Disable Windows 7 activation client. How to activate Windows 7 so that activation never fails

Few people know, but after you have purchased and activated a license for Windows 7, the system no longer needs this key. It is needed only once - upon activation. The system does not check it further. And the most interesting thing is that this key is written to the registry, and this is already dangerous. Ask why? Yes, because if an attacker gets into your system, he can easily copy this key for himself and then use it for his own purposes. For example, create pirated assemblies with this key or activate it for yourself. This will subsequently lead to the fact that this key will be blacklisted and you will not be able to receive updates and will receive all the “delights” of non-licensed Windows.
Therefore, for security and protection purposes, those in the know usually delete the activation key.

How to remove a Windows 7 activation license key from the registry.

The most interesting thing is that we will not work with you.

1) Start Menu - Run () or keyboard shortcut Win + R and enter slui

2) In response, the key license verification service will open. If you do not have activated Windows, the window will look like this:

If there is activation, the window will look like this:

Of course, if it’s not activated, we activate it and buy it. If activated, read on.

3) Start -> All Programs -> Accessories -> (or Win + R enter cmd) and enter the command in it slmgr-cpky and press Enter

If everything worked, a message will appear The product key was successfully removed from the registry

If it didn't work out

then try running the command prompt as an administrator and repeat the command. How to do this - see the link at the beginning of this paragraph.

RMB on the command line shortcut and select from the menu Run as administrator

Activation will not be lost due to these actions. You can check in Computer Properties then or reboot and check again. The activation key for Windows 7 was deleted, but the activation remained.

Greetings, dear readers.

The seventh version of the operating system from Microsoft is one of the most popular today. Even though the developer has already stopped supporting it. At the same time, like any product of the IT giant, this one must undergo a special verification procedure. Afterwards, users receive full functionality. In addition, there is no annoying window prompting you to constantly register the system. Special software is used for this. But sometimes situations occur when users need to install a new version of a program, but the presence of the old one does not allow them to do what they planned. Later in the article I will tell you how to remove the Windows 7 activator, and also touch on some related issues.


There are several main reasons why users might want to use new software. For example, sometimes the activation period ends and its extension is required. But the old application for some reason does not want to do this. As a result, users can delete it and use a new one.

But the very reason is still the release of a special update by the corporation. Thus, the KB 971033 addition closed the possibility of using an existing activator, be it Loader XE or the same Removewat. At the same time, to install a new one, you need to say goodbye to the old one, which is not always possible.

The easiest way

Regardless of what operating system bit size is used - x64 or 32, the procedure will be the same:

After this, we reboot and check the functionality of another activator, for example, Loader Extreme Edition .

Through the Administration panel

If the previous method did not help for some reason, we try another one. So, if you suddenly see a message on your desktop that says “your copy is not genuine,” we go through a series of movements:

Then we reboot the device, download a new program and try it. All of the above can be done both in the Maximum version and in the Home version.

After installing Windows 7 on your computer, you can use it for free for a while. According to the terms of the agreement, this period is 30 days. To continue using the system, you will have to activate it, that is, officially register the license key that you received upon purchase. What to do if there is no such key? There are two options here: buy a key or hack the activation mechanism.

Legal activation of Windows 7

To launch the activation application, open system properties: right-click on the “Computer” icon or select the “System” applet in the control panel.

At the very bottom of the Windows 7 properties window it is written how many days are left until the end of the trial period and an offer to activate the system right now. Click on this text.

Activating Windows 7 by phone

If you have a choice, this option is preferable. With its help, you can activate a boxed or OEM version of Windows 7 of any edition: from starter to ultimate. This way you will receive all the necessary keys that will help you legally activate the system in case of reinstallation. With automatic activation via the network, all data exchange occurs hidden - the key is not communicated to the user.

  • From the list of activation options, select “Show other methods.”

  • Click “Use an automated telephone system.”

  • Enter the Windows 7 product key. It is written on the box or envelope with the installation disk if you have a boxed version of the system. Don’t get confused, the “maximum” edition key will not fit the “home”, “pro” or “starter” versions, and vice versa. Therefore, use only the correct key.

  • Next, select your location.

  • Switch the phone to tone mode. At the request of the robot (the automatic telephone system works without live operators), you need to dial the numbers on your phone that are indicated in the “Step 2” section and then enter the code received from the robot in the “Step 3” section. Next, click “Next” and wait for the activation success message.

Activating Windows 7 via the Internet

Automatic activation over the network is the fastest and easiest option, requiring a minimum of user actions. If you have a license key, you can activate the system in this way already at the installation stage. Suitable for any edition of Windows 7: Ultimate, Professional, Both Home and Basic.

  • Select “Activate Windows over the network” from the list.

  • Enter your product key (in the same way as for telephone activation). It may take some time for the key to be verified.

  • If the key fails verification, make sure you haven't mixed it up. So, the key for Windows 7 maximum, as in the case of activation by phone, will not work with home and vice versa.

  • If the key is correct, you will see a message indicating that the activation was successful.

In addition to the option with a permanent Internet connection, there is an activation method using a modem connection. It may be convenient for you if you have a modem.

