that Object 252U Defender World of Tanks there is a good maximum speed for a heavy-duty vehicle, tolerable dynamics, and in our case the situation with maneuverability is quite decent.


In terms of weapons, this tank stands out quite strongly from the IS-3 and IS-6, in the good sense of the word. The gun in our case is really worthy of close attention and you will be surprised by some of the indicators, especially considering the fact that this is a premium tank.

U Object 252U Defender gun It has even more powerful one-time damage than other Soviet heavy weapons, which is already worthy of respect. True, the gun’s rate of fire is lame, but this does not prevent us from achieving a DPM of about 1760 units of damage, which can also be considered quite decent.

The surprises do not end with the penetration parameters, since a 225 mm armor-piercing projectile for premium vehicles is a very good result. For now Object 252U tank will be able to farm perfectly and will break through even tenth levels. But for head-on collisions with high-level equipment, it still doesn’t hurt to carry 20-30% gold ammunition.

In terms of accuracy, there is also something to linger on, but don’t expect anything supernatural. Here we can immediately say that the gun has a large spread, weak stabilization, but the aiming speed is better than that of its “relatives,” although not by much. But UVN Object 252U WoT is weak, the barrel can bend down only 5 degrees and this is sad.

Advantages and disadvantages

In order to play any tank as efficiently as possible, you need to understand what pros and cons it has. For this reason, we will now highlight the main strengths and weaknesses of [b]Object 252U World of Tanks.
Excellent frontal armor;
Good mobility for a heavy tank;
Powerful alphastrike;
Decent damage per minute;
Good penetration.
Very bad review;
Poor accuracy;
Uncomfortable vertical aiming angles;
Poor maneuverability.

Equipment for Object 252U Defender

To make the machine you play on more comfortable to use, and in our case you can also farm more, you need to choose the right additional modules. Thus, on tank Object 252U equipment we will supply the following:
1. is an excellent choice that will allow us to deal more damage per minute and make us a more dangerous opponent.
2. – the accuracy of our gun leaves much to be desired, and with this module both stabilization and the initial circle of dispersion will improve.
3. – since it is not possible to correct the review using acceptable methods, it is better to give preference to a comprehensive boost of characteristics.

Crew training

Another extremely important point in playing on any tank is the correct training of the crew, because a lot also depends on the selected skills. However, our choice will be quite standard for an assault heavy tank, that is, for Object 252U perks should be taught in the following order:
Commander (radio operator) – , , , .
Gunner – , , , .
Driver mechanic - , , , .
Loader – , , , .

Equipment for Object 252U

Another standard concerns the purchase of consumables, and given the fact that we have a premium tank in our hands and many will want to farm as much as possible on it, it makes sense to buy , , . Otherwise, if your goal is to achieve maximum results in combat and comfort, it is better to carry Object 252U equipment from , , . In addition, this unit should not burn often, which means you can buy one.

Tactics for playing on Object 252U

In all its parameters, this Soviet heavy tank is a real breakthrough tank, the main task of which is to assault and push through directions. Of course, based on such conclusions for Object 252U tactics consists of fighting on the first line.

Of course, you must understand that you cannot move forward thoughtlessly. First of all, you must take a position so that enemy artillery cannot fire at you, and also all vulnerable sides are hidden. What is meant is that Soviet heavy tank Object 252U must stand with his forehead facing the stew, hiding his NLD. So, we show only the armored parts of the tank (VLD and turret), but you can’t stand in one place either; dance to make it more difficult for the enemy to target weak hatches on the turret.

Besides, there is no point in constantly being attacked by enemies. If you have the opportunity, it's better to hide, because Object 252U tank capable and even should play as an alpha, especially when it comes to the battle at the bottom of the list, where powerful guns of the tenth level are able to penetrate us even head-on, although not always.

But if you can’t push through the direction, you see that the enemy is superior in numbers or firepower, you can remember about good mobility. Object 252У World of Tanks capable of changing attack directions and even flanks, that is, you can drive into the enemy’s rear or side to deal a crushing blow. The same applies to situations when your base is captured; if you react in time, you can be in time and knock down the capture.

As you can see, Object 252U WoT is a very versatile and strong machine, capable of not only farming well, but also influencing the outcome of the battle, especially when it comes to battles at the top of the list. However, you must tread carefully, hide your weaknesses, be wary of artillery, and also be aware of your poor vision.