Pirate activation of Windows 7

A great variety of “pseudo-activators” for Windows 7 have been released. In one way or another, they bypass or block the Windows Activation Technologies system - that which is responsible for legal activation and, after the end of the trial period, blocks the operation of Windows. “Pseudo-activators” either “deceive” the counter of the remaining days of the trial, forcing the system to “think” that 30 free days have not yet passed, or force it to accept a fake activation key, or modify part of the system files so that the lack of activation ceases to affect the operation of Windows at all .

Most pirated activators are as simple as possible to use and work on the principle of launching, pressing a button and you’re done. There are universal activators that work on all editions of Windows 7 and highly specialized ones, for example, only for Windows Ultimate or Pro.

Here are some of the methods of illegal activation that exist today:

  • modification of the SLIC table in the computer BIOS, where information about system and program licensing is stored;
  • emulation of an SLIC table at an early stage of PC boot, which is “slipped” to the system instead of the original one;
  • using KMS services (key management services) in two versions: online - to activate professional and corporate editions of Windows 7 and offline (via KMS virtualization), with which the maximum and home editions can be activated.

We suggest looking at a live example of how one of the activation hacking utilities works.

Download the activator Windows 7 Loader 2.2 follow one of the active links, unpack and launch it. This utility is intended for all editions of Windows 7: maximum, professional, etc., both 32 and 64-bit versions. In our example, we use Windows Ultimate.

You must disable it before starting. You must run the file as an administrator.

In the activator window, just click the “Install” button, the program will do the rest itself, including restarting the computer. After this, activation information will appear in the Status line of the Installation tab - the word Licensed. This means your system is activated and you can now install updates as if your license was genuine.

To deactivate the key, just click the “Uninstall” button in the same window. Everything is as simple as shelling pears.

How to remove Windows 7 activation

Deactivating or removing activation information from the system may be necessary when you are going to restore the computer to its factory state, for example, before selling it, so that the buyer has the opportunity to activate the system with his own key. And your key will remain with you and can be used on another machine.

The method works on any boxed edition of Windows 7 (ultimate, professional, etc.). It is not suitable for OEM versions, since in them the system is physically “tied” to the PC motherboard.

If you are going to sell a computer, and the new owner wants a PC with the system installed, but prefers to activate it with his own key, then information about the previous activation will need to be deleted. Of course, there are other reasons why users are becoming interested in how to remove activation from Windows 7 Ultimate or other versions. By the way, in this case the key can be saved and used on other devices. An exception may be codes for OEM distributions of the operating system that are tied to specific hardware, for example, a motherboard.

Removing activation

In order to perform this procedure in Windows 7, we will use the command line. You can open it by typing cmd into a search engine. We click on the program with the same name, and a command line window opens in front of us. It should be noted right away that to perform actions in it, you must log in to the system as an administrator.

In the window, enter Slmgr/DLV. In the list that appears, we need the Activation ID parameter, which we click on. Pay attention to the values ​​that appear in the line after the parameter name itself. We need them to delete activation information. And for this we will use the command Slmgr/upk. After it, enter the copied values. If everything is done correctly, a message will appear stating that the activation key has been deleted.

Some users want to disable system authentication. In order to do this, you will need to add the KB971033 update to your cart. Go to the Start menu - Control Panel. Here you need to switch to the Small icons view mode.

We are interested in the section called Windows Update. In it, go to the View Log section, where there is a parameter Installed updates. In this category we find the add-on we need, KB971033. You need to hover the cursor over it and right-click. From the drop-down list, select Delete. It is imperative that such problems do not arise in the future.

We have looked at not only the method of deleting activation information, but also the possibility of disabling system authentication. Of course, these are not the only possible options, there are others, but these are quite simple and understandable even for inexperienced users.

You decided to install Windows 7 and used one of the many pirated builds. However, when the system boots, a window constantly appears stating that your copy of Windows is not registered, and you need to go through the activation procedure. A reasonable question arises: how to remove activation of Windows 7? There are two ways to get rid of the annoying message, which will be described in detail below.

Disable notification

Restart your computer and log into Safe Mode.

Open the Start menu and click the Run button. Type "regedit" and click OK.

Open the registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE→SOFTWARE→Microsoft→WindowsNT→Current Version→WPAEvent. Find the "OOBETimer" parameter and change its value to "FF D5 71 D6 8B 6A 8D 6F D5 33 93 FD".

Be sure to save your changes and restart your computer. The notification about the need to activate Windows will no longer appear.

Removing the activator

If you know how to remove Windows XP authentication, you should be aware that a specific update is responsible for this security feature. In the case of Windows 7, the situation is absolutely identical: you need to remove the “KB971033” update from the system in order to remove the built-in activator.

If you have already tried to remove old Windows 7 updates, you can easily cope with the activator. Let's refresh our memory a little:

The next step is to disable the protection service and remove the old activator.

Files may be hidden. Make them visible using the Folder Options section of the Tools menu.

Be sure to restart your computer - the old activator will no longer be on it.

However, remember: if you do not register the system, you will not be able to update it; Some Windows functions will also be unavailable. Therefore, it is better to download the universal activator or use the “crack”, which should be in the archive with any build of Windows.
